************************************* The Forgotten Ones - The Collector's Edition by Deborah L. Wells ************************************* Disclaimer: This work contains characters and situations of the televi- sion series "The X-Files", which are the creations and intellectual property of Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and FOX Broadcasting Company. The author makes no claim to ownership over these elements, and this work should be distributed only in a free manner without promoting monetary gain. Dedication: I would like to make mention of some people who have given me the gift of support, both as fellow writers and as friends. To: Laura Capozzola, Carol Gritton, Melody Lanier, Patty Hayes, and Xphile324 - Thank you all! :-D And a special thanks to Patricia S. Martinez, the Disgruntled Law Student. Classification: T S A Rating: PG-13 For violence and a particular scene you may find disturbing. Warning: Mulder angst. Scully angst. A hint of MSR and UST. Summary: Mulder and Scully are taken prisoner and held against their will. ************************************* THE FORGOTTEN ONES I: THE TAKING ************************************* 12:52 A.M. August 16th Deep in the Woods Hadden, West Virginia Emily struggled to keep up with her older siblings as they trudged through the forest. It was the middle of the night and the air was quiet and flat. It was still warm, but not humid. She like the nights, especially nights like these when the hot heavy air finally got around to cooling itself down enough to be bearable. She was falling behind again, as she half ran on bare feet just to keep the rest of her family in sight. She tugged at the rope wrapped loosely around her waist, as she felt behind her for the reassuring furry feel of Widgit her stuff bunny. Her biggest brother Ethan had fashioned the rope tether so she wouldn't lose him, as she so often had in the past. She would cry for hours until one or another of her brothers or sisters would happen to stumble upon his missing stuffed self, and would present it to her in exchange for no more tears. She smiled to herself. Ethan was so strong and smart. He was the eldest and the head of their family. Ever since their Ma and Pa had died so suddenly they all looked to Ethan for the answers to all their needs and problems. Emily fought a moment of panic when she snapped out of her rambling thoughts and looked ahead of her. She couldn't see hide nor hair of her family at all. She stopped in her tracks listening for their sounds, but there was nothing to be heard. Not even the wind was stirring to- night. Suddenly from behind a nearby tree Ethan jumped out and gathered Emily up in his well muscled arms. She giggled delightedly and let loose with a half-scared, half-relieved shriek. "What did I tell you about lolly gagging Em?", he said in a stern voice tinged with amusement. "Sorry Ethan, I won't forget no more", she smiled up at him. He lowered her to the ground and took her tiny hand into his large one. "Come on now Em, we still got us some work to do tonight." She nodded silently as they made their way down the barely discernible path leading towards the center part of the woods. Ethan and Emily came out of the woods into a small clearing. There they found the rest of their brood waiting patiently for their arrival. Nine children in all from eldest to youngest - Ethan, Earnest, Edgar, Eve, Eloise, Emmet, Evangaline, Evan, and finally little Emily. Their Pa had been fond of "E's", as their Ma had never tired of telling them, always followed by her inevitable laughter. She had always surrounded herself with smiles, up until the end when even she had been hard pressed to find merry in the face of the sickness that stole her laughter as well as her life. Their Pa had followed her into the grave not long after that. Died of a broken heart he did. But all that was the past, as it had been going on six years behind them now. Em had still been just a baby. She couldn't remember her real Ma and Pa, but Ethan and the others always play talked her the stories. In that way at least, she felt she knew them somehow, and Ethan took pains to make sure they never forgot. Ethan had taken his rightful place as head of the Wilstead clan after that. Once he got grown in body they never questioned him. Least ways never twice. He could tame a wild animal with just a look if he wanted. And he could tan the backside of each and every one of them if they pushed him to it. Now as he bowed his head solemnly, the others soon followed suit. He began reciting the prayer for the dead from memory, as he had no need to follow the book anymore. Ethan, being the only of them that could read, had memorized the few books his family had possessed. And this here particular ritual was becoming a familiar enough routine. Ethan always insisted on seeing folks out respectable like in their journey unto the next world. After finishing up the prayer, Ethan nodded over to Earnest and Edgar to help with the burying. The two strapping young boys moved forward, shovels ready in their well callused hands. All the Wilstead folk had work hands, which were rough and toughened from many years of back-breaking hard labor. They prided themselves on their self reliance. They would never dream of taking a hand-out from an outsider. It just wasn't done. At first Ethan had been somewhat over- whelmed at the responsibilities laid upon him by the passing of his folks. He had only been thirteen at the time his own self. In the begin- ning the others just jeered him when he tried to bring about some order of things to their homestead. They just plain refused to listen to his preaching and prancing about being the man of the house now, when he was only another child in their eyes. Ethan had become afraid that if he didn't do something quick like his family would be torn apart. Each of them going in different directions maybe never to be together again. He couldn't let that happen. It was all up to him then. But he had needed an adult to take the place of his parents. So the little ones would know their order in the matter of things. The first had come a little over five years ago. Passing through he had said. A traveling salesman. Ethan had seen him over at the grocer's while he was turning in some deposit bottles that he had found for change. The nice man had ruffled his hair and grinned. Ethan had grinned back. The stranger had a kind smile and had even reminded Ethan a little of his Pa. That's when the idea had come to him. He took it as a sign, that his parents were sending him the answers to his searching. Here was a way to keep his family together. This man could be their Pa. It wouldn't be like taking help from an outsider, because the man would be made part of their family. He just knew it was for the best, as he followed the man out to his beat up old car and plain lied to him outright. He told the man that his Ma would sure be beholding to him if he could stop on by. She was in need of some new sewing supplies, as she had just told him that the other day in fact. Wasn't that what he had heard him telling the grocer? That he was in the sewing supply business? The man had come willingly, eager to make a quick sell. It had been so easy. As were all the others that had followed since. Ethan shook himself from his thoughts as he joined in with the burying detail. The clods of moist earth were arranged in neat piles beside two open graves. Ethan plunged his shovel into the nearest pile and began filling in one of the holes. He looked on over to Emily as she settled herself down on a nearby tree stump. She pulled old raggedly Widgit out from his bonds and propped him up so he could watch the goings-on with her under the light of the almost full moon. He gave her a quick smile and she waved at him from her perch. She needed a Ma. He had to keep doing this he repeated to himself. For the others. For little Emily. He had to keep the family together whatever it took. He had promised his Ma and Pa on their deathbeds. He sighed loudly as he settled into his work. These two had lasted the longest. Pert near seven months. Ethan had thought they had been settling into the hard fact of things quite nicely towards the end. Then out of the blue they had made a run for it in the middle of the night. Ethan shook his head sadly. When will they ever learn? Ethan and his family knew these woods inside and out. There was no place to run. ***** 4:55 P.M. August 22nd Hadden, West Virginia County Road 5 Mulder removed one of his hands from the steering wheel and used it to rub his sore neck. He began stretching his cramped muscles one by one. Scully was sleeping in a reclining position beside him in the passenger seat. She started awake from her light nap at his quiet movements. Mulder smiled to himself. Even when she was sleeping she wasn't far away from full awareness. A habit she had picked up from their routine need to be ready for any emergency. She yawned behind her hand and gave him a lazy smile. "Want me to drive for awhile Mulder?", she asked as she ran her hands though her sleep-tousled hair. "Well actually Scully I was hoping you could take a look at the map. I think we're lost", he said as he scrunched forward to get a better look at the passing scenery. "All I've seen for the last hour has been trees and more trees. I think I've made a wrong turn somewhere. I can't seem to shake this back road. We should have come out on the main road by now." Scully repositioned her seat setting from reclined to sitting as she pulled the map out from the rental car glove compartment and began to study it. She smiled to herself. "You know Mulder at least you were a little original this time. You could have just said we ran out of gas, instead of dragging me out here to the middle of nowhere to investigate reported UFO abductions. Which I might add were proved to be totally un- founded claims caused by mass hysteria." Mulder feigned mock shock. "What? Are you doubting my motives to be anything but righteously sincere?" He turned to her and gave her a lecherous grin. Scully was about to tell him what he could do with his motives, but was never able to complete the verbal jab. From the corner of her eye she caught a quick movement by the side of the road. A small child had suddenly appeared from within the dark coverage of trees. She was moving straight into the direct path of their on-coming car. "Oh my God. Mulder watch out!", Scully yelled. Her hands shot out in a reflex action to brace herself against the dashboard. Mulder snapped to sudden attention at her warning, as he simultaneously slammed on the brakes and fought the uncooperative steering wheel. In a mere split second he analyzed that there was no way to stop the car in time to miss the child. This fact assessed and no other options available, he swerved the car away from the child over towards the side of the road, straight into the path of a grove of massive trees. "Hold on Scully!", he managed to yell out just before the crushing impact. Their car slammed head-on into a tree with a sickening squeal of burning rubber and twisted metal. Steam billowed heavily from the smashed front end. The hind end of the car was elevated somewhat on the uneven floor of the forest. The right rear tire spun endlessly and noisily around and around, finally slowing and coming to a dead stop. Then no sound at all. The sudden silence of the forest was replaced after many minutes by the sounds of the coming night. Birds chirping, and small animals scamp- ering across the brittle dead leaves as the forest life resumed its activity after the sudden interruption. ***** 5:38 P.M. August 22nd In The Forest Hadden, West Viginia Mulder tried to gauge the fogginess that was surrounding him. His mind was muddled. His body and head were sore. He could taste blood in his mouth, and he strained against the sudden gagging sensation that followed this realization. After a moment when he felt more self-control return- ing he opened his eyes to a view of the roof of his rental car. He lifted his head gently from the head rest, moaning with the stabs of pain that accompanied this task. He looked over to his right and saw Scully slumped against the passenger door. He reached over and felt for a pulse in her neck, and was relieved to find a steady rhythm. "Scully?" No answer. She was unconscious. He unlocked the buckle of his seatbelt as he moved over in his position to get a closer look at her. She was bleeding from a gash over her right eyebrow. But it didn't seem serious. He winced loudly when he saw that her right arm was bent at a very unnatural angle at the forearm. It had obviously been broken. He reached between them and unbuckled Scully's restraint as well. Then he fumbled for his door release, but had to push heavily against it with his shoulder in order for it to finally open. He fell heavily from the car unto a bed of pine needles. He groaned as his battered body screamed out its protest over his continued rough treatment of his bruised shell. He crawled on hands and knees over to the other side of the car. Reaching up he pulled on the door handle of the passen- ger side until it opened. He caught Scully's body as she tumbled out and lowered her gently to the ground. Trying his best to be mindful of her broken arm. Once she was settled to his satisfaction he began looking around until he found two strong pieces of tree limb to use as supports. Then he removed his belt and fashioned a makeshift splint which effectively immobilized her arm for the time being. He was about to reach into his jacket pocket for his cell phone when he heard the unmistakable sounds of breaking twigs and approaching footsteps coming from behind. He turned around in his kneeling position and took in the sight before him. Children. All ages and sizes. They stood in a group fanned out around the car. He took an unconscious count and ended with nine. All no doubt from the same family as he could see similar features in common. Their clothes were thread-bare and had seen a lot of use. Their faces and hands were dirty and smudged. There wasn't a shoe in sight. The littlest one, a girl, stood in front of the tallest one, a young man. She was jumping up and down in place with a huge smile of her face. Mulder wondered if this was the same child that had caused their accident. If so, she didn't seem the least bit scared or sorry for her actions. She pointed at Mulder and Scully as she looked up into the face of the young man standing behind her. "See! Didn't I tell you Ethan. I done caught me a couple my own self." The young man silently nodded back at her which caused her to giggle with delight. Mulder stood unsteady on shaky feet. He unconsciously moved himself in front of Scully in a protective stance. His FBI training as well as plain old common sense was telling him something was terribly wrong here. He cleared his throat and gathered his thoughts before beginning. He motion- ed to Scully lying on the ground behind him. "Listen, she's been hurt. I need to call for an ambulance." The young man stared at Mulder for a moment before finally motioning to one of the older girls who came forward at his beckoning. "Eve here has got some doctoring experience. She'll see to your wife." Mulder didn't bother to correct the young man's assumption about their relationship. He put his hands up in front of him stopping Eve from coming any nearer to Scully. He knew he was just fol- lowing a gut reaction; but he didn't want this girl, or any of them for that matter, touching Scully. It may have only been intuition, but he had learned to trust his intuition from his many years of field experience. "I appreciate your offer. But I think she needs some more professional help", Mulder said as he started to reach inside his jacket for his cell- phone. Behind him he heard the unmistakable sound of firearms being cocked for ready. His hand froze in mid air. He turned around slowly to find two of the young boys armed with shotguns aimed squarely at his back. He turned back to face the young man who had come forward to stand in front of him. "Look", said Mulder. "I don't know what your game is here, but I don't want to play." The young man looked Mulder square in the eyes. "This ain't no game Mister. I promise you that." ************************************ 7:25 P.M. August 22nd In The Forest Hadden, West Virginia Mulder's arms were beginning to cramp as he looked down at the still un- conscious form of Scully he was carrying. He was trying not to become alarmed at the amount of time she continued to be out. He stopped walking for a moment so that he could reposition her body for better leverage. After a moment he felt a prodding from the barrel of a shotgun in his back. "Keep moving", one of the boys said from behind him. Mulder called out to the young man who was leading this group, wherever the hell it was they were going. "Hey listen, could we stop to rest for a minute? We've been walking for at least an hour." The young man stop- ped and then back tracked from his forward position to stand next to Mulder. "If you're spent I could carry your wife the rest of the way. It ain't too much further." "No. I'll carry her", Mulder said stubbornly. The young man shrugged his shoulders and returned to his position at the front of the line. Mulder sighed angrily under his breath before resuming the trek. He could just make out in the dimming light the shapes of his and Scully's FBI badges and guns from within a sack carried by one of the children. They didn't seem to understand their meanings, but they had searched both him and Scully, as well as their car before beginning on this journey. They had taken their cell phones, and everything else that could possibly be used as a weapon. And they had been amazingly thorough. This thought disturbed Mulder, because it meant they had probably done this kind of thing before. ***** 8:32 P.M. August 22nd In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Mulder's tired arms shaking in spasms by the time he was finally able to lay Scully down on a bed. He removed her shoes and then grabbed a patch- work quilt hanging over the wooden footboard of the bed and spread it out over her. She had been stirring and mumbling the last twenty minutes or so of their forced march. It looked like she was beginning to come out of it. He hoped so. He placed his palm over her brow, and smiled as he confirmed the absence of a fever. A good sign. He checked the splint again on her broken arm, making sure it wasn't cutting off her circula- tion. Satisfied, he grabbed a pillow from the other side of the bed and used it to prop up her arm. He racked his brain trying to think of any- thing else he could do to make her more comfortable, but he knew he had just about reached the extent of his boy scout first aid training. He backed out of the bedroom and quietly shut the door, and then turned to face his and Scully's captors. Mulder felt suddenly disoriented, almost as if he had walked through a time warp back into some bygone era. There was much activity and movement as the children went about their chores in the cramped open living space of the wood cabin. Mulder surveyed the room starting with the stone fireplace, complete with a heavy black kettle hung by a rod over a roaring fire, bubbling hot with some unknown concoction. Most of the rest of the room was taken up with a large wooden table, sturdy and obviously built for many genera- tions of use. Several of the children sat there now on one or the other of the two bench like pieces on either side that served as chairs. Two regular type wooden chairs sat at each end of the long table. For their parents he wondered? And if so, where were they? The eldest young man came in through the door, carrying a bundle of chopped wood for the already well-stocked fire. He dropped his load next to the fireplace, and then returned to the door. He locked it with an old-style bar bolt which he pulled from a box next to the door, shoving it securely into place in its latches with a concentrated effort. He moved over to the table and sat down. Almost immediately one of the girls placed a piping hot bowl of some kind of mush or stew in front of him. Mulder couldn't quite guess exactly what it was judging by the unfamiliar smell. But the young man dug in with enthusiasm. Mulder took a seat across from him, and was also presented with a bowl. But he wasn't interested in food. He wanted answers. And he could wait patiently for them if he had to. Only after the young man had cleaned his bowl and promptly had it removed for washing did he finally turn his attention to Mulder. "My name is Ethan. These here are my brothers and sisters. No need for their greet- ings now. You and your wife will learn their names in time. I'll get to the point here Mister. It'll be hard at first, but as time passes you'll both forget what it was like on the outside. I have to tell you it will set a might easier on the two of you in the long run if you point your thinking in that direction right now. Save a lot of sweat and tears on both sides. I guarantee it." Mulder stayed silent, sensing there was more. "We've always provided everything we need here for ourselves. Food. Clothes. Everything. But there be one thing we can't grow from the earth or make from cloth." He stood up and walked around the room as he continued. Mulder couldn't shake the feeling that this little speech had been played out before with other unsuspecting victims right here in this very room. He wondered fleetingly what had happened to the ones that had come before him and Scully. "Parents." Mulder's attention snapped backed to Ethan. "What?", he stammered. Ethan continued his stroll around the room patting the heads of the younger children, smiling encouragingly at the older ones. "We've been alone for a long time Mister, but we can still pay honor to our folks. They tried hard to teach us the ways of life before they was taken away. But there is still so much we don't know and can't teach ourselves. We...they still need the firm hand of older kin, a Ma and a Pa, to show them what's right and what's wrong. They...." Mulder stood up angrily interrupting Ethan. "Well I'd be pleased to give all of you your first lesson in 'what's wrong' now. This. This is wrong. What you're doing is wrong. Kidnaping me and my part...my wife. Denying her proper medical treatment. This is wrong!" His eyes blazed with the fury of his increasing helplessness in what was becoming a highly absurd and disturbing situation. Ethan sighed. He had heard it all before. They were always angry in the beginning. And he knew what would follow as well. First they would make pretend, acting sweet, seeing if they could just talk their way out. Then after that don't work they would start taking up secret plans to break away. But Ethan knew, it would come down to a matter of wearing down their spirits, just like wild stock. All just a