Long Trail Home By: Nantglyn nantglyn@yahoo.com Keywords: MSR, Angst, Historical AU Rating: R Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. Just for fun, not for profit. Archive: I'll post to Gossamer. Note: Any errors are my own. Summary: A new life lay ahead for many who traveled the Oregon Trail. This is just one story. Chapter 1 March 4, 1852 Thursday Winter was still struggling to show its force with a chill in the air and a light dusting of snow on the ground. Hannibal Missouri was a typical river town that was growing along the banks of the Mississippi River, with rolling hills rising from the river. Mark Twain was twenty-six years old, just beginning his career as a writer. Fox Mulder walked down the street, his steps crunching lightly against the cobblestones. He breathed in the air, walking with purpose. He heard that his friend Walter Skinner was in town and was planning to go west with his family. He spotted Skinner's two oldest boys, sixteen year old Victor and twelve year old Matthew, loading their wagon with supplies from the general store. Mulder crossed the street. "Victor, hello. Where's your father?" Victor and Matthew paused from their work. "He's inside Mr. Mulder. Did you hear?" Victor asked excitedly. We're going to Oregon." "Yes, that's why I wanted to see your father." He looked at the supplies sitting next to the wagon. "Do you boys need any help?" "No thank you sir, we're fine. Father is just finishing up inside." "Then I suppose I can help you after all." Mulder had been helping the boys for only a short time when Walter Skinner came out of the store, looking down and counting his money. "Boys, finish up and then..." He paused when he saw Mulder next to his boys, smiling. "Hello, Skinner." "Mulder," Skinner said, reaching out to shake Mulder's hand. "It's been too long. You didn't need to help the boys. They can do this by themselves." Mulder moved away from Skinner's sons and Skinner followed. "I was just waiting to speak with you. Do you have a minute?" The boys had stopped working, but soon began packing the wagon again when they saw the look on their father's face. "Of course, let's walk," he said as they began to stroll down the street. "I hear you're heading out west." Skinner nodded. "That's true. We're going to Oregon. I'm leading about five families to St. Joe. We'll join others when we get there." Mulder looked down, as if he was watching his steps carefully. "I was wondering if another family could come along." "I don't see a problem with that, but we leave in about a month." Skinner removed his hat and scratched the top of his balding head. "I don't know how they'd get ready in time. I've been planning this since last fall." He replaced his hat and asked, "Who do you know that wants to go?" Mulder looked back up. "Me." "Your father would allow that? I don't see Mr. Mulder as being someone who would let his only son leave." "I'm a grown man. I've been married and I have a child. I think I've lived under his roof long enough. Walter, I want to be on my own. I feel like I have no control over my life. My father has controlled my life long enough. I'm twenty-six-years old for God's sake. It's time I live my life the way I choose to live it, not the way Bill Mulder says I should. I should have done this a long time ago." Skinner stopped and Mulder followed suit. "I'm not saying I wouldn't welcome you Mulder. It's just that I never saw you leaving Missouri. I thought you had too many ties here." Leaning against the brick wall of a building, Mulder shoved his hands into his coat pockets and said, "There are too many ghosts here. I want to start fresh...I just need to start over. I can't keep living in the past." "Are you planning on leaving Samantha with your parents?" "No. She's my daughter and I won't leave her behind." Skinner hesitated before continuing. "Then who's going to take care of her?" "I will." "On the trail by yourself? Mulder, you've had your mother taking care of her since Penelope died. You've never taken care of her by yourself." Skinner shoved his hands into his coat pockets, imitating Mulder. "You need a woman to help you." "What, you have someone in mind?" Mulder joked. Skinner stared at him. "You're serious." Skinner looked down the street and ran his hand across his beard. His eyes followed the stagecoach as it drove through town. "Maybe." He looked back at Mulder. "I know someone who needs a man to take care of her, but you can't say it to her that way. She's been living with us this winter. Her husband died last fall. Jack Willis...did you ever meet him?" "No, I don't think so." "That's what I thought. They came from Pennsylvania only last spring. Anyway, she tried to run the farm by herself, but I found her December alone with her son, running a fever. If she had been conscious, she wouldn't have let me bring her to my house, but fortunately, she couldn't argue with me. She can be stubborn and independent." "She sounds wonderful," Mulder commented sarcastically. "She briefly talked about returning to the farm, but I think she realizes how unrealistic that is. I just sold the land for her last month, so she'll have a little money." "I don't need her money." "I know, but her brother Bill is insisting that she come to St. Joe to marry a friend of his who recently lost his wife. This man said that he would marry her, but I don't think that's best for her. He's forty, has buried three wives already, and has ten children. I've promised her that we would take her and her son there on our way to Oregon. Her brother is supposed to meet us in St. Joseph to get them." Pulling his coat closed tighter, Skinner said, "Fox, Dana is only nineteen years old. Marrying him will make her old before her time." "But she's agreed to this." "Yes, but only because there doesn't seem to be any other option. She told me that the only family she can turn to is her brother Bill. He has a family as well and has let Dana know that he can't take care of her and her son. He told her he can't afford to take on any more responsibilities, not when she has a future available to her." Mulder pushed off the wall and Skinner followed suit, heading back towards Skinner's sons. "I would much rather see her with you than with him." "I'm not interested in remarrying. The love of my life died in my arms. I will never love anyone else again. It's just going to be me and Samantha." "Think Mulder. That's not good for Samantha. You can't be so selfish. She needs a woman in her life, someone to show her the ways to being a woman. If you stayed here, your mother could do that, but you're going to a new land with no support. Besides, you need sons to carry on your name. Every man needs that." "I have three sons. All three buried next to their mother. I'm not destined to have sons who live beyond a day. I've accepted that." "But Dana has a son...and she's strong. She could give you sons. Look Mulder, I'm not asking you to love her, but you need a woman in your life if you and Samantha are going to survive in Oregon. Samantha is what, three?" "Four." "Who's going to look after her while you work the farm? You're going to need someone. Besides, they say that there aren't many unattached women in Oregon. Any woman who is unattached is quickly snapped up. The Oregon Donation Land Act gives you twice as much land if you have a wife. Now is the time to find a wife and she's a good woman. This is the perfect answer." They reached the Skinner wagon. "Boys get in the wagon." He turned back to Mulder. "Fox, just think about it. She'll be at the Methodist church with my family on Sunday. You can meet her there." "You know I haven't set foot in a church since Penelope died." "Make the exception Mulder. This is important." With that Skinner jumped in his wagon and without looking back, headed home. March 7, 1852 Sunday Outside the Methodist church sat buggies, wagons, and some horses tied by themselves. Mulder jumped down from his horse, stretching his legs. As he tied his horse to a nearby tree, he could hear the service already in progress. The churchgoers were singing hymns of praise. One thing about a Methodist, Mulder thought to himself, they do love to sing their hymns. He quietly climbed the stairs and stood inside to let his eyes adjust. He found an open seat and slid into one of the back pews. He went mostly unnoticed since the parishioners were standing and singing their hearts out. An elderly woman next to him smiled and Mulder smiled back. After the song, the parishioners sat down and Mulder followed them. The preacher began his sermon about some sin, but Mulder wasn't listening. He wasn't here for the sermon. Looking around the church, he spotted Skinner's balding head. It shone like a beacon about four pews up. The Skinner family seemed to take up a whole pew. Mulder looked down the pew at the family. Victor and Matthew sat on the outside of the pew, next to Skinner. On Skinner's other side sat his wife Sharon Skinner. She had her arm around their youngest son Francis, who was seven years old and very fidgety. Mulder began to feel envious of Skinner. He had three sons. Maybe Skinner was right. Sharon bent down, whispering to Francis and he soon sat still. Next to Francis sat the two Skinner girls, Matthew's twin sister Louisa and Margaret who was nine years old. All of the children had Sharon's light coloring. As his eyes passed the girls, he saw a woman with red hair. "So this is Dana Willis," he thought to himself. A young boy with blond hair rested his head on her shoulder. He was fast asleep, but Mulder could see there was nothing unappealing about the child. He wondered if he looked like his mother or father. He couldn't tell what the mother looked like since she was turned away from him, listening intently to the sermon. Mulder didn't care if she was beautiful, but he hoped she was at least slightly pleasing to the eye. He had decided that if she was too unattractive, he could easily slip out of the church without Skinner ever knowing he was there. Before he knew it, they were on their feet, ready to sing again. Mulder stood, keeping his eyes on Dana Willis. She still hadn't turned so that he could see her, but he could see that she wasn't very tall. She didn't stand much taller than Louisa and she was slight in build. Skinner thought she would be able to handle the hard work that was ahead of them? She looked too delicate. He was beginning to rethink meeting her when suddenly, he found Skinner standing in front of him. "Mulder, I didn't think you would make it." Mulder hadn't realized the service was over. He turned to look back at the Skinner pew, but no one was there. "Yes, I arrived a little late." Skinner leaned in a little and whispered, "Wanted to make sure you could make a quick exit?" Mulder looked back at him, horrified that he had guessed his intentions. He didn't want to appear rude. Looking past Skinner, he tried to see Dana Willis, but could only see the top of her head. Skinner saw Mulder trying to find Dana and turned around. "Mrs. Willis, would you please come here? I have someone I would like you to meet." Slowly, Dana made here way through the Skinner family, carrying her son who was still asleep. She kept her face turned down, so that he still couldn't get a good look at her. "Mrs. Dana Willis," Skinner said, "I would like to introduce you to Mr. Fox Mulder." She nodded her head but still didn't look up. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Willis," Mulder said. "Thank you. I feel the same way Mr. Mulder." When she finally looked up, he found himself looking into the bluest eyes he had ever seen. He caught himself before he gasped out loud. When she slowly smiled, it was as if her whole face lit up. She was truly an attractive woman. Maybe not as pretty as Penny, but he thought to himself that yes, there were possibilities here. "Fox, why don't you come and have supper with us?" he heard Sharon Skinner ask. "Yes, Mulder. You can follow us to our house. Sharon has plenty to eat," Skinner added. "Thank you. I'd enjoy that. Could I walk you out Mrs. Willis?" Dana nodded and he walked behind her out the doors, the Skinners following closely. As they descended the stairs, Dana looked down, making sure of her footing as she carried her son. Mulder followed her to the back of Skinner's wagon. "Let me help you with your son Mrs. Willis," Mulder said. She looked down to her son before deciding to trust him for a moment. She handed him to Mulder and her son woke up. "Mama?" he asked. Mulder bounced him in his arms as Dana climbed into the wagon. "What's his name?" Dana turned around and sat down, reaching for her son. "Caleb." The Skinner children began crawling into the back of the wagon with Dana. Skinner was up front helping his wife. "That's a good strong name," Mulder said, reluctantly handing him back to her. "Thank you." "Mulder," Skinner called. He headed around to the front of the wagon, where Skinner was waiting. "Why don't you just follow us? You can stay the afternoon and talk to her." Mulder nodded and headed back for his horse. Skinner turned his wagon and headed back for home as Mulder hurried his horse to catch up, following closely. As they rode, the Skinner children talked among themselves while Dana rode silently with Caleb on her lap. Every so often, Caleb would look up at the tall man with the mustache riding behind them. Mulder would smile and wave at him and Caleb would smile and bury his face in his mother's shoulder. He would get courage to look up at Mulder again and they would begin the game all over again. This continued until Caleb began to tire and fell asleep in his mother's arms. XXXXXXXXXX After lunch, Sharon ushered the children outside. As Dana climbed the stairs to put her son down for a nap, Mulder followed her with his eyes. "Have you decided?" Skinner asked Mulder. He didn't respond. Skinner tried again, "Mulder, have you made a decision?" "Huh? Oh, I think so. Yes, I believe so." "What is your decision?" "I've been thinking about what you said. Samantha does need a woman in her life. It wouldn't be fair to her." Mulder paused, "Do you really think she'd agree to this?" "I've already mentioned it to her. We've talked and I think she believes you're the better prospect. Of course, you'll have to ask her yourself." "Have you told her about my family?" "No. She only knows that you're a widower, with a daughter, who wishes to start a new life in the Oregon Territory. I haven't told her anything beyond that. You'll have to use your own judgment on when or if you decide to tell her." "Thank you. I'd prefer that she didn't know that my family has money. I want her to make an honest decision, not based on my money but on our combined circumstances." Sharon came back inside. "It was nice that you came to eat with us Fox." She began collecting the plates from the table. "So, what do you think of Dana?" "She seems nice." "When Dana comes down, why don't you ask her to walk to the river?" "Maybe." Mulder leaned back in his chair. "She's small. Do you think she'll be able to handle the trip?" Skinner smiled at his wife. "She's stronger than she looks," Sharon said. Dana came back down the stairs and they all turned in her direction, halting her in her tracks, sensing that they were all talking about her. Sharon covered by asking, "Is he asleep?" "Yes. He falls asleep quickly." Sharon sat down opposite the head of the table, which her husband occupied. Dana followed suit, sitting opposite of Mulder. Skinner stood, walking to the fireplace to stoke it. "Mulder, why don't you take Dana for a walk? It's nice out this afternoon." Mulder looked up at him, and behind Dana, Skinner jerked his head towards the door with a stern look. Mulder looked back at Dana, who had cast her eyes down towards the table, her fingers lightly rubbing the surface of the coarse tabletop. He sighed and stood, throwing Skinner an irritated look that said, 'I was getting to it, don't push me.' "Mrs. Willis, would you do me the honor of your company?" Mulder reached out a hand toward her. Dana looked up, the corners of her mouth lifting briefly. She looked as uncomfortable as he felt. She turned in her seat and put her hand in his, nodding. "Dana, put this blanket around you to stay warm," Sharon said, handing her a small blanket. Dana nodded and put it around her as Mulder put his coat back on and held the door for her. XXXXXXXXXX The children played in the yard, running after each other as Dana and Mulder passed them. Their voices faded as they headed toward the river along a footpath. They didn't speak since the path caused them to occasionally walk single file and branches of trees or bushes would reach