TITLE: "Let's go fly a kite, Dana Scully" AUTHOR: Kirsten Kerkhof * kirsten_xf@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: MSR KEYWORDS: S R A H RATING: R DISCLAIMER: Not mine, none of it. Alas, it was not to be ... :*) SUMMARY: Post-story to Countdown. Scully wakes up from her coma and begins the long journey back to normal. With a lot of help from Mulder of course. *~*~* Five Years Adverse wind makes, or so the Japanese say, the kite fly higher. Can you see my kite up there right next to yours? They are a sharp contrast with the blue of the sky. The wind propels them further and further. Mine, a bit lazy, slowly but surely climbs. Yours, wild and unruly, passes by, flings itself upwards, tumbles back into the depths. A gust of wind prevents worse - it zigzags, straightens and climbs higher and higher. Two kites, one sky and adverse wind. Anonymous (Dutch), translation by author *~*~* 23 February 1972 HER TINY BROWN SHOES were soaked and soiled by the mud which covered the dark forest ground. The snow had only recently begun to melt and the thin layer of ground that was no longer frozen solid formed a muddy mixture with the rotting leaves from last autumn. The cold made her breath freeze, but she didn't feel cold. Her coat kept her warm and these were her old shoes and she could ruin them to her heart's content. She splashed through the mud, sending the dirt flying through the air while her brand-new gun rested on her shoulder. Her brothers had insisted on carrying it for her, but she hadn't let them. She came across a small puddle of melted snow. Bits of ice still clung stubbornly to the sides and with a satisfied grin she splashed her feet down in the water and ice. The muddy water flew in all directions, covering her from head to toes in mud and clinging to her long red curls. Her high laughter resounded through the trees, startling small animals close by. A lone bird sat fluffy and shivering and totally silent on a leafless branch, its black bead-like eyes watching the red-haired tomboy with wonder and surprise. It didn't fly away though, it knew all too well that it was going to need its precious energy for different and vastly more important purposes. The little girl, standing with her small feet in the puddle looked up and laughed again. Her wide laugh changed then into an innocent though sadistic smile as she took her gun and raised it and pointed it at the tiny bird. Her finger tightened around the trigger, clumsy with the lack of experience, but free of waverings because she was sure of her intentions. She had never killed a living creature before and she had no idea what it was like, but she knew the power -- the absolute power she held in her hands. And nothing was going to stop her. Her brothers had been looking for snakes for her to try out her new gun, but she hadn't wanted to shoot a creature as slithering and cowardly as a snake. No, she had wanted something which posed a more impressive challenge, a challenge her ego could be satisfied with. Something with which she could impress her brothers and her father. The bird looked down at the pale freckled face of the girl and saw the double black hole of the iron which was pointed so aggressively towards it. But instead of flying away, scared by the fate that came amid fire and smoke from the barrel whenever this foolish girl saw fit, it smiled and its black beads for eyes turned into a deep warm hazel colour. The gun dropped from her trembling hands as she saw something she remembered quite vividly and tears started to drop when she realised the terrible mistake she had almost made. The bird flew up to her and then it extended a wing and touched her hand and kissed her softly on the cheek. "Good morning, Dana", it whispered. Present-day MULDER HAD BEEN READING a book. He had been pretty amazed by this -- and most definitely proud of himself, he hardly ever read a book that didn't link directly to his work. He simply didn't have the time, energy, or the spirit to read fiction, but right now he felt a niggle of regret for he was actually rather enjoying it. And it seemed a fitting way to spend the time while he kept vigil by his partner's side. Every now and then he looked up from his book to look at her sleeping deeply. She was lying on her side, her pale face turned towards him, one hand permanently resting in one of his own. It made turning the pages a true challenge but, hell, he had faced down everything from mutants via aliens to Jersey Devils ... though maybe that last bit was a bit too optimistic ... It sure made this look like a walk in the park. The book was rather good and he was making good progress. His thumb had started to draw soft slow circles on the back of her hand. Then all of a sudden a loud sound startled him and the book dropped from his hands. Reluctantly he let go of her hand in order to be able pick up the book from the floor. With a sigh he bent down under the bed, took his book and sat back on the chair. And saw that Scully's eyes had opened just a little bit. His heart and mind screamed for joy seeing this and the book went totally forgotten as he took her hand in both his own and then did what his heart told him to do: he leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek. "Good morning, Dana", he whispered, wishing he'd been able to keep the tears from sounding in his voice. SHE BLINKED A FEW times, letting her eyes adjust to the light in the room and trying hard to remember where she knew this man from. His presence was familiar, it was natural, so she knew there had to be a ... Mulder. Fox Mulder. He was Mulder. He was here for her. He was here next to her, holding her hand. Thank God that He had let her wake up to such a wonderful sight ... MULDER SAW HER EYES flutter shut again. His smile of joy at seeing her awake changed into one which mixed regret and contentment. Contentment because she had seemed to have recognised him. Regret because she had only been awake for a few seconds. Still, he felt a lot better now, even though she had been awake for such a short length of time. 'That's good, Scully', he thought, smiling at the small form of his precious partner. 'Sleep. It will do you good. You need it, I'm sure that you do.' He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed each finger in turn, looking over her hand at her relaxed expression. Later, he promised himself. Later he was going to do the same and turn it into a feeling totally different from what he felt now. Later. What a glorious word. Later meant they had time. It meant they actually still had time to spend together. And, Lord, did he ever know what a luxury that was ... WHEN MULDER RETURNED THE following day, he found Scully with her eyes wide open. The room was totally silent apart from her soft, almost imperceptible breathing. She was completely still and this time she didn't seem to acknowledge his presence. It stabbed him practically to death ... Without noticing it he frowned, a painful feeling invading him at seeing his partner's mask-like expression. She seemed to be in a place far far away ... 'Where are you, Scully?', he thought, bending over her, but she didn't react to him. 'Are you here in this room? Where are you?' He sighed and pulled a chair closer to the bed. He sat down and took one small pale hand in both his own. He smiled weakly. Such small hands, such strong hands ... "Hey, Scully", he said, sounding a lot more cheerful than he really felt. No reaction. He tried again. "Scully, can you hear me?" Still no reaction. Damn ... He looked round the room in frustration. "Scully ...", he begged. Please ... Nothing. Nothing at all. She just lay there with her eyes wide open, apparently seeing nothing, just staring at the ceiling. He followed her gaze. A poster was attached to the ceiling and it seemed as if she was looking at it. Charlie Brown and Lucy. "Go fly a kite, Charlie Brown", Lucy was saying. 'Life's not fair', Mulder thought, wishing for the life of him that he'd have an opportunity to go and fly a kite with her sometime in the future. Most likely he wouldn't be that lucky ... He felt frustration forcing tears to the corners of his eyes and with a furious movement he wiped them away. In vain, they just kept resurfacing. 'Ah shoot', he thought angrily. 'Why shouldn't I cry? Me, the one hell of a fucking Agent who can't even keep his partner out of trouble!' He sniffed his tears away, still holding her hand and tighter than ever. "Well", he said, looking at their hands instead of at Scully's face. "That's just another nice mess I've gotten you into, isn't it, Scully?" He looked at her unchanged expression. "I'm a lousy partner, I know I am. I really don't understand why you haven't quit on me ages ago ..." She kept staring at nothing with that dreadful empty look and deep inside him he felt something snap. "Shit", he muttered and closed his eyes. He sighed. "I'm so sorry, Scully", he said softly. "It's all my fault ..." He shook his head. "Will you please get better, Dana? I don't care how long you're going to need, I'll help you whatever it will take, but please come back to me, okay?" He reached out and smoothed back her hair, smiling weakly. "Don't you remember, Dana? You promised me you'd keep me out of trouble. I need you in order to stay out of trouble. I can't do that all on my own." Not a single reaction and he sighed again. The sound of the door opening made him look up. He saw a young man in doctor's uniform enter the room. The man smiled, but Mulder couldn't manage a smile in return. The man didn't seem to be offended, he was most probably used to it. "Good afternoon, sir", the doctor said and Mulder nodded. "Good afternoon, doctor", he answered and shook the doctor's hand. "Fox Mulder" "I'm Doctor Young. Sean Young", the man introduced himself. Doctor Young took a swift look at Scully's chart and quickly checked how she was doing. Then he turned his attention back at Mulder. "Are you her husband?" he asked. Mulder shook his head. "No." Doctor Young frowned. "Her brother then? Or her boyfriend?" "I'm her partner in the FBI", Mulder answered and Doctor Young nodded. Mystery solved. "I heard that partners in law enforcement can be very close. Are you?" "We're closer than we're supposed to be", Mulder answered. 'A lot closer', he added mentally. "How is she doing, doctor?" "Well, under the present circumstances, not at all bad. She's progressing, although of course she's still not even near what she was like before she fell ill. We are cautiously optimistic about her chances though." Then he looked at her charts. "Do you have any idea what might have been the cause of her illness, Agent Mulder? We found several traces of animal venom in her bloodwork, but we weren't able to determine the exact nature of the venom nor the source. We suspect, however, the venom to be serotonin or a related form of serotonin. Now, I heard you were present when she fell ill as it was you who brought her to this hospital, so maybe you'd be able to supply us with additional information on the circumstances under which she contracted the disease." "I was there, yes", Mulder answered, "but I'm afraid there's not much I can tell you. She was bitten by some kind of beetle, but the species is still unknown to science." "That's a pity", Doctor Young said, "though I'm certain we'll find out in due time. I just hoped we could cut some corners by asking you about the accident." Mulder didn't reply and Doctor Young looked at Scully who had closed her eyes. "She's rather a pretty woman", Doctor Young said. "She is", Mulder answered, though he thought the term 'pretty' a rather effective under-statement. Doctor Young looked at his watch. "I'm very sorry, Agent Mulder, but I should continue my round. The ward is rather full of patients at the moment and they need checking up. Don't hesitate to ask any questions that might arise. The doctors and nurses will certainly answer all the questions you might have." "Thanks", Mulder said. Doctor Young smiled. "She's going to be fine. She was obviously in good physical condition, I think that under the present conditions she's doing great. There's definite progress." Mulder managed a small smile. "Thank you, doctor. I appreciate your efforts." "You're welcome", he answered before leaving the room. Mulder turned back to Scully when they were alone once more. "Well, you heard the doctor, Scully", he said and took her hand firmly in his own. "We'll have to work hard and then everything's gonna be just fine. So ... are you with me?" He never knew whether or not he just imagined it, but he thought he felt a tiny squeeze on his hand and his smile widened. It lasted only a fraction of a second, but it was more than enough for him. She had heard him and she was going to fight along with him. If he remembered correctly his mother still had his kite somewhere in the old house in Chilmark ... *~*~* "WHY WERE THEY ALLOWED to come back?!!!" The voice thundered across the dimly-lit room and the men inside looked up. They weren't impressed, they had seen too much; more was required to get them off-balance. A man on the opposite side of the room lit a cigarette and answered calmly. "I'll take care of it, trust me." "She'll get cured if we don't proceed", a dark man said. "And Mulder's no fool. He'll find out." "He'd find out anyway", a man grumbled. "I warned you! You're grossly underestimating them!" "We never underestimated Mulder and Scully!" Then the man turned towards the cigarette smoking man who didn't bother to look back. "Don't make another mistake!" "I won't. I told you to trust me. I've got everything under control", he answered and some angry looks were shot in his direction. A telephone went and a younger man answered it. "Yes?" "All right." He hung up and turned to the men in the room. "Agent Scully has woken up. They need advice", he announced and all turned towards the man in the corner of the room who calmly took another cigarette and lit it. Then he looked up. "It'll be taken care of. I have just the right person for that." "What do you have in mind?" a man asked gruffly, but the cigarette smoking man didn't answer him. "I think I said that it'll be taken care of." Then he left the room, leaving the other men angry in the dark room. "He's dangerous", one of them said and the others nodded. "Yes, they are", the first man answered. He looked at a man near the door. "You know what to do." The man nodded. The meeting was over. *~*~* IT WAS ALREADY LATE that evening when Mulder had had a chance to come to the hospital. He hadn't slept the previous night and he was a wreck, but he needed to see Scully. The room was almost dark. Some faint lights in the distance were visible through the thin fabric of the curtains and the monitors by her head gave off an eerie green glow. For a moment he stood in the doorway, merely watching the scene as it was laid out before him. Then he took a deep breath and slowly walked to the bed where a small person was lying in deep sleep. She was on her side, her legs slightly bent, one of her hands cradling her face, the other resting on the pillow. Her face wasn't relaxed, it made him wonder if even in sleep she was still in pain. He sat down in the chair by the bed and took her free hand in his own. Her hand was cool and a bit damp. He felt her fingers tighten weakly around his own. It felt quite good. "Hi, Scully", he said, not knowing whether or not she could hear him. "I know this is a strange time and I know I really ought to let you sleep without being disturbed, but I just needed to see you." He drew soft circles over her hand and yawned. "You've got the right idea, Dana", he said softly. "Can I join you?" He chuckled. Even in sleep she could still make him feel like she said 'In your dreams, Fox Mulder' ... 'Oh God, Scully', he thought, 'if only you knew!' Then he sighed. "I wish ... I wish you'd wake up, Scully ... I miss you. I mean, you're here, but I miss your voice and your eyes and ... everything ... I just wish you'd wake up fully." He smiled a bit. "Anyway, maybe you'd like to hear a thing or two about what happens at work. If not, you're free to zoom out", he said with a weak smile. "Moira Craig from pathology got married last week, I think you know her. The lucky one is Michael O'Gorman, you know, the one they'd coupled up with you for a brief moment some years ago." He chuckled and rested his head on the mattress, his face close to hers. He could feel her body heat and he smiled, then yawned again. God, he was really knocked up with fatigue. "Can you imagine them married? Just another proof for the saying that extremes meet, huh? But he's probably sorry he didn't get you after all; you're still his dream woman, you know. Well, actually you are every man's dream woman, every man in the Bureau. You should consider paying more attention to them, Scully, you could have a hot date every single night. They all wanna go out with you ..." He realised the sheer amount of nonsense he was talking and sighed. "I'm sorry, Scully, that wasn't fair ..." He was silent for a while, taking comfort in her warm presence. "Rumour has it that I'm going to get a new partner for as long as you're here in hospital, Scully, but-- ..." He suddenly fell silent when he felt the grip on his hand tighten considerably. So now he knew that she could hear him! He looked at her and saw that she was frowning in her sleep. "I know what you're thinking, Scully, but I won't let that happen to us. Whoever is going to be assigned to working with me is not going to take your place. I promise I'll not let that happen to us." He lifted her fingers to his mouth and kissed them softly. "Relax, Scully, we'll be together. I have no partner but you and nobody's going to take your place. Nobody at all." He smiled when he felt her fingers loosen slightly. Only the grip on his fingers showed that she was indeed awake and aware, her face hardly showed any emotions. He leaned closer to her and rested his forehead against hers, feeling so tired all of a sudden. "Please come back to me, Scully, I know I'm no good as a partner, but I cannot be alone anymore ..." With their foreheads touching he closed his eyes, some sort of energy-link connecting him with his sleeping partner. He sighed and rested his arms around her. "Bear with me, Scully, and we'll make it through it all", he whispered, feeling his mind travel off towards sleep. "It's a promise ..." WHY, GOD, WHY? WHY isn't this car moving? I'm slapping the steering-wheel, I'm prepared to do anything to get this thing moving, but it isn't! It's just not moving!! Oh God, Dana, I'm so sorry ... Come on, you fucking bucket of bolts! Move for God's sake! I'm desperate. She's so pale, I'm so scared I'm gonna lose her forever. I can't! Don't you get it? I can't lose her! I just can't ... She's moaning, she's thirsty. Hang on, Dana, hang on, baby, I'll help you ... I want to help her, but I have no idea how to do it. There's so little I can do except for trying to keep her temperature down. I'll get you some water, Dana. Yes, I know the water tastes disgusting, but you've got a fever the size of the Eiffel Tower, you should try and drink as much as you can ... Please, Dana, drink this. At least drink a little bit ... Good girl ... I'm going to get you out of here, Dana, I'm getting you to a hospital if it's the last thing I do, I swear. I look around. I'm pretty sure the jeep's never going to work again. We'll have to walk. It's the path towards certain death, I know, but we don't have a choice. Personally I don't think we're ever going to make it ... WE'RE SOMEWHERE DEEP IN the jungle now. I'm carrying Dana, she's very light, she weighs next to nothing. But her skin is so hot that it burns my arms. I have long given up attempting to cool her down, in these conditions those efforts are a mere waste of time and energy. She's drenched in sweat and I'm so tired ... I know it's not a good thing to do, but when I see a fallen tree I must sit down for a moment, I can't go on ... God, I'm so tired. We've been walking for days now and I've never stopped to rest. Dana stopped shivering a few hours ago. I no longer have my watch, but I can see the sun, that's how I know. I think she fell asleep, it'll do her good, I guess. I'm sitting on the log, cradling my sleeping partner in my arms. I'm so tired ... My eyes close against my will and I'm unable to open them. I know that if I fall asleep now we'll die here, so I force them open. Is this really the way it all has to end? I'm amazed at the utter unfairness of our lives as I feel my eyes shut again and my mind drifts off towards exhausted sleep. We're both going to die in this forest, I know that. By now it's impossible we'll ever find a way out of here. I look at her and smile. Her skin isn't as hot anymore. I'm so glad you're here with me, Dana ... Dana? Oh, God, no! Dana, please! Please wake up! Don't leave me here, Dana, please don't go without me! I feel my body surge in a desperate attempt to save her, but I also know it's all in vain. Dana's gone ... Oh, God ... I'M WALKING, TEARS KEEP streaming down my face as I hold my precious cargo close to me. Despite the moist heat of the jungle I'm cold, but nothing feels as cold as the body I hold and can't let go. My legs are numbed with the lack of rest and actual nutrition. I don't think I've had any food for at last four days now, I simply don't bother to eat. Sometimes I drink when I see water, but I'm too weak to eat. I only walk on. I use my hands to push away branches which grow over the imaginary path I follow. They're a raw bloody mess, stung by insects, bitten by animals, torn by thorns. I don't care, I only know I have to walk on. Then, suddenly, I reach a small river and for the first time since we left the ruins I feel the sun shine down on Dana and me. Warm benevolent generous rays of sunlight that sting my eyes, but warm my body. I take a deep breath as tears still run from under my closed eyelids and my nostrils fill with the spicy warm scent of the rainforest. It's silent around us, there are no animal sounds, just the soft rustling of leaves in the wind and the silver sound of the water. It's almost paradise here ... Then all of a sudden my knees buckle and with a moan I don't recognise as my own I fall down. Dana's body hits the ground before I do, but I don't have it in me to prevent it from happening. I lean on all fours and let my head drop in sheer exhaustion. Then I see her face, her head turned to one side, her dead eyes half-open. It hits me harder than any sledge-hammer ever could: I haven't even closed her eyes for her. I'm so sorry, Dana ... With an unsure hand I close her eyes. Then I let myself fall to the ground, there's no more strength left in me, everything hurts, everything ... even life itself ... I rest my forehead against hers and my arms encircle her in a last attempt to protect her. I can't do anything but let go ... let go of everything I am ... everything I live ... And I'm so grateful that I finally can. I close my eyes and something escapes from me ... and then I hear someone call my name ... no ... not anymore ... "FOX?" A WOMAN'S VOICE said softly behind him. Her voice was very concerned. "Fox, are you okay?" With some effort Mulder opened his eyes, his head still on his arms and he looked up. 'God, it had been a dream!' he thought. "Yes, Mrs Scully, I'm fine", he said. He groaned. His back was positively killing him and his head hurt like hell. "You've been crying, Fox, are you sure you're okay?" "I ... I had a nightmare ...", he said, sitting up and stretching the sore muscles in his back and shoulders. "I dreamt Dana and I hadn't made it from the jungle, I dreamt we had died ..." He saw Margaret stiffen slightly. "Well", she said with some difficulty, "fortunately that's ... that's not the way ... it went ..." "It was all a dream", Mulder said. But it had been such a powerful one! He rubbed his eyes. "How's Dana?" "Look for yourself, Fox", Margaret said and he looked at Scully. And saw her look him straight in the eyes. It took his breath away. For this time she wasn't looking through him, like that time when she had first woken up, this time she looked at him. Seeing him. Really seeing him. "Scully?" he said softly, his voice breaking on the powerful emotions running through him at that moment. "Mulder", she mouthed and her lips formed a smile so small that anyone who wasn't as desperately waiting for one as he was surely would have missed it. But for him no smile ever looked as beautiful as this tiny upturning of the corners of her mouth. It literally brought tears to his eyes ... "She's going to be fine, isn't she, Mrs Scully?" he said softly, never looking away from her beautiful eyes, the life that he saw there, life he never thought he'd see again ... Then her eyes closed and he sighed, wishing they had had just one more moment ... "She's going to be fine, isn't she, Mrs Scully?" he repeated, looking at Margaret who smiled and nodded. "Yes, Fox, knowing Dana, she's going to be just fine." *~*~* THE SOUND OF A match scratching made him look up. The room was quite dark, only a small lamp to the left of him provided some light in the otherwise dark room. He was unable to make out the person who had entered his office without him knowing about it, but then he saw the red tip of a burning cigarette and he smelled the smoke. "Who's there?" he said, trying to distinguish the features of the person by the door. Despite the security people in the building he still wasn't feeling at ease. Then he saw the person move closer towards him, a shadow moving from the shadows, forming a new shadow closer to him. That person seemed to purposely avoid the scarce light in the room and he reached down for the light switch of the lamp in the middle of the room. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Doctor Young", the person said in a calm voice, but there was something in his voice which made all resistance sound suicidal. "Who are you?" Doctor Young asked. He saw the cigarette being lifted and the tip lit up slightly. Then it was obscured by the expelled smoke. "Who I am is not important right now", the man said. "Special Agent Dana Scully was admitted here a few days ago, wasn't she?" "Yes, she was", Doctor Young answered. "Who are you? Who let you in?" "I want you to cure her." Doctor Young scoffed. "Actually, I've always been under the impression that that's exactly what hospitals are for!" he said sarcastically. "And if that announcement is the only reason for sneaking in my room like that without proper authorisation, then you'd better get the hell out of here before I'm calling security to do it for you!" "Calm down, Doctor Young, save your energy for saving your patients' lives", the man said, finally stepping into the light. Doctor Young frowned. He knew this man! "You were here in the hospital two days ago!" The man took his cigarette from his mouth and smiled coldly. "Yes, I was, as for every day since Agent Scully was admitted here!" "But Agent Mulder didn't mention you." "Oh, he wouldn't", the man said, his mouth losing the grin, his face becoming so cold that Doctor Young couldn't suppress a shiver. "He doesn't know." "Doesn't he know you?" Doctor Young asked. "He knows me very well", the man answered. He extinguished the cigarette on the blotter on Doctor Young's desk, burning the leather. "I suspect he merely tries not to." "Okay, what do you want from me?" Doctor Young asked, irritated by the man's vague answers. "Agent Scully will die", the man announced coldly and Doctor Young frowned. "What do you mean? She's doing okay. She's going to be fine!" "Yes she is", the man said, handing him a small cardboard box. "You can start the treatment whenever you want. I'd advise not to wait very long though." Doctor Young took the box, looking for addresses or anything that might give clues about its origin, but the box was blank. "Look, you can't expect me to just accept you walking in here unannounced and give me something I don't know and then think I'm actually going to it, okay? I don't know who you are, I have no idea who you work for, I--" "I have an agenda which involves things vastly different from those of my colleagues, Doctor Young. My interests lie in a different field. Let's just say that I would benefit from Agent Scully's recovery." He turned around and disappeared into the darkness. Doctor Young jumped up from his chair. "Wait!!" he said furiously. "You can't expect me to just ... play along with your little game and--" "On the contrary, Doctor Young. I just did", the man interrupted him coldly and he left, leaving Doctor Young confused in the office, wondering what the heck he had gotten himself into this time. He took the cardboard box and opened it. Inside were three small vials with a dark fluid, but in the faint light he couldn't make out the colour. He sighed. Weren't they ever going to just leave him alone? *~*~* "SHHH, MY DAUGHTER ...", I whisper and I stroke her hair and forehead in much the same way as I did when she was just a little girl. She's been very restless ever since Fox woke up from his nightmare. It's almost as if she sensed his unrest and it distressed her as well. The connection between my daughter and her partner is so strong that it often fills me with great pleasure, with pride. I've always prayed that one day she'd find a man she'd be able to depend on as much as she can depend on Fox. He has been here for a few hours now, that is including the period that he was asleep when I found him, his hands around Dana's shoulders, their foreheads touching. Dana was awake then, smiling slightly, and I could see how much good that did to him. It was a pity she fell asleep again almost instantly. Over the years I've come to love him as a son, he's as dear to me as my own children. There is so much good in him, but you have to know where to look for it and how to get to it. Dana knows how to reach that deeply-hidden bright place in him and she also knows how to bring it out. And he makes Dana different ... more optimistic ... She's so different when she's with him. I remember her call on the evening of that day when she had first met him. He had shocked her with his attitude, but she had also enjoyed that afternoon in a way. She was challenged by his rapid verbal fire-round, she said. I wonder if she had ever expected or even anticipated that five years later they would still be together, so close, so connected, so in love. My daughter and her partner are undoubtedly in love, although, sadly, I don't think they've admitted it to themselves yet. "How is she, Mrs Scully?" I hear Fox's voice behind me and I turn around to see his smiling face, two cups of coffee in his hands. "Still very restless, Fox", I answer. He sits down in the chair next to mine and looks at Dana. For anyone still in doubt about the strength of their affection, they should come and see his fond look. Then he sits up and turns to me. "Oh, here's your coffee, Mrs Scully." I smile as I take the cup. Fox has never stopped calling me this. I once suggested he call me Margaret or Maggie, or even Mom, but he never did that. And considering he calls Dana by her surname, I suppose that is logical too. He takes a sip from his coffee and caresses Dana's cheek. And look, she grows tranquil. I've seen this happen before but it will never cease to amaze me: Fox can make my daughter calm down no matter what happens or happened to her. And when he has to tell her something that grieves her, he can comfort her as well. She will always seek the protection of his presence as long as they're together. I just wonder if they've ever realised this themselves as well. I don't think they have. Maybe it's even better this way ... She murmurs and her hand comes up, seeking out his. Her movements are uncoordinated, but he meets her hand half-way and she closes her hand around his, intertwining their fingers. "Do you think it will be long before she'll be fully awake, Mrs Scully?" Fox asks. I shake my head. "I don't know, Fox", I answer, rubbing his back softly. "Last time she woke up from a coma, she was awake almost immediately. Why is it different this time?" he asks. "That I don't know either", I answer. "Do you think this is actually normal?" "I think so, Fox. I'm afraid last time was in fact an exception ..." "Oh ...", he says and I can see he's disappointed although he tries hard not to show it. He keeps caressing her hand and I see Dana smile ever so slightly. I don't need to see her smile though, her whole physique tells me she's enjoying this. She's enjoying Fox's presence and now that she's so unaware of herself, she isn't hiding it behind her professionalism. Sometimes I wish my daughter would show a bit more of herself, it would make such a difference ... "I think she really likes this, don't you think, Mrs Scully?" Fox asks and I nod. He has abandoned his professional demeanour completely for the moment, right now he's simply a man who's glad with every gesture, every sign of life that comes from his seriously ill partner, my daughter. "It's you who brings this out in her, Fox", I say and he smiles shyly. "Naw, she just likes being touched this way", he answers. "She'd like it just as much if it was you who touched her like this." I shake my head and close my hand over his. "No, Fox, she's so calm now because she feels safe. She feels safe because you're here with her. She senses your presence." He looks at me. "She was very restless when you were away, but she grew calm the moment you touched her. It was as if she realised that you were going to look after her now. She knows you'd never let anything happen to her." He shuts his eyes tightly and when he opens them again I can see tears in the corners. "I'm not like that, Mrs Scully", he says softly. "If I could do that she wouldn't be here now." He reaches out and cradles her head in his hands as though he wants to prove the opposite of his words, that he really can protect her from all evil. "You'd never let anyone hurt her", I say and he shakes his head. "The first one to hurt Scully will get his guts blown out as soon as I've got my fingers on him", he answers and I'm glad he smiles a bit. It softens the tone of his words. "I have a feeling you'll never need to do that, Fox", I say. "I believe in you and Dana, I don't think anything could ever happen to you two ..." He looks at me. At first he doesn't say anything, but then he speaks. His words come slowly. "I want to believe, Mrs Scully. I want to believe in Dana and you and myself, I want to believe in us ..." Then he leans in and kisses Dana on her cheek. She murmurs and moves towards him as though she wants more, encouraging him to touch her this way. "I believe in you, Scully, don't let me down ...", he whispers to her and he smiles, weaving his right hand through her hair. " ... I know you won't ..." He slowly sits back up and looks at me, looking slightly embarrassed. I smile and his lips curve just the slightest bit further. We don't speak. Then the door opens and Doctor Young enters. "Agent Mulder, can I have a word with you?" I'm amazed to see how Fox changes into Agent Mulder, from a warm, sensitive man he changes into the consummate professional. He rises and follows Doctor Young out the room. Meanwhile Dana frowns and twists and turns in her bed. She's troubled. She's probably dreaming and something tells me it has everything to do with her and Fox ... MULDER AND I LOOK at each other and we nod. What must be done, must be done, there's no way we can avoid it, no way to walk around the problem and ignore its presence. He's waiting for us and he wants Mulder. Why? We think it's because Mulder is strong, but more emotional. He is easier to influence, if you can reach through his shield of professional cool which protects him so well. Modell knows this. And he also knows that he may just be the second one to ever break through Mulder's resistance and get under his skin. I was the first one ... I sit in the van and see Mulder in his jeans and T-shirt. Very James Deanish and maybe another time I might actually have enjoyed looking at him dressed like that. Mulder is a handsome man. He works out, he runs five miles every day, his body is muscular and toned. Healthy and strong. But now, at this moment, I only see him as my partner and I'm afraid for him. He just received the equipment with which we can follow his every move via microphones and a camera, allowing us to keep a close eye on what happens, and, if necessary, we can come into action. God, I hope so much we'll never have that necessity ... The hospital has been surrounded by elite-forces, Modell has not a single chance of getting away unnoticed. Mulder receives some last-minute information about the equipment, but he hardly seems to listen. Then he slowly turns around, I see the image his head-camera projects on the monitor. And then, as he's on his knees in front of me, I see myself, my expression sad. I feel sad. Mulder just made some very wrong remark, asking about the Playboy-channel. I know he watches porn, but it's something I always try to deny for myself, because it makes me sick. It always does, but especially when it's him I mean. He has so much admiration for strong women. Why then does he enjoy watching other women being used for entirely physical purposes only? It hurts ... He's on his knees and smiles up at me. "Smile, Scully", he says. I try, but I'm sure my attempted smile doesn't even reach my nose, let alone my eyes. Then he takes his gun and places it in my hands. I don't understand. "Take it, Mulder", I say, but he shakes his head. "No. I wouldn't want to end up pointing it at anyone but Modell", he says and I know he has a point there. Modell is lethal. He made a marine set himself alight, God knows what he could make Mulder, a vastly less stable man than that marine, do without so much as batting an eye-lid. Our eyes release each other and we look at our hands. They're close to each other, lying in my lap and with a determined but gentle movement I close my hand over his. Come back, it says. I care. I care about you. Watch out, it says. I love you, it says. Come back to me. Please. And then he's gone. I assume my place behind the equipment and I see him walk into the hospital. The camera follows every movement of his head as he scans the rooms. Amazed looks from the Doctors and nurses fill the screen of my monitor for short moments. Suddenly I hear shots being fired and for a moment I'm dead-certain they've been fired at Mulder, but then the image clears and I hear his report on the shooting. Strangely enough I see several bulletshells on the floor near the two bodies, though I'm pretty certain I heard only two shots, but, knowing better than to focus my attention on trivia like that, I turn my attention back to Mulder who has walked on. The image on the screen is good. I lost him just before the shooting and I admit that at that moment I was petrified. I never feel good when I'm not near him to watch his back and electronics are but a meagre substitute though I know they're better than nothing. And just a minute ago, nothing was all I had ... Mulder looks at a room filled with a huge white machine and I recognise it immediately. It's used for making MRI-scans. An image is projected onto the computer monitor outside the room and Mulder looks at it. For a second I only see just another brain scan, but then I remember our speculations about Modell's possible brain tumour and I ask Mulder to look at the monitor again. We were right. Modell is dying of cancer, he does have a brain tumour. Mulder picks up the folder which apparently was lying next to the computer keyboard and I hear his voice. "About a chance in a thousand, Scully." His words come slowly. "Modell's dying." Then suddenly he looks up and I see his face reflected in the window. It scares me, especially because he no longer reacts to my words. He turns around slowly and ... I stare right into the barrel of a gun and Modell's grinning face behind it. Modell reaches out and pulls the equipment from Mulder's head. The image goes black. Oh God ... THE NEXT IMAGE IN my memory is of me walking into the hospital. I'm putting on a bullet-proof vest while several heavily armed men flock around me. I have given them my gun, like Mulder I know just what Modell is capable of doing. Of making people do. We turn around the corner and then I'm on my own. My self-assured attitude lies in a heap of rubble near the feet of the men who are watching me just around the corner, their automatic weapons ready for use. I'm scared. It's no point fooling myself: I'm scared out of my mind. I find myself clenching and unclenching my fists and praying that I will find Mulder alive and well. That last image of Modell pointing a gun directly at Mulder's head races through my head and makes me assume the worst. Carefully I push open doors and with utmost caution I look inside. Nothing. Just an old woman in a bed and ... I freeze. I see Mulder staring at something or someone I cannot see myself. Slowly I open the door further and I see Modell, still in his blue hospital gown. His hair sticks to his head and sweat trickles down his face. His eyes are blood-shot. He has Mulder in a trance. My heart is pounding in my throat as I sit down as silently as possible. A revolver is lying on the table between both men's hands. Mulder doesn't seem to have noticed me at all, his eyes are fixed on Modell's face. Modell greets me, then directs his attention back at Mulder and it hits me: This is Russian Roulette they're playing ... Oh, God ... Again Modell rants about his imagined past as a Japanese warrior, but I can tell from the look on his face that he too is past the stage where even he believes his own words. But he feels there's no way back for him. He's dying and he's determined to take Mulder with him. And there's nothing I can do to stop him. He loads the revolver with the one bullet and lets the bullet container spin. Fate is to determine who will die here. And Modell's got nothing to lose. He explains the rules of this deadly game to Mulder who seems to be totally unaware of what he's about to do to himself. "Each gets one pull at the trigger", Modell says and for a moment I see his certainty waver. But he recovers to control Mulder even more. I see Mulder's hand move towards the revolver, but Modell stops him from picking it up by placing his hand over Mulder's. "One pull", he says, forcing the words out. And then Mulder lifts the gun, points it at Modell. I see him tense, I feel my own body brace itself for the seemingly inevitable. For once, please, fate has got to be on our side ... Mulder pulls the trigger and I feel my eyes narrow. Nothing. I look at Modell who lets go of the breath he had been holding. "Piece of cake", he says, his voice betraying that for a moment he really was scared, even though he claimed disregard for his own death. Nobody disregards one's own death, in the end we're all afraid to die, it's like that. I breathe out, but then in a flash I know who's going to be next and I die inside. "Mulder, no", I say, pleading him to stop this, to be strong enough to withstand the pressure. "Mulder, yes", Modell hisses and I hate him more than ever for having such control over Mulder. Mulder, please ... "Mulder, you don't have to do this", I say. "You're stronger than this, you're ..." He raises the gun to his temple and pulls the trigger. That shot ... Mulder, no ... "MULDER!!" SCULLY WAS SITTING straight up in bed, her hands clutching the blanket to her chest, her eyes tightly shut, her face contorted in an expression of intense pain and shock. "Mulder!!!" Margaret, who had been sitting next to her, jumped to her feet, startled by the terrified screams of her daughter. "Mulder!! No!!" Scully screamed and Margaret took her daughter by the shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Dana! Calm down!" she said with a strong voice. "Dana, what is it?" Scully opened her eyes. "Mulder's dead!", she cried. "Mulder's dead!!" "Dana, Mulder isn't dead, he's here, he's okay", Margaret answered, but Scully didn't hear her. "Mulder's dead", she said, still holding her blanket to her chest, her eyes closed and tears running from under her eyelids. "Mulder's dead ..." A nurse came into the room, alarmed by Scully's screams and Margaret asked her to get Mulder. In the meantime she tried to calm down her daughter. "Dana, Mulder is okay, he will be here in a moment", she said soothingly. "Honey, it's okay ..." She tried to loosen the fierce grip with which Scully still held onto the blanket, but that only made her turn away from her mother and get into another fit of panic. "Mulder, no ...", she said with unfathomable pain in her voice. "Mulder ..." Then she screamed again. "Mulder!!!" At that moment Mulder came storming in and with one look at Margaret he sat down on the bed and took Scully in his arms. "Scully! Scully, what's wrong?" The sound of his voice made her open her eyes and her fingers loosened the vice-like grip on the blanket. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer to her. "Not dead ...", she whispered and cried. "Mulder not dead ..." Although he didn't know what had made her assume he had died, he didn't waste any time on that now. "I'm not dead, Scully, I'm here", he said softly, tucking her head under his chin. "I'm right here with you." She let her arms drop from where she had them. Then she folded them between them, her hands flat against his chest as he kept her close to him. "Thought you were dead, Mulder", she whispered, her tears still flowing, moistening the front of his shirt. He slowly rocked her and gradually her deep sobs became soft sniffles and then, with a deep sigh, he felt her relax. "Mulder?" he heard her whisper. "Yes, Scully?" She sighed again. "Nothing ..." Then her hands dropped away from his chest and her head leaned heavily against it. She was asleep again. But Mulder couldn't make himself lay her down already so he held her for a few more minutes. He looked at her mother, still holding his precious partner close, rocking her softly. "This is no way to wake up for anyone", Margaret said with a pained voice. He shook his head, his eyes shutting tightly for a moment. "No, it isn't", he said, reliving every morning he had woken up like this without anyone to comfort him. "No, it isn't." WHEN MULDER CAME BACK the next day the contrast with the tense atmosphere of the day before couldn't be greater. Scully was in bed, her mother held her hand and her eyes were open. When she saw him her eyes widened and she smiled. Ruthlessly she pulled her hand from her mother's to grasp Mulder's. He had never felt so touched by anything ... Margaret hadn't seemed to mind that her daughter had traded her in for her partner so bluntly and she pulled a chair closer to the bed for Mulder who seemed unable to look at anybody but his partner. "Mulder", Scully whispered and Mulder could've swept her in his arms just then and there if it wasn't for common sense to hold him back ... "Hey Scully", he said, his voice suddenly soft with emotion. He studied her relaxed expression and he discovered once again just how much he loved looking at her. He gently touched his fingers to her cheek which made her smile deepen even more until dimples appeared in her cheeks. 'God, I missed her', he thought, the thought sudden, but heart-deep. He looked at her mother who was sitting by the side of the bed and watched their fond looks and touches with all the love she felt for them. "How is she?" he asked. "Last night's nightmare shook her out of her waking coma", Margaret answered. A sad feeling crossed her gentle features. "She's awake now, aware of what's going on around her, but she sleeps quite a lot and she's still in a very early stage of her recovery. It might take another few months before she's ready to leave this hospital, the doctors told me." Mulder nodded and looked at the drowsy eyes of his partner who kept his hand to her chest as though it was a valued treasure. Then he saw her eyes slip shut, but she opened them right away, though she was unable to keep them open for very long. "Would you like me to go and let you sleep, Scully?" he asked, praying that she'd say no. He saw her shake her head slightly. "Stay", she whispered. "Till I sleep." Her eyes were already closed and he smiled. "Okay", he promised. THEY HAD WATCHED HER sleep quietly for about twenty minutes when Margaret rose from her chair. "Fox, would you like to go up to the restaurant with me to have a cup of coffee?" she asked. "There are some things I'd like to talk about with you." He looked at her and nodded. "Why, yes, of course, Mrs Scully." He got to his feet and looked at Scully's sleeping form for a moment. Then he bent over and kissed her softly on the forehead. She didn't wake up. "Rats", Mulder quipped, "guess I'm not her Prince Charming then after all." Margaret smiled and together they left the room. They had already reached the lifts when she spoke for the first time. "I can't tell you just how sick I am of hospitals", she sighed and Mulder nodded. "I know", he said. "When I received the news that you and Dana had returned from Brazil with Dana in a very critical condition, I cried ... I found it so very hard to understand why ..." "I know", Mulder whispered, knowing all too well how that felt. The lift rode up to the third floor where the restaurant was situated and they were silent for the duration of the ride. When they exited the car Mulder spoke. "It was quite hard to convince the people in the hospital in Macapa of the necessity to get her to this hospital, it ..." His factual delivery of the bare facts was interrupted by words that came from much deeper within. "I'm so sorry, Mrs Scully ..." She touched her hand to his arm and thanked God that he didn't flinch at the contact. "I know you are, Fox", she said gently, "and I also know that I wouldn't want anyone but you to keep an eye on my baby girl." Mulder looked at her and she nodded to confirm the truth of her words. It touched him deeply. "I'll ... I'll go and get the coffee, okay, Mrs Scully?...", he said softly. "That's fine, Fox", she answered smiling, touched to see how much her words could move him. "I'll go and find us a table." HE HARDLY TOUCHED HIS coffee as he sat with his head leaning on his interlocked hands and staring at some point in the distance. "You know, Fox", Margaret began. "I once read that one should never deprive a person of hope as it may be all they have left. When I heard about Dana's accident I felt like ... someone had just done that -- taken away my hope. "And when I first saw her, lying so still among all those machines, those horrible pipes and tubes coming from all over her body, I felt like this time I was going to lose my baby girl for real. I cried, Fox, I wondered why my little girl had to meet with all these accidents and there was nothing I could do for her but hold her hand and pray that she'd pull through and get better again ..." She looked at Mulder who hardly moved. "Do you believe in God, Fox?" Mulder looked down at his coffee, not ready to meet her eyes. He slowly shook his head. "No, Mrs Scully, I do not." He raised his head to see Margaret look at him, her smile sad but not accusing. "You know that Dana has lost quite a bit of her faith as well, don't you?" she asked and he nodded. "Sometimes", she continued, "this saddens me, but she's a very smart person, she's perfectly able to decide for herself what she believes or doesn't believe." She thought for a moment. "I have always found consolation in my faith, in my belief in God, I have found hope and rest in it, but for some time now I've been finding that in the connection between Dana and you as well. I heard you talking to her on that second day, telling her that you'd let her go if that was what she really wanted ... It was something I never thought I'd ever hear anyone say to her. I never thought anyone would be willing to give up so much for my daughter's happiness." "I really meant it, Mrs Scully, but it was so hard to say, I was so afraid ...", Mulder answered softly. Margaret closed her hand over his. "I understand, Fox", she said and they were silent for a moment. "When I saw Dana like that, so deep in a coma without any clear indication that she'd wake up soon or in fact that she'd wake up at all, I remembered her living will", Margaret said softly. "It was something I wanted to discuss with you, but then she woke up yesterday and I guess I was just so eager to forget about the document. But ..." "But what, Mrs Scully?" Mulder asked, already having some idea as to what she was about to say. "But in case she should relapse into a coma, I need to know your opinion, Fox, and I don't want to wait until that terrible moment, because I can't be sure we'll both be able to make decisions with a clear enough mind. And nothing matters more to me when it comes to Dana than what you think. What you think best for her." Mulder looked at her. "Why me? I ... I'm no relative, I'm not a member of your family, I..." He shook his head. Margaret looked at him, but didn't say anything at first. Then she spoke slowly. "Like I said, no opinion is as important to me as yours when it's about Dana. I know what you're thinking, Fox, or at least I think I do. You think I should ask her brothers about this ..." Mulder nodded and she smiled, shaking her head. "No, Fox, you're wrong there. I hold my sons' opinions in high esteem, but they're hardly ever here ... No one knows my daughter as well as you do, you are much more important to me when it comes to her. I will ask Bill and Charlie what they think if it should ever come down to it, but your opinion ..." "It's what she wants", Mulder answered slowly. "She made this living will, she wants it..." He looked at her and saw she wasn't satisfied with this answer. He sighed and shook his head. "No", he said. "I could never decide to carry out the will. I know how selfish this is, but I simply can't." "You signed as her witness", Margaret reminded him. He groaned. "God, don't I know that! And last time this issue came up I don't think I ever regretted putting my name under anything as much as on that piece of paper! Mrs Scully, I don't know if you can understand this, but I can't decide whether or not to ... switch off the life-support. I can't ... It would make me feel as if I'd have a hand in her fate. As if I'd even have the right to have a hand in it! And in case she should die as result of the fact that I said yes ... I'd never be able to look myself in the face again." He sighed, but it sounded more like a sob. "Mrs Scully, basically Dana and you are all I've got in the world ... I can't bear to lose one of you ... much less decide about it ..." He shook his head and when he spoke again his words came slowly. "I also read something about wisdom, Mrs Scully, and it stuck with me." "What was that, Fox?" He looked at her as he rose to his feet. "Beware of those who have nothing to lose", he said in a low voice and left the restaurant, leaving Margaret at the table. She felt her heart embracing him again, wanting to hold him like she had always done with her own children when they were hurt and sad. "God bless you, Fox Mulder", she said softly and smiled. "God bless you for loving my daughter so much." Then she rose and headed for Dana's room, knowing that she'd find him there. *~*~* One week later MULDER WAS ONCE AGAIN sitting by Scully's bedside when he heard a timid knock on the door. Whoever it was didn't come in, but waited for him to open the door so he got up and walked over to the door to open it. His eyes widened. "Frohike?" "Is this a bad time, Mulder?" the short man asked and Mulder shook his head. "No, no, come in." He let Frohike walk past him and as they walked towards Scully, Frohike turned to Mulder. "How is she doing?" he asked. "Okay", Mulder answered. "She's awake, but there's still a long way to go for her." They approached the bed and Margaret, who had never met Frohike, rose to introduce herself. Frohike did the same, introducing himself as an old friend of Mulder's, making Mulder grin and whisper to her that "He's even more paranoid than me!" It made her laugh. "Never thought that was possible, Fox", she answered and they smiled. Then Mulder turned to Scully who appeared to have been stubbornly sleeping through it all. "Hey, Scully, look who came from the darkness of his lair to visit you", he said gently and she stirred. With a soft sound she opened her eyes and a small smile flirted with her lips when she saw who it was. "Should've known you guys wouldn't leave us alone", she whispered. "What's the conspiracy this time, Frohike?" "Scully! You're offending him!" Mulder said, but he couldn't hide the amused grin. Frohike on the other hand didn't know very well what to make of it and smiled a bit awkwardly. Then he nervously handed her a small present. Scully reached out to take it, then looked at Mulder. "Can you open it for me, Mulder?" He took it and while he took the wrapping off, she continued, speaking to Frohike. "So, what's it this time, Frohike? Let's see, we had the Roswell incident, we know all about the cattle mutilations now, em, I think that brings us to 'Who killed JFK', mm?" He didn't answer straight away, but they heard Mulder's surprised laughter. "God, Scully, are you psychic, or what?" and he held up the book entitled 'The Grassy Knoll -- What Really Happened' and she smiled. "Well", Frohike said, feeling slightly uneasy. "We thought you'd like to know the truth, you know. We read it, it's good, the review is in this month's issue of TLG. We mailed you a copy." "Well, in that case I should certainly read it, shouldn't I?" she smiled. Frohike found it difficult to come up with an answer so he looked at Mulder who had sat down, holding Scully's hand. "Actually", he began, "there is something I wanted to discuss with you, Mulder." Mulder raised his eye-brows. "So, and what could that be? The total implosion of the universe, the second Big Bang, or simply a controlled Armageddon?" "Ha-ha", Frohike said, not in the least amused. "This is serious, Mulder." Mulder looked at him. "Okay", he said, "what's the conspiracy all about then?" Frohike looked a bit worried. "I think we ought to find ourselves a more private place for that, Mulder." Mulder couldn't believe the man's words. "Oh, come on, Frohike! You know you can trust Scully and I can assure you the same goes for her mother!" he protested. Sometimes even he found the Lone Gunmen's paranoia exaggerated. Frohike fidgeted and Mulder gave in. "Okay, Frohike, have it your way. Excuse us, fair ladies", he said with a courtly bow. Scully chuckled, amused by both Mulder's mock-formal bow and by Frohike's nervosity. "Ah, Frohike, you're no fun anymore!" Mulder grinned. "There you go!" he said and followed the man out of the room. "OKAY, FROHIKE, IT'S SHOWTIME!" Mulder said when they had finally found a place in the hospital which Frohike deemed safe enough. The man took the briefcase he had kept with him the whole time and, with an air which would've suited David Copperfield, he opened the lid to reveal the contents. Inside were several small plastic boxes containing some kind of living creature, but Mulder couldn't make out what they were so he bent over to take a closer look. He was startled by what he saw and frowned. "Are these ..." "Yep, the same as you saw down there in the rain-forest", Frohike answered. Mulder took one of the boxes from the briefcase and examined its