matter of time. He met Mulder's fury with a calm patience. "Best you go now and see to your wife. Eve is making ready and will be along in a bit to doctor her up. There'll be plenty of time for talk later. Because the facts be that neither you nor your wife are like to be going anywhere." Mulder closed his eyes, trying to bring his anger in check, while consider- ing his options. Scully was in no condition right now to try and make an escape with him from this parallel Walton Family universe that they had somehow stumbled into. And he would not leave her behind to try and go get help by himself. There was no telling what these 'children' would do to her in retaliation. There was also the fact that he didn't know exactly where he was either. He couldn't take the chance that he would not be able to find his way back. When she was stronger. "In the morning Ethan. We'll talk first thing in the morning." He turned and walked over to the bedroom door, opened it and went inside. ***** 9:15 P.M. August 22nd In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Mulder closed the bedroom door behind him, fighting the urge to slam his fist through the solid wood. He would welcome the reality of the pain right now as a counter balance against his intense anger. "Mulder?", Scully called to him weakly from behind. Mulder whirled around at the sound of Scully's voice. He hadn't realized until now how much he had missed hearing it these last hours. He rushed over and sat down next to her on the bed. She was making an attempt to sit up, but Mulder pushed her gently back down on the bed. "Don't rush it. You need to rest. How are you feeling?" She took a deep breath before speaking. "Okay I think. I've got a killer headache and my arm hurts quite a bit." She looked around the unfamiliar room. "Where are we anyway?" "Scully, we're in big trouble. I'll need to bring you up to speed fast." Scully assumed a questioning expression which continued to deepen as Mulder summarized for her all that had transpired within the last few hours after their car accident. When he finished Scully continued to look at him in amazement. "You mean that little girl walked out into the middle of the road deliberately? She wanted us to crash? And now they won't let us go? I...I just can't believe this Mulder. Who are these...." Their conversation was interrupted when the bedroom door slowly swung open. Ethan, Eve, and few of the older siblings entered the room. Ethan carried a large bowl of steaming liquid. Eve had toweling, cloth bandages, scis- sors, and other assorted items obviously meant for use in medical treatment. The last boy who entered carried a shot gun pointed in Mulder's direction. He kicked the door closed behind him. Ethan looked at Scully for a moment with a sad expression. "Ma'm", he said in greeting. "I'm pure sorry that you've come awake just now. It's gonna make this terrible hard on you. I'm heart grieved for that." ************************************** Ethan carefully lowered the large bowl down to the table beside the bed. "What are you talking about?", asked Mulder trying to keep the mounting sense of dread out of his voice. Eve, who couldn't have been older than fifteen by Mulder's estimation, walked over to the bed and stood next to Scully. "There be no other way. We gotta set that arm of yours Ma'm. I'm real sorry. It's gonna hurt like all get out, but if we don't it'll heal all crooked like and not be at all useful to you." "Listen to me", Scully began slowly, trying desperately to keep the growing fear she was feeling from surfacing. She couldn't stop the sudden images from the books and films she had studied in med school about medical treat- ment before the age of technology. They were playing in her mind like a bad horror film. "I'm a medical doctor. I can take care of myself. You don't need to do this." Eve looked at Scully in a new light, with a mixture of awe and respect. She had never met anyone who could share with her the love of healing. It was going to be wonderful to have a woman in the house to share her think- ing against. She gave Scully a shy, but regretful smile. Mulder stood up quickly from the bed and walked over to Ethan. "No Ethan. I don't want you to touch my wife. Leave her alone." Ethan made a barely discernible nod with his head and the young boy with the shot gun moved forward. "Take him on into the other room and make sure he's...." "No", said Scully quietly from the bed, having made the rational conclu- sion that there was no way out of this situation. She didn't want Mulder to get himself killed trying to protect her. "I want him to stay with me. Please." She would need his support to get her through this ordeal. Ethan considered her request and finally nodded his agreement that Mulder would be allowed to stay. Mulder walked slowly back over to the bed and gently set down beside her. "Scully?", he questioned in a sad and guilty voice. She gave him a weak smile, trying her best to be strong enough for both of them. "It's all right Mulder. The arm does need to be set, and since it doesn't look like we're going to make it to a hospital anytime soon." She paused, swallowing hard as she saw Eve and Ethan start to remove the splint, which immediately awakened the pain that had been settling down into a dull throb. She bit her lip and turned her head away. Mulder moved over as close to her on the bed as possible. He lifted her up until her head and shoulders were draped over his lap and they were both facing the same direction. He braced his back against the headboard, and put his arms underneath her shoulders until they came out in front of her on the other side. She leaned against him, as she reached out with her good hand and grabbed one of his within its grasp, clasping it tightly against her chest. He could feel the thunderous beat of her heart against his hand. He could smell her fear. He hated these people for causing her this terror. And he hated himself as well, for not being able to pro- tect her. After the splint had been completely removed, Eve made quick and careful work of cutting off the sleeves of Scully's jacket and blouse to expose her broken arm. Mulder's breath hitched when he saw the misshapen lump that had formed at the point where the bones had broken in two. The arm had bruised and swelled to nearly twice its normal size. Scully moaned softly whenever Eve touched a particularly sensitive area. Eve followed the removal of the sleeves by gently washing Scully's arm down with the hot water and a cloth. When this was finally done she stepped back and nodded slightly to Ethan that it was time. Ethan joined Eve standing next to Scully. He held out a strong tree stick. "You can use this to bite down on when the pain gets too bad." Mulder took it for her and guided it to her mouth. She bit down heavily on it. Two of the other boys came forward as each grabbed onto one of Scully's ankles. Mulder held on as tightly as he could to Scully's upper body without crush- ing her in the process. He felt like he just couldn't get close enough to her to satisfy him. She in turn increased the pressure hold she had on his hand. Ethan reached out with both hands and took a firm hold of the end of Scully's broken arm at the wrist. He lifted his foot and braced it against the bed frame. "Are you ready Ma'm?", he asked her solemnly. She nodded once quickly. "On three then Ma'm" Scully held her breath. "One..." "Scully close your eyes", said Mulder. "Two..." Scully closed her eyes tightly. A single tear escaped from underneath her closed lids. Mulder leaned down and kissed it gently away. "Three!..." Ethan pulled back on her arm with a strong jerk, as Scully's world exploded into a tidal wave of all-encompassing, searing, and unbearable pain. The stick fell useless from her mouth as she gave way to the torrent of her agony, which filled the night woods echoing with her deafening screams. Her body bucked violently against the injustice of the pain that she was being made to endure. She could feel the broken bones moving and scraping against each other in her arm. She wanted to cut her arm off. She wanted to die. Anything, just to escape from the pain. And still it went on as Ethan pulled back roughly on her arm once more. This fresh cycle of pain hit her anew with heart-stopping fury. "Oh! God! Please!", she screamed. Over and over again. Mulder held Scully down with every ounce of his strength, and still he could just barely contain her. He had never heard such agonizing, almost inhuman screams before. Made all the worse because they were being torn from this woman. This woman that he cared for more than anything else in the world. She was crying out from the very depths of the pain-filled hell she had been thrust into. Out of her mind with the agony. He wanted to stop this torment for her. He wanted to take her place. He would give up anything right now to give her some peace. His life. The truth. Sam. Anything. "Stop Ethan! I heard it. The pop. The bones have snapped back into place", cried Eve loudly in an effort to be heard over Scully's misery. She rushed forward and began wrapping Scully's arm still in Ethan's hands using heavy cloth bandages and wood splints. After sometime Scully finally came down to a point in the pain where she was able to stop screaming, but she continued to cry in shuddering spurts of anguish. Mulder held her body close, mopping her moist brow with a soothing touch. Calling her name softly. Trying to bring her back from that horrible place she had thrown into. Soon she quieted completely, as she was at last able to drift off to sleep in Mulder's arms. As he held her he made a vow **************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES II: LOST SPIRITS **************************************** 11:22 P.M. August 22nd In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia "She's journeyed past the hard hurt of it now. She's like to be sleeping deep tonight, maybe on into most of tomorrow I expect", said Eve as she began to gather the materials she had used to fashion the heavy cloth and wood splint on Scully's broken arm. "I've mixed up a batch of tea. It's made up with some herbs and moss, special picked for soothing raggedly nerves. I've left a cup here by her bedside. If she stirs any with the pain tonight try hard on forcing some down into her. "It's supposed to be drunk cold, and it tastes like pure sin, but it'll help her down the healing path." Eve paused in her tracks to give the man sitting before her on the bed a careful look over. He had his wife's body tucked in snug within his hold. His head was just touching soft near her cheek, as his fingers worked quiet like on smoothing down her hair. His eyes were grief filled and worried. She thought on it was possible he had suffered twice hard as his wife did just being made to witness her through the hurt of it. He hadn't moved, not one inch from his place since the woman had settled. He sat there now, looking afraid she might break in two if he weren't careful like. Eve had told him it wouldn't hurt her none to have him jostle the bed a mite if he wanted to get up and stretch his legs a bit. In the sleep place she was now, she wasn't like to stir for awhile even if the Lord Himself chose this day to end the world on. But he wouldn't leave her, not for one split second. It pleasured her heart to see married folk like these. They were one - these two. What was her was him and what was him was her. That was just the plain facts the whole world could bear truth against. It was going to be hard on them she knew. But at least they got to be together. One of the ones that come before them had liked to never stop talking about his loved ones left behind in the outside world. It had pained Eve greatly to hear the breaking of his heart when he had finally settled on the hard truth that he was never like to travel back home again. He had been found stone cold dead one morning. He had took his own life of purpose, by wrapping the sheets tight around his neck, and up unto the wood beams of the roof. Eve had been the one to stumble onto him that morning. The picture of his body swinging still wove its way into her night terrors now and again. "Eve, hurry up and get along now", said Ethan as he came up behind her, startling her out of her deep thinkings. She stole another quick talk at the poor man before leaving. "Don't worry Mister. Your wife's a strong woman, that's the truth sure enough, and the worst part is past now. Any pain that follows for her now, she'll be able to match up against the sorrow she had tonight. It'll never be as bad for her. I promise you on that." Mulder looked up for a moment at the slip of a girl standing before him. He considered thanking her for her help. She seemed like a nice enough young girl, somehow mistakenly mixed in with the rest of her deranged family. But he couldn't bring himself to utter the words. Somehow thanking her for the horrific pain that Scully had been put through, how- ever well meaning her intentions, seemed a betrayal to Scully in some way. Instead he just nodded his head, and gave her a slight smile as she turned and left the room. Ethan moved up to the side of the bed taking Eve's place. Mulder fought hard to contain the raging hatred he felt for this young man. It was because of *his* actions that Scully had been forced to endure their backwoods idea of medical treatment. He could not forget the heart wrenching sight and sound of Ethan pulling on Scully's broken arm while she screamed and screamed and screamed. He closed his eyes tightly for a moment, knowing he would never be able to erase that memory from his mind. Or the echoes of her screams. It had seemed almost like she had been taken from him again, only this time he had been made to watch. Powerless to help her. That part never seemed to change. "I'll be locking the door behind me. The windows have been boarded down strong with wood pine on the outside. Don't waste time trying to break through'em. You and your wife are welcome to make yourselves to home in this room. It was our Ma's and Pa's in their time. Now it's yours. If you have the need to visit the outhouse, knock hard twice on the door and one of us will be in directly to see you there and back. Until your wife's able for herself, there be a chamber pot lying neath the bed for her needs. Eve can help her through it if she'd rather have a woman's touch on that. There's fresh water in the water pitcher over there on the table, and some soft cloths to wash down with. If there's anything else you be wanting, let one of us know the need and we'll try right hard to get it for you." He stood there for a moment more, possibly waiting for some reply from Mulder. When none was obviously forthcoming, he turned and walked toward the door. Just as he put his hand on the doorknob Mulder spoke out in a quiet, but deadly serious tone. "If you ever touch her again Ethan - I'll kill you." Mulder couldn't see Ethan's expression with his back turned toward the door, but he saw that his shoulders twitched ever so slightly. He said nothing though, as he opened the door and walked out of the room. The noise of a wood bar bolt being lifted and locked into place soon followed his retreat. ***** 3:25 A.M. August 23rd In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia "Don't. Please." Mulder eyes snapped open. He realized that he must have fallen asleep at some point with his head resting back against the headboard. He leaned forward, as he kneaded his neck trying to rid himself of the aching crick he had gotten from being in the same position for so long. He looked down at Scully asleep in his arms, illuminated only by the dim light provided by the old-fashioned coal-oil lamp. She looked deathly pale in the somber glow of the room. Her cheeks were sallow and drawn. Her eyes were still closed; but they were scrunched together tightly and her brow was furrowed deeply. She must have been talking in her sleep. Dreaming. "No more", she whimpered, stirring against him restlessly, as she began to turn her head from side to side. It was the fear he realized. Invading her sleep and stealing her much needed rest. A nightmare. "Scully?", he called to her softly. He wanted nothing more than to break the hold the nightmare had on her before it became too intense. He was afraid that she might hurt herself further by thrashing about. But he wanted to be careful and not wake her up too quickly. "Oh...God. It hurts", she said a little louder and with increasing anguish. Mulder could judge by the rise and fall of her chest that her breathing was beginning to become more rapid in response to the obvious replay of the earlier events in her mind's scenario. Her good hand rose slightly in the air almost as if she was trying to ward off some imaginary foe. He grabbed it and held her hand tight against her chest. "Scully? Can you hear me? Wake up", he called to her firmly, in a voice just above a whisper. She seemed to pause for a second as her eyes flickered. The deepness in the furrows of her brow lightened a measure. She opened her eyes all the way after a moment. Slowly. He could tell she was coming out of it disoriented and confused. "Scully, I'm here", he said as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Mulder?", she questioned groggily, as his face hovering over her slowly developed from a fuzzy focus into a clear picture. He gave her a playful grin. "You were expecting maybe the flukeman?" She smiled softly at his attempt at humor, and then winced. "Pain?" "Some. It's not bad though." She caught his worried expression. "I'm fine Mulder." Mulder relaxed inwardly at her words, the tension built over the last hours leaving his body at last. This was just like the Scully he knew so well, to cover up her misery with her casual 'I'm fine Mulder'. It spoke volumes to him about her recovering state of mind. "Scully, I'm going to try moving off the bed for a minute. Eve said if you woke during the night with any pain that I should give you some of her tea. She said it has some kind of medicinal herb ingredients that will help ease the pain. I'll do my best not to cause you any more discomfort." It was only when Mulder made this statement that Scully even registered the fact that she was still lying within him embrace. The same place they had last been when....She closed her eyes for a moment, not ready yet to dredge up the jagged-edge memories of so recent an open wound and pour salt into it with her reflections. She pulled her mind back to Mulder. She colored slightly with an unex- pected moment of pure contentment, thinking of him holding her in his arms during the long and painful night. She unconsciously equated the thought with feelings of peace and safety. She hoped he wouldn't see her sudden flush in the shadows of the room. Mulder carefully extracted himself, one leg at a time, as he released her hand. Then he lowered Scully's head ever so carefully from his lap down to the bed, resting it comfortably on a pillow. Scully held her breath, refusing to utter a single sound in response to the sharp stabs of pain issuing from her arm, caused by his slight move- ments. He had already done enough for her. She didn't want to add to the guilt she knew, without even having to ask him, that he was carrying. He would probably be blaming himself for their predicament. For all that had happened since. She would not contribute to his burden by succumbing to the pain again now. "Are you all right Scully?", he asked her when he had finally reached a standing position by the bed. "Hmm...Okay Mulder. I'm fine." He knew she was lying to him. The way she bit her bottom lip and tightened her hold on the quilt. She was in pain. She was just too stubborn to admit it to him. He picked up the tin cup filled with a thick liquid from the bedside table. He put his hand out and slid it under Scully's head, lifting her up slightly from the pillow. He brought the cup up to her lips, as she reached out and grabbed it with her other hand. He noticed that her hand was shaking lightly from the effort. She coughed and sputtered at the bitter taste of the brew, pushing it away from her after only one sip. "Just a little more Scully", Mulder insisted. She managed to get down a couple of more sips before turning her head away. "That's enough." He nodded, lowering her head slowly down to the bed and setting the cup back on the table. He came back around the other side of the bed, and gently sat down next to her. "Is there anything else you need Scully? Are you warm enough?" "I'm just tired." She sighed deeply. "And...I feel so weak", she said trying to keep her eyes open, but it was becoming a losing battle. She turned her head on the pillow in his direction. She looked at his half- lowered head. She could see he was wrestling with his own pain. it was there in his eyes. The guilt. "It wasn't your fault Mulder. There was nothing you could have done", she said quietly, reaching out her hand to cover his fingers. He shook his head sadly, as he squeezed her hand gently in return. He hesitated for a moment, wordlessly seeking her permission. She nodded her head slightly, and he moved over to lay down beside her again, shifting her carefully so that she could rest her head on his shoulder. She relaxed against him, surprising herself at how easy it had become in the last hours to change her mindset from the years of a partner-platonic relationship to suddenly lying here on a bed. Having him so close and intimate next to her. It was, of course, a not so completely unexpected reaction to the intense trauma she had experienced. She was just seeking comfort from him she told herself. And it was only this same comfort that he was offering back to her in return. Simple. Nothing more. She closed her eyes, satisfied with her logical rationalizations to explain the feelings she was experiencing. They were both quiet for several minutes. Listening to the strange and un- familiar night sounds of the woods. He thought she had even fallen asleep, but after a moment she spoke. "They're just children Mulder", she said softly, as her breathing began to slow perceptibly, beginning to fall into that lulling pre-sleep pattern. "They may be children Scully, but don't underestimate them. You didn't see them in action when they were searching us and our car, confiscating our weapons. They're armed and dangerous. Don't let their years fool you. I think there's a lot more going on here than Ethan's willing to let on. He's got some kind of hidden agenda. I just haven't figured it out yet. Tomorrow...." He let his words trail off as he looked down at Scully. She was fast asleep. He pulled the quilt up around her so that she was warmly covered. Then he leaned back against what was becoming the all too familiar hard wood of the headboard, trying to get comfortable. 'Tomorrow', he thought. 