out, temporarily blocking their way. As they reached the river, the path opened up. Mulder directed Dana towards a log that lay parallel to the river and they sat side by side, listening to the water as it rippled over rocks that lay in shallow water. Mulder picked up a rock and threw it, skimming the water in a pool across the way. He heard Dana sigh and turned towards her. "Sorry," he said. "I don't know where to begin." "You know, I've come to consider the Skinners like family. They've been very good to me." "Yes, they're good people." Dana smoothed her dress with her hands. "And I know they saved me and my son. I trust them." Mulder nodded for her to continue. "I know they've spoken to you about me. My brother and his family live outside St. Joseph. I have a sister in New York, but her husband is a harsh man and I have no desire to live with them. I have a younger brother Charlie but we don't know where he is. He was living with my sister, but left her home last year and hasn't been heard of since." "I didn't realize you had other family. Skinner only mentioned your brother Bill." "I haven't seen Melissa for a couple of years. I've only heard from Billy because Skinner wrote him on my behalf when I was ill. I don't think he would have contacted me on his own." "Oh." Dana placed the blanket on the log and picked up a rock, throwing it, trying to imitate Mulder. It landed with a plunk not far from where she threw it. She heard Mulder chuckle beside her. She turned back to him. "So, my brother has arranged a marriage to his friend, Mr. Sanderson. I guess Walter told you about him too." "Yes. He said you've agreed to marry him." "I don't really want to do it, but I have to provide for my son. I have to do what's best for him." "Is that best?" Sighing, Dana stood, grabbing the blanket. "It's clear to me now that it is. I'm sorry I wasted your time Mr. Mulder. The walk down was pleasant, but if you'll excuse me, I think I should get back to my son." She passed in front of him, but was stopped when Mulder grabbed her wrist. "Wait." Dana turned towards him and looked down at his hand. He immediately released it. Getting up, he walked away from her and tilted his head back, taking a deep breath and releasing it. Turning back in her direction, he said, "Mrs. Willis, please sit back down." When she crossed her arms and just stood there, staring at him, he said, "Please." Dana turned around and took her seat again. "All right, I'm sitting." "I'm sorry, but this is uncomfortable for me." "It's uncomfortable for me too." "I know," Mulder agreed. "I think you should know I want to start a new life. There are too many memories here. There are pleasant ones, but there are also ones that I want to forget." "Like losing your wife." "Walter told you." She nodded. "Of course he did. Yes, like losing my wife. Mrs. Willis, I can't promise you anything except to provide for you and your son. In return, I would like you to take care of my daughter." "I need to hear it Mr. Mulder. From that description, I could be your housekeeper. Is that what you want from me? Do you want me to be your housekeeper or your wife?" "I loved my wife very much. I loved her more than anything. I ache so much still from the thought of losing her. I thought we would be together forever. All I can promise you is as I said. We will be husband and wife, but I can only promise to be a good husband...to be kind and to provide for you and your son. I'm sorry, but I think that's all I can promise you." "I see." "I'll be a father to your son too. He'll be my son. He will inherit the same as any of my sons will." "That's very generous." "I'm sure we could get your preacher to marry us. I was thinking we would marry the day we leave. Would that be all right? I have a lot to do before we leave." "I suppose." "I think we should go back now. They've probably been watching the path since we left." They went back the same way they came, quietly walking, deep in their own thoughts. When they reached the opening, they again walked side by side. As they got close to the house, Mulder said, "I'll come by for you a few days before we leave. We'll need to get some supplies. I'll get the basics, but I'll want you to go to the general store with me to get things for the children and us. I don't think we'll see each other again until then. I have a lot to do to get us ready. Do you mind?" "No, I understand." They looked up and saw Sharon and Walter Skinner in the doorway, watching them. Mulder stopped Dana as Skinner came up to them. "Well?" he asked. Mulder spoke up. "We've come to an agreement." Skinner tilted his head. "An agreement?" "Mrs. Willis, I'll be by as promised if the weather is good. Thank you for the walk." Dana smiled, nodded her head, and turned to walk back to the house. Sharon quickly pulled her into the house. Mulder had the feeling she would be questioned as well. "Mulder, what do you mean by an agreement. Did you ask her to marry you?" "Sort of." "What did you mean by an agreement?" Mulder walked towards his horse. "I don't think I want to discuss it." "Did she say yes?" "Sort of. Listen Skinner, I have to get going." With that, he mounted his horse and looked down. "You're going to be there when the brother finds out, right? I don't think he's going to be happy about what we're going to do," Mulder joked. "Told you about her brother did she?" "Just a little, but I just have a feeling that he's not going to be happy with either of us." Skinner nodded. "Probably not." "I'll be back a couple of days before we leave to take her to town." "You're not going to see her again until then? When will you marry?" "The day we leave." "You're kidding. You don't want to get to know each other before then?" "What would be the point? We've made a decision. She seems like an honorable woman. I don't think she'll change her mind." "Yes, but..." "I'll probably see you in a couple of weeks. Walter." Mulder tipped his head in farewell. As he kicked his horse and headed down the lane, his thoughts turned to his plans for the next month. ~~~ Chapter 2 March 17, 1852 Wednesday The Mulder family had gathered for breakfast in the large dining room. At the table, Samantha was chatting about a doll that her grandfather had bought her just yesterday. It sat in a chair next to her. Mulder smiled across the table and nodded, though he wasn't really listening to her. Seated next to Samantha was her grandmother, who smiled and nodded. She reached over to smooth Samantha's long brown hair. Mulder's father sat at the head of the table between his son and wife, speaking whenever Samantha asked a question. "Samantha, why don't you go play upstairs in your room? I need to speak with Grandmother and Grandfather," Mulder said. Samantha pouted. "I'm not finished eating." "You've been playing with your food for the last few minutes. Go on, go upstairs." "Grandmother," she whined to his mother. Mulder sighed and his mother nodded for Samantha to go. He watched her climb out of her chair and grab her doll, skipping as she left the room. She listened more to her grandparents than she did to him. He supposed that was partly his fault. After Penny had died, he had been too distraught to think about anything but losing his wife. Even his daughter was in the background. He didn't take control of his daughter when his grieving eased; it was just easier to let his mother take care of her. This made it even more important to break free and start over. When Samantha left, his father said, "Well Fox, what's this about? It sounds serious." "It is Father." He watched the motion of his thumb rubbing the smooth surface of the spoon in his right hand. He felt his father's eyes on him, watching him intently. He placed the spoon down and sat up straighter. "You know I appreciate everything you have done for me and Samantha. And you know I love you both." "Fox, what is it dear?" his mother asked. Mulder could tell he was making his parents nervous. "I'm going to Oregon," he said abruptly. He took a breath and continued. "There are too many memories for me here. I haven't felt happy for quite some time, not since Penny... Anyway, I plan to go with Walter Skinner and his family." "Skinner. I should have known this would have something to do with him," his father stated. "But what about Samantha?" his mother asked. "She'll come with me of course," he said to his mother and to his father, he said, "and it was my idea, not Skinner's." "What?" He could tell his father was unhappy with this revelation. "You're not taking her all the way to God knows where. I've read stories about the trip. It's dangerous. I won't allow it Fox." Mulder stood up from the table. "You can't stop me. She's my daughter and I'll do what I think is best for her...and that's going with me to Oregon. I want to be a father for her again. I haven't felt like I have been for a long time." His mother got up and went to her son, placing her hand on his arm. "Fox, please, don't do this. If you feel you must go, do so, but please, leave Samantha with us. I lost my daughter; I don't think I can stand to lose my granddaughter too." "Well I can't lose my daughter either. I promise; I'll take good care of her. Maybe one day we can come back for a visit." "She needs me in her life Fox. You're a man. When she gets older, she'll want to talk to a woman who can help her. I can talk to her about things you'll never understand," his mother cried. Mulder paused before saying, "She'll have someone. I'm getting married before I leave." His father had been quiet, but could not stop himself. "Married? I didn't know you've been courting anyone. Who is she?" Mulder hesitated. "You don't know her." "Well, how do you know her?" "Walter Skinner introduced me to her." "When?" Mulder looked up, and then sighed, looking his father in the eye. "A few days ago." "Fox, have you lost your mind?" Mulder flinched at his father's harsh tone. "Now I know you're not taking our granddaughter." "She's a good woman." "And you learned this in a couple of days?" "She's agreed to be a mother to Samantha and I'll be a father to her son. It's a good bargain." "'A good bargain.' It sounds more like a business arrangement than a marriage." "Well, maybe you're not too far off there. I just know that this feels right. For the first time in a long time, I feel optimistic." Mulder crossed to the opening of the door when he was halted by his father's harsh words. "Fox, if you take Samantha, you will never see one penny of my money. I'll see to it that only Samantha gets my money." Mulder turned back to his father. "That's the only way you think you can control me, isn't it Father? Well you can keep your money. I don't need it. Grandfather has taken care of me. I haven't touched the money he left me, but it'll be enough to take care of us. I don't want your money Father. Leave it all to Samantha. I don't care; you're not stopping me. We're leaving in a month. I don't wish to leave in anger, but you won't stop me." His father tried another tactic, his last desperate attempt to stop his son. It was all he had left. "So, you're going to turn your back on your sister? You're going to stop looking for her?" "We haven't found her in over 10 years. I'm not sure I would even recognize her if I passed her on the street. You continually make me feel guilty for losing her. I do feel guilty, are you happy?" With that, Mulder turned his back on his parents, grabbed his coat from the entryway, and slammed the door as he left the house. Later that morning, Mulder stopped by the bank to withdraw the money he had inherited from his grandfather. The banker was shocked to hear that he was leaving, but said more people were leaving daily. Some were heading for California where it was said a man could get rich quickly. Was he going there? Mulder told him Oregon was where he and his family would be heading. As he left the bank, Mulder knew that Oregon was the right decision. He wasn't interested in going to California to get rich. He now had enough money in his hand to guarantee that his family would be comfortable wherever they decided to make their home. March 19, 1852 Friday Mulder rode up the short drive to his Aunt Millie and Uncle John Pendrell's farm. They lived in a simple two-story home and owned 160 acres. It wasn't a huge place, nothing compared to what Mulder grew up in, but it was comfortable. When he was younger, Mulder loved to stay overnight with his aunt and uncle. His mother had married above herself and had lived a wealthy life, but he often felt that there was something missing from his father and mother's marriage. He believed that they weren't as close as they had once been. He felt them drift apart after his sister's disappearance and only recently, they seemed to be drawn together again, after his daughter Samantha was born. He supposed they were reliving their Samantha through his Samantha. That couldn't be healthy for his daughter. His aunt and uncle truly appeared to be in love and their love had never seemed to wane. He now sought out two of their sons, Jimmy and Danny. He hoped he could convince them to go west with him. He would need their help and he thought he could easily convince the boys, but his parents might be another matter. XXXXXXXXXX "No Fox, you are not taking my boys away from me. I won't have it," his aunt firmly told him. "But Mama, it's a chance for us," Jimmy said. He was tall and lanky, but a hard worker. Mulder had seen him work a full day in the field and never complain. He was three years older than his brother Danny, who was seventeen. Danny was more solidly built than his brother. They both favored their father in coloring, with fair skin and reddish blond hair. Mulder knew that if he had these boys along, they would have a better chance of building a future in Oregon. He could hire some men to drive his wagons, but he preferred to have family along. They knew how to work a farm, something of which he had absolutely no knowledge. He felt that he could learn from the boys and then survive on his own. In return, Mulder intended to provide them with supplies and money of their own so that they might begin their own lives. They had been talking for over an hour and Mulder knew his aunt was weakening. "I don't want to lose you both," Aunt Millie said. She looked over to her husband, hoping he would say something to discourage them, but she knew she had already lost her battle when she saw the resignation on his face. "The boys have to be on their own sometime Millie," Uncle John said. "At least they'll be with Fox." Mulder nodded. "We'll be all right Aunt Millie. This is an opportunity for all of us. I'll make sure they're safe, I promise." "Don't make promises to me that you can't keep Fox. You don't know what dangers lay ahead." Mulder nodded. "You're right, I shouldn't promise." He saw tears in her eyes, but now she wore the same look of resignation as her husband. They had won. They had made their case. Millie stood up and hugged Mulder. "Just promise that you will all try to be safe," she whispered. "I'll be satisfied with that." Mulder hugged her back. "I promise," he said, stepping away from her. "I'll need to take the boys to town with me in a few days to get some supplies." His aunt nodded and walked up the stairs and out of sight. When she was gone, the boys followed Mulder outside. XXXXXXXXXX The house was dark when Mulder arrived late at his parent's house. It was quiet as he entered and headed for the stairs. Mulder began to climb when he heard his father call from the parlor. He headed back down and saw his father sitting in his favorite chair. "Fox, come sit down." Mulder hesitated by the door but finally crossed the room to sit on the sofa. He stretched out his legs and leaned back, lacing his fingers across his lap. "Father, I'm really tired. Could we talk in the morning?" "No. I don't want this to wait." His father got up and crossed to the fireplace which Mulder only now noticed still glowed with orange embers. After putting another log on, his father stirred the embers. Soon, a small fire was glowing in the fireplace. Keeping his back to his son, he said, "Son, you know we love you." When his father didn't say anything further, Mulder said, "Yes, of course I do." Bill Mulder turned back around and said, "We don't want to lose you or Samantha. Fox, you're all we have." "I know that, but you have to let me do what I think is right. You left your home when you were young. Grandfather didn't want you to come to Missouri. He wanted you to stay in Kentucky. You've told me that story many times. Did you stay like he wanted you to? Of course not. I'm not any different from you Father. I want to build my own life. I