From: Date: 23 Nov 2001 02:36:47 -0000 Subject: Phoebe Greene\'s Last Laugh by FatCat Source: direct Reply To: Title: Phoebe Greene's Last Laugh Author: FatCat ( Rating: PG (some language and implied sex) Category: MSR, Vignette Spoilers: Thru season 6 Summary: Phoebe Greene has the last laugh after all. Disclaimer: Thanks to CC, FOX, 1013, GA, DD, and all those others who actually own the show and produce the wonderful characterizations. They own everything but the ideas squiggling around in my brain and flowing out on the Internet. Archive: Just keep my name with it and let me know where to go visit. Dedication: To Frohike--the best beta out there. I couldn't do it without you! Thanks again! Dana Scully was running away from home. She smiled as she finished stuffing her purse and made one more trip through her apartment to make sure everything was set. Ten days! Ten glorious days in Ireland. No worries, no cares, just ten glorious days of freedom. No X Files, no Skinner, no Diana, and NO Mulder to ruin her vacation. Only her mother knew she was going to be out of the country. She had been listening to the Guys spout their theories about how to disappear for so long she decided to test their ideas and had made all her arrangements. She had gone to the airport in Philadelphia and purchased her ticket three weeks ago. She used her cousin's credit card and had reimbursed her in cash. She was flying out of New York's La Guardia Airport under her cousin's name. She had her cousin, Mary Patricia's passport and identification--they looked so much alike, it would be impossible for anyone to tell from the pictures that she wasn't truly Mary Patricia Connor. She had purchased all new clothes and cosmetics at the King of Prussia Mall outside Philadelphia, PA. She made all her purchases in cash, and kept the totals to a maximum of $100.00 per store in order to maintain a low profile. She had purchased new luggage from an outdoor vendor at a street fair and, after packing them with all her new purchases, had kept them in her trunk, gift wrapped as if they were a wedding present for a friend. She had a relatively small amount of cash on her, but was carrying a large amount in traveler's checks--also purchased with her cousin's identification. She had made the arrangements with the landlord of the cottage she rented over three months ago, also as Mary Patricia Connor. She had arranged for two weeks off right after their office had been burned. The stench of smoke lingered in her nose and her dreams and she thought she would go mad if she didn't get away. The fact she already had her vacation planned was sheer serendipity. Mulder had remained incommunicado for the first three days of her leave. It helped her to not surrender to temptation and let him know where she was going. She checked the lock on her gun box and hid it in its regular spot in the closet. She picked up her purse and walked out the door. Her reversible coat, neutral black slacks and white blouse were as nondescript as she could make them. She wore no jewelry. She carried only her purse and her workout bag. She had a change of shoes and purse in the bag. The shoes and purse she wore and the bag would be stored at the bus station. She was on her way to New York. She drove her car to her mother's house and parked it in her garage. Her mother dropped her off at the bus line to the Greyhound Station. She was determined to disappear without a trace. She once again instructed her mother about what to tell Mulder. "Yes, Dear. I know what to say. 'Dana has decided to take a short vacation and will be back in 12 days. She's left you a note, but thinks the cost of finding it will be too expensive for you.' Isn't that what we rehearsed, Sweetie?" Maggie Scully was intrigued by her daughter's need to be secretive, but was willing to wait until she returned to find out what this was all about. "That's perfect, Mom. I know this is hard on you, but I promise to tell you everything when I get back." "Have fun, dear, wherever you're going." Maggie hugged Dana tightly. Scully's well-laid plans went like clockwork. Within 14 hours she was in Ireland and sitting in front of the fire in her cottage living room. The quiet of the room was soothing. She could feel every cell in her body relax. She knew she had done the right thing. She decided she was not going to be Scully for the next 10 days. She was Dana here. She had left Scully in the States. The days passed quietly and quickly. Long walks, reading by the fire, new foods and new places made for a picture perfect vacation. She realized that she had only thought of Mulder a few times each day. Mulder and his relationship with Diana had destroyed her serenity for far too long. She had needed to rebalance her life and this vacation was just what she desired. She had even come to a few conclusions about her relationship with Fox Mulder, but wasn't sure how he would react to her decisions. After she made up her mind she set it aside and continued to enjoy her vacation. On day nine, she decided to do a little shopping and ventured into the small village near her cottage. She had strolled down the streets, enjoying the atmosphere, shopping for a thank you gift for her mother. She couldn't believe her ears when she heard a gasp and then a snort from behind her. "Agent Scully? What are you doing here in Ireland?" Scully knew the voice before she turned around. Just what she needed to ruin her vacation--Phoebe Greene. She slowly turned and it was her turn to gasp. The voice was the only thing familiar about Phoebe. She was in a wheelchair, pushed by a handsome, strapping young male nurse. She had always been slender, but now she appeared skeletal. Her skin was yellow; her hair was almost non- existent. Her eyes no longer held the snapping wit nor her mouth the pitying sneer she had shown Scully when last they met. It was clear that Phoebe was dying. "I'm here on a short vacation, Ms. Greene. I am staying at Shannon Cottage." Dana was finally able to answer. "What brings you to Ireland." "Let's not dance around it, Dana, I came here to die." Phoebe still liked to shock people. "My grandparents left me Grenville Hall