'Tomorrow we'll get some answers.' **************************************** 7:35 A.M. August 23rd In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia "Eve", Ethan called out to her in a harsh voice. "Get on in there and fix that woman up with your sling. Hurry on up now. We've got a lot to get on with today." This was shaping up to be a worrisome day. Ethan had woke up mad at the world and ready to fight it square. She knew what was ailing him too, but none of her poultices or herbs could heal up his hurts for him. That's cause they came from inside his own self. He was thinking on the man and the woman. They were different, nowhere near like all the ones that had come before them. They didn't fuss and whimper over their lot of being brought here. They took the truth of things and dealt with'em up front. And they was strong of heart and spirit. Like the woman stepping right up to it last night, knowing the pain that was coming and set ready for it anyways. But this morning it was the man that was working at tearing Ethan's insides out. Ethan had been so long used to folks jumping up quick when he said 'git'. The man had pure hate showing plain in his eyes last night for Ethan, and strong words too. They had burned within Ethan's mind, she knew. And they had stayed on within him through the night and into this morning it seemed. His words. His looks. Ethan was plumb set on showing this man the straight fact of the ways here. Eve turned her mind's thinking back to the work at hand, as she picked up a wooden tray from the table. "I be set now Ethan." Ethan pushed himself roughly back from the table, pulling out one of their loaded shot guns from underneath it. One of the other children rushed over to pull back the bar bolt from the bedroom door, knocking on it hard twice in warning. ***** Mulder sat up straight in bed, coming out of a almost completely restless half-sleep in response to the knocking. He could hear the sounds of the bolt being removed from outside the door. Scully stirred beside him, woken by his movements. She struggled to bring herself up to a sitting position, ignoring his reproachful looks of protest. Finally he gave up and reached out to help her up. The door swung open as Eve stepped into the room just before Ethan. Eve carried the tray as she moved over to set it down on the bedside table. She picked up the tin cup left there from the previous night, taking care- ful note of the level of liquid left in it. Calculating quickly in her mind how much the woman must have ingested, and if it would be enough to provide her with the expected healing results. She finally looked over to the man and woman sitting silently close together on the bed. She smiled, right pleased with the rosy color showing up in the woman's cheeks this new day. "Morning Ma'm", she said. "You sure do surprise me some I have to say. Look at you, all woke up and sitting here now like last night was only another time much like any other night. I'm sure glad too you was able to get some of that tea down into you. I know of the bitter taste. But I fixed it up from the root bark from off the wild black cherry plant, as it helps to soothe the nerves and calm the spirit. But you gotta be careful that you use it fresh or its power will draw off. I'll bet on you slept right nice after your sipping of it too. It has the sleeping power in it as well." She moved forward to lay her hands gently on Scully's arm, checking the bandages. Then she removed a hand-fashioned sling made of burlap from her tray. She pulled it over Scully's head, and helped her move her arm to rest within its cradle. Satisfied, she stepped back to admire her handy work. "Later on I'll want to change the dressing off your arm, so I can rub it down good with a poultice made up from witch hazel. It works right well to bring down swelling. There's not so much swelling as there was before but it's still far from normal sized as yet. There be much pain troubling you any now?" "No, as a matter of fact there's hardly any pain anymore. Unless I move it too much. And you're right, whatever ingredients you used in that tea, wild black cherry plant did you say, put me right to sleep, and I'm feeling much better this morning. Thank you Eve, for all your help." "Oh you're right welcome. I was pleasured to help you out. I love to help folks feel right again." She smiled at Scully warmly. "You have some amazing medical skills for someone so young", said Scully. There was something about this girl. She was obviously smart beyond her years, and she had a natural bedside manner. Scully felt connected to her on some level, as women, and with their shared love of medicine. "Wherever did you pick up your knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs?" "It was my Ma who started me out....", Eve began in answer to Scully's innocent question, but was interrupted by Ethan's angry voice. He stepped up next to the end of the bed, shot gun pointed slightly off to the side. His face was flushed with anger. "Just cause we live here, away from your big city world, don't mean we ain't any the less skilled in our ways of doing things", he fairly spit at Scully. Scully took in Ethan's anger with a deliberate patience. He was a strange and moody young man that was quite clear. But there was more. She knew. Last night his words had been gentle when he had spoken to her of his regret over having to hurt her in order to set her arm. But there was something else there as well. Hiding. Beneath the surface. Something going beyond the cover of his voiced apology. Something she was positive that Mulder hadn't picked up on yet. It was no wonder though, because he had been so engrossed with his worry over her these last hours. Too worried to see what was happening around them. But she knew. The same way she knew that the sun would be setting this evening. She knew. Ethan had enjoyed what he had done to her last night. She had seen it in his eyes. First, when he had come into the room last night and had seen that she was no longer unconscious. She wasn't sure then, thinking perhaps she had read his expression and body language in- correctly. But then later. When he had a firm hold of her arm. Getting ready. Asking her if she was ready. Counting to three. He was playing it out. Not for her sake. But in answer to some inner and sadistic need. She saw too. His eyes glinting with half-disguised pleasure. The deter- mined set of his jaw. The way his mouth had trembled with an almost frantic anticipation, just before he had pulled back hard on her arm. It had scared her seeing the depths of violence in his eyes. It was then she had closed her eyes. Only then. He had wanted to hurt her, and he had loved every minute of it. Finally, when it was over. When she was climbing the walls from the cataclysmic pain, just before she had all but passed out. She had struggled to come out of it just long enough to focus on his face for one second. And then she knew for sure that she had been right. He did have regrets. But his regrets weren't for her. His only regrets were that it all had been over so soon. Pushing these disturbing thoughts to the back of her mind, she addressed his anger with a calm serenity. "Ethan, I meant no disrespect to Eve. In fact, I was complimenting her. She's a very intelligent and talented girl." He stared back at the woman fiercely. Hate and fire burning in his belly. These two. They had thoughts they were better than him and his. He would have to bring them down a peg or two. They still were playing with rules from the outside world. But things were different here. He smiled. He had broken better lot than them before. "Eve, if she's feeling so spry, take her on out and get her taught on helping you with the chores. There's plenty enough work around here for more womenfolk." Mulder stood up. "Ethan, it's too soon. She needs rest." "No Mulder", said Scully, throwing back the quilt. "I'm fine." She stood up on shaky feet, with a stubborn set to her features. Eve came over to her hooking an arm around her waist. Mulder watched them as together they started to walk from the room. And he wasn't the only one. Something about him and Scully was setting Ethan on edge. Mulder could tell by the way he studied Scully and Eve as they passed him on the way out. Mulder was quite sure Ethan had never met a woman quite as strong willed and capable as Scully. Finally Ethan turned his attention back to Mulder. "And you city man. It's now on time we dirtied up those city bred hands of yours with some real work. Come on with me now. The day's started late, but get used to the fact from here on in. You and your wife will be rising before the sun's up and working clear on into the dark of night. The wood's here be a hard life. Everyone's got to pull their weight of things. Forget your ways before now. That life is over now. This one's just begun." ******************************************* THE FORGOTTEN ONES III: FACING TRUTHS ******************************************* "Ma?" "Ma?" Scully turned around from the table where she was helping Eve prepare the evening meal. Emily stood there tugging on her skirt. She held out her stuffed bunny 'Widgit'. His stuffing was falling out again and she wanted Scully to help her push it all back into his well worn hide. Scully took the obviously well loved toy into her hands and set to work on it. Her mind wandered, as it did so often lately. A way for her to escape from her everyday reality. She looked down at Emily, as she twirled around and around in front of her, laughing out loud at the dizzying feeling it produced. Funny, she thought, how she still had trouble with that word - 'Ma'. Would she ever get used to it. Everyone else called her Scully, she had insisted. But little Emily had took hold of the word almost from the first day, and just refused to let go of it. Emily, along with Eve, held special places in Scully's heart. When she had first woken up into this strange world so very long ago it seemed now, Mulder had told her that the little girl who had walked in front of their car, causing their accident, had done it deliberately. That little girl had been Emily. Scully had a hard time believing it at the time. But now that she knew Emily so well, it didn't surprise her a bit. Poor Emily. She would never really grow up. Her body would age with the inevitable time, but her mind would always stay seven years old. She lived in her own little world, Emily did. Sometimes, how Scully envied her that freedom. She finished her task, patting ole' 'Widgit' on the head for good measure before handing him back to Emily's eagerly awaiting hands. "Thanks Ma!", Emily cried, jumping up to wrap her tiny arms around Scully's neck. Scully hugged her back tightly, and then shooed her away to play. Eve called to her from across the room. "Scully, you best go fix your tea afore the rest of them get here. They be back right soon." Scully nodded her head, and moved off to prepare the ingredients of her 'special tea'. After the first couple of weeks she and Mulder had been imprisoned here, Eve had pulled her aside quietly into a corner. She told her that she had something special for Scully. 'Something to stop the babies from coming until she and her husband was right ready for them'. It took a minute for Scully's mind to kick in that Eve was talking about contraceptives. She had handed her a box holding an assorted selection of bits of plants and herbs. Eve had gone on, carefully pulling out each one, naming it for Scully, and explaining how they were prepared for consumption. 'Rag leaf Bahia, Indian Paintbrush, Dogbane, Milkweed, False Solomon's Seal', and several others Scully couldn't remember the names of now. She had almost blushed when she realized that she was being schooled in the art of 'medicinal plant' birth control, by a fifteen year old child. And that Eve assumed Mulder would be the father of any babies she would ever give birth to. She had thanked Eve for her con- sideration of her 'plight'. She and Mulder had discussed the fact later that they had to project the image to these people that they were a normal, happily married couple. Which meant making Eve believe that they were doing the things that normal, happily married couples do. But it had to be more convincing than just having Scully taking the contraceptives Eve had offered to her. It also included showing public displays of affection towards each other as well. >From the first day Ethan and the rest had made the assumption that Mulder and Scully were married. Mulder had never corrected them the first time it had surfaced at the scene of their car accident. And later he had tried using this assumed relationship as a ploy, in hopes of getting through to Ethan that Scully was his responsibility, and Ethan did not have his permission to touch her when he made to set her broken arm. It hadn't worked of course. Later, as time passed, they had decided that if Ethan and his family ever knew they weren't actually married, they would probably separate them from the bedroom they shared. Good old-fashioned morals coming into play, in that they had become convinced that the Wilstead family would not take kindly to Mulder and Scully 'living in sin' under their roof. They couldn't risk the chance because they needed the short time they were allowed to actually be alone together each night. To discuss plans of escape. To let down their defenses for a short time. They barely saw each other during the day because Ethan forced Mulder along with him to 'chore' at the crack of dawn. Mulder, Ethan and most of the boys would be gone for the entire day, and sometimes way past dark as well. Scully was left back at the cabin each day, involved in her 'choring' as well, guarded by shot gun from one or the other of the boys each day. It was a way, they knew, of keeping Mulder and Scully in check. Both of them knew that if one tried to make a run for escape the other would be left behind to suffer the consequences. Neither one ever considered the option though, as they refused to put the other in jeopardy. Scully continued with her musings as she went about gathering her 'special tea' preparations. Heating the water. Grinding the ingred- ients. Taking out a cup and a piece of cheesecloth to strain the tea once it was ready. She thought back on the first few days here with the Wilstead family. It had been well past sunset before Ethan and Mulder returned the first time. Scully had been sitting up in bed, trying not to worry about him. Ethan had been so angry at them that day. She half expected him to return without Mulder. Ethan was capable of muder, she had no doubt on that subject. The thought of Mulder dead, lying out there somewhere in the woods where he would never be found again had frightened her down to her very core. Later that night when the door was finally unlocked and Mulder was pushed roughly through it from behind, she barely recognized him for a second. Her eyes widened and her breath quickened as she rushed over to him. The bolt was immediately locked back into place behind him. She reached him just as his knees gave way. She followed him down to the floor, wishing she was able to put both arms around him. She had to settle for one though, as the other was hanging in its sling, cushioned between their bodies. His head hung low and she had to lift his chin to get a good look at him. His face was covered with dried sweat and dirt. His clothes were torn and filthy. But it was his hands that really shocked her. They were covered with angry red blisters, and embedded dirt. From the looks of things he had come as close to being worked to death as a person was liable to get. Somehow she managed to get him over to the bed. She spent the next few hours tugging off his shirt, and washing him down as best she could with one hand. He had fallen asleep almost the first second his head had hit the pillow. Later, finally convinced she had done all she could to ease his pain she had laid down beside him, cradling his head in her lap. Her turn now to minister to his wounds. This ritual repeated itself again and again for many days that followed. Ethan was trying his best to break Mulder's spirit and will. Mulder refused to kowtow to Ethan's less than subtle torture. Each night he would return to her physically exhausted and mentally fatigued. She did her best to soothe both damaged realms. She wasn't sure when exactly it had happened, but Mulder finally built up a tolerance for the grueling, and back-breaking work he was forced to do each day. His blisters hardened eventually into calluses. His muscles firmed. His internal clock attuned itself for the early morning to late evening schedule of work so that he was able to stay awake for longer periods of time after he was returned each night. Her part had been no picnic either. Eve was patient with her, and she caught on quickly. But it was the monotony of the work that wore her down. She was used to a life of applying her intelligence and instincts developed from her many years associated with the FBI, as well as her medical training. Her world used to consist of mental stimulation and using her skills as an agent, and a doctor, to route out clues and solve cases. Now it was just following a schedule, endless and tiring work, and living with an almost abject boredom. She wasn't meant to be tied down by routine. Neither was Mulder. And both were suffering from the increasing strain. There were moments of course, when they were actually able to forget their circumstances for a minute and share a laugh. She smiled now. Like the time Mulder had come back one night. She could tell by the way he had this mischievous grin plastered on his face as he had walked into the door that he was up to something. Later that night he stood before her with both hands behind his back. "Scully, I have a present for you. Can you guess what it is?", he asked her. "A schematic of the woods, complete with an escape route drawn in blood and a teaspoon to dig the tunnel with?, she had dead panned back at him. "Nope", he said as he produced a rather large rounded pine cone from behind his back with a theatrical flourish. "Oh, a pine cone. Well, that would have been my second guess." He had gone on to explain that the pine cone was for her arm. To strengthen it with isometric exercises. He had instructed her to raise her right arm. Which was no small feat in that it had still nowhere near reached the level of 100% usefulness that it had once possessed. She had struggled for a moment trying to get her uncooperative arm to lift from her side to eye level, refusing to resort to a manual method of using her other arm to help her lift it. Mulder finally got tired of watching the battle of wills in response to her frustration over the slow healing process of her broken arm. He came up behind her, slipping his own hand underneath her arm, raising it to the desired position using his strength as her leverage. "That's cheating Mulder", she had told him playfully, using her other elbow to nudge him in the ribs as he stood behind her. "Yeah well, I don't have all night you know. I've got me some pigs to slop and cows to milk come the morning light. The wood needs chopping. The roof could stand some patching. And don't even get me started on the drainage ditch I have to dig for the outhouse." She laughed, as he placed the pine cone in her outstretched hand, resting atop his own. "Okay now. You need to work on building up the strength of that arm. Squeeze it as hard as you can." Scully nodded, as she squeezed with all her power. The hand barely closed around the shape of the pine cone. She relaxed her fingers and tried again. Repeating the exercise until a fine layer of sweat began to break out on her forehead. It had fast become a ritual for her now. The exercise. They knew they would both need to keep in top physical condition for the day when they could risk their escape from the nightmare that had enclosed their lives for so long now. Yes, she thought, they did still have moments of laughter, but they were becoming fewer and further between as more time passed. The first marker of time, an unconscious anniversary of sorts, had been when they could stop counting the days of their confinement on their fingers. After that they made a point of not counting. It was easier to lose track of the passing time. Because each passing day. Each passing minute. Each passing second. All those measures of time, now only served as reminders that another day of their lives was forever lost to them. Another day they would never be able to recover. Scully poured the boiling water from the fireplace kettle carefully into the cup, straining the pulverized ingredients though the cheese- cloth, just the way Eve had taught her. 