believe I deserve the same opportunity you had. I know this is right. I do," he finished quietly. "But I didn't go to another country," his father reasoned. "There are many more dangers that you will face if you go. Do you really know what you're getting yourself and your daughter into?" "I've read the stories just as you have, but you and I both know that sometimes stories are exaggerated." His father sighed and returned to his chair. "And sometimes they aren't." "That's true, but I have to take that risk...if nothing else, then for my sanity." "We'll never see you or Samantha again," his father said sadly. "You will. We can return and visit sometime." "You can believe that Fox, but I don't." His father shook his head and sighed. They sat quietly, listening to the fire crackle when his father continued, "All right. Go with our blessing. Just be careful." "I will." "I'm going to have the men make the best wagons for you. I'll have them start on yours right away. I want you in safe wagons." "Thank you Father." "How many are you going to take?" "I'm only taking two. I'm going to load one with the supplies and have the other for us to sleep in. I don't want us sleeping on the ground the whole trip. Do you think you could send one wagon on ahead up the river and have a man wait with it? We'll use that one to sleep in once we leave St. Joe. I would prefer to only take one across the state." "If that's what you want." "I really appreciate this." "I'll buy and send some livestock for you too. Do you want me to find men to go with you?" "No. I'm taking Jimmy and Danny with me." "What? Do your aunt and uncle know?" "Yes, although it took some convincing. I trust the boys." "Do you need any money?" Mulder smiled. "No thank you. I meant it; Grandfather's money will be enough for us." His father nodded, and then asked, "When are we going to meet your bride?" Mulder laid his head on the back of the sofa, looked up at the ceiling, and let out a long breath. "You aren't." "Of course we are. We have every right to know who is going to be raising our granddaughter." "No." "Why don't you want us to meet her? Are you saying we won't even be invited to the wedding?" "I don't want her to know about my background. I'm going to marry her the day we leave. We'll just say our vows and go." Mulder heard his father shift in the chair. "Fox, I know you grieved for Penny, but I didn't think you were still grieving for her." "What do you mean?" he asked, surprised. "Of course I still miss her. I miss her every day." He looked away and said quietly, "Why did you have to mention her?" "I just can't believe you're marrying a woman you obviously don't love, couldn't even love because you don't even really known her." "I don't love her. This is just an arrangement...an agreement between the two of us." "I would rather you didn't marry anyone if you didn't love her. A loveless marriage is not a pleasant way to live." "Is this the voice of experience?" Shooting him an angry look, his father said, "No. That's not true, you know it isn't Fox. I love your mother." "But are you still in love with her?" His father got up and walked toward the door. He ignored the question, but said instead, "Your mother and I will pray every day for you and Samantha, Fox. Make sure the fire dies down before you go to bed." As he left the room, he heard his son call, "I will." April 14, 1852 Wednesday Mulder knocked on the Skinner's door and their daughter Louisa answered it. "Hello, Mr. Mulder. Mama says to come in and sit in the parlor. Mrs. Willis will be down in a few moments." Louisa grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room to the side. She stopped in front of the sofa and sat down, pulling Mulder with her. They listened as they heard feet running down the stairs. Soon Margaret, her younger sister, ran into the room. "Hello, Mr. Mulder. Mama says that Mrs. Willis will be down in..." "A few moments. Yes, thank you Margaret." "Mama and Mrs. Willis said that Louisa and I can go to town with you if you say it's all right. Can we Mr. Mulder, pleeeeze?" Mulder hadn't counted on chaperones, but he supposed that Sharon was right. If they were to meet anyone, it wouldn't be proper to be alone on the road. Besides, he really liked the two girls. They were curious, but well mannered. "Yes, you can go." As soon as he answered, they raced out of the room, squealing with delight. He supposed that they were going to give his answer to the women upstairs. Mulder soon heard two sets of feet running back downstairs, followed by a sharp, "Girls, do not run in the house," and the steps immediately slowed. He saw the smiling girls first, followed by Sharon Skinner and finally Dana Willis, who cautiously avoided his gaze. Since she didn't speak, he took the opportunity to say the first words, "Good morning Mrs. Willis. I apologize for not coming yesterday, but I thought it was too wet to go out. It looks like we'll have a fine day today though. It's a bit chilly, so you'll want to wear a cape this morning." Turning towards him, but not looking up, she said, "Thank you, I'll do that." Dana headed toward the door where several capes were hanging and handed the girls their capes. "Come on, let's go girls." To Sharon she said, "Are you sure you'll be fine with him? I can take him with me." "Dana, go on. I've raised my own boys; I believe I can handle Caleb. I'll enjoy it. I miss having a little one around." Sharon saw her hesitate again as Mulder was trying to urge her out the door. "Go on, we'll be all right." Dana looked up at Mulder when he said, "He'll be tired from a trip to town. It'll be easier on him if Sharon takes care of him. Come on," he urged, placing his hand on her arm, "we need to get going. We won't be gone that long." As Mulder was about to close the door, he turned back to Sharon. "Tell Walter I need to talk to him when we get back." XXXXXXXXXX Mulder headed the wagon towards the general store, pulling up in front. "Okay girls, each of you can buy three cents worth of candy." They smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mulder." The girls jumped down as soon as the wagon stopped, racing to the store. "Girls," Mulder and Dana both yelled and the girls halted in their tracks. "Remember; be on your best behavior. I don't want to tell your father you were otherwise." "Yes, Mr. Mulder," they chimed before entering the store. After Mulder jumped down, he secured the team and came around to help Dana down. He began to grab her waist, but changed his mind and offered his hand instead. Dana chuckled slightly and smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Mulder," she said as she took his hand. Mulder opened the door and Dana entered in front of him. "You go ahead and look around," he told her. "I already picked up most of what we need, but I want you to pick out clothing for the children. Buy what they need now and in the future. The children will grow on the trip, so they'll need larger clothes and shoes. Also, get yourself a couple of dresses, shoes and anything else you might need." "I don't need anything, but I can pay for my child's clothing Mr. Mulder. I do have some money." "Nonsense, keep your money. I'm paying for everything." "Really, I can help. I want to help." "I said no. I'm taking care of everything. Trust me; you don't want me to pick out your dresses." "All right, Mr. Mulder. I'll let you buy things for Caleb, but really, I don't want anything for myself." Mulder grabbed her wrist and tugged her towards a wall where dresses were hanging. He began pulling out the first dress he saw. "Mr. Mulder, I wouldn't wear that, it's too revealing." He put the dress back and pulled out another one. "How about this one?" "You're joking," she said. "It's too big." When he placed it back and began to pull out another, she put her hand on his arm to stop him. "All right, I'll find something. Please, just go." Mulder smiled at her, happy to have his way. "Good. Get at least two dresses. If you don't, I'll be forced to come back and pick some out for you. As you saw, I'm not very good at it. And buy plenty of material for making other clothes later. I've heard the prices are much worse out west." He headed toward the back of the store leaving Dana to her own devices. He wanted to buy a few personal items for himself as well. While he was looking, he heard a woman from behind say, "Fox." He jumped in spite of himself. He turned around and saw Miss Emmy Lou Baxter, a pretty woman with blond hair and blue eyes. Not as blue as Dana's, Mulder noted. "Emmy Lou, how are you?" he asked politely. "Oh, I'm fine. Have you been avoiding me Fox?" "No, why?" Mulder looked back at the shelf, his eyes searching randomly for anything they might need. "You haven't come by in a couple of months." She moved in closer to Mulder. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked, pouting her lips. "Of course not, I've just been busy." "Daddy and Mama have missed you too. I've been making excuses why you haven't come by, but I'm running out of them. Fox," she said, stamping her foot, "I want you to come by to visit me." Mulder turned back towards her and said, "I told you, I've been busy. In fact, I don't really have time to talk now." "But Fox," she said, leaning into him, "I miss you." Mulder looked back at the shelf. He was looking for a mirror that would be big enough for them to use, but not too big to take along with them. Emmy Lou tried again. "Remember when we went to the lake." Mulder smiled. "Yes, I remember." She dropped her voice and said, "You are the only one I have ever let do that to me...the only one." Mulder looked into her eyes and said, "Yes, I know." "Fox, when are we getting married?" "What?" Mulder asked a little too loudly. He lowered his voice back down. "I never said we were getting married." "But I let you. I wouldn't have unless I expected us to get married." Her pout abruptly turned to a smile. "Come to Sunday supper. I absolutely insist that you do." Mulder was about to answer when he spotted Dana standing behind Emmy Lou. He wondered how long she had been there. "Mr. Mulder," she said, "I was wondering if you thought your daughter might like this color?" She held up a bolt of green material. "Um, yes, I think so," he said, moving towards her, pushing past Emmy Lou. "She really isn't a picky child. She'll like whatever you select." Dana looked around Mulder and said, "Hello, I'm--" "Emmy Lou, this is Mrs. Dana Willis. Dana, this is Miss Emmy Lou Baxter, an old friend." The frosty smile on Emmy Lou's face warmed a little when she heard Dana introduced as a misses. "Oh, are you a friend of Fox's?" "I'm afraid I won't be able to join you this Sunday Emmy Lou, but thank you for the invitation." He turned Dana around and headed her towards the front of the store. "Who is she?" Dana asked. "I don't think she was too happy that I interrupted you." "She's no one. Have you found everything you need?" "She didn't seem like no one to me." "We'll be gone in less than a week and she will have forgotten me," he said, taking the bolt of material from her. "Doesn't look like that's possible." Dana peered around him. "What do you mean?" "Fox, why won't you come?" Emmy Lou asked from behind him. Mulder sighed and as he turned around, he saw her pouting again. "Emmy Lou, I'm leaving for Oregon Saturday. I won't have time for a social call." "Oregon?" "Yes. I'm getting married before I leave and taking Samantha and my new family there." "What do you mean you're marrying? You're marrying someone else? Fox, you promised to marry me." "No. I never said that." Mulder handed some money to Dana. "Dana, please go make your purchases. We can get whatever else we need later." "Wait a minute, you're marrying her?" Emmy Lou looked her up and down; a contemptuous look began to appear on her face. "Fox, this is a joke. Tell me this is a joke that you're playing on me." "No, why would I do that?" "You've never been interested in a woman like...," she waved her hand in the air, searching, "like her." "Miss Baxter, I don't have to explain myself." Mulder tried to get Dana to move, but she seemed rooted to the floor. "You owe me everything," Emmy Lou said, her voice beginning to rise in volume. "I wouldn't have let you do it if I didn't think we were going to get married." "Emmy Lou," Mulder said through his clenched teeth, "lower your voice." "Did he tell you?" Emmy Lou asked Dana. "That's enough," Mulder said to Emmy Lou. Mulder grabbed Dana and pushed her towards the door. "We're leaving." As they were walking by the front, Mulder said, "Harvey, bill my father for everything. He'll take care of it for me." "No problem, Mr. Mulder. I'll have my son load your things on your wagon," Harvey said, looking uneasy. Mulder looked at the bolt of material, still in Dana's hands. "Add this too. Come on girls, we're leaving." XXXXXXXXXX Outside, the owner's son finished loading the items that Dana and Mulder had bought. Mulder lifted the girls into the wagon and they immediately settled down, eating the treats that Mulder had bought them. He offered a hand to Dana to help her into the wagon. She gathered her skirts, ignored his hand, and climbed up by herself. Mulder dropped his hand. He knew this would probably be a long trip back. He unhitched the team from the post and climbed aboard. As they pulled away, Dana saw Miss Baxter glaring at her through the large window in the storefront. She scooted as close to the edge of the seat as possible as they drove in silence for some time. Later, Mulder looked back to see the girls asleep. "I'm sorry." Dana startled and sat up straighter. "Sorry for what?" "For what happened back at the store." "I'm all right Mr. Mulder." "I was courting Emmy Lou a few of months ago. I decided that it didn't feel right, so I ended it. I guess she didn't understand." "She implied you were doing more than courting." Dana looked up at Mulder and then back down at her hands. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. It's none of my business." "No, it is. We were--" "No. Really, I don't want to know." Mulder looked at her, but she continued looking away from him. They rode the rest of the way in silence. XXXXXXXXXX When they drove up the lane to Skinner's house, Mulder saw the older boys working in the field. It looked like Skinner was trying to finish up with last minute preparations. He stopped the wagon and turned to the back of the wagon. "Girls, wake up. We're home." The girls stretched and rubbed their eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. They slowly became aware of their surroundings and jumped out of the wagon, racing towards their brothers. Mulder chuckled, "Those girls only have one speed...fast." Dana was quiet so he started the team again. "They're good girls." "Yes, yes they are. All of the Skinner children are wonderful. Walter wouldn't have it any other way." When they pulled up to the house, Mulder jumped down intending to help Dana down. When he offered his hand, she just sat there. "Mrs. Willis, going up on your own is one thing, but coming down is not as easy. Let me help you." "We're not going to get married." "What?" "I know asking to marry me was asked in desperation, but Miss Baxter said it herself. Obviously, I'm not someone that you would normally select as a wife. I'm releasing you from your promise Mr. Mulder." "The hell you are." "Please do not use profanity Mr. Mulder. Go ask Miss Baxter to marry you. It's the right thing to do." "She may want to marry me, but I have no interest in marrying her. I couldn't marry her." "Why not?" "Because..." he said, smiling, "because I want to keep my sanity. Listen Dana, if you want to back out of this arrangement, then I'll live with your decision, just don't use Emmy Lou as an excuse. I plan to get married Saturday. If you still don't want to marry, then I will accept your decision. Now give me your hand and get out of the damned wagon Mrs. Willis." Dana felt her face flame, but put her hand in his. He gripped it firmly, but immediately regretted losing his temper when he felt her hand shaking in his. He hadn't meant to be harsh, but she was acting foolish. When she was on the ground, he held her hand, and lifted her chin so that she was looking at him. "I am willing and ready to marry you, but the decision will ultimately be yours." He released her hand and she quickly walked into the house, leaving Mulder standing alone by his wagon. ~~~ Chapter 3 April 17, 1852 Saturday The Skinners almost had their three wagons loaded and waiting outside of their house. The two men that Skinner had hired to drive his wagons, George Brown and Zachariah Lear, were helping him and his older boys finish with last