From: Date: 6 Sep 2004 13:55:32 -0000 Subject: In the Name Of The Father (1/4) by Skinfull Source: direct Reply To: Rating: NC-17 for adult situations. Classification: XRA (With a side helping of MT) Summary: Mulder was kidnapped and is missing for 4 weeks until he is picked up on the side of the road by an ambulance that received an anonymous call as to his whereabouts...this is where we begin! Feedback: Love all feedback. Thanks in Advance! Author's notes: At the end. In The Name Of the Father by Skinfull Georgetown Memorial Hospital 7th December 3.10 AM The double doors didn't stand a chance as Dana Scully hit them at full speed, not bothering to slow down her charge into the hospital emergency department. They smashed against the walls scraping the magnolia paint and disturbing the quiet tension in the waiting room. "Where is he?" she demanded loudly approaching the desk and twirling round in search of someone who might help her. Eyes flashing blue venom from anyone who would keep her from her partner. She slammed her hand down on the counter and glared at the attending nurse on duty. "I'm looking for Fox Mulder, he was admitted here about 2 hours ago? Where can I find him?" she bellowed without giving the nurse a chance to answer her. "Agent Scully!" Skinner came rushing over to her, his arms outstretched as he grasped her shoulders and turned her away from the dazed nurse. "He's in emergency surgery at the moment." Her eyes locked on his, wide with fear and she nodded. A single tear escaping despite herself. He guided her past all the waiting patients and through 2 sets of doors before placing her into one of the hallway plastic seats. Bending down next to her he held her hands that lay restlessly on her lap. "What happened?" her voice was low, her fear and anger battling for supremacy. "Who found him?" "I know as much...or as little as you do. I got here about 15 minutes ago...he was already in surgery." "What about his admittance file? Where is it? I need ...I need to see it" Her voice took on a new tone of fresh anger as her mind reeled out the possibilities. "I've already asked for it and a nurse from the ER is bringing it down." As if on cue a small elderly nurse approached them, the rubber soles of her shoes announcing her arrival on the otherwise silent corridor. "Mr. Skinner?" Scully took a steadying breath and kept her eyes on the folder like it might attack her, the duality of needing and dreading to see what was inside almost buckling her at the knees. "Yes, thank you." He took the file she offered and his lips tightened as he passed it into Scully's shaking palms. She flicked it open immediately her eyes and finger scanning the page, soaking up the list of meds he'd been given as if it could warm her of what injuries she could expect, before reading the treatments from the hospitals Triage, to the surgeon's notes before surgery. Her eyes read through the bad scribbled notes and Skinner watched as she paled visibly before him. She took a deep shaky breath almost gagging on the all too familiar taste of the hospital cleanliness as she lowered her face into her hands. "Scully? What is it?" Her breath was a gasping noise that scared him s he waited for her to speak. "His left arm is broken in two different places, at the elbow and at the wrist...probably from being suspended by handcuffs for an extended length of time." Sitting up she glanced back at the medical file then up to Skinners concerned but expectant expression. She took a sharp in take of breath. "They'll need to be re-broken and re-set correctly. Various head injuries to the frontal left lobe...some swelling but thankfully no clots. Many badly broken ribs. One or two threatening a Pneumothorax...that...that means they might have damaged his lungs." "There is something else isn't there..." His words hung in the air between them but Scully refrained from answering right away, not wanting to say it out loud, not wanting to make it any more real. Skinner watched her eyes close upon the glistening tears held at bay there. " Massive lower colon injuries due severe sexual trauma." Fresh tears fell silently as the file fluttered to the floor, the pages forgotten but their words still stinging sharply. Skinner sat next to her and placed a tentative arm around her shoulders. Without hesitation she turned into his broad chest and cried effortlessly, wetting his shirt in short sharp heart rending sobs. For a moment the silence was permeated only by she gentle crying, her tears falling, for what she didn't know, her sobs racking her chest for what she did. She sat up abruptly running her hand over her cheeks to remove the traces of her tears as best she could. "He's safe now," Skinner said soothingly. "And the staff here will give him excellent medical help. We will all help him. No matter what he much time it takes." "How did he get here?" She watched as he reached down to pick up the file and he flicked through the file until he came to the admittance page. "An anonymous call from a phone booth on Jameson Street. Ambulance picked him up there unconscious. They were given his name and exact location. He'd obviously made it here from wherever he was held. He was covered in earth and grass, bit of leaves. Looks like he'd come through some rough country. From the state of his feet... well he'd been running on empty. Sheer adrenalin kept him going. Must have travelled for days. But he made it here. He got away. And he's alive Dana. " "We have to get a forensic team out there," she jumped up, now with action to be taken she pushed her emotions aside and forced Agent Dana Scully to the forefront. "We have to see if-." "Scully...I've got a team outside waiting for instructions. We'll get this bastard. I don't care what it takes. We will nail him." She almost smiled at his reassuring platitudes but without the desire or the energy to do so, she watched as he stepped away pulling out his cell phone and barked out his commands in as low a tone as he could afford. He had taken the file with him and she wondered briefly if it was to save her from reading any more horrors committed on her partner's poor body. Beside her a door opened and a nurse in surgery scrubs walked out pulling a facemask off as the door closed behind her. She passed Scully with only a glance but sitting up, Scully watched as the door opened again this time emitting more people into the corridor. The last one to exit stopped before her and pulled his facemask under his chin. "Ms Skinner?" he asked his eyebrows arched into his hairline. She tried to avoid starring at the blood all over his scrubs, knowing it was likely Mulder's blood. "Dana Scully." She stood and smoothed down the front of her jumper. "We're you operating on Fox Mulder? I'm his partner and next of kin." "Yes I was told to meet with a Skinner afterwards. I'm Dr. Rick Wolfe." " AD. Skinner has just gone to make a phone call. How is Mulder?" "We've reset his arm, the swelling on his face will go down and the scans show no real damage to his brain. He narrowly avoided a Pneumothorax and we reset all the broken ribs and we've also stitched some damaged muscles in his chest. The stitches to his lower colon will dissolve of their own accord but he will be in a lot of discomfort for a while. "He's going to be okay." Her words were more of a mantra than acceptance. " He's been through the mill and he has a rough road ahead but I can see a full recovery for Mr Mulder." "Full recovery?" "Full physical recovery. He has quite a long journey to go with no shortage of counselling. The staff psychologist will talk to him when he is more lucid. They are taking him up in a few minutes. You can visit him in ICU." "Of course." "We could be looking at release in the next five to seven days if he progresses. He's a tough cookie to make it this far." "Thank you, Dr. Wolfe. Can I see him?" "He will be in recovery for an hour so then transferred to a private ICU room on the fourth floor. I'll leave word for them to call you when he is settled enough for visitors." He offered her a small smile and stepped around her walking back to the nurses' station. Slumping back into the uncomfortable plastic she watched as Skinner approached Dr Wolfe. Their eyes locked over the surgeon's shoulder and Scully could almost tell exactly what was being shared. She stood as Skinner approached and her wan smile matched his own. "There is a forensic team out by the phone booth right now." He idly scratched his chest through the thick grey sweater searching for the right thing to say. "It sounds like Mulder is going to be okay." "His wounds will heal sir, but I'm not sure that he will ever be okay again." She reluctantly let him pull her into a hug. "He has to be okay...I need my partner back whole. I just hope that he can be the Fox Mulder I know again. " "However long it takes Scully." "However long it takes..." *** Georgetown Memorial hospital 10th December 2000 8.06 PM The snow swept in with her as she walked into the relative warmth of the hospital, stomping her feet on the rubber mat by the door to loosen the flakes that clung to her boots. Weaving through the winter flu customers, she unwound her scarf from her neck as she stepped onto the elevator and pressed the fourth floor button. The impending holidays seemed to do nothing for the crowds that were hovering in the hospital corridors, and she was thankful that Mulder was to be released in the next few days. He had spoken little since the day he woke up in the hospital; neither to her or the hospital assigned counsellor that visited him daily. His physical recovery was all but finished, save for the cumbersome cast on his arm that restricted much of his movement. His strength was building up and his swellings had all but disappeared, leaving only a yellow blue bruise covering his temple and cheek to stain his paled skin. Standing outside his room she raised her arm to push the heavy door open and stalled to take a deep breath, but before she could enter her cell phone rang in her coat pocket. "Scully." "Agent Scully. We've got a lead. The team is leaving in half an hour. A small farm on the outskirts of the city." Skinners voice was hard and free of the anxiousness she knew he was feeling. "Who's taking lead?" "Agent Andrews." "Okay. Will you keep me informed?" "Of course." A beat, then "How is he?" "I'm just going in to see him now." "Well send him my best." A quick gruff sentiment that told he how much he was thinking about the troubled agent. "I will sir." Slipping the phone back into her pocket, she resumed her ritual with one hand on the door and the other on her chest. She felt her lungs expand with a deep breath, taking some reassurance in the reality of Mulder being safe beyond that door. Pushing the door open slowly she stepped in and was surprised to see him lying on his side facing the window, his broken arm cradled beside his huddled legs. The room was eerily quiet, except for the wind blowing through the Venetian blinds as the breeze swirled around the room. She moved slowly towards the bed circling it so she could clearly see his face. She noted his closed eyes as her hand reached out to move a lock of hair that had fallen into his eyes, but as her fingers touched his clammy skin he lurched, jerking away from her touch, his eyes flying open. "Mulder, it's just me." His initial fear seemed to dissipate by the sound of her voice but he rolled away from her to lie on his back, being careful not to bang his arm off the side of the bed. "How are you feeling?" she asked walking over to close the window, trying to keep her hands from reaching out to grab him. "Okay." His voice was raspy and tender, his eyes darting around the room never meeting hers, never staying still. She approached the bed again, clinging to the metal bars at the side to stop herself from touching him. "Mulder-." Her voice was so calm and placid that he immediately knew she was trying to talk, talk to him about stuff he hadn't yet spoken about but as his eyes raced to meet hers, the words she was trying to say died on her lips. "No...not now...not ever...leave it," he whispered through gritted teeth. He turned away from her, screwing his eyes tightly shut to hide the tears that sprang up without warning. She said nothing as she sat onto the heavy leather chair by his bed, her eyes falling onto his shuddering chest, watching the uneven breaths fill and empty from his lungs. Soundlessly his cries seemed to fill the room with despair. But it wasn't long before his breaths evened out and she realised he was asleep. Wanting to reach out to him to touch his arm, his hand, and his head...him. But knowing it was more for her own comfort than for his, she folded her hands onto her lap and sat back into the chair letting his mere presence soothe her. *** FBI Headquarters Basement Office 20th December 2000 6.15PM Sitting at his desk she tapped the computer keys idly, watching her report end without violation of her distracted state. The rhythm of her fingers hitting the small plastic keys seemed to do enough to bring forth the words, leaving her enough peace to wallow in her own thoughts. The unfamiliar sound of the elevator doors made her look up, her fingers hovering above the keyboard as she awaited her