and there is a very fine facility for us modern- day lepers near here. I have AIDS." "I'm very sorry to hear that, Phoebe," Dana said. "I'm sure Mulder will be, too." "Ever the proper lady, eh Dana?" Phoebe jibed. She seemed to shrink as she said, "Mulder isn't here is he?" "No, I'm alone." Dana was forced to admit. "Good, good." Phoebe seemed to take a moment to gather her resources and then added, "Would you like to join me in a cup of tea, Dana? Roger here would be glad to push me over to the shop across the street and take a break. Wouldn't you sweet Roger?" The young man behind Phoebe made no comment and maintained a bland expression. "Of course, dear Roger wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful about anything I do. For the wages he's paid, he damn well better keep his mouth shut." Phoebe was becoming quarrelsome. "I used to be able to attract a man with just a glance, now I have to pay a male nurse to be my only companion. Well, are you going to join me or not?" She snapped. "I think I should be getting back, I have to start packing to return to the states and you know how you always seem to have more to take home than you brought." Dana tried to tactfully decline. Phoebe just stared at her. "Oh, horseshit, Scully. I need to talk to you. It's about Mulder, indirectly." Phoebe finally said. A tone of pleading crept into her voice. "Don't you want to know when my disease started? Don't you want to know if Mulder is in danger?" Phoebe's harsh laughter broke off in a fit of coughing. "Or are you afraid you'll get AIDS from breathing the same air as I do, just like my parents and ex-friends?" Dana admitted to herself that she was curious as to Phoebe's reason behind the request. She changed her mind and decided to join her. "Lead on, Phoebe. I'll meet you as soon as I pay for these." Moments later the two women sat across a cozy pot of tea and cakes and sized each other up. Phoebe's conversation was a puzzle to Dana. She made a small allusion to Mulder, but the bulk of the conversation seemed to be directed towards questions about Dana. "Phoebe, why don't you tell me what this is all about." Dana had spent as much of her vacation time on Phoebe Greene as she felt politely necessary. Phoebe stared at her for a long moment and finally came to the question she really wanted answered. "Is it true you are sterile? You cannot have children?" Dana sucked in her breath as the pain that question inflicted shot through her. She quietly began to gather her things and started to rise. Phoebe's claw-like hand shot out and grabbed her arm. "Answer my question, Agent Scully. Think of it as a dying woman's last request." Dana sank down on the chair again, but did not release her grasp on her bags. She stared into Phoebe's eyes for a moment trying to decide how to answer her. She did not see the vindictiveness she had anticipated. She did not see triumph or defeat. There was a burning need in Phoebe for the truth and Scully found that she couldn't deny her this last wish. "Yes, I am sterile. Between my abduction and the cancer treatments I underwent, I am incapable of bearing a child. If that answers your question, Ms. Greene, I'll bid you adieu." Dana rose to leave. "I'll let Mulder know where to reach you." "God no!" Phoebe cackled. "Knowing that piteous fool like I do, he'll just think up some reason my illness is his fault. Don't speak a word of our meeting to Mulder, if you know what's good for him." Dana nodded her head and took one step away. "One more question, Dana." Phoebe's grasp tightened again, turning Dana to look directly in her eyes. "Do you want children?" The unanswered question was evident between the two women. Did she want Mulder's children? Tears gathered in Dana's eyes, but did not fall. "Yes." was all she could answer. She shook off Phoebe's hand and turned to walk away, not looking back. Dana made her way back to the cottage. She still noticed the bright day and the beautiful countryside, but the enjoyment of the day had been diminished by her unexpected encounter with Phoebe. She had not said Mulder was not at risk outright, but Dana Scully knew his health history and had seen his blood work for the last several years. If he had been exposed to AIDS by Phoebe, it would be evident by now. Dana remembered how she had felt when she thought she was going to die. She had been surrounded by her loving family and friends but had still felt so alone and frightened at times. Phoebe had no one but a paid companion as her support system. And, thought Dana, Phoebe being Phoebe, her companion probably only put up with her because she was paying him well. As evening fell, Dana sat on the front porch and enjoyed the sunset. The lack of metropolitan sprawl encouraged an ink black sky with stars scattered like diamonds across it. Dana prayed a short prayer for Phoebe. She had hated the woman when she first met her, and was ashamed now of her previous thoughts. She was sure that Phoebe was no more lovable now than she had been years ago, but Dana knew it was not her place to judge others. God would be the ultimate judge of Phoebe Greene. Dana prayed for Phoebe, asking the Lord to ease her heart and allow her peace. It probably was futile, but she felt it was needed. The next day passed quickly and before she knew it she was landing in New York. She retraced her route home, stopping to pick up her bag at the bus station but taking a cab back to her Mother's for her car. She spent the night with her mother, catching up about her wonderful vacation. For some reason she discussed Phoebe with her mother. "Dana, it's obvious she has regrets about her life and wanted to know what choices you had made differently. I know she's probably as wretched a person as you remember her, but you always were a soft touch for the sick and wounded. If her isolation bothers you so much, you should send her a card. If she rebuffs your effort, you don't have to try again." "Thanks Mom, that's what my heart was telling me I should do. No one should die without support." Dana hugged her mother and left for home. She hadn't been home for fifteen minutes when she heard Mulder's knock on her door. She really