contents. "Where did you get these?" "Langly managed to hack into a certain database of which the source had better be kept a secret and we managed to acquire twelve specimens of this particular species of beetle." "But, for what purpose? Why bother?" Mulder asked. "I mean, we've found the venom in Scully's blood and Doctor Young- - ..." "Doctor Young? Doctor Sean Young?" Frohike interrupted him and Mulder nodded. "What a coincidence", Frohike continued enigmatically and whistled through his teeth. "Go on, Mulder." Mulder shrugged and did so. "Doctor Young ordered some tests to be run on the samples containing the venom. He thinks it's a mutated form of serotonin. I guess she went through some kind of anaphylactic shock, a rare allergic reaction to the insect's venom." "I certainly hope that's all there is to it, Mulder", Frohike said, handing him the briefcase. "I advise you to find Agent Pete Hansen, he's a trustworthy entomologist, and let him go over the animals. The outcome may surprise you ..." "What do you mean?" Mulder asked, more than a little irritated by Frohike's sense of paranoia. "Are you suggesting that ... that these beetles ..." " ... are man-made, Mulder." Mulder laughed and shook his head. "You're nuts, you know that, Frohike? You're out of your perverted little mind!" Frohike said nothing, just looked at Mulder. "Get them examined, Mulder", he said eventually and walked away. "Oh, and keep it off the record! Some people would rather not see you get them studied!" *~*~* ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SKINNER SAT behind his desk and looked around his office. It wasn't terribly attractive, he noticed, there was hardly anything that would distinguish this office from the random Assistant Directors' offices this building housed. Massive desk, two brown leather arm-chairs waiting opposite of him, a photo of president Clinton on the wall, watching over the justice spoken in this office. Others often had pictures of their families neatly arranged on their desk. But not he; even before his divorce he hadn't kept a picture of his wife in his office, it hadn't seemed important to him. He and Sharon hadn't married out of love, and the divorce had proved to be more difficult in court than at home. Then he looked at the small pile of papers lying on his immaculate desk and with an absent-minded move he ran his fingers through them. He wasn't pleased with what they held. For a moment he was determined not to sign them. It was going to break them, to break the bond they had and which he admired so much. But he knew he had precious little choice in this matter. His only duty was to see to it that the order was carried out. He closed his eyes for a moment and forced himself to see reason. He took a pen and determinedly turned to the last page, intentionally avoiding to read the rest. He knew what was there, he had read it countless times before, and he had no desire to read it again. Then, with a strong movement, he signed his name under it, thereby authorising the execution of the issue lying in front of him. He closed the folder and pushed it aside. Then he called his secretary. "Penny, I need to see Agent Mulder right away." *~*~* "WOW, AGENT MULDER!" THE young scientist studied the small box he was holding in his hand. He took the beetle expertly from its container and turned it around. Then he put the animal back and closed the lid. "This is real?" "The real McCoy", Mulder answered, not half as exhilarated about the object as the young man next to him. "And I want you to examine them, Agent Hansen. Whatever way you see fit and whatever measures you deem necessary." "I only heard about these, Agent Mulder, they're very rare. I'm very excited to finally get to see one for real!" "Mm, they're not as rare as they'd like you to think, as long as you know where to look for them", Mulder answered. "But it's all right that you'd like to think they're rare for I want this examination to be off the record, understood?" Hansen frowned. "Off the record, Agent Mulder? For what reasons?" "Personal reasons mainly", Mulder answered in a clipped voice. "Let's just say that there are people who are aware of the fact that there are a few dozen more of these creeps around than you or most other scientists know. Agent Scully and I deal with these people more often than we like and we know what they're capable of." He stopped, realising he was about to give more information than necessary. He composed himself and continued in a no- nonsense voice. "You have a 'carte blanche' concerning your intentions for these creatures. The one you're holding in your hand was killed only 30 minutes ago. I'd advise you to start on that one first as it's probably no longer that poisonous and certainly can't attack you anymore. The venom in itself is strong enough to kill and there is no special antidote, though the venom is believed to be serotonin-derived." "But I thought-- ..." "I know what you're thinking", Mulder cut him off. "And I want you to find out whether what you're thinking is correct, Agent Hansen. You're the entomologist. Do your job." Mulder took the small aluminium briefcase Frohike had given him and opened it. Inside were the other beetles. Alive. "You see, Agent Hansen, I'd advise you to try the dead bug first. The danger will be less. These creeps are pretty aggressive little guys." Agent Hansen broke into a sweat. He was more than just a little intimidated by the man who had brought him the briefcase. He knew of Agent Mulder's reputation, but he had always thought him to be a kind of a crank, a lot different from what he experienced right now. But at the same time that he felt this, he also felt that strange rush of excitement which was often so sorely lacking in the laboratories he always worked in. He cleared his throat and looked at Mulder. "Okay, Agent Mulder, you got yourself a deal. What do you want me to find or do?" "I want you to examine these beetles. And you will report your findings to me and to me only, is that clear?" Mulder's voice was as cold and emotionless as before. "But what if-- ..." "Is that clear, Agent Hansen?" he cut him off and turned on his heels, not waiting for the man to answer. And, standing in the doorway, Mulder turned around and said: "You will not be disturbed, Agent Hansen. Trust me." Then Mulder closed the door and for the first time that day, he smiled. He took one last look through the small window in the door to see Pete Hansen study the dead beetle, a look of amazement on his face. "Sorry, Pete", he said softly and slightly amused. Then he walked on, already knowing what the results of Pete's tests would be. But he needed proof, he needed hard, solid, undeniable evidence with which he could confront the people responsible. And if that meant freaking out a young scientist, so be it. The kid had to learn it anyway. But first he needed to make sure that he'd be able to live up to his promise and that Pete really wouldn't be disturbed. After all, Special Agent Fox Mulder could be trusted, couldn't he? He scoffed at the idea as he walked on, hoping Pete Hansen wouldn't be needing too much time. *~*~* "AH, GOOD MORNING, AGENT Mulder", Doctor Young said as he entered Scully's room. "It's good to see you here." "Thank you, Doctor", Mulder answered. Doctor Young came closer to the bed and looked at Scully who was sleeping soundly. "Has she been awake during the past two hours?" he asked and Mulder shook his head. "Nope. Been asleep for as long as I've been here", he answered. "Not much entertainment here anyway." "Mm, that's all right. In fact we didn't quite expect her to have woken up at all at this stage in the recovery process. She's slightly ahead of schedule", Doctor Young said. Mulder didn't react. "Actually, Agent Mulder, there is something about Dana I'd like to discuss with you", Doctor Young said, leafing through a thin folder he had brought with him. "I talked about this with the nursing staff and we have a couple of questions about her we'd like to have answered. So if you could follow me to my office, we can go over them and see what we can find." Mulder got up from his chair. "Sure." "The nurses are keeping a constant eye on her, Agent Mulder", Doctor Young assured him. "Any change in her condition, good or bad, and we'll be notified immediately." The men arrived at a white door near the department counter. A neat metal name-plate was attached to the door, announcing Doctor Young's name, title, and impressive position in the hospital. He opened the door and Mulder followed him inside. "Please have a seat, Agent Mulder", he said, sitting down behind his desk. Mulder took a chair and waited. Doctor Young opened a medical file, one of the half dozen or so he had lying on his desk. Then, without really looking at its contents, he folded his hands and leaned his chin on his hands. "We've been performing some examinations on Dana since her admittance to this hospital. In fact, we did a preliminary, general test right after she was admitted, which seemed to confirm our thoughts about her ailment and the necessary treatments. But when we took a closer look at the results which came from the lab, we found that they were all but what we'd been expecting. In fact they were quite ... extraordinary, to say the least. That's why we did some further, more specific tests. Still we didn't get the answers to our questions. And in the end we decided that perhaps you, as her partner in the FBI, would be able to supply us with some of the answers we couldn't find by testing her. Perhaps some answers or explanations that might give us a more detailed idea in which direction to look." Mulder frowned. "I'm not a medical doctor. I was trained in psychology, but I'm sorry to have to confess that I'm little experienced in medical sciences." "I know", Doctor Young said. "We weren't looking for medical opinions as I'm sure our hospital has specialists sufficiently trained to find answers to ailments of a purely medical nature. There are, however, some problems -- medical problems -- with Dana that, in our opinion, have an altogether different origin. An origin we do not know about. Now, on a purely personal basis, I've always been sort of interested in parascience, but even with the knowledge I accumulated in that field over the years, I find myself unable to explain some of the things we found in the tests." "Such as?" "Well, there are four things actually", Doctor Young said and he went through the sheets of paper, X-rays and MRI-scans in the file. Then he pulled out three sheets and, closing the file, he placed them on top of the folder. He looked at Mulder, assuming the same chin-on-hand position of just a minute ago. "First of all we found some evidence of brittleness in her bones, a brittleness we cannot explain. This is highly unusual as, as far as I know, this has only been detected in astronauts who spent a prolonged period of time in an environment of weightlessness, like those who lived in the space-centre Mir. As you may know the effect of lack of gravity has its effect on the structure of bone, muscle, and nerve tissue in the human body. While there are no traces of this abnormality in Dana's muscles or nerves, she does have the problem in her bones. It's nothing to worry about, she's still young and the problems are marginal, but it's something I cannot explain." Doctor Young looked at the paper to see what the next item on his list was. Mulder in the meantime was puzzled. 'Prolonged period of weightlessness?' he thought. "The second thing on this list is a small scar she has at the base of her neck. Now, we assumed she had a piece of bulletshell under her skin there and had it removed at some point in her life, but the records we checked show no such injury or operation. It's only a minor item, but it puzzled me, especially in connection with the other items on my small list. "We did of course a routine check on her bloodwork which basically came out okay, that is, as we suspected. Apart from the amounts of animal venom which I discussed with you earlier, we did, however, find something else, something completely unexpected ..." "Branched DNA", Mulder said slowly, knowing what it was the Doctor meant. Doctor Young nodded. "As a matter of fact we did. We did find tiny amounts of branched DNA and frankly it has us in some confusion. Nobody has this in his or her blood as it's artificially constructed and again, after reviewing her medical files, we found no evidence of her being treated with anything even closely connected to it." Mulder didn't give his ideas away yet. He knew where all these things came from and actually, he wasn't terribly amazed to hear Doctor Young talk about it. The medical staff of this hospital had to be blind to miss it in fact. Things like these were bound to surface whenever she would have to undergo some really in-depth medical examination. "What is the fourth thing on your list, Doctor Young?" he asked. He'd have plenty of time to spout his ideas during the next few months, he had no reason to hurry now. Besides, it would probably help him to hear the whole story first and then draw conclusions. "Well ... um ...", Doctor Young hesitated for a brief moment. "We found that something was wrong with her reproductive organs ..." "She's infertile", Mulder said calmly and Doctor Young nodded. "We found that she is, yes." "Her ovaries were taken", Mulder said, his voice still as calm as before. But this time Doctor Young didn't nod and Mulder frowned. "Aren't they?" "In fact only one of them has disappeared", Doctor Young said. "She misses the right one, but the left one is still intact, though unproductive. No ova seem to have ripened from that one for a few years now, so in that respect she is indeed infertile, but not because she no longer has her ovaries." Mulder found he had some difficulties processing the Doctor's words. But, hadn't he seen -- and held -- the tiny tubes in the archives? Hadn't he seen the creatures apparently created with her eggs? The Kurt Crawford hybrids? And little Emily? "Does this mean that ... she could still have children?" he asked slowly, his words slow and deliberate as if it was something which required a careful waging of pros and cons. And maybe it was ... Doctor Young shook his head. "No, with the situation being as it is, she cannot bear children. The one ovary she still has doesn't produce any eggs and hasn't done so for a few years. To be honest we were slightly amazed by the healthy condition of the organ as organs usually deteriorates over the course of time when they're not used. I think one could safely say that her reproductive organs have sort of shut down, but we don't know because of what." A short silence fell in the office. Then Doctor Young continued. "What we would like to know is whether you have any thought on the possible origin of this bone-problem, the tiny scar on her neck, the unexplainable presence of the branched DNA in her blood and the mysterious disappearance of one of her ovaries and the total shut-down of the rest of her reproductive organs. "I'm asking you this in one go, Agent Mulder, because it's my personal opinion that they all have the same underlying cause. I hope that you understand that I don't require or even expect a full explanation if you don't have one, but, let's say we're just a tiny bit curious and anxious to help Dana in the best way possible." "I see", Mulder said. Then he leaned over the desk and looked at the young Doctor, keeping him pinned to his chair with his gaze, as though he was interrogating a suspect. "Doctor Young, do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?" TWO HOURS LATER DOCTOR Young's office was empty. "Anyway, I hope you'll be able to work with the information I gave you. I know it's not all that specific, but it's what I've got", Mulder said. "I think we can, yes. We know a few things more, and in this line of business everything helps", Doctor Young said, shaking Mulder's hand. "You going to Dana's room now?" Mulder shook his head. "No, I have an appointment with some fellow scientists and close friends of mine." "A second opinion?" Doctor Young asked with a frown. "No", Mulder answered. "Just a quick look at the paranoid side of life." *~*~* Lone Gunmen's office, 30 minutes later "OKAY, GUYS, IT'S 'SHOW and tell'!" Mulder said. "What have you got for me?" He sat back in his chair in the cramped room where the Lone Gunmen held residence. "Hold on tight, Mulder", Frohike said, switching on an illuminating magnifying glass. "I am", Mulder deadpanned, receiving looks from the three other men in the room. "What did Pete tell you about the beetles?" Langly asked and Mulder took some papers from his briefcase. "Well, he came as far as telling me that these beetles are not man-made, as Frohike tried to tell me, but they were certainly genetically mutated. They're a related species of Carabus silvestrus and have probably been imported into the South Americas. As for the animal's venom, he found this", Mulder said and he handed Langly a slip of paper on which a chemical formula was jotted down. "It's not serotonin." With the formula came a few scribbled notes which would only make sense to people used to seeing and dealing with them on a daily basis. The men took a look at the paper and nodded. Obviously it was what they had expected. "We thought as much, yes", Byers said. "It's the result of a fairly uncomplicated, run-of-the-mill gene-altering process. It can be conducted under standard circumstances and with ordinary laboratory equipment. It wouldn't attract too much unwanted attention. And the results are guaranteed to please." "To please them that is", Langly said and Frohike nodded grimly. "Chances of survival are practically zero", he said and Mulder shot up from his chair. "What do you mean?" he asked. "What we mean is that the genetic material contained within the cells in the venom attack the white blood-cells, paralysing them and basically it renders the immune-system inactive", Langly explained. "On top of that the venom sends warning-signals to those parts of the brain where body temperature is regulated. The victim's body doesn't know but thinks it's in a freezer, and immediately ... stokes the fires. The victim's body temperature rises uncontrollably to lethal heights within unheard-of time. "The fact that you managed to keep Scully's temperature down for as long as it took you to get her to a hospital is pretty remarkable. We don't know of any earlier case in which that has happened." "You mean, this isn't something new?" Mulder asked amazed. "I thought nobody knew of the existence of these beetles." "Oh no, Mulder", Byers said. "The gene-altering process is in fact a rather modern addition to old tests. These experiments have been conducted by American and Soviet government organisations for several decades now. We suspect this was all within the concept of biological war-fare. After all, these beetles looked a lot like the ones you see in your garden every day, nobody would be warned by a slight increase in their numbers. In fact, some people might even get enthusiastic, cheering that at last things were improving with the environment." Langly nodded. "We think these beetles were bred specifically for infecting people with a deadly disease, and the availability of extraterrestrial material was actually pretty convenient." "These beetles are alien?" Mulder asked, not able to suppress an amazed chuckle. "Oh, come on, guys, this time you've really pushed it too far ..." He shook his head in disbelief. "Not the beetles", Frohike said. "Just part of the technology behind their existence." Mulder sighed. "Okay, okay, so these little creeps are part alien, I think I could just make myself buy that. But if this is such a deadly infection or whatever it is that had Scully in a coma, why did she survive for so long? If it's true what you're telling me, we shouldn't even have made it out of the Inca city with her alive, or am I completely wrong here?" "We don't know", Byers said after exchanging looks with his fellow-conspirators. "That's one of the things we haven't figured out yet." "Is there a chance she'll pull through and get well?" Mulder asked. "Certainly hope so", Frohike said just a bit too eagerly and Mulder's hand shot out and nearly punched his nose in. "I'm serious!" the short man protested. "Frohike, one of these days I'm gonna pull my gun and blow your guts out for your perverted ideas", Mulder said exasperated. "Sorry", the man muttered and moved back to his computer with a slightly indignant move. Langly cleared his throat and gave a more serious answer. "We know that Scully's improvements may have a lot to do with the doctor who's taking care of her." "Doctor Young?" "That's the guy", Byers said. "Famous man in our circles." "Positively or negatively?" Mulder asked. "Actually, we don't know for sure. We know he has connections with the Syndicate, but we haven't been able to get a clear picture of the actual extent of that connection. In a way we're all connected to that little group via the simple reason of having been born in this country", Byers answered. "We know he has been approached by high-ranking members of that elite group of elders on a regular basis, the last time a few weeks ago. And a few days ago that chain-smoking bastard came by his office in the hospital as well." "Cancer Man?" Mulder asked. "Cancer Man was in the hospital? What did he do? Did he get to Scully's room? Did he hurt her?" "Mulder, sit back down", Byers said. "He didn't even come near the room. We think he merely came for something which mattered to Doctor Young only." "Meaning?" Mulder asked, not quite understanding what he meant. "Our smoking friend has a cure and most likely he just delivered it to Doctor Young", Frohike said. Mulder sighed. "That's not gonna be charity, guys, he has an eye on someone for a deal. These people never do it any other way." The three men didn't answer. "Well, whatever it is, Doctor Young can still be trusted as far as we can see." "I see", Mulder merely said. Then he turned back to the original cause of him coming over to the Lone Gunmen's office. "About this cure, is there any possibility that her chance-encounter with the little green men has anything to do with her apparently surprising recovery?" "Maybe, we don't really know", Langly said. "Why?" "Well", Mulder said. "I had a meeting with Doctor Young this morning and he asked me about the traces of that branched DNA which almost killed her a few years ago and about that scar in her neck. And although I didn't know then what I know now, I think her little trip into outer space may have given her a slight advantage as well." Langly nodded. "Perhaps it may have." Then he looked at the others. "I hope so", he added. Mulder was touched by the sincere concern in the man's voice. A silence fell and Mulder coughed softly. "Anyway, I think I'd better go back. Skinner promised to come by Scully in a few days and I'm expected at HQ in an hour and a half. Apparently they're carrying out their threat of giving me a new partner." "Man or woman?" Byers asked and Mulder shrugged. "I have no idea", he answered truthfully. "If it is a woman as pretty as the beautiful Agent Scully, please be so kind as to mention me to her", Frohike said and Mulder humphed. "In your dreams, Frohike!" The man grinned. "More often than you think, Mulder!" and Mulder rolled his eyes, making his way back to civilisation. *~*~* "AGENT O'DONNELL" The young woman shivered despite the warmth of summer. She looked at the man standing by the window of the well-lit office. He didn't seem at ease here, seeking the darker corners of the office as if the light was uncomfortable to him. "Yes, sir?" "Do you have any idea what you are here for?" the man asked and Agent O'Donnell shook her head. "No, sir", she answered, "but I've been under the impression that I certainly hear that from you within reasonable time." The man lit a cigarette and nodded. "Yes, Agent O'Donnell, you will." He took a few draws from his cigarette, then placed it in an ash-tray. "Are you familiar with an Agent called Fox Mulder?" Agent O'Donnell looked at him and smiled a bit. "Why, yes sir", she answered. "I heard other Agents talk about him. He works with an Agent called Dana Scully, who taught us a few times in college. What I heard is that he's very smart but a bit ... weird ... or so they say. He's got this nickname, they call him 'spooky'. Spooky Mulder." The man looked at her, not in the least amused by her account and her smile faded. Then she looked at him, her mind as sceptical as it could ever get. "So, what's the deal?" she asked. The man handed her a manilla folder. "As of right now you're Agent Mulder's official partner. I suppose it's better if you went to see him and got to know him." She got up from her chair and walked out of the office, not once looking around. The man, who was still standing in the corner of the room, moved from his place and drew the blinds. Then, in semi-darkness, he walked over to the computer, switched it on and logged onto the Bureau-net. Then he linked a message he had received by means of the Internet to a certain address. He smiled. There was simply no way they wouldn't find this sooner or later. He logged out and switched the computer off. Then he extinguished his cigarette in the ash-tray and left the office. No one had noticed him. He blended in perfectly, he was invisible, a dja-vu everyone always forgot. *~*~* "MAY I COME IN, Agent Scully?" Scully woke up from her light reverie caused by the sedatives and endless boredom to see Assistant Director Skinner in the door way. She smiled. "Of course, sir", she answered and pushed herself up a little. She still hadn't regained control over her legs, but it was getting better. Skinner approached the bed and stood uneasily until Scully at last invited him to take a chair and sit down. "How are you feeling, Agent Scully?" he asked. "I'm fine, sir", she answered. "Apparently I'm way ahead of schedule, though I'm afraid it's going to take a little while longer before I'll be able to leave the hospital and return to work." The Assistant Director smiled a little. "That's satisfying news to hear, Agent Scully. You have been quite a topic among the other Agents since you were admitted to hospital. Actually both you and Agent Mulder have been." "Really?" she asked, somehow pleasantly surprised by her boss's semi-casual demeanour. God knows, it was probably as casual as he was going to be anyway. "Sir, you wouldn't know where Mulder is, would you?" she asked after a little while. "I think he's in the office at the moment, Agent Scully", Skinner answered. "The office?" Scully frowned. "But I thought he was temporarily pausing from work." "He was, Agent Scully, but he requested taking up cases again. You have some experience in how the routine goes. If he weren't returning to The X-Files, he'd be assigned on other case- studies. It is my personal opinion his talents are more useful in fields where his heart really lies." "He never liked working for the VCS anyway", Scully said. "No, he didn't", Skinner said. "And it's clear there's no Agent better qualified for the investigation than he is." 'And me', Scully added mentally and not without a secret trace of pride. After five years of chasing down aliens, monsters, and mutants, and combinations of the three, she felt she had indeed gained quite some insight into the mysterious world hidden in those files labelled under the letter X. It made her feel proud. Proud to be a part of it. Proud to be one of that select group of people Mulder had let into his domain. Proud to be working with Mulder. Proud to be ... "In fact", Skinner interrupted her thoughts. "I think he'll be available to come to the hospital in about an hour. His semi- reassignment was bound to bring up some work for him to do." He got up from his chair. "And I'm afraid that there's some work awaiting me as well." "I understand, sir", she said and smiled. "Thank you very much for making time to come and see me. I appreciate it very much." The Assistant Director gave one nod and turned. "Oh, excuse me, sir", he heard Scully's voice behind him. He turned towards her. "What was it that had Mulder occupied for today? He never told me anything about it, that's not really like him." "Why, Agent Scully, I thought you already knew", Skinner said, taking the door-handle. "He was assigned a new partner, Special Agent Claire O'Donnell. He's probably working her in." And with those words he left her alone. SCULLY WAS GLAD HE had left; her thoughts were too mixed-up, her mind too horrified by this new information to be able to have a decent and sensible conversation anyway. A new partner? Mulder had a new partner? But what about her? She was his partner, wasn't she? She was the one he could confide in, she was the one who worked with him, who backed him up, who had risked her life for him so often. Wasn't she? He couldn't just trade her in so casually for someone else -- a woman even! -- when she was in hospital for some temporary dip in her health! Could he? She couldn't believe Skinner's words, it was just not possible, Mulder would never betray her like that ... Would he ...? And as tears of anger and deeply-felt grief began to fall, she turned and buried her face in the pillow. 'Oh, Mulder', she thought as tears soaked the fabric. 'How could you do this to me? How could you ever betray me like this?' She sobbed loudly, deep, relief-bringing sobs, and didn't care about what other might like to think. 'I thought you cared about me, Mulder!' she thought and wept. 'I thought you returned my feelings ...' And as the tear flow became more violent and angry, so did her temper and with a quick, furious move she turned onto her back and screamed with all the anger and strength she could muster. "Mulder, you bastard!!" Then she covered her face with her hands and cried for what she had lost so cruelly. "MULDER, YOU BASTARD!" Mulder sighed. He could practically hear his conscience say, well, scream it in his ear. He had received a new partner for the time being and although he knew it was probably all for the best, he couldn't help feeling like he was betraying Scully by doing so. When he had heard about his new partner he had forced himself to look only at the logical sides of such a decision, but his mind kept reminding him of how this person would never be able to work with him. He needed Scully here ... With a determined move he cleared Scully's desk so that his new partner would have a place to work. He wasn't as determined though when he saw the empty desk and Scully's scarce office-belongings in a few cardboard boxes by his own desk. He couldn't help feeling like he had lost her somehow. After all, this was exactly what he'd have to do when -- God forbid -- there would ever come a time that she'd no longer be there for him. When she'd never return to this office. Or his life ... 'Stop it!!' he shouted inwardly. He sat down at his desk and leaned his head in his hands, covering his eyes with them. Then he looked up and his eyes fell on the empty desk, belonging to the woman who was such an important part of his life. 'Fox Mulder, she's not gone. She may be ill, she may be in the hospital, but she's still your partner -- your real partner. She cares about you, she's not going away.' 'No, I'm chasing her away', he thought and shook his head to get rid of the thought. 'I'm not chasing her away!' God, he missed having her here ... A rapping on the door shook him out of his thoughts. His new partner. He looked at his watch and nodded. Right on time. He disliked him already. 'Probably a guy along the likes of Tom Colton', he thought. Good-looking, by the book and terribly sceptical. Someone he'd never be able to work with. 'Then again', he thought, 'that profile does fit Scully to a T ...' Whatever ... He got up and walked to the door. At least he could be decent enough to answer the door for his new partner. The man probably couldn't help being assigned to Spooky Mulder in the first place. There was still time enough to chase him out of the office and get him running for the hills. 'If it's someone like Colton', he reminded himself, pasting a false smile on his face as he opened the door, 'you're not going to-- ... Oh Lord!' His thoughts suddenly took a totally different direction and the world turned a somersault around him. Right there in front of him was the most beautiful woman mankind had ever seen, he was dead-certain of that. "Agent Mulder?" she asked and smiled. 'Say something, you fool!' he heard a little voice scold him. He cleared his throat and wished his two feet back on Planet Earth. "Eh, good afternoon, can I help you?" 'Well done, Foxy boy', he thought and winced. 'That sounded just like-- ... Wake up!' The woman laughed and Mulder felt his hormones do an excited little dance. God, even her laugh was like he had never heard or seen before. "Actually, Agent Mulder, I'm assigned as your new partner for as long as Agent Scully can't be here." Scully. A welcome cold shower. Though his face probably told the woman he had never heard of an Agent Scully before. He knew he couldn't trust his hormones ... "Ahum, pleased to meet you, Agent-- ...", he began, wincing inwardly once again as he heard the eagerness in his voice. The woman extended a slender hand. "Agent O'Donnell. Claire O'Donnell." 'Very pleased to meet you', the little Mulder-devil inside him answered, but he kept his mouth firmly shut. What was the matter with him?! Instead he settled for shaking her hand. He was proud of himself for this, at least he had managed to look relatively normal, not like someone who was in fact practically undressing a total stranger with his eyes as he found himself doing to his own embarrassment. Instead he settled for helping her out of her coat-- ... 'And the rest-- ... Shut up!' ... and gallantly hanging it on the coat-rack. 'Gallantly ... in your dreams!' He sighed. This was gonna be tough ... Claire meanwhile was standing in the office, looking slightly uneasy, casting curious, wondering glances around the strange office. "You know, Agent Mulder, I've heard a lot about you and about Agent Scully. About this office as well", she said, turning to face him. "Oh, really?" Mulder said with raised eye-brows as he walked to his desk and sat down behind it. "What have you heard then?" Claire looked at the chair by Mulder's desk and mentally he kicked himself for being such an insensitive moron. Gallant to the ladies as always ... Yeah, right ... He waved casually at the vacant chair and with a polite, slightly relieved nod she sat down. When she was sitting she smiled a little shyly. "Well", she said, looking down at her hands. "It depends on who you're asking really." "Of course", Mulder said. That didn't come as a big surprise. "I mean, there were people who sounded sincere and interested when they told me about you and Agent Scully. It was as if they really admired the work you do on the X-Files. They seemed rather positive as far as it came to my working with you. But other laughed. They think you're ... well ... crazy ..." "I'm sure that's not exactly the word they tend to use, Agent O'Donnell", Mulder said with wry amusement. "I think it's more along the lines of ... 'spooky' ..., isn't it?" "Well, yes, it is actually", Claire smiled. Mulder smiled in return. No Scully was she, but for the time being he could probably find a way to work with her. 'And get some long-denied personal needs satisfied in the process', his ruthless hormones teased. He winced. 'Fox Mulder, you are a pig!' He composed himself with a deep intake of stabilising, air-conditioned office-air. That usually did the trick when sexual tensions between him and Scully rose to dangerous levels as well ... "Anyway", he said and felt relieved at the calm sound of his voice, "I made some room for you. That desk over there is Agent Scully's desk, but you are free to use it for as long as we work as a team." Inwardly something still hurt as he said these words so casually, it almost felt like ... But then he shook his head imperceptibly and discharged the idea. No, he wasn't betraying Scully, he was just making the best of the situation and she knew it. Sorry, Scully ... "Speaking of her", Claire interrupted his thoughts. "How is Agent Scully doing?" "Scully? Under the present circumstances she's doing very well", Mulder said, unable to keep a warm smile from appearing. He was pleased to see Claire smile a genuine smile as well. "Any ideas on how long it's going to take before she'll be able to return to work?" she asked. "Not yet", he answered. "But she's certainly going to stay in the hospital for a little while longer. It's inevitable that it will cost some time before she'll be discharged." "I'm glad things are going well, Agent Mulder. I have always kind of admired her. I worked with a few other Agents and they were awed by her. Do you think she'd mind if I went by to visit her someday soon?" "No, of course not", Mulder said. "I think she'd be pleased to meet her partner's new partner", he added with a smile. "She's bound to be disappointed in me", Claire said. "I'm not anywhere near what she is." "Nobody is", Mulder answered softly. "Which makes you a very lucky man, Agent Mulder", she added with a grin. "I don't think you have any idea just how many men in the building are just dying to have her for a partner!" "She's not available", he said. "No, and neither are you", she smiled. "Which makes me very lucky woman to be here ..." A FEW HOURS LATER Mulder looked up from his work to see his new partner ponder over the contents of a few articles he had given her as part of the X-File he was currently investigating. He smiled. Despite her lack of experience, both on the X-Files and on field-investigation in general, she was very very smart. She had come up with some interesting, fresh inroads into the problem and, something he kind of liked in particular, she wasn't half as sceptical as he had thought she'd be. In fact she was more or less what Scully had become by now: critical but open to wilder possibilities. It definitely made her easier to work with. During the first round of debates on the subject she had asked him if there was any other way she could address him apart from the rather formal 'Agent Mulder'. Mulder had agreed. It was a little too much to keep calling each other that. So, after suggesting and dismissing the notion that she'd call him Mulder, they had agreed on calling each other by their first names. "Are you sure you don't want me to call you Mulder, Fox?" she had asked. "I know that you and Agent Scully call each other by the surnames, it certainly would be no problem with me." He had shaken his head. No. And he had been very glad when she had seemed to have sensed the reason for this. Was there any proper way to explain that he wanted no Agent who worked with him on a daily basis but Scully to call him Mulder? He smiled at the thought of Scully. He was looking forward to seeing her again. And with a quick look at Claire he grinned. If she didn't turn into a female Alex Krycek, she'd be all right. And she was goddamn beautiful. His hormones congratulated him on having two such wonderful women working with him. He was a lucky man! *~*~* IT WAS SOME TIME now since Mulder had first heard about the mysterious results found in Scully's tests. Doctor Young had reacted slightly amazed when hearing his question about the existence of extraterrestrials. "Well, in fact I do believe in extraterrestrial life. In a way that is", he added. And then he explained about reading articles on the subject and generally thinking it very well possible that there was other intelligent life somewhere in the universe. "There are simply too many galaxies out there. It would be very narrow- minded indeed to dismiss the notion beforehand." It sounded like a reasonable explanation to Mulder. And now, sitting in his office and watching his new partner work, he thought back at the conversation the Doctor and he had had. Mulder had quickly addressed the topic of Scully's infertility -- or rather, the slim chance that in the end she wasn't -- as that was what he was really interested in. He had asked if there were any possible treatments for her, but Doctor Young hadn't thought so. "Of course she could undergo a drastic hormone-treatment, but I don't think it would be advisable for her, especially not in this condition." "Why not?" Mulder had asked. "Well, it would involve a massive attack on her ovaries and uterus with hormones which could turn out to damage them even more. As I told before, the organs are still in surprisingly good condition, it would be very unwise to risk them with something which would probably not work anyway. Besides, the treatment would definitely have negative influences on her health and it would require her to stay in the hospital for many more months as far as I can see. All in all I don't think it would be really worth it." Mulder had looked at Doctor Young, his expression not betraying the determined thought he held, 'You'd be surprised at what she'd think worthwhile when it could mean she could have a baby of her own ...', but he hadn't said it aloud. It already hurt enough to think it ... Moreover, it would probably come out sounding like he thought of himself as the father of Scully's child, a thought which seemed too good to ever come true. "Eh, Fox ...", Claire said, waking him up from his thoughts and beckoning him to come over to her desk. He got to his feet and walked across the small office they shared to her desk. "What is it, Claire?" he asked, leaning one hand on the back of her chair and the other on the desk. He looked at her computer monitor. After telling her about the discussions he and Doctor Young had had and his own obsession with finding a cure for Scully, she had enthusiastically volunteered to help him in his search for a better treatment, even though their search could hardly take up much of their time as they were kept too busy with other things, mostly X-Files and assisting on VCS-cases. And in Mulder's case, going to the hospital every day. But every spare minute was spent on searching the Internet and going over newspapers and magazines. Most of the time it was a waste of time but sometimes they found something. Like now. On Claire's monitor was a newspaper article. "It's from a medical magazine published by the University of Boston. It's about a revolutionary new treatment for ... don't laugh ... treating fertility-problems in chickens", Claire said and she heard Mulder's snicker. "I said, don't laugh!" "Sorry, Claire, didn't mean to", he apologised and actually managed to pull a straight face. "So, what does it say?" "Not much, to be honest", Claire said "The medicine has been developed into a potentially beneficial drug for humans, but it's still in its earliest stages of testing. It consists of injections with genetically engineered hormone-bases -- derived mostly from oestrogen -- meant to jump-start the development of eggs in the woman's ovaries. So far they've tested them on rats and, indeed, chickens and the results look promising. They've only recently started with human volunteers and though no conclusive results are known yet, it looks rather interesting, they say. But then again, this university developed the medicine, they're bound to be positive about it", she added with a shrug. "Could be something, could be nothing, I don't know." "Oh", Mulder merely said. Inwardly he said a lot more than just 'oh', but he didn't say it aloud. He of all people knew that looks could be deceptive. He turned to Claire. "Could you get me a print- out of that article and everything you can find relating to that medicine and the people who developed it, please?" "Sure", she answered, hitting the print-button. Forty-five minutes later she had printed everything she had been able to find and Mulder took the dozen or so sheets of paper and carefully put them in a file, together with all the other possibly promising finds. Just another X-File, but this time Scully didn't know about its existence ... IN THE MEANTIME SCULLY was being bugged by countless nurses walking in and out of her room, coming to check up on things, to ask her things, and over all starting to royally piss her off with their nosing around ... So when the door opened for what had to be the hundredth time she sighed even before she knew who it was and turned away from the door, stubbornly trying to make herself invisible. "Why, Dana, I thought you'd be happy to see me again", her mother's amused voice came and Scully turned towards her, smiling a little embarrassedly. "Well, yeah, mom", she answered, hugging her mother. "It's just that it seems like I've more or less been examined inside out for the past few hours. They've taken so much blood, I must have provided them with a year's supply! And I thought you were just another doctor coming to probe me insane ..." "Insane? You?" Margaret laughed. "I thought after so many years with Fox nothing could make you insane." Scully smiled. "Mm, you may be right. Though Mulder himself usually does a very good job of it ..." "Speaking of Fox, where is he?" Scully shrugged. "Don't know. I haven't seen him all day. You wouldn't think he's forgotten me, would you, mom?" Margaret smiled. "Of course not, Dana, what would make you think he's forgotten about you?" "Well ... he's got this new partner ...", Scully said softly. "What if he chooses her ...?" "Dana, of course he'd never choose her", Margaret said, but Scully didn't seem so sure. "He speaks of her with such a fond tone in his voice ... I ... maybe I'm just afraid she'll take him away from me. I mean, we talked about her and he assured me that it was nothing, but I'm just ... not sure ..." Margaret didn't quite know how to react to that and for a minute they were silent. Then she softly placed her hand over her daughter's and looked at her. "Dana?" Scully looked up. "What?" "Are you jealous of her?" "Jealous?" Scully asked, confused by the question. "Yes, that she is where you want to be", her mother said. "Because, and maybe I'm just making big assumptions now, I think you don't want her to be in that office with Fox while you're here in the hospital." "Well, I don't want to be stuck in here, that's for sure", Scully said, "but I'm not the type to be actually jealous because she's there and I'm not. Besides, the basement office ain't the most wonderful place in the world to be ..." "Fox is there ...", Margaret said slyly and she was pleased to see her daughter smile widely. "Yeah, Mulder's there ...", Scully answered dreamily. Then her head snapped up. "Mom!" "What is it, honey?" she asked innocently. "Mom! You're talking like you've already got us engaged and married! I ..." She sighed. Sometimes mothers were the worst kind ... For her part Margaret decided to throw all caution to the wind. "You're in love with him, aren't you, Dana?" "Mom!!" Scully turned beet-red. "Mom, I ... we ... what do you ..." She caught her mother's delighted expression and gave up. She smiled. "Kind of, yes ..." She was surprised to see her mother turn into a young woman like herself. "Kind of or just totally?" Margaret asked with a smile. "God knows I'd fall in love with a man like him!" Scully giggled, more than a little amazed at hearing her mother talk like that. But of course, her mother had once been just like herself, young, happy and with a man she loved. "Well, it's hard not to love Mulder", she smiled. "Unless you hate him." "There's no alternative for the extremes, no", Margaret said. "I can see how one can only either love or hate Fox Mulder; one can't just ... like ... him, I guess." Scully shook her head. "No. And there's no way I could ever make myself hate him, though I found it very easy to love him, even though he drives me nuts from time to time. And I guess that over the years I did allow him to come closer, allow myself to fall in love with him. And that's fine, it's great, it's what I want ..." Her mother nodded, understanding what she meant. "Dana", she said. "When did you first know that you were in love with Fox?" "I ... I don't really know", Scully answered. "I can't really pinpoint an exact moment in time, even though the feelings were pretty strong when he came by after I woke up from that coma several years ago after my abduction. He's the only one who could give me a gift like that and live to tell the tale", she added with a smile. "I think that the joy, the unabashed happiness in his expression made it all well. He seemed so incredibly happy that I'd woken up." Her mother smiled, knowing how he had reacted this time, and she tightened the grip of her hand on her daughter's. "But when did you first know it was more than just partnership that bound you two together?" she asked. Scully chuckled and played a little with the sheets of her bed. "Well, I guess that for that the necessary ingredients ought to be a cemetery, two empty graves, pouring rain and a straight-faced Fox Mulder trying to convince you of the fact that these corpses were dug up by a boy in a coma with the help of a girl in a wheel- chair. Then add hysterical laughter and mix well with the urge to grab this dear man by his ears and kiss him silly ... which is something I'm gonna do sometime soon anyway ... Oh, and make sure that the guy you choose for a thing like that manages to look drop-dead gorgeous even when soaked to the bone ..." She had never before talked with her mother like this but she loved it. Her mother was usually so reserved, so worried about her, too ... nothing like the smiling woman sitting next to her, seemingly enjoying the picture she drew of her partner as much as she enjoyed it herself. "Yes", Margaret said. "He is quite handsome." "Quite handsome?" Scully said and giggled. "Oh my ... sometimes ... sometimes he's my 'eleven-thirty Coca Cola Light break' ..." She sighed and looking sideways at her mother, she saw her wide smile. They both burst out laughing. What a man ... "Poor Fox", Margaret said, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes. It only made them laugh even more. "Poor Fox indeed", Scully huffed and smiled. "But enough of Mulder for a sec, how are the boys?" "Oh, Dana, I don't think you heard the news yet", Margaret said. "Charlie's going to be a father again!" "Really?" Scully said. "Oh mom, that's fantastic! When? When is the baby expected?" "Five months from now, you must come with me and visit them when the baby's born", her mother said and Scully nodded fervently. "Of course", she answered. "Oh, mom, you're gonna be a grandmother again! That's so wonderful!" Then her expression saddened considerably all of a sudden. "I wish I could be that mother ..." She looked at her mother. "You know, mom, sometimes I feel so sad that I'll never have a baby myself ..." She sighed and Margaret sat down on the bed, taking her daughter in her arms. "I mean, I don't have the time nor the job to have children, but ... it's something I should be the one to decide about", she said softly, holding her mother close. "I should be the one and the man I'd want for that, not someone else ..." Margaret sighed and rubbed her daughter's back. "Maybe, Dana. Maybe someday things will change, you never know ..." Scully shook her head. "No, mom, things won't change. It's not just some defect, they took my ovaries, it's something which can't be cured." She wiped some tears away and looked at her mother. "It hurts so much ..." "Have you talked about this with Fox?" Margaret asked and Scully nodded. "I told him, but he ... he just thought it was his fault all over again", she answered. "He seems so eager almost to place the blame on himself no matter what happens to me that often I'd rather not tell him to spare him the pain." Her mother nodded. She knew all too well what her daughter meant. "What is Fox's attitude towards children?" she asked. Scully shook her head. "I don't know. It's not something we discuss very often and even when we stumble across the subject of children he just jokes about it and I drop it. It's not worth our time." "You two have never talked about children?" Margaret asked. "I mean, not in the sense of them being your children, but just ... in a more general context, for instance when a case required a point of view on it?" "Well", Scully said. "There was this case in Home, Pennsylvania, where we investigated a murder-case. Somewhere along the investigation the body of a baby was found and I had to do an autopsy on the tiny corpse. Afterwards, when I was done and we walked out into the open air, Mulder and I sat down on a bench and ..." She laughed softly. "I told Mulder how I thought the mother must be feeling, having lost her baby. Mulder said that she probably didn't mind it all that much as she did indeed more or less 'throw it away with the trash'. I apologised to him for mirroring myself to that mother too much and he suggested that in that case I should find myself a man with a spotless genetic make-up and a real high tolerance for being second-guessed and start pumping up little 'ber-Scullys'." She shook her head. "He was just making fun of a painful situation." "How did you react to it?" Scully shrugged. "Real stupid. I turned towards him and asked 'How about your family?'. Guess I can't blame the jerk for taking me seriously. For taking me up on it. And after spouting about the eagerness of the human body to propagate ... I can't imagine he'd ever forget about that, not to mention his photographic memory, and ever stop making fun of it. The man has no sense of subtlety ..." Her mother looked at her, knowing better. "Maybe that's just a reaction because he finds it so hard to believe he could ever have it any other way than he has it now. Perhaps Fox does want to be a father, but doesn't know ..." Scully shook her head, interrupting her mother. "Mulder doesn't want to be a father, I know that. Plus, he'd need a woman as well and so far it appears I'm the only woman who ever held out with him for a longer period of time." She smiled sadly. "And I'm not going to be of much use to him in that field either, am I?" Margaret closed her eyes for a moment, sorry to hear the sad tones in her daughter's voice. "I'll let you sleep, honey", she said softly and kissed her good-night. "See you in the morning, Dana." "Bye mom", Scully whispered. Then she saw her mother leave and a single tear dropped on the sheets. "MAMA! MAMA!" Slowly I open my eyes, leaving the warm imaginary cocoon I'm in. But nowadays I'm happy to do it though. "Look, mama, I picked flowers for you!" I turn my head to the right and see a little red-haired girl by the side of our bed, dressed in a light blue pair of pyjamas with tiny Snoopys printed all over it. Her hair is a tangled mess and she holds a little bunch of weeds and grasses in her outstretched hand, a big proud smile on her little face. 'She's our daughter', I think and I'm amazed that this thought can still move me to tears. I smile, still a little sleepy. "Oh, honey, they're beautiful", I say and she climbs onto the bed and sits down in my lap where I cuddle her. And with her head resting against my breast she looks up at me and offers me the flowers as though they are the most precious red roses anyone has ever given another person. And to be honest, I'd trade every single rose I've ever been given for this bunch of weeds so lovingly presented. "They're from the garden, mama, I chose them myself", she says. See? That's what I mean ... I carefully take them, ignoring the sand that still sticks to the roots. The dew on the leaves drips down on the bedcovers and on my fingers and she gives a delightful little shriek when I softly 'beep' her nose with my wet finger. I love doing that. Then I pretend to be sniffing the weeds' non-existent scent, thanking God that I don't suffer from hay-fever. I place the grasses on the bedside cabinet and lie back down; she comes down with me and I slip my arms around her as she lies with her head under my chin, sucking her thumb. "Can I seep wif you 'n daddy, mama?" she asks, her words slurred by the thumb in her mouth. I smile and look at the alarm clock. Four o'clock in the morning. It's okay, it's Saturday morning and we have a whole day ahead of us to do all sorts of wonderful things with the three of us. I scoot up a little and I lift up the covers after which she lets herself roll under them between me and her father. He lets out a little yelp when two tiny ice-cold feet come into contact with his legs. "Geez, Nathalie, where have you been? To Antarctica?" he mutters and I see him look at her, his eyes drowsy, his smile fond. It makes me smile as well. "Only the back yard, Mulder", I say and he looks at me for a moment, then back at his daughter who's looking at him with her big blue eyes and I almost literally see his heart melt. He loves her so much that I sometimes find it hard to understand that Mulder can love me and Nathalie so much even though he never experienced that kind of love himself when he was a child. He's a natural I think ... "She brought us flowers, Mulder", I say and he looks at Nathalie. "Oh sweetie, have you really?" and Nathalie nods enthusiastically. Then Mulder takes her and pulls her on top of him, making her shriek a little. "Daddy!" I see a huge grin on his face as he wraps his arms around our little girl. His voice is mock-stern when he looks at her. "You're the beautiful young princess and I'm the evil pirate captain who has kidnapped you and I won't let you go unless you give me the treasure!" he says with a playful deep voice and Nathalie laughs, kicking her feet and flinging her arms around to try and get loose. This has been her favourite game for a little while now. "Daddy! Daddy, let me go!" she laughs and I see Mulder grin. He tickles her sides and she giggles. "Uh-uh, you know that I will only let you go if you give me the treasure!" he says and he hugs her close to him. A few weeks ago he told me that he had never thought that cuddling a child could feel so wonderful. I know what he meant by that, it still amazes me, too ... "Daddy, I don't have a treasure!" Mulder fakes a stern frown. "Well, if you don't have a treasure then what should we do?" She looks at me and I bend to whisper something in her ear. Her face lights up and she bounces up and down in his embrace. "Mama says you'll let me go if I give you a kiss!" and Mulder sighs, giving me a wink. I smile. "Well, if mama says so then I suppose we should do that", he sighs. Then he smiles. "Come on, give mama and me a kiss and then it's off to bed again, princess. It's a little too early to get up yet." "Okay, daddy", she says and with a big grin she kisses him soundly on the cheek after which she scrambles over to me. I can barely suppress a smile when I see Mulder wince when a tiny foot is placed firmly in his stomach. "Night, mama", she says and she kisses me after which she jumps off the bed. "Happy dreams, honey", I say and I see our daughter run back to her own room, still giggling when I hear the door slam shut. I sigh when I feel Mulder's arms come around me slowly, pulling me closer to him until my back rests against his chest and then I hear him sigh as well. "Isn't she fantastic?" I say and I feel him nod behind me. "She is", he answers and he places soft kisses on my neck and just below my ear. I shiver. "When I see Nattie I can hardly believe she's ours", I say softly. "She's so wonderful, so perfect ..." I close my eyes. "I've never been so glad about being wrong as I was about this", Mulder says, showering my neck and shoulders with tiny butterfly kisses. I know what he's referring to: my alleged inability to have children. But we were wrong. It took a lot of time and efforts and we'll never have another child, but we've got Nathalie and she's healthy. She's the best thing but one that has ever happened to me. Mulder's the best. The way we love has only been written and sung about, I know that for certain ... I hear his sigh and he continues. "I never knew having a baby could be so great. Thanks for showing me, Dana." "Thank you for making it possible to show you, Fox", I say softly, knowing how hard he sought for a cure, for a way to let this wonderful thing happen to us. I have my eyes closed and let myself enjoy his tender caresses like I've never let myself enjoy anything before. Sometimes I'm rather spartan in indulging in life's pleasures, but when Mulder is the cause I have no choice but to give in and bask myself in the abundance of his love. "Thank you for wanting me", I say softly and I can almost feel the tears that sting in his eyes when I hear him swallow and I hear the strained voice when he answers. "Thank you for wanting me, babe", and I know I've touched a sensitive snare there. For all we've been through together, for all the times I've let him feel the strength of my love for him, he still seems to be as touched by it as when I first told him. He was simply dumb-founded for a split-second then, before I saw his expression change, feeling his searing love burn my skin as he took me in his arms. It was a night I'll never forget. We're silent for a while. True feelings don't have words ... "Your mom is expecting us today, Scully", Mulder says eventually. "We promised Nattie that we'd go and visit grandma today." I sigh and smile. "Yeah, she knows she's gonna get presents again." Mom's spoiling our daughter to death ... "Little devil", Mulder chuckles. "She's got it all figured out!" I smile. "Yes, she has. By the way, I believe Charlie's at mom's now. I think it would be great that he'd get to see his little niece. He wrote that he was looking forward to seeing her and us." I hear Mulder's sigh and he hardly answers. "Mm-mm", he only says and he slowly turns me around. "Turn around, baby", he whispers and I gladly do so. Much as I love feeling his touch on my back, he's much better when I can actually see him. Yet, for some reason, I keep my eyes closed and I smile when I feel his hands tenderly stroking my face and hair. I've never had a man treating me so tenderly, so lovingly. He can make me feel like a true goddess and I love him madly for it. "Are you awake, Scully?" he asks and I feel an unexpected coldness in the air above me, but I don't pay attention to it. Not now, not here. I open my eyes and smile. "Yes I am", I whisper. MULDER SAW HER OPEN her eyes and her smile disappeared. "Mulder?" He leaned closer. "What is it, Scully?" "Where ... what ... I ...", she said with an expression of puzzlement on her face. Then she closed her eyes and sighed, seemingly understanding the situation. "God", she sighed. "It was all a dream ..." She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Mulder, who looked worried. She smiled to indicate that it was all right and he smiled in relief. "Nice dream, Scully?" he asked and she nodded. "Wonderful dream", she whispered. "Best dream I've ever had ..." "Care to share?" Mulder asked with a hopeful smile. She laughed softly, wondering silently whether or not it would be wise to tell him. "A bit", she said eventually. "A bit what?" "Oh, Mulder, I cannot tell you all just yet", she sighed, but saw his expression of mild disappointment and she felt ashamed of her attitude. Hadn't they kept this friendship going just because they never hid anything from each other? And now she was denying him the contents of a simple dream ... "I can tell you something, though", she said. "What was your dream about then, Scully?" She reached out to take his hand in her own. Then she made him come closer to her. "It was about you and me, Mulder. You, me, and a little girl ..." Her eyes were dreamy and Mulder had to swallow a little lump. "Our ... our little girl?" he asked, finding that his voice had been reduced to a mere whisper. Scully turned her head to look at him and with a wide smile she nodded. "Mm-mm", she answered. "A little ber-Scully of ourselves ..." and Mulder smiled. It was all he could do ... 