minute details. The Skinner girls and Francis were busy chasing a hen. Mulder pulled up with Samantha beside him in their wagon, his horse tied to the back. The Pendrell boys followed Mulder on horseback with the preacher trailing behind them. Mulder jumped down and reached for Samantha. As he set her on the ground, she immediately ran off to help in the chase. Skinner came up behind him. "You ready?" he asked. As he turned, Mulder said, "As I'll ever be. Is she still marrying me?" "Yes, she's waiting inside." The Reverend Walkup came up to the men. "Mr. Skinner," he said, nodding. "The church is going to miss the Skinner family. You have always been such an asset." "Well we're going to miss the church too preacher, but we have a bright future ahead of us. Shall we get started?" Mulder nodded and yelled, "Samantha." She immediately came running to him. He lifted her up and kissed her. "Mulder, maybe you should leave her with the girls." Skinner said. "We need to get going, we're already running late." "All right." He turned to Samantha and said, "Be a good girl and stay with Louisa and Margaret. I'll be right back." "Okay Papa." Mulder set her back on the ground and she joined back in the chase as if she had never stopped. "Reverend, after you." Mulder and Skinner followed him into the house. XXXXXXXXXX The Skinner's three wagons led the party. Mulder's wagon followed Skinner while the others followed him. In all there were now seven families and twelve wagons. Dana sat next to Mulder, her husband of five hours. Caleb sat on her lap and Samantha sat between them, watching the scenery quietly. Dana glanced down at her new wedding ring, a plain gold ring. Earlier that morning, she had removed her old wedding ring from Jack and put it deep inside her trunk. It was more exquisite, with several rubies. She intended to give it to Caleb when he found a wife. Mulder looked across Dana to see a large black and white dog running beside the wagon. "I don't know why you had to bring that mongrel along." "Mr. Mulder, it's my son's dog. I couldn't leave him behind." "Well he's not going to ride in the wagon," Mulder grumbled. "I didn't ask you to let him up. Dog is very protective of my son. He'll be an asset, you'll see." "Humph. What a stupid name...Dog." "My son named him," Dana said frostily. "Oh. Well he's your responsibility. I have enough to worry about without another thing on my mind. You'll have to take care of him." "I intend to," she said, wrapping her arms tighter around Caleb. XXXXXXXXXX They rode on for another few hours before stopping. The sun was beginning to set low in the sky. Skinner felt that they had made good time, so he decided to make camp beside a small river after getting permission from the owner of the land. Dana prepared the meal while Mulder and the Pendrell boys set up a tent for the night. Mulder's family would stay in the tent and the boys would sleep in the open unless it rained. If it did, then they would join the family in the tent. For now, they had to be content to sleep in the open, not particularly pleasant considering the nights were still chilly. When they arrived in St. Joseph, Mulder intended to sleep in the other wagon that his father was sending on ahead and allow the boys to take over the tent. He also planned to buy the more practical oxen to add to his livestock. After Dana had fed the boys, Mulder and their children, they settled by their campfire. Danny and Jimmy were off to themselves somewhere. They could hear the quiet conversations of the others in the party. Samantha lay in Mulder's lap, asleep. Caleb was in the same position in Dana's arms. Both of the children were exhausted after their first day on the road. Dog lay at Dana's feet, quietly snoring. "You said that the boys were your cousins. How are they related to you?" "Danny and Jimmy are my mother's sister's children." "You must be pretty close to them for them to want to come with you." Mulder nodded. "I trust them. I spent my weekends and much of my summers with my Aunt Millie and Uncle John." "How old are they?" "Danny's seventeen and Jimmy is twenty." "Jimmy's older than me? I wouldn't have guessed that." "They've been pretty protected by their parents. Their family is very loving. That's one of the reasons I loved spending time there." Dana wasn't sure what he was implying, but wasn't comfortable enough with him yet to ask too many personal questions. She had a feeling he didn't grow up in as loving of a home. "Good evening," Skinner said as he came into their camp. He sat down and Dog came over and put his head on Skinner's lap. He reached down and scratched Dog behind his ears. "Glad he's your responsibility now. Hope you brought plenty of food, he's a big eater." Mulder shot him a glare. He wasn't happy about the damn dog, but when they had stopped for the night, Samantha had walked over to the dog and threw her arms around him. The dog licked her face and Samantha smiled at her father. Mulder knew then that there was no way he was going to be able to dump the dog. He had thought maybe he could get rid of it somewhere along the way, but that was out of the question now. "Mulder, he's a good watchdog. You'll be glad you brought him," Skinner assured him. "If you say so. I just don't care much for dogs." "If you'll excuse me, I think I need to get the children to bed," Dana said. Skinner rose and Mulder began to rise to help Dana, but she stopped him. "Stay, Mr. Mulder. I'll put Caleb to bed and come back for Samantha. You stay and talk." Skinner and Mulder sat down, causing Samantha to stir in her sleep. "Shhh, go back to sleep," he said and she instantly fell back to sleep. "Just like her mother," Mulder said to himself sadly. Mulder and Skinner sat quietly until Dana came back for Samantha. She lifted her into her arms and Samantha threw her arms around Dana's neck, snuggling into her. Dana smiled at Mulder, who smiled back. She turned to Skinner and said, "Good-night. Tell Sharon I'm sorry I didn't get to see her tonight, but I wish her well." "I will," said Skinner. "Thank you." Watching them as they disappeared into the tent, Samantha still sleeping, Mulder asked, "How many days before we get to St. Joe do you think?" "I'm hoping no more than two weeks. We still will probably have to lay over in St. Joe for several days at the very least. We're setting out early enough that if we get delayed, we should still be fine." Skinner paused. "Your father came to see me Fox. He told me it was my ass if anything happened to you or Samantha." "I'm sorry about that. I'm not your responsibility; I told him this was my idea." "That's all right. What's he going to do? He'll be too far away to control anything that happens." "Don't underestimate my father. His reach is farther than you think it is." Skinner stood back up and dusted of his seat. "Well, I better be getting back. I'll see you in the morning Mulder." "Good night." Well, he thought to himself, no sense in putting this off any longer. Stretching as he got up, Mulder reached down to stir the embers and placed more wood on the fire. The boys would appreciate the fire when they returned. He headed for the tent with Dog following closely behind. Mulder turned on him. "Oh no. You're not going in there with me." Dog looked up with sad eyes, his head slightly down. "Don't give me that look. You lie down right here, outside." Dog lay down and wagged his tail slowly. "That's better," Mulder said to himself. Opening the tent flap, Mulder went inside. Dana had left the lantern low, allowing Mulder to see. She lay under some covers with her son next to her and Samantha next to him. He pulled back the covers and slid in next to Samantha. Leaning on one elbow, he bent down to kiss Samantha good night. As he leaned back, he saw Dana staring at him. "Dana, you didn't have to place the children between us. You have nothing to worry about. I'm too tired to do anything but sleep anyway." Dana looked ashamed, "I don't know what you mean Fox. I thought you would want Samantha near you." "Please don't call me Fox." "Why? You're my husband. Do you want me to continue to call you Mr. Mulder? I'm sorry, but that would be too strange." She paused before continuing. "Why don't you want me to call you Fox?" "It's personal." Dana stared at him. "My wife called me Fox." "But that woman--" "You can call me by my middle name...William, but please don't call me Bill either. That's my father's name." "Fine...William," Dana said, feeling hurt somehow. "You don't have to say it like it's a dirty word." Dana reached down to stroke her son's blond hair. His little lips puffed out as he exhaled. Mulder watched with her. After some moments, he said, "You know, I'm not going to push you into doing something you're not ready for right now. I'm not in any hurry either. Let's just take this time to get to know each other." He saw the relief on her face and she let out a big sigh. He reached up to put the lantern out. "But, I do want more children. So, eventually our children won't be sleeping between us any longer." She said no more, but he heard her breathing increase slightly. He felt guilty for making her uncomfortable, but he didn't want to lie to her. He would accept this arrangement for only so long. May 3, 1852 Monday The small party arrived at St. Joseph, Missouri mid- afternoon. They were directed to an area where they could join with other wagons to form a larger group. There were more wagons than Dana had ever seen. Mulder was amused to see her turn this way and that, looking at all the different people. He followed Skinner and his family down near the river. Over the day, Skinner made arrangements for them to join a larger group that would contain around seventy wagons. Mulder and the other men were asked to come to a meeting that evening. Skinner explained that they would elect a captain and come up with rules that all in the party would follow. Mulder returned from the meeting to find the boys smoking pipes. "Danny and Jimmy, I want you to stay with the wagon because tomorrow, I'm going to take my wife and the children to town and stay at a hotel. My father's man should be finding you soon with a wagon, livestock and more supplies. Can you take care of things for me?" Jimmy spoke up first, "Yes, Mulder. When are we going to go across the Missouri?" "Skinner says we'll cross in about a week. He's making arrangements to get a pilot. We elected Skinner as captain tonight." "What's a pilot?" asked Danny. "Someone who will guide us." Mulder noticed that Dana wasn't in sight. "Where's my wife?" "She went to see Mrs. Skinner. She took Caleb and Samantha with her." "All right, I'm going to head over to the Skinner wagon." Mulder walked down five wagons and stopped when he saw Dana holding Samantha and Sharon holding Caleb as they talked quietly. He noticed Dana nodding her head every so often. Skinner came out from behind the wagon, not noticing Mulder. "Sharon, I have the children settled down. I think we should turn in. Hand me Caleb." Skinner lifted Caleb into his arms and said, "I'll carry him and walk Dana back to her wagon." "That won't be necessary," said Mulder as he came into the light. Dana had Samantha still in her lap and stood with her. Mulder reached for her and Skinner handed Caleb to Dana. The boy began to wake up, but Dana rubbed his back and he soon settled back down. Mulder turned to her and said, "We should be getting to bed too. I have a lot to do tomorrow." Mulder nodded to the Skinners and put his arm around Dana, guiding her away from the Skinner camp. When they were out of hearing range from the Skinners, he said, "We're going to stay at a hotel while we're here. I want to check in tomorrow. In the morning, I'll need you to pack for our stay." "Just us? Not the boys?" "No, just us. When is your brother supposed to come to town?" "We had arranged to meet Saturday at the Hanson Hotel at one o'clock." "Well, we can easily make that." They arrived at the tent and Mulder pulled back the flap to let Dana in first and then followed her. "What do you mean 'we'?" she asked. "I'm going with you." Dana shook her head. "No, I don't think so." "Of course I am." "Walter will go with me." "Skinner is no longer responsible for you, I am." Samantha began to stir when Mulder raised his voice, but soon fell back to sleep when he began to rock her. "My brother will be in a foul mood when he finds out what I've done. It's going to be hard enough to deal with him without you being there." "Dana, I have every right to be there with you. Besides, he's your family. I want to meet him." "You didn't let me meet your family," she argued. "That's different." "How so?" Dana asked. "Dana, don't start. I told you I was sorry about that." "You're ashamed of me." She kissed Caleb softly on his head, refusing to look up at Mulder. "Of course I'm not. I told you, it was simpler this way. You'll meet them some day." When she looked back up, she was unsure if he believed that or not. She tried once more. "Please William, don't go with us. I'm afraid there may be bloodshed." "Your brother would shoot me?" "No. At least I don't think so, but he has a violent temper. He may cause you some harm. He's a big man." "I'm not afraid. Besides, I owe it to him and the man he promised you to. It's only right." "Fine. I'm tired of arguing with you." Dana settled the children into their bed and then crawled in with them. Mulder joined her on the other side of the children. "Dana, there's another reason I want to move to town besides being more comfortable." "Why?" "The children won't be in bed with us in the hotel. We can get them their own bed." "Oh," she said, suddenly feeling her stomach knot. "Now let's go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us." She heard his breath soon become steady, but it was quite awhile before she fell asleep that night. May 4, 1852 Tuesday Dana packed early and they set off for the hotel where Mulder had arranged a room the day before. She had refused to ride on the horse, so they used Mulder's horse to carry their cases. She wouldn't give him an excuse why she wouldn't ride and after a brief argument, he had given up and just decided that they would all walk. Danny carried Caleb while Mulder carried Samantha. Mulder didn't think Dana could carry Caleb the long distance, although she briefly argued that point with him as well. When they reached the hotel, Mulder and Danny set the children down. Mulder grabbed their bags and then handed the reins of his horse to Danny, who was going to take the horse back to camp. "I'll come by in a few days," Mulder told him before Danny left. Mulder picked up Caleb and Dana grabbed Samantha's hand. "Come on," he said to his family, "this is the place." After signing in, they walked up the stairs to their room. Mulder stood back and let Samantha and Dana go through first. Samantha ran to the chair by the window, climbing in it to look out. "Samantha, be careful," Dana told her. Smiling, she looked back and said, "I will." She turned around, leaning over the back of the chair to look at the action below. Mulder set Caleb down, who ran to Samantha and tried to climb on the chair with Samantha but couldn't. His little behind stuck up in the air with his legs swinging helplessly. Dana went over to him and lifted him up so that he could look out too. Samantha moved over so that Caleb could share the view with her. As he inched closer to the back, she placed a protective arm around him. Mulder watched the scene and felt his heart lighten. "Dana," he whispered. She turned around. "Come here." She crossed the room to him and he leaned down to lightly kiss her on her forehead. She smiled up at him and he leaned down again, kissing her lightly on the lips. They had been sharing more easy moments like this, feeling more comfortable with each other. He turned her around and pulled her against him. "They really are becoming brother and sister," he whispered in her ear. "I'm happy." "So am I." He squeezed his arms around her and kissed her once more on the neck. "I'm going to go out for a short time to see if I can arrange some things. When I get back, we can take the children to get some dinner. How does that sound?" "I'd love to," she said as she turned back around. "I'll have the children take a nap. Maybe we can walk around town too. Would that be okay?" "Of course," he said. He bent down for a final kiss, but as he was pulling away, Dana pulled him back for a longer kiss. "Be back soon," Dana commanded when she released him. Mulder smiled and left her to her tasks. XXXXXXXXXX They had eaten at the hotel, a chore in itself. Caleb had fussed and Samantha, not to be left out, whined that she