wasn't up to facing him right now, but decided he wouldn't give up until she responded. "What do you want, Mulder?" she asked as soon as she opened the door. She did not step aside to allow him entrance. "Scully, where have you been?" Mulder looked like hell. He looked as if he hadn't slept in the entire twelve days she had been gone. He stormed by her and spun to face her again. "What the hell were you thinking? Taking off like that. No one could find you. No one, not even your mother knew where you were. The guys were worried sick! They haven't slept any more than I have. And what was that bull about a note. There was no note, Scully." He looked as if he wanted to shake her. Dana took a deep breath, trying to decide if she wanted to get into this now. She sighed through pursed lips and straightened her shoulders. "Why don't you come in, Agent Mulder? And hello to you, too. It's good to see you after so many days." Her eyebrow rose with each sarcastic remark. "Scully. . ." Dana's hand shot up, palm facing him, to stop him. "What time is it Mulder?" Mulder gave her a puzzled glance but answered her. "It's 9:30 a.m., Scully." "Thank you. And what day is it?" Dana continued. "It's Saturday, but what does that have to do with anything, Scully?" "By your own admission, it's Saturday at 9:30 a.m. on the last weekend of my vacation. I am on my own time and in my own home. My name is Dana Scully. At 8:00 a.m. on Monday, I will once again be Agent Dana Scully. Right now, on my own time, in my own house I am Dana to my friends and to myself. If you wish to be counted as one of my friends I suggest you call me Dana. If you find this too difficult, or unacceptable, you may leave and we will discuss anything you feel you need to discuss on Monday morning. After 8:00 a.m., you may call me Scully, or Agent Scully or Special Agent Dr. Dana Scully then. But right now, I am Dana. Do you understand, Mulder?" Mulder's look of righteous indignation melted from his face. Puzzlement replaced it. "Okay, Sc. . .Dana." "Thank you. Would you like a cup of tea while we talk, Mulder? I brought back some fine Irish tea that I think you will enjoy." Dana moved toward the kitchen to start the kettle. "Yeah, I could use something to drink. I'll just call the guys and let them know you're okay while you're making it." Dana smiled to herself as soon as her back was to Mulder. That went easier than she had expected. He must be even more tired than he looked. She thawed a half loaf of frozen bread and made up several peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to go with the tea. She wasn't hungry, but knew Mulder probably was. He was going to need his strength after he heard what she had to say. She heard his conversation with the Gunmen end just as she had everything ready. "Mulder, could you move the table away from the couch a little. Thanks." Dana put the tray down and sat down on the end of the couch to pour. Mulder was standing in the exact same spot she had left him several minutes ago. "Why don't you join me, Mulder. I thought you might like a sandwich to go with your tea. I just got home, so I don't have much to offer. I hope you like PB&J." Scully smiled at Mulder as she offered him his mug of tea after he sat down in the armchair across from her. They were quiet for several minutes as Dana sipped her tea and watched Mulder gulp his and polish off the entire plate of sandwiches. She refilled his mug again and asked "Better?" He nodded his head and sipped his tea. She could feel his eyes on her, trying to figure out what was happening. Finally he couldn't take the quiet any longer. "Scu. . .Dana, what did you mean about leaving me a note? I looked everywhere and couldn't find one. It made me worry even more. I thought it was a clue." "It was a clue, Mulder. If you had done what you were supposed to do you would have found it." Scully smiled secretively. "What do you mean what I was supposed to do?" Mulder fairly growled. "I tore up God's half acre trying to find you. There was no note. I checked your apartment, our office, everywhere. I was sure someone had taken you again and I was ready to call Skinner, until I called your mother and she gave me that enigmatic message. 'Dana has decided to take a short vacation and will be back in 12 days. She's left you a note, but thinks the cost of finding it will be too expensive for you.' I finally asked the guys for help." Mulder shuddered thinking of the past several days. "You didn't leave a trace. No credit cards, no plane reservations, no bank transactions, and no witnesses. Your clothes and luggage were all present and accounted for as far as I could tell. I want you to know, it was hard keeping Frohike out of your lingerie drawers." Mulder was glad to see the smile that barely lifted the ends of her luscious lips. "If you wanted to disappear, you certainly did it. What were you thinking?" This last came out louder as his emotions suddenly flared again. "Mulder, I had to get away. I followed procedure. I took my two week vacation request to Skinner with all the proper paperwork and on a timely basis. I needed some time to think and I knew I couldn't do it if I stayed home." "Couldn't you have done your thinking where I could reach you by phone, D...D..Dana?" he stuttered. "No, Mulder. I needed time completely alone to work out a few things that had been bothering me. I'm sorry if that was hard for you, but staying would have been harder for me, and you in the long run. Besides, you were totally incommunicado for three days before I even left. What was I supposed to do, sit on my couch and wait until you decided you wanted to talk to me? It doesn't work like that anymore, Mulder." Scully's temper was rising, but she fought it to stay in control. She had thought this out calmly and rationally and wanted their conversation to be the same. Mulder sipped his cooling tea some more, thinking about what she said. "Alright. Where's the note?" he asked as he set aside his mug. Dana grinned and replied, "I left you a note explaining everything, including my approximate location, in the file folder on top of your desk at home containing the past due expense reports