'OH, MULDER, PLEASE DON'T give me that look', I think when I see his expression of disappointment. He doesn't know how much I regret having to tell him I can't tell him my dreams, but it would mean giving away so much about myself. I can't ... "A little ber-Scully of ourselves ...", I say and I see him smile. I'm pretty sure he remembers that conversation we had on that bench in Home, Pennsylvania. 'Talk about giving feelings and emotions away', I think, though that was something I will never regret. Sometimes I think I really ought to get a little more open if I want our relationship to continue. Mulder has already shown way more patience and consideration towards me than any man has ever done before, but I shouldn't forget that even he will give up someday. Even he will eventually reach the point of being fed up with my endless denial and leave me. And then? What am I going to do when that happens? You're gonna hate yourself, Dana Scully. Big time ... "You know, Scully, it's something I've been thinking about as well", Mulder says and I look up at him, more than just a little surprised to hear this from him. "You have?" I ask and he nods with a smile. "Yeah", he smiles, looking for all the world like shy. I realise he probably never intended to tell this to anyone and most likely he just blurted it out a second ago and he's embarrassed right now. Did I ever tell you that Mulder is adorable when he's looking bashful? He is, you know. "Really?" I say and I smile. "Tell me about it." "Ah", he grins, shaking his head, already having overcome his momentary loss of self-control. We both have a way too strong hold on ourselves I guess ... "No, I won't. You'll have to go first, Dana!" Bastard. But I can't blame him. It's only fair that I'll have to go first. After all, I can't turn his request down first, only to expect him not to do the same to me. Okay, here goes ... "I will try to remember all, Mulder, but I'm not 100% certain that I can", I begin and he nods. "That's all right", he says softly and with an encouraging smile and all of a sudden I feel a little ashamed. Why did I ever think I shouldn't tell him my dream? I can tell him everything, I know that and still ... Then I look up and begin in earnest. "From where I can remember my dream is that I was woken up by a little red-haired girl in pyjamas. She was our daughter and she was holding a rather miserable-looking bunch of weeds and grasses in her little hands, a big proud smile on her face. She had picked them specially for us and I loved them. I didn't care about the poorly looking flowers, it was the gesture which counted, the love with which she had selected the grasses to make us a bouquet. "She then climbed on the bed and I cuddled her, taking the grasses and placing them carefully on the bedside cabinet because they were still dripping dew and sand. She then asked me if she could sleep in our bed and it was all right with me. "I don't know what year it was or anything else. I just know we had nothing important to do that day, we just had a whole lovely day ahead to spend with the three of us. In fact we were to go to my mother, we apparently had agreed with her to do so." Mulder has been watching me with a smile the whole time while I tell him this. He seems to love this as much as I do. "No doubt the proudest grandma in the entire world", he grins and I smile. I have no doubt that mom would make the proudest, greatest, most wonderful grandmother in the world. "Yeah, mom would be fantastic", I say, holding Mulder's hand. "Anyway, our daughter moved to lie between you and me and you woke up because her feet were so cold." I chuckle. "You yelped." "I yelped?" he asks and shakes his head quasi-offended. "I would never yelp!" "You yelped, I heard you!" I say, amused by his semi- shocked appearance. "It was a sweet yelp", I reassure him and he smiles. "I was just joking", he says softly. "What came after the yelp?" I think for a short moment, trying to recapture the dream and then I go on. "You took our daughter in your arms and you hugged her. She loved it, you loved her so much, it was so obvious to see. And then ..." I chuckle and look at Mulder who's looking at me in a very peculiar way. He's never looked at me like this before, it makes me a little nervous ... If I'm not very much mistaken, that is most definitely love I'm seeing in his eyes ... "Then you held her close and said that she was the beautiful young princess and you were an evil pirate captain who had kidnapped her and you would only let her go for the treasure." "I'd never ask for a treasure", Mulder says and he seems totally serious. "Not from anyone I love." I grip his hand a little tighter, squeezing it gently. "I know you wouldn't. It was just a game you two were playing." He smiles at me and reaches out to place his other hand over mine. "So, what did she give me then?" "A kiss", I answer. "I leaned towards her, because she didn't know what to do. I told her that you would surely let her go for a kiss. So, that's what she gave you and you did let her go. You hugged her and then you told her to give you and me a kiss and go back to her own room because it was still very early in the morning. She did so and then she jumped off the bed and ran to her own room, slamming all the doors she met on her way", I say with a smile. I was just the same when I was a child, must be in the genes ... "And then? What happened afterwards?" Mulder asks and suddenly I'm not as self-assured now as I was just a second ago. Over the past weeks we've become close, very close. Much closer than we'd ever thought or expected we'd become, but ... we were lovers in my dream ... we were probably married and we definitely had a child ... Should I tell him? Then I know I should. I don't want to hide things from him, we've been kept in the dark by so many people, we cannot afford doing the same to ourselves anymore. Besides, I want him to know, I want him to see what's in my dreams ... "You wrapped your arms around my waist and pulled me closer to you and you kissed me ever so softly. You were so tender to me. We talked a bit. About us and about our little daughter. We were so incredibly in love ..." We were? I look at Mulder and suddenly I start to doubt my use of that past tense. We are in love. We are so in love ... Then I look down. We will explore this terrain, there's no doubt about that anymore. But not right now, there are still too many demons to defeat, both his and my own, too many obstacles to overcome. We'll have to deal with those first. Mulder knows this and that's why he makes no attempt to push me into elaborating on my words. Instead he gently strokes my hand and doesn't answer for a long moment. "I can imagine that", he says softly, giving me a lovely smile. I stroke the back of his hand with my thumbs in a loving gesture. Then he looks up at me and smiles brightly. "Did I have a pegleg, Dana? If I was a pirate I must have had a pegleg, huh?" Aha, the pegleg. Ahab and the pegleg. You could say I was waiting for that one. I smile widely. "I don't remember actually", I say. "Maybe you should ask your daughter ..." He chuckles. "Yeah ..." "So", I say, shifting a little in bed, adjusting my position. "Do you want to tell me about your dream?" He smiles up at me. Then his eyes take on a dreamy look and he begins the story of his dream. I DON'T WANT TO CLOSE MY EYES, I don't want to fall asleep, Because I miss you, baby, And I don't want to miss a thing. Aerosmith's on the radio and I listen. I turned the sound down the moment you fell asleep, but this song made me listen. Because, as I'm sitting here by your side, watching you sleep, I feel like these clich words do convey feelings I've wanted to express for so long. We've been here for several weeks now, thankfully you're getting better and better. You had some trouble talking last week, a very mild form of temporary aphasia they told me, but you recovered. So far that seems to have been the only setback we've experienced and I'm glad. I loved yesterday's discussion. I loved hearing about your dream. I loved being part of it. Like I told you, I do want to be a father one day, guess I just never thought you'd choose me. And of course it was still but a dream, but, hey, that's a beginning already, isn't it? I don't want to miss a thing, baby, I don't want to miss a single thing we experience together ... These lines aren't from the song, though I guess they could easily fit in. The song's from a film, 'Armageddon', haven't seen it yet, probably never will see it either. I'm not into films about the end of the world, it reminds me too much of what I feel we're fighting to prevent on a daily basis. And we don't have Bruce Willis to help us out of trouble ... No, I've got you, who needs Bruce Willis when I've got you? I mean, he sacrifices his life so that mankind may live, but ... Noble? Yes. Realistic? Not in a thousand years, Bruce ... But then again, it's just a film. And still, isn't this just what we're doing as well? Sacrificing our lives, our dreams, our future for the sake of people we don't know? One day we're both going to get killed and the world won't stop turning because of that for a single second. We'll get a nice funeral and that's it; the X-Files will be closed forever, may they rest in peace and good riddance. On the other hand, the idea of the fate of the world depending on you and me staying alive is too scary for words. Sometimes, when I look at what we see and experience, all that freaky stuff we encounter on a daily basis, I think they could make a film about us. Or a TV-series, who knows. Can't think of a suitably catchy title right now, but they probably have people for that anyway. That's not our speciality. Then again, the series would probably never make it past the pilot anyway, Scully, I can't imagine anyone actually being interested in the wild adventures of Mulder and Scully, FBI-Agents. Not even Fox network would like it, imagine that. I mean, maybe people would enjoy the show if we didn't actually exist, if Spooky Mulder and Doctor Scully were simply characters of fiction, but we aren't. We're real, we're alive. Bad luck, Scully, we could be rich. Being an actor in a hit-series is bound to be a better-paid job than working for the government! Well, I guess that's not a likely path of life for us either, is it, Scully? Tomorrow's your first day at walking-practise. I think you were way too optimistic about yourself, baby, forgive the smile. I know just how hard this is going to be, but I couldn't talk you out of the idea that you'd be different. Well, guess we'll find out who is right and who isn't by tomorrow afternoon then. If I didn't know you so well I'd probably be foolish enough to place bets, but I can't afford to do that as you surprise me just a little too often ... Because I miss you, baby, And I don't want to miss a thing. Whoops, big yawn, it's really getting far too late, even for an insomniac like me. You know what, Scully, I guess I'll leave you to the care of the nurses here and go home. I'm expecting some things from Byers, he promised to do some research for me and Claire, so let's see if the Gunmen managed to put enough trust in good old US-Mail and send it to me. If not, I'll have to go by their office and pick it up myself. Paranoid bunch of nerds ... Well, happy dreams, Scully, dream of me. Guess that's true nightmare material, isn't it? Whoa, that was The Look! Please tell me how you manage to do that even in your sleep! I think I'd better get my ass outta here ... Can I risk kissing you, Scully? You look too sweet for me to resist, you know ... Come and shoot me tomorrow, Dana. Good-night. *~*~* SCULLY HAD BEEN WRONG. She had been so wrong. And the worst part was that she could have known. With her medical background she should have realised just how hard this was going to be. But she had forgotten, or maybe her mind had simply refused to remember, too keen on getting up and getting better. She felt like a little child, nine or ten months old, venturing its first wobbly steps into this world. Walking had never seemed so difficult ... This was her first day of training and she knew there were many sessions to follow. She had to train, her muscles had weakened considerably during those weeks she had been in bed and moreover her brain seemed to have received some impact as well. And right now she had to find out just how well her body still co- operated ... Problem was that she still knew how to walk, that had never been much of a problem anyway of course. But her legs didn't seem to receive the necessary information from her brains, and her sense of balance was lacking terribly as well. She really had to learn to walk all over again ... "Come, Scully, try again", Mulder said, coaxing her across the room. "Mulder, I can't!" she said. She really couldn't. They had been trying for hours now and she still hadn't managed it across the room without her legs giving way, even when she held on to people for support. "Yes, you can", he said gently. "I know you can." "No, Mulder ... I ..." She let herself fall down onto the floor and sobbed. Mulder sat down beside her. "Hey, Scully, what's wrong?" he said softly, rubbing her back. "What's wrong?" she said angrily and she looked up at him. "What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong! Everything's wrong! I can't even walk, that's what's wrong!! Nothing works, everything's wrong! And I'm sick to death of it!!" She covered her face with her hands and cried. "Why can't I? I want to walk, but my legs just don't work properly! Why not? Why don't they work?" "They just need a little training, Scully", Mulder said, lifting her up from the floor and letting her lean against him. "They have to learn the movements again and that's going to take some time. We just need to practise a lot and then everything will be just fine again, I know." Scully nodded, not looking at him, but knowing he was right. She took a deep, shuddery breath. "Shall ... shall we try again then?" "Of course", Mulder answered and helped her on her feet. "MULDER, IT DOESN'T WORK!" he heard her say, despair sounding in her voice. "It doesn't work, it really doesn't. I can't do it anymore, I can't ..." "Does it hurt, Scully? Are your legs hurting?" Mulder asked and Scully looked at him. "My legs don't hurt", she said angrily, "but my pride does, yes! I want to walk, Mulder, and I can't, I can't!" She shook her head. "I can't walk ..." Again she let herself drop to the floor and buried her face in the mat on the floor. She felt awful. She was such a failure, she knew, she felt so guilty towards Mulder. He was so patient with her and she failed him all the time. And now that she had made up her mind and decided for herself that she was going to do it ... she failed him again ... She felt him near her and turned her face away from him. "Go away", she sobbed. He didn't go away. Instead he knelt down and stroked her hair, smoothing it back from her forehead. The trainer approached them, but he gestured him to wait a moment. Then he turned back to Scully. "Mulder, why don't you go? Why are you still here?" "I'm not leaving, Scully", he said softly. "Why not? I told you to go, why don't you go away?" "Because you need me", he answered. Something inside her leapt at these words. God, yes, she needed him. So badly. She shook her head. "I don't." "Yes, you do", he said, stubbornly sticking to his point. She sighed. "I do need you", she admitted softly. "But why are you still here? I'm such a failure." "A failure?" "Yes! I'm never going to get better again, I know! No matter how much I'm going to train, I know I'm not going to get better ..." "You are, Scully, I know you are", he said softly. "You've never given up, please, don't give up now ..." "There is nothing to give up, Mulder, it's all over. I'm never going to walk again, I know it." She shook her head and looked at Mulder. "You might just as well start to get used to the idea, Mulder. Fuck it, why did you even get me out of that damn forest anyway?! If this is all I'm gonna get for living? Why didn't you just let me die there?" Mulder was shocked to hear these words. "Why I got you out of that forest, Scully? Because I couldn't let you die, that's why!" She looked back, her eyes a lifeless grey with indifference. She shrugged. "I don't care", she said. "It doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore." 'Shit', he thought and searched his mind for ways to shake her out of this apathy. 'Guess I'll just have to scare her to death then.' So he got to his feet and walked to the door. "Mulder, where are you going?" he heard her voice behind him. There was a undertone of distress in her voice and he smiled without letting her see it. Then he lifted his chin and spoke again, still keeping his back towards her. "I'm leaving as you told me to do. You said I should go and as you always know what's best for you, I thought I'd better leave. See ya around, Agent Scully!" he said and he took the door-handle. "Mulder, no! No! Don't go, Mulder!" he heard her. She sounded desperate. He turned his head to look at her and saw her trying to get up to walk towards him, but she couldn't get up. Then she started to move towards him on all fours, but her arms gave way and she fell. The despair in her eyes froze his heart, but he didn't show it. "Good-bye, Agent Scully, it's been nice working with you!" "Mulder, no ...", he heard her softly say, reaching out for him. "Please, Mulder, don't go... I'm going to get better, I promise! Just ... don't leave me, Mulder, I need you so much ..." He saw her fall down on the floor, crying softly, and generally looking so miserable that even he felt sorry for teasing her like that. He walked over to her and sat down by her side. With his right hand he lifted her face off the floor and made her look at him. He smiled gently. "You've got a promise to hold now, you know", he said. "And I'm not going to leave you, Scully, I couldn't leave even if I had wanted to do so ..." "You're staying with me?" she whispered, before drawing him into a tight hug. He hugged her back full force. "Of course I'm staying with you, Dana, where could I go?" "I promise I'm going to work, Mulder. I will get better!" She sounded so determined that he couldn't suppress a smile. So he leaned in and kissed her softly on the crown of her head. "Of course you will get better", he smiled. "I wouldn't have expected anything else from Dana Scully." She held him for a few more minutes after which he helped her up. "Let's try again, shall we?" she said softly, letting him help her go to the starting point. "Of course", he said, knowing that with their combined strength she was going to beat this. *~*~* I'VE BETRAYED MY PARTNER. I know I have. Yesterday Claire asked me if I'd like to go out with her and I said yes. She asked me and I suppose one could call it a date of sorts, we're going to have dinner together and then go to a club and dance. Dance the night away, get rid of my worries. I said that I'd love to go out with her, because I truly like Claire. So this morning she called me and told she had made reservations at a restaurant. I'll have to wear a tuxedo, something which almost made me regret the date because I hate those, but I'm not going to let that spoil our evening. And if I have to wear a tux, Claire will have to wear a dress ... and that's something I've never seen her in yet. I haven't told Scully yet, I will have to confront her with the news this afternoon or I'll never possess the guts to do it anymore. I have no idea just how she's going to react, I'm too scared to even think about her reaction. Frankly I hope she'll be pissed; an upset, pissed-off Dana Scully is far easier to deal with than a rational calm Scully in this case ... She's lethal when she's angry with me and opts for the calm approach. Besides Scully is awfully sexy when she's worked up about something, too ... The reason why I don't know how Scully's going to react is because she and Claire have never met. However, I know she's not terribly happy with the fact that I got a woman for a partner. She's a little jealous I think, and thinking that always makes me smile just a little bit. Scully is a consummate professional, this mild jealousy reminds me of the fact that there's a person hidden under that fair Irish skin, the soft caring woman that I know exists, but which I hardly ever get to see. But the morning after she had received the news about Claire ... God, I'll never forget the tongue-lashing I had to endure. There was nothing soft or caring there then. No sir. Looking back on it, I know Skinner didn't handle the matter with a great deal of tact really, but that's something which cannot be helped anymore. Scully was furious, I've hardly ever seen her like that. In defence I told Scully that it was merely a means of getting on with our work on the X-Files while she was here in the hospital and that she shouldn't be worrying about a thing as I really didn't have eyes for Claire. I lied. I do have eyes for Claire, I can't help it, I'm just a human being. I hope that when Claire and Scully finally meet things will be resolved. They're both very strong women, even though Scully's definitely Claire's superior in mental strength and equilibrium. Last night I dreamt about Scully and myself. We were in a motel room somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Outside a violent storm was raging but it was warm and comfy inside. I was lying on my stomach on the bed, my head resting heavily on my arms. I remember the covers, they were of a very old-fashioned brown colour, but they were soft and warm. I was wearing jeans which were torn at the knees and hikers' boots but I wasn't wearing a shirt or pullover. Scully was sitting on my back fully dressed, her perfect ass pressing into my lower back. She was giving me a massage and I got the impression that I had done something in the field that afternoon that had sprained some muscles in my shoulders and back and that I needed that massage. God, did I ever need that massage ... I was enjoying it very much, maybe a bit too much considering the nature of our relation-ship. That's why I decided to tell her that perhaps we were getting a little too personal here and that, if she'd feel uncomfortable with this at any time, she should just stop. I heard her gentle chuckle as she continued and I know she smiled even though I was unable to see her face. So I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling her small strong hands deftly kneading the sore muscles. And let her continue. We were both definitely enjoying this way too much ... And as she continued I became drowsy, lulled towards sleep by the warmth of the room, the hypnotic touches of her hands and the general atmosphere of well-being and happiness. She started to hum a little song, a song I had never heard before. Maybe I should have asked her to sing a little louder, sing it for me, but she'd probably refuse, telling me she really couldn't sing. I decided I didn't want to hear that so I didn't ask her to sing it louder. "Do you like this, Mulder?" I heard her ask and with a lazy movement I nodded. "Mm-mm." Then she was silent for a brief while and continued the massage. I couldn't suppress a satisfied moan and I heard her chuckle softly. I smiled. "I'm happy, Mulder", I remember hearing her say then and I nodded a little. "I'm glad", I answered, turning my head. "Me, too." She was bending over a little and I could see her face. She was smiling as well. I want her to be happy. I want her to be healthy and happy and as care-free as we ever could be. "Do you believe you and I will ever fall in love?" she then asked. "I mean, to love each other with everything that goes with it? The responsibility, the care, the trust, everything?" I wasn't able to answer her then. I do care about her very very much and I often catch myself thinking I really am in love with her, but how could I ever be certain? She's the first woman who ever stirred emotions in me that weren't directly linked to sex. It's so new ... I sighed then, unable to give her an answer. She rose from my back and went to sit on the bed next to me and I felt cold. I know this action had everything to do with my inability to respond to her question and it affected her as badly as I had feared. Her touch changed and I looked up to see what was wrong. She was no longer there, instead Claire was sitting on the bed now, wearing clothes just like Scully's. Scully herself was gone. I didn't ask Claire where she had gone, I knew. Slowly the interior of the motel room morphed into the interior of our office, but Claire stayed; she stayed and she was working behind her messy little desk again. I think I understand what this had been all about. You see, I want to love Scully, I want to give myself to her unreservedly and let her ease my pains and smoothe away my troubles, but I'm not quite ready yet. She understands that and she's patient with me ... And Claire? I know that Claire is my partner at work, but she's not my partner in life, that honour is solely Scully's. I will tell Scully about this dream and I'm sure she'll understand. I really do want to go out with Claire and now I think I should. "MULDER, WHAT ARE YOU doing here?" Scully asked when she saw him standing in the doorway of her room. It was almost two a.m. and she hadn't expected him now. "I thought you were going out with Claire." He shrugged and came in. "Well, yeah, I suppose I was." He sat down in the chair by the bed instead of on the edge and Scully sensed something was wrong. She had almost forgotten how good he looked in a tuxedo, even with his bowtie hanging loose around his neck and with his jacket unbuttoned. His hair too was probably not quite the way it had originally been. "Mulder, what's the matter?" she asked. There had to be a good reason for him to come by so late and without having changed clothes. He pulled the tie from around his neck and ran a hand through his hair. It completely ruined whatever attempt to look neat. He looked so much better this way ... "I broke it off, Scully", he answered and she frowned. "Broke what off?" "Our date. Well, it couldn't have been much anyway. I can't imagine Claire liking it all that much", he said in a low voice. "But ... you were looking forward to it, Mulder, how could this happen? What went wrong?" "I went on this date because Claire had asked me. She said it might distract me from my problems and worries for a little while. And I guess it did. She's a wonderful woman to go out with, I really enjoyed it for as long as it lasted ..." "But?" Scully asked, sensing the catch in his voice. He looked at her and at last did sit down on the bed. "How were your feelings about all this, Scully?" She was silent, not knowing what to tell him. "You can be honest with me, Scully", he said. "Whatever you say I won't hold it against you as long as I know it's the truth." "Well ...", she began, "I didn't like it much in the first place, Mulder. I was sort of jealous, but I suppose that's only natural ..." "Were you afraid she might take me away from you?" he asked, hitting the nail squarely on the head. "Of course I was, Mulder", she answered softly. "I mean, I know as well as you that she has a boy-friend, but what does that mean nowadays when even marriages break up so easily? People change so often, it's as if they don't care about the responsibilities of a relationship ... And I guess I was ... afraid she might ... you know ..." She didn't continue, but Mulder knew what it was she had been thinking. He looked at her, both relieved and worried by her words. She appeared to have spoken the truth which was what he had wanted, but he was alarmed by her opinion of relationships and how easily they could change. Certainly, she did have a point there, but it just didn't seem to apply to their own particular relationship. He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I took her home about half an hour ago", he said. "I couldn't have been of much interest to her anyway ..." "What do you mean?" He smiled in spite of himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "I went out with Claire and all I talked about was you. And I guess that's fine for the office, but when a woman goes out with a man, she's not going to like it very much if the guy talks about another woman all the time ... I can imagine she'd have liked to have at least part of my attention. And I couldn't give her that attention. Not after a while anymore, that is." He saw her eyes request an explanation. He sighed. "I mean, the night started out really well. The restaurant was great, the food was great, Claire made an excellent choice. Then, after dinner, we went to a club and again she chose well. It was a classy place, but not too posh, with great music. Think you're familiar with the place, Scully, it was called 'Eve's Apple'." "'Eve's Apple', Mulder?" Scully asked and she raised her eyebrows, trying and succeeding in hiding a blush. God knows some things in her past had happened there that didn't need elaborating on right now. And Mulder knew all about them ... He chuckled. "Yeah, I have to admit that the name does hold other implications as well ..." Then his smile faded. "I had been talking about you and me for a while and I could see that it started to annoy her, even though she did an excellent job in hiding it. She longed for some attention for herself, which of course is a very reasonable request. Still, I couldn't give her that attention. "Then, when the music changed, couples went onto the dancefloor and we followed. She's a great dancer, she dances much better than I do, and I guess I just got caught up in the music and the surroundings and in being so close to her ..." He looked at Scully, knowing that she must already have some clues as to where this was heading. "At least now she did have my attention all right ..." "Did you kiss her, Mulder?" she asked and she saw him close his eyes and sigh. Then he slowly nodded. "I'm sorry, Scully", he whispered. "Why did you kiss her?" He bit his lip and slowly turned his head to look at her. "I don't know. I don't know what came over me. It was the music, it was the feeling of her body against mine, it was the steady comfort and certainty she was offering. I was blinded by it. I've been so incredibly stupid ..." "No, you haven't", she said quietly and he looked at her. "It's okay, it's your good right to go out, I have no right to think I could reserve you for myself and you don't have to stop because of me. I'm glad you think of me, Mulder, but that shouldn't stop you from trying to get a life, to find someone ..." She sighed. "After all, we don't have a relationship, do we?" "But we do!" he said, sounding frustrated. "We do have a relationship! We have the most beautiful relationship in the world ... Don't you see that, Scully?" He looked her in the eyes and with a gentle finger smoothed back a lock of her hair. "Don't you see?" he whispered. Scully found she had trouble breathing. "I ..." She couldn't say anything in response that was even beginning to make sense to her. To make sense anyway. Mulder sighed and continued. "Scully, when I felt Claire's arms around me, I felt your arms around my shoulders. When I danced with Claire, I was dancing with you, feeling your hand in mine. And when I kissed Claire, I kissed you. But it wasn't you, it was Claire I was kissing. And I felt so dirty, so low ..." "What do you mean, Mulder?" "I felt I had betrayed both you and Claire by kissing her. I betrayed you by kissing a woman I do not love, and I betrayed Claire by pretending I love her while I don't, but imagining it was the woman I love." He looked down. "I took her home after that, I couldn't be with her anymore." He saw her looking at him, her expression not quite readable and he felt cold. God knows he had just appalled her with his confession. It might not have been what she wanted to hear in the least ... and then what? "What are you going to do now, Mulder?" she asked. This wasn't the question he had expected she'd ask and he shook his head, shrugging lightly. "Are you going back to work tomorrow?" she continued. He nodded. "Yes. I've been thinking about it and I suppose that's probably the best thing to do no matter what has happened." "Pretend nothing happened?" "No, I can't do that. But I've got to offer her my apologies. And an explanation to go with it, I suppose." She smiled and closed her eyes. "Mulder, the mess you always manage to get yourself into... sometimes it amazes me, you know", she said gently, taking his hand. He smiled back, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "It amazes you?" he said softly. "Just imagine what it does to me! And you know what amazes me even more than that, Scully? What amazes me most of all?" "What does?" she asked when he didn't continue. He bent closer to her and kissed her very softly, very sincerely on her cheek. "I've got two wonderful partners who understand that tendency of mine and help me to deal with it. To survive it. Two fantastic women who respect and support me no matter what." He raised up a little and looked at her with the most affectionate look she had ever seen in him. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't speak. Then he closed his eyes and when he opened them again after a minute they were wet. He sighed. "One day", he said, lifting her hand to his lips and kissing the fingers. "I promise that one day I'll find a way to thank you sufficiently, Scully ..." Then he got up from the bed, but Scully didn't let go of his hand. "You already have, Mulder", she said softly. "You're thanking me every minute of the day, you're thanking me too much ..." She let go of his hand and Mulder gulped. Then he turned around and quietly left the room. *~*~* TITLE: "Let's go fly a kite, Dana Scully" AUTHOR: Kirsten Kerkhof * kirsten_xf@yahoo.com "MORNING SCULL-- ..." HE COULD'VE bitten his tongue off in embarrassment then and there when he saw her in bed, sleeping soundly. He looked at his watch and kicked himself. 'It's nine in the morning, you jerk, of course she's asleep!' he thought angrily. Almost on tiptoes he walked further towards the bed and he stole a glance at her face which was turned away from the door and which she kept partly hidden in her pillow. With a gentle touch he brushed her hair away from her mouth after which he stepped back a little and just looked at her, a bit clueless as to what he could do now. He looked around the room and then he saw a few sheets of paper on the bedside cabinet. Curious as ever he picked them up and looked at the contents. These were last time's notes from her physiotherapist who was helping her with her walking trainings. He leafed through the papers as if it was a case file, seeing that they held mostly exercises. Some of them had marks next to them and short comments. Apparently those were the exercises she had already done. And then, at the bottom of the last sheet, he saw a few things the trainer had written and they caught his eye. 'Making progress. Still in need of support though. Unless unexpected change full recovery is doubtful. Final evaluation considering possible continuation in five days.' He frowned. He thought things were going so well ... And with the report still in his hand, he heard a soft, almost inaudible hiccup, a tiny strangled sound coming from the direction of the bed. He walked over to her and looked again, this time more carefully, and he saw what he had missed the first time: her cheeks were wet and her fingers clutched the sheets tightly to her chest. She was crying. 'I guess she must have read the notes as well', he thought. He sat down on the edge of the bed and carefully tried to loosen the grip with which she held onto the sheets. When that didn't work he settled for just stroking her face and wiping away the tears. 'She must be so disappointed', he thought and he shook his head. 'You're such a fighter, Dana, and then this happens to you.' He heard her sigh and she turned slightly towards him. "Mulder ...", she sighed and he smiled at the trust he heard in her voice, even though she couldn't see him smile. "Yeah, Scully, it's me", he whispered, bending over to kiss her tear-stained cheeks. "I'm here." She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. "Mulder, why are you here? It's still so early", she whispered and he raised his eyebrows in apology. "Don't know. I woke up this morning and I wanted to be with you. Is that okay?" he asked and she sighed with a small smile, sitting up a little more. "Oh, Mulder, of course that's okay, you know you don't have to ask me that", she answered, looking up at him. "How are you doing?" Mulder asked, making her smile disappear. "Guess you read the notes", she said, seeing the papers in his hands and he nodded. "I thought everything was going just fine", he said. "Yes, so did I, but it seems we were wrong", Scully answered and she sighed. Then she looked up at him. "Mulder, what am I going to do now? If I can't walk, I can't work! And if I can't work, they'll split us up! I don't want that to happen!" "There's nothing wrong with the rest of you, Scully, you could get a desk job", he suggested, hating himself tremendously for even mentioning it. She shook her head, fresh tears dripping down her face. "You know as well as I do that I don't want that, Mulder! I could have become a secretary for a desk job, but I don't want that! I want to be out there in the field with you, investigating ..." He sat closer to her and pulled her in his embrace. "Come here, Dana ...", he said softly and let her weep in his arms while he whispered soft soothing words to her. "What are we going to do if I end up in a wheelchair, Mulder?" she whispered. He shook his head. "I don't know, Scully", he answered truthfully. "I haven't thought of that alternative yet." "Well", she said and sighed, "then maybe you should start." He looked at her, more than a bit amazed. "Scully, you're not giving up, are you?" Her expression was sad and her eyes were tear-filled. "Mulder, you read it yourself. And you know the statistics, there has always been quite a chance that I wouldn't recover fully. I think ... I think it's about time we started giving that a thought ... that I might never be able to return to work ..." "Scully, you can't give up!" he said. "You've never given up, please, don't start now ..." "This isn't about giving up, Mulder, this is about looking facts in the face. I'm not getting better!" she said, burying her face in his shirt and sobbing deeply. He rested his head on top of hers and held her close in the shelter of his arms. They were silent for minutes at a stretch. Then, before he was actually aware of it, he started to speak slowly. "You know, Dana, I work with someone ..." She looked at him, not quite understanding what it was he meant. He smiled. "I work with a wonderful woman", he said. "A woman I admire more than anyone I've ever met." "What's her name?" Scully asked, feeling her heart clench. 'God', she thought, 'He's in love with Claire! It's true after all: he is in love with her!' "Her name is Scully. Dana Scully", he answered instead and she relaxed, understanding the rules of the game. She decided to play along. "Scully?" she asked. "Why do you call her Scully? Why not Dana?" "Because", he said, nuzzling her hair, "we started out that way. She called me Mulder and I called her Scully. We never changed it." "Are you afraid to change it?" "No", Mulder answered. "There's just no need for a change. I like it when she calls me Mulder. I guess she likes it when I call her Scully." "Yes, I suppose she does. I think it has become a kind of habit between you two, hasn't it?" Scully said, loving the way they talked about themselves, placing her in third person. It made all this so much easier ... "Not quite a habit, I think, it's more like ..." He thought for a moment. "... that it sounds so special when she calls me Mulder. She does it like nobody else." "What do you mean, Fox?" she asked, taking her chances by calling him Fox. "Well, our bosses call me Mulder and my friends call me Mulder, but that's simply because that's my name and to them it's nothing but my name. But Scully, she can turn it into a true caress ... it's incredible what she can do with my name by simply saying it ..." "You like her very much, don't you, Fox?" Scully said, never wanting to leave her partner's warm embrace again. Nobody had ever been able to hold her so safely and still allow her the freedom and space to breathe, to manoeuvre, to live her own life. Her mother's embraces were so intense that they frightened her. She could almost feel the grief that rolled in thick waves inside her. But Mulder's hugs were different. And much more the way she liked. She felt him nod. "Yes, I do. She's fantastic. She's strong and beautiful and compassionate. She never gives up on anyone or anything." He stopped and Scully shut her eyes tightly, feeling a sob surface slowly. A mirror. That was what this conversation was supposed to be. He was holding a mirror to her and he supplied the reflection, telling her the way he saw her instead of going with what she saw. "She's my heroine", Mulder whispered and the sob reached the surface. "I'm sure ... I'm sure she admires you just as much", she whispered. She felt his lips on the crown of her head, kissing her softly. "I certainly hope so", he answered. "Are you in love with your partner, Fox?" she asked, holding her breath in anticipation of his answer. He nodded. "Yes, I am. It's impossible not to be in love with her. Do you think she's in love with me?" he asked, turning the tables. She took a deep breath. 'Okay, Dana Scully', she thought, 'This is it. Tell him the truth, that you really are in love with him, and accept that there's no way back to what it used to be; or tell him the lie, that you don't love him, and break his heart and your own in one go, but in the knowledge that nothing really has to change.' Of course there was no real choice to make. "I think she's in love with you as well, Fox", she answered. "When I feel and see you like this, I know she never had much of a chance but to let herself fall in love with you." "Really?" His voice was childlike with surprise. "Yes, really. I'm sure she loves you very much", Scully said, surprised at how easy, how familiar and comfortable it felt to say these words to him. She shifted a little closer to him. 'He's so nice and warm', she thought and smiled. "Do you often hold her like you're holding me now, Fox?" He shook his head, tightening the embrace slightly. "No, we're both a little afraid of showing our affection. We only hold each other when one of us is distressed and cannot cope with it alone. And never in public." "Does it hurt, Fox?" "What?" "That you feel you can't hold her like this so often?" He nodded. "Sometimes. And I want to hold her, but I'm just so afraid I'll spook her. I'm afraid she doesn't want it." "But if you pretend that, right now, she is me, does it feel strange then?" Scully asked, delightfully losing herself in this strange role playing game. "No, it feels wonderful." His voice was soft. Scully looked at him, seeing his tender gaze. "Close your eyes, Fox", she commanded and he frowned. "Why?" "Just close your eyes, Fox", she said again, but gentler this time. "I want you to close your eyes and go back to all those times that you wanted to hold her, but never dared." "I can't", he said, his voice strained. "Why not?" she asked, looking up at him. She saw the tears on his cheeks. It made her return to reality within a heart-beat. "These moments ... I just can't ... there are too many of them ..." She extended her hand to dry his tears and he immediately opened his eyes, covering her hand on his cheek with his own when he felt the soft contact. Their eyes locked and never wanted to let go. "You see, Scully", he whispered, calling her Scully for the first time since they had started the game. "There's no way you can give up now. Giving up means quitting and you can't quit. I can't think of having another partner, you're too important to me." "But what to do if I shouldn't be able to walk, Mulder?" she asked, forcing herself back into reality. "That's not an option, Scully", he said in a low voice, telling her that he truly didn't believe she wouldn't be able to walk in the end. "My Scully, the Scully I love, is a fighter, she never gives up until she has reached her goal." He tilted her face up with his finger, then slowly leaned in. "You have no choice, Scully", he whispered, his breath warm on her lips. "I'm not giving you the chance not to get better. Simple as that." She couldn't answer. Her eyes had closed of their own will, her nerves had plunged into hyperdrive. She felt his lips brush over hers, softly, carefully, tentatively and she gasped. Then he pulled back slightly. He looked at her, anxious to see her reaction. He wasn't disappointed. Her breath came in soft fast gasps, her eyes were closed, her lips slightly apart. She wanted this to happen, she wanted him to make this happen ... Dana Scully wanted him. He couldn't think of a more convincing, more arousing thought. "I love you", he whispered. "Stay with me, I need you, don't go. My life will be empty if you go ... Don't quit. Please ..." He leaned towards her, determined to make this more than just the careful testing of her reactions. He felt her lips just touch his ... ... when his cell-phone went. Scully backed away, startled by the phone ringing and they both let out a frustrated moan. "God, no ...", Scully whispered, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. "Not now ..." Mulder shook his head in frustration as he reached in his coat pocket and grabbed the cursed black piece of plastic and electronics which had spoilt the magic so cruelly. "Mulder" Scully saw him close his eyes in defeat. "You're kidding me!" "Guys, you can't be serious! Not now. You can't-- ..." He sighed. "Yes, yes, I'll be over in 40 minutes." He ended the call and looked at Scully who was sitting in bed, completely motionless. "You're going away?" she asked, her voice fragmented. "Just for a second, Scully. I'm coming back right away, I promise." "But ... I'll be alone", she said. "Why aren't you staying with me?" "The Lone Gunmen have information about your illness they claim I cannot afford to miss." "Can't they just keep it and give it to you later?" Scully suggested and Mulder felt himself awfully close to giving in. He sighed. "I want to stay, Scully. Really I do. But ..." He looked at her, begging for understanding. "I ... I'll be back immediately, okay? Claire is coming by this afternoon as well, she'll keep you company for as long as I'm away." Scully smiled. "She can't be much of a substitute, Mulder. I only want you." He leaned in and kissed her quickly. "So do I, sweetheart. I'll be back in a minute." He hopped off the bed, then stopped and smiled. "We'll get to that kiss, Scully, that's a promise." Then he headed for the door where he paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Frohike, you're mince-meat!" Then he was gone, leaving Scully smiling in anticipation. ABOUT HALF AN HOUR later Mulder arrived at the place where the Lone Gunmen had their headquarters. He knocked, knowing how long it was going to take these anti-conspirators to convince themselves of the fact that it was indeed him and he got impatient. "Okay, guys, let me in right now, or I'm gonna give this address to the Syndicate!" he said loudly, tapping his foot. The door was opened almost instantly and Mulder walked in, seeing Langly eye him angrily. "Mulder, you'd better not do that", he said very weakly and Mulder huffed, walking past him, not in the least impressed. "Ah, Mulder, good thing you could come right away. We've got something exciting for you", Byers said when he saw Mulder. "Too bad, guys, I bet I saw every video you could possibly have found", Mulder deadpanned, seeing Frohike frown in puzzlement. "We pulled it off the Internet. Amazing stuff there", Langly said. "Yeah, I know. Where'd think I order? Toys 'R' Us?" Mulder replied icily. Frohike kept staring at Mulder to the point when the latter started to feel in the way. Then Frohike shook his head. "You look nervous, Mulder. Did we interrupt anything?" Mulder sighed irritated. "As a matter of fact you have. After five years Scully and I finally prove to have the guts and get a little more intimate and you ... guys ..." He saw the men look at him. "Wow", Frohike muttered. "The lovely Agent Scully and you got ... um ... you know ... close ... mmm?" Mulder shot him a look. "That's none of your business! Mouse brain ..." He sighed and turned to the others. "Okay, what have you got?" "Well", Byers said, "we ran some tests on those beetles and we went a little further with the formulas you gave us. We found out that the venom found in Scully's blood is in fact a related form of serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine, which is a naturally occurring venom found in wasps among other animals." "Wasps?" Mulder was amazed. "But these creatures aren't wasps. They're beetles, they're not even remotely related to wasps! Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" "Absolutely", Langly said. "We couldn't believe our eyes either, we double-checked every calculation just to be sure." "We knew you were going to ask that question", Byers said. "But how could that poison get in those beetles?" Mulder asked. "We told you before, these creatures weren't part of Mother Nature's original design", Langly said. "Anyone with the right equipment and resources, not to mention plenty of tax-payers' dollars, can 'make' them. For the rest it's just a matter of cross- breeding until you get an aggressive beetle which can take on the dangers of living in a tropical forest, and produce the right kind of venom." Mulder chuckled. "You know, Langly, for a moment there you sounded like a genuine nut-case. What you're suggesting here ... you cannot possibly believe that yourself ..." "Great going, Mulder", Frohike mumbled. "You just pissed off the second one of your friends. You're in for the big hit today?" Mulder sighed. "I'm sorry, guys, I guess I'm just a little wired these days. And I had to try and lift Scully's spirits today." "By getting intimate?" Frohike said and Mulder could just feel the itching of his fingers, the involuntary urge to fold them expertly around the man's neck and squeeze very very slowly. "If it hadn't been for your excellent timing, yeah ...", he said exasperated. "What's wrong with her then, Mulder?" Langly asked and Mulder sighed. "There's quite a chance she might never be able to walk again. We both didn't know this, we both thought everything was fine, but her physiotherapist left his notes in her room. He's ... he's in serious doubt about whether she'll ever recover fully. It was a tremendous blow to us both, but especially to Scully. After all, you know what she's like." "Yeah ...", Langly said and the others nodded. "Anyway, if everything's okay Claire should be with her now. I hope she'll be able to find a way to cheer Scully up", Mulder said and got up from his chair. "What do you think they'd be talking about, Mulder?" Frohike asked and Mulder shrugged. "I have no idea", he answered. "I just hope they can find a way to get on together, I wouldn't want to be caught in a fight with Special Agent Dana Scully. She's too dangerous." Then he walked to the door, followed by Byers. He gave Mulder a note. "Mention this with Doctor Young. If the man is who we think he is, he might just be interested in this. We think he already received something, but we don't have the channels to verify it ourselves." Mulder looked at the slip of paper before folding it and tucking it in his pocket. "I'll see what I can do. But first I have some other news to break with her, I think the fact that she suffered from an allergic reaction isn't very high on my list of priorities at the moment." He turned around to walk on, but stopped. "Byers, just one more thing." The man looked at him. "What?" "Next time one of you calls, telling me there's an urgency ...", Mulder said, "make it a national urgency, okay? Otherwise I'm afraid I'll really have to kill someone ..." Then he disappeared in the crowd, leaving Byers confused in the doorway. "I'M LOOKING FOR MS Dana Scully, please?" The elderly woman behind the counter looked up to see a young woman on the other side, a bouquet of flowers in her right hand, briefcase in the left. She was wearing a trench-coat and her auburn hair shone in the dimmed light. The elderly woman went through a short list and then directed her to the plain brown door at the far end of the corridor. "Room 22, ma'am." The young woman smiled politely. "Thank you very much." Then she walked to the appointed door. "CAN I HELP YOU?" Scully said when she saw the unknown woman enter her room. "Agent Scully?" Scully nodded. "Yes." "I'm Agent O'Donnell", the woman answered. "Claire O'Donnell. I'm working with your partner at the moment." She extended a hand and Scully shook it, surprisingly reluctant. So this was Claire O'Donnell! This was the beautiful woman Mulder hadn't been able to stop talking about ... The woman he had dated ... "Can I sit down, please?" Claire asked. Scully nodded. "Of course", she said, waving at the chairs by the bed. "Thanks", Claire said and sat down. Then she picked up the flowers and gave them to Scully who frowned imperceptibly. Yellow, she thought. Nobody but Mulder knew she liked yellow flowers best. What was going on here? "Actually, these were Fox's idea", Claire said, affirming her thoughts. "I asked him what kind of flowers I should get you and he suggested buying yellow flowers. I hope I made the right choice." Scully nodded and smiled. "They're very nice. I like them very much. Thank you." "I'll go and fetch a vase for them", Claire said, but Scully stopped her. "I don't think there's much of a hurry. They'll hold out for some time I suppose", she said, having decided that first of all she wanted to find out for herself just what Mulder's temporary partner was really like. Claire nodded and an uncomfortable silence fell in the room. "So", Scully said, breaking the tense silence. "What is it like to work with Special Agent Fox Mulder?" A safe question. "Well ...", Claire started, moving on her chair, feeling slightly uneasy with the question. "He's kind of weird sometimes. He's very focused, very passionate about his work. It's a challenge to work with him, but it can be rather scary at the same time ... I don't quite know how to put it." Scully nodded. She knew the feeling. "But do you like it?" "Oh yes", Claire answered. "I don't know if I would want to work with him for the rest of my working life, but I used to be teamed up with an Agent who was basically perfectly capable, but he lacked spirit and dedication. It made work very boring. Working with Agent Mulder is never boring. It's such a nice change." Then her eyes twinkled a bit. "A very nice change ..." With two fingers she made a waving motion as if having to cool herself down after seeing a particularly gorgeous man. Scully felt her face split in a grin. Mulder had been right, this woman wasn't here to take him away from her, even though she had the looks to do it. She was too young, too inexperienced, too ... playful almost ... to be of any threat to them. And she didn't seem to have the ambition to be his partner forever. That's why Scully decided to give in and indulge in a little innocent swooning-party with her younger colleague who seemed to be rather affected by her partner's good looks as well. Specific purpose, drooling over Fox Mulder ... Claire and she could well become friends ... "You know, Agent Scully, you're so lucky to work with him permanently!" Claire grinned. "Oh Lord, you have no idea", Scully said. "By the way, just call me Dana, okay?" "Got it. I'm Claire", she answered and grinned. Then she sighed. "I mean, he's just gorgeous! When I heard about becoming his partner I could never even have begun to anticipate this ... He's incredible!" "Is he ever", Scully said, leaning a bit closer to Claire as if about to reveal the world's most precious secret. "Have you ever gotten a good look at his butt? God, most definitely the sexiest ass in the world ..." "Really?" Claire said with cocked eye-brows. Then she frowned. "Too bad he wears those suit-pants. They hide everything." "I've seen him in jeans a few times. He's got this pair of really tight blue ones, you know. Geez! Just thinking about them makes me want him ..." "Can't imagine why", Claire grinned and giggled, very well able to draw a vivid picture of Fox Mulder in jeans. Scully joined her in laughs and continued. "And those glasses ..." "Ooo, aren't they just everything? I couldn't breathe when I saw him wearing them, still can't ..." Claire sighed. "You know, he had them sitting on his desk when I came into the office for the first time. And when he opened the door for me I just couldn't believe this was really the man I was going to work with for the next few months. He was just gorgeous and ... oh God ... I just couldn't believe my eyes! And after he had introduced himself and we started working he put on his glasses and ..." Claire let out a nervous giggle. " ... I could've melted into a puddle just on the spot ..." She rolled her eyes. "Don't you think they're just everything?!" Scully grinned and faked a glamorous faint. "They're enough to trigger a whole series of fantasies that are definitely not fit for the office!" She saw Claire nod enthusiastically. "And when he eats those sunflower seeds ..." "He does that often, doesn't he?" "Actually, he's addicted to them. I told him I didn't like him eating them because of the mess he makes, but in reality I just couldn't watch him eat them and not want to pound on him like some tigress on her prey. The way he eats them ... geez ..." Scully moaned a little and Claire nodded in sympathy. God, did she ever know how Scully felt ... "The guy should take up an additional job, become a pin-up model or something", Claire grinned, seeing the possible results right in front of her eyes. She wondered if the woman who had the highly enviable right to work with him every day, had ever been through dreams about him the way she had during the past few weeks ... "My ideas exactly, Claire, that's what I've been thinking for five years now", Scully chuckled. "On the other hand, I'd have to share him ..." "Yeah, you would ... You know, I think he could make a suit look damn sexy", Claire muttered. "You think?" Scully asked. "Oh God, the man can make a garbage can look sexy if he's in it." She chuckled. "I can just see him in his jeans and-- ..." "That will do", Claire observed dryly, then blushed furiously. The women burst out laughing. "Anyway", Scully continued, drying the tears in her eyes. "I can just see him dressed like that, looking up at me ... well, for as long as I can keep my hands off him, helping him get rid of those garments of course ..." "Of course", Claire said with a dreamy voice. She leaned her elbows on the bed and from the faraway look in her eyes Scully could make up that Claire could just see the image. Scully propped on one elbow and joined her colleague in her fantasies. Claire continued, her voice as dreamy as her eyes. " ...offering you a red rose ..." "A red rose?" Scully laughed. "Mulder? He'd never ever give me a red rose!" "No?" Claire asked and Scully sighed and smiled, drawing little circles on the bedsheets with her fingers. "No", she said. "A yellow rose. He knows what I like ..." "Yeah, he does ...", Claire said in an equally soft voice. Then she looked at Scully. "Have you ever seen him do that puppy dog-look trick at you, Dana?" bringing up yet another item of Fox Mulder's palette of irresistabilities. She waited for Scully to confirm this, but she only went further. "Oh girl, that's nothing compared to the leers from him!" Claire saw her close her eyes and moan. "He sometimes looks at me like he wants to slowly undress me and have me for dinner and ..." "And what?" Claire asked eagerly. Scully sighed, removing her arm from over her eyes and looking at Claire. " ... I just wish he did ..." Claire sighed. "Yeah ... I know what you mean ..." The women were silent, both indulging in their personal fantasies about who they thought to be the sexiest FBI-Agent in the world by far. "Hello, ladies!" a warm man's voice sounded and they both jolted out of their reveries. They shot each other knowing grins and then looked at Mulder in a way that was bound to make him feel uncomfortable ... Mulder saw the unexpectedly eager looks from his female partners and frowned. For God's sake, they both looked like they were just about ready to ... Then he smiled. He recognised this! This was Dana Scully ready to play ... and apparently Claire O'Donnell wasn't very different. It was everywhere, the air in the room was absolutely crackling with it. He pulled an innocent face and faked amazement. If he handled this right, this could be fun! "Why, ladies, I was just about to ask you if you'd like a cup of coffee, but you look at me as if ... it's me that you want!" Scully and Claire saw him raise his eye-brows and they had to try hard not to move a muscle ... This man challenged them simply by being in the same room, they knew, and now he was even making it worse ... on purpose ... Inwardly Mulder scored another point as he saw the women turn beet-red, then look at one another and start to giggle incessantly. "Why, Agent Mulder", Claire grinned, "you seem to be right!" making it Mulder's turn to fidget. "Girls ...", he muttered with a smile, turning around to get the coffee. And he had barely closed the door behind him when Claire and Scully fell into deep, lustful sighs, their minds feasting on the image it came up with. They looked at each other and burst out giggling. There was a God, they knew. And he had just walked out of the room to get coffee ... *~*~* MULDER WAS FURIOUS. WITH a fast angry stride he half- walked, half-ran through the corridors of FBI Head Quarters. It hadn't been his fault, Skinner had apologised for himself and Mulder had bitten back a sarcastic laugh. Sure. Of course it wasn't the Assistant-Director's fault. It was someone else's fault. It always was. Like his secretary's or his superiors' or whoever else he could find to place the blame on. Well, whatever the reason truly had been, it remained a fact that right now Mulder had spent over six hours in the building, five- and-a-half of which he had spent waiting. He had done some work in the office but he couldn't leave the building because he needed to be able to be in Skinner's office within minutes whenever he'd get called in. After more than five hours he had been able to get to talk to his boss, and by that time he had already completely forgotten what it was he had wanted to see him for. So even the appointment had turned out to be a total waste of valuable time ... It had royally pissed him off. During those six hours he had called Mrs Scully several times, mostly just to inquire after Scully and to apologise to both of them, something which she told him was really not necessary. But he had wanted to be with Scully today. They'd been practising walking for weeks now and every day she improved. The physiotherapist had told them about Scully's sombre prospects concerning a full come-back, and by mutual agreement they had decided to fight and go for it. And, to the man's utter surprise, she had made it. Every day she got better and better and Mulder was anxious to be there with her when she'd finally make it across the room all by her own. This would mean that she'd have passed that part of rehabilitation, and, so the Doctors told them, the rest was going to be a lot easier once they had made it that far. And now ... maybe he had already missed that moment! Well, if this delay at HQ was going to be the reason for him missing it, he was going to make Skinner pay dearly for taking it away from him. He and Scully had been through some rough times, but they had always made it by being together and he was determined to be with her every step she made, literally or figuratively he didn't care. He jumped into his car and drove out of the parking-lot, causing some faces and less-polite gestures from colleagues who happened to be in his way and had to jump to the sides to save their skins. Like he gave a damn ... He took his cell-phone and punched in the number of Scully's room. Then he wedged it between his shoulder and the side of his head and tried to divide his attention between the dense evening traffic and the person who was going to answer the phone. Probably Mrs Scully. It was. "Hi, Mrs Scully, it's Fox here", he said with an involuntary smile. Hearing Scully's mother always made him smile. "Fox!" Margaret answered on the other side. She sounded happy and he felt relieved. It probably meant things were going all right and he needed that. He needed some good news ... There was a short silence and then Margaret continued. "Fox, are you calling from the car?" Mulder sighed in embarrassment. He knew her attitude towards calling whilst driving and he was glad she couldn't see him now. "Well, yes I am, Mrs Scully", he admitted a little sheepishly. "Then stop immediately, Fox! I don't want to see you get involved in an accident!" "Mrs Scully, I'll be all right", he said with a smile. "Yes, and you'll be telling me that each time until you end up in a hospital and I'll have two of my children to visit. I don't know if I can cope with that, Fox", she answered. She seemed to smile though and Mulder chuckled. "Okay, I'll hang up in a minute. How's Dana?" Mulder asked, knowing that as long as she'd be there, she'd never stop worrying about him. And he'd never win an argument like this in his life ... "She's doing great, Fox, and she can't wait to see you." Mulder felt a surge of hot emotion run through him. "Really?" he asked, his voice soft. "Yes, really", he heard Margaret smile. Then he heard Scully's voice in the back-ground and Margaret told her she couldn't. Whatever it was he didn't know. "Anyway", he heard Margaret say to him, "hang up the phone and come over. Dana threatened to call you in person if she couldn't speak to you-- ..." "I know your number, Mulder!" he heard Scully's voice and he chuckled. Margaret laughed. "You've kept her wondering what was keeping you all day, Fox." "That is a long and unpleasant story, Mrs Scully, with which I won't bore you right now", he grinned. "See you in a few minutes." "Good-bye, Fox, we'll see you in the training-room then", Margaret said. "Drive carefully!" "I will", he smiled. "Bye." HE APPROACHED THE TRAINING-ROOM where he knew Scully was having her trainings. He opened the door softly so that he wouldn't disturb the people in the room. He took a quick glance around the room to find Scully. There were several people practising, but then he spotted her and her mother, and a trainer who appeared to be coaxing her across the room in the far end. He took off his shoes to protect the floor and walked towards them. With a smile he watched Scully's movements. They were still kind of wobbly and uncertain, but so much better than before. "Hello, Fox", Mrs Scully greeted him. She was sitting on a bench, watching her daughter's efforts. Hearing this, Scully turned her head in his direction and a 1000-watt smile appeared on her face. An old instinct made its way to the surface and she made a sudden turn from her previous direction and reached for him. And consequently lost her balance and fell ... Mulder rushed to her side. "Scully, are you okay?" She nodded, her face still split in that same huge smile. "I'm fine and you're late, Fox Mulder! Tell me, did Skinner finally decide that this time you really stepped over the line?" "Skinner? Phoa! He didn't have anything to say!" Mulder grumbled and Scully chuckled. "Still one morose bastard you are", she grinned. "But you made me lose my balance, Fox Mulder! And just when I had almost crossed the room flawlessly for the first time. Now I have to start all over again!" Mulder smiled. "I'm sorry." Scully grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck. "No, you're not. I bet you enjoyed this." She chuckled. "Come on, carry me to the starting point. That'll be your penalty for making me lose my balance." "For making you fall", he said, lifting her up from the floor. "Yes, for making me fall!" she repeated. "For startling you, too." "Exactly, for startling me!" "For making you smile and reach out for me." "Yeah, for making me smile and reach out for you!" she said. "That wasn't too bad, though ..." Then Mulder looked at her and placed his bets on his next move. "Because you're head over heels in love with me!" he said slyly. Scully must have let her guard down or she'd never have said what she said next: "Precisely! Because I'm head over heels in love with you!" she repeated decidedly, then turning more than beet-red, realising what she had just blurted out. She didn't know what to say, because she couldn't deny it, but she'd never thought she'd tell him so nonchalantly ... Mulder smiled. "I know you are. You gave me enough proof of that just before I left for the Lone Gunmen's office. I guess I just liked to hear you say it to me as well, even if I'd have to use a little trick ..." "Cunning, Fox Mulder ...", she muttered and held him a little tighter as he carried her to the beginning of the line across the room. "YEAH, C'MON SCULLY, YOU can do it!" Mulder urged his partner on as if he was watching a football game and cheering on his favourite team. Scully looked at him and stopped for a second, trying to regain her balance. She was panting and little droplets of sweat beaded on her fore-head. Just a few more feet and she'd have surmounted that first major obstacle on her path to full recovery. After that there'd be no more steps that were going to be that difficult. "You'll catch me, won't you, Mulder?" she said between steps. Mulder nodded. "Of course I will catch you!" She smiled and bit her lower lip in concentration. Five more steps ... Four ... Three ... Two more steps ... One ... And then she was in Mulder's arms, exhausted and panting, drenched in sweat, but incredibly happy. "You did it!" Mulder exulted, holding her close. "You really did it! You crossed the room all by yourself!" "I did it ...", she said and smiled, still breathing heavily. Then she laughed. "Boy, my condition is just awful!" "I don't care, Scully", Mulder answered, sitting down and letting an exhausted Scully sit in his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder, attempting to get her breath back and forcing her racing heart to calm down a little. Then she raised her head and looked at him, surprised to see the proud expression she found in his eyes and the beautiful smile that curved his lips. He was proud of her. He was incredibly proud of her. And so happy for her ... It made her face crumple and tears flow. She flung her arms around his neck and held him in a tight hug. "I'm so happy, Mulder", she sobbed. "I can't believe I did it ..." He gently rubbed her back through the drenched T-shirt and kissed her atop her head. "I know, I'm so proud of you", he said. "You made it all by yourself! My own strong partner ..." These words made new fresh tears fall and she buried her face in his shoulder, nuzzling the fabric of his jacket. "I was serious, Mulder", she said after a while. "I truly meant it ..." "Meant what?" "You know, that I am in love with you", she said. "You made me say it with a trick, but it's true. I would never have said that if I didn't already feel that way. I really do love you." Mulder smiled, masking the passion which flared so unexpectedly with an effective cool look. "I know you do, Scully. Like I said, that little unplanned move we made just before I left for the Lone Gunmen told me enough." "Guess Claire and I didn't leave you in much doubt either, huh?" she grinned, making him smile. "Not really, no", he said. "But I'd never have tricked you into saying it if I wasn't already 100% sure." She smiled widely. "I like it ... I like this very much ..." *~*~* "SCULLY? ARE YOU AWAKE?" Mulder asked when he came in. He saw her lying in bed, her face turned to the window which was opposite the door. Hearing his voice she turned her head and smiled at him. "Yes, I'm awake, just day-dreaming a bit", she smiled. She was fully clothed except for her shoes which were standing neatly side by side under the bed. She pushed herself up in sitting position and sat crossed-legged, her hands resting in her lap. Mulder smiled and came up to her. "You're looking good, Scully" he said and kissed her softly on the cheek. This was rapidly becoming a habit of his and she liked it. In fact she even encouraged him. "Mmm, thanks, Mulder", she said. "I feel good, too. I'm feeling better than before." "That's great", he answered with a wide smile and he sat down on the edge of the bed. Scully scooted up to make room for him, but he indicated that she really didn't need to so she moved back, sitting close to him. "So, tell me, what was the dream all about then?" he asked. Scully shot him an innocent leer. "About you, gorgeous, who else?" Mulder chuckled, quickly composing himself. "Well, could've been Doctor Young of course", he suggested and he was amused to see her expression of disgust. "Ah yeck, Mulder!" She punched him in the ribs. "You can't be serious! Doctor Young? That kid? You cannot possibly see me with him! Why, that would get me behind bars for ... for child abuse! Doctor Young ... Geez ..." She rolled her eyes. Then she looked at him. "I'm sure you're having eyes for the entire group of nurse-trainees on the ward ..." He surprised her by not coming up with some wrong joke, but instead looking at her very intensely. "No, in fact I'm not", he said, his voice completely serious. A very dead silence fell in the room as within a split-second another wall between the two Agents crumbled and crashed down, lying in an unrepairable heap of rubble at their feet. Then Mulder looked down, breaking the tense atmosphere. "So, how's walking going then?" "All right. I'm getting stronger every day", Scully answered. "Today is my day off training, Marc is off to another hospital for the day for classes." "You had nothing to do then today?" "Nope. Apparently today was meant to be exceedingly boring", Scully said with a smile and a roll of her eyes. "It's a good thing you came by to get rid of the boredom." "And your mother? Where's she?" Mulder asked, noticing Margaret's absence. "She went to see a friend today. You're the first one to see me." "Fox Mulder, the saviour of all bored people", he mocked, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. "You're mine", Scully said softly. "I'm trying", he answered. Then he turned to look at her and placed his hand over hers. "In fact I came here to see you of course, but also because I've got something very important to tell you." Scully raised her eye-brows. "Really?" "Yes", he answered, getting up from the bed. "Can you leave your room?" "Guess so", she said. "I can go wherever I want in the hospital and to the park opposite of the building as long as I don't go by myself and let the nurses know where I am." "I can understand that", Mulder said. He offered his hand. "You want to go to the park then? What I want to tell you is rather ... personal ... in nature." Scully looked at him, seeing him smile slightly. She smiled back. "Of course. Let me just get my shoes and that sweater -- can you believe it? It's 30oC outside and they won't let me leave without it!" She chuckled. Mulder grabbed the sweater and she tied it around her waist. "Let's go then", she said, letting Mulder help her off the bed. Then, with him supporting her, they walked out of the room. THEY WERE SITTING ON a bench in the park, enjoying the wonderful weather and the rich smell of mid-summer. Mulder had insisted on carrying her part of the walk and, knowing that he did have a point there because she was rapidly getting exhausted, she had let him, actually enjoying it quite a lot. "Scully?" he eventually began. "Yes?" "Did Doctor Young talk to you about the examinations they did on your condition when you were admitted to this hospital?" Scully nodded. "Yes, he told me." "Did he also tell you about the unusual results they found when the tests came back?" he asked. "Yes, he did. He said they had found that tiny scar on the base of my neck and about the branched DNA in my blood. He also told me that my bones weren't in top condition. He asked me if there was anything I could tell him about possible origins of these strange phenomena." "What did you tell him?" Scully chuckled. "I started by asking him if he believed in extraterrestrials." Then she looked at Mulder who laughed heartily. "What?" "Actually", Mulder grinned, "I asked him exactly the same when we discussed those results!" Scully smiled. "I learned from the master, I guess ..." and heard Mulder chuckle. Then he grew serious. "Well, I had a meeting with Doctor Young about these exams as well and he told me the same. Plus something else ..." "What else did he tell you, Mulder?" Mulder didn't reply immediately and Scully cocked her head. "What?" "Em ...", Mulder hesitated, trying for the life of him to find a way to approach the matter delicately. Then he turned to her and made her look at him. "Scully, when was the last time you had your periods?" She frowned. This question was definitely not the one she had expected. She took a deep breath. "Well ... I guess that was before I was abducted. I don't think I've ever had my periods since. But why do you ask, Mulder? You know I no longer have my ovaries and-- ..." She looked up sharply, her brow furrowed and her eyes wide. "What? What did Doctor Young tell you?!" Mulder ran a hand through his hair. "You're wrong about that", he said softly. Scully's expression of bewilderment grew more intense. "What do you mean?" Mulder sighed. "They -- whoever they were -- didn't take both your ovaries, Scully, they only took one. They did, however, shut the other one down which led us to believe they had indeed removed both." He didn't dare looking at her. "You mean ...", she started, but had difficulties continuing. She looked at some point in the distance, trying to process the information. Then she looked at Mulder. "You mean I can still get pregnant?" Mulder shook his head. "No, like I said, it's been shut down ... It doesn't function anymore ..." "But theoretically, just hypothetically speaking, I still can?" Scully said softly. "I still do have the organs to conceive, don't I, Mulder?" "Yes", he whispered, hurrying to continue. "But they-- ..." She raised her hand to cut him off. "Stop, Mulder." She let her hand drop back in her lap and they involuntarily came together on her lower abdomen. Then she looked at him, her eyes both sad and excited. "I knew, Mulder ... I think somehow I always knew ...", she whispered. "I never believed it, I couldn't. I couldn't tell myself 'You'll never have a child' and believe it. I mean, sometimes I made myself see reason and tell my image in the bathroom mirror that all this dreaming and fantasising about having children of my own was simply wishful thinking, but I never actually believed it ..." She looked at him, a weak smile on her face. Then she covered his hand with her own and he looked back. They smiled weakly. "I ... I'm glad you told me, Mulder, even though it doesn't change the situation all that much ..." Mulder felt his smile fade. He leaned his arms on his legs, his hands folded and his gaze directed at some people a few dozen yards off. "Doctor Young told me this some time ago, Scully, and it has kept me obsessed." She placed her hand on his arm. "Oh, Mulder, everything that happens to me obsesses you. How much have you built up?" she asked softly, her voice gentle and compassionate. He didn't answer her question, but went on where his own story had left off. "During my meeting with Doctor Young I asked him if there was a way one could cure this. He said no such cure existed." "Mulder ...", she began, but he interrupted her by looking at her. "I never take no for an answer when it comes to you, Scully, I never have and when he told me this I knew I certainly wasn't going to start then. I asked him again and he said that it was mostly a hormone-based matter. But the amount of artificial hormones needed to jump-start your system would surely kill you ..." He grimaced at the thought. "I told Claire about this and that I wasn't going to resign myself to this verdict. She believed me." Scully felt a short stab at these words. This said so much about her as well: she'd never have believed Mulder's claim that there was hope if a scientist had claimed otherwise ... He looked at her. "She joined me, Scully, she searched for a cure along with me and some time ago ..." He stopped. "You found a cure?" Scully whispered, amazed by the possible implications of his words. "Scully", he said, a polite warning in his voice. "We may have found something, well, Claire did actually, but it's ... it's still very very experimental. No successful results have been reported ... but I ... I just needed to tell you this ..." He sighed. "I mean, I still cannot offer you anything realistic, but ... you can have whatever information is available about the treatment. I can bring it with me if you'd like to have it. But ... I just want you to know that it's potentially very dangerous, Scully, the treatment can be harmful to you if you decide to take it, it may harm your children as well. Nothing is certain yet and I ... I just don't want to see you get hurt again. Not you ..." "I know, Mulder, and you know that I'm not one to do things impulsively-- ..." "Tattoo", he mouthed and she blushed. "Okay, I'm usually not very impulsive", she smiled, grateful to see him smile a bit as well. Then she became serious again. "But I just want you to know that you don't have any idea how grateful I am that you're telling me all this." "I wish I could have told you I had a real cure for you, a no- fail treatment. This still offers you nothing", he said in a low voice. Then he laughed bitterly. "Isn't that just like me? Offering you nothing but dreams and balloons? Pretty on the outside, empty on the inside?" Scully flinched a little when she heard his words. "Hope isn't empty on the inside, Mulder", she said softly and he looked at her. He was shocked to see her pale face so close to tears and he softened. "I just wish I could give you more than hope, Scully. I want to give you reality. God knows I want to ..." "Mulder, I can live with hope", Scully said gently. "Don't you see that hope is exactly what keeps people going, not reality? And as for me, until a few minutes ago I never hoped, never even dared to hope that one day I'd have a baby of my own. You gave me back that hope." She touched his arm and he turned to look at her, his eyes shiny. "I would love to read more about that treatment, Mulder, but I promise I will discuss with you any decision I make. I do believe the treatment will harm my health and right now I'm not in top condition anyway." She smiled a bit. She rose and held her hands out to him. "Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it more than I ever thought I would ..." He took her hands, but instead of letting go to walk back, he raised one and softly cupped her cheek in his palm, making her look at him. "Just promise me one thing, Scully", he said softly, his voice low. "What?" "I do hope that one day you will have your own baby. But when you do and it's a boy, please, don't name him after me ..." She looked up at me and saw him smile ruefully. "Wouldn't want to give the kid traumas", he added in a soft voice. He looked so vulnerable that she couldn't suppress the urge to hold him so she slipped her arms around his chest and held him tightly to her, her head resting under his chin. The she looked to the side, seeing two people smile at them and she smiled back, realising just how lucky she was to have someone in the world who cared so much for her. THEY WERE HOLDING EACH other so tightly, Scully realised and she sighed, knowing the reason behind it all too well. 'Are we still that afraid we'll lose each other?' she wondered. Sometimes she wondered why they were so different from everybody else. They were so happy together, but she didn't think there'd ever come a moment when they'd stop thinking about it and consider it a given. They both simply didn't work that way. "It's getting rather late, Mulder", she said softly, stroking his cheek. "I think they're getting worried about me back in the hospital." "They don't need to, Scully", Mulder answered. She looked at him, not quite getting what he meant by that. "I promised your mom I wouldn't let anything happen to you", he explained and she smiled. "Of course you wouldn't. I know that", she said. He let go of her. "You are right though. We ought to get back." He saluted mockingly, but with a smile. "Agents Mulder and Scully reporting for duty." She grinned. "Tell me, what duty would that be, Agent Mulder?" He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. Then they slowly headed back for the hospital. "What duty is it, Mulder?" she repeated. He looked at her and smiled. "The only things we're really good at: messing everything up and then getting away with it!" Scully chuckled. He was so right. "Oh, and being in love, of course", he added. She laughed softly, leaning her head to his shoulder. "Of course", she said. "The third thing we excel in ..." They walked back in silence. When they entered the ward they found that the nurses had indeed started to worry a bit and they apologised. Then they went to Scully's room. And Mulder was just about to say good-night when Scully decided she hadn't had enough. "Mulder ..." He looked at her. She was sitting on the bed, still fully clothed and she was holding her arms out towards him. "Mulder, will you hold me for a little while longer, please?" He was rather surprised, but he nodded and sat down on the bed, taking her in his arms. She curled up until she felt just right. "I like being with you, Mulder", she whispered. "You make me feel so safe." He swallowed. "I try", he said. Scully smiled gently when she heard this. "I know", she answered, tenderly cupping the base of his skull in her hand and holding him to her. "That's exactly why I feel so safe. You'd never let a person hurt me ..." She looked him in the eyes. "No one has ever done so much for me. And I know I can watch out for myself, but sometimes, even though I act strong, I need someone to hold me and tell me that that person loves me, cares about me ... I'm so glad I have such a wonderful person, I'm so glad I have you ..." Mulder closed his eyes momentarily. "You're the first person who ever made me care so much, Scully. Before I knew you I'd never done this, I didn't even know I was able to." He rested his head on her shoulder. "And now I don't know how to do otherwise ..." THEY HAD BEEN SITTING in each other's arms for a long time when Scully noticed a change. Mulder's arms were now holding her not just tightly, but even frantically, and he had turned his head so that his face touched her cheek. He was crying. She could hear his frantic attempts to hide the sobs, but it was to no avail. "Mulder", she whispered. "Mulder, what's wrong?" He didn't answer, instead he shook his head slightly, rubbing his brow against her cheek. "Oh, Mulder", she whispered, cupping his cheek in her palm and cradling it to her. "I'm so tired, Scully", he hiccuped between sobs. "I'm exhausted, I don't know how to go on anymore ..." She didn't say anything at first, not sure that there was actually something she could say to him which would offer him some comfort. Then she took a deep breath and looked at him. "Why are you so tired, Mulder?" He sniffed. "I simply am, Scully", he said. "They've been keeping me running and hiding for so many years now and it has tired me out. I can't sleep either ... the nightmares ... And now you're in the hospital ... I'm exhausted by everything ..." "I'm sorry I'm so ill, Mulder", she whispered, but he quickly shook his head. "No, Scully, it isn't you who makes me feel this way! You're the one who's kept me going for so long! It's the Bureau, it's the Syndicate! They're doing this to me, they make me so tired. And now I even have to work double, I mean, I know I've got Claire, but ..." He sighed. "All I think of is you and how you're doing", he said, looking her in the eyes. "You're all I can and want to think about. But then they called me back into the office! And it's not Claire's fault, she takes on as much of the work as she possibly can, but you know just how much work there always is ... and I just don't seem to be able to find the energy for it any longer ..." Scully looked at him and she saw the exhausted look in his eyes. "I'm so tired, Scully", he sighed, closing his eyes and resting his head against her shoulder. "I'm so incredibly tired ..." She let her arms come around him and felt how he wrapped his arms around her back. Then she closed her eyes and rocked him softly like a mother comforting her child. "So tired ...", he whispered and sobbed once. She stroked his back. "Shh", she whispered. "I know ... Just rest here ..." She felt the moisture of his tears drip down on her shoulder, but she paid no attention to it. "I'm so tired 'cause I'm so scared, Dana ...", he whispered. "I'm so scared 'cause I'm so afraid I'll lose you ..." "Shh, Fox, don't be, I'm not going away ..." "You mean so much to me, what am I going to do if you're no longer here?" he asked and Scully heard the distress in his voice. "Mulder, not now, I'm not leaving you", she said, looking at him. "Why would I go when we still need each other so much? When we still have so much to accomplish?" He covered her hands on his cheeks with his own, keeping them there. "'We', Scully?" She smiled. "Oh, Mulder, of course 'we'! Never anything but the two of us." He didn't say anything in response, but bowed his head and sighed. Then, with his eyes closed he looked up. "So tired, Scully ...", he whispered. "I've gotta watch my back, gotta watch yours, but I can't ..." "Oh, Mulder, no one expects you to watch my back 24/7, nobody would be able to keep that up", she said softly, stroking his hair. "But I've got to, Scully! I have to! I can't risk you getting hurt ... And if I don't ... watch over you ... I feel so guilty for not doing my job ...", he said and Scully sighed, knowing how much he was obsessed by her well-being. He couldn't change that. And she couldn't change him. She made him rest his head on her shoulder. "Come here, Fox", she whispered. "I will look out for us both now. You can close your eyes and rest ..." He sighed and a tiny sob shook them both. She held him warmly to her own body, burying her face in his hair and sheltering his much larger form in her arms. "Rest, my sweetheart", she whispered. "I will keep you safe." "Yes, you will, won't you, Dana?" he said softly, looking up at her and smiling slightly. She smiled at him in return. "Of course I will, Fox", she answered. She cupped his face tenderly in her hands and looked in his eyes. "Didn't I promise to look after you? To keep you out of trouble?" He smiled. "Yes. Yes, you did", he answered. "Then what would make you think I was going to break with that promise?" she said, placing a lingering kiss on his forehead. They hardly ever did that, and to her it was the ultimate gesture of the deep, unfaltering respect they had for each other. They had always respected one another so much, even when there still was nothing else that bound them together yet. Eventually they had seen their partnership evolve into a unique, one-of-a-kind friendship, only to become even more. Slowly they had begun to realise they were falling deeply in love with each other, but Scully knew that no kiss, however passionate, would ever be able to convey the same heart-felt feelings of respect and admiration this kiss on the forehead could evoke. She let the kiss come to an end and rested her forehead against his. Then she looked at him. He had assumed the passive role, utterly trusting her not to do anything that would hurt him. "Mulder", she said and she saw him open his eyes slowly, the openness in his eyes, displaying the whole fragility of his being so unreservedly, shaking her to the bone. Then their eyes locked and something crackled and sparkled between them. For minutes nothing happened. Then he slowly leaned in and she saw his lips part slightly, feeling her lips involuntarily imitate the movement. They could kiss now, she knew. They could kiss now and never stop and everything would be all right. No, it wouldn't be all right. Something was missing. It wasn't the love which was missing, it wasn't the trust, it wasn't that they didn't both want it to happen with all their heart, it was something else. The right moment, this wasn't the right moment or the right reason ... Then she felt his lips brush over hers and she almost lost all restraint. 'Live, Dana Scully!" something inside her said. 'You love him so much, don't you? Then live and love if that's what you want! And it is, you want to live, and God knows no one can make you love the way he can ...' Mulder sensed her hesitation and looked at her. "Scully, what's wrong?" he asked softly and she looked at him. She sighed. "God, Mulder, I wish I knew ..." "Didn't you want this?" he asked and she could hear the consideration in his voice. "Was I going too fast?" She shook his head, whispering that he wasn't, that she didn't know what it was. She stroked his face and chuckled weakly. "Isn't this typical?" "What is?" "I try to comfort you and in the end it's you comforting me again ... I wish I could turn it around for once", she answered. He surprised her by placing his head on her shoulder and sighing deeply. Then he spoke and she could hear the gentle smile in his voice. "You can always comfort me by being there for me. By simply being there ..." He paused and then he continued. "By offering me warm soft arms to rest in ..." She kissed the side of his face. "My arms are yours, Fox. Whenever you need them." "I do", he said. "I need them so much. I'm still so tired ..." MULDER FELL ASLEEP SHORTLY after this. He was still in my arms when his breathing slowed down and became deeper, more regular, the lines in his face disappearing one by one. I'm still holding him, feeling him lie heavily against me. I feel his weight, but strangely enough it doesn't bother me in the least. On the contrary, it's safe and warm proof for the presence of this wonderful man. I feel my eye-lids growing heavier with each second that passes and with one look at the clock I learn it's already nine p.m. Normally, at home, I'd still be up and wide awake, but being in the hospital has made me get used to sleeping early. And with Mulder unwittingly providing the example of how wonderful it could be ... Slowly with utmost care I take off his shoes and lie him down on the bed, his head on my pillow. Tonight we'll share it ... It's something we've never done before, but it feels good to be lying here with him. After all, I promised him I'd look out for him so he could rest without worries and there's no better way to achieve that than by sleeping with him ... In the most literal sense of the word for now ... It's a sad thought that hits me when I realise I'll wake up alone. When I wake up in a few hours Mulder will have gone home ... We've got the most tolerant group of nurses here I have ever met, but even they cannot allow him to stay here in my bed, I'm afraid. But then I push that thought aside, not wanting to let that ruin the beauty of the moment, of being here with him. I don't want to think about him leaving me, I just want to see him here. I look at him, lying here beside me and with a smile I brush aside a few strands of hair which obscure my view of him. It's a rare treat to watch Mulder sleep, I sleep so much more than he does ... and seeing him unconscious in a hospital bed isn't quite the same thing ... My eyes slip shut and with a sigh and a yawn I acknowledge the fact that no matter how much I'd love to stay awake and watch him sleep, I won't be able to and I give in. I rest my arm over his shoulder, then move closer to him to feel more of him. Slowly the world around us fades into darkness and we sleep. Good-night, sweet Mulder. Thank you for loving me so much ... THE WORLD AROUND ME slowly begins to get back into focus inside my head when I open my eyes reluctantly, one after the other. I feel warm ... I look down, feeling a small soft warm something clinging onto me and I see a shiny mass of copper hair and bits of ivory skin below it. And I remember: I fell asleep in Dana Scully's arms. Fantasies numbers 1 up to and including 22 realised in a heart-beat ... And this time it isn't just a vague dream or some elusive fantasy, it's the delightful truth, it's wonderful reality. Okay, so we're both still dressed even though we're in bed together, but that doesn't ruin the beauty of the feeling one bit. She stirs a little and I smile, remembering what led to this. My little strong beautiful guardian angel ... Then my smile fades, knowing I'd give the world for a chance to be really worthy of my partner. She's way too good for a man like me, she really is. It's so tempting to stay here in bed with her until she wakes up and meanwhile just watch her sleep, watch over her. Even though I've never been present when she woke up in the morning I think I've got a fairly accurate idea of what she'll be looking like when she awakens. Let me see ... One moment she's still lying there, apparently deep asleep and then she makes this tiny sound, the kind of sweet sound you'd expect from a small furry animal like a kitten of a rabbit, and she turns around a bit, stirring ever so slightly. She doesn't open her eyes just yet, she knows she can stay in her world of sleep and dreams just a little bit longer, staying in that delightful never-never land her sleep is. But then she moves again; this time she kind of stretches and her eyes open just the slightest bit, letting bits of the world in, but not everything yet. Dana Scully wants to take it easy, especially in the morning. For her waking up isn't the desperate frantic fearful process it is for me, for her waking up is something nice, something pleasant. Something a person should enjoy and make last ... Then she yawns and sighs, apparently acknowledging the fact that the morning truly has come and that a new day is awaiting her. I don't know how much of this is actually true, maybe it's simply the dream I've got, the dream I dream for myself to experience. She's lying here with her head under my chin, her arms firmly around me. If I remember correctly I fell asleep in her arms, my face buried in the soft long curve of her throat, her hand easing me to her, inviting me to enjoy her offer of comfort, entreating me to accept her love ... I think that during the night we changed positions, I'm afraid we did. I smile when I lean closer and kiss her hair. I see her face, she smiles a little. She looks so innocent, so girl-like now, nothing like the cool professional scientist I see when she's performing an autopsy, or the imperturbable Special Agent the bad guys encounter. No, right now she's soft and pliable, small and sweet. She looks so small, she trusts me so much; I could take her between my thumb and index-finger and break her, crush her, just like that, but she trusts me not to. I don't think anyone ever made me care so much. It's fine with me, I think this new situation is one of the very best I could ever have gotten into: it's all new and unknown territory to me and I step into it with my eyes open and my soul expecting anything, both terrible things and beautiful things. So far the beauty has outnumbered the terror by 100 to one at least. Her doing, I know that. But I'm too happy to care, forgive the shrug. I think I ought to go home now. Like I said, it's terribly tempting to stay here, perhaps even fall asleep again and wake up with her side by side. Well, I'd probably get kicked out anyway, for sleeping in the same bed as she. I'd better go of my own initiative and not annoy the nurses. I regret having taken advantage of her trust just a few hours ago by wanting to kiss her. It was the only thing I could think of at that moment and it was the worst thing to do. And God bless her she didn't even hold it against me. No, instead of chastising me for this awful move of mine, she blamed herself, I can hardly believe it. Poor darling ... I'm glad I had the decency not to go with my urges no matter what. With her I should know better than to hurry things. The reward will be all the more satisfying if I wait till the right moment, I know that. I just hope we'll both live to see that day coming ... But something tells me we're not far away now. I hope that I'm right ... I smile at her as I ease myself from her arms. Then I bend closer to her and kiss her, smiling as I see her sleep. In a few hours I'll be back, I picked something up on my way to the hospital, a childhood memory I want her to have. Make that the one reason for me to leave her now ... I cover her small body with the bed covers and rise. Then I put on my shoes -- I can't remember having taken those off, but that's beside the point now I suppose -- and grab my coat. And, ready to leave, I can't resist the temptation to touch her one more time. Sleep well, sweet Dana. I love you. "GOOD MORNING, GOOD MORNING, good morning!" Mulder smiled as he walked into Scully's room. She turned her head towards him and her smile widened to match his. "You're in a good mood, Mulder, what's the reason for the quick change since yesterday?" "The reason?" he asked and grinned. "I fell asleep next to the woman of my dreams and slept like a baby! And the whole world is gonna know that I feel good!" It made Scully's smile widen even more. It was a rare occasion to see Fox Mulder as bright and good-humoured as he was right now and it showed her once again just how wonderful a man he really could be. "I like it", she said and chuckled. He sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed her on the cheek. Then he reached down and picked something up from the floor. "Happy-- ...", he started but then raised his eye-brows. "Happy-- ... what, Mulder? It's not my birthday, it's not Christmas, it's just another ordinary Sunday", she grinned, curious to see how he was going to talk his way out of that one. Knowing Mulder it had to be good, but she was curious nonetheless. "That's it!" Mulder exclaimed, hopping off the bed and throwing open the curtains. A glorious beam of sunlight bathed the room in light and painted every surface rich and golden. "Happy SUN-day!" He was standing by the window and for a moment Scully's breath caught in her throat. The rays of the sun filtered through the soft fabric of the lace curtains and it surrounded him with a supernatural halo of pure light. Together with his heart-felt smile he seemed to have come straight out of her dreams; her own personal guardian angel. No wonder she always survived ... He came closer to the bed and sat down on its edge again. "So, happy Sunday, Scully!" and he handed her a long rectangular present. "Thanks", she smiled. She flipped open one side of the parcel, but found that the cellotape at the other end posed more of a problem. But she knew she had all the time in the world and she wasn't going to hurry. Mulder on the other hand seemed less patient and he extended a hand to help her. With a mischievous pout she patted his hand. "It's my present", she said, sounding like a stubborn little child. Mulder chuckled, but he was relieved when she had at last gotten the other side open as well. This had been really trying on his patience, eager as he was to find out if he had made the right decision with this. She rolled the paper open and held a long transparent plastic bag in her hands. Inside was something made of cloth and balsa wood sticks. "Oh, Mulder, you got me a kite!", she said and smiled at him. "How did you know I loved kites?" "That wasn't so hard, Scully", Mulder answered and grinned, hiding his relief, behind the grin. "I saw the poster on the ceiling. Plus you've got that poem on the wall in your apartment. In fact I found out long ago, but being Federal Agents doesn't offer much opportunity to go and fly kites together." "Great, I can't wait!" she smiled. Then she looked up at him. "But ... um ... how am I going to use it, Mulder? I mean, I can go outside, but I still can't run or anything. I can hardly walk really. I don't think I'll be able to get it in the air." "I'm sure we'll find a way to solve that little problem", he smiled. "Let's first get to the park and then we'll think about that, okay?" She smiled. "Okay." And while she put on her shoes, Mulder got her jacket from the coat-hanger. He smiled at her as she slipped on her jacket. "Let's go fly a kite, Dana Scully!" THEY HAD WALKED ACROSS the street to the park opposite the hospital. The warm rays of the sun and the cool wind had made Scully feel totally and insanely exhilarated and for a moment she had just stood there, letting the wind play with her hair. She had never enjoyed summer as much as she was enjoying it at that moment. Then they slowly walked on, going around the park and looking for the perfect spot to spend the rest of the afternoon. "This looks good", Scully said and Mulder nodded. There stood a large beech-tree which cast a generous shadow from the midsummer sun. In front of it was an open field, excellent for flying kites -- as several people showed. They sat down under the tree and Mulder unwrapped the kite while Scully watched. It was a good kite. A professional one. It must have cost him quite a lot of money, she thought, but wiped an unwelcome feeling of guilt from her mind. Right now all she wanted to feel was the happiness that being with Mulder could give her, especially now that he was in such a wonderful mood. "It's a beautiful kite, Mulder", she said admiringly when she saw the fabric lying on the grass. "Where did you get it?" "It belonged to my father", he explained, pushing the sticks in place. He was good at this, she noticed, he had probably learned how to fly a kite when he was young and learned to do it well. On the other hand, when Fox Mulder set his mind to something, he never stopped until he had mastered the skill to perfection. "It was in the old house in Chilmark. I rang mom to ask me whether it was still there and she told me she had brought it with her at Easter. She said that I had always loved flying kites and that it was just lying there and it would be a pity if it would fall victim to mice or fungus." He knotted the strings to the balsa wood. Then he took it in his hands and bounced it on his fist. "It's still pretty well-balanced", he said with satisfaction. "So, are you ready to fly it, Scully?" "I ... I'm not that good at getting a kite into the air, Mulder. Besides, I don't think I can walk well enough yet. Maybe you should get it up and then we can take turns holding it in the air." "Sure", he said, grabbing the kite and kissing her quickly on the cheek. Then he got up and walked into the sun. "Don't go anywhere!" he shouted. "Don't worry, I won't!" Scully laughed. She had heard the amusement in his voice and she knew he was only teasing her. She watched him walk towards the open field. His walk was light and cheerful, so unlike what she usually saw in him. He was in the best and sunniest mood she had seen him in for a long time and it flooded her body with a kind of loving warmth she had seldom felt in the presence of any person. And he was doing it all for her, trying to lift her spirits whenever she felt down, smiling at her, encouraging her, kissing her on the cheek, too ... He had become even more physical than before since she had woken up from her coma. Mulder had always been a physical person. He needed to feel her in order to feel connected to her and she encouraged this in him. She liked the gentle touch of his hand on the small of her back, his arm around her shoulder, his hand in hers ... it made her wonder if there was really more for them, that one day they'd get even more intimate ... It was wonderful as it was, but God, she craved so much more ... and the idea of loving him was so tempting ... With her arms around her knees she watched his experienced movements as he pulled the strings of the kite to lift it higher. He looked around and with a wide smile she waggled her fingers at him. He grinned and then she saw him turn his attention back to the kite. She longed to stand next to him in the sun, feeling that one sun shine down on both of them as they flew that red-white-blue kite together. She heard the flapping of the fabric in the wind as it roared through the air. Then she saw Mulder pull something from his pocket. It glittered in the sunlight and she wondered what it was. He bent down and screwed the object in the grass. Then he slowly pulled the strings to the ground and hooked both reels to the object. After securing that they were firmly in place, he walked back to her. He sat down beside her. "So, ready to give it a go, Scully?" She nodded eagerly. "Yeah, let's go!" She jumped to her feet, but it was good that Mulder had anticipated this instinctive movement for she immediately tumbled over. "Whoops, still a bit wobbly there ...", she chuckled. Mulder smiled and with utmost ease he lifted her up from the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he carried her into the sun. "My strong man", she whispered playfully and smiled. Mulder smiled back and softly placed her on the grass near the reels. "For you always, Dana", he answered and smiled a true smile which made her feel warmer than the sun had already done. Scully reached out to take the reels, but Mulder stopped her. "Wait, Scully, let me get them first." She frowned. "Why? I can handle a kite!" He smiled. "I know you can, but this kite is stronger than most other kites. I just don't want you to get surprised by its strength." Then he took the kite from its trapping and he indeed had to give quite some counter force. When he had the kite back under control he looked at her, offering her the reels. "You wanna have a go, Dana?" She nodded enthusiastically and carefully they exchanged the reels. And the next feeling she experienced couldn't be described with simple words ... She felt so alive and vibrant, so powerful and strong. This kite, it felt like life, like luck, like all the good things in life she experienced far too little. And it made her see that even though she often felt out of control, she was in fact holding it all in her own hands. It just pulled hard and sometimes she didn't pay enough attention for a moment and it would try to break free, but because she had two reels, she could always find it back and Fortuna would never really escape her. For if at any moment she would feel too tired to hold the strings, Mulder was right there behind her and he'd take the reels from her for a moment without asking for a reason and he'd keep her life and hopes safe until she was ready to take the reels in her own hands again and get on with her life with Mulder as it was meant to be lived. Sharp, fast and on the edge. AS LONG AS SHE had been holding the kite, sitting crossed- legged on the grass, Mulder had been sitting behind her on his knees, his legs on either side of her, her back resting against him. She held the reels and controlled the movements of the kite. Sometimes he reached out and pulled one of the strings, but most of the time he let her control it. Then he rested his hands on her sides and just looked along the strings to the kite which carried so many childhood memories in its bright colours. He had made the right decision to give this kite to her. But more and more he found his eyes not on the kite but on the small person holding it. He was drawn to her by her presence alone. He hadn't meant to sit so close to her, but he felt he had to. Feeling her body heat and the sun, the wind in his hair and her small waist under his hands, it made him feel so alive ... She had kicked off her shoes and the grass played with her bare feet. Small feet, he noticed. He had once joked about it, but it was true. She really did have small feet. With lacquered toe-nails. It made him grin. He had always known Scully was the type to paint her toe-nails -- her shoes were a dead give-away. He felt her move, stretching her legs and leaning more securely against him. He felt his body do an involuntary leap at the sudden increase in contact and for a moment he was totally absorbed by willing his body to calm down again. This was not the time ... "Mulder, I'm a bit tired", he heard her say. "Could you ..." She looked at him, offering her the reels. "Of course", he said, glad for the opportunity to distract his mind from that other subject which had been way too tempting. He gently covered her hands which were still holding the reels and ... they both froze in their actions as the kite plummeted to earth. Their eyes locked and time stopped as their looks exchanged feelings of passion, need, love and hope; it was all there, everything they had been looking for in the other for so long, everything they constantly denied existence ... Then Mulder looked down and when he looked back at her, his eyes had changed. They held friendship, yes, and acceptance. No regret, Scully saw to her relief, but the white-hot passion she had seen there just a second ago had disappeared. She felt a sob of disappointment surface from deep within her, realising that behaviour like this wasn't going to ever take them somewhere near what they really wanted ... With a sigh Mulder rose to pick the kite up from the grass and Scully felt suddenly cold and bereft. She felt confused, angry, she was so afraid that she -- they -- had just destroyed the fragile parts of that mighty basis on which their friendship was built by giving way to their feelings, and that one day, despite its strength, it would all crumble under their feet because they weren't cautious enough ... But his look had been her own, hadn't it? She had looked at her partner in ways she had never allowed herself to see him except in her dreams -- not as her partner, but as a young attractive healthy man -- a potential lover -- and his look had betrayed the same kind of feelings towards her ... She sighed. She knew she was going to have to be patient to see what was lying ahead. She just hoped that this slip of their hold on themselves wasn't going to be the end of their friendship ... if they couldn't turn it into something more ... She felt Mulder sit down beside her. He gently touched her shoulder and she jumped. "Ouch, that hurt!" "I was afraid so", he said softly. "You've got quite a sunburn there." He got to his feet. "Come, let me get you back into the shadow. You're getting burned alive if we stay here." He picked her up and to her surprise she felt a kind of warmth that she hadn't expected after this awkward scene. 