'Her special tea'. That was another good laugh they had shared. Back when they still believed with a fierce devotion that they would find a way back home. That they would be searched for and found, and finally set free from their prison any day. But when each of their plans for escape had failed and no one ever came, and time marched endlessly on, they silently and indivi- dually began to lose hope. Then the unthinkable started to happen. At least it was something Scully had never believed would manifest itself, but it had, as their relationship had slowly, and perceptibly begun to change. it was moving from the serious and professional business partnership and friendship that they had always shared into something different. She didn't know what to call it now. Neither did he, she was sure. But it was there in the air between them. Their public displays of affection, which they had agreed would have to be shown in order to cover the fact that they had not revealed the truth about their marital status, were in part to blame for it she guessed. Each day now when Mulder returned from his daily trek she would approach him or he would come to her. At first, it had been agonizingly awkward for them both. A forced display. There was nothing behind their actions except self- preservation. The first time his lips had touched hers there was nothing romantic about it. It was just a friendly kiss, only lengthened for effect. It was probably the most platonic kiss she had ever given or received in return. But it had its desired effect on the Wilstead family as they watched them playing out their little performance for their bene- fit. It was just another ritual she had told herself. Another monotony in her new life. Put on the list of things to do - kiss Mulder hello, and then checked off when completed. Somewhere it had changed. She couldn't pinpoint exactly when it had happened - kiss #12, or maybe kiss #26. She didn't know. But it *had* changed. She did know that. When had she started looking forward to the kiss each day she wondered now. When had he started to move his hands to her hips, pulling her close. When had she started to entwine her fingers in his hair, bringing his head down to her in anticipation. When had they both not wanted to stop at just the one kiss each day. She sighed, returning the kettle to the fireplace rod. She lifted the steaming cup to her lips. Then there was the 'special tea'. She knew that was a part of it as well. The fact that they could if they wanted to, without the fear of bringing a child into this nightmare life along with them. But they still held back. Afraid to cross this last barrier because of what it would mean for them both. It would signal defeat. It would be acknowledging that they were giving up on ever finding their way back home. Of ever returning to their normal life in the outside world. of ever reverting back to their platonic/friendship/partner relationship that had been more than enough for them in that other world. And even if they did decide to carry over their new found close- ness when they returned. If they returned. God, how she didn't want to think of their first time being here. If it should ever happen, the memory should be special for them both, to be carried in their hearts forever. There was nothing special here. Nothing she ever wanted to remember. It stirred little in her that she would want to associate with her growing feelings for Mulder. Here there was only pain. Only fear. Only overwhelming hopelessness. Only the hate that emanated from Ethan for them both. The way he drove Mulder down into the ground everyday with his demanding schedule of work. The way he took pleasure in having her serve him his meals or clean up after him. They hated being subservient to him and he knew it. He reveled in his power over them. She still had never mentioned to Mulder about her observations into the warped mind of Ethan Wilstead. Her knowledge of the fact that he had immensely enjoyed inflicting his sadistic pain on her their first night here. She was afraid of what Mulder would do with that information. He and Ethan seemed set on playing a game of one up man ship in testing each other's wills. Everything that Ethan dished out for him Mulder followed through with a home run effort, when a single would have fit just as well, and would have saved them both a lot of time and sweat in the process. They were like high schools rivals sometimes. It would be funny in another setting. A friendly competition between nemesis's. But Ethan was a very dangerous man. It wasn't smart to engage him in games. She no longer thought of Ethan as a boy anymore. There was nothing remotely childish about him. He possessed no innocence. Sometimes she wondered if he ever had. ****************************************** She and Mulder had spent many nights lying in their darkened room dis- cussing Ethan. What his real motivations were for bringing them here. His first night explanations that they had been brought here to fill in for the missing elements of parents to the children just wasn't fitting into the picture of all that had transpired since. For one thing, Ethan constantly went out of his way to belittle them in front of his brothers and sisters. Telling them not to listen to their 'big city ways', as they were wrong and evil. He had nearly exploded with rage when he had found out that Scully had been secretly teaching Eve to read. He had taken the few books that Scully had found in the cabin, which she had been using to teach Eve with, and thrown them into the fireplace. Scully would never forget Eve's stricken face as she watched the books burn. Eve had just recently gotten a glimpse of the world waiting for her there in the words. She had just been beginning to grasp what reading was all about. And now it was gone, figuratively and literately in a puff of smoke. It was obvious to them that Ethan wasn't interested in having them teach the children anything. He would never relinquish the power he relished so much, knowing he was the king of all he sur- veyed. Even if the subjects of his kingdom were a captive one. Scully thought back on the conversation she and Mulder had that same night. "Eve told me there have been five other people taken and brought here before us", said Scully, looking up at the shadows of the trees playing in the wind, as they danced across the ceiling in the soft light issuing from the window. She could also make out the outlines of the boards nailed into place on the windows as well. "One committed suicide", came Mulder's disembodied voice from next to her on the bed. "Yes", she said, turning onto her side, trying to make out his form in the subdued light. "And the others?" "She won't tell me exactly. Just that they tried to run away and were never heard from again. I think she's holding something back from me. Something she's too scared to share right now. I'll keep trying." She could see his shadow head nodding in agreement to her plans. They were both silent for a few minutes, as they treasured these times. The quiet. It was hard to find quiet anymore what with living in a cramped cabin, eleven people strong. But it was more than that. Once they crossed this threshold into this room. Their room. Only then could they truly be themselves. They could talk to each other without wondering if the rest of the inhabitant's would be monitoring their conversation, making assessments on whether 'that' sentence, or 'this' intonation would be one used from a husband to a wife, and vice versa. In this room, and this room only, normalcy resided. "Scully?" "Hmmm?" "Do you think Ethan killed those other people?" "Yes." "You answered that question pretty fast", he said, propping himself up on an elbow to face her direction in the dark. He could see in outline that she had her hands tucked under her cheek, angel prayer fashion. "I've had more than enough time to formulate my opinions about Ethan. He....", she paused. "What?" "Nothing." She was going to tell him about that first night. Her pain, Ethan's pleasure. She had started a dozen different times, but something stopped her each time. Mulder could be very rash and impulsive when it came to protecting her against anything threatening her in any way. He wasn't known for his prudence. If he knew or even suspected that Ethan had gone out of his way to induce and prolong her suffering, she didn't want to think of what he might do. And more than likely his lack of judgement would only succeed in getting himself killed. Maybe it was a selfish desire, but she was sure she would have gone com- pletely mad a long time ago if it weren't for the fact that Mulder was caught up in this insanity along with her. It was her only saving grace. Her only real reason for living anymore. And a part of her knew she was his as well. Mulder reached out in the dark and placed his hand next to her cheek. She closed her eyes savoring the feeling of his warm palm next to her skin. "You can tell me Scully. I know there's something you haven't been telling me. What is it?" Scully took her own hand and placed it over his. "He scares me Mulder. I don't think there's anything he isn't capable of doing. And that includes murder. Yes, I think he killed those people, all of them. They're probably buried out in the woods somewhere right now." Mulder moved closer to her in the dark, as Scully shifted herself to accommodate his body. He gathered her close in his arms. They had spent many such nights lately, wrapped together in this way. Seeking comfort from each other. Where else were they to find it? This was their only sanctuary. Each other. She felt his lips kissing the top of her head. She ran her hand down his back, feeling the strong expanse of the muscles that had built up over the long and grueling weeks. She closed her eyes, knowing that tonight at least she was safe from the nightmares that had been plaguing her sleep so much recently. That was all she could expect anymore. One night. Just one night free from the pain. Scully's returned to the present as Eve came up behind her. "Penny for your thoughts?" "You're bidding on the high side there Eve. They're not worth that much." Scully finished the last dregs of her 'special tea'. Then took the cup over to wash in the old-fashioned water pump sink. Scully could hear Emily outside playing an imaginary game of hide and seek with her- self. "One, Six, Ten, Twenty-five, Three", she called out the numbers in the order that they were assigned in her universe. "Ready or not I'm coming. Right now. I'm coming." Scully smiled. This strange family covered all the bases she couldn't help but think. From Ethan's dementia, to Emily's innocence. The one's in between she had assigned similar titles to as she had gotten to know each one in turn in the long days of confinement. Earnest was the provider. He made sure there was food on their table, and clothes on their backs. Edgar was the musician. He had a beat up old guitar that he played sometimes, singing along in his strong and clear voice. Eve was her dear friend and a gifted healer. She was the core of the family. She held them together. Eloise was the tomboy. Running after the boys trying to keep up with their games. She reminded Scully of herself as a child. Emmet was the clown. Full of mischief and fun. Evangaline was the shy one. Afraid of her own shadow. Locked inside her self made shell. Evan was the dreamer. The one most likely to forget his own head if it wasn't attached to his neck. They were all special children, except for Ethan. They deserved better than what they were getting. Mulder and Scully didn't want to be here. They didn't love them the way parents should love children. They weren't their parents. Scully caught her reflection in the window. Her hair had grown out some and she currently had it pulled back into a ponytail. Her smart business suits and taylored blouses had been replaced by thin cotton dresses that reached down to her knees. She was barefoot. A sensation she still was trying to get used to. Ethan had taken their shoes and burned them. Another measure to ensure it would be that much harder for them to run away. She knew without her customary make-up she barely looked older than Eve. Mulder's face had become covered with facial hair. Not quite a beard, but close. It had taken her awhile to adjust to the scratchiness of his stubble next to her face during their nightly kiss ritual. His suits and ties had been replaced with overalls. The first time she had seen him in them she had burst out laughing. She smiled now slightly bringing the picture to her mind. There hadn't been much lately that had moved her to laughter. It was hard to laugh when you moved methodically from one sorrow to the next. She closed her eyes, feeling the tears begin to fill up behind the lids. It was becoming so hard to hold on to hope. God how she just wanted to turn around and walk out that door. She missed the simple freedoms of her other life. Being allowed to sleep late. Driving a car. Reading a book. Most days she steered away from these kind of reflections. It was too painful. And it only served to deepen her depression. But sometimes it was impossible. Her head lowered, as the first tear slipped out. Then she felt his hands slipping around her waist from behind. She hadn't heard their return. She turned into his body wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. He held her close. "Bad day?" She nodded, as she suddenly realized how normal those words would have been in their other world. If they had really been married. If he was really returning to their home after work, and had found her crying over the sink. In that world it would all fit. But in this world it only meant one thing - today the pain had taken its toll again. Today Ethan and his torture had won out over her perseverance. Today Ethan had won, and she had lost. She wasn't actually keeping score, but she knew he was gaining on her. She gave way to the tears as he held her body. ***************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES IV: BROKEN HEARTS ***************************************** 1:55 A.M. December 16th In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Scully turned over restlessly in her sleep, as her hand automatically reached out, seeking Mulder's warm familiar form beside her. Her fingers traced lazy patterns in the wrinkles of the sheets before she realized that he wasn't there to fill them. She sat up looking for him in the darkened room. As her eyes slowly adjusted to the enveloping night, she was just able to make him out, sitting on the floor very still next to the window. She threw her legs over the side of the bed, dragging the heavy quilt behind her as she moved to join him. She shivered violently against the biting chill. Her bare feet felt like blocks of ice as she crossed the room. How things had changed she couldn't help thinking. It hadn't been all that long ago when she had been so sure that nothing could rival the misery of the blistering heat and humidity of the long and hot summer days. But now that winter was settling in she was fast coming to the conclusion that there was indeed some things worse than the heat. "It's cold Mulder" she said softly as she came up behind him, wrapping the quilt around his shoulders. He said nothing, instead he reached up to her taking her hand, guiding her down to sit on the floor next to him. He extended the cover of the blanket's warmth to include her body as well. She followed the path of his gaze to the window, knowing ahead of time what she would see there. The moon. A small sliver slice of the moon anyway. A tiny fraction of lunar brightness peeking through a crack from one of the pine boards criss-crossed in front of the window. It had always reminded her of a dandelion stubbornly growing half-hazard through a crack in the sidewalk. Defeating the odds. Refusing to be kept from its destiny. Much like the moon's destiny was to shine, whether or not Ethan tried to keep it from them. It was a tiny view, but their only untainted access to the outside world. They sat together in silence this way for many minutes. Watching. Hoping. Wishing. All they myriad kinds of reflections that are saved only for moonlit nights. "Have you ever noticed how short the nights seem here?", he spoke quietly, almost reverently. "And the days are endless", she added, comfortably finishing his sentence for him. He nodded, returning to his thoughts. A part of him just now realizing that he was trying to lengthen the shortness of the night by his sheer will and stubborn refusal to sleep the short hours away. "In the beginning, I used to think it was just me. That the days only seemed long because I am hardly ever allowed to go outside. I miss the feel of the sun on my face." She unconsciously lifted her head towards the window, seeming to strain, searching for the lost rays of the sun that had been stolen from her for so long now. He marveled once again at the complexities of this woman. She never ceased to amaze him. They were so opposite, yet still so much a part of each other that sometimes the depths of his feelings for her scared him. Here he was pining for the quiet nights, while she was aching for the warmth of the sun. He looked at her closely for a moment, touching her cheek lightly, taking his time as he made a careful inventory of her face. The way her hair had grown, touching just below her shoulders now. The angles of her face. The sadness of her eyes. "You've gotten so pale Scully", he said at last. "I've always been pale Mulder", she breathed against his hand warmly. He smiled slightly, dropping his hand from her face, leaving it to rest in her lap. "Maybe I just never bothered to notice before then. But you're even more pale now. It's a different kind of pale somehow." They let the word hang between them heavily. Different. A little word, but it spoke volumes about their lives now. Different. Their thoughts. Their relationship. Everything was different now. "I wish I could give you the sun Scully", he said after awhile in a solemn seriousness. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I know Mulder. I know." Their silence filled the room with its weight. Then finally. "Do you remember the song 'Killing Me Softly' by Roberta Flack?", he asked her, as he quietly hummed a few bars off key. "It's been going through my head for hours now. She nodded her head, smiling at his impromptu serenade. "I know the song." He turned his face away from her looking back at the moon before speak- ing. "He's killing us softly, Scully. Slowly. I don't know how long it will take to finish us off. But he's killing us softly." "Only if we let him Mulder", she said as she reached out and turned his face towards her, memorizing it, looking for the answers to her ques- tions, reading the subtle lines of anguish that had only been added recently. "What brought this on Mulder? Did you have a nightmare?" "No", he said lowering his head for a moment. "I don't have to go to sleep anymore to find my demons. They never go away now. They've found a way to bridge the gap between their world and ours." He leaned forward, touching his forehead to hers. "I only have one unrealized fear left now", he said in a voice barely above a whisper. "What's that?", she asked, running her fingers lightly through his hair. "That Ethan will take you away from me." She smiled as she stood up, taking his hands in hers, pulling him from the floor. "I'm not going anywhere, not tonight anyway. Come on Mulder. It's cold. It's late. I'm tired. let's go to bed." He stood up with her taking the blanket and wrapping it around her shoulders. She faced him as he began walking her backwards towards the bed. "Agent Scully, I'm shocked. What would Skinner say to such an indecent proposition?", he asked her in a playful tone. When her knees reached the edge of the bed, they folded and she dropped across the expanse of the mattress, pulling Mulder down onto it with her. She laughed softly, feeling his weight settle atop her body. Welcoming his warmth, covering her like another blanket against the cold of the night. But still not able to stop wondering when the strangeness of it all would wear off. "The hell with Skinner", she said. "He has no power in this world." She reached up with her hand moving a lock of dark hair away from his eyes. "No power here, just like us." Her words were bold and brazen on the outside, but she was still trying to get used to all this inside. She and Mulder, together each night. Moving ever closer each minute. Together in spirit, as they had always been, but now matching that closeness more and more intimately each passing day with their bodies and hearts. They had slipped only recent- ly, almost quietly, like the turning of a page in a riveting book from one chapter to the next, into this higher level of their relationship. Closer, but still not quite all the way. Yet still undeniably closer. Just holding each other during the night had stopped being enough for them one day. And they had simply moved on. Too little comfort spread too thin trying to cover all the dark corners of their painful world. Comfort had now transformed itself into a greedy monster that kept demanding more and more of them before it would be sated. Mulder's face turn serious as he leaned his head close, just touching his lips to her, looking deep into her eyes before closing his own as he pressed against her lips with a deepening kiss. Scully's body immediately responded to the kiss, as its tender and hungry effects began to spread warmth into every region. So different from that first platonic kiss he had given her so many months ago now. Different. There was that word again. But this different was good she thought, as her heart began to flutter like it always did when he kissed her this way. But sometimes secretly she couldn't help but wonder. If she had been given a choice in the beginning. If she had been forced to choose between living in this nightmare world, but allowed her and Mulder's growing closeness, or staying in their other world with only the platonic/friendship level they had shared before. Which would she choose? Which would he choose? The road taken, traveled and familiar to them leading through to all the carefully safe mapped locations and landmarks of their past, without any surprises along the way? Or the road less traveled and new, offering possibilities of never before explored territories and emotions? Security or Possibilities? Friendship or Love? He began moving his hands down and over the length of her body, as she shivered against the feel of his touch. Her own hand found its way inside his shirt, as she ran her fingers across the skin of his chest. She loved the feel emanating through the heat of his skin, and the resonant thumping beat of his heart pounding through her fingertips. She returned his kiss with a fervent passion. But as always their combined desires heated up and moved things along too quickly. Their hunger, their need to transcend the boundaries of this world, manifest- ing itself into an almost uncontrollable demand before they had barely begun. She could feel his need burning and growing with an urgent insistence between them, and hers rushing to match its pace. He groaned quietly, breathing hard, as he buried his face against her neck, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Then with a mutual, but unspoken agreement he pulled back, away from her, moving to lay down against his pillow. After a moment she lay down on her pillow next to him with her front to his back. Not touching. Waiting for their breathing to return to normal. Controlling their desires. It wasn't time. Not yet. Not tonight. But soon. They knew. It would be soon. After many long minutes he turned back to face her, under control now. He pulled the quilt tight around them, holding her in his arms securely as they slept peacefully through the last few waning hours of the night that were still left to them. ***************************************** 2:45 P.M. December 16th In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Scully was bent over the fireplace stirring a concoction of Eve's design. Some kind of mush that she was sure she was better off not being privy to the list of ingredients it contained. Suddenly the door burst open. Earnest, who had pulled guard duty over Scully this day immediately jumped from his perch in a chair across the room pointing the shot gun in her direction. It took him a moment to realize that the commotion was not of Scully's making. Ethan rushed into the room carrying the limp body of Emily. Eve and Scully raced over to him as he placed her rag doll slack body on a cot near the fireplace. Scully could see that her clothes were soaking wet, and her lips had turned a bluish-gray color. She was breathing though. "Scully", Eve called out to her sharply. "Get on to work heating up the water til' it's boiling to the touch. Go on now." Scully turned quickly, grabbing the kettle in one motion, as she took it over to the sink and started priming the pump impatiently. "What sorry did she come upon here Ethan?", Eve asked him, kneeling down next to her little sister as she