you promised to finish and turn in to Skinner over three weeks ago. All you had to do was catch up on that one little piece of paperwork and your questions would have been answered." Mulder's eye opened wide as she spoke. When she was done he burst out laughing. You mean, if I had done my paperwork for Skinner, I could have avoided the twelve days of hell I've gone through?" "Yes." Mulder threw back his head and laughed until tears rolled down his face. Slowly the laughter died, but the tears continued to build until he was sobbing into his hands as if he would never stop. "Mulder, come here." Dana opened her arms to him and he stumbled from the armchair to the couch to fall into her arms. "Mulder, I'm so sorry you didn't get my clues. I was certain you would catch the words 'expense' and 'cost' and know exactly where to look." Dana became alarmed by the heartbreaking sobs from Mulder. Just when it seemed as if they couldn't grow deeper, he finally began to calm down. "Don't cry, my darling. I'm so sorry you were worried. I wanted to take a vacation, not scare you to death." Scully slowly stroked Mulder's hair as she gently rocked him in her arms. She was surprised to feel his body relax into sleep. She pushed him over and laid him out on the couch as best she could. His arms tightened around her and she was pulled down with him. She couldn't get up. She finally relaxed into his embrace and stretched out on top of him. She kicked off her shoes and toed off his, allowing them to fall to the floor with a loud kerthunk. She reached up and pulled the afghan on the back of the couch down on them and slipped toward sleep folded in his arms. His breathing had the soft hitching sound of a child after a long cry. Her last thought before sleep was to pray that she had enough strength to follow through on her chosen course of action. She could win all or lose everything within the next few hours. It all depended on Mulder. Dana woke several hours later with the feeling someone was watching her. She rubbed her check against Mulder's chest and smiled. "How long have you been awake, Mulder?" her voice was like spun sugar to him. "Not too long. I was trying to remember what happened-- how we fell asleep on the couch together. I can't believe my memories, Scully." "Obviously not, Mulder." Dana said as she climbed off him. "You can't even remember to call me Dana in my own home." "On you own time--that's right. Well, if I remember that part right, do I have the part about you stroking my hair as I bawled like a baby right?" Mulder quietly asked. "You needed comfort, Mulder. I was sorry I had inflicted so much pain on you with my simple plan." "You called me 'your darling'." Mulder looked at her from under his lashes. 'God, does he know how sexy he is when he does that?' Dana thought before answering. "Yes, I did." "Why?" was all he could get out. Dana sighed. "Mulder, I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." She stood and turned to leave the room. Mulder grabbed her wrist lightly. "Don't run away from this, Dana!" She stopped and looked directly into his eyes. "Don't worry, Mulder. I won't be the one to run away this time. This is a simple need to go to the bathroom." "Well, if you insist." Mulder grinned. By the time Dana came back Mulder had folded the afghan and placed it back on the couch. He gathered up their dishes and rinsed them in the kitchen. He moved back to the living room and stood facing her. "What did you mean, you won't be the one to run this time, Dana?" Mulder asked. "Please, sit down, Mulder." Scully moved to the couch again. "I want you to know I didn't mean to scare you. I gave that clue to my mother just so that you wouldn't worry. I had no idea you wouldn't pick up on it. I want to apologize for scaring you and I will apologize to the guys, too. I won't, however, apologize for taking my vacation." Mulder looked at her for a moment and then said, "Apology accepted. Why did you feel you needed to get away so completely, Sc. . .Dana?" "I'll get to that, but let me tell you this in my own way, okay?" She closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her strength for the storm to come. "Mulder, I know about you and Diana." Mulder opened his mouth to speak, but Dana's next words stopped him. "I know because I had the guys check her out. I won't say I'm not hurt by your omission of facts, but I had figured you were closer than you admitted the first time I saw you two together. But that's neither here nor there. Your personal life is your personal life, as is mine." Scully took a deep breath and continued. "I needed to get away to gain some perspective on my life. I realized I have forsaken everything in pursuit of the truth of the X Files. I have lost contact with all my friends, I have lost contact with my relatives, with the exception of my mother, and I have lost contact with me. I needed the time away to get back in touch with me, Dana Scully. I needed to step back and make sure I was on the right path." "Is this where you tell me about asking for a transfer, Scully?" Mulder growled. "No, not at all. The one fact that was very clear from the beginning was that I wanted to continue working with you on the X Files. I enjoy our work. I gain a great deal of personal satisfaction from much of our work. No matter how frustrating or painful chasing the truth can be, I don't want to give it up. I don't want to ask for a transfer, but whether you choose to keep me as a partner, now that Diana is back, is up to you." "Dana, you know I want you as my partner. No one can replace you. You must know that." Scully tilted her head and stared at Mulder. "I didn't know that, Mulder, but thank you for telling me." "Scully. . ." Mulder began. "Dana, please." "Scully, Dana, what does it matter? You know who I'm talking to!" Mulder's frustration level was rising. "It matters a great deal to me Mulder. You see, I call you Mulder because you asked me to. You apparently have a problem allowing me the privilege of using your first name, so I have honored your request and called you Mulder for years. I cannot tell you how much it hurt me to know that Agent Fowley was close enough to