'Maybe', she thought, 'all is not lost yet.' Then she sighed very softly so he wouldn't notice. Perhaps not, but who could tell for certain ...? "Mulder", she said slowly when he sat her down under the tree and moved to sit down beside her. She rose to sit on her knees. "I don't know what came over me just a minute ago, but I want-- ..." "Shhh", he said, sitting on his knees as well and placing a fingertip lightly over her lips. "Don't ..." She looked at him and he explained himself. "I don't think I want to hear your explanation for what we were about to do, Scully." He lifted his finger from her mouth and once more she felt herself drawn to him -- the look in his eyes was back more than full-force! "I don't want to hear it, because, to be honest, I don't think there is an explanation ... We know what we were about to do and we also know that if we don't give in to it now, we will next time." He smiled and Scully's heart skipped a beat. "There's no stopping it, us, this. Never was, never will be. It's fate, Scully ... Ice tea ... Must be." She swallowed with difficulty. "Did we make a mistake, Mulder?" she asked, already knowing his answer. "No", he said, shaking his head. She felt rays of heat shoot through her body, hearing the tone in his voice. "Then what ...", she started, dropping her gaze to the ground but slowly raising it, giving him a searing once-over. " ... what is stopping us?" She finally, after all these years, allowed her eyes to show what she had felt for so long now and she was sure it would have the desired effect. It had. Mulder's eyes narrowed to slits. "Is there anything that could stop us?" he said, his voice raw. It was enough, it was all the proof she needed, and indeed nothing was going to stop them now. She grabbed the sides of his head and pulled him to her, slanting her mouth over his. God, he tasted good ... She sure had missed a lot over the years ... He wrapped his arms around her, one around her shoulders, the other one keeping her head to his, his hand tangling in her hair attempting to hold her even closer to him. There was no kiss in the world that could've held so many emotions, he knew, and his mind screamed. Screamed her name over and over again as his worst dreams returned with a vengeance. And with each stroke of her tongue, with each nip of her teeth, with each tightening of their embrace he relived and discharged another one of his countless nightmares. It was the most intensely frightening and at the same time most impossibly reassuring kiss he had ever been given by anyone. But Scully wasn't just another person, he knew, she was Scully and that explained it so well ... She could take these horrible moments away from him, make him forget them, only she could do that, only she had the power and strength to do that for him... Inwardly he screamed her name, or maybe he said it aloud, too, he didn't know. All he knew was that he needed her and that nothing, nothing, nothing in the world was ever going to take her away from him again. Quite abruptly he broke from the kiss and crushed her to him. He looked over her shoulder as he held her as close as he possibly could in a desperate embrace. He felt her hands on his back and he clenched his teeth. Then he grabbed her face and pierced a hole in her skull with his look. "Don't you ever, ever leave me, Scully!" he hissed. "I don't care what it is going to take, but you and I will never be apart!" He sounded furious. He was furious, furious with himself, with his own rotten incapability to keep her safe and out of danger. Then he saw her looking at him, her eyes wide with shock at his unexpected fury. He immediately felt himself soften. "M-Mulder?" she whispered, her lips soft and pink and swollen from their kiss, but her eyes wide with bewilderment. "Mulder, did I do anything wrong ...?" He stared at her in horror. "No, no, Scully, you never have, you never could!" He tried to convince her of the truth of his words. "I ... I was angry, furious even, but with myself! I ..." He sighed, finally letting go of her and leaning his back and head against the trunk of the tree. His eyes slipped shut. "I try and I try and I try but I can't keep you safe ...", he whispered, his face contorted in a pained frown as if these words came from deep within. "I can't keep you safe, though that's all I want!" He slowly ran his hand over his face and looked at her. "When I saw you today with that kite, I ... I came to a conclusion that had existed inside me for very long, but which I always suppressed because I thought, I knew I couldn't ... show you ..." He grimaced and sighed. "Your coma was a harsh eye-opener for me, Dana, it kicked me face-down into the muck of my own insecurity, my own incapability of showing the only person who ever cared about me that I care about her!" He had turned to face her and his eyes pinned her to the tree behind her. "Can you understand this, beloved Dana Scully? Nobody, but nobody in the world ever gave a damn about me and my feelings! Nobody! Everyone has a father and a mother who love their children one way or another; my mother pretty much ignored me and my father even sacrificed my sister! Hell, for all I know he may not even have been my father at all! My real father may be my worst enemy!" He took a deep breath and went on. "Everyone has known love in some form, until five years ago I barely knew it even existed! Everyone has people who care about him or her, whom one might even call friends and I ... I only have one ..." He voice softened considerably. "I only have you ... You showed me that life is fair and worthwhile after all. You showed me that despite my fucked-up life I'm still a human being with a be it limited capability to hope, love and trust. To cherish hope for my love for you, my trust in you. To believe that, if I'm a good boy, I will in the end get something in return for what I'm willing to give up for just a little bit of your affection ..." He looked at her, his soul laid bare, his heart open. He had never allowed himself to be so deliberately vulnerable to anyone. He closed his eyes and bowed his head. "Tell me, Scully", he whispered. "Does this -- do I mean anything to you?" She swallowed a lump in her throat. "Oh, Mulder, don't you know?" she whispered, cupping his jaw in her hand and making him look up at her. She sighed and smiled a bit. "Life without you ... It's ... it's nothing but a broken pencil ..." He looked at her in confusion and she smiled as she gave him the only answer her ever needed. "Pointless." DID YOU KNOW THAT a heart can truly crack? That the moment that one all-important person in your life shows you just how important you are to him or her, your throat is blocked and hurting with tears, your limbs give way while you're praying to be caught by that person, and your heart ... simply breaks open to let that person in, welcome and embrace him or her, whether he or she knows it or not? My heart just did exactly that. It was a strange, but fantastic feeling. You, Dana Scully, just took over; right now and for all the days of our lives still to come you're in charge of my heart, of my life. I cannot control it and sure as hell don't want to. I see you looking at me and I can't believe the words you said to me. I can't believe I told you so much, confessed everything that made me so difficult to be with, and you reacted so ... so incredibly wonderful to it. I can't believe I'm that important to you either. It's bloody scary because from now on I'll never have only myself to care about anymore, I'll never be able to tell myself that the whole world and all its creatures that live on top of this big lump of rock can just go to hell for all I care, and I'll never be able to look a broken pencil in the face without thinking of you ... It's pointless. You slowly stand, keeping your balance by means of the old beech tree and you look at me, probably silently wondering why I keep sitting on the grass, looking up at you and gaping at you like some lunatic. You know, Scully, that's only because you can't see what I can see. You can't see the sun behind you. You can't see the halo of light, you can't see a goddess come to life like I can. You cannot know how hard it is for me to refrain from throwing myself down on my knees in astonished gratitude for what you give to me so easily. And that's why I rise as well, once again towering over you. And hating that. Sometimes, no, most of the time I wish our heights weren't so different, I'm tired of being taller, of looking bigger, of appearing stronger, I want you to be taller, bigger than me, because ... because that's how it really is. You are so much stronger than I am, yet I seem to be stronger ... It's not right for you to have to look up at me, simply isn't. You smile at me. "Smile, Mulder", you say, placing a cool light finger under my chin and closing my mouth. I smile at the gesture, I smile, I grin, I laugh. I place my hands under your arms and lift you up and in my arms, holding you tightly to me. I feel your arms come around my neck, your legs around my hips and I cannot do anything but try to hold you as close to me as I possibly can without hurting you. "God bless you, Scully", I whisper in your ear. You're the only angel I know. God bless you, my angel ... You lift your head from my shoulder and look at me, your eyes engulfing me, taking me in. I'm silently wondering how a person can possibly love so intensely and yet have some energy left for living. "Sit down, Mulder", you whisper and I know that just like me you're not ready to go back to the hospital yet. Carefully, making sure that I don't lose my balance with you in my arms, I try to sit and I almost make it, it's only the last few inches that I cannot find the ground in time and I tumble over, taking you with me. Luckily you land on top of me and with a delightful smile you smile down at me. "Wow, Mulder, I'm impressed!" you whisper and I can see the sparkles in your eyes. Then, without warning, they disappear, making way for a hot, smouldering look I've never seen in you before. I'm not sure whether I can handle those quite the way a gentleman should, Scully ... I feel you rolling off of me and then your arms come around me, your legs around my own, your lips on my mouth. As of their own volition my arms pull you to me and it's a damn good thing they know the trade by themselves, because my mind has more important things to deal with at this specific magical moment. Then, about forty-thousand light-years later, I realise just what we're doing -- and that any second now we can be arrested for public indecency, Federal Agents or not ... "Scully", I say softly, finding it terribly difficult to break the contact. You don't look at me, instead you continue kissing me, my jaw, my neck, it's exquisite torture -- even more because it's forbidden, and we certainly won't be able to take this further for at least one more month. "Scully, we're gonna get in trouble ...", I say, once again trying to get your attention and this time you do look up. And apparently you know exactly what I'm referring to, though your answer doesn't sound like you're all that impressed ... "So", you say, your voice hot and smoky and it ups my arousal considerably. "In that case ... you can arrest me and I'll arrest you, Agent Mulder. Agreed?" Your proposal is as attractively unrealistic as it is unrealistically attractive and I sigh. God, I wish we wouldn't have to stop, I wish we could continue like this, but we can't; there's nothing I'd rather do, but we simply can't. It's the law. It's part of that same bunch of laws we fight to protect on a daily basis -- and those laws are now proving to be such a barrier to our love. With some difficulty I sit back up, taking you with me, sitting you in the vee of my legs, your legs wrapped around my waist, your arms tightly around my neck. We kiss. A lifetime long. And when we part, I close my eyes. For a long long moment I only think. About you. About me. About our life together as it was, as it is, as it may be one day. You don't know this yet, but tomorrow I have a meeting with Skinner. And while you're in here continuing your battle to get better, I'll be in the office, hoping with all my heart that one day I will hear your footsteps in the corridors leading to the basement office again. Rumour has it they're going to shut us down, Scully ... *~*~* "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT this, Dana?" Doctor Young asked, his voice filled with premature rejection. "Do I have to be?" Scully blurted out, then she composed herself. "Sean, I may never be totally sure about it, I just know I need to do this." Doctor Young looked at her with narrowed eyes, seeing her sit in front of him, her hands folded demurely in her lap, her eyes averted, her posture, however, rigid with determination. Dana Scully wasn't alien to dealing with stoic scientists. "Dana, this treatment you're suggesting, it's so new I never even heard about it until you came up with it. I don't know what to think of it, I ... I don't know anything about the risks ... I have my responsibilities towards my patients, Dana, I can't just try out anything and not think about the possible consequences!" "I know that, Sean, but I'm a doctor", Scully assured him calmly. "I can pull my weight." Doctor Young eyed her sharply and she looked down. "I'm serious about this, Sean. And I don't lie to you when I tell you that I have at least as many doubts about this as you have, but ..." She looked at him. " ... but I think one has to be a woman to understand why I still want to take those risks ..." Doctor Young didn't say anything in reply, knowing that this was something he couldn't comment on in any way. "Does your partner, Agent Mulder, know about your decision, Dana?" Scully shook her head. "No, he doesn't. I can't let him know yet", she whispered. "Why not?" She sighed. "He'd never let me do it. That's what makes it so hard. He's desperate to make all my wishes and dreams come true, but not if it involves me getting harmed or even so much as risk getting hurt. He practically dies every time I get hurt, that makes him so ..." She shook her head. "I can't let him know until I have actually started", she finished in a whisper. "Does your mother know?" "No." "Is there anyone but you and me who knows, Dana?" Doctor Young asked sharply and Scully felt a very childlike feeling of shame rise. She shook her head shyly. "No." Then she looked up. "I can't let them know yet. They wouldn't understand ..." Doctor Young looked at the young woman before him. Then he made up his mind and shook his head. "I'm not going to do it, Dana, I'm sorry, but I refuse to take the risk." He got to his feet and walked to the door. He looked around once and froze when he saw her look at him. Her face was calm, her body relaxed, but her eyes screamed, begged, cried, and accused all at the same time. "I understand", she said coolly, but her eyes told him that she didn't, or at least refused to understand. She wasn't going to let matters rest with the answer she had received, he knew, and he couldn't help feeling awed by the strength in her. Then she placed her hands on the armrests and rose, her legs still needing that bit of extra support to get up. She walked over to him and stood before him. "Sean", she said, her eyes now very sad and very very desperate. "I know why you decided not to do it. I would have decided exactly the same if I were in your shoes, but ... I cannot let this chance pass me by and not use it. I'm desperate, Sean, I have so little left in my life, I have been hurt by people in so many ways, I have little hope left and my dreams are few and far between and often turned into veritable nightmares." She sighed and with closed eyes she bowed her head. "I'm ... I'm a woman, Sean, I need this so much ..." she whispered almost inaudibly. Doctor Young looked at her for a moment, then sighed, overcome by the power in this woman. "I'll think about it", he said and that ended the discussion. DOCTOR YOUNG WALKED BACK to his office, his mind still on the discussion he and Dana Scully had just had. He placed his hand on the door handle and left it there for a moment, sighing in resignation, knowing just how much he was overcome by the strength in her. The feeling he felt was a strange mixture of amazement, admiration and irritation, but the outcome was always that he found it virtually impossible to deny her any request. He opened the door with a sigh, then stopped in the doorway. He smelled smoke. Cigarettes. He switched on the lights before the man in the room could order him not to and for one moment he was absolutely certain that the man would either change into a shrivelling pile of ash, or morph into the shape of a demonic bat, a vampire who sucks the life out of people but cannot bear daylight. But of course the man didn't and Doctor Young stepped inside. "Did she talk to you?" the man asked as a way of introduction. Doctor Young nodded. "Yes, she did." The man extinguished his cigarette, as always leaving over half the cigarette unsmoked. "Good", he said. "Of course you'll do it." Doctor Young clenched his teeth in frustration and anger. There was this undefinable something in the man's voice that made clear he never took no for an answer, but Doctor Young was tired of letting him be told what to do. "It's irresponsible", he protested weakly. "It's safe", the man answered. "There's no harm in it. My contact provided all the means to make this cure successful." "For whom? For Agent Scully? Will she be cured? Or for you and your pals? Which means she's going to die after all!" Doctor Young said, his voice raised. The man didn't answer his questions, but walked past him, lighting another cigarette as he went into the hospital corridor. "Hey!" Doctor Young protested. "You can't smoke in a hospital! We've got sick people in here!" God, he thought, he sounded so weak! No wonder these people never took any notice of what he said ... "You can start anytime you want. The medicines are on your desk. It's my belief that Agent Scully will come by to ask for it herself very soon. Her decision will be your decision!" the man said, closing the door behind him, shutting Doctor Young in his office. He was seeing red by now. He hated that chain-smoking son of a bitch to the core of his being ... And when he heard the soft ticks of raindrops on the window, rapidly turning into a violent midsummer storm, he knew he'd better not be called in to do an emergency operation anytime soon for he was just about to consider cold-blooded massacre of innocents for a gun with just one bullet and shoot that smoking bastard his brains out ... MEANWHILE, AT THAT SAME moment, Mulder was walking through the corridors of the hospital, on his way to Scully's room. It had already become dark before he had finally found time to come and visit and though he had called several times that day to apologise and assure her that he was coming by that night, he had never thought it would be so late. And that's why he was so surprised to find she was still awake and standing by the window, staring at the darkness and the fierce summer storm which was raging outside. She was dressed in a light summer dress and her feet were bare. When he came in, she turned her head and smiled. "Hi", she said and he smiled back. Then she looked out of the window again. "Look", she said with a calm voice. "It's raining." Mulder moved to stand beside her and gently pulled her to him. He nodded. "Yes, it is", he answered. Then he heard her sigh. "What is it?" She looked at him. "Nothing. It's okay", she answered. "No, it isn't", he replied quietly. She sighed and he tried again. "What's wrong, Scully?" She took his hand in her own, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "It's just that ... that I haven't felt the rain for so long ... It's almost as if I've been in the hospital for such a long time that I've completely forgotten what rain feels like ..." Mulder looked at her and took a second to process her words. And slowly a plan formed, a plan to remind her of how it felt to be soaking sopping wet, a stupid irresponsible plan, too. In her condition maybe even potentially dangerous, but then again she never wanted to be treated like she was fragile and he decided to go for it, no matter what the consequences. He took the door handles of the door that led to the hospital garden and opened it. A cool wave of wind blew in, taking with it a fine shower of rain. He was glad that despite the storm it was still well over 25 oC, this made his plan a little less reckless ... "Mulder, what are you doing?" Scully laughed, shielding her face from the sudden gust of wind with pale slender arms. "Well, you said you forgot what rain felt like, so I thought I'd remind just what it is to be drowned in a storm!" he grinned and with a last look at the thin cotton summer dress she was wearing he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him into the garden and into the storm. Scully yelped, surprised by his sudden and totally unexpected move, but almost immediately after that she felt a surge of joy, infinite joy that made her heart jump and her mouth curve in a wide smile. "So", Mulder said loudly, standing next to her and bending down to make himself intelligible. "Is it all coming back to you again?" She nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yeah! You know, I had really forgotten", she said, grinning when she saw how Mulder looked, his hair plastered to his head, his face dripping and his clothes totally soaked. Then she remembered how she was probably looking and with a quick look at her own clothes she realised that by now they revealed a lot more than Mulder had ever got to see from her. The curse of a pale pink dress ... She let go of Mulder's hand and then she threw her arms in the air and cried out a savage cry of joy, an ancient instinct driving her wild. Mulder couldn't help but smile as he saw his partner do some sort of primitive rain dance in the garden, her body wet and strands of hair sticking to her face as she whirled around in an expression of pure vital force. Then suddenly she stopped her dance and turned to face him, her lips grinning and her eyes twinkling mischievously. She held her arms out to the sides and look at him through the shower of rain. "Agent Mulder, I'm standing here in the mud and drizzle, looking at two empty coffins in a cemetary while some whacked- out kid just told me she's going to die because she has 'the marks' and you say this fits a profile?" For a brief moment Mulder didn't know what she was talking about but then it came back to him in a flash. Bellefleur, the very plausible state of Oregon. Their very first case together. The cemetary where they had been looking at those empty graves in pouring rain. The moment their imposed partnership had changed into a deep unbreakable friendship. He grinned and effortlessly picked up where she had left off. "Yes, Agent Scully, a profile. And I think there's a force going on here that causes the marks on these kids' backs, marks due to the alien tests performed on them and this force makes them go into the woods." Scully walked towards him and when she was almost touching her body to his she looked up to look in his eyes. She grinned. "So this force was chasing Theresa Nemman through the woods that night?" "No, it was Billy Miles. And Danny Doty feels the same impulse, that's why he insists on being behind bars, so he can't obey these orders", Mulder answered, looking down at his partner who was standing before him, wetter than a mermaid. Scully felt the same impulse rise as she had felt so many years ago: laugh. Laugh till she was blue in the face. And another exhilarating feeling. Love. Intense, hot love for her partner. "Come here", she hiccuped between laughter and with her arms around his neck she raised on tip toe and pressed her lips to his, kissing him deeply, allowing him to kiss her the way she really wanted him to, to let him make her feel a way she had seldom felt: so deeply, infinitely loved and to love back equally strongly. After a while he looked at her, still holding her tightly and he smiled. "So, tell me, Agent Scully, do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?" She grinned. "Oh, Mulder, I always have, I had no choice ..." He looked at her. "Really?" he asked softly and she nodded. "Yes, I just couldn't tell you, not without risking our extraordinary friendship", she said, rubbing her cheek over his drenched shirt, welcoming the exquisite new blend of summer rain and Mulder that invaded her nostrils. "Have I ruined our friendship now, Mulder?" He shook his head. "No, I don't see how you ever could", he answered softly. She could stay here forever, she thought, holding him like this, keeping her so safe. But then she felt the cold start to creep up her body and knew it was unrealistic. "Let's go inside", she whispered and she actually felt her teeth chatter. He nodded. "Yeah", he answered in a low voice. "You'd catch a death of cold of we'd stay out here." He chuckled. "And after all the efforts to avoid exactly that ..." She grinned, holding him close as they walked back into her room. Mulder closed the doors and Scully headed for the small bathroom that belonged to her room. "Can I join you?" Mulder asked playfully, receiving a look from her and he smiled. 'One day', he thought. 'Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough ...' Then he sighed, knowing how many obstacles there were still left to overcome. They would have to be very patient. And he felt he had almost used up all his patience ... *~*~* "AGENT MULDER?" Mulder looked around and saw Dr. Pete Hansen behind him. "Dr. Hansen?" The man nodded. "Yes, I found a few more things about the beetles and their sting and I thought you might be interested in hearing about it." Mulder sat down. "Yes, yes, I am", he said. "What did you find?" "Well", Pete began, taking a chair and sitting down. He took a few sheets from a note-block and spread them out before them. "Frankly I was quite fascinated by this matter so I decided to go into it a little further, because I sensed there had to be more to it than met the eye." "And you did find more", Mulder said. Pete nodded. "Yes, I did." He went through the sheets, searching for the one he needed. Then he seemed to have found it. "Look. As you already know the venom these beetles secreted is distantly related to serotonin or 5-hydrotryptamine as it is known in science. Now, although it isn't serotonin as we know it, the venom is affected and weakened by normal antidotes we use against serotonin. As you may know serotonin is found naturally occurring in the human body, in fact it's an essential hormone and works as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It is concentrated in certain parts of the brain, especially the midbrain and the hypothalamus and the concentration of course can change, often leading to severe mood disorders. If there's too much serotonin produced in the body, people tend to get into depressions or, in milder cases, develop migraines or nausea. Several antidepressant drugs in fact work by reducing the amount of serotonin produced in the body." "But", Mulder said, "what has that to do with Scully's situation?" "As this is a genetically mutated version of the kind we know, I cannot explain the unusually strong reaction to the venom, also because there's another source of poison in the samples which we haven't been able to identify. It's something totally unknown to science and I'm still working on it. But I don't have much time available to devote to this." "I understand", Mulder said. "Anyway", Pete continued, "I don't know if you knew that LSD affects the way serotonin works in the body and can neutralise its negative parts?" Mulder shook his head. "No, in fact I didn't." "LSD, or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, is related to a powerful, naturally occurring hallucinogenic compound called Dimethyltryptamine or DMT. In the time of the early Spanish explorations the Indians of South America used a hallucinogenic snuff called Cohoba or Yopo, made from the seeds of a tropical American tree. It was inhaled deeply by means of special bilateral tubes. Cohoba is mostly DMT, which is a strong antidote against serotonin. In Africa there was a similar drug called Ibogaine. African hunters chewed the roots and leaves of the Tabernanthe iboga to remain alert and calm whilst stalking their prey." "But how can we relate this to what happened to Scully?" Mulder asked. "You just told me these drugs were used during the time of the Spanish Conquistadors, that's over 400 years ago. It's hardly likely she actually had some." "I know", Pete answered, "and I do not claim to have the perfect answer to your question, but I have a theory." "What is it?" "As you and Agent Scully went to an old Inca city, it is my opinion that maybe, in one way or another, she might have ingested some of this drug", Pete said slowly. "You were travelling with a native guide and you told me he cooked for the entire group. Now, maybe to modern science this drug Cohoba may already be extinct, but native people often keep traditions which go back many centuries. Maybe this guide was still using Cohoba or a modern version of it as the tree which supplies the raw material still exists. It's a tree which goes by the Latin name Piptadenia peregrina. And if he used it, it is very likely you and Agent Scully had some as well. And this amount of the drug may just have helped you to get her to the hospital of Macapa in time." Mulder didn't answer right away. He looked at Pete. "There's not much we can actually do for Scully with this information, is there?" Pete shook his head. "No. In her case there isn't. But I hope these findings will attribute to medical science." He smiled a bit shyly. "And I thought you might like to know." Mulder nodded. "I do. At least it explains a few things I was still wondering about." He shook the man's hand. "Thank you, Dr. Hansen, I appreciate your efforts. See you at the presentation of the Nobel Prize!" and smiled, seeing the young scientist's proud expression. *~*~* A few days later "OKAY, DANA", THE NURSE said. "Everything looks promising. I'll come by with your medicines in about an hour, okay?" She smiled. Scully smiled back and nodded, rubbing the spot on her hand where the IV-needle had been for so long. It still itched a little and she had to fight the urge to scratch. The nurse left her room and with a bored sigh Scully leaned back against her pillows. This was going to be such a long boring day, she thought. Her mother was away for the day to visit an uncle who was also in hospital -- it had cost Scully almost all her energy to convince her mother that she had no intention of dying and certainly not now, and Margaret had given in --, Mulder had a meeting with Skinner concerning that case Claire and he were apparently wrapping up, and he wouldn't be able to come to visit her until late that afternoon. And for the rest, well, there weren't very many other people to expect today ... This was going to be a booooooring day ... She placed her arm over her eyes and willed her mind off to another place. Some place interesting. Some place adventurous. Some place that wasn't this hospital room. Some place which had a door holding a name plate announcing Fox Mulder ... She smiled at the thought. 'Never thought I'd actually miss that dusty, dark, cramped bit we call our office', she thought. Then her smile faded and she sighed again, wishing Mulder was here. "Dana?" She removed her arm from her eyes and turned her head in the direction of the door. Her eyes flew open and her lips curved in a wide smile. "Dana? Can I come in?" a man in a handsome, immaculate Navy uniform asked. Scully pushed herself up in sitting position. "Bill! What a surprise! I didn't know you were in town!" Bill walked into the room and after placing his hat onto the chair by the bed he embraced his sister warmly. "Once in a lifetime, Dana", he answered. "How are you, my big brother?" Scully laughed. "That's not fair, Dana, I wanted to ask you that!", Bill countered, holding her at arms length and looking at her appraisingly. "I'm not your big brother, Bill, I'm your little sister", Scully smiled. Bill took his hat from the seat of the chair and sat down, smiling at her. "You look good, Dana", he said. "If it hadn't been for mom telling me that you had been on the verge of dying, I'd never have believed it, seeing you like this." "Thank you", Scully smiled, "but actually I'm almost ready to be discharged from hospital and once I'm out I'll probably be back in the field which means I'll be looking like hell again. You're actually seeing me at my -- immobilised -- best now!" Bill laughed. "And how are you?" she asked. "What national emergency caused you to come to the capital?" "Mom told me you were ill and as I was coming back home anyway I made sure I got off in DC and visit you." He reached into his briefcase. "I talked to mom. She said you wanted to have this." He gave her something wrapped in a plastic bag. Scully opened it and laughed when she saw the contents. It was her own copy of 'Moby Dick'. She waved it at Bill with an amused grin. "Only you can get away with giving someone his or her own possessions for a present, can't you?" "Guilty as charged, ma'am", Bill said with a grin. "So", Scully said. "How's Tara? How are the kids?" "They're fine. It's amazing how fast they're growing. It makes me think about staying home for a few years, to make sure I won't miss them growing up." "I can imagine", Scully said, letting the book rest in her lap. "I'm sure Mulder would do the same if we had any kids." A painful silence fell in the room at her mentioning of Mulder's name and of the issue of children. "So ...", Bill said awkwardly. " ... ahum ... how's Mulder doing?" "He's fine", she answered. "He's in the process of wrapping up a case, but it's a case for which he can stay in DC. Basically it's more of a VCS-case than an X-File, and it enables him to come and visit me every day." Bill said nothing in return, just sighed and Scully sensed the problem. It was that same problem between her brother and her partner as always: Mulder didn't like Bill. And Bill simply thought Mulder was a lunatic and Scully shouldn't be working with him ... "He's no good for you, Dana", Bill said with a shake of his head, confirming her thoughts. She sighed. "He is, Bill", she said quietly. "You would know he is if only you knew him better." "But, Dana, look at the situation he's got you in! Mom told me they had even given up all hope of your recovery!" Bill protested. "This isn't his fault!" "But you got hurt on one of those ludicrous cases of his, didn't you?!" Bill said with a raised voice. "I'd say that makes him the one to blame!" "It wasn't because of him I got in hospital, Bill, it was because I run risks, risks that are part of the job I have!" "Yes, but that job includes Mulder and he got you involved in that stupid quest of his in the first place!" "Bill", Scully warned him, "if you're suggesting Mulder forces me to stay with him, think again! He never requested this partnership, I was assigned as his partner and I stayed. Besides, he's willing to let me leave whenever I should feel the need to do so!" "That's easy enough for him to say, Dana, because he knows you won't leave him!" "Exactly!" Scully said and looked him straight in the eyes. Then she sighed and looked at the book in her lap. "Bill", she continued in a softer voice. "I don't need you to protect me anymore. I appreciate your concern, I really do, but I'm a grown woman now. I can make my own choices and decisions. I know I'll always be your little sister, but I'm not a child anymore." Bill seemed a little shy. "I know, Dana, it's just that ... I already lost a sister because of this quest of his ... I just don't want to lose you as well ..." "I know, Bill", Scully smiled and held out her hand to him. He took it. "And I promise you I will be careful and back away as soon as I get into real trouble, okay?" Bill smiled wryly. "No, you won't, Dana, you've never run away from danger. It attracts you. You like danger." His smile faded. "That's exactly what worries me ..." Scully smiled weakly. He was right, she knew. "Can I bring coffee into this room, Dana?" Bill asked. "I haven't had coffee for a whole day and my system craves the caffeine!" "My big brother, still hooked on caffeine", Scully teased him gently. "At least I quit smoking!" Bill announced proudly. Scully laughed and gave him a mock-applause. "I haven't", she admitted. "No, but you hardly smoked in the first place", Bill grinned and got up. "Unless you changed?" She shook her head. "Nope." "Okay, I'm off to get a cup of coffee. Will be right back, okay?" Then he was gone. A FEW MINUTES LATER Bill returned with a cup of coffee in one hand and a chicken salad sandwich in the other. "This sandwich had my name all over it. I couldn't stand the thought that this poor chicken had been killed for me and I wouldn't be merciful enough to eat it", he said by way of explanation. Scully grinned. "You can still do it, can't you? That's exactly the way you excused yourself for the mysterious empty cookie jar when I was eight!" Bill took a big bite from his sandwich. "Well, i' vorked, dinnit?" he said with his mouth full and Scully almost exploded with laughter. Bill swallowed the bite and offered her the rest of his sandwich. "Here, you wanna have a bite, Dana?" Scully looked at the sandwich. It looked very good ... Then she shrugged. Why the hell not? "Sure", she said and he held the sandwich as she took a huge bite. "Hey, not the entire thing!" he protested when he saw what was left. "I paid for this!" "Mmm", Scully mumbled and she held her hand to her mouth as she swallowed. "This is delicious!" She used the paper napkin Bill had brought to wipe the crumbs from her mouth. "Imagine this, I've been in this hospital for weeks and I never knew they served such excellent sandwiches!" She took the glass of orange juice from the bedside cabinet and drained it. "It tastes even better than those chicken croissants Mulder and I had a few months ago." "So, you and Mulder went out?" Bill asked, looking over the brim of his cup and taking a draught. "What was the occasion for this festivity?" "We went picnicking. We had just wrapped up a case and one Saturday afternoon Mulder came by with a basket of food and drink and a blanket in the trunk of his car and we went for a picnic. It was one of the first times I ever saw him so relaxed, so ... intimate and open ... we could talk about things that had nothing to do with work and for once that didn't matter to me because it was Mulder I was telling this to ... It was wonderful ..." Bill looked at her, but didn't join her in smiles. He didn't like the fond tone in her voice one bit. "That sounded a lot like love, Dana", he said. Scully saw her brother's grim expression and she sighed inwardly. Oh, how much she wished he would just accept the fact that she worked with Mulder because she wanted to ... that he would finally start to accept Mulder himself as well ... "Yes, it does", she said quietly. "I think there was a lot of love between Mulder and me that afternoon ..." "Mom told me, Dana", Bill said, placing the styrofoam cup onto the bedside cabinet. "She told me you are in love with him. Is that true?" "Yes, it is", she said. "I am in love with him." She saw Bill shut his eyes. "Ah, Dana! Why?" He looked at her, shaking his head. "Why him? Why this guy Mulder?" She didn't answer. She didn't know if she even could. "You can have any man you want, Dana", Bill said. "You're smart, you're beautiful, I'm sure there are plenty of men around who'd love to have a beautiful woman like yourself. You can have men who are so much better than Mulder!" Scully had looked at him in silence as he spoke. When he was finished she looked down at her hands. "I don't want 'any man', Bill", she said. Her voice was soft but determined. "I want Mulder." "But why, Dana? Why? What has he ever done to make you love him?" Bill asked. He simply couldn't understand how she could possibly love this ... nut-case ... "He gives me life, Bill", she answered. She heard his humph. "I'd say that's exactly what he doesn't do, Dana, I'd say he just takes your life away from you!" "He doesn't", Scully whispered. She wanted to defend her partner, but didn't really know how to do that. "I want him because he gives my life meaning. When I'm with him I feel like I'm really living life as it is meant to be lived. Fast, sharp, on the edge. Passionate. He gives my life a kind of fire that no man has ever done. Bill, when I'm with him, I live. When I'm not with him, I can't wait to live again ..." Bill shook his head. "You're crazy, Dana, you know that? His insanity is catching!" "Bill, stop!" Scully said with tears in her eyes. "Stop it!" She hid her face in her hands and cried. "Why do you have to say all this? Why can't you just be happy for me? Why can't you just let me love the man I love? I'm happy with him, Bill, there's not a single person in the whole world who means so much to me. Why can't you just accept that I love him and want to love him? Be happy for the fact that I finally found a man I love, a man who loves me so much in return?" Bill sighed and closed his eyes for a second. He frowned. "But Dana, look at all he's done to you ... look at-- ..." "I don't want to, Bill!" Scully interrupted him angrily. "Don't you get it? Don't you understand? I'm not like you! I'm not like all those people who only want to think about the bad qualities in a person and forget about all the wonderful things! I know Mulder has his bad qualities, who hasn't?! I know I've been through some traumatising events over the past five years, I know that! But I don't want to remember those times, I want to think about all those priceless moments we experienced together! I want to think about barbecue sauce and ice tea! About midnight stake- outs and Chinese take-out in some dirty road-side motel and watching some old film with him whilst eating. I want to think about every time he acknowledged the grief in me because I felt so guilty of Melissa's death and he was never angry when I'd call him in the middle of the night, instead he let me cry, even came over if that was what I needed ... I want to think about that ..." Her voice died away. "I want to love him...", she whispered. "I want to ..." She turned onto her stomach and hid her face in the pillow as she wept. Strangely enough she didn't feel angry with her brother, she just felt very very sad that he didn't seem to be able to open his eyes to Mulder's good qualities, to all the things that made Mulder what he was and meant to her. The wonderful, caring, loving man she knew and loved with all her heart. Bill sighed as he saw his sister crying her eyes out. It wasn't that he denied her love. He had always hoped that one day she'd meet the man she could love. It was just that ... why did she have to fall for this man? He sighed again and slowly extended his hand, stroking her hair. It made her look up, her eyes red and puffy, her pillow wet with tears. "Why can't you let yourself believe, Bill?" she whispered. "Believe that Mulder really is the man I want?" Bill sighed and looked at her. "I do", he said softly. She looked up, amazed. "Bill?" "I ... I want you to be happy, Dana ...", he sighed. He found it hard to say, but he couldn't deny her her share of love and happiness in the world, just because her choice could never be his own. 'God knows she deserves to be loved', he thought. "And if Mulder's the one who can make you happy, then ... there's nothing more I can say ...", he said softly. Scully turned onto her side. She held out her hand and he took it. "I know you don't think much of him, Bill", she said, squeezing his hand gently. "But I want you to just give him a chance ..." Bill nodded. "Just promise me one thing, Dana?" "What's that?" "Promise me that the first moment he does anything to hurt you, you let me know. I'll come back instantly!" "To shoot his brains out?" Scully smiled. "That would be the least, yes", Bill confirmed. "You won't have time for that, Bill", Scully said softly. "You see, he took this vow ..." "What vow?" "Whoever hurts me will die at his hands", Scully said, her voice and look dead-serious. "And if that person is himself he isn't going to hesitate either ..." THE MOMENT BILL LEFT the room Scully saw another man enter. She smiled broadly and held her arms out to him. "Mulder! You are early!" He sat down on the bed and leaned down to kiss her. When their lips parted he sat up a little, looking at her. He frowned. "You've been crying. What happened?" Scully shook her head. "Not now", she whispered and Mulder understood. She was going to tell him he knew. Then she touched her hand to his face. "What happened, Mulder? How did you manage to get here so soon?" "Our meeting with Skinner was cancelled." He rolled his eyes. "What a way to waste the day!" Then he smiled. "I could've been here with you all day", he said, turning her hand and kissing the palm. "You're here now", she said softly. "That's all that matters." He smiled. "Yeah, you're right." Then he became serious. "Scully, when I walked into this room, was that Bill who just left?" She nodded. "Yes, he came by to see me." "Wow", Mulder said and Scully chuckled. "Yes", she said. "Once a century he does such a thing." "So, what did you two talk about?" "Not much", she confessed. "It was mainly about you and I working together. He's not pleased with that. He thinks you're insane and a danger to me ..." Mulder sighed. "Well, I guess he does have a point there ..." "Mulder ..." "But I am the one who gets you into trouble all the time!" he protested. She shook her head. "No, you're not", she said calmly. "You know you're not. And Bill changed his attitude towards you a bit today. I think you ought to go and talk to him." "He hates me, Scully." "Not anymore", she said and looked at him. "Like I said, we talked. I think you should do the same." "I don't know, Scully", he hesitated. "Just do it, Mulder, go and talk with him. I'm sure he's still in the building somewhere. Go and talk matters out." He was still not sure. "Well, um ... if you insist ..." "I certainly do", she said with a smile and he smiled nervously back. "Dana, if I go and talk to him and he should beat me up, will you make sure I end up in the bed next to yours?" Scully chuckled. "Oh, Mulder, he's not going to beat you up! He may want to beat you up, but he never could ..." "Mmm, I'm not so sure about that ..." "Go on, shoo!" Scully laughed. "Go on, you go and-- ... Oh look, there he comes!" Mulder let out a deep breath. "Okay, if that's what makes you happy ..." "Oh please, Mulder, it's not like you're being led to the firing squad", Scully sighed, rolling her eyes. "That's just what you say, babe", he muttered, leaning in for a quick kiss. Then he got up and with a last smile he left the room, ready to confront his partner's brother. BILL NOTICED MULDER THE moment the latter left Scully's room. Mulder saw him give him a doubtful distrusting look, but to his amazement Bill seemed to force himself to let this look disappear. "Mr Mulder", Bill said rather coolly. "That's Mulder, Mr Scully", Mulder said. "That's Bill to you, Mulder", Bill said with a half-smile and Mulder started to hope that maybe all wasn't lost yet before it had even started. "I just came from your sister's room. She looks good", Mulder said. Bill nodded. "Yes, she does. It's rather remarkable what she manages to endure and only come out stronger." "She's amazing", Mulder only said. "She is. She's incredibly strong, much stronger than I am ..." "Compared to me, she's more than human", Mulder said. "That pretty much sums up what I'm worth in our partnership whenever the going gets tough." "Mulder, when the going gets tough, the tough hide under the table", Bill said and he saw Mulder's puzzled expression. "I ... I don't understand ..." "Blackadder, Mulder", Bill said. "You should try and get some culture into that brain of yours." The men walked on. "Did you know Dana loves British comedy? Monty Python is a favourite of hers, as is Blackadder. She loves series like those, she can even quote from them." "I didn't know that", Mulder confessed. "Father taught us how to appreciate culture. Literature, drama, but also good films and television programmes", Bill explained. "My father never bothered. He wasn't interested in culture himself, let alone teach his wayward son ..." "You should read more, Mulder", Bill said and he sat down in a chair. It was a small group of chairs around a table, a little out of the walkway. It had a neglected plant standing near the window and some old magazines lying scattered over the table. Mulder followed his example. "Gets your mind off those UFOs of yours." Mulder only sighed. What comment could he give to that? "So ... em ... you two are getting closer, aren't you?" Bill said, eyeing Mulder in a peculiar way. "Yes, we are", Mulder said. "Did you know she's in love with you?" Bill asked bluntly. Mulder smiled and looked at the man opposite of him. "Yes, I do." "Do you love her in return?" "Yes, I do", Mulder repeated. When he didn't hear Bill continue he added: "I don't think anyone could not love a woman like Dana ..." Bill nodded. "That's true." "Look, Bill", Mulder said. "Dana insisted that you and I should talk, but frankly ... I mean, I know you don't like me. I don't know if it's much use." Bill sighed. "Mulder, I talked with Dana. We talked mainly about her work with you, in fact nowadays that's all our be it limited correspondence is about. I never liked her working with you, I will be frank with you about that and I still am very doubtful about her staying in the X-Files, but she insists that it's where she wants to be and that nothing is going to make her change her mind. And if so, I agree with her choice." Mulder opened his mouth, but Bill raised his hand to cut him off. "I'm not finished, Mr Mulder." Mulder closed his mouth and waited for the man to continue. "I talked to Dana about half an hour ago. She told me about her relationship with you. And I'm not your biggest fan, Mulder, I never will be. But she's convinced that she wants to stay with you and I ..." He stopped for a moment as if his next words were going to be extremely hard for him to say. " ... if being with you is what makes her happy, then that is all I can possibly want. She's a smart woman, I'm sure she sees things in you that I do not and that I will never see. "Understand what I'm saying, Mulder, I don't think you're worthy of my sister, personally I still think you ought to be locked up in a nice white straightjacket for all you believe in, but ..." He sighed and looked at Mulder who looked back. " ... I want her to be happy. Mom thinks you're fantastic, Dana thinks you're even better, Dad kind of liked you and Charlie likes you -- probably because he's never met you in person and therefore doesn't know the truth -- because Dana loves you. So that makes it 4 to 1." Mulder didn't know how to react. "I never thought myself worthy of Dana, Bill. I don't know why she ever fell in love with me, I mean, I know why I fell in love with her ..." "Why did you fall in love with her?" Bill asked sharply. "I owe her everything, my job, my sanity-- ..." "You're insane, so don't give me that crap!" Bill spat, interrupting him and Mulder looked down. "I owe her my life", he said softly, but without hesitation. "And you just take her life away from her", Bill said with a pained look. Mulder looked at the floor at these words. They cut into him like a blunt knife, not leaving a clean cut, but tearing at the flesh around it. "I know", he said softly. "God knows I know." "Remember this, Fox Mulder, I already lost one sister to this fucking quest of yours and Goddammit I don't want to lose Dana as well!" Bill said sharply. "And the moment I hear that you hurt her in no matter what way, I swear I'll come back and squeeze your brain to pulp!" "I wouldn't have expected anything less, Bill", Mulder said with a lop-sided smile. "I only think you won't be in time for that then." Bill squeezed his eyes shut for a second. "Just ... just don't let anything happen to her, Mulder ...", he said softly. He got to his feet abruptly and walked through the doorway, disappearing into the corridors, and leaving Mulder amazed and impressed in the corner of the hallway. *~*~* MULDER LEAFED THROUGH HIS partner's medical file and sighed. He had thought as much, he knew her too well ... "You could have told me, Scully", he said softly to himself. "Why didn't you tell me?" The door opened and Scully walked in, a glass of orange juice in her hand. She smiled widely when she saw him. "Mulder! I didn't know you were here!" she said and walked up to him after placing the glass on the table by the door. She reached up and kissed him, then she let him go and sat down on her bed. She saw he was still holding her file in his hands and she frowned. "Has anything changed, Mulder?" "You did it", he merely said. "You took it." "I took what?" "The treatment. You took the treatment I found, didn't you?" She looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Why?" he asked. "Because I wanted it, Mulder, that's why", she answered, but he shook his head. "No, I mean, why didn't you tell me?" He looked at her, his eyes not quite readable. "Did you think this wasn't important to me?" "I didn't mean it that way", she whispered. "Why did you take it and not tell me?" he asked. "Mulder ..." "Did you think I wouldn't be interested?" His voice was raised. "No ..." She shook her head. "You promised me! You fucking promised to tell me!!" "Mulder, please ..." He stood before her, not understanding how she could have done this without telling him about it. "Did you really think this was something which wouldn't involve me as well? God, I spent hours - - we spent hours and hours, searching the world to find this treatment for you because I wanted to help you make a dream come true, but at least I thought you'd have the decency to tell me if you actually decided to take it!" Scully shook her head. She felt awfully ashamed of her behaviour and tears dripped down her face. "I'm sorry, Mulder", she whispered. "I didn't realise ..." He saw her sitting on her bed, obviously feeling terrible and he felt his heart soften involuntarily. He really couldn't stay angry with her, he realised, no way at all. He sighed in frustration. "Scully, I ..." He looked at her, his voice softer now. "Why did you decide not to tell me? What was it that made you think you couldn't tell me?" She looked up at him. "I didn't tell you because you'd never have let me." He was stunned. "What?" She got up from the bed and walked up to him, pressing herself to him. He was amazed by her courage. He sighed in resignation, realising that she knew just how much power she had over him, that she knew exactly what would make him melt. "Why did you think I wouldn't let you?" he said softly. "You'd never allow me to do this", she said, resting her head under his chin and holding him even tighter. With a sigh he wrapped his arms around him and held her to him. "You told me I might get hurt because of this, that it might damage my health ... You'd never let me do anything that does that. You care too much about me." He didn't quite know how to answer to that. Then he sighed again. "Well, what can I say to that?" "That I'm right", Scully whispered, kissing his neck. "That you wouldn't let me do it, until the moment you could assure me it was safe." He nodded. "Why didn't you wait till that moment, Scully? God knows this may kill you after all! This treatment is still so experimental, I know so little about it ..." She shook her head. "It's safe, I know." "Scully, you've got no proof for your words! You know just how dangerous all this is!" He looked at her, tilting her face up to look in her eyes. "And then?" he said softly. "What am I going to do then? You may die as a result of this thing and then what? Then what will I have to live for ...?" He pressed her head softly to him, resting his own on top of hers. "Nothing, Dana. There will be nothing, I won't have anything left ..." They stood in each other's arms for minutes, not talking, just holding one another. "Mulder", Scully eventually began, "I understand how you're feeling, or at least I think I do." He looked down at her and saw her smile softly. Then she took a deep breath. "But I'm so afraid to wait any longer ... I'm tired of living for anything but the present. I know the past holds so many nightmares and that my future is so uncertain ... but I want something that will give both my present and future meaning, something that will make me feel like my presence on this earth has meaning, is justified ..." She sighed and kissed him. "Mulder, I found what makes my present worthwhile and I want that which will give me my future. I'm determined, I am going to get there, I know ..." He looked at her. "Am I that which makes your present worthwhile?" he asked and he smiled when he saw her nod. It had been a tricky question, but he had decided to go for it anyway as by now he should have some clues, shouldn't he? Still, there was still the issue of her future and he didn't have the guts to let her know his initial thoughts. "But what about your future, Scully?" he asked, silently hoping that her wish would coincide with his own. Scully sighed and closed her eyes, burying her face in the curve of his throat. "There is a good reason why I decided to go for it and take the treatment you and Claire found", she whispered, her mouth touching the soft vulnerable skin of his throat. She kissed him there and took a deep breath. Then she looked at him. "I want your baby, Mulder." FOR A MOMENT HIS breath caught in his throat and his heart skipped too many beats to be healthy. True, he had always fantasised about this, there had been a deep secret place within him that had held his hopes that one day she'd say this to him, but now that she actually did verbalise this wish, he didn't know how to react. Scully saw it and smiled. "I'm serious", she said softly. "I know that you told me you'd like to be a father someday and I know I could never have a baby by any other man than you." Mulder didn't quite know what to do or say. Then he took a deep breath. "Wow", he said, knowing this was a huge understatement, but for the moment he couldn't come up with another, more suitable word. He laughed softly and looked at her. "That wasn't exactly what I thought I'd hear from you right now. Or maybe I hoped I would, but I didn't think I'd hear it right now, but never thought I ..." He was lost in his words. "I mean it", she whispered, "but I need to know that