visitor. Steady footsteps made their way through the narrow hallway stopping at her door and it was with a little tension that the door was opened. She smiled mechanically at Skinner as he pushed the door further walking right up to the desk and facing her, his hands in his pockets. With his shirt sleeves pulled up and his jacket, she imagined hanging off the back of his chair in his office, she couldn't help but see the tiredness in his eyes, hidden only by worry. "Agent Scully. It's Friday. Why don't you get out of here?" "I'm just finishing off this report." Skinner reached out and twisted the screen to see what she was working on. "I'm not even going to look at this until the middle of January." She laughed at his simple admonition and nodded her head. "How is he?" "Angry. He's very angry and very tired." "How about the counselling?" Skinner walked around to her side of the expansive desk and leaned back against it, folding his arms across his chest. "He's not talking. He's not talking to me, to his anyone." He closed his eyes, a moment of horror flashing over his stern features. "He's got leave until January 17th. Then pending evaluation..." "Evaluation sir that I'm not sure he'll pass." Not wanting to condemn the conversation any further, Skinner pushed himself off the desk and walked back to the door. "Go home Dana. Go home and get some rest." "You too sir." He pushed past the door and was about to close it but turned back to her. "If there is anything you need. Just let me know." She nodded her thanks without speaking, concentrating on pushing another wave of unbearable emotions down, down further than before, deeper than she wanted to know about. She switched off the PC and gathered her stuff, taking a few files into her case to work on at home. She had already declined a Christmas in San Diego with her family, wanting to be near for Mulder in case he called. He had been released from the hospital seven days ago and he had yet to call, but when he did she wanted to be close by. She shut off the light and made her way to the garage. Finding it eerily empty she hurriedly put her things on the back seat and climbed into the drivers side. Traffic was a nightmare but she didn't mind, allowing her mind to wander, letting her foot release the brake slowly from habit rather than concentration. Coming up to the lights, she paused to wait for the green signal and it was then that she saw him. Mulder sitting next to her, his face soft and smiling, his mouth moving with words and laughter but no sound emerging. She blinked tightly but refocused back on the seat to see he was gone. She jumped at the sound of the car horn beeping loudly behind her, and forced her limbs to manoeuvre the car onto the main road. She shook her head hoping to keep awake and frowned, checking the seat beside her with a quick glance. It lay empty and accusing, mocking her double checks in the slow traffic. Suddenly from the backseat her phone started to ring, it's consistent tone demanding immediate attention. She reached behind her to grab her coat, knowing it was in the pocket and cursed herself for putting it back there in the first place. The coat landed in a pile on the passenger seat as she fumbled for the phone, finally touching it. She pressed the call button and held it up to her ear. "Hello?" Static rolled over the line but she could hear no sounds. "Hello, who is this?" "Scu-." The voice was strangled and sounded like it was coming from underwater but she recognised it immediately. "Mulder...hang on...I'm on my way." She tossed the phone onto the other seat, her mind sharp as she turned illegally, making a u-turn on the road, ignoring the angry horn she left behind in her haste. It seemed like an age before she reached his apartment building but it didn't take her long to charge up the stairs and race to his door. Unsure whether she should pull her gun she hesitated outside, looking at the dirty old brass numbers sitting regally on the brown wooden door. Listening to the silence deride her beating heart she fumbled with the key, inserting it into the lock just as a guttural scream rang from the other side. "Mulder!" she yelled punching the door open and slamming it closed behind her. The room was dark, with even the fish tank light switched off and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. She walked quickly into the living room finding it empty, but another scream propelled her into the bedroom. In the darkness she saw his shadow across the room huddled in the corner between the bed and the wall. Through the blinds, slots of dim light scarred the room, adding to the tension as she circled the bed to kneel down before him. His phone lay discarded on the floor beside him, and with his knees pulled up to his chest, his head was buried between his legs. He was wearing only a pair of shorts but his body was covered in a film of cold, clammy stale sweat. "Mulder..." Her voice as low as a whisper seemed to boom around the room but he made no move. Reaching out to touch him she felt him shivering beneath the light touch of her fingers. "Mulder...look at me." When he didn't move she pushed his head back against the wall and saw that his eyes had rolled back into his head, his shivering becoming convulsions. "Mulder!" Louder now she spoke forcefully, pulling his legs out from below him to make him lie flat on the ground. She rolled him over onto his side, bending one of his knees and straightening the other one to get him into the full recovery position. Careful of his arm in the cast, she leaned over him and held his body as it shook violently, threatening to buck her off him but only making her hold tighter. "Hang on Mulder, I got you...just hold on." She shook with him, her hands on his chest and resting her head on his shoulder. It was some time before the shaking subsided but she held him for a moment longer in the stillness. Sitting up, she rolled him over onto his back, but as he started to cough, dry heavy heaving, she rolled him back to his side in time for his lunch to make an appearance against his bed. Rubbing his back and making gentle soothing sounds was all she could do until his coughs dried up and nothing more came out. He rolled back of his own accord, wiping his mouth with the back of his good hand; he kept his eyes closed, throwing his arm over his face and buying it in the crook of his elbow. "Mulder...get up." Scully got off the floor and hunched by him to help him up. But he ignored her outstretched hand in favour of his independence. As he stood she rose with him, her hands poised to catch him when she was sure he would fall. He managed to make it to the bedroom door but fell against the frame, his chest heaving again. "C'mon." Scully paid no notice to his meagre protestations and led him to the bathroom where he dove for the bath. Kneeling on the white tiles with his head ducked into the wide tub, he felt the small lumps of half digested food travel from the bottom of his stomach, forcing itself up his throat and exploding into his mouth with a pressure he couldn't contain. He closed his eyes against the torrent of burning vomit unable to stop it once it had begun, until finally his stomach had disgorged itself of all its contents. Coughing up bile and blood, he spat out the lazy remains that clung to the tacky lining of his mouth before sitting back against the doorframe. Scully was there a towel in her hand and he took it to wipe his face. She reached for the washbasin and filled a glass of water for him, which he took, still without words. Rinsing his mouth out, he spat the water into the bath before turning on the faucet to empty it out. The dirty water swirled around the plug and he watched it with a fascination it didn't deserve. "How are you feeling?" "Empty." His eyes avoided hers and his hand fumbled with the tumbler in his lap. She knew he meant more then the lack of contents in his stomach. "You need to rest." She helped him get up and he was surprised at the weakness in his body, but the mere thought of how his stomach had just betrayed him made it twitch, so he pushed it away and focused on making it to the couch without falling. Scully helped him sit down and draped the heavy blanket over his shoulders. She rushed into the kitchen and retrieved a glass of water to leave on the table before him. When she returned he had slid onto the couch to lie down, huddled in a ball. "Mulder, I'm just going to clean up a bit...I'll be right back." Her hand squeezed his knee before she disappeared into the bedroom. He could hear her moving about and wished he had the strength to tell her to go home. Covers were being torn from his bed, and he listened to the familiar creek of his hot press opening as she searched for clean sheets. He heard running water, the sounds dangerously close to his own liquid spray in the bath only moments before, but he managed to take a deep swallow of air to keep the remains of his stomach contents intact. He must have dozed off because suddenly she was kneeling before him, tears in her eyes as she watched him tenderly. He blinked his eyes quickly and she reached up to get rid of her own tears when she realised he had woken. "I changed your sheets. You should get to bed." He moaned with the sharp pain that travelled across his abdomen as he sat up and she followed him to the bedroom. The sheets had been pulled back and she left a clean pair of shorts on top. He couldn't help but smile at the gesture and sat heavily onto the cool clean sheets. "I'll just grab you a glass of water." When she was gone he managed to change into the shorts and was lying back on the bed when she returned. His chest felt heavy and constricted as if someone was sitting on it, and every breath he forced past his lips stung all the way down to his lungs. Keeping his eyes closed he heard her place a glass on the locker beside his head and move around the room, the carpet doing little to disguise her heeled footsteps. Wanting to know what she was doing but needing to keep his eyes closed, Mulder lay still hoping she would think him asleep and leave. For a moment he heard nothing but the telltale sound of her soft breathing. He could place her standing by his head and resisted the urge to jump at her cool fingers brushing his warm cheek. "Mulder, I'm going down to the car to get something...I'll be back in a minute." So she intended to stay he realised with a surprising sigh of relief. The apartment door closed with a resonate thud, filling the room with an empty silence. His breathing became laboured and he felt his stomach constricting so he sat up to get to the bathroom. He couldn't lie back and watch Scully clean up after him again. Forcing his heavy limbs to co-operate, he managed to land with his shoulder against the wall and make his way to the bathroom. The clean smell of the disinfectant Scully had used to wash out the bath still clung impugning to the air as he kept his back to the wall and shuffled to the ground. He was in the midst of another bout of nausea when she arrived back to the apartment. Dumping her stuff on the couch, she rushed to the bathroom where his wails were coming from and leaned down next to him. He groaned in pain at the force of his queasiness and his back hitched with every heave of his stomach. Again it dried up and he coughed out the putrid remains. With a hoarse moan he rested back against the wall and took the towel she offered. Rubbing it over his whole face he avoided her concerned gaze. "Mulder, I should take you to the doctor." "No." His words were final and she knew there would be no discussion. He managed to get up off the floor and reached over to switch on the shower. "I'll clean it up Mulder, go back to bed." She rested her hand on his back, feeling it cold and clammy. His eyes closed over for a moment trying not to feel the warm sensation of her hand on him. Stepping around her he stumbled back to the bedroom and listened to the shower running as she cleaned up his mess again. A hot wave of embarrassment washed over him at the thought so he rolled over onto his side, his broken arm bent in its cast beside him. He looked at his bruised fingers and wiggled them a bit, liking the slight niggling pain it caused in his wrist. He wasn't sure how long she had been there for, but suddenly she was standing over him, a frown encased deeply on her soft features. "Mulder, you need to take something to get your temperature down." She held out her hand where two aspirin sat awaiting his attention. Gingerly he took them and put them in his mouth, sipping from the glass of water she held in her other hand. "Thanks," he mumbled as his head landed back on the pillow. "Is your stomach still queasy?" "Mmm hmm." His eyes searched the ceiling for a familiar spot, landing on the corner over the window. "Will you let me call a doctor?" "No." For a moment she watched him, unsure whether she should call anyway but decided against it. She wanted to sit by his side, watch over him but she knew he wouldn't relax until she was out of the room. She walked over to his wardrobe and fumbled in it for a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He watched her take out his grey bottoms and his Nicks sweatshirt then disappear out of the