didn't like the meat. Mulder and Dana were thankful when they were able to step outside. Dana bent down to pick Caleb up. "Dana, I can carry him," Mulder said. "No, I'm fine. Thank you," Dana said. "Let's walk this way." Mulder reached for Samantha's hand and they set off down the street. They stopped to look in windows and Mulder halted them when they came to a photographer. "Dana, let's go inside." She shook her head. "It's too extravagant." "Nonsense," he said, opening the door. When they walked in, a young woman greeted them. "Hello," she said. Dana smiled and rocked Caleb. "Hello." "Are you heading west?" she asked. Mulder laughed and rubbed his jaw, "Are we that obvious?" The young woman smiled at him and said, "No, it's just that we get more people coming in to have their picture taken before they head west." "Business is good." She smiled again at him, "Yes, very good. I'm Sally Daniels. My father can take your picture for you. He's in the back; would you like me to get him?" "Yes, thank you," Mulder said. He watched her exit through a curtained area and felt Dana tug on his coat sleeve. "William, we cannot afford this. We need to save our money. This isn't necessary." "Relax Dana. I want to do this. I haven't had a photograph since right after Penny had Sa..." He looked away from her but forced himself to look back before continuing, "Since my daughter was a baby." Mulder turned away from Dana and looked at the pictures that hung on the wall. Somber looking people stared back at him. Dana turned around and moved to place Caleb in a chair sitting next to a wall. She smiled when Samantha came over to her and stood next to Caleb, saying, "I'll watch him." Standing back up, Dana looked over to where she had left Mulder. She came up behind him, placing her hand on his back. "It's all right you know." Mulder looked down at her. "What is?" Dana smiled reassuringly. "You can talk about her. I don't mind." He looked away from her and shook his head, "But I do mind. It's personal. It's a part of my other life and I'm ready to start a new life." "You can't forget the past." "But I can try," he said. Just then, Miss Daniels walked back in, followed by a man who was graying at the temples and sporting a white beard. Mulder turned around to shake his hand. "Hello, I'm Mr. Daniels. My daughter tells me that you would like to have your photograph taken." "Fox Mulder. Yes," Mulder said. "Could we have more than one taken?" Mr. Daniels nodded, "Yes, what did you have in mind?" "I would like one with the family, one with just my wife and myself, and one with the children by themselves." "William," Dana admonished, "that will be very expensive." "I'm afraid your wife is correct Mr. Mulder. It will be expensive." "That's fine." Mulder looked at Dana. "Really, it's fine. Consider it a wedding gift from me if you must." "Good, good," Mr. Daniels said. "Sally, would you get the family set up for a portrait first? Then we'll take the children next before they tire." Mr. Daniels went about setting up his equipment while Sally arranged Dana in a chair with Caleb in her lap. Next to her in another chair was Mulder with Samantha in his lap. "Now, you'll need to hold very still. Children, you need to be very still," Mr. Daniels said. Caleb kicked his feet. "Caleb, be still," Dana said and Caleb settled down. When Mr. Daniels finished with the family, Sally placed the children in a chair together. Dana and Mulder stood to the side and Caleb looked at them. Mr. Daniels tried to get his attention, but he was focused on Dana. "Mrs. Mulder," Mr. Daniels said. When Dana didn't respond, he tried again. "Mrs. Mulder?" Dana still didn't respond until Mulder nudged her. She looked at him puzzled. "Dana, Mr. Daniels has been calling you." "What?" Dana looked over to Mr. Daniels who was beckoning her to him. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said as she moved towards him. "I think if you stand by me, your son will look into the camera," he said, pointing to Caleb, who was indeed looking the right way now. "Okay children, hold still." Dana let out a breath after the photograph was taken. She smiled at Mr. Daniels, "Well, I'm glad we made it through that. I was afraid he would..." Just then, Caleb began crying, reaching towards her. "Mama," Caleb cried. Mulder went to the children, lifting Samantha down off the chair. He picked Caleb up before Dana could reach him. He bounced him a few times, but Caleb was intent on his mother, still reaching for her. "Let me take him," Dana said, reaching up for him. Caleb leaned towards her, but Mulder turned away from Dana. "Miss Daniels, can hold him while we have our picture taken?" Mulder asked, smiling brightly at her. Sally smiled back. "Yes, I'd be glad to." She took Caleb and bounced him. Caleb put his fist against his mouth and continued to cry. Dana reached for her son, but Mulder put his arm around her waist, blocking her from reaching him. "He'll be all right for a few moments Dana." He was leading her back to the chair where the children had been sitting. "Let's do this and then we can take the children back to the hotel. Sit down." "But my son is crying." She looked angrily up at him. "He'll be fine. Sit there and be good." Dana sat down, crossing her arms and glaring at Mulder as he moved back towards Samantha. He bent down to her level. "Be a good girl for Papa. Can you do that for me?" Samantha nodded and her eyes followed her father as he rose. Mulder returned to Dana and Mr. Daniels, who was explaining to Dana that she should uncross her arms and place them in her lap. He wasn't having any success. Dana was too angry at being denied access to her son. "Dana, listen to Mr. Daniels. The sooner you do, the sooner we'll get out of here." Dana uncrossed her arms and placed them in her lap. Mr. Daniels positioned Mulder behind his wife, telling him to place his hand on her shoulder. When Mr. Daniels returned to the camera and looked, he frowned. "Mrs. Mulder, it isn't suggested that you smile, but I would not recommend that you frown either." Mulder leaned around his wife, but she refused to look his way. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Dana, do you really want our children and grandchildren to remember you with that expression? Please, for just a few moments, try not to look like a sour old maid." Dana looked up at him shocked. "I have never looked sour and I am not some old maid." "Well if you continue with this nonsense, then that's what they will think." "Fine," Dana said, "Mr. Daniels, I'm ready. Please take the picture so I can leave." Mulder rose back up and squeezed her shoulder lightly. Her expression must have been satisfactory to Mr. Daniels, because he finally took their picture. Mulder was aware of Caleb sniffling from the side and felt bad that he had denied him his mother, but they would have never finished if he hadn't insisted on Miss Daniels holding him. "There," Mr. Daniels said. "All finished. You can pick up the pictures tomorrow. Sally will collect the money while I begin my work. Thank you for coming in." He reached to shake Mulder's hand and nodded to Dana, who nodded back. Dana took Caleb from Sally and kissed him. Caleb put his head on her shoulder as she began rocking him. She glared at Mulder, who looked back at her with a guilty expression on his face. "Mr. Mulder, if you'll come over here, I'll finish things up," Sally said. Samantha walked over to Mulder as Dana looked out the window. She hated him for keeping her from reaching her son, but she knew he was right. Caleb would never have let go of her when he was this fussy. She just hated the fact that he had ordered her in front of strangers. She looked over to Mulder and Miss Daniels. Mulder was grinning and laughing at something Sally Daniels said. Samantha bounced up and down, pulling impatiently on Mulder's coat. It seemed like she wasn't the only one who wanted to leave, but Mulder didn't seem to be in any hurry. Dana watched him lean on the countertop. It was obvious that they had finished their transaction, but still Mulder continued on with Miss Daniels. Dana had lost her patience. She opened the door and exited the building. She heard a bump behind her and saw Samantha slapping the door with her hands. The door was obviously too big for her to open, so Dana opened it for her and Samantha grabbed onto her skirt. Dana looked down at Samantha and asked, "You ready to go?" Samantha nodded and Dana bent down to grab her hand. "Me too. How about we go back to the hotel? Are you ready for bed?" "Yes, please. I'm tired." "I'm sorry Samantha, I can't carry you too. Do you think you can walk by yourself?" Samantha nodded. "Well, let's go then." They walked back to the hotel and Dana wondered how long before Mulder would realize they were gone. She wondered if she had done the right thing. Mulder only seemed to pay attention to her when she was in the immediate vicinity. When a pretty woman came around, she seemed to fade into the background. Dana knew she wasn't exceptionally pretty, but she knew that men were attracted to her. She supposed that Mulder had meant what he said. He wanted a mother for his daughter and a woman to bare his children. Well, that she could do. She could live without love as long as she had her children. XXXXXXXXXX When they entered the hotel, the desk clerk came to attention. "Hello, Mrs. Mulder. Did you enjoy the town? Where's Mr. Mulder?" "Yes, thank you. We had a pleasant walk, but the children are tired. Could I have the key to our room?" The clerk reached back into a cubbyhole for her key and handed it to her. "Do you need help with the little girl? She looks like she's ready to fall asleep." "Yes, if you wouldn't mind. When my husband returns, would you tell him that we've already retired?" The clerk gestured for a bellboy to help Dana with Samantha. "I'll do that Mrs. Mulder." "Thank you." The bellboy picked Samantha up and led her to their room. She handed the key to him and he opened it for her. Samantha was already falling asleep on his shoulder. When they went in, Dana whispered to him, "Thank you for your help. You can place her on the bed over there." Since it was dusk when they stepped into the hotel, the room now had become almost dark. He went over to light the lantern by the window. After the bellboy was gone, Dana removed her cape and began to undress Caleb. Placing him on the small bed that had been brought in earlier, she turned to get Samantha ready for bed. Samantha barely woke up as Dana pulled the covers over both the children. Leaning down to kiss both of them, she realized how fond she had become of Samantha. She wondered how long it would take Mulder to arrive back at the hotel. Dressing in her gown quickly, she searched through her bag and removed her bible. She sat in the chair by the window, opened the bible and began to read, waiting for her husband to return. ~~~ Chapter 4 May 4, 1852 Tuesday Dana heard the key in the lock as she slowly awoke. She had fallen asleep in the chair by the window waiting for Mulder to return, more exhausted than she realized. She saw him glance over to the bed where the children were sleeping. When he spoke, his voice had a dangerous edge that Dana had never heard. "Where the hell have you been? I have been looking all over for you." "We've been here," she said nervously. "Didn't you think to come here directly? Or have you been with Miss Daniels all of the time." "What the hell does that mean?" "Please do not curse William. I just meant that you didn't seem to notice that the children and I had left. You seemed very happy talking to her." "We were talking about St. Louis. She and her father came here a few years ago from there." He moved closer to her until he was looming over her. "I don't want you to ever leave like that again, especially with my daughter. You tell me when you are leaving next time and I will escort you. You are not to be walking alone. What were you thinking?" He turned away from her exasperated and ran his hands through his hair. He looked at the sleeping children before he turned back to her. "Let's go to bed." Dana was startled at the abrupt change. "What?" "I promised that I wouldn't touch you until the children were no longer between us. Come to bed." Dana stayed in the chair and Mulder turned from her. When he began to remove his clothes, she averted her eyes. After he had climbed into bed, he realized that she still had not moved. "You're going to let me watch you undress?" Dana shook herself. Don't be afraid, she told herself. It's not like you haven't done this before. She reached over and turned down the lantern until it quit glowing. She faced away from him even though he would not be able to see her from across the room with no lights. What she didn't realize was that he was watching her silhouette, because there were some lights casting a light glow outside the hotel. She began to return to her bed when she heard him say, "Remove everything Dana." She gasped when she realized that he could see more than she thought. How did he know? She quickly finished undressing and climbed under the covers. I might as well get this over with, she thought. Hopefully he would be as quick as Jack. She lay there quietly, but Mulder didn't move either. She couldn't stand the delay any longer. "What are you waiting for?" Mulder waited a few moments before responding. "I'm just making sure the children are asleep. We've been in such close quarters that I can recognize when they're sleeping by just listening to them breathe." "Are they asleep?" "Yes." As Mulder moved towards her, his weight pressed down on the bed, causing her to slide towards him. She jumped when she felt him. "Sorry," he said. "It's okay." He leaned over her, his mustache lightly brushing over her forehead before he turned to kiss her cheek. He kissed her along her jaw before he detoured towards her lips. She returned his kisses, much to his delight. It was the first response from her that even acknowledged that he was touching her. He kissed her on her neck and began to move down, kissing her in the valley between her breasts. He continued down, kissing her stomach and then her belly button, caressing the side of her breasts in a feathery touch with his hands. He made his way back up to her, kissing her as he went. When he headed for her breast, he felt her stiffen and he changed his course, returning to her lips. Dana felt him kiss her again and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. She was trying to relax, but couldn't. She kept her arms to her side, her hands gripped in a tight fist. She didn't understand why he was taking so long, why he was not just getting this over with. "Dana, are you all right?" he asked. She opened her eyes and looked up to find him just inches away. "Yes." She felt him move over her and settle between her legs, bracing his arms on either side of her. She could feel him. Now, she knew that this would soon be over. She spread her legs further, allowing him easier access and he entered her. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. As he moved, she tried to relax and the pain began to ease a little. Dana turned her head, but soon felt tears begin to form in her eyes. She heard his breathing increase and his pace picked up. She was grateful that this would end soon. Finally, he collapsed on top of her. Her arms had remained at her side the whole time. She unclenched her fists and brought her hands up, pushing at his shoulders. His weight was causing her to lose her breath. He rolled off of her and was quiet for a few moments. Finally, he said, "I'm sorry. That was painful for you, wasn't it?" "It's all right. It was only in the beginning. I expected it to be a little." "Why?" "My husband...Jack said I should expect it to be painful sometimes." "You're kidding. He told you that?" Dana rolled away from him, onto her side. "I don't want to talk about it anymore." He rubbed his hand down her spine and he heard her sniffle. "Dana, you didn't touch me." "What?" "I said you didn't touch me. Why?" "Please, I don't want to talk." He heard her sob again and she moved away from his touch. "I just want to go to sleep. I'm very tired; it's been a long day." Mulder sighed and rolled onto his back, away from her. Some time later, he heard her breathing deepen, but it was a long time before he fell asleep. May 5, 1852 Wednesday When Mulder woke up, the room was lit from the morning sun. He turned over and found the bed beside him empty. Looking over to the children's bed, he discovered it empty as well. He got up, dressed, and went downstairs to the restaurant in the hotel. Across the room, he saw Caleb sitting on Dana's lap and Samantha sitting next to her. They were eating their breakfast quietly. Samantha saw him, jumped out of her chair, and ran up to him. "Good morning, Papa," she said. He picked her up and kissed her cheek. He looked towards Dana, who avoided his eyes. She was busy wiping Caleb's face. "Good morning, baby. What have you been eating?" he asked Samantha, licking his lips. He looked back at Samantha and saw strawberry jam on her cheeks. He set her back into her chair and sat across from Dana. The waiter came up and took Mulder's order while Dana wiped Samantha's face. "Good morning," he said to Dana. "Good morning. You didn't wake up when I got the children ready. I thought it would be better for me to go ahead and feed the children since they were hungry." "No, no, that's fine. I'm sorry I didn't wake up in time to come down with you." "I managed." "Yes, I see that." They fell silent, watching the children eat. When the waiter brought his food, Mulder began eating voraciously. Dana smiled, and he asked, "What?" "Nothing," she said. "What are your plans today?" "I have to make some arrangements for some things still. I need to make sure my other wagon arrived with the livestock and supplies. I also have to buy oxen to pull the wagons." "We're not having the horses do that?" she asked. "Oxen are better; they're sturdier than the horses. We'll still take the horses, but they won't be pulling the wagons." Mulder took a sip of his coffee. "I need to go check on the boys too. Will you be all right by yourself today?" "Yes. The children and I will be fine." Dana didn't say anything else and he finished his meal in silence. Placing his fork down, he leaned back and asked, "Do you need help with getting the children back to the room?" Dana shook her head. "Well, I'm going to head on out then. I'll see you later." Dana nodded and turned her attention back to the children. With one last look, Mulder stood and headed out of the restaurant. May 6, 1852 Thursday After they had eaten their supper and returned to their room, someone knocked on their hotel door. Samantha raced to open it and Mulder followed her. When she opened it, she took a step back. The bellboy hesitated when he saw Dana sitting in a chair across the room. "Yes, what is it?" Mulder asked. "Um, Mr. Mulder, there's someone downstairs who would like to see you." "Yes, who is it?" The bellboy looked at Dana again and then leaned in to whisper to Mulder, "It's a woman." "A woman? Who?" he whispered back. "She didn't give her name, sir. What shall I tell her?" "Tell her I'll be down in a moment." The bellboy left and Mulder turned to Dana. "What was that about?" she asked. He whispered, "There's a woman downstairs asking to see me." He started chuckling and said in a normal voice. "Who do you think that could be, Sharon?" "I don't know. You'd better go see who it is." "Can I go?" Samantha asked. Mulder looked down to see her bouncing and he nodded. "We'll be back soon." "Do you want me to come with you?" "No. I just hope it's not Sharon and something has happened to Skinner." XXXXXXXXXX Downstairs, Sally Daniels rose from the chair she was sitting in. As Mulder approached her, she said, "I'm sorry to come here Fox, but when you didn't come for your pictures, I thought I would deliver them myself." Looking down, she said, "Hello, Samantha." "Hello," Samantha said looking around her father's leg. She wrapped her arm around his right leg and Mulder placed his hand on her head. "I'm sorry. I forgot. I was busy yesterday and today and didn't get to it. You didn't have to come by though, I had planned to come by tomorrow to get them." Sally Daniels handed the wrapped photos and a small package to Mulder, saying, "I didn't just bring this by, I wanted to see you." "See me? Why?" Mulder asked, pocketing the smallest package. "I enjoyed the conversation we had. I was hoping to speak more to you about St. Louis. I really miss it." Mulder shook his head, "I'm sorry Miss Daniels, but I really need to get back to my wife." "Do you think we could write each other? I would love to know what it was like in Oregon." "I don't think my wife would be happy if I did that. We've only married and everything is still new." "And you feel she would feel threatened by me?" She smiled and asked, "Is your wife insecure?" "Papa," Samantha said. "I want to go back upstairs." Mulder blessed the child for her good sense in timing. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Thank you again Miss Daniels for bringing these to me. It was a pleasure to meet you." Mulder turned Samantha around, smiled at Miss Daniels and walked back up the stairs to their room. When he arrived, Dana had already changed into her gown and had Caleb tucked in. "Come here Samantha, let's get you changed so you can go to bed," Dana said. Samantha came over to her and turned around for Dana to unbutton her dress. "What do you have there?" Dana asked Mulder, as she continued to get Samantha ready for bed. "Our pictures." "That lady brought them to Papa," Samantha said through her gown. Dana paused and asked, "What lady? Miss Daniels?" Mulder took the wrapping off the pictures and looked at them. "Yes, I forgot to get them and she brought them by. They're really very good." He held them out for her to see and she nodded her approval. "Her father is an excellent photographer." "Miss Daniels wants Papa to write to her." Mulder looked over at his daughter, shocked. He didn't think she was paying that much attention to the conversation. "She wants him to write to her? Why does she want you to write to her?" "I told her no." "But why would she think that you would?" Mulder rewrapped the pictures and put them on the bureau. He huffed as he sat on the bed, "I don't know Dana. I suppose she thought..." "She thought what?" "Nothing. Samantha, get into bed, I'll tuck you in." Samantha climbed into bed, Mulder hoisting her in the end. Samantha lay down and looked up at her father, smiling. "Love you Papa." "Love you too," he said, "now go to sleep." Dana moved to their bed and climbed in, covering herself up to her chin. Mulder walked over to the lantern and lowered it until it flickered out. He walked to his side of the bed and prepared for bed. As he was lying down, she asked, "So, what did she think?" "Huh?" "Did she think that you might need another wife in the future? Did she let you know that she would be able to fill that role?" "Dana, stop. You sound jealous." "I'm not jealous, but I just want to know, do women always seem to throw themselves at you?" "She didn't throw herself at me. I think she's just lonely. She found something that we have in common; we both grew up in St. Louis." "I didn't realize that you grew up in St. Louis." "My father moved us to Hannibal when I was thirteen. Now go to sleep." "But..." Mulder reached for her and pulled her up against him, her back to his front. "No more talking. I said I told her 'no.' I'm tired, please, let's just sleep." He was relieved when he heard no more from her. He tried to analyze the conversation with Miss Daniels at her father's studio. He didn't think that he said anything that would cause her to draw a conclusion that he was interested in her. He was just being friendly. He smiled, thinking that perhaps Dana had been jealous after all. If she was jealous, that meant that it was possible that they had more of a future than he could hope. He soon followed her in sleep. May 8, 1852 Saturday "Walter is supposed to come and get me to meet my brother." She reached for her cup of coffee and took a sip. "Can you watch the children?" Mulder glared at her. When she looked back up at him she asked, "What?" "I told you, I'm going with you. I've already arranged for Danny to come watch the children while we're gone. He should be here by noon." "And what are you going to say to Walter when he shows up?" The waiter arrived with his food and he stabbed the eggs. "I'll thank him for coming and then send him back to his family. There isn't any need for him to come along." "You might need protection," Dana said under her breath. "What?" "Nothing. Do what you think is best William; just don't say that I didn't warn you about my brother." "We'll be fine." "Papa," Samantha said, "When Danny comes, can we go to the river to watch the boats?" "No. You'll stay in the room." "But I want to see the wagons cross," she said, pouting. "Samantha, finish your breakfast." "I am finished. Please Papa," she whined. "I said no. You'll stay in your room with Caleb and Danny." She kicked her chair and crossed her arms. "This comes from my parents spoiling her. It's a good thing I'm getting her away from their influence. Can you handle the children by yourself?" Dana nodded and said, "I'll be fine." He turned to Samantha and kissed her on the top of her head. "You be a good girl for..." He had almost said Mama. He couldn't understand why he was having trouble with calling Dana that. She would be Samantha's mother, but he still felt like he was betraying Penny. He started again, "Be a good girl and I'll be back soon." Samantha nodded and he turned to Dana. "I'll try not to be long." He bent down, kissed her on the cheek, and then patted Caleb's head. Caleb looked up at him with a big smile on his face. He left Dana to watch the children. XXXXXXXXXX The Mulders heard a knock on their door around twelve- thirty. When Mulder opened the door, a smiling Danny stood before him. "Hello cousin, I'm not too late, am I?" Danny asked. "No." Mulder closed the door behind him. "Have you eaten?" "Not yet. I already miss your cooking Mrs. Mulder. Jimmy isn't very good and I feel I've already starved under his care." Dana smiled at him. "That's kind of you to say, but I'm sure Jimmy is doing fine." "Well, you can order yourself room service," Mulder said. "Just go easy and don't order too much. I know that appetite of yours." Another knock sounded and Mulder returned to the door, finding Skinner on the other side. "Hello, Mulder. Is Dana ready to go?" "Skinner, come on in," Mulder said. Skinner said his hellos and turned to Dana. "You ready to go?" She shook her head. "It seems we will not be the only two going." "What do you mean?" "She means I'm coming too," Mulder said. "Look Skinner, I appreciate you coming here, but it's my responsibility now to meet her brother and explain the situation." "You plan to go? No Mulder, I don't think that's a good idea." "I wouldn't be much of a man if I left it to you two to do this. Really Walter, you can go back to your family. Dana and I can take care of this." Skinner looked to Dana and saw the resignation on her face. "Fine. You can go, but I'm going too." Mulder crossed his arms and Skinner stood his ground. "All right, you both can go with me. Let's just get this over with," Dana said and picked up her cape. She kissed both the children and left the two men staring at each other before they realized that they were about to be left behind. They quickly followed her out the door. Outside, Mulder picked up his pace and moved to be next to Dana. For someone so short, she could move quickly. When they reached the outside of the Hotel Hanson, Dana halted her steps and Skinner ran into her. He apologized to her, but she didn't hear him. Mulder realized that neither Skinner, nor Dana was with him anymore. He walked back to them and turned to where she was looking. Through the window of the hotel, he saw a large man with red hair, about his age. Next to him was a stout older man with receding, gray hair. He turned to her and was surprised by how pale she was. He touched her arm and asked, "Dana?" She startled and looked up into his eyes. She hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm all right." "Is that them?" Mulder asked. She nodded and moved towards the entrance. Mulder rushed ahead to open the door for her. She and Skinner entered in front of him. Her brother turned when he recognized her and walked over to her, the older gentleman following closely behind him. He reached down and picked Dana up, "Sis, it's so good to see you again." He put her back down and hugged her to him again. Over her head, he stuck out a hand and said to Skinner, "You must be Walter Skinner. I recognize you from Dana's description. It's good of you to get her here safely. You don't know how much I appreciate it." Skinner shook his hand and said, "Mr. Scully, there's something we need to tell you." Bill Scully ignored him and looked down, saying, "Dana, this is Mr. Irwin Sanderson. He's the man I mentioned. He's been a good friend to my family." Mr. Sanderson stepped forward and said, "Mrs. Willis." To Bill, he said, "She's a tiny thing, Scully. I thought you said she was sturdy." Dana moved back slightly in her brother's arms when she looked up into the cold eyes of this stranger. "Dana is sound. She'll do just fine. Dana, where's Caleb and your things? We need to get going if we're going to make it home before dark." Skinner tried again, "Mr. Scully, we really need to discuss..." "Billy," Dana said, "please listen." "Thank you again Mr. Skinner, but we can handle it from here. Irwin why don't you..." "She's not going anywhere with you," Mulder said. Bill looked behind Skinner, noticing Mulder for the first time. "Excuse me? Who are you?" Bill asked. "Fox Mulder, her husband." Bill Scully narrowed his eyes. "What the hell do you mean you're her husband? When did this happen?" "We were married a couple of weeks ago. Dana and I are heading west to Oregon, but we felt..." Grabbing her by the arms and turning her to face him, Bill asked, "Are you crazy? You never mentioned any man. How long have you known him?" Dana backed away from her brother, closer to Mulder who said, "How long we have known each other is not the point. We're married and Dana wanted to see you and explain the situation before we move on." "You're not taking her and my nephew to some foreign country." "Scully," Mr. Sanderson said, "you never told me there was anyone else. You said that she was unattached." Bill was about to answer him, but Skinner said, "Mr. Scully, I know that this wasn't the plan, but the fact is that Dana and Mulder are married." "Forget it Skinner," Mulder said. "Look, I know this is a shock, but Dana just wanted to let you know our situation. I think she was also looking forward to seeing your family. We could bring our children for a visit." "Your children?" "Yes, Caleb and my daughter Samantha." "I don't think so Mr. Mulder. My sister has embarrassed me by not keeping her end of the bargain." "Please Billy. I know you're angry with me, but don't let that affect us visiting. We may never see each other again," Dana reasoned. "No. I'm sorry Dana." Mulder wrapped an arm around her waist and said to Bill, "We're not getting anywhere. If you change your mind Mr. Scully, we'll still be at the St. Joseph Hotel tonight. Come on, it's going to be okay," Mulder said as he ushered her out. She took one last look at her brother. She felt she would never see him again; he was her last tie to her family. Now, she was truly on her own with only her own family to worry about. "When Mulder realized that Skinner wasn't behind him, he stuck his head back in the doorway, "Skinner, are you coming?" "No. I'll see you in a couple of days." Mulder nodded and left. XXXXXXXXXX Back at their hotel, Dana and Mulder entered their room to find Danny playing on the floor with Samantha. Caleb lay asleep in the bed. When Dana went to check on him, Danny said quietly, "We wore him out. He fell asleep just a few moments ago." Dana turned and smiled at him. "Thank you for taking care of them." Danny rose from the floor and said, "It was no trouble. I like being with them." "Danny, I plan to make this our last night here," Mulder explained. "I want you to come and get our things tomorrow morning. Drive the wagon in, because I'll want to buy a few more supplies." "All right Mulder. Good-bye," he said to them all as he left. Dana was looking out the window at the street below and Mulder came up behind her, putting his arms around her waist. He laced his fingers there. "Last night here Dana. How are you feeling?" She knew what he was asking. He had left her in peace since their first time. She supposed she should be thankful; most men would not have cared how she was feeling. Jack hadn't. He took from her whenever he felt like it. How could she deny Mulder, when really he had every right? "I feel better," she answered honestly. "Good, good. Last night of civilization. Our road ahead is going to be rough, but I think we'll be fine. Let's go have supper and then we'll go to bed early. I don't think the children will be up for long after they eat." Dana turned around, placing her head