you want it as well." "What do you mean?" he asked. "You said that you knew I wanted this. Besides, you've already started, what does it matter then? If you hadn't been sure, you should've asked me before you even started." She shook her head. "Mulder, it's not too late yet. I can still stop and I don't think much will have changed. Besides ..." She looked up at him and smiled. "... we've never made love. Whatever treatment I take and whatever the results of it will be, until we ... well ... actually do... it ..." Curse of her catholic upbringing, she knew. She wasn't prudish or old-fashioned in her ideas, but she nevertheless always found it hard to talk about sex as if it was something she discussed every day. Especially when it came to her relationship with this man. "... we aren't very likely to have a baby anyway, now are we?" Mulder sighed and smiled. Trust Scully to look at the matter that way ... And best of all she was absolutely right. "Mulder", she whispered, letting her fingers trail over his face. "I don't want to hurry, we do have all the time we need, I know. But ..." She bit her bottom lip. "... I think at least you'd have a right to know. I mean, I would've told you eventually, but I think it's actually better to warn you beforehand, isn't it?" She heard him chuckle and she smiled. "Tell me, Mulder, did I just make a fool of myself with this?" He shook his head. "No, you didn't", he answered, not looking at her. "I guess I just didn't really expect this now ..." He felt her lips touch softly to the hollow of his throat. "You shocked me, Dana." She chuckled, keeping her head resting in the curve of his throat. "Did I really?" He kissed her atop her head. "Oh yeah ... you've always been very good at that ..." He looked at her and smiled when he saw her smile at him. This woman was so important to him that it had to be dangerous, he thought and grinned, caressing her hair. Yes, dangerous. But delightfully dangerous. He'd give the world for this kind of danger ... "Mulder?" He looked at her and saw that her smile had faded. "What is it, Scully?" She sighed. "I'm scared." "What for?" he asked softly. "The treatment", she replied. "I'm scared that I'm going to die ..." She sighed. "I'm scared you were right ..." He sighed as well. He was tempted to tell her that just a second ago she had seemed pretty optimistic while he had been the scared one, but he didn't say it. "Me too, Scully", he answered instead. "Are you sure you still want to do this? You don't have to do it for me if that's the reason behind your taking it. You don't have to prove yourself to me by taking this treatment." She nodded. "I am sure. I'm just a little scared ..." She smiled at him and weaved her fingers through his, interlocking their hands. "Though I'm kind of looking forward to it as well. It's a very double feeling." "Maybe", he said, biting his lip. "Maybe we should just let it come as it may and hope for the best." Scully laughed softly when she heard these words. "Oh Mulder, isn't that just what we always do?" *~*~* A few days later "GOOD MORNING!" MULDER OPENED the door and smiled widely at the two women in the room. "Good morning, Fox", Margaret answered with a smile. Scully on the contrary didn't give a likewise respond. "Hi", she said flatly. Mulder sat down on the bed. "Hey, Scully, what's the matter?" he asked, kissing her on the cheek as usual. She didn't respond to it as warmly as previously and he frowned. "Is there anything the matter, Scully?" She sighed. "No, no, I'm fine. It's okay", she said. "So, how's work going?" "Okay", he answered. "We just handed in our report and we're waiting for its return and the call to come and defend it to Skinner. We have taken a few days off to relax in fact, Claire's off to see John's parents." "And you're off to see me?" she answered coldly. "Why yes, Scully, I ..." He was slightly confused. He took her hands in his own and looked at her. "Scully, you're not fine, don't fool me, you know I don't like that!" She pulled her hands from his. "Mulder, don't meddle with me! I didn't ask for that, so cut it out! Just drop it, okay?" "Okay", he said, taken aback by her clipped tones. Margaret on the other hand decided to enter the conversation and take sides for Mulder. "Dana! That is not the way you can treat him, do you hear me?" she said sternly. Scully looked at her and blushed a bit, obviously feeling a little embarrassed. "Apologise to him, Dana!" Scully fidgeted. "Don't want to ...", she muttered like a child. "Dana ...", her mother warned and Scully shrugged and sighed. "Okay, okay", she sighed. "I'm sorry, Mulder". It didn't sound very convincing, but for the sake of world-peace Mulder decided to let it slip. "Apologies accepted", he smiled, seeing Margaret sigh in defeat and rise to her feet. "Would you like a cup of coffee, Fox?" she asked softly and he nodded. "Yes, please, Mrs Scully." But when Margaret was out of the room, Mulder decided to show his real feelings. "Okay, Scully, what was that?" Scully sighed. "God, Mulder, why do you have to be so dense? I told you I'm okay, so just drop it, okay!" He shook his head as he looked at her in anger. "No, I won't 'just drop it, okay'! I want an explanation! Jesus Christ, when I came in this room ... I felt like you practically slapped me back out again! Why? You can tell me if I did anything wrong, you know I can handle that, I just want to know if I did anything wrong, because I sure as hell don't have a clue!" Scully looked at him, feeling a little ashamed. "No, you didn't do anything wrong, Mulder." "Then what is it?" "I ... I've been thinking, you know." "Thinking?" "Yeah, actually I have!" she said cynically. "I do that sometimes, you know ... I'm not a blonde, I can think ..." Mulder sighed. "Okay, don't lose it ...", he muttered. Then he looked up at her. "So, em, what have you been thinking about then?" "About myself, my life, my work, my work on The X-Files ... I've been thinking about you, too ..." She sighed. "You've been thinking about the best way to piss me off?" he said coldly. "Well, you did a pretty good job there!" Scully groaned. "Geez, Mulder! I ...", she took a deep breath, trying to calm down from her near-tears. "I've been thinking about all this because ... because I'm just not so sure I can still do this ..." Mulder looked at her. "What?" "Mulder, I like working with you, I really do, but ... it's getting too much ..." "You ... you wanna quit?" he whispered in shock. "You're quitting?" She shook her head slowly. "I'm not quitting, Mulder, it's just that ... my body ... it has a limit and ... now that I've had the time to think about my life as it is, especially since I started that fertility treatment ..." "What?" Mulder asked, his voice soft. "Mulder, I'm thirty-three years old, you're thirty-seven! We're not ... I ... there's more to life than this, Mulder, and I still want to be young enough to live another life, because there is one! I want you to still be young enough, too ..." "But why the change? Why so sudden?" he asked. "I didn't ... you never told me that you were feeling bothered by this, you never seemed to mind the dangers, the job ... I always thought this was what you wanted." "I did, Mulder, I loved it, I loved working as a field Agent!" "But you don't like it anymore, is that right?" "I ..." Scully sighed. "I suppose I still do ..." "You suppose?" Mulder asked and shook his head. "You can't 'suppose' to like this, Scully, you can't afford to simply 'suppose' to like the job. You either want to do it or you don't, you can't 'kind of' want to do it, that's what gets you killed in this line of business and you know it!" "But I'm gonna get killed anyway!" she said exasperated. "Look at us! Just look at us! Look at me! Here I am, in a hospital, just returned from the dead again. And one day, probably long before I turn forty, some lunatic is gonna blast a bullet in my head and I'll be dead! Finis! History! Still, here I am, taking some hormone treatment for my future, pretending such a fate isn't lurking around a corner at all!" Mulder bowed his head. "If that's how you see it, then I suppose you're right to want to step away." She shook her head in frustration. "No, no, Mulder, I don't want to stop, I just ..." "Then what do you want, Scully?" Mulder said sharply. "I wouldn't mind your stepping away if only you could give me a reason I could live with, because right now I can make head nor tails of it!" "I don't know, Mulder", she said softly, feeling a tear rolling down her cheek. "I just ... don't seem to be able to find the satisfaction in this work like I once did ..." "But why? I thought you loved your work. I thought you told me you loved me ... And I can understand that, because of what has happened to you, you don't find fulfilment in this work, but I can't work without you, you know that." "You've got Claire now, Mulder, you seemed pretty content working with her", she said rather coolly. He rolled his eyes. "Claire was assigned to me on a temporary basis! She's leaving as soon as you return to work!" "Well, then maybe you should think of having her on a permanent basis", she said. "Scully, I don't want her permanently! I want you back!" Mulder said, his voice raised. "And you can't have me!!" Scully screamed back, furious with his way of claiming her as his own. "I'm not your property! I'm a person with a will of my own and I am the one who decides what I'm gonna do or not!!" "But ..." "No, Mulder, you always think you can have it all and on your terms, but I'm sick of it!" "But Scully, I ..." "We're done, Fox Mulder!" Scully said coldly, turning her back on him. "Scully, we can do this on your terms. And I know I've driven you up a wall sometimes, but please, don't just turn away ...", he begged. "Good night, Agent Mulder", was the only answer he got. "Scully, you can't just quit! Not like this, not after all we've experienced together! You can't think I'm gonna accept you surprising me like this; you never showed irritation -- real irritation --, you can't expect me to accept this! You've gotta give me a chance!" "Good night, Agent Mulder." "Scully, please give me another chance ..." "I thought I said good night!" she snapped and he sighed in defeat. He rose and for a moment he looked at her, feeling so incredibly sad all of a sudden. He didn't risk touching her now, though he wanted to hold her close, so close that she'd never be able to carry out her threat of leaving him ... But he didn't. Instead he walked slowly to the door. Then, as he took the door handle he sighed and bowed his head. "I just want you to know that ... I still love you, Scully", he said softly and he could've sworn he heard a tiny suppressed sob. "Good night, Dana." Then he closed the door behind him and walked away. "FOX, WHAT'S THE MATTER with you?" Margaret asked when she saw him sitting in a chair just outside Scully's room, his head in his hands. He shook his head. "She's quitting, Mrs Scully." She frowned. "What? She's going away?" He nodded. "But I thought she loved working with you!" "Yeah, I thought so too, but it seems we've both been wrong ..." Then he looked up at her. "Mrs Scully, what's wrong with her? I've never seen her like that, I don't understand what made me deserve this! She's so ... I don't know ... Just a week ago she said that she loved the job and never wanted to stop and now ... now I'm suddenly a pain in the ass and I should just accept her resignation!" "Only a week ago she said that she wanted to stay?" Margaret asked and Mulder nodded. She laughed in relief. "I'm so glad. Then I suppose nothing is wrong after all." "Nothing's wrong? That's an easy thing to say if you don't rely with your life on that same person who just announced that you should find yourself a new partner because she simply can't be bothered any longer!" he said sarcastically. "Fox, she's going to be fine", Margaret said, rubbing his back. "Believe me. I bet that when you go back and see her tomorrow she'll be so sorry and she'd be only too glad to take all her words back." "I don't know, Mrs Scully", he said slowly. "She's okay, Fox, she's just a little cross. All women have that when they're having their periods, it's the hormones. It'll pass." "Periods? She's having her periods?" Mulder asked, finding that his jaw had hit the floor with a vengeance. He picked it up and shut his mouth. Margaret in the meantime didn't seem to find it all that extraordinary. "Yes, she had her periods. Her periods stopped after her abduction, but somehow they came back. And when a woman has her periods, she tends to go through some mood swings. It's nothing to worry about. Usually these moods get better when it's all over, but for some reason they continued in her. I guess that's because she's got this hormone-treatment, it naturally affects her body. I'm so glad when she told me that she was having her periods, she was so sad knowing that she couldn't have babies. Who knows, maybe one day she will have a child after all!" "She had her periods?" Mulder said, totally stupefied by the news. Margaret looked at him. "Fox, is there something you need to tell me?" He nodded slowly. "Yes, I suppose there is. But I think we both need a cup of strong coffee and a chair for that ..." AFTER A CAUTIOUS KNOCK Mulder opened the door to Scully's room when he returned the following morning. He closed the door behind him and after taking off his coat he walked closer to the bed -- only to see her stand by the window. She was staring at the world outside her room and initially didn't seem to notice him. He didn't make a sound to let his presence be known. Then she slowly turned around and her eyes met his for a split-second before she looked down. "Hi", she said timidly and Mulder smiled. "Hi yourself", he replied, making her smile as well. He knew that would do the trick to make her smile. And it appeared that her mother had been right: she was sorry. Pretty convincingly sorry in fact. She slowly lifted her head and looked at him as he stood by the bed, neither of them making a move towards the other. Her hands were restless and she seemed nervous. Neither of them spoke. Her fingers fumbled with the top button of her T-shirt and she took a deep breath. Then she reached out and pulled a random flower from one of the many bouquets gathered on the table by the window. With an unsure movement she stretched her hand with the flower out to him. "Peace?" she asked, giving him a hopeful smile. For Fox Mulder's part, his heart melt then and there, seeing her by the window with that flower in her hand, looking so uncertain, hoping so much that he'd forgive her the previous day. He reached out to accept it, but instead of merely taking the flower, he closed his fingers around hers and pulled her gently to him. She went willingly enough. "Is this an official peace-offering?" he asked playfully, loosely encircling her shoulders. She still had the flower in her hands and held it up to him. "Yes", she said. "I was just such a bitch yesterday. You tried so hard to make me feel better and all I could do was yell and scream at you. I'm sorry for that. Very sorry", she added in a whisper. " 's Okay", he answered, his voice nearly as soft. He took the flower from her fingers and with a determined flick of his fingers he broke the stem in half. Then he softly placed the flower in her hair, letting the remains of the stem fall to the floor. Scully smiled when she felt the flower in her hair and she looked up at him, seeing that same smile on his lips which had made her fall in love with this man so long ago. She felt herself fall in love all over again at that moment. "So", she said softly, "does that mean the peace-treaty can be signed?" He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah." Scully smiled, letting her hands come round his back. She rested her cheek against his breast-bone and felt her head rest on top of hers, while his hands still held her close to him. And as they stood there she felt warm tears well up in her eyes. 'You're so good to me, Mulder', she thought. No matter what she did, no matter how bad or misplaced her words or actions were, he always forgave her, always came back to her to give her another chance. Always. He didn't ask questions, he didn't ask anything in return for it, just believed in her and gave her everything he had to offer. And she ... she had lost it and screamed at him until he hadn't had any choice but to leave the room, his head bowed in defeat, his shoulders slumped. She had never hated herself as much as she had during those first moments after the door had closed behind his back, leaving her alone in her room and realisation kicked in with a vengeance. She had cried her eyes out all night, so afraid she had pushed it too far, so afraid she'd never get him back, so afraid she'd scared him off and lost him forever. So angry too ... "Sorry", she whispered against his throat, her eyes tightly shut. "I'm so sorry ..." Mulder heard her tear-filled words of regret and bowed his head, kissing her softly on the crown of her head. "I know, baby, it's okay ..." He felt her shake her head. "No", she said, "no, it shouldn't be okay, Mulder! I had no reason or right to treat you like that! I ..." "Shh, don't", he said softly, placing his fingertip lightly over her lips. "I know why you acted the way you did, it's okay, it's all right. I promise." He let his hand fall from her mouth and come back around her shoulders. She slowly looked up at him and saw him looking at her. And without another thought their lips touched and fused, both kissing one another with all the power and passion of their love. She pressed her hands in his back while he slid his hands over the curve of her back. Then he lifted her in his arms, carrying her to the bed, both trying not to have to break the kiss. With an inelegant move they landed on the bed, teeth clicking and noses bumping. They grinned and then kissed with renewed passion. And it wasn't until Scully started to do away with his tie and jacket and flick open the buttons of his shirt that Mulder realised for the first time since they had started this that this was still a hospital room. And hospitals meant zero privacy. With a gentle hand he stopped her. "Um, I don't think the hospital's the best place for what we have in mind, Scully", he whispered, taking his tie from her fingers and slightly lifting off of her. She blushed fiercely and grinned. "No, I don't think it is ...", she said. Then she waggled her eye-brows. "Gotta have to find a place soon, Mulder. Can't you get me out of here? After all, creds should be good for something, don't you think?" She kissed him briefly. "Come, Mulder, do your best. I don't think I'll be able to hold out much longer ..." He shook his head. "No, neither will I." Then he laughed. "Hey, Scully, I've got an idea." "Yeah? What is it?" "Well, I've got plenty of vacation time saved up, how about you?" "Lots of it", she said, "Why?" "Maybe we could talk Skinner into sending us off to California or Florida sometime soon. Or Hawaii, anywhere where it's sunny! Hey, how about that, huh? You and me, just the two of us?" Scully smiled. "Hawaii, Mulder? I always thought you wanted me to go and see Area 51 with you ..." He feigned indignation. "Madam, you hurt me!" he said, but failed to keep the amusement from his voice. "So, you wanna go on vacation with me then, Scully?" She sighed, pulling him to her again. "Love it", she said and kissed him. "I CAN?" SCULLY ASKED and looked at her mother with a look promising eternal devotion. "They said I could leave the hospital?" 'Good God, Mulder, what devil did you sell your soul to this time?' she thought. "Yes, honey. They told me your condition has improved enough to let you go home if you'd like to do so." Scully nodded enthusiastically. Now she finally had the chance to stay with Mulder for a few days! They had talked about it so often and she had dreamed about it even more. He had really done his best! "I can't wait to go, mom", she said with a huge smile, practically bouncing up and down in her bed. "When will I be discharged?" "Well, considering it's Thursday now I guess you'll have to stay here for the night and maybe they'll let you come home with me tomorrow afternoon", Margaret said smiling. Her smile faded, however, when she saw her daughter's disappointed expression. "What's wrong, honey?" Scully shook her head. "Nothing's wrong, mom, it's just that ... that I don't really want to go home with you ... I ..." "You don't?" Margaret asked amazed. Then she realised just what her daughter's real plans were. "You want to stay with Fox, don't you, Dana?" Scully nodded slowly. "I do, mom. We've been talking about it, I want to be with him ..." "I understand ..." They were silent for a moment. "You know what, mom?" Scully eventually broke the silence. "What?" "I love him ... really really love him ..." "Oh, sweetheart, I already knew that", her mother smiled and Scully frowned. "You did?" "Dana, honey, you two practically have an arrow and a neon sign pointed at you when you're together. There's no mistaking it. In fact the doctors already asked me for the date of your wedding-day!" Scully felt a blush creep up. "Oh ...", she merely said. Had it really been that obvious? Then she smiled widely. "I'm gonna call Mulder right away! He'll be so happy!" "FOX MULDER'S OFFICE", SCULLY heard on the other side of the line. It was Claire. And as she heard this voice a mischievous plan started to form in her head. A plan that could make this weekend even better than she had already anticipated ... "Hi, it's Dana", she said, immediately adding "Claire, don't let Mulder know it's me!!" She heard a neutral "Sure" from the woman on the other side and she knew Claire had some clues as to what she was up to. "Thanks, Claire", she smiled, despite the fact that Claire couldn't see her. "Hey, Claire, I just had the most wonderful news. I'm allowed to go home! But for what I have planned I'm going to need your help." "Of course, that'll be no problem", Claire answered formally, but unable to keep a twinkle from her voice. Scully heard a voice -- Mulder's voice -- in the background upon which Claire answered: "It's Holly, she has found the data I asked her for." It was an answer which appeared to satisfy Mulder's curiosity. 'Oh, Mulder, if only you knew ...', Scully thought. "Yes, sure, Holly, that's the info I need", came Claire's voice. She was playing along well. "Claire, do you have anything planned for the weekend?" "No, I can't say I have", Claire answered. Scully took a deep breath. "Well, in that case I'm going to call your boyfriend and if it's okay with you I'd like to take your place tomorrow afternoon till Monday morning", she said. She could almost see Claire's frown. "I'm sorry?" "What I mean is this: John will come and pick you up after you've left the basement office tomorrow and when Mulder doesn't expect it, I come in ... something like that", Scully explained. "Oh, I see." "Hey, look Claire, we're going to need a little more privacy -- that is, no Fox Mulder near any of us -- to complete our plans, but do you like it?" "Yes, I do. It's very good." Still that amazing professional attitude. This woman was good! Scully knew that she'd have lost it ages ago ... "Well, find yourself an excuse to leave the office and I'll call you back on your cell-phone in, let's say, five minutes, okay? Just make sure that Mulder isn't eavesdropping!" Scully said, feeling totally excited about her plan. This weekend was going to be the most beautiful weekend of her life! "Okay, I'll be there right away", Claire said and Scully could hear the wink in her voice. *~*~* TITLE: "Let's go fly a kite, Dana Scully" AUTHOR: Kirsten Kerkhof * kirsten_xf@yahoo.com *~*~* "WE HEARD AGENT SCULLY has been discharged", an ominous voice came from the darkness of the room. The man, who had been about to light his cigarette, looked up, more than a little startled by the other man's unexpected presence. He composed himself immediately. "Yes, she has. Or so I've been told", he answered, lighting the cigarette. "This is not the way we can continue." The smoking man didn't answer right away. "You're jeopardising the Project with your actions!" the man in the dark said. "Apparently Agents Mulder and Scully are stronger than we anticipated. We'll have to adjust our plans", the smoking man said calmly. "And just how are you thinking to resolve this problem?" "I have another card up my sleeve", he answered. "The situation isn't lost yet." The man in the dark shot him a furious look. "I hope you know what you're doing." *~*~* IN THE END THEY had agreed that Claire would leave the office ten minutes to three on Friday afternoon and John would be waiting for her outside the FBI building. Scully meanwhile would wait until three o'clock and get into the basement office as undetectedly as possible so that Mulder would be caught totally off- guard. It was half past two now and Scully was one big jittering bunch of nerves. Time seemed to creep forward in an agonisingly slow pace while she drank the coffee other Agents, who were also involved in the plan, offered her. This was most likely Claire's doing. Then, as she saw the clock say 2:52 p.m. she saw Claire turn around the corner and towards her. The woman's face broke into a wide smile and Scully rose to greet her, smiling equally warmly. "Dana, you look so good!" Claire said appraisingly. "Oh, Claire, I am feeling good", Scully smiled and Claire chuckled. If she had only half an idea of what Scully had in mind she already knew they were going to have a wonderful weekend. "Okay, you got your deal", she said and smiled, "Fox is totally unaware of the fact that you're coming. Go and surprise him!" "I will", Scully said, bracing herself. "Thanks a lifetime, Claire!" "You're welcome", she answered. "Have a lovely weekend together!" Scully nodded and walked in the direction of the office, a way she had walked thousands of times. But it had never seemed to be so long or of so much importance ... SHE LOOKED AT THE plain brown door to their office and willed her raging nerves to calm down. She took a few deep reassuring breaths, then lifted her hand and opened the door softly. She hoped Mulder wouldn't notice her just yet ... He didn't. He was sitting behind his computer when Scully got her first long look of her partner at work in a long time. Wearing his glasses ... :::shudder::: He didn't look up and Scully expected that Claire had given him 'a reason' not to. It was all right with her. With soft steps she walked over to where he was sitting, glad that she wasn't wearing heels today, and her shoes made practically no sound at all. She stood behind him and for a brief moment just watched him work, his curious untrained way of typing as fascinating as ever. Then she gently rested her arms on his shoulders and around his neck. "Hi Mulder", she said, her voice suddenly rendered soft with emotions. 'God', she thought, 'it's good to be back here with him!' Mulder froze at the gentle touch and turned in her embrace. He had a smile of unabashed happy surprise on his face. "Scully?" She nodded and tightened the embrace a little. "Scully, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the hospital? Where's Claire?" Mulder asked, placing his left hand on her arm and stroking lightly. "I've been discharged, Mulder", she said. "Claire's with John, he picked her up just a few minutes ago. I'm going to take her place for the weekend -- if that's okay with you ..." "Oh, Scully, of course it is", he answered with a contented sigh and leaned his head against her stomach. They were silent for a few minutes. Mulder remained leaning against her while Scully moved her hand up to his head and gently combed her fingers through the strands of his hair. "You feel good", she said softly. "So do you, angel", he replied and with a light tug he indicated that he wished her closer to him. She happily obliged. She walked around him, then let him pull her in his arms and onto his lap. They sighed softly as they sat so close together, their heads touching, their arms securely around each other. "How's work?" Scully eventually asked, her cold-shower question not breaking the wonderful atmosphere. "Dull without you to keep me hopping", he said and smiled. "Isn't Claire doing what I asked her to do then?" "What's that?" "Continue the training of Special Agent Fox Mulder on how to behave?" "Oh, Dana, nobody can do that but you, you know that", Mulder answered, holding her tighter. God, she felt wonderful. She was wonderful. The most wonderful person in this whole damn world! "What are you working on?" she asked, seeing the first drafts of a report on the monitor. "Another case for those guys in the VCS. They had come across some "unexplained phenomena" during their investigation ..." Mulder drew the inverted commas in the air to indicate he wasn't at all impressed by what he had received. " ... and they thought 'Hey, why not send it down to the basement and let Spooky clear up the mess'!" Scully chuckled. "You weren't impressed", she observed. "Who, me?" Mulder said. "My dear Agent Scully, I'm interested in everything out of the ordinary, you ought to know that by now!" He wasn't able to keep the ridicule out of his voice and she smiled. "But you were all too happy to make an exception for them, weren't you?" she smiled. "Damn, Scully, you know me too well!" he laughed. Then he looked at the monitor and grew serious again. "This is just a load of bull-shit, Scully. Look at it, every rookie could see what's wrong here!" "They're wasting your time. On purpose", she said quite seriously. "Even with Claire they still doubt you." "I don't think they'll ever have much respect for me", Mulder sighed. "I screwed up too much too badly ..." Scully rose from his lap. "Come, let me help you. Let's see if I can still do it." She walked over to the part of the office which was now Claire's domain for the time being. There she looked at the things on the desk -- her desk. But not her things and it hurt. She raised her eyes to look at Mulder who looked back with a pained expression. She knew what he was thinking, it was practically plastered onto his face. "It's okay, Mulder", she said softly. "I know you didn't expect me today ..." "I'm sorry, Scully", he only said. He felt awful seeing her at her desk, a desk filled with objects that weren't hers. He felt like he had replaced her. He felt like he had ditched her. He felt like he had truly lost her ... Scully pulled the chair to his desk and sat down beside him. "You really don't need to be, Mulder, it's not your fault and it's not Claire's fault either. You were just making the best of the situation, I know. At least her things and the order she keeps them in matches your desk", she said with a gentle smile. Mulder nodded and smiled as well. "Yeah, she's a bit messier than you are ..." And with these words she reached over and took some notes spread across his desk. "Come, let's get started, Mulder. It's only an hour before they're kicking us out of the office for the day!" OF COURSE THEY WEREN'T even close to wrapping up the case when Mulder at last noticed the time. They had worked for over two hours and neither of them had seemed to notice it. "Geez, Scully, where's your sense of punctuality?" he laughed, seeing the time on the office clock. "It's half past six!" "I was getting a little hungry", she admitted. "Then you should have said something", he said. He took her hand and pulled her up from the chair. "C'mon, let's go. I have no intention of spending the night here." "Claire told me you often do that these days though", Scully answered as they walked to the door. But before she could take her coat she felt Mulder's arms around her. "That's because when I'm with Claire I don't have someone to come home to", he said softly. She felt the truth in his eyes and understood the meaning of his words, words which made her usual reservedness crumble, especially in combination with those eyes. "Oh, Mulder", she sighed and she looked at him. Their gazes locked. There was such a strong connection between them, she just couldn't believe there was any force on earth or beyond that could ever break that bond. And it was the gentle touch of Mulder's lips on hers that proved the truth of these thoughts. THEY HAD KISSED FOR ages it seemed, but Mulder knew it was still too short a time. A few times they had been forced to break from the kiss, being completely out of breath, but each time their mouths had found each other hungrily, neither prepared for the passion they found in each other, neither willing to give up this unexpected passion. After some time the kiss had lost its desperate need and became sweeter, more lovingly. It ended in a tight embrace. "God, I missed you here", Mulder said and he felt Scully nod. "I know." "I thought we'd never be together in this office again", he said. "I know." "I thought I had lost you for good ..." This time Scully chuckled instead of answering and Mulder looked at her. "What?" he asked. "Oh, Mulder, you couldn't lose me if you tried ...", she sighed with a wide smile. But to her surprise he didn't smile back, instead something dark crossed his features and he crushed her to him. He murmured something unintelligible in her hair, but Scully didn't need him to repeat it. She knew far too well what he had just said. They remained standing in each other's arms for a short while longer, gently and soothingly rocking one another. Then Scully sniffed and with a soft voice she said, "Come, Mulder, it's getting late ... Let's go home ..." AS THEY WALKED ACROSS the parking lot, their hands firmly intertwined, Mulder thought of something practical. "Hey, Scully, are you by car?" Scully shook her head. "No, I took a cab. I'm not allowed to drive yet. There are still too many lapses in my concentration to make it safe for me to drive." "Oh", Mulder only said. She squeezed his hand gently. "Perhaps I'm not entirely well yet, Mulder, but I'm getting there, I really am. We'll just have to be ... well ... patient" and she looked up at him to see him smile. He moved his hand up and around her shoulders. "I know, Scully, I will be patient ..." "I know you will be", she answered. "You have been so patient with me for years now." By this time they had reached Mulder's car and he opened the door for her. Scully smiled and raised her eyebrows. "And a true gentleman to boot!" she said appreciatively. Mulder smiled at her remark as he walked to the other side and he got in. Scully had buckled up meanwhile and he did the same. "Well, where would you like to go, Scully? Your place or mine?" he said as he drove off. "We'll have to go to my apartment, I think", Scully said. "My medicines are there, one could never know ..." "We can pick them up if you want to", Mulder suggested, but Scully shook her head. "No, I think I'd rather go home now", she said. Then she chuckled. "Can you imagine, I actually missed the old place!" "Your apartment or the office?" "Both", she smiled. "I missed you too", she added, looking at him. She saw him reach for her hand and she took it, safely holding it. They didn't let go for as long as the trip lasted, the contact innocent, but warm, and a possible prediction of things that could well happen someday. "YOU GOT ANY POPCORN in this place, Scully?" Mulder asked when they had arrived at her place. He had taken her coat and was hanging it in the closet as Scully walked into her home. "Yes, why?" "Because of ... this", he whispered in her ear, a big smile on his face. He held a videotape in front of her eyes and Scully's face lit up as she took the tape from his hands. "Mulder, how did you know?" she asked amazed, watching him walk past her into her kitchen and take the popcorn and a bowl. He looked back at her and smiled. "Bill told me you were a Monty Python fan. And I remembered watching 'The Flying Circus' when I lived in Oxford so I got a tape for you." Scully walked up to him and, standing behind him, she wrapped her arms around his chest and pressed her cheek to his neck. "Boy, you are good!", she whispered and grinned. She felt his chuckle while he poured the popcorn in the bowl, ready to put it in the microwave. "Yes, I am", he answered, arrogantly pleased with himself, but also secretly proud of being able to surprise her with this. Then he turned around and smiled at her. "You know, I'm so good, sometimes I amaze even myself!" and waggled his eyebrows at her. SCULLY TOOK THE NEARLY empty bottle of red wine and poured herself another glass. Then she leaned back against Mulder and watched the flickering light of the fire in the hearth. The film had ended well over two hours ago and right now they were just sitting on her couch doing nothing. She pulled her feet under her and with a deep sigh settled more securely against him, enjoying his presence. She yawned. "Tired, Scully?" he asked and she nodded. "A bit." "Would you like me to leave so you can go to bed?" he asked but she shook her head. "No, I would like you to stay." "Okay." Silence. "How are your treatments going?" Mulder asked after a little while. "Fine", she said. "No complications so far and as you know I had my periods." "Yeah", he said, unable to keep a smile from appearing on his face. Mentally he kicked himself for sounding so eager to want to be the one who ... 'Fat chance, Fox Mulder', he scolded himself. 'What have you got to offer her anyway?' "God, it was terrible", he heard her say and he frowned. "What was?" "Having my periods again. I had forgotten all about the headaches and the nausea and the bad temper and the cramps and everything ..." "Well", he said softly, "you could stop having the treatment. There's nobody forcing you to do it ..." She smiled at him and touched her hand to his jaw. "Mulder, I would only do that if there was any chance that you might actually mean those words ..." He sighed. "You shouldn't listen to me so often, Scully. I'm not a very dependable person." She didn't quite know how to answer that. Then she took a deep breath. "Mulder, would it scar you for life if I told you I do depend on you?" "Yes it would", he quipped, his smile a bit sad. "Mulder, I depend on you", she teased, then became serious again. "I do, Mulder, really much." "I find it hard to understand what makes you think you could depend on me", he muttered, not looking at her. She sighed, her voice sad when she spoke again, her eyes fixed on his face. She was taking a huge risk here, but she needed him to know. "Mulder, when I tell you that I depend on you because I love you, because I want to be with you for the rest of my life ... do you think I'm lying to you?" He didn't answer, nor did he look at her. Instead he kept staring at the fire and a deep sigh escaped him. Scully reached out to gently brush a stubborn strand of hair from his fore-head and he looked at her for a second. She froze at the amount of self-doubt in those eyes. "Mulder, why do you always think so little of yourself?" she said softly. "Because that's the truth", he said bitterly. "I try to be good, I try all the time, but I only screw things up. I hurt people, I hurt you ... I'm a worthless pain in the ass and there's nothing I can do about it!" There was no chance she could ever have been prepared for so much self-loathing and it rendered her speechless. "Well", she said after a while, her voice low and uncertain. "Maybe ... maybe I just sometimes wish you really would hurt me ... at least it would let our opinions of you match ..." He looked at her for the briefest of moments. Then he slowly eased himself from her embrace and rose to his feet. "I'm sorry ...", he said, his voice terribly sad. "I ... I really should be going now ..." "Why?" "Scully, I can't stay here with you now ... I ... I really can't ... you can't ..." "I can't ... what, Mulder?" she whispered, getting up as well, standing behind him. He shook his head, but didn't answer. "I can't ... want you here?" she asked softly. "Is that what you're thinking? Mulder? I can't ... want you to stay with me? Because I can't ... possibly care about you? Is that it?" Tears started to flow as she walked up to him. And standing behind him she saw his tense posture and she bowed her head. "I can't ... want you, Mulder? Are you thinking that?" She sighed and wiped the tears away, then she slowly headed back for the couch and sat down, her eyes at the fire. "I'll tell you what I can't do, Mulder", she said and it made him turn around. He saw her small body, looking so fragile all of a sudden and it shook him to his marrow. "I'll tell you what I can't do", she repeated. "I can't let you think that of yourself, Mulder. I can't let you hate yourself so much. I can't forbid myself to love you, I can't let you fall, I can't tell myself to see you as less than my best best friend, as my soulmate and other half. I can't make myself unlove you, Mulder ... I can't." Not making a sound he walked back to the couch. She didn't hear or see him and continued to speak. "I tried to see if I could forget about you, even for a moment, but I can't. I love you, that's one truth this quest of ours has brought to the light. I love you with all that's in me and I guess that defines my only real inability:" She finally looked around and saw him looking at her. She sat up on her knees and, leaning over the back of the couch, she extended her hands towards him. He took them. "I can't live without you, Mulder. I know you hurt me sometimes and I tried to make that a reason not to love you, but I still want to be with you ..." She looked at their hands, interlocked as if the end of the world wasn't going to be able to rip them apart. Then she looked up to read his face. Still that damn self-depreciating look! "Fuck it, Mulder!!", she screamed, suddenly feeling so angry with him and this self-flagellation of his. "Why can't you just let yourself want anyone? Why can't you accept the fact that there are people who love you because they love you just the way you are? Why do you have to torture yourself like that all the time?!" She felt tears stream down and allowed herself to cry freely. "Mulder, I love you! Don't you see that I do?!" With a force she didn't recognise as her own she pulled his hands and, because he didn't expected the move, he tumbled over the back of the couch and over her, landing on top of her. She flung her arms around his neck and crushed him to her. "I love you, Fox! You're not worthless, you mean my life to me!!" She looked up at him, seeing his eyes red with tears as well. "Do you know how much you hurt me with your words just a minute ago, Mulder?" she said and she saw the regret which crossed his face. "Nothing, but nothing can ever hurt me as long as I know you're with me, but words like those ... I never ever want to hear them from you again, do you get that?" she said, bringing his face down to hers so that she felt his breath on her lips. "I forbid you to say those words! I forbid you to even think them!" And with these words she reached for him and pressed her mouth to his, snaking her arms behind his head and neck to pull him even closer. Mulder tasted the saltiness of their tears as they kissed. And as the kiss became deeper and more thorough, more love-filled with every second that passed, he felt fresh tears seep from under his closed eyelids, loving her too much to understand. Wasn't this just what he had never dared to hope any woman would ever say to him? Wasn't what this woman and he had exactly what he had never dared to dream of ever having? Not even in his most reckless of dreams? That somewhere in this world there would ever be someone who could care so much about him? He felt her lips release his own and he raised up a little to look down at her. Her face was flushed and wet with their tears, and her eyes were red and puffy but they sparkled. She was the most beautiful woman in the world and she was in love with him, even though he couldn't ... but then he stopped. She had forbidden him to think like that ... She smiled weakly and sighed the sweetest sigh he had ever heard in his life. And he was just about to bend down for another kiss when he heard her soft plea. "Make love to me, Mulder. Prove how much you love me." And that's when the alarms went off inside his head. He hated it, he hated feeling this feeling, but he knew it was right and he moved up from her a bit. With a sad smile he shook his head. "No, Scully", he whispered. "Not like this." Her look almost killed him. "No?" she asked and the tone in her voice ripped his heart to pieces. "Why not, Mulder? I love you, you love me, what could be wrong?" He sighed and closed his eyes, rolling off of her. Then he looked back at her, trying desperately to make her see the truth in his words. "Scully, I don't lie when I tell you that I do want this, but we never discussed it and you're not quite yourself yet, I ..." He sighed. "I'm just so afraid we'll make a mistake we cannot correct ..." She looked at him and saw the raw pain in his heart. She knew what he was feeling and how he was feeling. And worst of all she could hardly make herself respect it ... even though he was right. "Mulder ...", she began, but he cut her off. "No, Scully, I don't want to ..." He stopped and with a frustrated groan he shook his head. "God, I want this! I want this so much! But ... not like this ... not when it has to happen amid a fit of anger! You were distressed and so was I and I'm ... I'm just not sure you meant everything you said just a second ago ... and I can't take advantage of something which hasn't been said with a clear mind, something we may regret afterwards if we go on without thinking about the consequences ... especially not when it's us making love", he finished in a whisper. Totally unexpectedly Scully felt her heart crack open at his words. His tenderness, his consideration, his unabashed use of the phrase 'us making love'. For that was what this was. They were making love. Or rather, they had been about to do that. And he looked so lost now that he had stopped them, like he didn't really know what to do ... He rolled off the couch and sat down on the floor, his back resting against the couch, his arms resting on his knees and his head dropped. The heated passion inside her had cooled down to a far more pleasant thrumming, a feeling of warm expectation circling just below her skin. She went to lie face down on the couch and with a cautious gesture brushed a lock of his hair in place. He didn't move, neither moving closer to her, encouraging her, nor moving away. She took it as a good sign. "Oh, Mulder", she sighed. "You're not kicking yourself again, are you?" No answer, just a deep sigh. She let herself slide off the couch to sit against him on the floor, her head on his shoulder as she tried to let her hands communicate the love and admiration she felt for him. She softly kissed his shoulder, then leaned her head against it. "I love you", she whispered and saw a small smile appear on his lips. "I know, Dana", he said softly and he turned his head slightly, letting it rest against hers. "Can't explain how much that surprises me ..." "Mulder, I believe I forbade you thinking like that", she said with a gentle smile. He shrugged. "But I'm such a maverick. I don't fit in at all, I'm shunned by other people, no one wants to have anything to do with me. But because of me, they avoid you as well ... You'll never reach what you deserve as long as you're with me, I know that. God, sometimes I think I merely work as a millstone hanging around your neck, holding you down on your way to climb the ladder." "No, you don't", she said and he looked at her. "Then what am I?" he asked. "What in God's name is there still in me then?!" "You are what you are, Mulder, and that means 'different from most people'. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad or something to be ashamed of." She looked at him. "Mulder, the fact that you're so different from other Agents in the Bureau is one of the things that attracted me to you in the first place. It was something I couldn't resist, it was a challenge of sorts and I still love every minute of being with you, because of that challenge. It's what made me fall in love with you. The challenge of living with you. You're not an easy person to be with, but that doesn't bother me, it's what I want." She smiled. "If I had wanted predictability I could have found it anywhere. But I don't want predictability. I want adventure and excitement and a life-style that's different, with a person who's different from the others. And you are. You're different, you're ... original even ..." "I'm original?" he asked and she nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck and sitting in his lap. Then she looked at him, wanting him to look back, hoping to tease him back to where they had left off just a few minutes ago. He seemed to go with her quite easily. "You are", she answered, kissing him warm and sensual. There was some unfinished business which she was more than willing to attend to. "You are the most original man I've ever met." His mouth was warm and inviting, inviting her to continue and lead the way. But Scully soon discovered that she wasn't the only one with initiative here, Mulder took the lead soon enough. "Meaning?" he asked, his hands roaming over her body as his mouth plundered hers. It was a while before she could find a moment to answer him, not really very keen on pausing from her pleasant pastime. Then she looked at him and smiled. "Mulder, always try to be an original. And if that means a little eccentric, so be it." His eyes shot open to see her smile at him, a smile that showed him every little bit of her inner self. It was the most adorable, touching, arousing smile he had ever been given, that was for sure. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what he could possibly say. Or how he could ever put his feelings into words. "It's all right what we're doing here, Mulder", Scully said softly. "We've both seen this moment coming and we've been right not to hurry. But ... I think we shouldn't be afraid of what isn't there ..." She kissed him very earnestly, giving him everything she had to give. Then, when they broke from the kiss after what had seemed ages, she slowly undid the buttons of her blouse and let it fall open and from her shoulders. She saw him swallow and couldn't suppress a smile. "Make love to me, Mulder. Right here. Right now", she whispered, knowing that this time he wasn't going to refuse her request. A LAZY MOVEMENT ENABLED Mulder to pull the throw from Scully's couch and it landed on top of the couple. It was more than enough, he knew, feeling the combined warmth of the fire in the hearth, Scully's body and the aftermath of intense love adding everything he needed to the comfort of the soft quilt. He sighed and smiled, looking down at the woman in his arms. They were lying on the soft carpet of Scully's apartment in a tangle of arms and legs and damp flesh, trying to figure out what exactly had happened here. Oh, he knew what had happened here, they had made love. Earth-shocking, mind-bending love. It was just that he had always envisioned them experiencing their first time together ... well ... in bed. Not on the floor of her apartment ... He felt her wrap her legs a little tighter around his hips and she sighed, keeping her eyes closed, her fingers digging into the muscles of his back. Then, with a chuckle, she yawned, making him yawn as well. "Bed, Scully?" he asked and she nodded, a little too enthusiastically to make him believe she was thinking of sleeping. With a chuckle he rose, holding her tightly to him, and carried her to her bedroom. There he placed her on the soft mattress and, snuggling in beside her, he pulled the covers over himself and his already sleeping partner. She was right, he thought, even he had a future with someone he loved and who loved him dearly in return. He pulled her gently to him and when they were comfortably spooned together he sighed a very contented sigh. So he was an original, he thought. You'd need a woman like Dana Scully to make a man like him feel good ... *~*~* THE SOUND OF SOMEONE knocking loudly on Scully's front door woke Mulder up the following morning and with a soft groan he carefully released himself from Scully's embrace. "M'lr ... where're you goin'...?" she murmured and he smiled, hearing that person knock again and even more insistently. "There's someone at the door, sweetheart. I'll be right back", he whispered and she let him go, though clearly not whole- heartedly. "Hurry back", she said, curling up in bed. "I'm cold without you." He threw on a bathrobe and hurried to the door, in the meantime trying to comb his hair with his fingers. He opened the door and saw a young man standing there with a large brown envelope in his hand. Mulder tried to muster as much dignity as possible, knowing he must be looking like hell. 