you personally to call you Fox. The denial of that small privilege is what made me start to question a great many things about my life." "I have been so involved with the X Files that I have completely lost touch with Dana--the woman that I was before I began working with you. Oh, I know I can never go back to being as green or unaware of the truth as I was prior to 1993, but I can try to regain that part of my life I have abandoned. I am a living, breathing woman with an absorbing job. I am not a special agent or a doctor or even a partner who happens to be a woman. I am all of the above, but I have been working so hard to make it in a man's world that I forgot that I needed to put the same effort into being a woman. And that has to stop." "I got the idea for a vacation months ago, and in fact booked the cottage in Ireland and almost canceled the reservation several times. But after recent events, I knew I had to keep my reservation. I needed time to come to grips with everything that has been happening in my life." "What did you decide, Dana?" Mulder asked. His eyes betrayed his fears even if his voice was calm and even. "I decided that Dana Scully was my new priority. Oh, I certainly will give my all to my job. You know me Mulder; I can't give less than 110%. But from now on, I'm going to take time for me. That's why the new rule about my name. When we're here in DC, between 8:00 a.m. and quitting time, whatever that may be, I will be Scully. After work and on the weekends, I am Dana, and Dana wants a life." "I need to develop a social life again, Mulder. I cannot ignore the needs I feel any longer." "Are we talking about sex here, Ms. Scully?" Mulder's feelings of unease with the direction the conversation was taking were displayed by his slide into humor. "Perhaps, perhaps not. I do feel the need for male companionship, but I have never been able to separate sex and love, so I'm not about to try that again. Ed Jerse was proof enough of that I need a life, Mulder. I want to feel beautiful again. I want to be desired as a woman. I want to be with someone who is able to see me as the woman he could love." All the while she talked, Mulder's face took on the stoic, blank expression he used for his frequent visits to AD Skinner's office. "While I was in Ireland, I also realized something else, Mulder. Something that will be of interest to you, I hope. When I thought about such a relationship, it was always your face that I saw in my mind. I realized that I love you, am in love with you and have been for some time. The fear of being separated by our enemies has been a major reason I hid the truth from myself for so long. My love wasn't easy for me to admit to myself--let alone to you, especially with your renewed relationship with Diana in the picture." "Scully. . ." Mulder began. "Please, let me finish. If you don't return my feelings, I'll understand. It will be hard, but I can live with it. I cannot live with losing you as my partner over this. Our professional relationship has been one of the most satisfying of my entire life. I wouldn't want to work with anyone else but you, Mulder." Dana hesitated before going on. "But you must understand. I can't be the odd man out. If you want to include Diana on the X Files, I'll bow out now. I cannot work with someone I can't trust. If you are in love with her, I can accept it, even though I can't understand it. As long as your personal relationship with her does not affect our work, I could bear it. It would be the same with any other woman you fell in love with. Can you understand this?" Mulder's silence made her heart sink. She was sure he was going to bolt at any moment. Suddenly he asked, "Dana, you love me? You're in love with me?" Mulder's voice was full of emotion. "Yes, Mulder, I am." "Why?" "Why what, Mulder?" "Why do you love me? Scul. . .Dana, I'm so--you're so. . . Dana, you've stolen the words." Mulder let his actions speak for him. He stood and pulled Dana into his arms slowly lowering his lips to hers. Their kiss at first was tentative, but quickly deepened and became passionate. They slowly sank back down to the couch, still kissing. Finally the need for oxygen broke off the kiss. "Dana, I can't believe you didn't realize I love you! I've loved you for years." Mulder kissed her again. "I asked you to call me Mulder because I didn't want to lose myself in you. Your voice speaking my name kept me at a state of arousal that was clouding my ability to function. I knew I was never going to quit wanting you and that I had fallen in love with you. By that time we were comfortable with Scully and Mulder and I couldn't think of a way to ask you to call me Fox without letting you know how much I cared. I was afraid of rejection from you as much as I was afraid of them taking you away from me again." Mulder punctuated his words with kisses to her face and neck. "I love you Special Agent Doctor Dana Scully. And I want to be that man to court you. I want to be the one, Dana, please say yes." "Yes, Mulder? Yes to what exactly?" she grinned. "Say yes to a new beginning. Yes to dinner and a movie tonight? Will you go out with me tonight, Dana?" "I would love to go out with you, Mulder, but you must realize that we cannot allow the change in our relationship to be blatant. We don't want to wave a red flag in front of our enemies. We need to maintain our professional lives and our personal lives separately." Scully warned. "They've been making bets on the exact nature of our relationship for years around work. We can keep them guessing. We can work this out as we go. Does 7:30 sound okay for you, Dana?" Mulder grinned. "That sounds great Mul. . .Fox." Scully's chin rose in defiance as she spoke his name, then she grinned. "I don't know Mulder, I think this 'Fox' thing is going to take some getting used to." She cupped his face between her hands and pulled him down for a kiss. "Until tonight." The next day they decided that their date was a rousing success. Neither wanted to jump into a physical relationship. They wanted to experience some of the normal steps of love. They both knew where they were going, and neither wanted to rush. The anticipation