against his chest and sliding her arms around his waist. Mulder rubbed her back, "Dana, are you really all right?" "I'm fine. You and the children are my family now, I don't have any other." "Your brother will change his mind. He was just angry. I don't blame him, you shouldn't either." "Easy for you to say. You didn't grow up with controlling men all your life." She gasped and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." "Dana, you can tell me anything. Was your father the same as your brother?" She paused before deciding to answer him. "They were almost identical. I married so that I could get away from my father." "Dana, I've been wondering. Did you love your husband?" Dana began to feel uncomfortable. She didn't want to talk about Jack with him. She had said too much and pulled away from him, going to Caleb to wake him. "Caleb, get up, we're going to go eat now." "Dana, you're ignoring my question." She picked Caleb up and looked Mulder in the eye. "Yes, yes I am. Come on Samantha, we're going to eat." Samantha raced after her and Mulder had no choice but to follow. ~~~ Chapter 5 May 10, 1852 Monday The sun was just rising over the horizon and the families were already up and moving around. Mulder left Dana to her preparations for breakfast. They were supposed to cross the river today and the boys were packing up and gathering the oxen. Mulder arrived at the Skinner camp to find the same preparations going on. "Good morning," Skinner said to Mulder when he approached. "Ready to cross?" "Yes. I'm anxious to get started." As they were talking, a man about Mulder's age approached Skinner. "Mulder, this is Alex Krycek. He's the one we've hired to be our pilot." Mulder shook his hand and asked, "How many times have you crossed, Mr. Krycek?" "Alex. I've been across a few times. I've scouted a little too. I plan to make this my last trek across though, because I'm settling in Oregon myself." Mulder turned to Skinner. "When are we leaving?" "Be ready to head down by nine. We'll have to wait in line, but I think we'll all cross by the end of today. Quite a few of our party already crossed yesterday." "We'll be ready. How many will there be all together?" Skinner hesitated, doing the calculations in his head. "Around seventy wagons with over three hundred men, women and children. I'll see you soon Mulder." Skinner motioned for Alex to follow him and they turned to leave. XXXXXXXXXX Dana had just settled the children in the wagon for the night when Mulder arrived back at their camp. "Did everyone cross all right?" she asked, climbing out of the wagon. Mulder rushed over to help her down. "That's what Skinner says. I just hope it goes this smoothly at every crossing, but I don't think we'll be that lucky. Krycek says some of the rivers are dangerous." "Who is Krycek?" "Alex Krycek. He'll be our pilot. He's going to guide us to Oregon." Dana glanced around. "Where are the boys?" "Taking care of our livestock. They'll be on watch tonight. All of the men will take turns being on watch." Dana spread a blanket next to a wagon wheel and sat down, close enough to hear the children should they need her. Mulder sat down next to her and they listened for a while to a fiddle someone was playing at another camp. The music floated softly to them. Dog came over and laid his head on Dana's lap and she rubbed her hand down his fur. He thumped his tail gratefully. As she leaned into Mulder, he put his arm around her. "How long do you think it will take us to cross?" she asked. Leaning his head back against the wheel, he sighed. "If all goes well, it could be as soon as a little over four months, or if we run into trouble, it could take up to six months." "It's good Skinner was elected our Captain, don't you think?" "Yes, he's a natural leader. I just hope our pilot is as good as Skinner thinks he is." "Why wouldn't he be?" "I've heard of men leading people to their deaths. What I fear most is not finding water when we get to the desert." "No water?" "No. Or if there is water, it could be poisonous. I picked up a book in St. Joe and I've been reading of the dangers." "Are you sorry we're going? We can still go back home." "No, I'm looking forward to the trip. I think the children will have an experience they will never forget." "I don't think Caleb is old enough to be able to remember it." "He might." Mulder reached over and scratched Dog's ears. "He's a good boy." "I told you he was. He's always been protective." "What? No, I meant Caleb, not the dog." "Oh, thank you. Samantha is a good child too. I think we're fortunate." "Yes, yes we are. I just hope all of our children will be as good." Mulder smiled and placed a hand on her stomach, "Maybe we already have one on the way." Dana looked away, embarrassed. "You can't tell those things this early." "No, but we can hope it comes true." "I'm just glad that I won't have to worry about having a child while traveling, not like Sharon." "What do you mean?" "Walter didn't tell you?" Mulder shook his head. "Well, from your calculations, Sharon will have her child on the trail. She thinks the baby will come in about three months. I don't envy her." "Are you sure about this? To look at her, you wouldn't be able to tell that she was going to have a child." Dana smiled. "I'm sure." "I wonder why they didn't just wait another year. Sharon isn't young." "No, but she's strong. She'll be fine." Mulder rose and said, "I need to go for a walk." "Wait," Dana said, rising to follow him. He continued walking away, ignoring her. "William, wait, what did I say?" But he was already gone. May 11, 1852 Tuesday The next morning, the sun rose over the horizon warming Dana in her bed. She looked over and saw that Mulder hadn't returned. The children were sleeping soundly above her head. She turned over to watch them for a while and then decided to let them sleep until she had breakfast ready. Dressing quickly, she stuck her head out of the canvas covering. Danny and Jimmy talked quietly outside the wagon. "Good morning boys," she called. "Mrs. Mulder," Danny said, "let me help you down." When she was on the ground, she said, "Boys, you didn't have to fix breakfast. I should be doing that for you." Danny said, "Mulder sent us here. He said we should let you and the children sleep." "When did you talk to him?" "We spoke early this morning. We didn't expect him to help on the watch, but he stayed anyway." Dana turned away from him. "I'm sorry, did I say something?" Danny asked. "Danny, come over here and leave Mrs. Mulder alone," Jimmy said. Dana turned back to them with a smile on her face. "Boys please, call me Dana. We're family now." Jimmy and Danny smiled, pleased that she was accepting them. "I'll just go wake the children since you seem to have everything taken care of." As she was climbing back into the wagon, she turned back and asked, "Did my husband say when he was going to be back?" "He said he'd be here before we leave. He better get here soon though because Danny has a huge appetite and there may not be anything left," Jimmy joked. XXXXXXXXXX Dana dressed the children and they were soon eating the breakfast that Jimmy had cooked. Despite what Danny had said earlier in St. Joe, Jimmy was a good cook. As they were eating, a young, attractive man with dark hair walked up. "Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt, but I'm introducing myself to everyone before we leave. I'm Alex Krycek." "Oh, Mr. Krycek," Dana said, standing. "My husband mentioned you; you're going to lead us. You're our...what do they call you again?" "I'll be your pilot ma'am. And please call me Alex." Dana smiled. "Will you get us across safely?" "I intend to ma'am. I've made this trip several times and I've been a scout for the army." "My husband says that this can take anywhere from four to six months. How long do you think it will take?" "God willing, a little over four..." "Mr. Krycek," Mulder said as he walked up behind him. "Can I help you?" Alex turned to shake his hand. "Mr. Mulder, I didn't realize this was your camp. You didn't tell me you had such a beautiful wife," Alex said, smiling broadly at Dana and winking. Dana smiled back shyly. Mulder scowled and moved behind Dana, placing an arm around her waist. "Shouldn't you be getting near the front? I thought we were taking off soon Krycek." "Alex, call me Alex. And I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," he said to Dana. Dana opened her mouth to speak, but Mulder spoke instead. "It's Mrs. Mulder." "Well, Mrs. Mulder," Alex said, reaching for her hand and kissing the back of it. "It's been a pleasure. Mr. Mulder." He tipped his head to Mulder and left Dana speechless. XXXXXXXXXX "I thought he was very charming," Dana said as she finished packing up the last few items in their wagon. "He shouldn't have touched you or talked to you like that. I can feel he's going to be trouble." "Nonsense, I liked him." "It's not your place to like him." "My place? What does that mean? "Your place is being a good wife and seeing to my needs and my children's needs. Not to flirt with a man...a single man at that." "I was not flirting. You sound like a jealous man." "I'm not jealous. Telling you that you were beautiful," he huffed. She turned away, hurt by his words. Alex had said she was beautiful. It had been a long time since someone had said that to her. Not even Jack had said that and certainly Mulder had never given her any words of endearment. "Come on, I'll help you out of the wagon." Dana felt the tears fall down her face. With her back to him, she said, "I still have a few things to do. You go ahead." She felt him leave and turned around to sit down. She couldn't believe his words had hurt her so. This marriage was going to be more complicated that she thought. XXXXXXXXXX Mulder's second wagon, led by Danny, contained all the supplies. Mulder's father had sent a milk cow, which was tied to the back. Jimmy led the first wagon, which Mulder's family now slept in. Dana and Samantha walked near the back of the first wagon, watching Caleb bob up and down, playing a sort of hide-and-seek game. They laughed at his silliness and soon, he disappeared for good. Dana assumed he had tired himself out. "Samantha, would you like to ride in the wagon too?" Dana asked her. The little girl grasped her hand and swung their arms. "I'm not a baby. I can walk." Smiling, Dana said, "All right, but you're too big to carry. As soon as you look like you're getting tired, up you go." Samantha nodded and asked, "Where's Papa?" Dana sighed and shaded her eyes, trying to spot him through the wagons. She shook her head. She hadn't seen him since he left her in the wagon that morning. When she came out, he was gone, taking his horse. Jimmy had said that he was heading up front with Skinner and Krycek. XXXXXXXXXX At about noon, the train pulled to a stop for a layover near a creek. The oxen grazed as Dana pulled out bacon, bread, and water. Mulder still hadn't returned, but Danny said he had promised to be back to eat. After eating their lunch, Dana put Caleb and Samantha on a quilt and they soon fell asleep. Dog lay down next to them, guarding the children. After making sure that Jimmy would watch the children, and since Mulder hadn't returned, Dana decided to take a short walk along the creek. The flowers were just beginning to bloom across the field and Dana reached down, pulling up a blue flower. "The blue of that flower compares nothing to your eyes, Mrs. Mulder." Dana turned around to see Alex Krycek staring at her. "Mr. Krycek, how are you?" "Doing well Mrs. Mulder. And it's Alex." Dana smiled as he moved closer. "All right Alex. And I'm Dana." "Dana, that's a lovely name." Dana blushed and said, "Mr. Krycek...I mean Alex, I don't think my husband would appreciate us being alone here." Alex looked around, seeing families close by. "We're hardly alone." He turned back to her and continued, "In fact, you can forget about being alone on the trail. It will be hard to find a moment's peace to yourself." Dana observed Mulder ride by on his favorite horse, Baron, not noticing Alex and Dana. Alex turned in the direction she was looking. "Ah, there's your husband now. Could I walk you back or would you like to stroll a bit?" "I'm sorry, but I think I should get back to our camp. My husband hasn't eaten yet." Alex moved to follow her, but she raised her hand to stop him and she felt his chest come up against her hand. It seemed like an eternity before she realized what she had done. She felt his heart beating under her hand. Flushing and dropping her hand, she said, "I'm sorry, I have to go." She picked up her skirts and hurried back to her camp. Krycek watched her with a grin. Mulder doesn't know what he has there, Krycek thought. XXXXXXXXXX Mulder was dishing his food out when he heard her, "Where have you been?" "I was just walking. Have you found everything all right?" Mulder nodded, chewing on a piece of bacon. He scanned the nearby camps and saw Krycek walking, staring in their direction. Mulder stared back at him in a challenge. When Krycek had passed, he sat down and rested the food on his lap, waving his hand in the direction of the children. "Did they eat?" "Yes, of course. Where have you been William?" "Riding with Skinner and Krycek and a couple of other men. We're making good time." He took a sip of the coffee that Dana handed him. "Krycek seems to know his way so far. I just hope he's as good as he thinks he is." Dana looked away at the mention of Alex's name. "What?" "Nothing. Samantha missed you today." "I'm sorry; I'll take her with me when I go back." As Mulder finished eating, he looked around and saw others begin to pack up. "I'll go wake her now." Dana watched him go over to the quilt where the children were sleeping. "Samantha," she heard him call. "Wake up." Both children slowly woke up. "Papa," Samantha said, when she realized who was shaking her. "Where have you been?" "Would you like to ride with me for a while?" She nodded her head in agreement and reached her arms towards him. He picked her up and began heading for his horse when he heard behind him, "Papa." Mulder turned in surprise. "Me too." "No, Caleb, you're too small," Dana said. Caleb began to cry when he realized he wasn't going to get to go too. He wailed louder when he saw Mulder walk over to the horse and place Samantha up on the saddle. Mulder told Jimmy to hold the reins and make sure the horse didn't move. Dana began to walk over to Caleb when Mulder stopped her with a hand on her arm. "I'll get him." When Caleb saw Mulder walking back towards him, he began to sniffle, thinking that he was going to get his way. Mulder picked him up and bounced him slightly. Caleb put his arms around Mulder's neck and held on. "William, you're not going to take him," Dana protested. Mulder shook his head and she let out a sigh of relief. "Can't take you Caleb. Sorry buddy." "Please Papa." "Maybe when you're a little bigger." Caleb squeezed tighter. Dana tried to pull him down, but his grip was firm. "Caleb, let go," she told him. Caleb shook his head. "Caleb, I said...Let...go." "Come on Caleb," Mulder said, rubbing his back. "Mama wants to hold you now." Caleb reluctantly let go of Mulder and reached for his mother. "That's a good boy," she said. Mulder leaned down and kissed his head. "I'm just taking her for a short time; I'll be back in a little while. Maybe I could..." "No," Dana said. "He's too small." Mulder nodded and climbed on his horse. Samantha smiled and waved at Caleb. "Caleb, I'll be back soon. We can play when I get back." Caleb laid his head on Dana's shoulder and continued to sniffle. Dana rocked him as they watched Samantha and Mulder ride off. XXXXXXXXXX Mulder laid on his stomach in their bed that night, the children at their head. He gazed at Caleb while Dana finished getting ready for bed. Reaching up and smoothing down Caleb's hair, he asked, "Was Jack's hair blond too?" "What do you mean?" Dana asked. She finished brushing her hair, laid the brush to the side, and slid under the covers, mirroring Mulder's position. "He doesn't have your color." "Oh. No, Jack's hair was dark." "Then why is his hair blond?" "I don't know." Mulder hesitated before he asked, "Is Jack his father?" "Of course he is," Dana answered, horrified at what he was suggesting. "I found your bible Dana." "Have you been going through my personal things?" "No, you left it out one night." Mulder took a deep breath before continuing. "Was Caleb early?" Dana sat up abruptly and pulled her legs to her, wrapping her arms around them. "No." "I noticed that the dates in your bible don't seem to fit." Caleb stirred in his sleep and Mulder reached up and rubbed his back. Mulder