room. Frowning, he looked at the door and wondered where she was going until she arrived back a moment later wearing his clothes. "I'm going to be in the living room. Call me if you feel ill." He said nothing but pulled his eyes away from her face and back to his corner on the ceiling. She left the room, leaving the door open slightly and it wasn't long before he heard the familiar sound of her fingers tapping the keys on her laptop. The television was down low, a mere murmur against the silence and soon he found himself drifting off. Hands were everywhere, reaching out to him but not to help him; to touch him, stroke him, hurt him. Trying to roll away he found both his hands tied up and his feet bound to something cold and hard. A splash of water covered his face making him struggle to catch his breath but when he did he inhaled as much as he could, then pushed it past his voice box as hard and as fast as his body would allow. His scream was alarmingly loud, startling her so much she was unsure if she had heard it or not. Jumping up she raced into his room where his body was squirming beneath the quilt, his voice murmuring words she couldn't understand. She reached out to him, her hand landing on the centre of his chest but he recoiled from her touch. "Mulder, wake up, you're dreaming!" She called out to him but it had no affect only to disturb him further. He curled into a ball, oblivious of his arm in the cast and grabbed his head with both hands, his fingers tearing into his hair. His screams came short and sharp and it broke her heart to hear, but every time she reached out to touch him he bit out another deeper scream, shaking away from her. Soon the screams turned to sobs and his whole body moved with the effort of the tears that fell onto his clean sheets. "Mulder..." she said softly wanting to revive him but not to touch him again. "Leave me alone...all of you...leave me alone." He pleaded with the ghosts that taunted him, his voice low and full of an aching need to cry but not being allowed to. Still curled up tightly he eventually cried with his whole body, his hands gripping his hair, his knees digging into his chest and his back curved over so tightly, Scully could see each single vertebra all the way down to his coccyx bone. She stood by him crying tears of her own and watching his emotions unfurl before her. Sitting on the floor and leaning next to the bed, Scully pulled her own knees up to her body and rested her chin there, wrapping her arms around her legs in an effort to stop the pain. Her heart was bursting with the need to comfort him but she was powerless against these demons. Words escaped through his moans but still he was curled up, muffling the sounds as he rocked back and forth in a slow steady movement. "No...stop...please stop..." Unable to take it anymore Scully turned around to face him and sat on the edge of the bed. Carefully she wrapped her arms around him and lay in a small circle around his body, her arms reaching over his head and flush to his back. He stiffened immediately under her touch but as she rocked with him she could feel his body relaxing under the gentle motion. She didn't make a sound for fear of breaking his reprieve, but soon his grip on his own hair loosened and tension was released, as he lay motionless and silent beneath her. They stayed like that until she felt him shiver from the cold. The sweat had dried against his skin making him colder than her. His skin was still clammy but she didn't think he'd take to kindly to a shower. Removing her body from his side she climbed off the bed and pulled the blanket up around him. The bed rolled under her small movements and Mulder suddenly became aware of a rush of cold air around his bareback where her arm had been resting. When the blanket was tucked around him he pulled it up to his chin and closed his eyes tighter against the vision of her standing beside him. He heard her walk away and stand by the door and wanted to call out to her to stay, but his voice made no sound and his eyes remained screwed shut. Scully walked slowly out to the living room and sat into the couch with a heavy emotional sigh. She rested back against the soft black leather, diluted with his smell and inhaled deeply. Fresh tears fell freely and she did nothing to stop their precious release. Lying down and pulling her legs up to herself, she pulled the heavy blanket around her body and cried without restraint. From the dark confines of the bedroom, Mulder could hear her barely audible cries but nothing he could do could make him move. His body was stuck, his mind reeling with images he didn't want her to see, his heart breaking with emotions he didn't want her to feel. Pulling the blanket up over his head, Mulder muted her cries against the quilt and shook with tears of his own. *** The Office Of Assistant Director Skinner 23rd December 2000 7.25 PM "Mulder, come in." He met him at the door and held it open as Mulder walked in. Dressed casually in grey slacks and a light jumper, he had his arm in a sling with his leather jacket slung loosely over his shoulders. "You know you're not supposed to be in until the New Year." Skinner joked trying to lighten the obvious tension that seemed to follow Mulder into the wide office. "Yes sir I understand, but I wanted to talk to you about that." "Do you want more time?" Skinner sat down at his desk inviting Mulder to take a seat. "Something like that." With his good hand he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a sealed white envelope. "I am here to tender my resignation." Skinner was reaching out for the envelope that Mulder was passing to his over the expanse of his large desk, but his hand froze at Mulder's words. "Your resignation?" "I've thought about it for a long time...I've thought about little else," he lied. "I've made my decision." "Mulder you've been through quite a lot in the past two months. Wouldn't you rather come back to work in the New Year and see..." "Sir...I'm leaving. I understand the contractual needs to remain in my position for a resigned period of time, but I was hoping with the leave I have accrued, that we could come to an immediate release of my duties." "Have you spoken to Agent Scully about this?" Skinner saw the flash in his eyes as he played his trump card. "It is my decision to make." His voice was cold with anger. "Mulder, when I was-." "Save the feel good story." Mulder stood up and fixed his jacket. "Please respect my decision and accept my resignation." Skinner watched as he turned on a steady heel and walked out of the room into the hallway, for the last time. He ripped open the envelope and printed on the plain white paper was an official letter of resignation with Mulder's broad signature at the end. With only a moment's hesitation he reached for the phone. "Hello?" "Agent Scully. Can you come up to the office for a moment?" "Of course sir." As he waited for her arrival he read and reread the letter before him, all the while debating whether he was doing the right thing, interfering in the personal business of his agents wasn't exactly part of his job description. Scully bustled through the door, her coat and case in her hand. "On your way home?" "Yes sir." "I've just had a visit from Agent Mulder." "Mulder was here?" she glanced around the room as if she expected to see him sitting on the chair in the corner. "He came to give me this." Confused, she took the page he was holding out to her and with fluttering in her stomach, she looked down at the neat type spotting Mulder's signature before reading the actual text. As her eyes discovered the content her frown deepened until it was a fully blown glare that she hit Skinner with. "What's this? Where is he?" "He just left. I know it's none of my business, but I understand he's made this decision with any discussion with you?" "No sir he never said a word to me." Never says much to me anymore she admitted silently. "Maybe you should talk with him before I process this." "Yes sir, thank you." She slipped the offending letter into her pocket and rushed out the door. The late evening traffic was light as she raced through the streets. Pulling up to his apartment, she all but abandoned her car on the path in her rush to confront him. Her fingers played with the folded page in her pocket as she drew strength from it, the strength she needed to force him to speak to her, to ignore the deadness in his eyes and urge him to reach out to her. Stepping off the elevator she saw that his apartment door was open. Her pace quickened and she raced over to see his landlord standing in the all but empty living room. "Mr Floyd?" "I already got rid of the stuff. Ain't no more left," he barked without turning round. "Mr Floyd, it's me, Dana Scully. I'm looking for Mulder." "Mulder? Mulder? Mulder is gone." He talked around the butt of a cigar that clung to the corner of his lips. "Gone? Where is he gone?" "I dunno...but he left this for you Ms Scully." He passed her an envelope and walked past her out of the apartment, closing the door behind him. Holding the envelope closed in her hand she walked through the apartment staring at the spot where his dining table used to sit, at the empty space where his couch used to be and the now completely empty bedroom. All that remained was the fish tank and computer. Over at the window she checked the street for his car in a last ditch hope that he was still close by, but she saw only her own hap- hazardly parked vehicle. Her finger slipped easily into the envelope seam and she ripped it open, taking a deep breath before pulling the page out. The letter was hand written and signed at the bottom in his instantly recognisable autograph. Scully, It's been a journey. A journey I'll never forget, no matter how much I try. Things have happened between us that will always stay with me, but other things have happened to me that will never leave us alone. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you, for not saying goodbye but it was too painful to look at you, to see the pity, to feel the shame. I couldn't do it, I couldn't face you anymore and know that is was me who was putting that look in your eyes, stealing your smiles and drowning your laughter. So I'm leaving. Or rather, I left. I knew Skinner would call you as soon as I left his office but it had already happened. I want you to take my fish; they might survive the move to your place and actually blossom in your care. My computer I wanted to give to the gunmen but they are out of town. I would appreciate it if you got my hard drive over to them. Don't come looking for me. Don't try to find me. I know you are already thinking of ways to get in contact with me but I will ask only this of you. I just want to be alone. Just remember I'll always be thinking of you Scully. Love always, Fox Mulder. She read it over again letting the words sink in fully. Standing in shock she quickly reeled over the possibilities of where he might have gone, who he might have told. Before she could let her body give into the all but overwhelming need to collapse, she pulled her phone from her pocket and dialled Skinner's number. "Skinner, he's gone. He must have moved out today, his apartment is cleared and emptied." "Where has he gone?" "I don't know sir. Did he mention anything to you?" "No. Nothing." "I'm going to try contact some of his friends. Would you call his mother's house for me? He might have gone over there." "Absolutely." Scully walked back out to the corridor almost bumping into the landlord in her hurry. "He told me you were going to take his fish tank. Should I get it delivered or will you take it now?" "Did he mention to you where he was going?" "No ma'am. Called to me this morning with a cheque for rent and costs and asked me to take all the furniture and sell it. He said the computer and fish tank were to be given to Dana Scully along with the letter. Something happened to him?" "I don't know." "Sounds to me like he's taken off. Something must have been troubling him." "Something..." "So should I have it delivered ma'am?" Floyd said after a moment of awkward silence. "Please. Thank you." Rushing out to her car she sped onto the road, ignoring the danger of dialling and driving she rang the office of the Lone gunmen. But all she got was the answering machine. Regardless, she continued her journey and soon found herself banging on the door. "Frohike? Byers?" she yelled loudly. "It's Scully, I need to talk to you." Her shouts were unheard in the empty office, but when her phone rang loudly in her pocket she pounced on it. "Hello?" "Agent Scully, I can't seem to get an answer." "Me neither. I think...I think he's gone. He left me a letter. Asking me not to look for him." "Do you want to drop it?" The static on the phone hung between them endlessly until she sighed into it. "Sir that decision was already made by Mulder." Hanging up her phone she walked slowly back to her car, ignoring the drizzling wet rain that dampened her hair but hid her tears in a thousand raindrops. *** Discovery Park Seattle, Washington 17th December 2004 5.40AM The water was cold and did little to help his fingers move smoothly over the skin of the body below him. Loud banging could be heard and he cursed his son for his inability