began working on removing her sodden clothes. She struggled with the knot on the ever present tether tied to her waist, holding her beloved 'Widgit' in place. She rolled Emily over on her side just long enough to free the stuffed bunny from around her waist. He was dripping wet with the freezing water. Eve tossed him over her shoulders. The toy landed close to Scully's feet who was now standing next to the fireplace just putting the water on to boil. She picked him up quietly. She rubbed her hands over his worn stuffing and wet material before laying him on the hearth to dry out, knowing that Emily would want him back as soon as she was awake. Ethan ran his hands through his hair frantically, looking as close to attaining a human emotion other than his standard range of anger and hate as Scully had ever seen. He loved this child. She had never doubted that fact. They all loved this child. Kin and captive alike. United together only by the innocence of a child. "She was off make-believing in the woods like she always plays at. Next thing I know I hear her a crying loud and miserable like. When I set off after her sounds, I come on her in the creek. She must of been playing on the stones, and just slipped right off." "Did you pull the water on out of her, up through the stomach with your hands Ethan, like I showed you?" He nodded quickly. "Did you see the water come bubble on out of her mouth?" "Yes. Yes. I did, and she spit up a whole bucket full of it too. But she wouldn't answer me any when I called out to her afters. She was cold. So cold Eve. I run her back here right after that." Eve stood up. "Scully work on getting the rest of her clothes off of her quick like. Then dry her down right good with the cloths. After that dress her up warm, clear up to her neck and back, and cover her warm deep with the blankets. I'm going to set on mixing up a poultice brew for her, to draw out the heavy mucus." Scully nodded and set to work. "Ethan, go on and stoke the fire til' it burns up the night sky. It'll need to be plenty warming for her for sure tonight, maybe straight on into the next night and beyond. Don't let it burn down none. You make sure on that Ethan. Don't let it burn down." Scully sat down next to Emily on the cot, as she started removing the child's wet clothing. She couldn't help but wince as she came in contact with the iciness of her skin. She estimated that her body temperature had fallen by dangerous degrees. She would be susceptible to hypothermia, pneumonia, and several other possibilities that were competing for a place of honor in her mind now. She dropped the dress the child had been wearing on the floor, picking up the toweling Eve had put out on the table next to her. She worked quickly, drying off Emily's skin. Putting on heavy dry clothes. Bundling her up with blankets. Finally with her tasks completed, she lowered her head to Emily's chest, trying to use her ears as a make-shift stethoscope. She frowned. Even without the enhanced auditory aid she could hear the rattle in Emily's chest. Meaning only one thing. Fluid in her lungs. She used her vision as well to help in her diagnosis. She watched Emily's chest rise with a ragged pull. A struggle attached to every breath. She caught the faint whistling and rattling echo which followed these efforts as well. Finally, she placed her palm against her brow. Fever. A high fever. So soon too. All of these observations added up to an increasingly bad feeling in Scully's stomach. This child needed the attention of a well-staffed modern hospital if there were to be any hopes of saving her life. She looked over to Eve standing at the table. She was flustered. Obviously over her head on this one. Trying desperately to match the right herb or plant to Emily's symptoms, as Scully could almost hear her mind turning over each possibility - dismissing that one, consider- ing this one. But time was not on their side here. She turned back to the child. She hadn't stirred. The bluish-gray color against her lips still remained. Scully had never felt so helpless in her life. She was a doctor, but there was nothing she could do. Not without the proper facilities and medicine. She stood. There was only one other possibility. She had to try. Ethan stood next to the fireplace. Trying in vain to stuff one more log into the already jammed packed roaring fire. She knew he had heard her approach, but he continued to ignore her. She spoke to his back, refusing to be put off. "Ethan, listen to me please. Your sister's life is at stake here. She needs to be taken to a hospital before...." "No", he interrupted her, not loud, but final. The tone leaving no doubt that he considered the conversation to be over. Scully clutched and unclutched her fists spasmodically. Trying to bring her raging anger under control. The absurd futility and her own feelings of helplessness in this situation were increasing in time to her weaken- ing patience. "Ethan, your sister is very sick. She has fluids trapped in her lungs. Do you understand what that means? She needs to go to the hospi....." He turned around and in one fell swoop back-handed her hard on the left side of her face. Her head snapped back painfully from the force of the blow. But she held her ground. She could hear Eve's startled gasp in the background. She turned her face back to stare at Ethan with hate-filled eyes. "Your arrogant pride is going to get this child killed. If she dies Ethan. You will be to blame. Do you hear me? You will be to blame." For tense minutes they just stood there staring at each other. Their warring anger thick in the air. "Get on into the other room. Now Scully", he said finally between clenched teeth. Eve came behind her slowly as Scully made no move to leave. She whis- pered in Scully's ear, putting her hands on her shoulders as Scully continued to stare darkly at Ethan. "Scully go on now. Things is bad enough here. Don't bring further worry to this mix. Think on Emily right now. She don't need to wake witnessing all this bad air between you two. I'll cater to her now. Go on." Scully pulled her gaze finally from Ethan, as she looked over to little Emily. 'I'm so sorry Emily', she thought desperately. 'I'm so sorry.' She turned then and walked silently over to the bedroom door, opened it and went inside. Ethan bolted the door quickly behind her. ***** 5:25 P.M. December 20th In The Woods, Wilstead Family Burial Ground Hadden, West Virginia They stood together in the almost freezing mist falling steadily from the sky. The ground was already over-saturated, making the mud turn into slush in places. Despite the light rain, the sun was shining brightly, almost as if the heavens were having trouble making up its mind as to what kind of weather to send them on this solemn occasion. The littlest ones were fidgety and restless. They had yet to under- stand the meaning of this day. The loss it signaled for their family. The turning point it would be in their lives. They would come to understand later though. In small doses. The empty place at the dinner table tonight. The bed still unslept in when they woke tomorrow. The laughter that would never again ring out in the woods, echoing with the pure unbridled joy of living. The first fine, moist, clods of earth left the end of the shovel, flying in slow motion before Scully's red and swollen eyes. Falling and turning in the air before coming down to cover the tiny body that waited there for its cold embrace. It would be her last blanket of sorts, for her last sleep. "Oh God wait", Scully cried rushing forward weakly. "Not yet. 'Widgit' She needs him. We have to...." She suddenly forgot the words she wanted to say. She looked back desperately at Mulder behind her, pleading with her eyes for him to help her find the right words. In a second he was beside her. Holding her. "Scully, it's okay. He's here. He's right here. In your hands." She looked down. He was right. She was holding the stuffed bunny tightly in her hands. She noticed his stuffing was coming out again, as she frantically started working to push it back inside. Emily would want her to fix it for her. Mulder watched her shaking fingers desperately trying to fix the child's toy one last time. For Emily. He wiped his eyes quietly, clearing his throat against the sudden lump that had formed. Then he reached out and gently stilled her hands with his own. Pulling the tightly held bunny from her fingers and handing it over to Eve, before enfolding Scully securing in his arms. Eve quietly walked to the edge of the grave and placed the stuffed toy beside her little sister's body. "Bye little one. You're always be walking with us, near our hearts. We'll not never forget you darling. I promise you on that." She stood straight and returned to her place. Ethan formally began the prayer, as the other boys silently worked to fill in the grave of little Emily Wilstead. Scully turned to Mulder unable to watch the outline of her sweet little face underneath the burial cloth as it was covered with the cruel dirt. She lowered her face to his chest, covering her eyes tightly. Her agonized sobs tore from her body with painful jolts. She was mumbling something so low that only Mulder could hear, and even he had to strain. When he finally caught the words it nearly broke his heart in two. "She didn't have to die. She didn't have to die." Over and over again. "Scully. Shhh. It's all right", he said not knowing what to do to soothe her tortured pain. "He killed her", she said suddenly. "Scully?" "Ethan killed Emily. I....", she paused to looked up at him. Her eyes darted wildly, dazed with grief. "She called me 'Ma' Mulder. And I didn't like it. I told her not to at first. But she did it anyway. And now....now I'm never going to hear her say it again. Oh God, what I would give to hear her say it again. I feel like...." "What Scully?", he asked brushing her hair from her eyes. She searched his eyes, as her own clouded with fresh tears. "I feel like I've lost my own child." ******************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES V: DANGEROUS GROUNDS ******************************************** 8:25 P.M. February 16th In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Mulder's jaw muscles clenched and unclenched watching Ethan play out his little game. He looked at the young man closely. It was becoming harder and harder to believe that the seemingly unending depths of evil that he was revealing more of everyday, could possibly be contained in a person so young. How could someone only nineteen years of age managed to acquire so much hate in so few years of actual existence. Mulder had never sub- scribed to the idiom that people could be 'born bad'. But Ethan was fast becoming an exception to the rule. Mulder tried focusing intently on his food, stirring the bland stew around the bowl with a determined concentra- tion. But he wasn't hungry, and he couldn't force himself to eat around the gnawing pain in his gut. He hated feeling powerless in this manner. His natural instincts were screaming at him to do something. Stop this game. He turned slightly in his chair, bringing Edgar just into his line of vision. When he caught Edgar's gaze staring at him in return, shot gun sitting at ready aim in his arms, Mulder turned his attention quickly back to his meal. It was just as he figured. Edgar was watching him very closely. More interested in Mulder's reaction to the events unfold- ing, rather than the actual events themselves. Mulder sighed deeply in frustration. Things were coming to a head. The tension of the last long weeks following Emily's death had been all but crushing the occupant's of the cabin under its weight. Ethan openly blamed him and Scully for the child's death. Despite the fact that Scully had begged him to take the little girl to the hospital for treat- ment. It had been Ethan's decision. It had been Ethan's fault. But somewhere in the illogic of his warped reasoning he had found a way to blame them. To punish them for his own misguided actions. His justifi- cation being that if he hadn't been forced to spend so much time and effort guarding him and Scully he would have been able to prevent Emily's accident. It never occurred to him somehow that their captivity was his making, not theirs. Sometimes he punished them in little ways, like the subtle punishment he was dishing out to Scully right now. Sometimes though he punished them in larger ways. One of the first larger punishments had manifested itself only a week after Emily's death. One morning Ethan had just not come for Mulder at dawn to 'chore' as had always been the rigid and rigorous schedule for these past many months. And Eve had never appeared to summon Scully to her work as well. They had just sat there on the bed for several hours after the rising of the sun. Waiting. Wondering. They were almost pathetic, he realized now, in their resemblance to obedient children waiting to be told what to do. But they waited nonetheless, and still no one came. Even when they had banged on the door trying to get some answers. Finally they had relaxed, as they tried to view this new turn of events as a sort of vacation. They had returned to bed and slept the rest of the day away. The first time in so long that they had been allowed to sleep late. But then later, as they awoke hungry and in desperate need of a trip to the outhouse, they suddenly knew this could only be con- sidered a punishment of some kind. Ethan was angry at them again. For what, only he knew. It was probably just some imaginary slight blown out of proportion in Ethan's twisted mind. The next morning the door was finally unlocked. Eve rushed in with her head lowered, obviously flustered, but not speaking. She wouldn't even look them in the eyes as she went about her task of removing the chamber pot to empty. He and Scully had been forced to use it the night before for the first time ever since their imprisonment. It had leveled them with shame and embarrassment to have to sink to this stage. Their simi- larities to caged animals was becoming more apparent each day, as yet another dignity had been taken away from them by Ethan's dementia. That new day following their twenty-four hour lock-up had proceeded exactly as any other before it. No explanation. No apology. Mulder and Scully had fairly inhaled their breakfast that day, they were so hungry after the prolonged time without food or water. As the days passed endlessly on, they could see a slow pattern building. After the first day locked away, Ethan had been almost friendly towards them for a day or so. Then his anger and hate would return. Slowly. Building. Spiraling towards the next outbreak of torture. He was especially hard on Scully. Mulder felt sure this was more than likely attributed to the fact that she had tried to challenge his authority in order to try and get help for Emily. Scully had told him hesitantly and only two weeks after the fact about the way he had slapped her that day. Despite this confession from her, he still felt there was something she was holding back from him. Some- thing about Ethan she was afraid to tell him. He had tried to push her for more information, but she refused, insisting that was all she knew. Mulder was sure Ethan had probably never had a woman stand up to him before. Mulder could tell that Scully's deep strength and intelligence intimidated him. Ethan went out of his way to flaunt her forced subservience to him whenever an opportunity rose. Just like he was doing now. "Scully, get me some more stew", Ethan ordered her now for the third time. He rarely ate more than one bowl, but he continued to force the food down his throat tonight. Just so he could have the pleasure of making Scully serve him more. Mulder watched Scully's eyes close for just a split second in anger. Eve started to rise in Scully's place, a worried look on her face as she tried to play peacemaker in what was turning into an increasingly stressful situation. Ethan motioned to Eve angrily to sit back down. "No Eve. I want Scully to do it." Scully stood up slowly putting her hands on Eve's shoulders. "It's all right Eve. I'll get it." Mulder watched a small smile work its way to play across Scully's lips. She was up to something. He studied her closer, almost afraid of what she might do that would work to set Ethan off again. It wouldn't take much. Scully moved over to Ethan's place, reached over him taking his empty bowl. "My pleasure", she threw back over her shoulder to him smiling, as she moved towards the fire- place. Mulder closed his eyes. Oh yeah, we're in big trouble now, he thought. But a small part of him was relieved as well. Emily's death had taken a huge toll on Scully. She hardly ever smiled anymore. She was losing weight. Too much weight. Her eyes were always cast over with a sadness these days. This was actually the first evidence of a spark of life returning to her that Mulder had seen for weeks now. She spooned up the stew carefully, filling it to the brim with the steaming brew. She turned and walked back over to Ethan, placing the bowl in front of him. "Is there anything else you would like me to get for you Ethan?", she asked with the sweetness fairly dripping from her tongue. "No", Ethan answered gruffly. "Are you sure?", Scully continued innocently. Ethan ignored her, refusing to look at her. "Water? Bread?" Mulder almost laughed. "How about a fresh napkin?", she went on relentlessly. Ethan turned around in his seat roughly, giving her a hard glare. "I said no", his voice raised. Scully only smiled back at him. "Okay, but only if you're absolutely sure there's nothing else I can do...." "That's enough Scully", he said interrupting her, as the color rushed to his face. He harpooned the stew with his spoon in rage. Mulder smiled to himself. Scully was turning the tables on him. Using his own power over her in this situation to play on his continuing demands of her. Some of the younger children were snickering as well. Ethan was just about to reach the edge of his boiling point. Then Scully proceeded to make it worse. She walked over to Mulder. She stood behind him pressing herself close, as she ran her hands down his shoulders and arms. She leaned close to his ear. "What about you darling?" Mulder's mind was whirling. Scully was never one for personal endearments, even in light of the advent of their growing relationship. She moved one of her hands up to play with his hair, all the while watching Ethan out of the corner of her eyes, watching her. She spoke to Mulder in a deli- berately seductive voice. "Would *you* like some more stew? Or is there something *else* I could do for you maybe? Anything you really *need* right now?" Mulder gulped noisily at her innuendoes. Suddenly he realized what it was she was doing. She was showing Ethan that no matter how hard he tried he would never own her. He could force her to be his personal slave, but she would always be her own woman. And in some respects, Mulder's as well. But she would never be his. Mulder took hold of one of her hands, kissing the back of it lightly. He looked up into her face. "No thank you Scully. If I need anything, I'm more than capable of getting it for myself." She gave him a delighted and mischievous smile, pleased that he was joining in with the mind games she was playing on Ethan this night. "I'm sure you are Mulder. I'm sure you are", she told him sweetly. Ethan stood up suddenly from his chair. "Eve, you and Scully work on clearing this table up right. Get on with it now." He moved quickly towards the door, grabbing his coat from the peg beside it. He stormed out into the cold night. He slammed the door shut behind him with a tremendous force. Scully looked over at the door with a surprised look. "Gee, was it something I said?" ***** 11:45 P.M. February 16th In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Mulder turned over on the pillow, reaching for Scully next to him. He had become sensitive to the signs now. She was having the nightmare. The one about Emily she had told him about back when they first began plaguing her right after the child's death. She had told him it always unfolded in the same fashion. She would be alone in the woods, just walking, in the middle of the night. It would take her a few minutes to realize that she was searching for something. At first, she was confused, not knowing exactly what it was she was seeking. Then she would hear the tiny voice. "One...Six...Ten...Twenty-Five...Three...." It was the ghost echoes of Emily's voice, once more alive and playing her imaginary games. The voice floated over and around her mixing and repeating itself, confusing Scully as to which direction they were emanating from. Then the childish voice filled with joy would change tone suddenly, turning into an agonized and desperate plea for help. "Ma....Ma....I'm so scared afraid Ma....It's so cold.....Mmmaaaaa!" Scully would start running towards the creek, knowing suddenly, with the intimate and cruel fore knowledge that only nightmares can give you, that was where the child was waiting for her. She would burst forth, panting and out of breath, from a grove of trees to find Ethan holding little Emily's head under the freezing cold water. The child's legs and arms thrashing wildly, desperate for air. Scully would run over with a frantic, tearing need to pull this demon off of her child. In her nightmare Emily was always her own child. She could even feel the link to the child's birth and growth in that moment, known to her dream world heart as much as the pages of her own past. But she could never reach her in time. She was always too late. She could see Emily's fight go out of her, along with her last breath, just as she reached the edge of the creek. She would fall down to her knees on the cold earth, breaking under the searing pain that only the loss of a child could possibly tear from a mother's soul. Then Ethan would turn to her. Smiling. ******************************************* "Scully?", Mulder called to her. She was moaning now, her breathing coming in short gasps. "Wake up Scully", he said again, shaking her slightly. Finally she opened her eyes slowly. "Mulder." "Was it the nightmare? The same one?" She closed her eyes for a moment, almost ashamed. "Yes", she said finally. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." He moved closer next to her, as he brushed her damp hair from around her face. "You didn't wake me Scully." She smiled sadly. "You're lying." "Creative embellishment I like to call it." "Yeah, well a rose by any other name is still lying." He looked into her eyes in the darkness, changing the subject of their conversation purposely. "We need to talk Scully. You were playing a very dangerous game with Ethan tonight. That wasn't smart." He could feel her tense up, going on the defensive. "Mulder, I don't need any lectures. I can take care of myself", she said in a suddenly angry voice. She started to turn her face away from him, meaning to roll over onto her side shutting him out with her actions. Mulder reached out grabbing her arm almost roughly, knowing he had to get this out in the open between them before it was too late. "Scully dammit, talk to me. I know what you're trying to do." "You don't know anything Mulder. Let go of my arm." She tried to jerk it back, but he held on tight. "Mulder I'm warning you. If you think what happened with Ethan tonight was dangerous ground, it's nothing compared to where you're thinking of going right now." "You want him to hurt you, don't you Scully?", he demanded of her quietly, increasing the pressure on her arm against her attempts to pull free. "You're crazy", she said, her voice rising. "You blame yourself for Emily's death. You've given up. You don't care now whether you live or die." "Stop it Mulder! I don't want to hear this", she said with all the pent- up rage and frustration that had been building in her these last weeks. She began to thrash about, trying to get away from him. He rolled over on top of her, holding both her arms down. "Scully, I won't let you destroy yourself over this." "The only one I want to destroy right now is you Mulder. Why are you doing this? Let me go!" He held fast to her arms. She was beginning to feel crushed and trapped under the combined weight of his body and his words. Then she began to sob, followed by even more anger directed at herself for losing control and appearing weak. She had never felt such depths of anger. She hated Mulder right now. Hated him. "It wasn't your fault Scully." "Please....", she cried, struggling. "There wasn't anything more you could have done to save her." "Stop....Please....Mulder, I'm begging you", she pleaded desperately with him. He could feel her body shaking with her anger beneath him. He hated hurting her like this, but he was more concerned with her state of mind lately. He had to force her to work through the grief that had been bottled up inside of her ever since Emily's death. She had returned from the gravesite changed in ways that scared Mulder to death. It wasn't just the fact that she never smiled anymore. Or even that she was losing too much weight. She had simply stopped caring. About everything. She had pushed Ethan tonight for one reason, and for one reason only. She wanted him to lash out at her. To punish her for Emily. She wanted to be blamed, because she blamed herself. And as much as he didn't want to believe it - he felt sure she didn't want to live anymore. Even if she wouldn't admit it to herself. "I won't let you go Scully. You're not leaving me that easy." "God, you're as sick as Ethan. Worse, because you pretend to care about me. You don't own me Mulder. I wish I had never met you", the words left her mouth wrapped in venom. And they cut through him like a knife. He knew it. She knew it too, as she suddenly stopped struggling. There followed a strange silence in the air between them for a moment before Mulder finally broke it. "I wish you had never met me either Scully. You wouldn't be here right now going through this pain if you hadn't", he said quietly. "Oh God, Mulder. I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean....I was angry." He lowered his head to her neck, burying his face in her warmth. She could feel his hot breath against her skin. Her own breath caught in her throat, as she cried softly. "Mulder, please, I'm so sorry. You were right. I was pushing Ethan tonight on purpose. I was just so tired of the pain.....", she paused. "Mulder. Please. Let go of my arms. I won't walk away from this now. I promise." He slowly eased the pressure off of her arms, raising his head, as he propped himself up on his elbows. He made no move to remove his weight though, as he waited for her to continue. "I don't know when it happened. After Emily I'm sure. But I finally admitted to myself that we're never going to get out of here. We're going to die here Mulder." "Scully.....", Mulder started, but she put her fingers against his lips to quiet him. "Mulder please, no creative embellishments now. Okay?" She nodded to his unspoken agreement to let her have her say before continuing. "We were lost at the time of our car accident. We were on a case investi- gating possible UFO abductions, totally unrelated to where we ended up. It's not all that unusual around here for people to disappear and never be found again. I mean look at the five people that fell into this trap before us. So first of all, any search for us would have begun around our last investigation. When that panned out, then it probably widened into the general area. But Mulder, we both know this part of the country is covered with woods. Miles and miles of woods. Even it they had stumbled onto the right general area, it would still be almost impossible for them to find us. We don't even know for sure where we are ourselves. Eve told me that they went back during the first week and camouflaged the car so well that nobody could possibly see it from the road." She reached up and draped her arms around Mulder's neck, as he rubbed his own up and down the length of her arm. "I know we said we weren't going to keep track of the time. But I can't help it, and I think you know too. It's going on six months now Mulder. There are no more search parties. We've been given up for dead. We no longer exist anymore to the outside world. I know it and you know it too. We tried Mulder. How many times have we tried to escape? Ten? Twenty? I've lost count. But they've always failed. Ethan's had a lot of people to practice on before we came along. He knowS our every move." She looked up into his eyes, with tears coming back fresh into her own. "Yes Mulder, I had given up. When Emily died....I wanted to die too. I was just so tired of everything. I had failed Emily, and I thought I wanted to join her. By pushing Ethan...." "Scully please...." "Wait Mulder. Let me finish." He nodded. "I don't want to join her anymore Mulder. I mean it. What I said a minute ago, that I wished I had never met you. As soon as I said it I knew how wrong I was. I have never in my entire life wanted to retract something I have said so very much. If I could go back again to the beginning when we first met, even if it meant knowing I could have avoided all of the mess we're in now - I would still, without a single hesitation, open that door into the basement of the 'FBI's most unwanted. You asked me once before if I would ever change a day? The answer is still 'no' Mulder. Not a day. Not a single day." God, Scully I....." She interrupted him again, but this time it was to pull his head down to her lips. Their kiss was deep and hungry, full of all the built up tension they so desperately needed to release. He could hardly control his passion as she moved underneath him with an equal urgency. He smiled into their kiss. She was back. Scully was back from whatever hell she had been living in since the days following Emily's death. Then suddenly she reached between them pushing firmly against his chest, breaking their embrace. He pulled back slightly. She looked into his questioning eyes seriously. He could feel the thumping of her heart reverberated back strongly through his hands. "Mulder, I think we've waited long enough", she said softly. He looked into her face, searching. Asking a million questions and having them answered before he actually spoke out loud. "Scully are you sure? We can just go on like it's been. We don't have to go any further. I don't want those words to be ones you'll also wish later that you could take back." She smiled at his concern for her. "I'm sure Mulder." He nodded, as he sat up on his knees slowly. Smiling down at her. He started to unbutton his shirt, but she reached up to move his hands away so that she could finish the job. She moved the halves of his shirt apart and off of his shoulders, as she bent forward to kiss his chest. Her lips so warm and tender against his skin were enough to drive him crazy. As much as he wanted to draw this out, the sheer fact that they had waited so long, he knew would ensure that this first time was going to happen in a frenzy of passion that neither of them was going to be able to control. He shrugged the shirt the rest of the way from his body, as he pushed her gently back down unto the bed. He covered her mouth greedily, barely allowing either of them a chance to breathe. He ran his hands down her body. Almost lost in the realization that tonight he didn't have to worry about control. About stopping before they went too far. He reached for the hem of her light cotton frock, pulling it back and up over her body. He could feel the tremors of pleasure running through her body. She broke their kiss just long enough to lift her hips so that he could remove the thin garment over her body and off in one motion. Then she reached back up to him, pulling him down until finally they were touching skin to skin. It was too much. The sensation of being this close to her. He could not wait any longer. He paused though, long enough to look into her eyes once again. He could see and feel her passion mirrored back at him. He reached down between them removing the last article of her clothing, before sitting up long enough to remove his remaining clothes as well. He leaned down, nuzzling her neck. "Scully, I love you", he whispered in her ear, just before they finally became one. ******************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES VI: GATHERING STORMS ******************************************** 1:15 A.M. February 17th In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Scully's heart was racing, lost within its effort to out run the next beat. For four years now she had been many things to this man, and he to her. All save one. Lovers. And in just one moment they would become that as well. She mentally tried to count how many times she had brushed aside the rumor mills and sly innuendoes of fellow workers, family and friends. The suspected intimacies of their lives becoming the hot topic of many Monday morning coffee break gossip and water cooler fodder. Her family get together flights of small talk conversa- tions. Chance meetings in grocery stores and bank teller lines. Hurried conversations. Catching up on the lives of old friends left behind, who asked for quick synopsis of the passing years they had missed in her life. All questions sent with practiced aim in an effort to fit their rela- tionship into one neat and tidy package. One they could understand. A friend, she would answer. A partner, she would insist. 'That's all?', their reply. Delivered in customary tones of shock. Dismay. Some with a raised brow of disbelief. Others with a look of pity for her loss. Still more with a wink, and the unspoken promise - 'it's okay you can tell me the truth, I won't tell'. How many of them already believed that they had been sleeping together almost from that very first day. More for than against she suspected. It was true what she had said all those time, Mulder was all those things to her and more. But the intricacies of their relationship stubbornly defied simple categories. He was her friend. Her partner. Even her nemesis at times. He was capable of sparking the full gambit of her emotions and responses. Sometimes with just a single look. Respect. Pride. Sympathy. Apathy. Anger. Disappointment. Laughter. She thought of all the possibilities, realizing that there was not one that she could not attach to some aspect of their relation- ship. And love? Yes, her heart left no doubt on that point. But before now she had never realized the depths of that love or even that it was possible that this love, first grounded in friendship, had always possessed the elements to change over time. And until tonight she had honestly believed that what they shared before now had been enough. That she could not ask or expect more. It was also in part that they both knew how much of themselves had been invested in all that they had shared before. Could it be that they had held back, just on the simple belief that they would not have anything more left of themselves to give each other. She knew now though. They had been wrong. So wrong. The cold air of the room, still chilled from the withering effects of the long winter came into contact with her skin. The frost of the air fighting the fever heat of her body, compromising finally on a warmness that spread throughout her being. She watched transfixed as the dress he had just removed from her body fell now in a liquid pool from his fingertips, to gather in a bundle on the floor. She pulled his head down to hers. Demanding. Reveling in the first shock of his naked chest to hers. Kissing his lips, tasting his body with each breath. She lingered there until her lungs demanded that she breathe again. And she did so, but only reluctantly. He reached between them, deftly removing her last article of clothing. Ripping the thin garment in his haste. She ran her hands across his chest, lifting her head to kiss and taste his nipples. He arched. Then suddenly moved away to the edge of the bed, removing his remaining clothes with a record speed. Standing before her now as he kicked his trousers away. His need full and hard now before her eyes. He was all she had imagined and more. And then he reached for her again, as she fell back pulling him unto her. She felt his hands moving, roaming, touching her over the firmness of her breasts. The arousal of his touch burning the sensitive flesh to hardened nubs. It felt like animated magic, leaving trails of pleasure in their wake. His hands. She wanted to watch them. She wanted to show him where to put them. Where she wanted them to touch. Then as if reading her mind he knew, exactly, where and how, and showed her each move with careful and exquisite detail. Then her body raced, followed languidly by her mind to the next sensory flood of sensation. The feeling of his hardness straining for attention between them. The knowledge of what it meant, and where it would be taking them. Their relation- ship. Their bodies. Their lives. All of these awareness' were fighting for premium space, as one pleasure rolled unto the next. Until there was no break in the unrelenting momentum. And just as quick, all else forgotten as she could focus on only on goal, and one goal only. She wanted him inside her. Now. Her body writhing beneath his desperately, aching and ready, urgently trying to telegraph her wants. Her needs. And his as well. He moved his knee forward, spreading her legs wide. Moving his length to hover over hers. She could feel him poised just on the edge of her opening, almost there. So close she wanted to scream. Her breath was leaving her body hard becoming swept up into her passion. She ran her hands down his back, encir- cling his hips and the firm roundness of his cheeks, pulling, urging him to give her what she wanted. He paused, as he lowered his head to her neck. She could feel his breath, almost panting. "Scully, I love you", he said, the words tingeing the fine hairs on the nape of her neck like sparks of lightening. She smiled with happiness into his neck. Scully. He had called her Scully, even now. And it was right. So right. They had started the journey this way. It was only fitting now that they should give them their due. Scully, not Dana. Mulder, not Fox. They were two other people. They did not belong here. Mulder and Scully had been the ones who had worked together these past years, forging the beginnings from amid the doubts and subjective theories. Her facts to his fancies. Mulder and Scully had been the ones who had suffered through the pain. Fought all the battles. Paid all the dire conse- quences. And felt the myriad losses, both personally and profession- ally. Even now, in this demon world they had become trapped in, they were still caught here as Mulder and Scully. They had paid their dues, and now it was their sovereign destiny to be allowed to reap the pleasures. Fox and Dana belonged to family members and long lost school chums. Peripheral people, those just met once and then forgotten. Formal documents and official statements. Address labels and paychecks. All these things they could have. But this? No. This belonged to Mulder and Scully. Only to them. It would be too simple to fall into those other personas now. To distance themselves from this decision. To say it wasn't Mulder and Scully about to make love now. If called by Dana and Fox they could still go on with some semblance of what they had always been, no ripple to upset the fabric of their lives. No complications. Regrets could be assigned to the impetuous natures of Dana and Fox. "Mulder, I love you too", she breathed back into his ear, needing to let him know that she understood the meaning behind his use of that name. She could see the last vestiges of his doubt about the strength of her complete willingness in this decision evapor- ate from his mind before her very eyes. Yes. Mulder and Scully. It was their turn now. She reached her hand between their bodies, no longer able to wait. Grinding her hips in anticipation. She took hold of his shaft, feeling the length and texture. Smiling softly at his answering groans of pleasure caused by her touch. Guiding him towards her waiting body, as he followed her lead. He began pushing himself inside of her slowly. Her breath caught as soon as she felt him enter her. Before he had even filled her, she knew she was forever lost. "Ohh...Mulder", she moaned softly. Almost forgetting what the meaning and concept of language truly was, as no words could begin to express this experience they were sharing. Raw. Wild. Unbridled. The words rushed through her mind, as she dismissed each one. They were all inadequate. No, none of those words did this justice. Her body began shuddering almost immediately. Caught up in the throes of this long awaited release of pleasure. He grasped at her body, tugging at her hips, urging the intensity of their union. He pushed down deeper and deeper until finally reaching her center, and then back again, almost completely out of her. And diving deep once more, increasing the pace and force with each thrust. The rolls and waves of pleasure assaulted her senses. She arched her back to meet his thrusts, grabbing the headboard with both hands in a desperate effort to focus what was becoming for her a very tenuous hold on reality. Turning her head from side to side on the pillow. Biting her lips with the deepening and oh so quick race towards complete satisfaction. Trying not to act on the sudden and overwhelming need to scream out with the echoes of ecstasy resounding through her body. Oh God, just the feel of him moving inside of her was enough to bring her over the top. The thought alone might do it as well, she realized. The heat. The desire. The simple need. All of it. He moved forcefully, pounding into her, equally lost. No more able to slow his frantic rhythm than the world from revolving. He reached up, his hands sliding along the path of her arms from shoulders to wrist, pulling her hands away from the spindles of the headboard. "Scully", his breathing labored. "I want all of you. All." He moved his hands underneath her body, grabbing and kneading the flesh of her buttocks as he lifted them still joined. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he lowered her down once again. Her head was near the edge of the bed, almost hanging over now. He ran his hands down her thighs, bending her knees back high, as he increased the demands of his thrusting to ever strident levels. Harder Deeper. She moaned and gasped, almost losing complete control. She forced her mind to remember the dictates of their surroundings. The door locked from the outside. The people just beyond. Ethan. It seemed almost as if their love making were some forbidden fruit. One destined to be hidden behind closed doors, and carefully muted noise. Not only an outcropping of their captivity, but their long denial of this moment as well. But she refused to let Ethan take this from her, as he had taken their freedom. This was hers and his. It belonged to Mulder and Scully. Not Dana's. Not Fox's. And never Ethan's. She could feel the intense inner pressure building within her yet again, as she wrapped her legs around his hips tightly. Trying to become an extension of his body, as his mouth covered one of her breasts with searching lips. "Oh God...", she whispered desperately, as their bodies slid and rocked against the bed. 'Too much', her brain tried to tell her. 