of their first time together was part of the fun. They laid some ground rules to keep them out of trouble at work. At first Dana had suggested no touching at work, but Mulder was quick to point out that that would be the biggest clue of all that their relationship had changed. He had always touched her and crowded her personal space, and she had always allowed it. They changed that one to no romance at work. No words of love, no covert glances unless they were alone in their office, and especially no stolen kisses on the premises of the Hoover building or on duty in the field. They decided to let the rest take care of itself. They began socializing with others at work, attending retirement parties and showers, together, but still not blatant about their new relationship. They couldn't make the commitment to join in several sports leagues that their fellow agents enjoyed, but did sign up to be on the substitute list and played pool, went bowling, and in the spring, played softball when they were available. Mulder was surprised at how these simple changes in their lives affected their relationship with their coworkers drastically. The 'Spooky' nickname he used to hate was now more a term of respect for his abilities. His friendship outside of work with some of the other agents had led them to ask for his help occasionally. His spooky ability to use his eidetic memory and intuition to problem solve, coupled with his lack of desire for the limelight, opened the eyes of many of his fellow workers. Scully was surprised at how many of her fellow agents had been put off by her abilities--especially the ability to stay cool under stress. When they witnessed first-hand what a warm and funny woman she was under her professional persona most were amazed. Friendships blossomed for the FBI's two most unwanted. As the days, then weeks went by the speculation over their relationship changed from one of derision to one of genuine support. Their fellow agents wanted to see them happy together. Their cases were just as strange, their solve rate still the highest in the Bureau, but the animosity of their fellow agents was a thing of the past. Mulder and Dana were deeply in love and certain that nothing could shake their relationship again. They were almost ready to take their romance to the next level when their world, as they knew it, ceased to exist. It began so quietly. A phone message was left on Dana's home machine from an attorney. He requested her presence at his office for the reading of the will of one Phoebe Greene on Monday, March 30, 3:30pm. Please feel free to bring your own representative. Let us know if you cannot attend, blah, blah, blah. Dana had played the message as soon as she and Mulder came through the door on Friday night. His shocked look matched the look of puzzlement on her face. Why would she have to be at the reading of Phoebe's will? "Phoebe's dead? Scully, you don't seem surprised by this. Did you know she was sick?" Mulder questioned. "Yes, actually, I did. I saw her when I was in Ireland. She asked me not to tell you. Mulder, you better sit down." Scully carefully guided Mulder to the couch. This was going to be harder on him than she expected. "She had moved to the estate that her grandparents left her. It wasn't too far from the cottage I rented when I was there. Mulder, she had AIDS. Her parents didn't want her around so she moved there to be near a private clinic that specialized in AIDS research. I'm surprised she lived this long." Dana's voice caressed him as did her arms. She wanted to help him any way she could. "Why didn't you tell me? She was a part of my life and I had a right to know she was dying. Why didn't you let me know what was happening." Mulder couldn't understand Dana's actions. "She specifically told me not to tell you when we talked in Ireland. I believe in her own strange way, she was trying to be kind." Scully tried to explain. "Kind? Finding out like this is so much more kind?" Mulder didn't know who he was more irritated with, Phoebe or Dana, but the anger ate at his stomach and boiled in his brain. "Why would she have you at the reading of her will?" Mulder finally questioned. "I don't know. Why don't you call your machine and see if there is a message for you from the lawyer, too. I could be just an afterthought." Mulder quickly dialed his home machine and confirmed that there was a similar message left for him. They discussed Phoebe for a few more minutes and then agreed to drop the subject. Until Monday when they met with the lawyer, there was no way to find out more. The weekend passed quietly for both of them. They had been gone for two weeks and both felt the need for some down time. They ate dinner together then parted. Both wanted to regroup and prepare for the workweek ahead. Mulder needed time to accept Phoebe's death. They called each other several times that weekend, almost decided to meet, but fatigue and an underlying feeling of dread kept them apart. On Monday they drove to the lawyer's together. The wait in the outer office seemed to be never-ending, but was in fact only about ten minutes. They weren't surprised to find themselves in the offices of one of the top law firms in DC. Only the best for Ms. Greene, even in death. "Ms. Scully, Mr. Mulder, sorry to keep you waiting. My name is Arthur Jamison. Won't you step into my office? Did either of you bring your own counselor?" "No, we didn't see the need to involve a private counselor until we knew more about this." Mulder spoke for them both. "I see. Perhaps you would like to postpone this until you both have secured private counsel." Arthur Jamison was smooth and covering all bases for his firm. "Mr. Jamison, we need to get back to work. Could we please get to the point here? Agent Mulder and I are educated adults. We'll be able to decide if we need legal representation after we know what this is about." Dana Scully was a formidable woman. Arthur Jamison reassessed his opinion of her once again. He had expected someone more middle-aged and motherly when he had been contacted by Ms. Greene. The beautiful, petite redhead was not at all what he had expected. To find out she was strong-willed and intelligent as well was a pleasant surprise. Perhaps everything would turn out for the best. He turned his gaze to Agent Mulder. He was also a surprise. This man did not appear to be the emotional deadbeat he had expected. His devotion and deference to Agent Scully was obvious. His extreme good looks fit the image he had drawn, but he was also a man of no little intelligence. The whole affair was becoming more and more interesting. "Very well, let's begin." He buzzed his secretary and requested that she and the witnesses meet them in the small conference room. "If you will follow me." Mulder and Scully moved as one to follow him from the room. He held back outside the door and watched them move together down the hall to the room indicated. 