to understand the word "silently". The body moved a little dragging his attention back to the crumpled form that lay beneath his feet. He lowered himself to straddle the man lying beneath him and with his knees, holding the body in place; he poured the cold water over the closed face. Shock registered immediately within the body causing it to struggle to breath, but finally catching air in short sharp stabs of breath that covered his face in small puffs of air in the cold morning darkness. He fought against the restraints of the knees over his arms but it was useless, he could already feel his body shivering under the cool water. The bucket landed with a clatter behind him and he turned to call his son. Footsteps across the hardened mud approached dragging the long plank of wood behind it. "Here...hold this." He handed out the hammer to his son who slipped it into a brown leather tool belt. Fear registered in the eyes below him, but he placed his palm on his forehead and muttered beneath his breath words the shivering body recognised as Arabic. But before he could try to understand what was being, said the hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a sitting position only to push him back down onto the plank the son had slipped beneath him. From behind his hands were grabbed and held in place tied with an old frayed rope. He had a momentary reprieve at the thought that they were only going to use the rope, but it was dashed at the sight of the box of nails that sat by his shoulder. He wanted to scream but all the air he pushed past his throat came out silently, his lips stilled not opening into the wide yell and his head remained motionless against the wood. "Hail Holy Mary, mother of God." The first nail was driven through his wrist with a surprising lack of pain but then he realised it wasn't the only thing he couldn't feel. Nothing was registering as he tried to wriggle his toes, lick his lips or even blink. He could feel the warm blood seeping from the wound collecting in the palm of his hand and he almost welcomed the warmth. Soon the second nail went into the other wrist and the ropes were taken away. He heard the movements around him and tried to follow them with his eyes, but the paralysis seemed to stop even them from moving. Standing over his head looking down on him from behind, he was met with the cruel sneer on the all to familiar face but even the shock couldn't be registered on his stilled features. Hands reached down to him with light glinting of the metal in the small light from the torch in the son's hand. He could barely make out the spikes in the coiled metal until they came closer and were wrapped around his forehead. He wanted to scream with expected pain, but his face remained unmoving and the pain was nonexistent. "Like this Dad?" The son's voice was behind him but he couldn't see what he was talking about. "Yeah. Stick it in and up but not too far." He felt his body moving with a force from his left side but without the feeling of pain he couldn't tell what it was. Suddenly the whole world shook and he felt himself being dragged across the wet grass. A light rain began to fall and he blinked the drops from his eyelashes. Air rushed out of his lungs and he found his chest moving slowly with deep breaths. The ability to move his head returned with sharp stinging pain as he rolled his head against the wood, pushing the barbed wire deeper into his skull. He felt the wood moving and blinked his eyes again as they pushed the cross up higher and planted it in the hole that the son had just dug. His wrists tingled in pain as the feeling returned and he was surprised to feel his feet also nailed to the wood. His side burned with hot liquid pain with warm blood seeping from the open wound there. "Shall I crucify your King?" Looking down he saw his friend staring up at him, his bible in hand and his eyes open and smiling. He was scared and confused and he couldn't understand why he was doing this to him. "Lets get out of here Dad." He watched in despair still unable to call out, as the pain got stronger with every beat of his heart, he watched them walk away into the darkness. *** Washington DC 17th December 2004 7.30AM Most mornings on the cross-town journey to work, Dana Scully cursed Henry Ford for the mass production of the automobile. But this morning with heavy snow convincing most of the DC patrons to stay at home she cruised easily into work. Parking her car in the all but empty garage she jumped up and pulled her coat tighter around her body. A smile curved her lips as she strolled through the large white flakes, enjoying their cool sting as they melted against her forehead. As a girl she would have danced in the falling slivers of snow facing the sky with her mouth open wide in anticipation of the clear snowy taste, a humble gift from God to clear the land, her mother would call it. But as she approached the main entrance to the FBI building she decided against the childish dance. It was a cold Friday morning in Washington and with the heavy snowfall, she didn't expect to see the usual throng of agents inside, but she was surprised at the desertedness of the halls. Flashing her badge at the young security man she pinned her ID to her collar as she stepped through the metal detector. "Nice to see someone decided to come in." She looked up to see AD Skinner walking out of the communal coffee room by the reception shaking thick snowflakes from his jacket and juggling a steaming cup of coffee and his case in his hands. "Quiet?" "Morgue." She allowed a small chuckle to slip past her lips but as she caught up to him and he locked eyes with her, he saw no reaction to her mirth. "What case are you working up in ATF?" "Gleeson case. We're still at the surveillance stage. AD. Jackson won't move on the warrant until we've collect a tonne of evidence." "Yes I was speaking to him yesterday. I hope you don't mind." They arrived at the bank of elevators and Skinner punched the button with the base of his palm. "Concerning the Gleeson case?" "Somewhat." Her silence was enough to make him wary as he stepped into the elevator car and held the door open for her to follow. She hesitated for a second, not long enough to make an issue but just for him to acknowledge her delay. "A case has come to my attention and I wanted to assign you to it." He had said it so nonchalantly as he reached out and hit the buttons for the third and fifth floor that it took a second for his words to sink in. As the car started with a slight jolt, she whipped her head round to face him fully. He glanced up at the lighted floor numbers on the top of the door and prayed for the elevator to speed up. "A case?" "An X file." "The X files were shut down over three and a half years ago, Sir." She enunciated the title so stoically that it left no doubt in his mind as to her displeasure. "There may not be a department for the X files Scully, but that doesn't mean that all the cases disappeared." With a resonate ding the elevator came to rest on the third floor and he stepped out keeping his foot in the way of the door. Steam from the coffee curled in front of him in danger of disrupting his vision, but he ignored it lowering his hand to get it out of the way. "What did AD Jackson say?" Skinner held back his triumphant smile knowing that if her curiosity had been piqued she couldn't be too mad at him. "He agreed to release you and Agent McLane to take a look at the case." "What is it anyway?" "A murder in Seattle. Killer left a note. The local PD are stumped and they requested help." "I don't know, sir." "Think about it, talk to McLane. Come up to my office at 2 and we'll talk." Releasing the heavy doors he stepped back and watched as they closed with a heavy thud. She rode up to the fifth floor and quietly stepped through the empty bullpen making her way to the large office she shared with her partner, David McLane. She was thankful David hadn't made it in yet as she rested her case on the desk and slowly slid into her chair. An X file, she thought with a sigh. Three years she spent working diligently for the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Department, burying herself in her work in an effort to forget the X files and then she finds one handed to her on a silver platter. And now she realised it was all for nothing. She'd never forget, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to. With her elbows on the table and her hands held up to cover her face, her only warning of David's impending arrival was the tuneless whistle he seemed to carry everywhere. He bustled through the office door wrapped in a cold breeze that dissipated quickly in the heated room. "Brrrrr," he said loudly with a smile. "It is dammed cold out there Dana." "I noticed." "And did J Edgar declare a holiday and not tell us?" he continued oblivious to her sombre mood as he tossed his coat onto the coat rack. "Come on, don't tell me you weren't tempted to stay in bed?" she asked forcing a smile to curve her lips. "Of course I was but I am the responsible type! I braved the wintry conditions to spend the day in here listening to Gleeson's phone calls with you Dana!" "Janet gone back to Boston for the Weekend?" "Yes." He slumped heavily into his chair with an exaggerated sigh making her laugh. Turning on his computer he worked silently for a while before standing and declaring it time for tea. In all the years that they had worked together, no matter the situation or the location David always found time for tea at 11.30. He scratched his chin as he crossed the room and left without a word. The bullpen had remained empty with most Agents opting to call in or go straight to field assignments, so it wasn't long before he returned placing a coffee in front of her and sitting on the corner of her desk. "So do you want to tell me about it?" he urged, blowing the steam away from his cup as he took a long sip. "What?" "Whatever is playing on your mind?" Her mind reeled with possible defensive remarks but her lips didn't seem to want to co-operate. Holding the cup with both hands she leaned back in her chair and glanced up at him. "I spoke with AD. Skinner this morning." "Skinner?" "He asked me to look at a to look at a case." David nodded his head with a little sway, rocking it like a dashboard toy. "What did you say?" "I told him I'd think about it. Jackson has given us the all clear to take it if we want. He says that we'll need a lot more evidence on Gleeson before he looks for the warrant, and that Keats can head it up for a while." "Nice to know they have our replacements already lined up." She smiled at his joke and sipped her hot coffee again, savouring the rich taste and searching for the right words. "What kind of case is it?" "Murder X file." "You don't want to take it?" "I'm not sure I want to go down that path again David." She put her cup on the table and dry washed her face with both hands. "It's been four years since he left Dana." "Doesn't make it hurt any less." Her voice was so low that he strained to hear it, but as he realised what she said he couldn't argue. What little Dana had shared with him had been painful for her and he wouldn't do anything to make her go through it again. Letting the silence envelop them for a moment, he gave her enough time to reign back in her emotions before standing and placing a warm gentle hand on her shoulder, giving her a squeeze. "What ever you decide Dana. I'll back you either way." She covered his hand with her own and smiled up at him with watery eyes. "Thanks David." He gave her another little squeeze before leaving and closing the door behind him. The silence blared in her ears making her all the more aware of how alone she felt. Even after four long years without him she could still smell the faint hint of his cologne, still feel the warm welcome weight of his hand resting on the small of her back, and hear his low husky laugh caressing her ears. His ghost haunted her every night, tempering her dreams and thoughts without release. Maybe it was time she fought back she decided as she reached for her coffee and sipped it again. Maybe it was time she did some haunting of her own. *** END OF PART 1 *** PART 2 Georgetown Apartment 17th December 2004 8.05 PM Scully raced from the car through the crunchy snow and let herself into the relative warmth of her apartment. Slamming the door, she dropped her case by the couch and pounced on the ringing phone. "Hello?" she said breathlessly. "Hey the caller is supposed to be the heavy breather not the receiver!" "I was running in from the snow, David." "Sure Dana. I wont keep you I just wanted to let you know I spoke with Detective Gary Shane from the precinct in Seattle and he is delighted that we will be coming. He's arranged for accommodation to be ready for us and a rental at the airport." "Doesn't he know the bureau usually handle all that?" "He insisted Dana. Anyway I better get cracking if I want to make the flight. See you at the airport." She hung up the phone and paused for a moment, her hand frozen on the receiver. The day had passed in a blur after her conversation with Skinner. Having decided to take the case, both she and David went up for the review in Skinner's office and agreed on a plan of