'Not enough', her body argued. "Scully, you are so beautiful", he whispered. She opened her eyes to see him staring at her intently. They smiled at each other, mar- veling and matching the mirror of their eyes to the pace of their bodies as their love built to the final ebb and flow of its cres- cendo. She met his kiss with red and swollen lips, almost bruised in some ways from the journey they had made tonight. A journey that had begun four long years ago. These same lips had eagerly and with welcomed anticipation explored his body tonight for the first time. Making discoveries. Revelations. Some blissfully expected. Some wondrously not. But they were all hers now. She touched her lips to his ever so lightly. Promising more, and giving it all at the same time. "Scully", he moaned against her lips, playing out the syllables into a half song, filled with his aching tenderness. She captured the tone of the name just as he had said it. Memorizing it and playing it back. She had heard him utter her name a thousand times before. Each one played a different tune to her ears. There was the - 'I'm sorry Scully'. The - 'Why can't you believe Scully', and so many more stored and categorized in the recesses of her mind. But this 'Scully' she had never heard before tonight. This 'Scully' had been hidden from her until now. Perhaps only uttered in his dreams? This 'Scully' spoke of his love for her. His need for her. His thrusts were becoming almost brutal, and she knew that neither of them would be able to last much longer. She felt his hands slide underneath her back, lifting her, pulling her up into his arms. They clung together this way, face to face, as their bodies hurled toward the explosion of the culmination of their union. Her lips began to tremble from the force of the pleasure that suddenly rocked her body. She threw her head back, supported by his arms, riding the waves. Then she felt his release follow her, as he emptied deep inside of her. She wrapped her arms around his still quivering body, with her own shaking arms as she buried her head in his shoulder. Lightly biting it in an effort to cut off the cries in her throat as she raked her fingers down his back. Exhausted and fairly dripping with sweat they grasped their bodies close for many minutes. Coming down from the intense experience. Their breathing ragged and hard, but finally beginning to slow. ********************************************** Mulder played with the damp hair around Scully's neck and face as he brought his forehead down to touch hers. "Scully....", he began. "I know....", she finished. He nodded slowly as he gently withdrew himself from her body. He reached behind them, drawing the heavy quilt around both of their shoulders, as they lay down together on the pillows. He pulled her body atop his, looking into her eyes. Their spirits seemed so in tune at this moment that even their breathing settled into matching patterns. She traced the firm line of his jaw with one finger, up and over his lips in a slow and easy fashion. "Mulder, if you had asked me six months ago I would have said with every conviction that we would never have reached this step. I don't regret, not for one single moment, what happened here tonight. In fact, I'm almost grateful in a demented sort of way, for the car accident, being kept here against our will. Without all that, I don't know if we would have ever gotten to this point on the outside." "Why Scully? Didn't you ever think about it? Imagine it? Fantasize? I know I have." She smiled thinking of him thinking of her that way. "Yes Mulder, I won't lie. I did. But I was so afraid of losing what we have together. I wasn't willing to risk, what has become over the past four years, the most satisfying and intimate relationship of my life. You aren't the easiest person to figure out Mulder. But you are, with- out a doubt the most fascinating, multi-faceted, complex and caring person I have ever known. And....", she paused. "What?", he asked running his hand through her hair absently. "And I've always felt lucky and blessed knowing that no matter what, I've somehow managed to become the most important person in your life. Just as you've taken that role in mine. I thought it would be less complicated to distance ourselves from further intimacy. We had grown so very close. I couldn't stand the thought of losing that, and I've always thought you've felt the same way." "And now?", he prompted. "And now I feel cheated. It's so ironic to have all my fears about our relationship proved unfounded in the reality of it. Only to have to deal with a whole new set of rules in its place. New rules. New fears. As a matter of fact, all this time during the last six months the one thing I've felt has held me back from you for so long is the total unreality of this place and situation." "You thought by giving your love to me it would signify that you are acknowledging the power Ethan holds over us. It would give some tangent and physical proof to the belief that we are never going to escape from here?" "Yes", she said quietly. Once again amazed at the knowledge this man had of her very soul. "Scully", he said as he brought her face close to his. "I made you a promise once. That time I was holding you in my arms as well, only you couldn't hear me because...." "That first night? My arm?", she asked. "Yes. Scully, we'll get out of here. I promised then, and I'm reaffirming that promise now. We will get back home again." He kissed her deeply. She smiled into the kiss, as she felt the stirring of his awakening arousal. "Mulder, don't start something here you can't finish. We've only got about two hours left to sleep before we have to get up. And besides that", she said nestling down into his arms, "I'm about a quart full of Mulder right now, and I'm too exhausted to take any more to- night. "Sleep Mulder", she commanded "Sleep." ***** 8:45 A.M. February 20th In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia But Scully had been wrong. No one came for them in two hours. Mulder crawled across the cold wooden floor. He grimaced as he felt the tiny splinters from the rough and unfinished pine board floor painfully enter the skin of his palms. He had been using his hands to drag himself over to the bedroom door. It had been three days now. Three days since Ethan had locked him and Scully here in their room. Three days since either of them had been given food or water. As he finally reached his goal he pushed himself up awkwardly to rest his back against the door. He was out of breath, almost heaving from the exertion. He looked over to the bed. Scully was lying on her stomach, draped across the bed with her arms hanging over the side. Her hair was thrown down over her head. She hadn't moved for a long time now. Mulder reached behind him, banging on the door weakly with his fist. "Ethan", he called, knowing he would not respond. "Dammit Ethan. Give us some water." His hand dropped to his side again, spent from the amount of effort it had taken him. He shivered. The room was cold, filled with an icy chill. He moved forward determinedly on his hands and knees, working his way back to the bed. To Scully. Once there he crawled in beside her, turning her over on her back. She was sleeping deeply. Too deeply and for too long. "Scully", he called to her. He slapped her lightly, trying to get a response. Finally, she opened her eyes. "Mulder", she said sleepily. He smiled at her, reaching for the quilt, as her pulled her close wrapping his arms around her waist. "You were right Mulder", she said after a minute. "Right about what?" "He is killing us softly." ******************************************* THE FORGOTTEN ONES VII: TROUBLED SOULS ******************************************* 4:25 A.M. February 21st In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Eve pressed her ear tight against the cool wood grain of the locked door leading into the bedroom. She was so scared. Her heart was pounding, ready to burst from the strain. She had never felt this depth of fright before. The cabin made a settling noise around itself, which caused her to jump nearly out of her skin. She was afraid that Ethan had woken up. He would be so angry to find her here. Ethan had never raised a hand to her in all her fifteen years, but now she was afraid of him. Of her very own brother. Since Emily had died....no, before that even, she realized now, he had changed. She turned her scared rabbit-wide eyes back to the door. Four days. Four days since Ethan had Mulder and Scully locked in there. No food. No water. Nothing. And now, she couldn't hear anything from inside. There had been no noise coming from behind the door for most of the night. The first days had been horrible. Listening to them pounding on the door. Confused and demanding an explanation. Then later pleading and begging for water and food. She could feel their misery during those times. But she had been helpless. Ethan had threatened the rest of them that if they even thought of going to their aid he would tan their hides good. She had thought then that there could be nothing worse than listening to folks crying out for help, and not being able to give them that help. But then the silence came. And she found she actually missed the noise. Because it had meant that at least they were still there in spirit. Still fighting. Now she was so afraid that they were.... she couldn't even bring herself to think of the word. But she knew, they had already been weak before this. Ethan worked them nearly to death each day. She just wasn't sure how long they would be able to last. She leaned against the door, until it was flush with her open palms and one side of her face. She mouthed the words she was too afraid to speak out loud. Trying to communicate somehow with the tragic occupants on the other side. 'I'm sorry', her lips mouthed with silent echoes. She turned slowly away from the door. Reluctan- ly. But she couldn't push her luck any further as far as Ethan find- ing out. She crossed the room, returning to her narrow cot. Feigning sleep. Because she knew there would be no more rest for her tonight. **** Ethan watched silently and secretly seething from across the room, as Eve returned to her bed. His cold eyes reflecting off the beams of moonlight coming in from the window. The glow that issued forth was like the hungry and rabid mad orbs of some mythical beast animal. Eve. His Eve. His very own blood. She was going against him. For them. Why couldn't she understand. Why couldn't she see things the way he knew them to be. These people. Mulder and Scully. They were the cause of all the misery that had befallen him and his family. Just like all the others before them. They deserved this punishment and worse. Especially after that little play act Scully had pulled the other night. She had been making fun of him. Him and his family. I'll bet she isn't laughing now, he thought with no small satisfaction. His mind changed tracks suddenly. He would let them out tomorrow. He had already reached the decision. He would even let them off work details for a couple of days so that they could recover. He could be fair. More than fair. He looked over at Eve tossing and turning on her own cot across the room. He was doing all this for her, and the others. It was his responsibility to make sure that they would be taken care of in his absence. If anything should happen to him, he had to know there would be someone to take his place. But whoever it was had to follow his rules, and his thoughts about what was right for his family. To ensure this, he had to keep showing them who was boss here. Who made the decisions. It was only because he wished it that they were even allowed to breathe. Surely they knew that by now. Once they came around straight to his way of thinking on things it would be that much easier on them. He had told the man that on the very first night. He should have listened. It was only when they disobeyed that he lost control. But even then it only got real bad when they pushed him too far, he rationalized to himself. They made him do the things he did. Only when they went against his wishes. Only when they talked back. Only when they... they....she....they....she....his mind suddenly began flipping back and forth. They....Scully and Mulder...Scully...Emily...Scully... Emily. Emily. Emily had talked back to him. She had told him 'no'. He drifted back into his muddled thoughts. Remembering. Re- membering, but not wanting to remember. He fought in vain against the direction his mind was heading. He didn't want to go there again. But he had no choice tonight. The door was open, and some things would not be denied. He closed his eyes, resigned. He had found Emily playing near the creek that day. She had been singing. Something about a frog, and a rock, and a rainbow with a pot of gold. It made no sense, except to her. She had sang out loud, with youthful abandon, strong and sweet. He had loved Emily. Emily had loved him. It had always been that way between them. She had never once disobeyed him, never talked back to him. Until that fateful day. She had smiled happily as soon as she had seen him. She had run to him with her arms outstretched, hugging him tight. He had told her it was time to come with him now. That it was get- ting too cold for her to be playing near the water. She had nodded, so quick as always to understand that what he was telling her to do was for her own good. He had always looked out for her best interests. She had been his world. She had put her tiny hand in his as they had started walking back towards the woods. Then suddenly she had stopped. "Widgit", she had cried, running back to the edge of the creek. He had followed right behind her. She had scooped him up from his resting place atop a large and decayed tree log. She had frowned, seeing once again that his stuffing was starting to fall out. Ethan had reached down, meaning to take the toy from her and fix it. But she had pulled it away, hiding it behind her back. "No. I want 'Ma' to do it. She does it up real good. Better than you", she had said to him, with all the sincerity and faith that a child holds in such things. Scully, he had thought darkly. She's picking Scully over me. I've broken my back raising this child all these years, and she's abandon- ing me for a woman she barely knows. Emily was choosing to leave him. Just like his parents. Just like all the others. A red fog had begun to invade his thoughts and senses, blocking out every- thing at that moment except his fiery need to take this toy from this child. To fix it. *He* was Emily's family. Not Scully. It was his responsibility, as it had always been. "She's not your 'Ma' Emily. Now give it here. I mean it." It was a warning. A plead. A desperate attempt to stop the events from proceeding any further. "No!" Her one word, forever sealing her fate. He had reached down, grabbing her thin arms roughly, wrestling the toy from her tight grip with a simple tug. "Ethan! Give it here", she had wailed, tears starting to run down her face. She had encircled his body, jumping up trying to grab her beloved toy back from him. "Stop it Emily. Stop it! I'll fix it and give it back to you. Just stop it now you hear." But she wouldn't. She wouldn't. God help him, she wouldn't. Finally exasperated and angry beyond the limits of his own beliefs he had thrown the toy. It had landed at the edge of the creek, further down the bank. It had toppled on its final bounce, falling into the freezing water. Emily had looked at Ethan stricken. "I hate you!", she had cried. "I hate you Ethan!" She kept repeat- ing the sentence over and over again until he thought it would sear itself straight into his brain patterns. She had run over to where 'Widgit' had landed, with Ethan close behind. "I hate you Ethan", she had said again, picking up the sopping wet bunny from the water's edge. "I want 'Ma". I'm gonna go home right now and fib on you to 'Ma'. You're bad Ethan. You're bad and you're mean. I'm not gonna be your friend no more. I love 'Ma'. Not you. No more. Not you Ethan...Not you" "Not you...Not you...Not you...Not you..." He closed his eyes now as the vile words grew and repeated over and over in his fevered brain. He covered his ears, trying to block out the sounds. The voice. The memory itself. Finally, when they had receded back into the dark pit from which they had sprung he opened his eyes again. He could never remember for sure what had happened after that. Or maybe he didn't want to. He only remembered waking later and finding Emily there in the water. Her eyes closed. Her lips blue and cold. His own clothes soaked to the skin. He had desperately pulled her nearly lifeless body from the depths of the frigid water. Trying to pull the water out of her body with shaking hands. Then as he lifted her tiny form into his arms, he had grabbed 'Widgit' as well, tucking him into his tether rope place. Returning him to her. She had asked him, and now too late, he was complying with her wishes. He had turned stumbling, with Emily cradled in his arms and had run back to the cabin. Where she had later died. Now as he was forced to concentrate on the confusing images and thoughts rushing at him. He could almost make the lost connection between himself and Emily's death. His last remaining vestige of humanity fighting to bring a sentience and some small spark of remorse to his cancerous soul. But just as quickly it passed. The cold hard glint of his eyes returning to their former burn of a monstrous glow. And there was nothing left mirrored there that was remotely human anymore. ******************************************* 12:55 P.M. February 21st In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Scully clutched her stomach under her arms, with her knees pulled tightly into herself. She would never have imagined it was possible to be this hungry and thirsty. The sensations intruding and influenc- ing every breath she took. The constant pangs never letting up or allowing rest anymore. Their bodies, she realized, were beginning to consume themselves. Attacking the reserves of fat in an age-old involuntary attempt at self-preservation. But as bad as the hunger was, it still paled in comparison to the thirst. And she knew that was their worst enemy right now. The lack of moisture. Life-giving moisture. She tried to lick her dry and cracked lips. Her mouth felt like sandpaper, rough and arid dry. She turned unto her other side. The small exertion made her head start pounding. And her body began to tremble, shaking like a leaf. Mulder was asleep next to her. She was grateful. He needed the rest. Whatever rest he was able to steal. She looked into his face closely. She reached out tentatively, needing to touch his face, yet afraid to wake him. But she needed to know that he was still here with her. She ran her hand along the contours of his face, and was once again flooded with and amazed at the depths of her feelings for Mulder. God, how she loved this man. She smiled now at the memory of their love-making that even this small touch of his face rekindled in her mind and body. She hoped fervently that it would not end up being their one and only time together. But as Ethan seemed so hell-bent on killing them, it very well could end up being just that. He always found a way to steal their moments of happiness. No matter how much they tried to keep him from stifling their will and resolve. Ethan was a master, unparalleled by none, when it came to inflicting pain. Mulder began to stir against the caress of her hand on his face. He opened his eyes slowly. "Hi", he said softly, lifting her hand from his face to kiss her palm. "Hi yourself", she answered back. "Chocolate", he said suddenly, smiling mischievously. She groaned, envisioning unwrapping a candy bar with all the pomp and circumstance of a political office candidate being sworn into office. As the thought equaled in importance to her food less world right now. It was a game they had started playing two days into this ordeal. A way to pass time, and also a sort of 'in your face' way of dealing with the lack of food and water. They had taken turns naming what would be their first choice of food once they were freed and away from the shackles of this insanity. "You're heartless Mulder." "Sorry, I was dreaming about it", he said sheepishly. "Well, actually about chocolate and you." He rolled over slowly and with some effort to rest himself lightly atop her body. "Let me guess. Does it involve a life-sized fondue pot?", she teased him. He laughed. Then turned serious. "Scully, I wish I had the strength to make love to you right now." She smiled sadly. "Me too Mulder. Me too." He reached down and underneath her dress, slowly moving the material high up on her leg. He ran his hand over the top of her thigh strok- ing the skin lightly. She closed her eyes trying to savor the feel of his touch for a moment between the ever present gnawing aches of hunger and thirst. He continued his light caress as he laid his head to rest on her stomach. She reached down bringing her arms up around his shoulders, entwining her fingers in his hair. They were quiet. He concentrated for some while on the gentle rise and fall of her breathing. He listened to the soft beat of her heart, and the quiet murmurs of her stomach echoing back through his ear pressed against it. They had long passed the noisy and intru- sive grumbling stomachs most associated with normal hunger. But every now and again he could hear her body voice its displeasure over this sad state of affairs. He turned his head impetuously into her belly, kissing it through the material of her dress. Perhaps a sudden and irrational turn of the 'kiss it and make it better' quick fix going through his mind. Desperate times called for desperate measures, he figured. It wasn't fair, he thought not for the first time. Here they had finally found some measure of happiness. Something to get them through the long and hard days. Something to hope for. Live for. The new found extension of their previous friendship into love as well as the physical expression of that love. And now. Now they may not live to see the natural growth of that relationship. The fingers of her hands that had been moving lightly through the locks of his hair relaxed softly against his scalp. He looked up and saw that she had fallen asleep. 'Sleep Scully', he thought quietly. 