'More and more interesting,' he thought. For the next few minutes the introductions and preliminaries sharpened Mulder & Dana's sense of impending disaster. As the lawyer read the will, Phoebe's last wishes and revelations became more and more shocking. When he was done the two agents looked at each other in disbelief. "Let me get this straight. I have a six-month-old granddaughter? How can I have a granddaughter when I didn't even know I had a child?" Mulder was beginning to hyperventilate. "How could I have a child and not know it?" He looked to Scully for help understanding what had been said. "How does. . .did she know it was mine?" he whispered. Jamison motioned for his secretary to pass a file to Mulder. It contained a large photograph of a young woman--a woman who could be none other than Fox Mulder's daughter. The thick chocolate-brown hair and the hazel eyes were obvious, but the lips and the nose were an exact copy of Mulder's. Mulder shoved the file towards Scully. She studied the photograph and then moved on to the paperwork enclosed. It was a detailed report identifying the paternity and maternity of the young woman in question prepared by one of England's most prestigious hospitals. "It looks as if it's true, Mulder." Dana was able to tell him. "I'd want to get another opinion, but it looks almost as if there is little room for error with these tests. We'll need to cross check that this is indeed your DNA, but. . ." "But you believe it?" Mulder looked again to Arthur Jamison. "Where is she? What's her name? Why isn't she here?" "Mr. Mulder, obviously this is a shock to you. I had no idea you were unaware of your child," he hesitated. Damn Phoebe Greene anyway. "I'm sorry to have to bring you more shocking news, but I'm afraid you daughter is dead." "What?" Gasped Mulder and Dana simultaneously. "I have a tape that will best give you all the information you need. Miss Waters, if you please." The voice of Phoebe Greene filled the room. "Well, aren't we a cozy group--Fox, Dana, and the sharks. Nice of you all to join me. I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't do a video, aren't you, Fox? Well, the truth is I am just vain enough to want you to remember me as I was last you saw me, not this empty shell that betrays me on a daily basis. I'm not long for this world, so I want to spread as much cheer as I can before I die." "And I have died if you are listening to this. AIDS, how fitting, eh Fox? My evil, promiscuous ways finally did me in, so to speak. Relax Mulder, you have nothing to fear. I know who I got this from and the fool is dead. He came around long after you, so who he was is none of your business." The sound of the tape stopping and starting was evident. "Don't worry Mulder. This tape is the real thing. I'm not very strong now and can only speak for a short time. I'm taping this over a several day period, so if any of your paranoid little friends want to check, make them aware of that." "I suspect you want to know about our daughter. Did you really think I would let you know that I was pregnant, Fox? I had found out two weeks before the little scene I set up to drive you away. You were so sweet, such a wonderful lover. God, you would have wanted to do the right thing and I couldn't bear being married so young. I think. . .I would like to believe we could have been happy if I hadn't buggered it up. But I did--I ran. Straight back to Ireland to Gram and Gramps. I had our daughter prematurely. There wasn't a decent hospital in the area and she suffered oxygen deprivation. She looked just like you, Fox, so beautiful, so sweet. I couldn't stand to be near her. Everything a duplicate of you except for her mind. As quick and sharp as your mind was hers was empty and slow. I--I was so guilty. I couldn't tell you how I had lied to you and cheated you and then delivered damaged goods. I know it's shallow and vain and horrible, but that just about sums up my entire life." "My grandparents raised her--Brenna was her name. Brenna Vixen Mulder. I made no effort to hide her paternity from my family or from her. She loved you. She had a picture of you, Fox, and she kissed it each night before bed, just as she kissed mine. God bless my Grandmother's soul." "Even as slow as she was she eventually developed into a beautiful young woman and rebelled. I had come home to Ireland to die and she didn't want me there. My grandparents had since died and she had been living like a fairy princess until the cruel mother resurfaced. She ran away with a gypsy boy that wanted her body and didn't care that she was slow, until the family realized there would be no money settled on her and she was worthless as a worker." "They dumped her back on my steps seven months pregnant. She delivered a beautiful baby girl--I named her Samantha Anne Mulder. She could have been Brenna's twin, except for the spark of intelligence in her eyes from the day she was born." Again the tape stopped but began again right away. "Brenna was a good mother to Sammy, but she would forget her. I had to hire two nannies. One for days and one for nights. Brenna had your sleep patterns, Fox and would get up in the middle of the night to play with Samantha and walk away when distracted." "I thought she had wandered outside to play one morning but found out differently later. Her gypsy came to claim her. He was truly in love, the piteous young fool. They left the baby, because