'Curse of sex in the morning', he thought wryly. "Can I help you?" "I've got a registered letter for Ms Scully. Is she at home?" the man said. Mulder nodded. "I'm her partner. I'll take care of it", he answered and the man, obviously not very fixed on rules, shrugged. "Fine with me. As long as anyone accepts it. Could you sign here, please?" Mulder scribbled his name on a paper and received the envelope. "Have a nice day", the man said and Mulder mumbled something vague in return, hating that 'have a nice day' to the core of his being. Then he took the envelope to the bedroom where Scully was waiting for him. A wide smile appeared on her already beaming face when she saw him and she beckoned him to the bed. "Come here", she said, the tone in her voice leaving no questions as to what she really wanted. But Mulder didn't come to her right away and she frowned. "What?" "It's a registered letter for you, Scully", he said. She smiled. "Oh, Mulder, that's not important right now", she said. "I'm sure it can wait. Come here, let it wait ..." He smiled, but something on the envelope had caught his eye and he wasn't so sure they could afford letting it wait. "Scully, it's from the Bureau", he said and the smile on her face disappeared. "The Bureau?" she repeated with a soft voice and he nodded. "Don't suppose it's a 'get well' card, do you?" he asked with absolutely no amusement and she shook her head. "Do you want to open the letter or shall I open it?" "You open it", she whispered, sitting up in bed and tucking the bedcovers under her arms and over her breasts for modesty. Mulder saw it and smiled. "You don't need to do that, you know. I can assure you there's nothing you need to be ashamed of ..." Then he sat down next to her and she sat closer to him. He tore open the envelope and retrieved a sheet of paper with the FBI's mark on it. He unfolded it and they began to read. "IT'S TRUE, ISN'T IT, Mulder?" Scully whispered after she had read the letter over and over again. Her voice wavered with emotions. He nodded, but didn't speak. Then he turned to look at her and swallowed. "They've done it again" was all he could say. "It's over", she whispered incredulously. Then she grabbed the letter and read it once again as if its contents had mysteriously changed over the past few seconds. She looked up and at him and saw his lost expression. "Why? Why are they doing this to us again?" "I don't know", he said, his voice almost a wail. "I can't believe it." She shook her head. "It's true. They're sending you off to Arizona. They're splitting us up again and this time they made sure we can't stay in contact with each other. We're getting separated ..." Scully had never heard her partner's voice sound so empty, so devoid of any hope and it made reality crash down on her. She grabbed his arm. "No, they can't!" she said, her eyes wide and unbelieving. "They cannot separate us, not now, not ever! They can't do that to us, Mulder! They can't!!" He looked at her and the thoroughly sad expression in his eyes made her face crumple. And, taking her in his arms, he let her cry. "I thought ... I thought after last night everything was okay at last", she whispered, sobs choking her voice. "I had been looking forward to this for so long and ... I just knew nothing could make this change, but they have! They have split us up again!" Mulder didn't know what he could say to comfort her, so he opted for simply holding her, hoping for the world it would be enough for her for now. God, they'd been separated again. It wasn't fair, it was Goddammit not fair! They belonged together, didn't they see that? Was that so hard to understand? He couldn't let her leave, he needed her here, Scully and he couldn't be apart! Didn't they understand that?! "I can't let you go there, Scully", he said softly, cradling his still-weeping partner in his arms. He took the despised letter as if he had to ascertain himself once more of the dreadful news. He shook his head, seeing the date on which she'd have to report at the field- office of Tucson, Arizona. It was only five days from now ... "They want to break us, Scully, that's the only reason for this", he said. "We're so strong together, they can't fight us when we're together. But they know they can break us by taking one away from the other." "Do you think Skinner's behind this?" she asked softly, voicing her doubts. "I don't know, Scully", he answered, "but I wouldn't be surprised ..." She lifted her face from his chest and looked at him. "But what about the X-Files, Mulder? They didn't mention the X-Files being closed again." His expression was grim. "I don't think they've closed them at all, Scully. I think they simply made Claire my official partner and sent you away to Arizona." "But why ... I ... I don't understand ..." "I think they wanted me and Claire together even when you were still in a coma. I should have been suspicious of getting a new partner so soon, but I didn't spare a minute to think about it. It's my guess that they hoped I'd choose for her of my free will." He took a deep breath. "And when they found out I wasn't really inclined to do that, they sent us this letter ..." "But Claire likes you, she agrees with you and your ideas", Scully said. "She's as unlikely to debunk your work as I am. What is it that would make her less of a threat than me?" "I don't think they're interested in anyone debunking my work anymore, Scully. They just want me to shut up. And" He looked at her, gently taking her face in his hands, "I'm not in love with her the way I'm in love with you." He brushed a strand of hair from her face and with a smile kissed away a tear on her cheek. Then he gathered her to him. "Over the past two months I've come to like her very much and I know you like her too. But I'd never face the devil for her sake, while as for you ... I'd sell my life and soul to him without a second thought if it was for you, Dana ... I'm too much in love with you not to ..." Scully couldn't answer, only grip him even closer. She heard the soft ticks of the rain on the windows and she shut her eyes tightly as she pressed her face into his shoulder, letting the tears come as they came. "You make my heart beat, Mulder, you're the oxygen I breathe ... How can I ever leave you and hope to survive?" She felt the tightness in her throat and she buried her face in the side of his neck. "You're my angel, the angel who's kept me safe all along", she whispered, seeing tears drip from his eyes as well. She reached behind her neck and unclasped the cross-necklace she wore. "Please, let me be yours ..." He let her fasten the necklace around his neck, then smiled at her. "Maybe we should buy a second one", he said softly, gently caressing her cheek and wiping away the tears there. "We're exchanging it so often ..." She couldn't help the smile curving her lips. "Maybe we should ...", she whispered. Then she saw the soft glimmer of the tiny gold cross, lying so quietly against his breastbone and she knew that no other object, however expensive or precious, would ever be able to replace this humble declaration of infinite faith, love and trust. "But then again", she smiled, "maybe we shouldn't ..." "FOX, ARE YOU OKAY?" Claire asked, seeing Mulder sit behind his desk, his look miles away. He was turning the pendant of Scully's necklace around and around in his fingers, apparently without being aware of it at all. He looked up and sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine", he said, but Claire had learned to make a difference between what his mouth was saying and what his body language was telling her. He was feeling rotten and she knew it. She sighed. "Fox, what's the problem?" "Well, to make a long story short: you're my partner for real now", he answered, but Claire didn't know if she'd understood him correctly. "I'm sorry?" Mulder sighed and got to his feet. And walking slowly through the cramped office he explained himself. "They've split Scully and me up. I don't know who's responsible, in fact we didn't even know about it until this morning when we received a letter from the Bureau." "They've closed down the X-Files?" Mulder shook his head. "No, they haven't. At first Scully and I thought they had, but they haven't. Instead they reassigned Scully and teamed you and me up officially. And it's not like I don't like working with you, I do like it, but ... it's just that ..." "That you and Dana belong here", Claire said calmly, not offended by this. He let his head drop in resignation. "I just don't understand ..." He sighed. "Anyway, she gave me her necklace. That's what you saw me playing with when you came in." "Her necklace?" Claire got up from her chair and walked up to him. He showed her the tiny gold cross around his neck. "It's beautiful", she said, "why did she give it to you?" He sighed. "Whenever we are apart for some considerable length of time she gives it to me. It's some kind of way to link us together, to affirm the connection between her and me." He let it slip under his shirt again. "I'm always glad when I can give it back to her." "That means you're together again, doesn't it?" Claire said and Mulder nodded. "But why did they make us partners?" she continued. He shrugged. "I don't know", he said. "Well, I do have my ideas ... I think they realised that I'm not as dangerous to them when coupled with you than when Scully's my partner." "But, I know they shut down the X-Files before, didn't that sufficiently break the danger for them then? I mean, why go to this distance when it could be so much easier?" "When the X-Files were closed Scully and I were even stronger than before. We had always kept quiet in a way, but with the X-Files closed we no longer needed to be so cautious. After all, we had nothing to lose and everything to gain. But now, with the situation being as it is, we have nothing at all. I still have the X- Files which is a means of power for them because they can still take those away from me, I still have a partner I care about and they can take you away from me as well. And at the same time I have lost Scully after all now ..." "Where did they transfer Dana to?" "Tucson Field Office in Tucson, Arizona", Mulder said grimly. "What?" Claire was shocked. "They transferred her to Arizona? But they can't!" "They can, they did, it's done", he said softly. "But that's so unfair! She's my friend, you two are in love! They know that! How can they make this decision knowing all this?" "They did it exactly because you two are friends and because Scully and I are in love. They know they can break us with this." "But the FBI doesn't have anything to gain by wanting to break their Agents!" Claire protested. Mulder looked up at her and couldn't help the sarcasm which dripped from his voice. "Welcome to the wonderful world of the X-Files, Agent O'Donnell. This department is all about getting broken and being hindered!" Claire sighed. "Have you talked to A.D. Skinner about this?" "Are you crazy?" Mulder said. "He's behind all this! God, I thought by now that the man was on our side, but I once again fell for it! I can't believe I've been so blind, so stupid! The man's nothing but deceit!" Claire was stupefied. "What do you mean?" Mulder laughed cynically. "What I mean is that for too long I've gone with this ..." He hit the poster behind him 'I want to believe' with his fist "... and forgot about what really counts in here:" He took a textmarker and wrote bluntly across his poster the words 'TRUST NO ONE'. Then he threw down the marker and stormed out of the office, leaving Claire behind amidst dead- silence. She looked at the ruined poster and slowly pulled the thumb-tacks out to remove it. She sighed. It was going to be a long time before he'd accept this new situation ... "COME IN", SKINNER SAID, not looking up from his work. The door opened and Mulder walked in, his placid expression masking the turmoil inside him. He closed the door behind him and remained standing by the door. Skinner looked up. "Agent Mulder." "Can I have a word with you, sir?" Mulder asked. "Is it an urgency?" Skinner asked coldly and Mulder nodded. "Yes, it is, sir." Skinner put down his pen and folded his hands. "All right, what's the problem?" Mulder looked sharply at the man. "The problem is that you split Scully and me up again!" Skinner frowned. "What?" Mulder came closer. "What I mean is that you're sending Scully off to Arizona and keeping me here locked away in the basement! Why? And why the hell didn't you tell us face to face? Why the hell did you use a fucking letter to tell us?!!" "Agent Mulder, what are you talking about?" Skinner asked firmly, getting up and claiming his superiority. "You split Scully and me up!!" Mulder yelled, furious by the man's denial of his betrayal. "You fucking split us up!! And you can't! We're not going to obey, she's not going away!!!" He took the much-hated letter from his pocket and threw it down on the Assistant-Director's desk. He wanted to throw it in Skinner's face, but knew that such contempt would only worsen his case. Skinner took the letter and opened it. Then he began to read the contents, his face not betraying what he was thinking. After he had read it he placed it back on his desk. "This didn't come from me", he said calmly. Mulder's eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets. "What?" "This didn't come from me. I know nothing about Agent Scully's reassignment as mentioned here in this letter." Mulder closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then, when he felt calmer again, he looked at his boss. "Would you have any idea who did order this, sir?" Skinner shook his head. "I don't know. I would have to dedicate some time to this inquiry." "Is there anything you can do to help, sir?" "I don't know that either, Agent Mulder. This has clearly been done by people above me and I have no idea about their possible power as I have no idea about their identity." Mulder sighed. "I understand, sir." Skinner took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll see what I can do." Then he looked sharply at the younger Agent. "But don't expect too much of it, Agent Mulder. I doubt whether I can undo this. I doubt whether there is anything at all I can do!" Mulder looked at him. "I understand." Then he turned and walked out of the office. Now he didn't even know who was behind this. He was glad though that it didn't seem to be Skinner. He took his cell-phone and dialled Scully's number. "Scully, it's me", he said when he heard her on the other end. "Listen, I talked to Skinner. He claimed he wasn't behind all this after all, in fact, he claimed he never knew about your transfer in the first place." "No." "I don't know if he's lying, I want to trust him, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, he promised he'd try his hardest to get them to nullify your transfer." "I don't know what we'll do if he doesn't succeed, Scully. I'm afraid the only thing we can do is wait and keep our fingers firmly crossed ..." "Yes." He smiled. "I love you too, Dana, bye." He hit the off-button and put the phone back in his pocket. Then he headed back for the office. MULDER KNOCKED AND SCULLY opened the door almost instantly. "You look pale, Scully", he said, giving her a kiss. "Are you okay?" She sighed. "No", she answered and walked into her apartment. "I knew you were going to ask that and I debated whether or not to tell you I was fine, or stick to the truth ..." Her apartment sounded hollow, her furniture had mostly been removed and there were only a few boxes left scattered around the room. Two suitcases stood by the door, ready for departure. It was the saddest thing Mulder had ever seen in his life. "Did you pack all by yourself, Scully?" he asked, looking around the familiar place which was so empty now. She shook her head. "No, Mr and Mrs Van Bueren, my new neighbours, helped me pack. They had some boxes left from their own removal. Those came in handy ..." Mulder looked to the side and saw her couch hadn't been removed yet. "Aren't you taking your couch with you to Arizona, Scully?" he asked and she shook her head again. "No. It's an old one and needed replacing anyway. I'm not going to bother. I'm sure I'll be able to find a new one in Tucson", she answered, absent-mindedly brushing her hands over the walls and ridges that were so familiar to her and which had made this place her home for so long. "I'm gonna miss my home ...", she said softly, speaking to the world in general. The she looked at Mulder and she bit her bottom lip. "A lot ..." Mulder looked at her, a little unsure as to how he could offer her some comfort. "I've got coffee in the pot over there, Mulder", she said softly, not quite looking at him. "And I left two cups from the box. If you'd like a cup of coffee, feel free to get one." He walked over to the coffee-pot and got them both a cup. Then he gave one to Scully who nodded in appreciation, even managing a small smile. It was the first one he'd seen in days now. Then he sat down on the couch and she followed his example. "Are you ready to go then?" he asked. She shook her head. "No. I don't think I'll ever be until I'm already settled in Tucson Arizona." She hiccuped once, then let out a deep sigh. "I wonder what on earth I'm going to do there that will be even remotely interesting. They don't have anything to offer that would be a challenge to me, it's never going to hold the interest working with you on the X-Files does." Mulder softly rubbed her back. "You don't know that yet, Dana. Maybe they're teaming you up with a guy a thousand times better than me. Someone who's dependable and strong and stable and witty." His voice was completely devoid of any amusement, in fact, he sounded very very sad. "Maybe you'll finally meet the man you deserve to spend the rest of your life with ..." Hearing these words from him made her cry. With tears rolling over her face she shook her head. "Don't say such awful things, Mulder! I don't want such a man, I want you!" He turned to sit with his legs crossed, cradling his crying partner in his arms, curling his own body around her. They were sitting so close to each other that for a moment Mulder was absolutely sure she just couldn't be leaving the following day, not without taking parts of him with her as well. They were simply too strongly connected ... But then he knew he was thinking nonsense and sighed. "Do you have a place to live yet?" he asked. Scully shook her head. "Not a place of my own, no", she answered, not turning away from him a single inch. "I agreed I could stay with an old college friend until I'd found my own place. She works at the Tucson Field Office as well, she offered to help me settle in the new job and get to know the people and the town." "Do I know her?" "No, I don't think so. We were in the same class when we graduated. Her name is Elizabeth Mayson." Mulder nodded and they were silent. They both knew there wasn't much they could talk about. Scully moved a bit in his embrace and he loosened his grip. But when she appeared to have found a comfortable position, he embraced her even tighter than before. "Work's never going to be the same when you're gone", he whispered, kissing her in her hair. "I mean, of course I've still got Claire and I've still got the X-Files, but ..." "Why do they have to be so cruel to us?" Scully asked, looking up at him. Mulder shook his head. "I don't know. I really don't know ..." "I only wanted to be loved", she whispered, her voice tight with tears. "I always learned to be tough, my father always told me to be tough and hard and sensible, because that was going to take me far in this world, but I just want to love and be loved ..." "You are loved, Scully", he whispered in her ear. "You are loved by so many people. Your mother loves you, your brothers love you, I know your father and your sister love you. I love you, too, I love you so much. No one will ever love you as much as I do", he said and kissed her cheek. Then he tilted her face up and looked her in the eyes. "No one at all." And they kissed. Something inside her screamed that this was a farewell kiss, that it was that kiss she had always hoped she'd never have to give him, but she was unable to break it. It felt so good ... It was the most passionate, lustful farewell kiss she had ever thought possible. She let her control slip purposely as they continued, the kiss wet and devouring. She knew that tonight she was going to rewrite her memory of him, because this night was going to have to last her for as long as she was in that God-forsaken Field Office in Tucson, Arizona, thousands of miles away from the man she loved so much. And when she reached out to brush the tears away from her lover's eyes she knew that tonight she wasn't going to be alone. No way. "Stay here tonight, Mulder", she whispered. "I need you one more night." THE TRIP TO THE airport had been spent in total silence, neither capable of saying a thing. They had been too lost in thoughts, trying for the life of them to figure out the why and how of this new unwanted situation and how they'd possibly be able to deal with it. One time Mulder had turned to Scully, only to see her sigh deeply and wipe a tear from her eyes. She was so pale that for a moment he had feared she was ill, but a look from her assured him that illness was in no way the reason for her paleness. He hadn't even attempted to ask her whether she was fine, instead he had reached out and taken her hand, hardly taking his eyes off the road in front of them. Checking in went unusually fast and also going past security proved easy and smooth. For one moment he had hoped she'd have forgotten her tickets, her passport, her badge, anything, just so that they'd have to go back and fetch it and she would consequently miss her flight and they'd have to wait until a seat in a next plane was available. And he'd have her with him just a little bit longer. But Dana Scully never forgot such things. Unfortunately. He knew he was thinking foolishly. After all, it wasn't like they were getting separated forever ... But why then did it feel so much as if they were? He knew it was irrational, but he just couldn't help feeling that way, just couldn't. "Would you like something, Scully?" he asked when they were seated in a cramped little airport restaurant. 'Just you', she thought and shook her head. "No, thank you, Mulder." She was sitting on a bench against the wall with Mulder sitting opposite of her. He had his hands on the table and she covered them with hers, making him smile a bit, then taking her hands in his own. "You okay a little?" he asked and she nodded, yet feeling terribly close to crying. "Yes", she said. "I'm fine." She saw him get to his feet and move over to her side, then sitting down on the bench next to her. "No, you're not", he said quietly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and making her lean against him. He kissed her on top of her head. "And neither am I." A waitress in a short black dress came by, but walked on when she saw she wasn't very likely to sell much to the couple. "Just fifteen more minutes", Scully whispered as she saw the time on a big airport clock. She felt his arms come around her a little tighter. Mulder nodded. "Perhaps we'd better go to the gate. You shouldn't miss your flight." 'Yes, I should', Scully thought. 'I should stay here with you and never leave. I shouldn't be leaving you at all.' She sighed. "You're probably right ..." She picked up her coat while Mulder took her carry-on luggage. He had insisted on carrying it for her and she had let him, knowing this wasn't out of some old-fashioned idea that she be too weak or feminine to carry her bags herself, but simply because he needed to do this last thing for her. The distance they had to walk to the gate where her plane was to leave was short, taking them less than three minutes of walking. They didn't speak. There wasn't much they could talk about anyway without destroying whatever little control they still had on themselves. When they arrived at the gate they instinctively went to stand a little to the side, once again effortlessly finding each other's embrace. "You know, Mulder, Skinner's bound to find out you used your credentials to come to the gates with me. They're gonna find out you're not even supposed to be here", she said softly, rubbing her cheek against the knot of his tie. God, she was going to miss him! From his warm voice to his terrible mismatched ties. She was going to miss every bit of him like she'd miss an arm or a leg ... "Dana, I'd break every rule for you, you know that", he answered very earnestly. It made her look up and the intense gaze she saw there made her face crumple and she wept. "I'm gonna miss you, Mulder, I'm gonna miss you so much", she whispered, hiccups choking her voice. Mulder found that his own voice had gone lost on the unexpected force of his emotions and took a while before he managed to say anything. "You couldn't possibly miss me more than I'm already missing you, Scully", he said, holding her tightly to him. She sighed. "You know, Mulder, for some time now I've been having this little fantasy about you and me. We'd continue working on the X-Files like we always had and at a certain stage we'd get married and buy a little house with a little garden and, who knows, have children. Now I know that despite everything we've tried so far, that last thing may still never happen, but at least I thought we'd still have each other, right? But when we received that letter I suddenly realised that in all likelihood it would never become more than a fantasy. And it felt ... it was worse than the moment I heard I couldn't conceive. Because, however devastating that news was, I still had you then. And now ... now they're even taking you away from me ..." She looked up at him, his image blurred by the tears in her eyes. "... I'm not even allowed to keep you ..." Mulder couldn't answer, knowing far too well how well her feelings matched his own. He hid his face in her hair, inhaling her scent, kissing her there, kissing her hair, kissing her wet cheek, kissing her closed eyes, kissing her lips to the point where he thought he couldn't let them go, that she'd never ever be able to leave him so alone, not ending the kiss until the call for boarding sounded through the loudspeakers. "Mulder", he heard her whisper and he slowly raised his head to look at her. "You should go", he said with difficulty. He saw her sad expression. "Yeah ... I should ...", she whispered. Then she threw herself in his arms. "I can't!" she cried. "I don't want to go!" He rocked her slowly in his embrace. "We will make your dream happen, Scully", he promised. "Maybe not as soon as we would have liked, but we will, I promise. We'll have a house and a garden and I'll be your husband and our children will be there, playing in the backyard and we'll be so happy ... We're gonna get there, I know." He kissed her. "I just know we are." He gently loosened the embrace, noticing the coldness that came over him at that moment. "Help me make this time apart as short as possible ...", he said and he saw her nod. The final boarding-call was issued and they walked to the entrance of the passenger bridge, the point where right now even FBI-credentials couldn't help them further. "Then I suppose this is the point where we say good-bye, isn't it, Mulder?" Scully said softly and he nodded. "Will you take care, Scully? Please, promise me you'll be careful, okay?" "I will, I do", she whispered. Then she looked up at him and with a desperate moan she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. "I will marry you, Fox Mulder", she said. "I love you!" Then she released him and walked to the plane. He couldn't help the tiny smile that formed as he saw her walk away from him. 'Bye, Dana', he thought. 'I love you, too.' Then he sighed. He was alone. Again. And he had no idea for how long. MULDER WATCHED SCULLY WALK down the passenger bridge and he sighed, closing his eyes. He couldn't move, couldn't talk, couldn't do anything as he saw his life board a one-way flight to Tucson, Arizona. Then he hid his face in his hands and took a deep breath. He turned around slowly and, like an automaton, made his way through the crowd invading the corridors. He hardly noticed them at all. He saw a row of hard plastic chairs to one side of the hallway and slowly made his way towards them, letting himself fall down into one of them, a blue one. 'The colour of her eyes', he thought and moaned. 'Stop it! Stop driving yourself insane!' God, he missed her. So much ... He saw the rain slowly fall and remembered the morning when they had received that dreadful message. 'You wanted me to be your angel', he thought, reaching under his shirt and holding the tiny cross. 'You asked me to be the oxygen in your lungs.' He shook his head. 'How can I be that when you're the air I need to breathe to stay alive?' He leaned his head in his hands and closed his eyes, trying for the life of him to find a way of how to survive the ordeal of being alone. For a brief moment he considered calling her mother and asking her to come over and let him cry on her shoulder, already missing Dana so much. For a brief moment he considered handing in his resignation and following her to Arizona. For the briefest moment he considered hijacking the plane she was on and forcing the pilot to return to Washington DC ... Jesus, Scully would hate him ... But that would be among the very last things he'd worry about for at least he'd have her back. In a way ... He let his hands drop back in his lap and with a deep sigh he closed his eyes, leaning back in his chair, not opening them again until he heard a young woman's voice next to him. "Excuse me, sir, but is this seat taken?" His eyes flew open and he found himself staring right into the very beautiful, very nervous eyes of Dana Scully. He could only gape. "Does silence give consent, Agent Mulder?" she asked and he made his mouth resemble less of a cave and more that of the mouth of a well-raised human being. "Scully?" Two whole syllables. He was definitely proud of himself. She grinned. "Yup, that must be me." "Scully, what happened? Did you miss your flight?" She shook her head. "Nope. I got on and then I got off again." "But ... but why? I mean, you have to be in Arizona tomorrow, you ...", he said, seeing but hardly understanding the guts she possessed to disobey orders so blatantly. "Mulder, you know why", she said, sitting down on the chair next to where he was sitting and leaning her head against him. "I got off that plane because I needed you. I cannot leave you like that, I knew that before and I realised it once again when I was on that blasted plane which was about to take me thousands of miles away from you. And I knew that either you had to come with me or I had to go back to you." She smiled at him. "It was an easy choice to make." He held her as she told him this. "We'll find a way to deal with those who wanted you gone, Scully. We'll show them they can't split Mulder and Scully up!" "Skinner never approved in the first place. That should be of some help", she said. "He should be able to help me out of the trouble of not appearing at the Tucson Field Office first thing tomorrow." She grinned up at him. "For some reason, I don't think I'm gonna be there, you see ..." "No, I don't think you are", Mulder smiled. And a damn good thing it was too, he added in his mind. He held her for a short time longer, enjoying the unexpected feeling of having her here with him. He would never have thought that Special Agent Dana 'I'd never go against a single order in my life' Scully would just let a plane fly off with a note to her future superiors to get lost and find somebody else, 'cause she'd rather stay with him. "Where did you get the guts to go against your orders like this, Scully?" "I don't know, Mulder", she answered, getting up from the chair and taking her bag from the floor. Then she pried her fingers through his and they slowly walked to the exit. "I had placed my purse on the seat and was just about to stuff my coat and bag in the overhead locker when I realised that there was really no reason for me to go to Arizona rather than stay here with you in DC." "They're gonna put this in your personal file, Scully. They're not gonna like this", he said, but she shook her head. "Mulder, they don't like us anyway. We're specialised in being a pain in the ass and we know it. Still, you know what we just keep on doing? We keep trying to be good little Agents and fit in as nicely as we possibly can with the X-Files under our belts. Why don't we stop? Why don't we give our feelings a chance for a change? God knows we want to. God knows we deserve it by now, don't we? I want to tell the Board to fuck off and die if they keep splitting us up. They can't! I'm not gonna let them!" She was standing before him as if she had to defend her reasons even to him. He grinned. "That's my girl", he said, taking her in his arms and kissing her briefly, then just holding her. "We should've come to that conclusion a lot earlier. It would have spared us so much frustration." "We're a pair of cowards", Scully grinned. That's what we are. We're too bloody scared to admit it even to ourselves." "We were", Mulder corrected her with a smile. "We were too bloody scared. We're not anymore." He raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Are we?" "No", she answered, shaking her head and leaning against him. "No, we're not." *~*~* SCULLY WOKE WITH SOMETHING warm and heavy pressing into her back and for one sleepy moment she wondered just what it was. And then she remembered. Mulder. Mulder was in bed with her. She wasn't alone, she wasn't in Arizona, she was at Mulder's and he was here with her. She felt his arms tightly around her chest, his hands -- not surprisingly -- on her breasts and his long legs tangling in her much shorter ones. The hairs on his legs tickled just the slightest bit as he stirred and she smiled, her eyes slipping shut amidst thoughts of very forbidden nature. Careful not to wake him she turned in his embrace, noting again how he always gave her enough room to manoeuvre, even in sleep. And, facing him fully, she had every opportunity she needed for some really long, hungry looks at his face and body. 'Beautiful', she thought. 'He's beautiful. He's gorgeous. He's mine. Mine, mine, mine ..." and she smiled, feeling deliciously selfish and possessive towards him. She carefully brushed a lock of hair from his brow and he sighed at her gentle touch, gripping her a little tighter ... "Dana ...", he sighed and his lips curved just the slightest bit. "Yeah, I'm here", she whispered, kissing the recently upturned corners of his mouth. "I'm right here with you." Then she kissed his closed eyes and his cheek, the light stubble tickling her lips and sending small shivers down her spine, pooling down deep in her centre. It made her look back at him and her mind stirred into action for real. She wanted him. Especially after last night. She was needy. Hungry. Dangerous. Her thoughts were most definitely dangerous in nature. She smiled lazily as she felt the soft thrumming in her core, soft and pleasant and anticipatory. Especially because the man who stirred up all these thoughts in her still slept like a baby. She started to shower his body with kisses, letting her hands glide over his skin and smiled a very pleased smile when she saw the physical reaction her actions had on him. Okay, so maybe not a baby ... "Mulder", she whispered, her voice holding a wanton sing- song tone she had seldom heard from herself. She looked at him, feeling the shivers that ran through him. Her hands continued to softly skim his skin, touching him everywhere. She felt his skin tremble, his muscles tense and relax under her hands. She smiled, her voice warm and dark as velvet. "Oh Mulder ..." She felt evil. Wicked. Almighty. She felt like she had the power of all womankind in her fingertips and this beautiful man next to her, trying so stubbornly to stay asleep, was her target. And she'd be damned if she wasn't going to hit pay-dirt within the next fifteen minutes. Grateful for the generous mid-summer morning warmth she carefully pulled the covers away from their bodies, wanting to see him and herself without anything obstructing her view. She turned away from him slightly in order to get the bedsheets to the bottom of the bed and she heard a displeased groan coming from the mouth of her lover. But she paid no attention to it for a second. Then she felt a strong arm around her waist, pulling her back down to the bed. And she stared into the very awake eyes of Fox Mulder. "Here", he growled. The deep sound of his voice and the possessive gleam in his eyes sent sparks along her nerves and she felt a familiar wetness invading her. She knew that the look he gave her at this moment had nothing to do with sleep and everything with unbridled passion. This man wanted her and she knew perfectly well that Fox Mulder always got what he wanted -- one way or another ... 'Fifteen minutes my ass ... make that fifteen seconds ...' She allowed a searing look to invade her eyes as her lips smiled innocently and the sharp contrast had the desired effect on him for he roughly pulled her to him and the next thought that entered her passion-muddled brain was that he sure knew how to kiss ... She wrapped her limbs around him, keeping their lips sealed together and slowly they reached the point of merging, a hot feeling of love in its purest form that brought them both to the most satisfying high they had ever experienced in their lives. Afterwards they lay in each other's arms, slowly coming down amidst a feeling of utter languor in that special place where place where only physical feeling was allowed. Their breathing slowly returned to normal and Scully sighed, smiling widely. Then she heard Mulder chuckle and she looked at him. "What?" she whispered. He smiled and touched her face. "I was just thinking ... just think of all the time we wasted over the past five years ..." She nodded. "Yeah ...", she said, her voice just a little regretful. Then she looked back at him. "Among those files ... I guess we never encountered people who could make us go back in time, did we?" He chuckled at her suggestion. "No, I don't think we ever met someone like that, Scully." "Damn", she muttered. "I'd really love to go back to some time earlier in our partnership." "Really?" he asked, cradling her head under his chin. "Just about when in our partnership then?" "Oh, somewhere right at the beginning", she said, her voice a bit sleepy. Then she looked up at him and smiled. "You remember that scene in the car? The case with Eugene Victor Tooms and the ice tea when we were staking out Tooms' house, Mulder?" God, did he ever! And he had just blurted out those words about love like some in-experienced teenager. Luckily she had thought his words to be a mere joke, not understanding that in fact they hadn't been a joke at all. "Yes", he said hoarsely. "In fact I do." "Bet you wished I had brought ice tea, huh, Mulder?" she asked with a wicked smile and he nodded. "Too bad you brought root beer, Scully. I don't even really like root beer", he whispered, pulling her on top of him and bringing her face closer to him. "Why didn't you bring ice tea, Dana?" She brushed her lips briefly over his as a prelude of what she had in mind, then smiled. "Who says I didn't?" "Wha-- ...", he began, but she cut every possible word short with her lips. She knew what he had been about to say. She felt evil. Wicked. She felt like she had the power of all womankind in her fingertips ... She smiled, then kissed him again. God, she loved being a woman ... MULDER HADN'T FAILED TO notice how she had been teasing him. He rather liked it. "You like being bossy, don't you, Dana?" he asked and she smiled, rolling onto her back. She was lying next to him on her back, her arms stretched out in a disarming display of trust. He softly ran his one hand over her breasts and belly as he used his other hand to support his head. She nodded. "Once in a while", she answered. "And with a man who knows how to appreciate it." He smiled, coming down to steal a kiss. "So, you knew I'd enjoy it then?" "Oh Mulder, of course I knew", she smiled. "I've known you long enough for that." He grinned. "Yes, you have." Then he made her come in his arms. "Come here, beautiful", he whispered. With her head tucked under his chin, she let herself relax and she smiled. Then she remembered something. "Mulder, what would we have done if I hadn't gotten off that plane?" Mulder groaned. "God, Scully, not now!" "I'd be in Arizona now", she continued softly, letting her fingers trail over his chest. "God, I'd be feeling miserable ..." She looked up. "... I'd be missing so much ..." He nodded, but didn't answer her, his mind being too busy with its own thoughts of how her departure had been about to shatter his life. Then the silence in the room was broken by the phone ringing. Mulder reached out and, still holding Scully in his arms, he grabbed it. "Mulder." "Yes, sir." He saw Scully look at him and he mouthed 'Skinner'. She nodded. "Yes, we were well in time for her flight, sir." He sighed. "Well, saying good-bye is never easy ..." Then he frowned. "What?" "Excuse me, sir, but you managed to do what for her?" "Quantico?" Scully frowned and Mulder whispered: "They changed your reassignment into Quantico!" Then he turned his attention back to the person on the other end of the line. "Yes, I think I'd be able to get in touch with her, yes." He smiled. "No, sir, it won't be any difficulty for me at all. In fact I think I should indeed be the one to tell her ..." He chuckled. "Ah sir, I should've known we could never hide such a thing from you. I suppose they didn't make you an Assistant Director for nothing, did they?" "No, she didn't leave. She got on the plane all right, but then she got off again before the plane left." His smile faded and he grew serious again. "I promise we'll never do a thing like that again, sir. You've got my word of honour." He couldn't suppress the urge to give Scully a wink. "Yes, sir, we'll be in your office first thing tomorrow morning." He put the receiver back and sighed with a delightful smile. "I knew we could trust our hunches, Scully!" he said and pulled her up so that her face was level with his own. "Skinner was on our side after all. And you're going to Quantico instead of Arizona!!" Scully bent down and kissed him softly. "Just imagine the mistake I'd have made if I hadn't decided to come back", she said. "I'd be in Arizona and totally for nothing!" "You'd have a problem, because they'd expect you at Quantico as well", Mulder said and chuckled. "Just imagine all those poor male students who expected to have the gorgeous Dr Scully teach them criminal pathology and you'd be stuck in that furnace called Arizona. You'd have let them down big time, Scully!" "Well, luckily those students won't have anything to worry about now", she smiled. "And neither have we ourselves." "No, we haven't", he said. Then he frowned, seemingly remembering something. "Scully, I'm afraid we do have a problem ... well, you have actually ..." "What's that then?" "Well", he said, "you may have gotten off that plane okay, but your suitcases sure as hell haven't! They're in Tucson now, as is the complete furniture of your apartment. Now, that last thing isn't that bad as you can stay here, but ..." Scully gaped at him, realising the truth of his words. Then she closed her mouth and smiled. "We'll track those down. That shouldn't be too difficult." He chuckled. "Yeah! We're Federal Agents, let's show the American people their tax-dollars don't go to waste entirely!" Scully huffed. "Quite, by spending it on tracking down a couple of suitcases we would certainly get their sympathy! I think we'd better not bring that out in the open, Mulder ..." Then she sighed. "But what are we doing here talking about boring stuff like that? We're wasting good time which we could also use for making love ..." He smiled up at her and nodded slowly. "Yeah ..." Then he brought her head down to his and started kissing her, knowing it was gonna be a long time before-- ... The phone rang. Again ... Scully groaned, letting her head drop. "I hate that phone", she mumbled. "Hate it!" With a sigh and a mischievous look Mulder took the phoneline. "Want me to pull?" Scully shook her head. "No, that's mom. Let's see what she's got to tell us." Mulder frowned in amazement. "That's your mother? How d'you know?" "I know. I can tell by the way the phone rings." When she saw he didn't understand she bent closer to him. "Let's call it a woman's intuition ..." and took the receiver. "Hi mom!" She laughed. "Yes, I'm at Mulder's!" "No, not in Arizona." "What did I do?" She looked at Mulder and kissed him softly. "I couldn't leave. I just couldn't say good-bye to him", she said softly, stroking his hair and running her fingertips over his face. Then she smiled. "Oh, mom, I know you would understand." "How? Because I know you love him too, that's how." "What?" "Well, we just got a call from Assistant Director Skinner and apparently he managed to change my reassignment into going back to Quantico." She chuckled. "I'm back to being a teacher." "No, Claire is Mulder's partner now." "Oh, mom, I'm already to happy that I can stay here with Mulder, I can live with not being his partner for now." She saw Mulder look at her. "Scully ...", he whispered, the tone in his voice betraying that he wished to have her for himself. She smiled and nodded at him. "Gotta go now, mom, someone's starting to feel left out. He's getting impatient." She giggled. "We're in bed, mom." Then she laughed. "No, we're not wearing any underwear!" She saw Mulder peek under the covers and shake his head. "Definitely not", he whispered and grinned. She could barely suppress the urge to burst out giggling. "What?" "Oh, I don't know when I'm expected to start teaching. I suppose Skinner will tell us tomorrow and besides the doctors insisted I should take it easy for at least another three weeks, so it won't be very soon that I'm supposed to start full-time ..." Mulder saw her shake her head. "I don't know why they sent me to Arizona so soon, mom, all I know is that they did. Guess they had their reasons, reasons I do not understand and frankly don't want to understand either ...", she said softly. Then her face lit up. "Oh, mom, I'd love that! I'm sure Mulder would as well! Hold on a sec, mom, I'll ask him right away." She turned to him. "Mom invites us both over for the next three weeks! Would you like to come?" Mulder frowned. "I'd love to go with you, I'm just not sure it's possible for me. I mean, one week would be hard already, we've really got a lot of work to do, Claire and me ..." "I understand, Mulder", she said. "Mom, Mulder isn't sure yet. He would love to come, but he'll call you himself to let you know, okay?" "Yeah, bye." "Bye, mom!" she laughed. Then she put down the receiver. "Wow, what a call. That must be a woman's secret ...", Mulder smiled. Then he reached out for her. "Come here", he whispered. "There's some unfinished business we have to attend to." Scully smiled, wrapping her arms warmly around him. "What are we going to do if that phone rings again, Mulder?" He humphed. "That phone isn't going to ring again, sweetheart. Everyone we know just called." She raised her eyebrows. "What about our pals at the anti- conspiracy club? The gunmen? They've called you away before ... who says they won't time it just as excellently this time?" He sighed and smiled. "Of course." Then he took the phone line and pulled it out of the wall socket. Then he turned his attention back to Scully. "So, that should take care of it." She smiled. "Yeah ..." Then she touched her lips to his. "And now I think I've waited long enough ..." *~*~* "COME ON, GUYS, DON'T mess everything up already, will you?" Mulder sighed and cursed the minute he had asked the Lone Gunmen to help him. He looked up. "Byers, where the hell has Frohike gone?" Byers looked up from the list he was checking and looked around the room. "No idea. Actually, I hadn't missed him yet." Mulder heard Langly chuckle. "Typical, huh, Mulder?" He tossed him a can of beer which Mulder only barely managed to catch. "Here, catch!" "Jesus, Langly", Mulder muttered, placing the can on a crate and deciding to leave to there to calm down a bit for the next half hour. "If I hadn't caught that we'd have had beer all over the place!" "And?" Langly answered, taking a bite from his hamburger. "I've got beer all over my place, I don't see the problem." Mulder rolled his eyes. "Of course you don't, ass-hole, but this ain't your place, this is Scully's! And I want this apartment to be refurbished and clean before she gets home from her stay with her mother, okay? And that means no beer on the carpet. Or ketchup on the walls-stop-wiping-your-fingers-on-that-chair!" Langly shrugged, wiped the excess ketchup off on his jeans and opened another box. "Mulder", Byers said, "I think we've got everything now. We just need to unpack all those crates and boxes and redo the apartment." "Yay, that'll be fun ...", Mulder sighed, once again understanding why Scully had always insisted these guys be kept out of her apartment at all times and all costs, no matter what the emergency. "I might as well have hired a pig to do the restyling ..." At that moment Frohike walked in. "Speak of the devil", Mulder deadpanned and Langly grinned. "Hey, Frohike, you're a pig!" he grinned and the man huffed. "Thanks, dude, same to you", he countered. "Hey, Frohike, where on earth have you been?" Mulder asked, unwrapping a box filled with crockery. "Mailman came. I went over the mail", Frohike answered, handing the mail to Mulder. "It's safe." "Of course it is", Mulder sighed. "What the hell could be wrong with a couple of bills, a postcard and a letter from ..." He looked at the return address. "... whoever this may be?" "Probably nothing, but one can never be too sure", Frohike answered totally serious and Mulder gave up, putting the letter in his coat pocket to give it to Scully first time he'd see her. "Sure. Whatever you say ..." "Mulder, what the hell are these for?" Langly said with a confused look at a box full of kitchen appliances. "Dunno, guess they're for cooking", Mulder answered, not even attempting to look carefully. "Ask Scully, she should be able to tell you." "D-uh, she bought them!" "Well, there you go ..." "Good thing I can't cook", Langly said, picking one of the spoons from the box. "I've got no idea how to use this ..." "Mulder?" Frohike stuck his head around the corner. "Where do you want us to put the bed?" "Try the bedroom", Mulder answered dryly, carefully placing the delicate glass-ware in the designated cupboard. "Geez, Mulder, if you don't want us here after all, just say so. We'll be gone", Byers sighed. This made Mulder look up. He apologised with a look. "I'm sorry, guys." He got up and followed Byers and Frohike to Scully's bedroom, seeing the parts of the bed with the mattress, pillows and covers against the wall. "Well", he said, "she used to have the headboard against that wall, so perhaps we'd better put the bed back in its original place. I don't think she'd feel much at home if we'd start improvising ..." Byers looked at Mulder. "That's what you're trying to achieve, isn't it, Mulder? Make her feel at home again?" Mulder nodded. "Yes, I want to give her back her own home. I don't understand how or why, but despite all those horrible things that happened here, like her abduction and her sister's death, she's really attached to the place. I want to give that back to her." "Well, in that case, let's get on with it!" Frohike said, grabbing the mattress. "How about you guys fix the bed and I take care of the covering!" "You're perverted, Frohike", Mulder huffed, knowing all about the man's crush on Scully. "I bet you cut a corner from every sheet and blanket she's got and keeping it as trophies to feed your filthy fantasies!" Frohike pulled an insulted face. "I would never ever do that! Just because I think she's hot doesn't mean I cut her sheets to pieces!" Then he grinned. "I bet you never guess what I use for bedlinen!" Mulder looked at him in amazement. "Don't tell me you've nicked one of her sheets ..." He saw the man look down and he groaned, shutting his eyes. "Christ, Frohike!!" "Sorry ... But it even smelled like her ...", Frohike muttered. Mulder threw his hands in the air in defeat. "Okay, that's it, I give up. If Scully wants to fight over this, she can just go ahead, but I'm giving up. Right here, right now!" He grabbed the headboard. "Now, let's go and fix this place as quickly as we can and I don't want to hear another word, okay?" At that moment Langly came into the bedroom. "Mulder, didn't she have this couch as well?" Mulder looked at him and remembered. "Damn, the couch is gone. She didn't take it with her to Arizona, that's right. And I have no idea just where she took it to ..." The three Gunmen looked at each other and then at Mulder. "Well", Byers said carefully. "I think that in that case there's only one solution ..." 'Uh-oh', Mulder thought. "And what would that be?" "We'll have to go into town and buy her a new couch", Byers answered and Mulder let himself fall down on the bed. 'God, no!', he thought, knowing that he could survive anything, but not having to go couch-shopping with the three stooges ... He sighed into the mattress. 'You owe me, Scully', he thought, shaking his head. 'You owe me big time!' One week later "HI, FOX", CLAIRE SAID with a smile, seeing him enter their office. "Morning, Claire", he replied, smiling brightly back at her. He crossed the office and sat down behind his desk. He saw her writing and his curiosity got the better of him. "What's that?" "Additional note to the case file I handed in last week, Fox. Skinner requested it", she answered. "Oh." He leaned back in his chair, put his feet on top of his desk and indulged himself in a good stretch. "Guess there's nothing really exciting going on, is there?" Claire shook her head. "Nope, it's vacation time for everyone, even for the bad guys." Mulder laughed at her remark. "Yeah ..." "Which reminds me ...", Claire said, getting up from her chair and walking over to where he was sitting. "... you've been away as well!" She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "How was it?" Mulder smiled widely. "Fantastic. Absolutely unbelievable. It's been the best week of my life!" He chuckled. "I really didn't want to go back to DC, you know." "What did you do?" she smiled. "I don't know, we didn't do much actually. Scully's mother lives in a really nice place with a lot of nature and of course close to the sea. A sea-faring family like the Scullys could never be far from the sea. It was fantastic to be on the beach and just sit there watching the sea with Scully or her mother. Scully and I spent most of the days walking and talking about all kinds of things. Nothing terribly exciting, but I couldn't have had a better week to relax than this one. I had a wonderful time ..." They were silent for a little while and Claire let go of him, walking back to her own desk. She saw him sigh and she smiled. "Miss her, Fox?" He looked up and at her and grinned. "Horribly", he said, rolling his eyes. "It feels like she's on the other end of the world and I've lost all contact. I couldn't be missing her more if she'd been in Arizona ..." Claire laughed. "You can't be serious, Fox. You two are on the phone for hours every day! You know, one day the Bureau is gonna find out about the phone bills and you two are going to get in trouble!" "No way", he answered, grinning widely. "They'd never find out. And then, what would they want to tell me? I can always claim these calls were for business purposes only." He sighed. "It's really not enough just to hear her on the phone, you know ..." Claire shrugged. "Then call her and tell her to come back if you miss her so much!" Mulder shook his head. "I can't do that! The doctors insisted she should take these three weeks off to get back to every- day life after so much time in the hospital. I can't ask her to come back already. Besides, she deserves being pampered by her mother for a little while. God knows, the first step she sets in DC and she'll be back to business. She's a workaholic, there's no stopping her from working." He shook his head again. "I really can't do that to her." Claire nodded. "That's true", she agreed. Then she grinned. "But you're just too eager to do it, aren't you, Fox?" Mulder smiled. "Absolutely!" Then he sighed. "But I'd better get some work done. It's not fair to let you do all the work while I just sit here ..." He took the folder that was sitting on his desk. Silence returned to the cramped basement office and the hours ticked away. THE RINGING OF THE phone on Claire's desk startled the two Agents. "Fox Mulder's office", Claire answered it. Then she smiled. "Hi, Dana, how are you?" "Yes, he's here all right", she said, giving Mulder a wink. "Want me to ..." "Okay." "No, you're not interrupting anything." "No, of course not." By that time Mulder was practically burning up with curiosity and the longing to speak to Scully again. Claire saw it and with a little movement of her head she beckoned him to come over to the phone. "All right, Dana, here's your true-love!" She handed him the phone and mouthed: 'Ask her!' Mulder nodded before directing his full attention to the person on the other end of the line. "Hi, Scully", he said, his voice warm and gentle. "Hi, Mulder", Scully answered and he could hear the smile in her voice. It made him smile even more. "How are you doing?" he asked. "I'm fine. Having a wonderful time here -- though it would be even better if you were here of course ...", she answered. "Wish I were there as well, baby", Mulder whispered. "What are you doing at the moment?" "I'm sitting on the couch in the living room, watching television. But there's really nothing on so I thought I call you and spend the time with someone of interest. You know what the topic of this Jerry Springer Show is, Mulder?" He shrugged, even though she couldn't see him. "Beats me. 'I was caught in a love triangle'?", he suggested a wild guess. He heard her laugh on the other side. "Almost! Actually it's 'I'm stuck in a love hexagon'!" Mulder almost fell off his chair laughing. "A 'love hexagon'? How could they possibly survive?" "Don't know. Guess they couldn't or they wouldn't be on Jerry Springer", Scully grinned. "It's really too ridiculous for words ..." "You could say that again, yeah ...", Mulder commented dryly. Then he smiled. "So what else did you do today?" "Well, I took the neighbours' dogs for a walk along the beach and this afternoon mom's going to take me for a swim." She laughed a bit. "Hope you'll still like me when I come back, Mulder, I'm so active I eat like a horse every day! I'm bound to have gained a few pounds ..." He smiled. "I don't think I'd mind very much. So, what are your plans for next week?" It was silent on the other end for a moment. Then he heard her continue. "I don't know yet, I haven't got anything planned. Got any suggestions?" "Come back to me", he supplied and smiled when he heard her laugh. It was the most glorious sound in the world to him. "Mom would never let me go, Mulder", she said with just a trace amount of regret. "She's determined to keep me here because the doctors insisted I should be pampered for a week or three." Mulder nodded involuntarily. She was right. "We've never been apart for such a long time, Scully", he said seriously. "No, we haven't." "It's not right." "No, it isn't." Silence. Then he smiled. "Miss me?" He heard Scully's sigh and chuckle. "Yeah ..." "Come back then." "Mulder, I already told you, mom is not going to let me go back", she protested, but he could hear the desire to come back in her voice. "The doctors-- ..." "I know what the doctors said, Scully, just tell her that your personal psychologist doesn't agree. That he thinks it's quite all right for you to come back provided you do not work and take it easy for another week or so." "My personal psychologist?" Scully teased. "You are my personal psychologist, handsome? God, I'm a lucky patient!" Mulder felt a blush creep up. "Just tell her ..." "Okay. Hang on, will you?" "Sure", he said and heard her walk away from the phone. A few minutes later she picked the phone up again. "Fox?" "Yeah?" "Mom doesn't believe you're my personal psychologist." "She doesn't?" "Nope. She says you're not charging me enough." Mulder couldn't help smiling, even though he felt a pang of guilt. He wasn't charging her enough? He couldn't believe that, he was responsible for each and every attack on her life. For Goodness' sake, she had more than once almost been killed because of him. He'd say he was charging her way too much ... "Mulder?" Scully said and he swallowed. "Yeah?" "You seemed to leave me there for a moment, Fox. Where did you go?" Mulder shook his head. 'To the Land of Guilt', he thought. 'I'm native to that country ...' He sighed. "Nowhere. Just come back to me, okay? I'm missing you too much ..." It was silent for a brief while. "I miss you too, babe", Scully whispered. Mulder looked sideways at Claire who had been watching him the whole time. She gave him an encouraging nod. "Can ... can I come to the airport to pick you up?" he asked softly. He knew she nodded. "I'll give you a call what time I'll be in DC, okay?" "That's all right, sweetheart. Just make sure you're on the first flight available. I really can't wait to see you again." "I know", she answered. "Well, I'd better go then and call the airport to see whether there's a flight I can get on." "You do just that", Mulder smiled. "I love you, Dana." "Love you, too, Fox. I'll give you a call as soon as possible." "Bye then", he said. "Bye", Scully replied and he heard the dry click of a phone being hung up. He placed the receiver back on the phone and slowly turned back to Claire who was watching him. "She's coming, isn't she, Fox?" she asked. Mulder nodded and he felt a smile spread on his face. "Yes!" Then he moved towards Claire and with one move he swept her off her feet and kissed her soundly on the cheek. Claire yelped, but couldn't help laughing. "She's coming back, Claire!" Mulder exulted. "Scully's coming back to me!" "Fox, put me down!" Claire laughed and tried to push his arms away. He put her down on her feet and she smiled at him. "Save that for someone who can't wait to see you again ...", she smiled widely. "What? You didn't like it?" Mulder feigned indignation. Claire rolled her eyes in response. "Fox, baby, any sane woman on this planet would love to be in the arms of a gorgeous guy like you, but sadly you're already taken. Besides ..." She gave him a wink "... I've got a tall, hazel-eyed man of my own to drive me crazy ..." Mulder laughed. Her boyfriend. "That's right", he said, sitting down in his chair and leaning back. "Okay, what do we do now? I really don't feel like working anymore ..." "Mmm, I think this would call for a celebration all right", Claire said. "So, if you clear up the mess on your desk a little, I'll pop down to the deli across the street for something to celebrate in style. It's on me." "FOX, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, calm down!" Claire sighed. Mulder paused and looked at her with a guilty look. He'd been pacing up and down the office for what seemed ages now and didn't seem very inclined to stop any time soon. And it was starting to drive Claire absolutely insane. "I can't", he said weakly. "What if her plane's delayed or if she can't get to the airport in time or ..." "Please, Fox, everything's bound to be just fine. If she'd have had any problems at all I'm sure she would have called. And you're keeping my mind off my work!" "Sorry, Claire", Mulder apologised, but started pacing again and with a sigh Claire got up from her chair and without another word pushed a random file in his hands. "Go and investigate this, Agent Mulder!" she said, walking out of the office. Mulder frowned. "But ... I already ..." Claire stopped in the doorway and turned around, rolling her eyes. Mulder grinned. Okay, so he was a little nervous ... "FOX", CLAIRE STARTED WHEN they were on their way to the airport. "I hope you don't mind if I go back with John. We agreed to meet at the airport and ... I thought ..." Mulder shook his head. A feeling of ashamed relief washed over him at her words. He had been cherishing hopes for a weekend with nobody but him and Scully and he intended on starting it as soon as she'd be in DC, but he hadn't had the heart to actually send his partner away. "No, no, that's fine. No problem at all", he said, trying to sound as sincere and casual as he possibly could. But Claire sensed his true feelings and grinned. "Wouldn't want to interfere with your plans, Fox", she said, making Mulder look down for a moment in embarrassment. "Guess that didn't come out very well, did it?" he asked, looking at her quickly before directing his look back to the cars in front of theirs. Claire smiled. "Never mind, I know what's keeping your mind occupied at the moment. Or rather, who's keeping your mind occupied ..." Then she placed her hand lightly on his arm. "So, tell me, what wild plans do you have for the weekend?" "Well", Mulder said, taking a deep breath and he smiled. "I haven't actually got much planned for the weekend, just for tonight." "Tell me." "Well, I'm taking Scully out for dinner to start with ..." "Ooo, which restaurant?" Claire asked. "I made reservations at La Colline", he answered, looking at her for a reaction. "You mean that fancy French place which opened two weeks ago?" she asked and nodded appreciatively when he nodded. "You're making this into a grand night out, babe", Claire complimented him. "And afterwards?" Mulder heard the twinkle in her voice and he decided to throw all false pretences to the wind. "Actually, I haven't thought of anything", he said and smiled. "I was thinking about just going to my place or hers after dinner and have mind-blowing sex for the rest of the night!" "Fox!" "Well, you asked me for my plan and that's my plan ...", he said with an innocent shrug and Claire laughed. "Sounds like a good idea. I think I should suggest the same kind of after-dinner party to John!" WITH A SMILE SCULLY leaned back in her seat. She had just boarded the plane and as far as she could see there was nothing that was likely to cause a delay. Well, it would certainly not be her, she thought, this was one plane she wasn't going to hop off ... "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen", a tinned voice came through the intercom. "Welcome aboard this flight to Washington DC's National Airport, I am your captain-- ..." Scully had zoomed out. She knew the chatter ... The plane slowly rolled towards the runway and then she felt the actual take-off. Her hands involuntarily gripped the armrests like vicious pliers as the plane accelerated and got off the ground. For as long as Dana Scully'd have to use planes to get from one way to another she'd hate the take-offs ... But soon the plane reached cruising altitude and she relaxed. She smiled. One whole hour for dreaming of Fox Mulder was awaiting her ... and then she'd finally get to see him in the flesh again. What a wonderful way to spend the trip. She dozed off, her lips curved just the slightest bit in a dreamy, anticipatory smile. IT WAS DEFINITELY FAR too soon when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. "Ma'am? Excuse me, ma'am, but we've arrived in Washington DC and we're about to land." Scully opened her eyes slowly to see an air-hostess smile at her. "We're about to land. Are you okay, ma'am?" "Yes, yes, I am, thank you very much", she answered and saw the air-hostess walk away. Then it hit her: she was in DC! Mulder was here! She was home! 