attack. Although it was Skinner who requested her presence on the case, he seemed almost reluctant to give it to her in the end. The blue light from the fish tank blinked on and off dragging her attention back to the room. She walked over and tipped in a little food watching as the small fish raced to the surface to grab what they could before she raced herself to the bathroom to shower. After changing and packing, she locked her apartment and slipped a small note under her neighbor's door to let her know she'd be gone and that the fish would need to be fed. It was a tough drive to the airport and she was glad when it was over, half expecting the flight to be cancelled due to the weather. David met her by the check in desk and they went straight to the departure after handing in their luggage. "You okay? You seem a little distracted. Second thoughts?" "Second, third, tenth...a million!" He slipped a heavy arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him as they queued to take their seats. "Don't worry Dana." "I'll be fine. So what was Det Shane like?" she asked as she slid into the window seat and he stowed their coats over head. "It seems the Seattle police force are up in arms over this case." "What do you mean?" Her gaze that had been drawn to the irregular patterns the falling snow was making on the thick Plexiglas window turned to him, as he got comfortable in the small seat. At a healthy 6'2, David often complained that the Bureau should pay for first class tickets to accommodate his needs but seemed disinclined to do so today. "Two Detectives on the case arguing as to the methods to take on the investigation." "One wanted to call the Bureau?" "The other didn't." He said turning to face her with his head leaning against the top of the headrest. "You look tired Dana. Why don't you get some sleep?" She smiled at him and couldn't help but relax a little with his wide frame all but protecting her from the other passengers. "No that's okay. I wanted to read through the case file." "Okay well I got a shoulder here that has your name on it if you change your mind." Scully reached into the pocket of the chair in front of her and pulled out the small case file to read. Victim named Jared Wilks aged 33. Died from severe head wounds after a beating with several blunt objects. She flicked through to the back of the folder to see the coroner's photos of the body and a pile of rocks that sat next to it. Her eyes scanned the photo seeing the open and glazed eyes stare back at her making her turn back to the report. The victim had been missing for 12 nights before a jogger on the beach uncovered the body. Nailed to the victim's chest was a small metal plate with an inscription carved neatly into its centre. "Let he who is without sin, Cast the first stone." Without realising it her fingers reached out to touch the small printed words on the smooth white paper, her lips miming the words as she read it over and over again. "David did you..." Glancing up to address him she saw his eyes had closed over and his mouth hung open a little. After his offer to let her sleep, it was he who gave in to his fatigue and it made her smile as she went back to reading the file. *** The Sleepy Hallow Inn Seattle, Washington. 18th December 2004 8.06 AM "I haven't slept that well in ages!" David declared as they walked from their rooms to the black rented sedan. He held the door open as she sat in and quickly raced through the light rain around to the driver's side. "Was it the pastel colors? Or the soothing floral print on the duvet? Perhaps the nature scene paintings?" she jibed hiding a yawn. "I don't know and I don't care none either!" he said laughing with her as they drove to the police station. He was delighted to see her in a marginally better mood, and even though she had immaculately applied her make up. They had worked together long enough for him to be able to see through any facade she might put up in an effort to hide her tiredness. She stifled a second yawn as they pulled into a car space and walked into the station. "Detective Gary Shane?" David asked the desk sergeant. "He's in interview room one at the moment. But he's on his own so you can go right on in. Down the hall second on your left." David glanced at Scully as they walked away and he offered her a small smile. Knocking lightly before opening the door he was surprised at the force from the other end that pulled it open and out of his hand. "Det Shane?" "Yes, yes...Gary Shane. Are you from the FBI?" a heavyset man in a badly fitted suit approached them eagerly, holding out his hand. "Special Agent David McLane and this is Special Agent Dana Scully." Shane who ushered them back shook their hands vigorously out to the station lobby. "There has been another murder." "Where?" "Body was found this morning out in Discovery Park." It was a quick drive to the park and Shane filled them in on what little he'd found out about the murder scene. It was bustling with police activity already cordoned off with bright yellow police tape. A young officer held it up as they walked through and Scully watched as she spied David straying over to the coroner, retrieving his ever-present note pad from his breast pocket. She couldn't suppress the smile that curved her lips slightly as she turned her attention back to Shane. They weaved their way through the cars and trees to walk into an open hilled green area the sight of which stole her breath away. On the top of the middle hill stood a large crucifix, the victim, as of yet unknown, nailed to it, Her feet suddenly felt heavy, as her eyes took in the battered body complete with crown of barbed wire and bloody wound to his side. As if sensing her shock, Det Shane gently touched her elbow. "You read about it but it ain't nothing till you see it." The warm clasp of his fingers seemed to jolt her back to business. Four officers were just lowering the crucifix to the ground as they approached and she stopped almost 10 feet away. They lay it flat on the top of the hill and stalled as one by one they walked away, save for one man who hunched by the victims head, examining more closely the crown of barbed wire that was coiled tightly around his head, piercing the skin in different areas. "Do we have an identification?" she asked her voice barely above a whisper. "We're running prints but the forensic team just gave us the go ahead to move the body." "I'd like to do an autopsy." "We have a staff pathologist-." "No I'd like to do it if that's okay." Her voice was stern but her eyes remained transfixed on the victim's body before her. "Agent Scully?" Turning, she spotted David rushing over to her and noted the moment his eyes saw the victim. His face visibly paled but he regained his composure commendably as he turned to her. "I spoke to the coroner about a facility for your autopsy. He said he'll arrange it and call us when it's ready." "Thank you." "Who found the body this time?" he asked Shane as the three made the final few steps to stand over the body. The hunched figure remained at the head, one latex gloved hand carefully touching the coil of barbed wire. "An anonymous tip," Shane said ominously. "A body is crucified in a city centre park and left for what looks to be at least over 20 hours...and the only witness is an anonymous tip?" Scully's voice was incredulous with disbelieve at the facts before her. "You're telling me no one saw this man here?" Shane looked sheepishly at the man who was bent before them but slowly the stranger stood up, keeping his back to his now rapt audience as he peeled the gloves off. "The eyes sometimes see what they want to see regardless of the facts before them." Expecting a quick retort from Scully the brunt of which he'd often been on the receiving end of, David turned to her only to see the blood drain from her face, taking her frown with it and leaving her with an expression of disbelief. The voice was so hauntingly familiar to her it made her breath catch in her throat with an audible gasp as he turned to face them. "Detective Williams I presume?" David said extending his hand. "This is Special Agent David McLane and Special Agent Dana Scully from the Washington DC Office," Shane informed him indicating each one in turn. "Frank Williams." After shaking hands with David, Williams reached out to Scully who was stood still, staring at him, her eyes unblinking, frozen and confused. His hand hovered between them for a second before he reached it up to scratch an out of place goatee; a rueful expression on his face. "Any more plates?" David asked stepping towards the body in a physical attempt to pull the attention away from his partner. With a final lingering look at Scully, Williams turned with him towards the body, a surreptitious glance falling over the tall FBI Agent beside him. "Yes." He pointed to the small plate nailed over the victim's head on the cross. "Shall I crucify your King?" The conversation carried on without her input as she stood silently on the outskirts of reality, words swimming past her without depth or meaning. All she could see was the oddly recognizable grey eyes, knowing something was wrong but unable to figure it out. His voice sang a song in her head she'd longed to hear for so long and yet she could do nothing to answer it. "And no leads were recovered by the forensic team?" "Nothing obvious. A lot of stuff is still being checked out," Williams turned to face David fully, his hands resting languidly on his hips as if he was bored with the conversation. "I understand. It's a huge process." David glanced over at her and a wave of worry washed over him at the stiff stance she was holding, her mouth closed tightly almost hiding her lips completely. "The phone call, was it recorded?" "All calls to the emergency board are recorded," Shane stepped in eager to give something to the group. "It was traced to a phone booth at the entrance to the park." "No prints found there?" "This is a park." Williams's anger was obvious, David's calm tone of voice only aggravating him. "I don't know how it goes in Washington but a lot of people visit this park on a daily basis, a lot of them use the phone." "Maybe not so many people visit it, if it took over a day for the body to be discovered." Williams shifted his weight onto the other foot as he took a breath in through his clenched teeth, but before it could escalate further David's mobile rang. "Excuse me." He stepped out of the group and walked towards a clearing, one hand holding the phone to his ear, the other gesturing in circles as he walked. Shane glanced over at Scully who had lowered her gaze to the body before her. "We'll have that ready for you as soon as we can Agent Scully." "Thank you eh, Det...Shane." Without affording him another glance she turned on her heel and walked past Williams back towards her car, taking more than a few deep-steadying breaths. With her heart racing, thudding mercilessly against her chest, she sat into the car and watched through the rain rivulets on the windscreen as Detective Williams headed for a different car parked near a crowd of reporters. An officer approached him, handing him a sheet of paper. They laughed about something she'd never hear and her heart lurched at the sight of his familiar smile. Her deep breaths were shaky but stopped suddenly as his head whipped round and their eyes locked. He paused in the rain, his car door hanging open and with one foot in it he looked straight through the crowds spotting her with ease in the passenger seat of the car. For a moment she wondered if he would approach her but with an almost imperceptible nod he stepped in and drove off. "Dana!" David called through the glass and with a sharp knock making her jump her hands flinching off her lap. She rolled down the window and he leaned in a deep frown on his face. "You okay? You seem a little out of it." "I'm fine." Her tone of voice left no room for argument, so even without believing her he let it be. "I was speaking to the coroner and he said the body will be ready for autopsy at St Mary's in half an hour." "Good." "I'll drop you off." He walked around the car and sat in, pulling away without another word. Scully watched the unfamiliar buildings go by, all of it suddenly taking on more meaning. Another city...another state.... why Seattle? She thought repeatedly until her head spun with questions she was afraid would never be answered. A warm hand curled around her trembling fingers and she looked down in confusion only to see David offering what little comfort he could. Out the window she could see the entrance to the hospital and she realised she had missed the complete journey. "Dana...if this case is too much..." "No. The case is fine." "What's wrong? I know something is wrong." "David please just-," she began trying to pull her hands out from beneath his, but he gripped them tighter cutting her sentence off. "Don't insult me with platitudes, you know me better than that...and I, you." She could tell he was angry but the words hadn't quite formulated in her own mind, the explanation, the possibilities were so astounding to her she was afraid to face them. "David...let me figure it out for myself before you drag it out and psychoanalyse it to death." She pulled her hands away from him and climbed out of the car, slamming the door behind her. There was nothing David could do but watch her small form rush into the hospital. He sighed and turned the car back on driving it back to the precinct. He found it teeming with reporters eager to get the scoop on the murders, many of them speculating on the serial killer identity, shouting names to the police who walked by. In his dark suit and pale blue shirt, with navy tie, David strolled by them without much hassle, flashing his badge to the officer on the door to gain entry. "Agent McLane?" The desk sergeant called out to him as he walked by. "Yes?" "Det Shane is in his office...wants to see you as soon as you get in." He pointed a large arm across the room where David could make out the frosted glass windowed office with two figures pacing behind it. Cautiously he approached hearing the muffled words, amongst them his name. "I can't work with the FBI Agents, Gary. I won't work with McLane." "I need you on this one Frank, you can't drop the case now." He could hear Detective Shane saying earnestly before knocking lightly on the door. It swung open with a whoosh of air and she saw Williams and Shane standing shoulder to shoulder on the other side. "Gentlemen." "Agent McLane. Isn't Agent Scully with you?" Shane asked exchanging a swift glance with Detective Williams. "She's gone to perform the autopsy. I was hoping to listen to the phone call recording." "Think we missed something?" Williams challenged. "No. But maybe you weren't looking for it." "Listen, we're all on the same team. We all want to catch this guy," Shane said placing a hand onto Williams's chest and pushing him back. "That's all I want," David said sincerely. Williams brushed Shane's hand away and stormed out of the room, wishing for a thick door he could slam but settling for a swinging one to bash against the wall. *** Seattle General Hospital Basement Morgue Laboratory. 