she was only a girl, and ran away in the night." Phoebe's voice grew thick with what they could only imagine as tears. "The constable came around late in the day to let me know that they had been killed in a lorry accident. Once again I was stuck with an unwanted child, no help, and this time with death on the horizon. I bet you want to know how I settled all this, don't you Fox? How about you Dana? Have you figured it out yet?" "My answer almost fell into my lap. I had been feeling stronger and wanted to get out. I had Roger take me into town to pick up a few things for Samantha. I hadn't involved myself in Brenna's life, but for some reason this little one grabbed my attention and my heart. Who did I run into? Have you told him yet, Dana? Right there in my back yard was the answer to my prayers. Dana Scully." Phoebe coughed and took a drink before going on. "Dana you were too easy. I found out everything I needed to know in a matter of minutes. And that brings us to today. I have made arrangements to give legal custody of Samantha Ann Mulder to Dana Scully with two conditions--one that she marry Fox Mulder, the child's grandfather within a year of my will's probate date; and two--that she quits the FBI. Dana, I know how dangerous a position in law enforcement can be. I want Sammy to grow up with at least one parent, and I don't feel your career with the FBI guarantees a long life." "If these condition aren't met, Sammy will become a ward of the London court. I can and will do this. Samantha is actually Lady Samantha to all you that didn't know. She will inherit my title and all my properties. Upon the death of my parents her wealth and title will increase. If the conditions of my will are met, all disposable income from my estate will be transferred to the happily married couple one year after their wedding date and they will be free to adopt Samantha and raise her as their daughter. Grenville Hall and all estates inherited from my parents are to be held in trust until Samantha is twenty-one and then title will pass to her." "Here's you chance, Dana, are you woman enough to take what you want?" "And Fox. I know you're furious with me for not letting you get to know Brenna. I did try to tell you, you know. It was on the tape I left you after our little escapade with Cecil L'Ively. When I didn't hear from you right away, I knew you had not listened to it. I cannot say I wasn't glad. I didn't want to face you then and I am glad I don't have to face you now." "Oh, and Fox. . .don't try to break my will. In order for you to claim Samantha without marrying Dana, you would have to become a legal resident of England and that would take years and would mean you'd have to give up your precious X Files. Even then, my old money, title, and fleet of barristers would prevent your winning for many years, if ever. Is this such a terrible punishment, Fox? I know you love Dana. Have you managed to tell her yet? Sammy is. . .everything one could want in a child. Don't hate her because of me, Fox. Give her a chance." The tape ran silently for a moment. "Dana, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your many cards and letters. You don't know how you're your little kindnesses meant to me. I'm not much one for sentimentality, but I wanted you to know I'm glad you will be raising my little Sammy. I can't think of anyone I would rather have at the job. Please, don't make her hate me. Bugger! Enough of this!" "There you two have it. This will either give you great joy or great anguish. I can't help hope that happiness wins out! Raise a pint to me, Fox, Dana! I'm off! Ta!" The silence at the end of the tape was broken only by the click of the off button on the recorder. Arthur Jamison cleared his throat and looked to the stunned couple before him. They were holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. 'Curiouser and curiouser,' thought Jamison. 'These two look like they've been down the rabbit hole a time or two. They aren't even speaking to each other, but I get the feeling they're making up their minds even as we sit here. I wonder how they'll take this next step.' He nodded toward his secretary and she rose to leave the room. A moment later she returned. In her arms was Lady Samantha Anne Mulder--all nineteen pounds of her. She was wrapped in a fleecy white blanket with only her baby hands sticking out. The secretary walked to Dana Scully and offered her the baby. Mulder held up his hand to halt her. "Dana, are you sure you don't need time to think about this? You face the biggest change here." His voice was soft, almost a caress. "I'm sure, Mulder; are you?" Dana whispered back. Mulder looked deeply into her eyes for a moment. "In that case. . ." he rose to stand next to her. With all the grace of a large, sleek cat he fell to one knee and took Dana's hands. "Dana Katherine Scully, I love you. Will you take me to be your husband? Will you allow me to share the rest of your days and our child's days with you?" He kissed her hands and looked back up into her eyes. "Fox Mulder, I love you. I would be proud to share the rest of my life with you and Samantha." Tears gathered in her eyes, but did not spill down her face. They both looked to the secretary who was unashamedly crying at the touching scene she was witnessing. She gently placed the wiggling bundle in Dana's arms. Mulder moved closer to encircle the two women in his life in his embrace. As the baby sat up and pulled off the blanket, they both gasped. Samantha's hazel eyes sparked up at them--a mirror image of her grandfathers'. She smiled and began to laugh when they smiled back. Mulder and Dana swore they could hear Phoebe's laughter echoing with Samantha's. Phoebe Greene had the last laugh after all. Author's notes: If you think that this story is too sweet, not full of enough angst, too happy for words--TOUGH! Get over it people. There are many people out here who don't have to live in doom and gloom. I'm a cheerful person and I like to write stories that are reasonably happy--just like real life--with all its ups and downs. For those of you who enjoyed the story--I'm glad. If you have a moment, let me know either way.