'Home is where the heart is', she thought and with a smile she acknowledged that fact. No matter how wonderful it had been to spend some time with her mother and no matter how much she loved her, but it just couldn't match up with being with Mulder. After a nearly bump-free landing the plane rolled towards the gates and came to a stand-still. Scully unbuckled the safety belt and got up from her seat, taking her coat and carry-on luggage from the overhead lockers. Carry-on luggage was all she had taken with her as she had most of her clothes at Mulder's place anyway, and right now she was praising the gods for this stroke of genius because she couldn't wait to see Mulder again -- and waiting for the luggage carrousel would be asking too much of her right now ... She walked through the passenger bridge, but, getting impatient with the dawdlers in front of her, decided to forget about politeness and she pushed her way through the crowd which had just left the plane. Then she dealt with security and walked quickly towards the hall and ... Oh God ... there he was ... Mulder was there, waiting for her ... Within a flash of a second he saw her and his face just beamed. He quickly walked towards her as she started to run and the next moment they were in each other's arms, holding one another as if they were never going to let go again. "Oh God, Mulder ...", she said, crushing him to her. "You're here", was all he could say, kissing the side of her head as he kept her as close to him as he possibly could. "You're here at last ..." AFTER SOME TIME THEY had decided to let go of each other, feeling the eyes of a curious crowd on them, and making them feel slightly uneasy to say the very least ... "So, tell me, Mulder", Scully said as they walked towards the exit. She had her arm firmly around him and looked at him. "What is the take-out for tonight?" "We're not having any of that tonight, Scully", he smiled. "I made reservations for dinner at a very good restaurant -- or so I've been assured by my trusty partner ..." Scully couldn't help protesting. "Mulder, I'm not dressed for going out. I'm not wearing a dress, I'm not even wearing one of my suits!" Mulder stopped and made her look at him. "Scully, don't you understand? I don't need to see some posh dress on you or a tuxedo on myself when I want to go out with you. I just need you with me. Besides, you look absolutely gorgeous, I don't think anyone would have any problems with what you're wearing right now." "Really?" "Really", he smiled. "It's 100% you and what more can I possibly ask for?" She smiled as she leaned towards him more securely and took his hand in her own. "That was sweet, Mulder, it really was." He looked at her smaller form, clinging so tightly onto him and he thanked whoever was in charge of love as beautiful as theirs that he or she had taken some pity on him and allowed him to experience all this and with such a fantastic woman. "Let's go have dinner", he said, his voice soft with emotions and they got into his car. "Apart from dinner", Scully asked when they were on the road, "is there anything else, any more surprises I should be looking forward to?" "Mmm, I'd say that depends entirely on you and what you classify as 'surprises'", Mulder replied enigmatically. Scully smiled and placed her hand on his thigh. "Well", she said slowly, "sex wouldn't be much of a surprise, would it?" She saw him smile back at her. "Mulder?" "Then, if it's all right with you, I don't think I've got a great deal of surprises left in store for you, Dana Scully", he replied, his eyes shooting sparks of passion for a split-second. "Except maybe for what the sex would be like ..." Scully bit her lip as she moved uncomfortably in her seat, feeling the heat and wetness rapidly take over her body. She couldn't ask him to just forget dinner and go home already, could she? IN THE END SHE had decided not to mention her idea of leaving out dinner, but the tension in the car had most definitely risen. Every touch, whether accidental or deliberate, was charged with electricity. Sparks shot through the air with each exchange of looks. It didn't really make this a whole lot easier ... They were at the table Mulder had reserved, waiting for their dinner to arrive. By this time Scully had found she could barely look at Mulder anymore without wanting to pound on him, rip his clothes off and make love to him then and there on the restaurant floor. And apparently Mulder was in some trouble as well. The waiter arrived with the bottle of wine and Scully knew it was time to leave. There was just no way she was ever going to hold out through dinner. "Mulder", she began, her voice unexpectedly low. She looked at the glass of white wine she was holding in her hand, then at her partner who was watching her intently. "Mulder, the usual stuff, lobster, dessert, coffee, dance, kiss ... can't we just ... skip those ...?" His eyes darkened and his expression looked for all the world like grateful. He got up and approached the waiter as she grabbed their coats. With the bottle of wine for later they left the restaurant and Scully had to restrain herself in her desire not even to wait until they were home. And after that, not to insist on driving herself. It wouldn't be safe, she knew, and that had nothing to do with her stay in hospital and everything with her by now uncontrollable hurry to finally get some action going. During the trip home not a word was spoken by either of them and they didn't dare to touch one another even though Mulder had to fight the urge to keep looking at her. Instead he forced his eyes to stay on the road in front of him, even though his eyes wandered off unstoppably each time they met with a red light. It didn't dawn on Scully that they were going to her apartment which for her was still something impossible as she knew nothing about the changes done to it during her stay with her mother. She couldn't spare a minute for that, she was too busy trying to keep her hands off the man next to her ... Mulder parked the car haphazardly in front of the building, knowing that tomorrow he'd park it better. Right now all he wanted was to get inside and finally get the action he'd been waiting for all day. With admirable cool they managed to cross the parking lot and walked through the hallway to her apartment. Mulder dug up the key to her apartment and inserted it in the lock. Then he felt how close Scully was standing to him, keeping her body pressed insistently into him with her lips on every bit of bare skin she could find and he had to pause for a second to regain his equilibrium -- a moment which caused a frustrated little sound from the woman behind him and a quick move of her hand to open the door for him. And then they were inside. Mulder kicked the door shut in the same movement as when he pushed Scully against the wall and crushed her to him. Their mouths found each other hungrily and the bottle of wine rolled forgotten into the apartment as they temporarily silenced their need for each other. "The bedroom", Scully gasped and Mulder nodded. In a tangle of limbs they stumbled towards Scully's bedroom, discarding the totally useless pieces of clothing in the process. They had undressed to their underwear when Mulder let himself and Scully fall down onto the soft bed. She landed on her stomach and with a quick flick of his hands he had her bra unhooked, silently congratulating himself on not needing second takes on bits of clothing now that he was finally together with her again. Then he placed his mouth between her shoulder blades and nibbled, licked and kissed his way south, tracing her spine with his lips and tongue. Scully giggled and gasped at the feeling. "Mulder ...", she gasped, and turned onto her back to look at him. " ... Mulder ... what were you doing ...?" "We didn't have dinner", he replied, his voice low and hoarse. He was not at all sorry she had turned onto her back and he bent down to kiss her breasts. "I'm hungry ..." And with these words he dove in and Scully had no choice but to let go of reality ... A LAZY LOOK AT the window told Scully that a new day was about to begin. She smiled. What a night this had been ... It was only then that she realised they were at her place and tears sprung to her eyes. 'My home', she thought. 'I'm truly back home ... Mulder made me come home again ...' She looked down a bit. His breathing was slow and even as he slept, his head tucked under her chin, one hand on her breast, the other encircling her waist possessively. She raised her hands and softly stroked his hair. Then he moved and she felt his lips brush softly over the soft flesh of her breasts. She couldn't help smiling and with fondness she gently ruffled his hair. The smile became wider and wider as her mind became brighter and lighter every minute with love and hope, ending in a wide laugh. She threw her head back and softly laughed with all the happiness she felt until tears of emotion rolled over her cheeks. It woke Mulder up and he looked at her, slowly lifting his head from her chest. The movement made her look down again and he felt his heart grow and open up with the beautiful smile she gave him. Gradually her smile blended into one of supreme contentedness and happiness. He sighed. "Give me another of those smiles and I'll marry you", he said with a deep sigh, seeing the 1000-watt smile appear on her face all over again. "You will?" she asked. "So we are going to get married then?" He smiled and brought his fingers to his mouth and pressed a kiss on the tips, then brushed them tenderly over her lips. He swallowed when he felt her kiss them. "Of course we are", he answered. "Did you ever have any doubt about that?" She shook her head. "No", she whispered. "Not ever." Then she smiled. "By the way, why did you use your fingertips to kiss me, Mulder? Your lips know the trade quite well enough." "My fingers got jealous", he smiled, tracing the lines of her face with his fingers. "I've got jealous fingers, you know." "Really? What are they jealous of then?" "My mouth. They wanted to feel your lips, too", he explained, seeing Scully smile widely. Then he saw her bring her fingers to her lips, probably to imitate the idea, but he wouldn't have it. So he took her wrist and stilled her movements. "No", he whispered, "let me do that for you." Then he slowly kissed each finger of her hand, making sure that he covered every square inch with fond caresses, moving slowly from her fingers to her wrist. Involuntarily she felt her eyes slip shut as her body tightened and relaxed all at the same time, focusing its entire attention on the featherlight touches applied to the palm of her hand. She had never known that such innocent caresses could be such a turn-on ... Then he moved to lie next to her, his face level with hers. He propped up on one elbow and looked at her. "What are you thinking, Mulder?" she smiled. He shook his head. "Not much", he admitted, reaching out to trace the bridge of her nose with his finger. "Just ... wallowing myself in happiness ..." Scully sighed and with a dreamy look at him she answered: "Yeah, me too ..." Then she smiled. "You refurbished my apartment, Mulder. When?" He chuckled at the memory of those chaotic moments. "I was on my way to hand the landlord the key I've got to your apartment when I ran into the Gunmen. They told me they had traced down your things ... So we decided to go to the landlord as planned, but not to hand in the key, but instead to rent your place again. I paid this month's rent, the Gunmen paid next month's. And while you were with your mother, we refurbished the place. It was hell ..." He smiled. "We even stocked your fridge, though I had to do the shopping myself, because otherwise you'd have found nothing but beer in there!" "So, this place is mine again?" Scully asked, realising that she was truly back home. "Well", Mulder grinned, "theoretically speaking it's mine this month and the Gunmen's next month, but we decided that you could consider it yours all right!" He bent down to kiss her. "Welcome home, Scully", he said softly. Unexpected tears blocked her throat for a moment and she couldn't answer him. Then she reached up and pulled him down to her. "Thank you, Mulder", she whispered. "Thank you so very much ..." "You're welcome", he smiled. "Guess I'll pass on the thanks to our pals ..." "Please do", she said and smiled through her tears. "I know they must have been hell to work with, but whenever it comes down to it, they're always there to help ..." "Yes, they are ...", Mulder answered. They were silent for a long moment. He brushed a strand of hair from her fore-head and decided to leave his hand there. Scully shot a look at the alarmclock which she had "forgotten" to set and saw the time, not caring one bit. Then, when she looked back at Mulder, she saw him indulge himself in an unashamed wide yawn and she chuckled. "Did I tire you out, Mulder?" Her question was answered with a humph and a big grin. "Never", he laughed, bending down to tickle her with his lips and fingers. Scully laughed out loud as she tried to make him stop, but she only succeeded in making him try even harder. After a while they lay giggling and panting in each other's arms, trying to recapture their breath. Scully looked down at Mulder who seemed busy trying to find the best way to relax in her embrace. "That was good, Mulder", she sighed, making him look up at her and smile. Then a wicked gleam came over her eyes. "Though personally I prefer sex to tire me out!" He laughed. "Yeah, me too. Good as a means of variation though." "Have we reached that stage already, Mulder? I thought your repertoire was a little more extensive than this. Otherwise I think I might be able to teach you a thing or two!" Scully said with a playful roll of her eyes. Mulder chuckled. "Don't worry, Scully, I know a few more things to ... keep the nights interesting", he answered, leaning in for a kiss. "Mmm, about to show me one of them, Mulder?" she asked, but he shook his head. "No, but I will show you one of my other unexpected talents, sweetheart: I'm going to cook you breakfast!" Scully shocked him by slapping her hand to her mouth and look at him in total bewilder-ment. "Oh God!" she whispered and he started to worry. "What? What is it, Scully? What's wrong?" he asked concerned. "You can cook?" she asked instead, but she was unable to keep the corners of her mouth from turning up and seeing that Mulder realised she was teasing him. And, seeing his relieved smile, she lost it and started laughing, making him laugh as well. "Why, you ...", he laughed, raising himself up to lean over her and see her sparkling eyes and toothy smile. "You ... you little ... tease!" he laughed, shaking his head. Then he felt her arms around his neck and she pulled him down to her. "Come here", she whispered. "I'm hungry. For you!" "And breakfast?" he asked, kissing her softly. She shook her head. "I don't need no stinkin' breakfast", she murmured, then kissed him for real. *~*~* Two weeks later CLAIRE WAS IN THE office when Scully opened the door and walked in. "Hi, Dana", she said when she saw her. "How are classes going?" "They're going fine, thanks", Scully answered. "I think I've really been lucky with this batch of students!" "Jeffrey told me that's just because the students are having a crush on you", Claire grinned and Scully smiled. "Let them. As long as they keep their mouths shut and pay attention I don't really care what they think. And at least they do pay attention now." Claire smiled back. Then she frowned. "Dana, are you okay?" Scully looked up from the book she was going to read. "Yes, sure. Why?" "You look a bit pale. You're not ill, are you?" Scully shook her head. "No, I don't think so. I just didn't feel very hungry this morning and I was a bit sick, but I think that was because we went to bed rather late. I'm just a little tired." "Oh, then I suppose everything's okay", Claire answered and that ended the discussion. A FEW HOURS LATER the phone rang and Claire got up from her chair. "Yes, yes, I heard you ...", she sighed, hurrying to get the phone. "Fox Mulder's office." "This is Claire O'Donnell." "Yes." "Yes, she's here." "No, he's at the labs." "Yes. Yes." "Sure, here she is." She nodded at Scully who had looked up from her work during the brief conversation over the phone. "It's Doctor Young for you", Claire whispered and Scully got up and walked over to the phone. She felt a little nervous. He had been applying the fertility treatment Claire and Mulder had found for nearly two months now and so far she had had her periods twice. There was some definite progress but ... "Dana Scully." "Ah, good afternoon, Dana, this is Sean Young." "Good afternoon, Sean", Scully said and she smiled. "How are you doing, Dana?" "I'm fine. As always", she added with a grin. By now Doctor Young knew as well as anyone about her habitual 'I'm fine'-answer she gave to every inquiry after her health. "Did you go back to the hospital to see Dr. Mary-Louise Simmons as I advised?" he asked and Scully chuckled. "Yes, I did. You found me a true member of the Inquisition, Sean! She's cruel to poor little Agents like me!" she pouted. Doctor Young laughed. "I'm sorry, Dana, but less than the Inquisition is just not going to work for you. You're too strong for them!" "Sean, are you coming on to me?" Scully leered playfully and another bark of laughter sounded from the other end of the line. "Dana, much as I'd love to have a woman like you, you have Agent Mulder and he's yours. I'm keeping my hands off of you, I promise." "Mwah, Sean, you're no fun anymore", Scully grinned, enjoying the easy banter between her and Doctor Young. Over the past months they had become very good friends and she enjoyed their conversations. "No, I'm not", Doctor Young said and she heard the smile in his voice. "That's exactly what my wife's complaining about!" "Sean!" "Just kidding, Dana", he grinned. Then he became serious. "Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're all right because I have something very important, very serious to tell you and for that I need to ask you something as well." "Is this about the treatment?" Scully asked and she felt her stomach clench in a knot. So far it had all looked good, but she was totally aware of the fact that this could change radically any time. "Yes, it is", Doctor Young said and his voice was dead serious. "Are there complications?" Scully asked, almost holding her breath with fear. "Things are going wrong, aren't they?" "Dana, don't always assume the worst when I call you", she heard Doctor Young say with a smile. "Every time I call, you think it's all going wrong, but let me assure you that I have good news for you. So just sit back and relax, everything's just fine." "Okay", she smiled, a bit embarrassed. She was glad he couldn't see her. "So, tell me, what is it you have to tell me?" "Well", Doctor Young said, "before I can tell you I have a question to ask that might just help you figure it all out yourself ..." Scully moaned. Recently Doctor Young had started to like talking in riddles and she never managed to get to the exact answer ... "I bet I will", she said. "What's the question, Sean?" "Did you feel sick this morning, Dana?" Scully frowned. What kind of question was that? And why did he bother to ask? "Well, yes, a bit. In fact I've been slightly sick in the morning for about a week now, but I assumed that was because of spending the evenings and nights with Mulder." "Rough nights, then?" she heard Doctor Young grin and she smiled. "Kind of, yes, they're all but boring to say the least ...", she answered. 'Guilty as charged', she added in thought and smiled. Well, it wasn't entirely her fault that she just couldn't keep her hands off Mulder when he was wearing ... well ... nothing at all, was it? "But I thought being sick in the morning surely wouldn't have anything to do with Mulder", she continued. "Mmm, yes ...", Doctor Young said mysteriously. "Well, let me assure you that this morning sickness has in fact everything to do with you spending the night with Agent Mulder, Dana." "How then, Sean? How would you explain the morning sickn-- ..." Her mouth snapped shut as realisation kicked in. She actually found herself staring at the phone in disbelief. "Hello, Dana? Are you still there?" she heard Doctor Young's voice and she slowly put the phone back to her ear. "Yes, yes, I'm still here", she said softly and took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. Then she smiled widely. "Really?" "Really", she heard Doctor Young smile. "I verified the news with Doctor Franzen who helped you and Agent Mulder with the treatment and let me assure you that it is true." Then she frowned. "But it's only been just over two months now since we started ... I ... it's just not possible ..." "Ask your partner to classify it as one of his famous 'unexplained phenomena', because it is true. Congratulations!" Scully couldn't help laughing. "Oh, Sean, thank you so very much! This is the best news I could have ever had!" She sat down in her chair and smiled brightly. "Tell me, Sean, what do you need in return for this? Name anything you want!" "Oh", she heard his innocent reaction, "eternal devotion would do ..." Scully heard the teasing tone in his voice and she smiled. "You got it", she answered. "Can I tell others?" "Well", Doctor Young said cautiously. "I suggest you only tell Agent Mulder and maybe your mother and Agent Mulder's partner, but I think you'd better wait a little longer before you make it front-page news in the Washington Post." "I understand", she said. "Well, in that case I'd better go now and tell Mulder. Thank you so very much for not waiting till tomorrow, Sean, and I'll see you in your office at ten as planned then, okay?" "That's fine, Dana", Doctor Young said. "Take good care and I see you in the morning. Good bye." "Bye, Sean", she smiled and she put the phone down. Then she slowly raised her hands to her mouth and just stared at the wall in front of her. "Dana?" she heard Claire ask. "Are you all right?" She turned around slowly. "Yes. Yes, I am, it's just ..." "What did Doctor Young call you for?" Claire asked and Scully turned around to face her. Then a huge smile lit up her face and she walked up to Claire and embraced her, startling her colleague who hadn't exactly expected this. "I'm pregnant, Claire! I'm going to have a baby! We are going to have a baby!!" she exulted. Claire's smile widened to match Scully's. "Really? You and Fox are going to have a baby?" Scully nodded and felt warm tears of happiness trickle down her cheeks. Claire saw it and she felt her eyes become moist as well. "Oh, Dana, I'm so happy for you ...", she said, hugging her. "You wanted this so much ..." Scully nodded. "Yes, yes, we did ..." Then she looked at Claire. "Thank you so much for doing so much to find this treatment for us, Claire. I don't know how I'm ever going to thank you enough ..." Claire smiled through her tears. "Never mind that, Dana, the only thank-you I needed was this news, it really is all I need." Both women sighed and smiled at each other. Then Claire grabbed a box of tissues and they dried their eyes. "I'm ... I'm going to call Mulder", Scully said, picking up the phone. "I need to tell him this ... He needs to know ..." "No", Claire said and Scully looked at her. "No, don't tell him over the phone", Claire explained. "He told me he'd head straight home after work, he should be home by now. This is something you must tell him in person, Dana, I think you two have something to celebrate ..." Scully nodded. "I suppose you're right. And I really want to be there, too ... You'll be fine here then?" Claire smiled as she gently ushered Scully to the door and out of the office. "I promise", she smiled. "Go on, shoo! Go home and make someone very very happy!" Scully smiled back. "I'll be in debt with you for the rest of my life, Claire", she said and put her briefcase on the floor to give the woman a quick hug. Then Claire picked up the briefcase and with a smile handed it back to Scully. "Okay, okay, go on!" she laughed. "Bye, Claire!" Scully said with a smile and she left the office. "Congratulations, Dana! Drive carefully!" SCULLY PUSHED THE SPEED limit all the way back to her apartment. Mulder had moved in with her when she had just been discharged from hospital to be able to keep an eye on her condition and neither had wanted him to move out again. It still dazed her. Amazed her. She was pregnant. She was going to have a baby. Mulder's baby. For real. All sorts of thoughts went through her head as she approached the apartment building where she lived. Was the baby going to be healthy? A name. What was going to be the effect of the treatment on her child? A name for their baby. How to tell Mulder? Nathalie. It had to be Nathalie. Or David. Would they have to get married now? What name would Mulder like? How was she going to fit this in with her workscheme? Mom ... She had to tell mom. Mulder first though ... Their baby ... Really ... She parked her car while the thoughts still raced through her mind and she walked to her apartment. Then she opened the door. And stopped in the doorway. The apartment was dark. Silent. Empty. "Mulder?" she said loudly, but no one answered. "Mulder, are you here?!" 'Mulder's not here', it flashed through her mind. 'He's supposed to be here! Where is he?' She felt a surge of panic rise but she forced herself to remain calm, telling herself that he was probably just fine, that there had to be a perfectly good reason why he wasn't here, that ... She had to find him! She switched on a few lights and tossed her coat and briefcase in a chair. Then she grabbed the phone and dialled the number of the office, noticing that her hands were shaking. "Fox Mulder's office", she heard Claire's calm voice and she took a deep breath. "Hi Claire, this is Dana. Is Mulder there?" "No", she heard Claire answer. "No, he isn't. Isn't he at your place? Where are you, Dana? Is everything okay?" Scully closed her eyes. "Yes, I think it is. I'm in my apartment now, but Mulder isn't here and I don't see a note telling me his of whereabouts either. Frankly I'm a bit worried. Do you know the number of the laboratory he went to for those tests this afternoon?" Claire named a certain lab in the building and gave her the number. "But I'm quite sure he's not there anymore, Dana", she said. "Why don't you try his apartment? Maybe he went home, pick up some clothes or something." "Mmm, you may be right. Thanks a lot, Claire", Scully said, sounding a lot more certain than she actually felt. "Bye, Dana, take care", she heard Claire say and she sighed. "Thanks, Claire, bye." She heard the dry click on the other end and with a sigh she disconnected as well. For a moment she closed her eyes and when she opened them again she wasn't entirely surprised to feel tears pricking in the corners. She looked down at her stomach and sighed, smiling a bit sadly. "Well, whaddya know, sweetie ... I haven't even told your daddy about you yet and he already fled the country", she said softly and smiled. Then she sighed and decided to call his apartment. She quickly dialled the number and waited. After a short while the answering machine picked up. "" "I'm here", he heard his short sharp reply and she sighed in relief. "Hi, Mulder, it's me", she said. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you." She could have sworn she heard a soft sigh and a moan on the other side. He didn't answer right away, something which only strengthened her conviction that something was really very wrong here. "I ... I can't come to your place right now, Scully ... please come ... please come here ...", he said softly. She heard his silent plea not to ask him further questions and she closed her eyes for a long moment. "I'll be right there, Mulder, don't leave until I'm there, okay?" she said quietly and with a sigh she hung up the phone. Then she grabbed her purse and car keys and went to her car. She had found Mulder at last, but the tone in his voice was completely wrong. She was afraid for him. MULDER OPENED THE DOOR almost immediately after she knocked and the first look she got of him didn't ease her mind at all. His shirt was rumpled and he was longer wearing a tie or jacket. His jaw was tight and his eyes grim and brimmed red. He had been crying. "Mulder, what's wrong?" she asked, walking into the small apartment. Then she stopped, seeing just what was the matter: the whole place looked like a bomb had gone off. "Mulder?" "They broke into my apartment, Scully", he said. "I received the results of the tests I had Dr Hansen perform on those beetles and I had them here to file them in the morning, but somehow they must have known. Someone must have tipped them they were here. The results are gone, Scully, we've got nothing left ..." She felt a wave of anger sweep over her, but she only sighed. "How ... how did you know this had happened?" "I didn't", he answered grimly. "I was home early so I decided to go by my place and pick up some clothes. That's when I found out." He sat down on the couch and made her sit down beside him. "But those results aren't important", he continued, "they mean nothing personal to me ... It's the rest, it's ..." "What, Mulder?" Scully asked softly and she felt him take her hand, interlocking their fingers. "They took everything for your treatment as well, Scully", he whispered, his voice pained. "Results, statistics, medicines, everything ... everything we found, everything you need, they took it all ..." Involuntarily her fingers tightened on his and his next words expressed what she feared so much. "They never wanted you to get better, Scully. They didn't want you to wake up from that come and when you did, they didn't want you to get better. And now ... now that you're healthy again ... they don't want you to have the child we want so much. I don't know why, but they're doing everything to keep us from living ..." His last words were a mere whisper and when she saw the grief on his face she smiled gently at him and made him rest his head against her breast, his sobs soft and deep while his arms rested around her waist. She had never before met a man who showed his true feelings as freely as he did and she thanked the gods for letting her meet him. She planted soft kisses on his hairline and with gentle brushes wiped away his tears as she held him strong. "I'm so sorry, Scully", he whispered, his eyes shut tight, feeling so guilty, so dirty, so unable to give her what he wanted to give her so much. He heard her soft words of comfort and felt the light kisses she bestowed on him, her hands softly stroking his hair and brushing away his tears. "I try so hard to give you what you want, but they just won't let me ... They just take it all away ..." The only answer she could give him was another warm heart-felt kiss and he swallowed some tears. "We were close, Scully, I know we were. If they went to such great lengths to make this treatment disappear, it must have been good ..." Then he realised what he was saying and he squeezed his eyes shut, turning his face to her chest and feeling her heartbeat against his cheek, feeling her clean soft feminine scent creep into him through his pores. He welcomed it with all he was. "I'm so sorry ..." "No, Mulder, don't be ...", she whispered. "You know-- ..." He cut her off, a sudden flash of utter rage blinding him. "They take everything away from us! Every fucking thing! They crush your future, they crush mine, they can't do this to us! They're stealing our future and I hate them for this! I hate them!! Dammit, they can't do this to us! They can't just take away everything we fight for and then walk away free! They can't!!!" His wordflow was cut short by a deep deep sob and he collapsed in her arms, feeling her tears drip down on his face and arms. "They've taken everything, Scully ... I want to give you so much, but they keep taking those chances away from me ..." "But you're giving me so much already, Mulder", she said softly. "You've given me more than I could ever have wished for. What else is it you could still want to give me ...?" Didn't he know? Didn't he realise how much he had already given her? That no matter what was going to happen, she'd always know he'd do everything for her? "You gave me everything I wanted, Mulder", she said softly. "I woke up from that coma and you helped me to get better again. You searched the globe for that treatment ... You've been giving me so much for the past five years, you're giving me a life I never knew even existed ..." She brushed the hair from his fore- head. "Don't you see, Fox? Living is what I want, and living is what I'm going to do." She bent closer to him and kissed him very softly, very sincerely. "With you. As I always have." He answered the kiss for a moment. Then he slowly shook his head. "In that case you shouldn't choose me, Scully. If living is what you want you shouldn't stick with me. I could never even begin giving you life." She couldn't help smiling through her tears. 'Oh Mulder, you couldn't be more wrong', she thought as she looked at him, holding her so tightly, so unaware what he had already given her. "On the contrary, Mulder", she whispered, making him look up at her. "Life is what you just can't stop giving me. And you've even given it to me in two ways ..." "I ... I don't understand ..." She looked at him with such powerful love that he felt an invisible thread of pure loving energy tie their hearts together in a knot that couldn't be undone. "I'm pregnant, Mulder", he heard her say and the knot tightened. "We're going to have a baby. The treatment worked ..." He went still. Absolutely still. His eyes were as wide as saucers when he looked up at her. "A baby?" he whispered and she nodded, a heavenly smile lighting up her face. "We won. They lost", she said. "We're going to have a baby. My baby. Your baby." She kissed his hand which he had kept on her belly. "Our baby." "We won", he repeated in a whisper. "They lost. They lost and we won." He looked at her as he let himself drop on both knees and with trembling fingers he slowly pulled her blouse from her skirt, wanting to touch her flesh, to feel the delicious warmth he always felt when they were making love, the warm flesh which now protected a little child. And with a muffled moan he buried his face in her soft flesh, wanting to kiss her, to kiss the baby inside her, thanking her for giving him all this of which he was so certain he didn't deserve it ... She stroked his hair and looked at him with a loving smile as he bathed her belly in kisses and warm tears, keeping him close to her. Then she made him get to his feet again and with a quick look at him she made their lips touch. Ice ages came and went, oceans dried up and filled again and stars exploded and were reborn, that was how long their kiss lasted. When at last their lips parted Mulder was simply awe-struck. "You're incredible, Scully", he said, his eyes wide with amazement at what had happened. "Thank you, Mulder", she smiled, "but the honour is yours too, you know." She kissed him briefly. "Only with you I can be so incredible, if it hadn't been for you I would have been very 'un- incredible', I'm afraid ..." and she heard Mulder chuckle. Then she became serious and made him look at her. "These next eight months are going to be very risky, both for the baby and for me. We don't know what the possible consequences of the treatment are or will be in the long run, I may not be able to work or do much at all." She felt his hand on her abdomen and saw him looking at her, loving her beyond comprehension. "Things may go wrong", she continued softly. "I don't want them to go wrong, I want this baby so very much and I couldn't stand the thought of losing the baby, but we cannot afford not to consider the worst. It could happen ..." "I know, Dana", Mulder said softly, understanding very well just how dangerous this could be. "Every pregnancy is a true tour-de-force of Nature, Mulder, and even though the actual conception probably went quite natural ..." She heard him chuckle and he tightened the embrace slightly. "... the process which preceded it and made all this possible didn't ..." "I want this child, Scully", he said. "It's an opportunity at living a life I never thought I'd ever have. It's beautiful, it's warm, it's human ..." "Human, Mulder?" "It's you, it's a life for real", he said softly, pressing her to him. Good thing she was fluent at MulderSpeak ... "Wonderful, isn't it?" she smiled and he nodded. "Yes, it is", he sighed and held her close. "It's unbelievable ..." THE PHONE RANG AND with a displeased groan Mulder loosened himself from Scully's arms. The invention of the telephone had never seemed more of a curse than during the past two months ... "Mulder." "Yes, sir." "Yes, she's here as well." He grinned, then laughed. "Yes, sir, both of them." "Thank you, sir." "Incredible. Knocked me off my feet." "No, she caught me. As always." "Certainly, sir, we'll be there right away." By this time Scully was practically burning with curiosity. The only conclusion she had been able to draw from this conversation was that Skinner already knew of her pregnancy, but that was just impossible, wasn't it? "What's up, Mulder?" she asked. "We're expected to the Assistant Director on the double", he answered, taking her in his arms and drawing her to him. "We cannot afford to lose a minute." "Mmm, you're not taking his words too literally, are you?" Scully smiled, raising up on her toes to kiss him. Mulder shook his head. "On days like these there's really nothing more important than loving you, Dana. Skinner will just have to wait." She shivered a little, feeling her body react to the impact of these words. Oh, how much she had always wished someone would ever say these to her ... But she knew that right now she couldn't give in to what they both really really wanted. "Mulder", she whispered, brushing her lips over his jaw. "Mulder, we have to go and see him. We can't afford upsetting him any more, we've done that too often ..." Mulder sighed. "You're probably right", he answered, finding that his body seemed surprisingly reluctant to move away from hers. But before he had been able to let her go completely, she remembered something. "Mulder, that phone-call just a second ago ... does Skinner know?" He nodded. "Yes, somehow he does." She frowned in confusion. "But ... how? We found out ourselves only today, how could he have found out?" "Someone must have told him?" "Who?" "I don't know", he answered truthfully. "Probably Doctor Young, or maybe Claire, I don't know." Scully sighed. She hated not being in total control and Mulder sensed her frustration. "Hey, Scully, it's okay that he knows", he said with a gentle smile and used his finger to lift her face and make her look at him. "We'd have to tell him anyway as this is something which is quite hard to hide. And at least it saves us the trouble of having to bring up the subject. Besides, Skinner is okay, we can trust him." Scully smiled. "You're right", she answered, knowing that he was having a point there. Then she grabbed him hand and with a joyful spring in her step led him out of the ransacked apartment. SKINNER'S SECRETARY MUST HAVE seen them coming for their boss was already at the door when they approached his office. He gave them a brief nod to acknowledge their presence. Then they followed him into the outer office where Skinner turned to Mulder. "Agent Mulder, please come into the office. I'd like to speak to you first. In private." His tone made refusal impossible or even unthinkable and Mulder followed him while Scully took a seat in the outer office. Skinner closed the door and told Mulder to take a seat. He himself sat down behind his desk while Mulder sat down in one of the familiar brown chairs he and Scully had been sitting in so often over the past five years. "Well, Agent Mulder", the Assistant Director started, "I must say I'm rather disappointed with the result you handed in last time about the Lincoln Murders." Mulder frowned. He remembered having investigated this series of homicides with Claire, but he knew nothing about a report he had allegedly handed in. "A report, sir? I know nothing about-- ..." "Precisely", Skinner interrupted him. "You never handed one in, even though it's over a month ago now! And I understand you had a couple of things on your mind you'd like to prioritise, but you cannot neglect your duties, Agent Mulder, and one of these duties is to hand in the report within reasonable time. Now, I've been approached by people who seem to think this negligence is something which occurs far too often, so I'd advise you not to treat these matters so carelessly. I cannot protect you forever!" "I understand, sir. I'll start working on it right away." "And please do it by the book for once, will you, Mulder? The amount of paranormal phenomena wasn't as high as usual, so please try to handle it in a more conventional manner. There are people who haven't been pleased by the way you dealt with previous accounts and it's getting ever more difficult for me to defend you to them." "Thank you very much, sir, for notifying me. I'll keep it in mind", he answered, surprised to see Skinner take off his glasses and pinch the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "Yes, I know you will keep it in mind, Mulder. But could you please let it get past that stage for once? Save me the effort of having to talk your ass out of trouble with those less tolerant than me." Mulder nodded. "Yes, sir." Then Skinner leaned back in his chair and assumed a relaxed, very different attitude. "Okay, we'll leave that alone for now." He smiled "Tell me, how did Scully bring you the news?" Mulder smiled. "True Scully-fashion, sir. Like I said, it knocked me off my feet." "Happy, Mulder?" His smile widened and he looked at their boss. "Yes, I am", he answered, a warm feeling passing over him at his boss's genuine interest. Even though he'd probably never find out 100% just what Skinner's place was, the man was definitely on their side. "By the way", Mulder continued. "We were wondering just how you knew about it?" "Claire came in yesterday for evaluation and told Penny. Penny was involved in a car accident just over year ago and Doctor Young performed the operation. So she knows Doctor Young and the women started talking. That's how I found out", Skinner answered. Penny was his secretary and clearly also a former patient of Doctor Young. "Didn't she have a son some time ago?" Mulder asked and Skinner nodded. Mulder chuckled. "Uh-oh, in that case I think I know just what their conversation is all about ..." He was right. When the men opened the door, they found the two women involved in a lively conversation about names, pink and blue baby-clothes, and dirty nappies. Skinner shot Mulder an amused glance. 'Be prepared', it said and Mulder grinned, surprised to find himself actually looking forward to all that ... "Agent Scully", Skinner said, making her look up. "Please come in." Scully got up and followed the men. She smiled at Penny. "Congratulations, Agent Scully. Good luck!" Penny said and Scully smiled. Then she walked in, closed the door behind her and sat down in the chair next to Mulder. "Agent Scully, welcome back. It's good to see you looking as good as you do. Frankly, I'm a bit amazed, you make me consider Doctor Young as my personal physiologist." Scully smiled, but didn't answer. "By the way", Skinner continued, "I hope my message to come down didn't interrupt anything. What I have to tell you doesn't involve a great deal of urgency." He was surprised to see his Agents exchange quick looks, then compose themselves again. "No, sir", they answered in unison, making him even more suspicious. He decided to let it slip though. He reached into a drawer and took out a large flat brown envelope. He handed it to Mulder who took it and opened it, retrieving two tickets and a file. "For Florida", Skinner told them and they looked at him for an explanation. "I have been watching you for the past two months", Skinner began, "and regardless of what those in power think, I've decided to send you two on a trip to Florida. As you can read in the file it's an official investigation, but there's really not much to do for you, but to enjoy a vacation and get back to bureau- life in a more relaxed, quiet manner, something I deemed especially important for Agent Scully, despite her transfer to Quantico." They both got the message that sounded between the lines. Skinner obviously needed to have them out of town for a few weeks, probably for a very good reason. "Yes, sir", Scully answered and she rose from her chair. Mulder didn't say a word, but followed her out of the office and with a smile at Penny, they headed for their own office. Scully grabbed Mulder's hand as they walked down the stairs toward the notorious basement office. Then Mulder opened the door and ... ... they saw Claire and John in a heated embrace, necking like two teenagers. Mulder felt his jaw drop to the floor at the sight. Then he picked it up and grinned widely, looking at Scully who smiled gloriously back. Their colleague and her boyfriend in the meantime were quite unaware of their presence. "Hey, Scully", Mulder whispered. "Care to join them?" Scully chuckled but shook her head. "Let's grant them some privacy, shall we?" Then she rose up on tip-toes and whispered in his ear: "Let's go home". He looked at her and smiled. "This time, Agent Mulder", she said softly, leading him out of the office, "a clean desk just wouldn't be enough, I'm afraid ..." "I can't wait to go to Florida", Mulder sighed, pulling her to him, grateful for the quiet, abandoned corridor just outside their office. Well, almost abandoned then ... their passion making them oblivious to the man who was standing at the other end of the corridor and looked at them. All wasn't over, he knew, and took a cigarette from the box of Morley's, but he was going to solve the problems. And sending them off to Florida was very likely to solve the Mulder-Scully problem. Then he walked back, there was some business to attend to. He lit the cigarette and walked away. *~*~* SHE'S IN MY ARMS, soft, small, strong and all mine. Her breathing is slow and deep and her lips curved in a lazy smile as she clings onto me. I will never let this woman go. She's not going away anymore. Not to Arizona and not to wherever she wanted to go when she was talking about quitting. I've never have a heart-attack in my life, but that came awfully close ... My life stopped, just stopped, like someone had taken a pair of scissors and cut my line of fate. Strange really, the way her actions define my life. I never experienced anything like it before she came into my life. Scary it is, too, it gives me a feeling of not being in total control of my life. And probably the scariest part of all is that I want her to have a hand in my fate, some means of control over my destiny. God knows, she cannot possibly make things worse than I would all by myself. I'm just no good at living, I guess. She makes a tiny soft sound and turns in my embrace. Her arms let go of the tight embrace and rest heavily on my chest and stomach. Her hands are clenched in loose fists, her body curled up like a baby's. Which brings me to the next paragraph of my life. Or chapter if you prefer, I don't know. A baby. A tiny helpless wee pink bitty-bit of life that's Scully and me combined in one. I look down at her belly, but it's still as flat as before. And of course it is, she hasn't been pregnant for more than a few weeks now at most, it won't show until we're at least another two months further down the road. And yet I imagine seeing a change about her, you know, not just the obvious things like her belly or her breasts, but everything, as if this presence of life inside her changes the whole way she looks. And perhaps it does, who knows. Tonight at three a.m. we're leaving for Florida. We packed all day yesterday and today. I couldn't believe my eyes when I noticed that after one whole day we still didn't have every-thing packed. I used to need a mere thirty minutes measured from the second I grabbed my bags till the moment I zipped it closed, and I know she can do it as well. And now ... now we needed two whole days ... I look at her and smile. Well, we weren't really packing all day ... I mean, we were busy all day all right, but I think we were more busy with each other than with the stuff we wanted to take with us. We're just so totally in love that we've dropped back in our development to the level of teenagers, we just can't keep our hands off each other ... So after we had shut the suitcases we exchanged looks and the next moment we were in bed ... at three o'clock in the afternoon, making love as though it was to be our last time ever. Which, luckily, it wasn't. It's never going to be a last time, I'm pretty sure our love's simply too strong for that. Hey, how about something sappy, huh? I can't help chuckling and I hear Scully mutter something to me. "You're laughing", she murmurs. "Why?" I smile and pull her up so that her face is closer to my own. "I'm laughing because I love you so much", I whisper and she sighs. "Me, too." Then she falls asleep again. So, tomorrow we're off to Florida. Skinner found this X- File which includes lovely, deserted beaches and not too many crowds to deal with, excellent for taking a vacation. HE knows we're not the type for overcrowded, touristy baking-beaches; Federal Agents aren't often seen there when off-duty. Or on-duty for that matter ... It's going to be our last vacation together, just the two of us. I'm sure next time we'll be three, which is a fantastic thing as well, but I'm glad that we'll have at least one vacation for ourselves. You know, I might ask her to marry me when we're there ... In a way we both asked each other already, but we never came back to it and I'd love to have Dana Scully for my wife ... Besides, she's a Catholic, I think that, despite the fact that's she's not too strict in her beliefs, she'd like to be married when the baby's born. We both think it's going to be a girl, don't ask me why. In case it is a girl we're going to call her Nathalie. Scully told me about her dream, the dream with little five-year-old Nathalie bringing in weeds from the garden and playing pirate and princess with me. There's not a single name that sounds so wonderful for our little girl. Of course it could be a boy, too, it's still too early to have a doctor find out about the gender of the baby. In that case, if it is a boy, Scully liked the name David. She said it sounded like me. I was touched by that idea, it sounded like she wanted the boy to take after me. Poor kid, your mommy's making a big mistake -- she must be way too much in love with me ... For a moment we considered the name Emily for our daughter, but we dismissed that idea almost instantly. Calling our daughter Emily would almost mean we'd be replacing little Emily and we could never do such a thing. Scully misses Emily very much, much more than she likes to show, but I know. She misses her more every day ... And no matter how many children we'll eventually have, we won't ever forget her. We'll never be able to ... I look at the clock, it's seven o'clock in the evening now and I hear my stomach growl. We didn't have supper today. I wonder if she's hungry, her appetite hasn't been tremendous since she returned from her mother. Well, I am hungry so I try to get her off me, but she's stubborn. "Where are you going, Mulder?" she whispers. I stroke her hair. "Nowhere. I'm just gonna get something to eat. I'm hungry." "Thought we had taken care of that", she murmurs and I can't help chuckling. "Hungry for food, sweetheart." "Not for me?" she asks and I see her look up at me. Trust her to make my insides go all gooey with nothing more than those three words ... 'I love you' definitely never had a sexier equivalent ... "Dana, if I'd give in to all the times I am hungry for you, we'd never leave this bed again", I say in a low voice and she sighs and smiles. "Good answer", she says. "What are you going to get for supper?" "Dunno, depends on what you've got", I say, knowing that contrary to my own refrigerator hers is always well-supplied. And I knew what to get when I stocked it last time. It's a good thing, by the way, that I regularly ate at her place over the past five years, at least it allowed me to get used to proper, healthy, well-balanced food. My mother told me that when she and dad got married, he almost immediately developed an ulcer, allegedly because now he was eating decent food for the first time in years ... and his stomach just couldn't handle the vitamins! I like to hear this story, mom always tells it with a certain kind of fondness. It makes me feel that, despite the awful situation later on in their marriage, there was love when they got married. "There's some left-over Chinese from yesterday in the fridge. We might as well eat that, otherwise I'd have to throw it away anyway." "I'll get it", I say, but she's not letting me go. "You'd have to at least let me go, Dana." "Then stay. I'm not hungry and I want you here with me. Nattie wants you here with her", she adds slyly. Unless I'm very much mistaken, and I'm pretty sure I'm not, this could qualify as a classic example of successful blackmail. So I give in, I can't resist it ... "Nattie wants me here?" I ask, feeling her lips against my throat. I swallow. "Yes", she whispers against my skin and I feel the vibrations of the air as it leaves her mouth, the warm, slightly moist breath warming my skin. I'm lost. There's just no way I can ever comment on that, so I don't. Welcome, my little princess ... No one will ever be more welcome than you ... *~*~* THE MEN IN THE room were silent, their hard faces inscrutable, their cold eyes fixed on the man nearest to the window. He cast a look across the street and then looked back at the men in the room. Like them his expression hadn't changed even the slightest bit. "He's not there", he observed calmly. "He betrayed us", another man said. "He must be hauled back or gotten rid of." "Maybe." "We cannot risk exposure!" one man said firmly. The man by the window eyed him sharply. "We do not risk exposure. There's nothing to expose, nothing to reveal or prove. Our man took care of that." "How do we know he can still be trusted?" The question wasn't answered. A younger man spoke up. "Mulder's apartment was cleared day before yesterday." "Yes, I know", the man replied calmly. He could have sworn he saw some of the poker-faces relax ever so slightly. "So, everything has been removed then?" a man asked and the man by the window nodded. "Yes, it has. Everything has been taken away and destroyed. Mulder has no proof or the means to retrieve the information." A few grim nods were his share and with a stern "Gentlemen" he left the room. He had barely walked ten yards when he smelled the burning cigarette of the man walking behind him. He turned around to confront the man. "You protected them!" he said angrily, not so bent on hiding his feelings now. The cigarette-smoking man nodded, his mouth set in a haughty smile. Ash fell from the cigarette. "Yes, I have", he answered calmly. "Why?" the man whispered furiously. "My God, you act like you're the only one with an interest here!" The cigarette-smoking man's smile disappeared. "Oh, I certainly am not", he said, "but my interests are different. Vastly different." "You're playing a dangerous game! You're playing with your life!" the man hissed. "Some of us think you more dangerous than Mulder!" "I made Mulder", the smoking man said. "That, my friend, makes me lethal." He smiled again. "Doesn't it?" The man decided this wasn't getting them anywhere. "You cannot win!" "No one can", the smoking man said. "Only 'they' can." The man shot him one last furious look and walked on. With a slight smile the smoking man saw him leave and he extinguished his cigarette. Then he walked on. He had one more matter to attend to. A NONDESCRIPT BLACK SEDAN stopped in front of Doctor Young's house and a man got out. He was wearing a dark overcoat and a dark suit, making him virtually invisible in the dark night. The only indication that gave away his presence was the fiery red tip of his cigarette. He quickly walked up the front lane to the door and knocked. He knew the inhabitant of this house would be awake, even at this late hour. He was right. After two minutes Doctor Young's silhouette appeared and the door was opened. "Yes?" "Doctor Young", the man said and he smiled a cold smile. "It's good to see you still alive." "I get used to running and hiding", Doctor Young answered. "What do you want?" "Nothing", the smoking man answered. "You did what you were supposed to do and I come to give you something for your loyal service to us." "Give me something?" Doctor Young repeated. "That would be a first ..." "A first time for everything, Doctor", the man answered, his face cold and hard. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a brown envelope. He handed it to Doctor Young. "You know what to do", he said and turned on his heels, walking away and blending in with the darkness of the night. Doctor Young sighed and looked at the plain brown wrapper. Yes, he knew what to do. He walked back in the house, extinguished the light in the hall, took his already-packed suitcase and put it in the trunk of his car. He got in and with one last look at his house, he drove off into the night. ??? The End ?? Kirsten Kerkhof 15-11-1998 154 The X-Files? * Let's go fly a kite, Dana Scully