18th December 2004 7.05 PM Always her least favourite part of the autopsy Scully blew the air up her face to move that last annoying strand of hair that insisted on tickling her cheek as she sewed the Y-Incision closed. Pulling the wire tightly, she made sure it was sealed and even before knotting the thick blue twine and cutting it off. Considering the body would be clothed for the burial or cremation she often wondered why she took such care with the sewing. Care to make sure it was tidy, clean and sealed. With a wry smile she ran her gloved hand over the stitches, searching one last time for imperfections before placing the paper garb over it and wheeling it back into the morgue storage. As she removed her gloves and facemask and tossed them into the trash, her phone rang loudly in her coat pocket that had been draped over a chair by the door. Not recognising the number on the ID she answered it cautiously. "Hello?" "Dana, It's David. I'm calling from the precinct." "How is it going?" "Nothing. The tapes are useless." The static on the phone swirled between them for a moment and Scully felt a pang of guilt at her earlier outburst, but knew to speak of it now would be to make an issue of it. "How did the autopsy go?" he asked into the silence. "It will be tomorrow before the blood work gets back but I see no signs of drug abuse, no pin pricks from injections, no bruising or muscle tearing that would indicate that he had been tied up or forced." "Any sexual trauma?" "There was some scratches on the inside of his thigh but I would be hard pushed to say it was due to rape, or for that matter consensual intercourse." "The first body was found to have marks and bruising that would indicate rape, but the autopsy didn't go any further into it save for mild external examination." "With minimal external evidence I made no further examination either." "I see. Oh I think our presence here is being felt more than we realise." "What do you mean?" She was untying the surgical scrubs from behind her with one hand but her hand froze at his words, a mental image of Det Williams watching her before he got into his car flashed before her. "It seems that Detective Williams isn't too fond of the FBI. Especially me." "Oh?" Afraid to move she listened carefully to his next words. "I wouldn't worry about it, he'll learn to live with it. So are you done? Do you need me to pick you up yet?" "I eh, I have some paperwork to do first. I'll just get a cab back to the motel." "No Dana, let me pick you up," David pleaded. "I have tons of reports to fill in and I'm going to be here for a while. I'll give you a call when I get back." "Okay. Call me if you change your mind." She was smiling as she put her phone back into her coat and turned towards the changing rooms. The shower she took was warm but offered little comfort as she battled with her mind to regain control of her thoughts. The brown goatee that seemed out of place, the dull grey eyes that used to twinkle bright green under the light of the slide projector and the strong broad shoulders that still stood tall if a little stiffer. Wringing her hair out she turned off the water and stepped out; wrapping her towel around her body she padded softly out to the changing room and sat heavily onto the bench. Sitting still watching the steam curl off her body, she shivered uncontrollably almost enjoying the sensation of goose bumps rising up her arms and shoulders. But as a shiver danced across her back she stood and dressed quickly. The room plunged into darkness as she hit the light switch with the palm of her hand and she paused a moment in the silence, her heart bouncing in her chest. She gritted her teeth and fixed her coat lapels before walking through the lab to the reception to call a cab. The med student on night shift smiled warmly at her, happy for the company as Scully waited for her lift. After only a few moments of stilted conversation the bright lights of the taxi shone through the windows accompanied by a loud bang of his horn. Scully pulled her coat closed and hunched her shoulder before pushing past the large double doors. The entrance to the hospital was lined with a floral garden and several benches. She spied her taxi waiting by the curb; the engine running and she hurried her pace in the light snowfall, with anticipation of the heat that awaited her in the car. But as she glanced up to check the distance left she spotted a figure sitting on one of the benches. It turned towards her at the sound of her perfunctory footfall but she tore her eyes away fixing them on her target; the door handle to the back of the taxi. One gloved hand reached out to take the handle but she turned back to the figure only to see him standing, his arms hanging loosely by his sides and his eyes boring into her. He visibly shivered before her and she wasn't sure if it was because of her or the cold. Her heart stopped as he closed the distance between them with three agonizingly slow steps, his grey eyes steady his hands shaking. "Scully..." her name was but a whisper almost stolen by the wind but she grasped it tightly, holding onto it for dear life. Her eyes watched his mouth curl around her name, his goatee making his bottom lip seem even fuller than she remembered. Slowly her eyes travelled over his face until finally their eyes met, blue crashing against grey, confusion and hurt hammering between both of them. "Scully." He said her name again, this time louder. She forced a deep stinging breath past her lips and into her lungs, filling them wide and slow, all the while willing the threatening tears into the pit of her stomach. She stepped back from the barrage of emotions he was giving to her all of a sudden realising her heart hadn't stopped and it was beating faster and louder than ever before. "Dammit Scully...say something." Her face was pale and thin, more so then he remembered but then it had been four years, he chastised himself silently. Four years of loss and pain. "Mulder." His name her voice; it was all he could do not to break out in joyous tears, having longed to hear her utter his name. But nothing he imagined could have prepared him for the husky whisper she emitted. The snow was forgotten swirling between them, sprinkling their hair and shoulders with delicate flakes. But as he moved his hand, lifting it up to touch her cheek a loud horn from the taxi made them both jump, startling her out of the daze and she stepped back closer to the car. "Hey lady you want a lift or not?" Her eyes darted to the driver then back to Mulder's new unfamiliar face, confusion claiming sanctuary across her worried features. "Come with me," he whispered but she shook her head in short sharp shakes. " I have to..." "Scully." He reached his hand out to her, his palm open and facing the sky, hoping she'd take his invitation, but she stared at it blankly. "We have to talk." "I'll meet you at the hotel Mulder." He nodded silently, retrieving his hand, placing it into his pocket. "The Sleepy Hallow right?" "Yeah. Room twenty four." She bustled herself into the cab sinking into the warm air, wanting to watch him fade away as the driver took off, but forcing her eyes to stare straight. He stood still as the cab left, watching its lights long after they had disappeared. "Lovers quarrel?" the driver asked with an exuberance Scully could have lived without. "He's not my lover. He's not even my friend." Taking her tone as hint enough the driver concentrated on driving through the snow, wishing suddenly that he had taken the direct route instead of the scenic expensive way. Her head spun with a million thoughts of a million outcomes. She'd imagined what would happen if she met him again but now with the confrontation looming closer, her mind seemed to have given up on how to handle it. For so long she looked and for so long she failed only to have him walk back into her life like this. Her anger grew as she thought of how he would have known she was arriving but she had no idea, no preparation. For a moment she contemplated calling Frohike to see what background he could find out on Frank Williams but she decided against it, wanting to hear Det Frank Williams story first. With a scoff, she pushed aside her growing tears and focused on the linear patterns the sleet made on her window. Her hand fumbled for her phone and she dialled AD. Skinner's number before cancelling the call and shoving the mobile back into her pocket. Anger again rising in her throat as she tried without success to ignore the concern and delight she could feel bubbling in her stomach. The lights of the motel suddenly came into view and all reservations she had about remaining calm were thrown out the window. She paid the driver and walked past the reception towards her room, shuffling her keys to get the right one ready. Looking up her breath was stolen at the sight of him leaning lazily against her door, his hands fiddling with his tie. He looked up as she approached, a crooked half smile playing on his lips, testing her attention. He stepped aside for her to open the door but her hands froze making her drop the keys. He watched patiently as she swiftly bent to retrieve them then tried again. When she dropped them the second time his hand came out to stop her from reaching them. "Here let me." He was standing directly behind her and his voice; a mere whisper, kissed her ears. She seemed to flinch at his touch so he released her and grabbed the keys from the ground. He reached around her, not bothering to move his feet, enjoying the closeness of her body as he slotted the key into its hole and turned the lock. The door opened a fraction as he took his hand back letting it rest on her elbow. She pushed it open further and walked quickly in, wanting to be rid of his body heat and intoxicating essence. She busied herself removing her coat and hanging it into the wardrobe when she heard the door closing and sensed rather than saw him standing by it, watching her intensely. Taking a deep breath she forced her heart to steady as she turned to face him. He stood tall, his hands still hanging limply by his sides. She noticed his hair was black, suspiciously black, almost matching the colour of his goatee. His eyes, grey instead of the green she remembered so vividly, but the wide jaw, the unmistakable nose, the small mole on his right cheek bone were all there. "It is me." He seemed to wait as she scanned him with her eyes, noting the long study of his hair colour and the slight frown at his eyes. "They are lenses I had made. Finally got rid of the glasses." "And the color." Her voice had more bite than she intended but she wasn't sorry. "What are you doing here Mulder?" "Working." "Detective Frank Williams?" "I had to do something." He looked away for the first time, pulling his over coat off roughly and piling it onto a chair beside the door. She noticed he was shivering and his shirt was damp. "How long were you waiting out side the hospital?" "Since I saw you walk in." His voice was beginning to shake now; the adrenaline from seeing her was wearing off and the effects of the cold wet snow was finally getting through to his senses. "Mulder you're freezing." "Funny thing about snow..." he stammered through chattering teeth. She pulled the blanket off the bed and went to drape it over his shoulders. He