looked her in the eye and she looked away. "If he wasn't early, then that can only mean one thing. Does it mean what I think it means?" "Please, I don't want to talk about this." "I'm not judging you, I just want to understand. Jack was quite a bit older than you. Did you find yourself in trouble and he helped out?" "I told you, Jack is his father." "Then explain it to me. Why was Caleb born five months after you were married?" Dana sighed and slid back under the covers. She turned on her side, facing him. "My father's gift, my bible, was meant to be a reminder of how I let him down. He knew I would never throw it away. He's the one who put the dates in the bible." Mulder nodded for her to go on. "Jack used to be a friend of my father's, but they had a falling out. My father never wanted me to marry him; he had someone else in mind. I felt nothing for that man, but my father thought it was a good match. So, I did the only thing I could think of...I went to Jack. He was a good man, despite what my father thought." "Why didn't you just get married first?" "Jack didn't want to marry me. He thought I was too young...and I suppose I was, but I wanted to be out of my father's control." "Did you love him?" "Did I love him? I guess." "No, I meant, were you in love with him? But, from your response, I would guess that would be 'no.' How did your father take it when he found out about Caleb?" "He wouldn't speak to me. He was so disappointed in me. Of course, I had ruined his plans for a good marriage too. I knew Jack didn't want to get married, so I went to my sister's for a while, but her husband was as bad as my father. When Jack found out I was going to have a child, he came for me. He married me and sold his place. We lived shortly with his parents and then we moved to Missouri." "Dana, I just realized something. When your father arranged for you to marry a man, you ran away with Jack. When your brother did the same thing, you ran away with me." "I'm tired; I think I'll sleep now." Realizing that she had divulged more of herself that ever before, he decided he had pushed her enough. "He sleeps like you do." "What?" "He sleeps with his mouth open." "I do not sleep with my mouth open." "Yes you do." "I do not." "Dana, how would you know? You're asleep." Dana huffed and rolled over, facing away from him. Mulder looked back at Caleb, smiling. "He called me 'Papa' today, did you hear him?" "Yes, I heard." "Do you think he'll remember Jack as his father?" "No. He was only a year and a half when Jack died." "I suppose that's good, less confusing for him." Mulder pulled the cover up higher on Caleb and rolled on his back. "I always wanted to raise a son." Dana had been quiet for a short time when she said, "You're a good father. I made the right choice." Mulder reached over and turned down the lantern until the light sputtered out. He stretched for Dana and pulled her on her back. "I'm tired," she said. "I'm not," Mulder said. "The children may wake up." "They're sleeping soundly. Besides, I can tell when they wake up." Mulder kissed her neck, then made his way to her mouth and she responded, but made no other move. Mulder stopped. "Dana, why don't you touch me?" "What? I am touching you." "No, you only kiss me and only if I'm kissing you first. You don't respond any other way. Why?" "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. Just tell me why? Is it that unpleasant for you?" "No, but this is for you, not me." "Who told you that? Jack? What kind of ass was he?" "He was good to me." "Dana, you can touch me, honestly." She hesitated and then said, "All right," and reached up cautiously, touching his face. She gently caressed his cheek and Mulder grabbed her wrist, bringing it to his lips. With her other hand, she ran it up his back, slowly, then back down again. Mulder reached to help her remove her gown, but she stopped him. "Not with the children so close, please." "All right." Instead, he bunched it up around her waist and continued to kiss her. Dana felt herself responding to his kisses. They deepened their kisses and she felt her heartbeat increase, her blood feeling as if it was rushing into her ears. She ran her hand through his hair, pulling him closer. It didn't seem that she could get close enough to him. As they began to make love, for the first time in her life, she felt free to be herself. He was taking his time with her and she felt her pleasure begin to build. When she cried out, Mulder put his hand over mouth and said, "Shh, you'll wake the children." He soon followed her and collapsed on top of her. She ran her hand down his back as she heard his breath slow back down. He rolled off of her and pulled her against his side, pushing her hair back off of her face and kissing her. "You okay?" he asked. He felt her nod. "I never have felt anything like that. I feel like I've sinned." He chuckled. "Trust me, you didn't sin." "I never knew it could be like that." Mulder rubbed his chin along the top of her head. "It can be like that always. It should be like that. I can only imagine how unpleasant it's been for you. Dana, I promise, I will always try to make it enjoyable." "Mmm hmm. I'm tired," she said with a yawn. "Then go to sleep." He pulled her closer and they both soon fell fast asleep. May 12, 1852 Wednesday The next morning, Dana awoke to find Mulder still next to her. She looked up at the children and found them sleeping soundly. She then rolled onto her side to watch Mulder. She reached over, tracing his lips lightly and Mulder smiled in his sleep. Sounds of the camp could be heard as other members began to start the day. She stretched her arms above her head and rolled over, getting up to dress. Jimmy and Danny could be heard outside, talking quietly. When they saw her exit the wagon, they ran over to help her down. "I'll get breakfast ready." Jimmy nodded, "Can't be soon enough for Danny." "Well, I'll be quick." Dana almost had breakfast ready when Mulder appeared from the back of the wagon. "Danny, come here," Mulder said. Danny trotted over to Mulder. "Take the children." Samantha stuck her head out from around Mulder and he lifted her. "Down you go," he said to her. Caleb quickly followed and Mulder followed him. The children had already run over to Dana by the time his feet hit the ground. "Dana, keep the dog away from the food." She looked away from handing the children their food when Dog nudged her empty hand. "Dog, go away." Samantha and Caleb giggled and both offered Dog some of their breakfast. "No. Don't you dare," Dana said as she stopped Dog just inches from the children's food. "Dana, I won't have that dog eating the children's food," Mulder scolded. She pushed her hair behind an ear and looked up at him, holding Dog back. "He didn't, did he? He's hungry too." "He almost did. I don't care if he has scraps, but he's not eating our food. We can't afford to let him do it." He eyed the dog and said, "Get over there and lie down." Dog just looked at him until Dana commanded, "Lie down Dog." He immediately complied and looked back at her, wagging his tail. "Good boy." After they ate, Mulder walked over to the boys at the second wagon. "How about you boys take the dog for a walk and maybe lose it?" Jimmy and Danny shook their heads. "Not us," Jimmy said. "I wouldn't do that to the children and I can't believe you would either. The children love that dog." Mulder looked over to where Dana was cleaning up. She threw their extra food to Dog and he wolfed the food down. Samantha ran off with Dog, with Caleb trailing behind. "Samantha, stay close," Dana said as she climbed back into the wagon. Samantha stopped and nodded before continuing. "Fox?" Danny and Jimmy turned around at the same time Mulder did to find a woman with dark hair standing behind him. The boys saw recognition in their cousin's eyes. "Diana?" "Fox, I can't believe it's really you. Running into you, here of all places." "What are you doing here?" "I'm heading to Oregon with my sister and her family. My husband Edgar died two years ago so I'm hoping to start a new life." Mulder looked over to his other wagon. He assumed Dana was packing up the wagon inside. "I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I didn't even know you had married before you had already left for... Where was it you moved?" "Plattsburg." "Do you have any children?" "No, we never did. And you, do you have any children?" Mulder almost said two, but he stopped himself. This was Diana after all. "Penny and I had one who survived. Her name is Samantha. We lost three boys." "I'm sorry Fox, but I'm sure Samantha is a comfort. I only recently heard about Penny. I'm so sorry Fox." Mulder nodded, "Thank you." "It's a shame for a young girl to grow up without a mother. I know how much Penny loved you, but I don't think she would want Samantha to be without a mother." Mulder wasn't sure, but he thought Diana was implying that she would be the ideal candidate. "Samantha does need a mother--" "I'm sure she's a lovely girl." Diana reached for his hand and he felt the old chemistry they had once had spark again. Mulder had loved her...before Penny. He knew she had felt betrayed when he married Penny instead of her, but it seemed like she had forgiven him. Diana reached up to touch his face, caressing it gently and he leaned into her touch. "I've missed you Fox." Mulder began to wonder if he hadn't been hasty in his decision to marry before leaving. He never even dreamed that he would find Diana in his life again. They had been in love before; at least he thought they had been until he met Penny. "Hello," Dana said behind him. Mulder hadn't heard her come up since she had gotten out of the front of the wagon instead of the rear. She saw a guilty look pass over his face when he turned her way and dropped the woman's hand quickly. Mulder moved towards her, but was stopped when Dog ran right for them, dripping wet, Samantha close behind. Dog ran right for Diana and jumped up on her. She screamed and backed away, pushing at him. "Get away from me you horrid dog." When Dog heard his name, he tried to jump up higher and lick her face. Mulder reached for Dog, but he jumped back down and took off again. When Samantha began to follow, he reached down and picked her up. "No you don't." He turned to Diana and said, "Diana, I'm really sorry about that. The dog doesn't have any manners." He turned around, but Dana was climbing back into the wagon, Caleb waiting just outside for her. "That's your dog? I never knew you liked dogs Fox. I don't remember you ever having a dog." "I don't like them. It's the children's dog." "Children? I thought you only had Samantha." "Samantha, say 'Hello' to Mrs. Tipton. She and Papa were friends when we were young. Tell her you're sorry for getting her dirty." "But Papa, I didn't do it, Dog did." "Samantha." "Fox, really, she doesn't have to. I'm all right. It just surprised me. Hello, Samantha." "Hello," Samantha said. Diana smiled at her and reached for her braided hair. "My, your Papa can braid your hair very pretty. Who would have thought he could do that? You are a very lucky little girl to have a Papa who can do that for you, but I bet you would like a Mama to help." Diana smiled at Mulder. "I have a Mama," Samantha said. "I know and I'm sorry about your Mama." "Papa, what's wrong with Mama?" she asked. Mulder could hear the worry in her voice. She thought Diana was talking about Dana, not Penny. Mulder felt her struggle in his arms to be put down. "Samantha, it's all right," he said. Mulder saw Dana climb down out of the wagon and as soon as she was on the ground, Caleb ran ahead of her. Mulder put Samantha down and she raced to Dana. "Mama," Samantha cried. Dana looked shocked when Samantha rushed to her, tears flowing down her face. She bent down to pick her up and Samantha threw her arms around her, burying her face in Dana's neck. Dana walked with her, back to Mulder. Caleb unsure of why Samantha was crying ran to Mulder and joined in. Mulder picked him up and rubbed his back, trying to sooth him. Dana handed Diana a cloth and said, "I'm sorry about Dog. He loves meeting new people." She turned to Mulder and asked, "What's wrong with Samantha? Why is she so upset?" "She thought something was wrong with you. Dana, this is Diana Tipton. She's an old friend." "How old?" Dana asked. Although she wore a smile, Mulder knew it wasn't genuine. "Fox?" Diana asked. Mulder saw Dana bristle at her use of his first name. So, Dana thought, here is another woman who gets to call him 'Fox.' How many more women would she be surprised by? "Fox, I don't understand." "Diana, this is Dana." Mulder paused and took a breath, "My wife. And, this is Caleb, her son." "You married again already? I can't believe it. I didn't think you would marry so soon after Penny." "It's been over a year. Diana, you were just saying to me that Samantha needs a mother. Well she has one again." Dana started feeling left out of the conversation and said, "I'm sorry Miss Tipton..." "It's Misses," Diana corrected. "...but I think we need to get the children calmed down before we set off today. I don't want them traveling this upset." Diana felt herself being dismissed by this woman. She looked to Mulder, but saw no support. Well, she thought, she doesn't look all that strong. This would be a long, hard trip and Fox might still need a wife by the journey's end. Diana knew that while Mulder's new wife might not be strong, she was. She began to form a plan to be there for him, to be a friend again. She could be patient. Diana had seen Dana upset when she used his first name. She wondered what that was all about. "It was nice meeting you Dana," Diana said. "Fox, I'll see you sometime soon." She reached toward Samantha, "I'm sorry I upset you dear. I know you miss your Mama. She was a lovely woman. Your father loved her more than anyone." She looked Dana right in the eyes. "Any woman who thinks she could replace your Mama would be crazy, their love was that deep." "Diana," Mulder said in warning behind her. Diana turned to face him and squeezed his arm. "I'll see you soon Fox," she said as she headed back to one of the many wagons. Mulder watched her go and when he turned back, he saw Dana stalking back towards their other wagon, Samantha gripping her tightly, trying to hold on. Mulder turned to see Jimmy and Danny staring at him. Of course, they had witnessed this whole mess. "Boys," he said, "finish packing up. We've already wasted too much time." "Sure, Mulder," Danny said and headed off. "Mulder," Jimmy said. "I don't remember her. Should I?" Mulder switched Caleb to his other arm. "No, you were probably too young to remember her." "I remember you saying you were in love with someone before Penny. Is that her?" Mulder nodded his head. "I have to help Dana." XXXXXXXXXX When Mulder discovered that Dana wasn't in the wagon, he scanned the area, but couldn't see her. Mulder looked down at Caleb. As soon as Dana had disappeared with Samantha, Caleb had stopped crying, but there were still tracks on his face. Mulder reached up and rubbed his hand across Caleb's face. "What do you say we go find the girls Caleb?" Caleb nodded and pointed. Well, Mulder thought, at least one of us was paying attention. While Mulder had been focused on Diana, Caleb probably had his sights trained on his mother. He headed in the direction Caleb pointed. They found Dana and Samantha by the river, Dog lying beside them. Dana held Samantha in her lap, rocking her. Mulder approached quietly, but Caleb ratted them out. "Mama," he cried. Mulder set him down and he tried to crawl into her lap too. Mulder sat down next to her. "Come here Caleb," he said, reaching for him and pulling him into his lap. "Both of you can't sit on Mama." Samantha was facing him so he reached over and ran his finger down her nose. "Samantha?" Samantha looked up at him, "I'm okay Papa." He nodded as a thought occurred to him. "Samantha, did you come to the river with Dog?" She shook her head. "Samantha, Dog could only get that wet in the river. Did you bring Caleb with you?" "No, Papa. I didn't." "Samantha, hasn't Papa told you over and over to stay away from rivers unless you're with an adult?" "I didn't Papa. Dog got wet by himself." "William, she's upset," Dana said, still rocking her. "Don't upset her more. She said she didn't come here." Mulder nodded. "Come on, we have to get going." "I think we need to talk first," Dana said. "Later." Mulder rose, pulling Caleb back up in his arms. "Come on Samantha," he said, reaching for her. He carried them both back to the wagon. When he looked back, he saw Dana in the same spot where he left her. End Chapter 5 Continued in Chapter 6