didn't move as she reached over him, making her stretch to her fullest reach. "Why?" With her hands on his shoulders holding the cotton blanket tightly around him her voice travelled up to him with ease, holding out her heart to him, showing him her vulnerability in all its glory. "I had too." He whispered, looking down to her, wanting to smile but holding it all back. "I had to leave." "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you say goodbye?" Her heart was slowly being reeled back in and he watched achingly as she started to hide it from him, replacing it with a stoic expression, her grip on the blanket loosening. He covered her hands with his own, keeping them in place, trapping her. "Because it hurt too much...because I knew you'd never let me go...because I never wanted to look in your eyes and see the hurt I see now." Her lips trembled under the emotion he was dragging through her heart and body and he released her hands pulling the blanket around them both. She buried her head in his chest, his smell unforgotten and completely overwhelming as she took deep shaky breaths, inhaling what she could, believing he'd disappear as soon as she looked away. He absorbed her sobs, stroking her hair with one hand and her back with the other, he dared to reach out his lips and tentatively touch her forehead with a gentle kiss. They stayed like that swaying slowly to the music neither could hear until finally she managed to free herself from his grip and stepped back. Rubbing her face with her fingers she tried in vain to get rid of her tears only to have more fall in their place. "What are you going to do?" he asked softly. "Do? What do you mean?" "I mean are you going to tell them who I am?" For a moment she just looked at him blankly not understanding what he was saying, but slowly her bewilderment was replaced by anger. "Is that why you came here? Is that what you wanted to talk about?" "No Scully that's not why I came here." "Well if it's your secret you want kept safe don't worry about it, Det Williams. I won't tell a soul." She yelled at him stepping back even further and resting her hands on her hips. "Scully...let me's been a long time-." He stared to talk but she cut him off with a small wave of her hand. "Yes it has. But you left of your own choice. I looked for you Mulder, you knew I would, but do you know what I found?" She walked past him to the door and held it open. "Nothing Mulder. I found nothing. You know I may have stopped ringing hospitals and getting photos of any John Doe's but I never stopped looking...I. Never. Stopped. Looking." "I'm here Scully, it's me!" he walked over to her and shut the door, ignoring her silent plea for him to leave. "Is it Mulder?" Her voice was shaking with her last ounce of strength backing away from him as he stepped closer forcing her against the wall. "Trust me Scully." His words were spoken softly but shot through her painfully and she suddenly found the power to fight back. "I did Mulder. I did trust you but you threw my trust away. You don't get to have it back." "Scully..." "Leave." "But Scully let me-." "Just Leave." The anger in her voice forced him back a step and he turned to put one hand on the door handle. Twisting the knob he pulled it open a little, his eyes still on her shaking form. With a lingering glance he grabbed his coat from the chair and dropped the blanket in its place. Walking out of the room he closed the door softly in his wake. She stood behind it, reaching out to lock the bolt when there was a loud knock from the other side. Looking through the spy hole she saw Mulder standing there looking at the door expectantly. As she opened it and stepped back he walked in, pulling the door from her hand and slamming it shut behind him. "Mulder..." She stepped back. "Wait." He followed her in, grasping her arms a little more forcefully than he had intended and dragged her against him. He held her in place for a moment looking down at her confused face without moving, his hand reaching up to caress her features. Her eyes closed under the gentle stroke and she shivered beneath his fingers. He slowly bent down to her, his breath racing across her skin making her shiver until finally his lips brushed hers. With a stifled moan he kissed her harder, exploring the moistness of her mouth, until he felt her whimpering beneath him, unable to stem the tide of passion that welled unbidden between them. Slowly his kiss faded and eventually he pulled away, gazing down at her intently as her breath came in short sharp spurts. "I always promised that if I ever saw you again I'd finally get up the courage to do that." His voice was raspy and spoken through swollen kissed lips but she didn't mind. It was all too sudden when his fingers released their grip on her arms and he stepped back, his own breath heavy and labored. "Goodnight Scully." His hand reached up and cupped her chin as his thumb brushed her red parted lips before he turned and left the room. She stood transfixed to the spot, watching the door almost hoping he'd return, but knowing he wouldn't. The phone rang loudly shaking her from her trance. "Hello?" she said breathlessly her hand clutching the cuff of her blouse. "Dana, it's David." "Oh hi...David." "I just got a call from Det Shane. They found another body." "Okay. I'll be ready in five minutes." She put the phone down and hurried into the bathroom to wash some freshness into her face, still feeling the sweet burn of his mouth on hers. Changing her blouse quickly she rushed out to the car where David was waiting a grim smile on his face. As they pulled out of the motel car park she spied the black car across the street, the unmistakeable figure within it watching her. She tore her eyes away and focused back on David's words as he told her about the body that had been found. *** Pike Place Market 18th December 2004 8.36 PM Red blue flashing lights tainted the beautiful park side in a way Scully had witnessed too often. She stepped under the umbrella with David and approached the small crowd gathered by the large ornate fountain. Her head was swimming with all the sensations she'd struggled through in the past hour, but with some effort she managed to push them down and pull her usual facade in place. "Can you believe this sleet?" David said, keeping up the idle chatter he'd started in the car to little or no reaction from Scully. "So much for getting away from the weather in DC." "Yeah." He glanced down at her but held back his thoughts as Det. Shane turned to them. "Male victim, ID unknown at this point. We're running prints." Shane stepped aside and showed them the body. All the air rushed out of Scully's lungs as her eyes fell upon the headless naked body that lay on the fountains edge. Seeing it lying in an open body bag, she couldn't help her curiosity that propelled her closer for an examination. From behind her David held out a latex glove with a grim smile. "I'll leave the honors to you." "Thanks." She slipped it on before touching the body finding it cold even through the light material of the glove. In the centre of his chest was a small plate nailed vertically along his sternum with a six-inch nail at the top and bottom of the plate. "It's another bible quote." "What does it say?" "'He that believith and is baptised shall be saved; he that believith not shall be damned'." "Mark 16:16," Shane said grimly. "More bible quotes...more religious connotations." David stood away from the body his hands resting on his hips in plain frustration. "From the look of this neck it seems the head was taken clean off in one go. The wound was cauterised...maybe to stop bleeding." "I have some guys going over the surrounding area, if there is anything to find they'll find it." As if on a cue an officer suddenly yelled out to them. "Shane...Shane, we got something over here." They all turned to the voice and started to rush over to where a young officer was waving at them. He pointed at the small line of trees beside them and at first nothing could be seen until David switched on his flashlight. "Oh my god!" Speared on a five-foot high metal pole was the victim's head, the mouth closed but from the corner of the lips a dark brown substance seeped out; the eyes were open and gaping at them. "The head..." "I'm going to need that head in the morgue for examination as soon as possible." Scully seemed to have switched something on inside of her that activated the macabre routine she was normally used to. "Nobody touches it. Get it wrapped and ready to go." "And the body Agent Scully?" "Yes the body too." "Who found the body?" David asked reaching for his notebook as Scully took his flashlight to examine the head closer. "Students from the university were setting up a table for a demonstration that's being held here tomorrow." "Have they been questioned?" "I hardly think-" "Have they been questioned?" David asked again. "Yes. They are at the precinct right now." "Where is Det Williams?" he asked glancing at Scully, who turned to Det Shane to hear his answer only to see him watching her with a careful gaze. "He's on his way." "I'm going to travel with the corpse." Scully moved away from the head and tore her gloves off as she walked back to the body and helped to pack it for the quick journey to the hospital. "How is eh, Agent Scully?" Shane asked David as they watched her walk away. "Agent Scully is fine. Why do you ask?" David asked, knowing a leading question when he heard one. "She seems a little on edge...has she said anything to you?" "About what?" "About...anything?" Shane wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, his eye catching the gruesome sight of the head pierced by the metal pole. "I'm not sure I know what you were talking about. If you are concerned about Agent Scully's ability to work on this case-" "No it's not that at all. Forget I mentioned it." Before Shane could dig a deeper hole he nodded his head and walked away. From his parked car, Mulder could see Scully barking orders on how to pack the body and preserve evidence and it brought a lonely smile to his face. Her movements were small and measured, not an ounce of energy wasted as if she had practiced the night before. He hadn't forgotten how small she was, coming up to only his shoulder but he had failed to remember how big her presence was when in full FBI mode. Nothing was stopping her from getting the body packed up as soon as possible and getting it to the morgue. He contemplated pre-empting her journey and going straight to the morgue but his heart lurched at the thought of being face to face with her again. He grabbed his phone from the seat beside him and called Shane's cell number. "Gary, I'm going to go straight to the precinct." "Alright, Frank." Mulder could see him searching Scully out of the crowd. "Have you spoken to Agent Scully?" "Briefly." Shane seemed to whisper into the phone as if Scully could hear him but Mulder could see they were too far apart. He had explained to Det Shane that he had worked with Scully before and it ended badly as a way of explaining the bad reaction he was sure he'd receive from her. "I think it's going to be okay." "Good. Good. She's taking the body to the morgue and McLane is hanging around here for a while before going to the precinct." "Okay, I'll go back and talk to those kids. Is the area being canvassed?" "As we speak." "Talk to you later then Gary." *** Seattle General Hospital Basement Morgue Laboratory 18th December 2004 9.15PM Scully reached around to the back of her hair and tied it up before pulling the surgical top over her head. She couldn't believe she was back in the morgue with a different body. It lay before her the head sitting a foot away from the neck in a disturbingly fascinating way. She pulled the small table with her tools closer and hit the record button on the tape player. "Special Agent Dana Scully performing autopsy on John Doe ID number IQ2 272MH. Black male approximate age...mid thirties. Victim has been decapitated with possibly a sword or long thin blade. No blood at the scene or on the victim although clothes had been removed and the body was found floating in water." She leaned in closer to the chest to examine the plate. Leaning behind her she grabbed a large silver tool that looked like needle nose pliers. "Body looks to be dead for under 24 hours. Submerged in water for at least 10 of those hours. There is a metal plate...looks like plated tin...nailed to the sternum. The top nail is embedded at the broadest part of the sternum, the manubrium, by the clavicular notch. The plate is six and a half inches in length but only four inches wide." She measured it with a tape that she quickly returned to the table behind her. Reaching the point of the pliers under the rim at the top of the plate she held it tightly and pulled it up trying to loosen the nails. After some struggle she managed to pry it free, and pulled it until the nail was revealed fully. "The nail was embedded to its head; the now dried blood flow from the wound suggesting the victim was alive for the nail insertion." Scully suppressed the shiver she could feel building up at the base of her spine and moved to the other nail. Pulling it free she held the plate up to the light and saw that it was the back of a car licence plate. "The second nail, also embedded to its head, is possibly at the facet for the third costal cartilage. I will expect to find extensive damage to this bone on opening. This plate...appears to be a coated licence plate, possibly coated in silver to make the engraving easier. Partial... SVG...can't read anymore. Run the ID through Washington state registered cars." Looking down at the body with the two ugly holes in the chest she noticed a lack of other injuries. No abrasions on the wrist or ankles to suggest he was tied, no bruising on the body after a beating and without a tox screen she couldn't be sure if he had been drugged or not. The head had been cut off, probably after the plate had been nailed to his chest and ultimately killed him but she couldn't find any evidence of a struggle. "A willing victim?" she said aloud letting her words help her thoughts form theories. "A willing participant." Her phone rang loudly in her pocket and she walked over to get it, her eyes still on the severed head. "Scully." "Agent Scully, it's Gary Shane here. I think I have something here you might like to see. I can't seem to get hold of Agent McLane." "What have you got?" "The bodies ID. It's Reverend Thomas Jefferson. He runs a small Baptist church on Mercer Island, holding weekly baptisms in Lake Washington. The Church of The Holy Gospel." "The other victims, were they religious men?" "Jared Wilks was a Pro-Life Activist, arrested on more than one occasion for disturbing the peace." Scully could hear him shuffling papers as he searched for the information she asked for. "The victim from this morning is still unidentified. His prints have been run but no results as yet. Rev. Jefferson was on our books after rioting breaking out in ninety-four beside his church. He was arrested for his involvement in instigating it." "But we have no record of the victim that was crucified?" She glanced over at the body her frown deepening. "No Ma'am." "Did you say you couldn't get hold of Agent McLane?" she asked his words finally sinking in. "Yes Ma'am. I thought he might be there with you." "No, I presumed he was at the precinct." "No Ma'am. He might be gone out with Frank. He's gone to the church of the Holy Gospel to speak with the congregants." Scully rolled her head around her neck to release the tension she could feel building, but her only release was a small sigh. "Okay. I'll see if I can find anything here. Thank you for the information Det Shane." Scully slowly made her way back to the body, her feet tired and heavy and her head swan diving into oblivion. She put on fresh gloves and returned to the body. Carefully picking up the head she placed it into the scales and recorded it's weight. "The head weighs six...six point three pounds. The wound has been cauterised possibly with a hot blade. The epiglottis has been blocked off with wet leaves." She turned the head up to look up the open neck. "And the mouth filled with a red viscous substance... smells smells like..." She leaned in closer to smell the dark brown sticky liquid. "It smells like vanilla." *** Outside the Church Of The Holy Gospel 18th December 2004 9.35PM Mulder tuned off the engine and looked out the window to the dimly lit church across the road. Singers could be heard from where he was sitting and he imagined a large colourfully dressed choir swaying at the alter creating the beautiful music from nothing but their voices, holding an elegant rhythm with a raucous clap of their hands. It had been a long time since he had walked into a church on anything but Police business and tonight wasn't going to be any different. He was grateful that the sleet had held off for a while as he climbed out and locked his car behind him. Fixing his jacket he scratched the beard on his chin and ran a lazy hand through his hair. The weather had convinced most people to stay at home so he crossed the road with ease only stopping at the sound of someone calling his name. "Det Williams...Frank Williams." From across the road he saw McLane glancing for any traffic before walking across calmly to meet him. Mulder rested his hands on his hips and shifted his weight onto his other foot. "Agent McLane, are you following me?" there was no trace of joking in his voice as he glared openly at the other man. "Yes. Actually I was." Mulder frowned unable to hide the surprise he felt from his honest answer. "I was pulling into the precinct when you went storming out. I tried to get hold of your number from the desk sergeant but to no avail so I followed you." "Is there any reason you are following me?" Mulder turned to go into the church leaving McLane to stand on the path or follow him some more. "I was hoping we could talk." "I'm about to go in here and announce that we found the Reverend Jefferson decapitated in Pike Place Market. Can it wait?" "The body has been identified?" "Yes." The large wooden door opened silently without the ominous creek Mulder expected. They walked though the plainly decorated lobby to a larger room where a small elderly lady sat knitting at a desk. In front of the desk was a large sheet of cardboard announcing tonight's mass in honour of Reverend Jefferson. "Excuse me," Mulder said pulling his badge from his back pocket. "Hello young man," she answered smiling openly at them in their out of place suits and stern expressions. "Are you here for the mass? You're a little late but it's okay to go on in if you like." "No ma'am. I am Detective Frank Williams; we're here about Reverend Jefferson." Her face stilled before them, her smile frozen awkwardly over her lips. "Dear lord he's been found..." she exclaimed with a sigh. "How is he?" "Is there an orator of the church we can speak to?" Mulder asked softly. "Ms Elizabeth Jackson...I'll go fetch her right away." With surprising agility the elderly woman left her knitting on the table and rushed through the large oak wooden door behind her. Mulder put his badge away and subconsciously fixed his tie. He glanced over his shoulder at McLane who was standing still, his hands clasped before him. "Never gets easy does it?" McLane said looking up to see Mulder looking at him covertly. "Pardon?" "This part of the job. Telling family, friends, congregation..." he swept his hand around the room. "This part never gets easy." "How long have you been in DC?" "Six years. I was working SWAT for a while but the old ticker was acting up so I went to ATF four years ago." Mulder looked him up and down guessing he was about the same age as himself. "How long have you been working with Agent...Scully, is it?" "We had our first case in November 2001. And now run a team in the ATF department." "This case isn't exactly ATF material." "No its not, it was a separate assignment." Mulder reigned in the rest of his questions, about the confident man standing beside him. There was so much he wanted to know, to hear, to ask but he was too used to being careful to blurt them all out. It was just then when the doors opened again, emitting the same elderly lady with a younger one on her heels. "Detective Williams? You found is he?" Before Mulder could stop her she grasped one of his hands in both of hers and gently squeezed. He glanced down at her smooth ebony skin covering his weathered hands and his words stuck in his throat. "I'm afraid to say he's dead. His body was found in Pike Place market about 2 hours ago." "Oh dear lord!" As she released him her hands flew up to her mouth to catch the cries that threatened to overwhelm her. "What happened? Who did this?" "We're looking into it Ma'am. When did Rev Jefferson go missing?" Mulder asked turning at the movement that caught his eye and saw McLane pulling a notebook from his pocket. "It was a little over a week ago. He was last seen here in church after choir practice. He was gone for three days before we called police." "Why so long?" "The Reverend likes to go on retreats...without warning he'd be gone over night or even for 2 days...but when we found his car outside his house, and his cat trapped inside, the alarm went up." "Did the Reverend have any enemies? Any disgruntled members?" McLane stepped forward as he asked his question. "He was so active in the community...I know for sure there were people who weren't happy about his baptisms in Lake Washington." "He was holding baptisms in the lake?" "Last Sunday of the month we would hold mass by the lake and baptise children or new members. We have a license from the city but there were always protesters there trying to disrupt the ceremony." "Would you be able to name anyone in particular?" "Bishop Michael Reilly. He was generally at the head of the protest. Something about the sanctification of Christ not manifested in the lake. He wasn't too fond of us using the lake. I think he was afraid of us stealing his St Oliver Church parishioners." "Anyone else?" "No. Bishop Reilly was generally the only one who openly spoke out against us." "Thank you Ms Jackson. You've been a great help." "Will the body be released soon for a service?" "It will take a couple of days but we'll let you know as soon as we can." Mulder pulled his card from his shirt pocket and handed it to her. "If you think of anything else, please call me." "Thank you detective Williams I will. God Bless." Both of them offered her rueful smiles as they turned to leave. The rain had started again but the snow held off. Mulder bee lined for his car and tried to ignore McLane hot on his heels. "Is there anything I can help you with Agent McLane?" "You know where this Bishop's church is?" "Yes." "Then there is something you can help me with." Mulder watched incredulously as McLane circled the car and stood by the passenger door. "Don't you have your own car?" "Wouldn't this be more economical?" "Listen McLane I don't know where you get the idea we're working this case together. I work alone." "You guys called us." "I didn't call you." "Yeah I get that impression Frank. Is it all authority you have a problem with or just the FBI?" "Authority?" Mulder laughed harshly, no mirth in the brutal sound. "What makes you the authority on this case? So far I have yet to see any illegal consignments of Alcohol, Tobacco or Firearms...but if I do, you'll be the first to know," he sneered. "So you are obviously the expert in the religious fanatical serial killer department then Frank?" Mulder winced inside at the description but showed no reaction to McLane. "I think you are in over your head McLane. You and that pretty little partner of yours should go home before one of you gets hurt." "Your some piece of work Frank. This whole attitude you got going on, is it working for you? Is it helping you get over whatever the hell it is that messed you up?" Steely grey eyes darkened in the light rain. David watched him unflinchingly as his brow furled and his lips tightened. He could almost see the tension building in Frank's throat as his pulse beat faster against his jaw. "Hit a nerve did I Frank?" McLane circled the car again to stand next to him. "Look I don't care if you like me, I really don't. But I do care about getting the job done, about catching this guy. So lets put our differences aside and get this done." "You forgot the bit about wanting the good people of America to be safe once again." Mulder opened the car door and climbed in. "Leave the sanctimonious crap at home McLane its not going help you here in the real world." He slammed the door and drove off leaving David standing in the drizzling rain with his hair stuck to his head and rivulets of rain running down his neck, under his shirt collar. He reached into his pocket for his cell phone and dialled Scully's number as he walked to his own car. She answered almost immediately her voice low and rushed. "Dana, are you okay?" "Yes I was just finishing up with the body." "Reverend Jefferson?" "Yeah. Were you talking to Det Shane?" "No. Williams." "Oh?" He wasn't sure but he thought he heard her breathing stop. "He's got some chip on his shoulder. Asshole." "What happened David?" Her concern was obvious but the reason not so. "I was pulling into the precinct car park as he was storming out. I tried calling him but I couldn't get him so I followed him. It turns out he was going to the Church of the Holy gospel." "Reverend Jefferson's Church." "Yeah. We went in asked some questions afterwards out on the street..." "What David? What happened?" He pictured her in green scrubs leaning against a tall silver counter. These morgues always had tall silver counters he mused and it helped him to see the details. "We had a few words. He's not too fond of me...of the FBI, or of you for that matter?" "Me?" she exclaimed suddenly. "He's got a problem with authority." "Look David we need to find a connection between these victims." She tried to push away her questions and focus on the case. "We have three bodies, one unidentified and still no leads." "Speaking to the secretary of the Holy Gospel Church she gave a name of a Bishop who openly spoke out against Rev. Jefferson." "Is Detective Williams gone to speak to him?" "Yes." "I'm almost finished here then I have to go back to the precinct to finish off my report." "Okay Dana, I'll pick you up at the hospital in about twenty minutes." *** END OF PART 2 ***