'For as long as you can.' He turned his head back, resting it once again on the concave surface of her stomach. He closed his eyes, hoping reverently to join her there in that dream world. Sleep. Blessed sleep. It was their only avenue of escape anymore. ***** 5:17 P.M. February 21st In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Mulder's head snapped up at the noise. It was the sound of the bar bolt being pulled away from its cradle. "Scully", he called to her, shaking her lightly. "Wake up." Scully opened her eyes, rubbing them, as she forced herself to come fully awake in response to the urgency in his voice. The door hinges creaked and groaned, the wood and metal having settled in place after so prolonged a period without use. Finally the door swung open slowly. There stood Eve, holding a tray, looking worried and something else. Frightened? Her eyes darted wildly from Mulder to Scully. They could hear the sharp intake of her breath as she took in their state. The room was like a tomb, and it reeked of the near essence of death. As well as the combined smells of two bodies unwashed for four days, and the absence of proper facilities. Eve wanted to cry as she just stood there for a moment, unable to move. She looked at them. His arm around her shoulders, as she leaned against his chest, one hand clutching tightly at the material of his shirt. They just stared at her, and she stared back. There were no words to convey this horror properly. These were good people. She had known that from the start. And now they had been reduced to this. Treated like rats in a cellar. Being made to suffer. Scrounging. Hidden. They didn't deserve this. She almost bowed her head. She was grieved ashamed to be called a Wilstead this day. Her feet somehow started to move finally, breaking her thoughts as she rushed forward with her treasures. Two cups brimming full with cool water. Her eyes began filling with tears, watching them as they reached for their first nourishment in four days. Hands shaking. Him holding out a cup to her lips first. Her pushing it away, insisting that he take it. Eve turned her head away. The way they felt about each other was too beautiful to witness sometimes. It filled her heart with a warm and wondrous glow. Finally, they took the offerings, choking and sputtering in their haste to get the sweet liquid down their parched throats. Then Ethan entered the room from the shadows of the doorway, shot gun in hand. Eyes burning with gloat over his absolute power over them. "Eve get on with it", he commanded. She nodded, wanting to hurry, afraid he might change his mind any moment. "Eloise", she called out to the other room. "Come here child and help me out now." The young girl walked quickly into the room at the call of her name, waiting for further instructions. Eve turned back to the bed. "Scully, your suffering is done for this day. Think on that now and work on forgetting what come before. I've got you a soothing bath drawn up, just waiting in the shanty shed out back. And there's some food cooking up on the fire that'll warm up and fill your insides when we're finished up with the outside. The other girls are set to come in here and make up your room. Air it out some and fill it with sweet smells to carry away the bad ones. Tonight you'll sleep deep with a fresh scrubbed body, and a full belly, snuggled under clean bed clothes. Come with me now." Scully pulled back from Eve's outstretched hands. Eve could see the turmoil in her eyes. She desperately wanted these things that Eve was offering her, but she still hesitated. She turned to look at Mulder. "But Mulder....", she began. Eve smiled. "Don't you worry on that darling. The boys will be taking him on the same journey. I promise." "Scully, go on. Don't worry", Mulder encouraged her. Scully looked in his eyes deeply, before wrapping her arms weakly around his neck. She kissed him lightly. "I love you", she whispered in his ear. He hugged her back. "I love you too Scully." Eve gestured for Eloise to join her by the bed, as they stood on each side of Scully. When she was upright finally, her head began spinning immediately. If not supported by Eve and Eloise she might well have fainted from the vertigo feeling, and lack of strength. Once they had left, Ethan and Mulder stared darkly at each other for tense moments. Mulder bit his tongue from the sharp words he wanted to hurl at him for all the anguish and suffering he had piled on him and Scully these last months. And especially for these last four days. But he controlled his anger. It would do nothing to help the situation, only serve to worsen an already tension frought scenario. Ethan took his silence as acquiesce, and he reveled in the victory of his perseverance over them. Yes, Mulder thought, giving Ethan his dark winning place in this round. You've won this time. But you haven't beat us down yet. We'll still here. And we're still fighting. And we will win in the end you bastard. There will come a day when he and Scully would be able to walk out of this cabin. This life. This nightmare. Together. ****************************************** Scully's eyes were closing again. She shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs of her mind. She felt so comfortable. A feeling she wasn't sure she would ever feel again after the events of the last four days. She was clean now, her skin fairly bristling from the hard scrubbing she had given her body trying to wash away the dirt. The grime. The stink of hopelessness that had pervaded her very pores. She was full too. And only after eating half a bowl of the ever present and bland stew. Although tonight, she could have sworn the ingredients included ambrosia, it had tasted so good. Her stomach had shrunk and it would take some time to stretch it again to its normal size. So a little food went a long way for now. And the bed. It was warm. Clean. Fresh. She stretched her body, digging her toes into the folds of the sheets, feeling invigorated by the warmth. But there was still something she needed. She turned her head, splaying out her arm to caress the empty pillow next to her. Mulder. He still wasn't back, and she could not fall asleep without him next to her. Her soul hungered for him with the same kind of need that her body had craved the missing elements of food and water so very recently. And the pangs of his absence went as deep, and hurt just as much. Suddenly the now familiar sound of the bar bolt being moved away alerted her. She sat up in bed. Mulder walked through the door, and it was closed and locked quickly behind him. She smiled broadly seeing his freshly washed self, his hair still damp from shampooing. He crossed the room in two quick steps, throwing back the covers and gathering her tight in his arms. It felt like home. And all the comforts that resided there. A warm fire. A shelter from the storm. A place where you belonged without question. A undeniable sense of being one half of a whole. He kissed her deeply, taking in the sweet smell of her soft hair. The feel of her warm body next to his. They were far from being physically able yet to make love, but still. He took hold of her thin dress, pulling it over her head and away. She unbuttoned and removed his shirt as well. Then reached for his trousers next. With combined efforts this piece of clothing and the rest of their garments soon too joined the others on the floor. They couldn't be together completely this night, but they needed desperate- ly to feel the intimate warmth of each other's skin. To touch. To reassure themselves that they had survived. To know they had made it through the long and dark tunnel of their suffering out into the light of a new day once again. Not home yet. But alive. And together still. And as long as they were alive and together there was always hope. Long moments later they collapsed against the coolness of the pillows. Sated. Exhausted. Ready now and willing to go into the journey of sleep tonight entwined within each other's arms. It didn't seem like much to the standards of the outside world. But to them. Tonight. After all that they had been through. It was enough. More than enough to bring joy to their hearts. And joy was such a rare commod- ity in this world. They took it where they could, and in whatever small doses were allotted them. Before the next full sweep of the minute hand from the missing tell- tale clock of their passing lives had completed, they were asleep. ***** 12:52 A.M. February 22nd In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Eve was spending another restless night. The events of the last days had weighed heavily on her soul. She had always been taught that family came first, above all else. But she had doubts now. Her loyalties to Ethan were conflicting with her deep-rooted conscience about what was just plain right and wrong. She could no longer even recognize the 'thing' that had once been her beloved brother. To give him his due though, he had stepped forward and taken this family from a lost and parent less wandering group. He had formed it into a unit. He had only been a child himself at the time, but she had always thought he had handled things amazingly well. Until now. She had only been nine years old when he had brought home his first substitute 'parent'. And even though it had seemed strange, she had been but a child. They had all been. Ethan had a way with the persuading talk, and soon it was just another part of their lives. But then the man had just disappeared one day. Found later in the woods by Ethan, caught in one of their animal traps. He had bled to death. And soon others came to take his place. They had all disappeared too. All dead. Lost and frozen in the woods from the cold nights. Or fallen over one of the steep ravines. Always something like that. But death made sense in her world. Life could be very cruel, and the woods were a terrible hard and deadly place, when you didn't know the ways of it. She had believed it. She had believed him. He was her brother. She had always believed him. They all died that way, except for that one poor soul who had found his own way back home. By his own hand. That had really bothered Ethan too. She could see it on his face. Not so much the fact of his death, but almost like he felt cheated out of something. She could never really put her finger on exactly what it was, but something there never felt quite right. And now what he was doing to Mulder and Scully was beyond punishment. Beyond cruel. Oh sure, Ethan had always been hard, even with all the others, but never openly this way. The way he was with these two. Even the little ones were scared of him now, and scooted out of his way when they saw him coming. Things were bad, worse than they had ever been. Since Emily's death, his behavior was becoming unbearable and more frightening every day. She knew the direction she was headed towards tonight, but she didn't know if she would be able to find the strength to follow its course. Because she had gained a secret knowledge tonight. One that she almost wished she didn't possess. A wrench had been thrown into the correlation that begged her questions. And now that it was here, she could not turn back on the implications. While she had helped Scully, so desperately weak, with her bath out in the shanty shed, she had laid eyes on the sack. The one Ethan had taken and hid away. The one they had brought back with them that first day from the scene of the accident. The one that held all of Mulder's and Scully's other world belongings. The one that held their guns. She closed her eyes tightly, feeling a well of tears slide from under- neath the lids to fall down her cheeks silently. God forgive her soul - because she had betrayal on her mind this night. ***************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES VIII: FINDING HOPE ***************************************** 11:52 P.M. March 21st In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Scully moved behind him on the bed where he sat naked. Quietly. She brought her arms up around his neck, as she lowered her lips to nuzzle his left ear. She moved his hair back and away under her fingertips. Softly. "Again", she sighed under her breath. The word not so much heard, as felt against his skin. He shivered. She started to nibble on his ear lightly, as she snaked her hands out to cover his already closed eyes. "What do you see", she questioned him. Her voice taking on a lilting smoothness. Encouraging. Expectant. Yet demanding. All at the same time. He swallowed trying to concentrate. "I see....", he began. "Yesss", she prompted, drawing out the syllable. "I see a ring of woods surrounding the cabin door as I open it. It's chilly. She pressed her own naked form tight against his back, almost as if offering her body's warmth as shelter from the non- existent chill. "On my left is the chopping stump and cords of wood needing to be split. On my right are the animal pens and the dirt path leading around to the shanty shed out back. I'll need to move quietly, so as not to disturb the animals and cause them to fright. The noise might alert Ethan and the others." She could feel his eyes moving back and forth beneath their closed lids, sliding against her palms as he focused them on the scene playing out in his mind. "No, wouldn't want to do that", she said quietly, moving, coming around like a phantom spirit to whisper the words now into his right ear. He shifted slightly at the feel of her warm breath cascading across his tired senses. "Go on", she said after a moment during which he had remained silent, lost and content in the pleasant sensations of her gentle touch. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I'll need to stay close to the cabin walls as I make my way around the corners to reach the back. There's a hidden trap, a fine line of mesh wire running just above the dirt further out in circumference that will trigger an alarm if tripped." He felt her lips move lower now, kissing his neck softly. "Something noisy", he continued, moving his head slightly to give her better access. "Cans, I think. Bottles." She could feel his pulse pumping strong beneath her lips. "And the shed?", she questioned him on cue, the words escaping lightly around her mouth between kisses. "It's to the right in the very back. Hidden behind a sloping hill, under a tree. The door is always propped open during the day. There's a sturdy wooden ladder next to the rain barrel just inside the door on the left. I can use it to reach the sack. It's on the highest shelf, just near the edge. Under a blanket, with one corner peeking out." She could feel his shoulder muscles contract, almost as if they were reaching for the imaginary sack. "Lie down", she said suddenly. He smiled, the shift in his features molding around the palms of her hands still resting against his eyes. "I thought you wanted to practice?" She didn't say anything, but he felt her hands pushing against his chest, and he complied with her wishes. He lay on his back, stretch- ing his length against the bed. "Just relax. Keep your eyes closed, and start talking, Agent Mulder", she commanded authoritatively. "Ma'am", he saluted, as he settled down against the pillows, keeping his eyes closed as ordered. "Where was I", he pondered. "The next part's mostly mine. So start with the woods", she said, as she moved to lay down beside him. Her fingers trailing languidly against his chest the whole way down. She has been so restless lately he realized now. The tension of the last month had been building ever more each day. And now that they had finally worked out an escape plan that posed some possibi- lity of success, it had only served to increase the pressure. The anticipation. Somehow both of them knew. Without ever even saying the words out loud. Or wanting to either. This was their last hope. If it failed. If they were caught. That would be the end. Ethan would kill them in retaliation. There was no question. But one way or another, by escape or by death, they would finally be free. It was worth the risk and the possible consequences. But it still did nothing to quell the building uneasiness of the last weeks. He thought back on the almost child-like excitement that had shown on Scully's face when she had related to him what Eve had told her one day, just shortly after their near death four-day punishment. Eve had confessed that she not only knew where their guns were located, but was willing to help them escape. With their guns and Eve's intimate knowledge of the woods passed along the information lines bit by bit everyday. From Eve to Scully, and then from Scully to Mulder, they finally had their first real chance. He reached out to cradle her in the crook of his arm. But she pulled away. Intent on her own pace and agenda this night. And he was willing to follow her lead. For now anyway. "I'm waiting", she said quietly, as she lowered her head to his, kissing him sweetly. He reached his hands out trying to keep her close, but she took his hands into hers, laying them down at his sides. "Patience Mulder. First, the woods." He knew what she was doing, and why is was so important to her. To them both. This envisioning game was just a way of reinforcing their combined and individual knowledge of their planned escape route. But it was more than just that. Each one was searching for reassurance that if separated, the other would be able to find a way to freedom. Scully especially had become almost obsessed with this need to repeat the exercise at every opportunity. She had also displayed an almost unequaled tenacity by seizing upon Eve's lingering fears and doubts. Desperately. Unrelenting. He had started to feel concerned that she was pushing Eve too hard. Eve was torn, faced with making a conscious choice which would betray her own family. Mulder felt Eve was reaching the breaking point over this divide in her loyalties. Yet even with these concerns, he never brought the subject up to Scully, or even asked her to back off. Eve was their only way out now, and God help them both, they were using this child even at the cost of her own peace of mind. "Tell me what you see", Scully began again. He frowned for a moment, working to deepen his concentration. Whereas the area around the cabin he had been exposed to on several occasions, the woods were still a mystery. Finally he could feel the picture taking shape. He could see the greenness in the color of the leaves now becoming evident after the stark bareness of winter. Spring beginning to make its natural order known with the returning presence of life to the foliage. The dense coarseness of the tree trunks, gray, brown, and black mixtures, sometimes overlapping each other in places. Making it that much more difficult to determine where one tree ended and another began. The sky was wafting through the treetops in jigsaw puzzle snatches, blue and heavy with cottony clouds. He turned his head slightly in response to the ghost-like sounds he could almost hear that also served to bring the scene into further focus. The gentle and chilled, but ever present breeze stirring the dry leaves that paid final homage at the gnarled feet of their former masters. The picture now firmly in place, he began. "There is a path. A definite path. But it's not easy to find." He followed his senses and instincts quietly in his head, matching his mind's scenario to his array of experience as an agent. "We'll need to go in at the point just at the apex of the outhouse. Look- ing over the roof we can see that there is one tree that is slightly taller than the rest, but bent at its tip to the left. From an especially bad storm years back. It's the first trail marker. That's where the path begans. Next...", he stopped. His breath coming out in a surprised rush as he felt her straddle his hips. And then a whole new vision replaced the woods scene in his mind. She leaned down, her hair wisping across his face, her breasts resting against his chest. "You're making it very difficult to concentrate Scully", he whispered in mock seriousness. She sat up on top of him, running her hands across his chest, knead- ing the muscles. "I have full confidence in your abilities Mulder. Tell me what you see", she urged him again, the words almost hinging on need. He moved his hands to rest on her waist. "I see a beautiful red haired woman sitting on my chest." She leaned down again, close to his face. "I'm not talking about those abilities Mulder. Focus." He smiled, at least she hadn't moved his hands away this time. Pro- mise of things to come in that. And he wanted to give her what she wanted, even if at this moment thinking was the last thing he felt like doing. But, for her. Slowly he returned to the place he had been in his mind, picking up where he had left off. "Next, we'll need to follow the line of trees straight until we can no longer see the cabin behind us. The ground should stay level for quite awhile." Eve, of course, had no concept of measured time clocked by watches and meetings. She had relayed this piece of information by saying simply that 'the ground won't have any up or down places in it, for a good while. Like maybe as long as it efforts me to beat out and hang a day's worth of washing on the line.' They had estimated that to be about forty minutes. "If the ground slopes or deviates any before that, we'll know that we've gotten somehow off track. We'll need to move quietly. This will be the time when we will be in the most danger of being heard by Ethan and the others out working in the woods. He unconsciously lowered his voice, like he was crouching and searching the woods ahead, afraid of detection. They could even be on the trail them- selves if they decide to return to the cabin for anything around the same time we'll be crossing it." His breath had quickened slightly, stress showing as he got caught up in the mind exercises. Scully caressed his face, not wanting to break his concentration again, but needing him to know that she was here for him. Would always be here for him. After a moment he started again. "The next trail marker will be on the right. A bush, growing at the base of a tree. It has tendrils reaching up high along the truck of the tree. Encircling it. Almost like they are growing together. Here we'll need to turn right, and follow the path until we reach a fork, maybe half a mile down. The trick here is not to follow the forks in either direction. Instead we'll need to climb over the small hill in front and continue on over the path that's behind it. He suddenly tensed beneath her body. She could feel it. This was always the most difficult part for him. "It'll be darker here. Even in the full sun of day, because this is where most of the trees have overgrown the tops of their branches. It's like a canopy blocking out the sun. There's barely any light. This will be the most dangerous place we'll have to get through. The dark makes it hard to see the steep ravines and it's easy to lose your footing and fall into one. Also this is where Ethan has most of his traps." He was silent for a moment. His hands tightening around Scully's waist. She knew where this apprehension was coming from, and she knew why. Eve had not been able to supply them with anymore infor- ation on the subject of Ethan's traps. Only that they were there. And that there were a lot of them. This is the area where most of the others before them had died. According to Ethan's version they had supposedly been killed by their own ignorance of the terrain, based on what Ethan had told Eve anyway, and she had then relayed to them. But Mulder and Scully suspected that these people had been hunted down and killed in cold blood. Just as they would probably be hunted once their escape had been detected. Time would not be on their side. She placed her warm hands over his suddenly cold ones, urging him to finish. She felt almost guilty forcing him to face these unpleasantries, like a mother holding a child down about to get an injection. The child struggling and confused as to why the person who proclaimed to love him the most was now responsible for giving him pain. Empathy and guilt, mixing together with the subtle responsibility that is the foundation of all love. Mother to child. Friend to friend. Spouse to spouse. Lover to lover. But this justification didn't make it any easier. It still hurt her, in ways similar to the mother and child example, to see him suffer. But she needed to feel secure that he could recite this information backwards and forwards, no matter what the price to his state of mind. He was always too off-hand glib and evasive when she had tried others ways of testing him on this. He was forever citing her his near perfect memory. But ever the skeptic, her heart demanded tangible evidence. This was the only way she had found that seemed to work. Finally, almost as if he had worked his way through the darkness of his mind he eased up, relaxing his muscles, releasing the tension in a heavy sigh. And in truth he had. Because she knew he had now reached the other side of the darkness in the woods setting of his mind. Away now from the unknown place that they would be en- countering in real life soon enough. There wasn't much he could play out for her on that scene anyway, except for the fear. Because Eve had not been able to give them too much information in this area. And this lack of forewarning was of course, the basis for the fear itself. But Scully could not ascertain whether he had fully absorbed the details of the escape route she had been supplying him with, without first taking him through this part. But it was over now for the time- being, at least in his mind. And in hers. But it hung there, a waiting and tangible final darkness. Preparing even now for their arrival on that final day. She leaned down resting her head against his chest. She knew what this took out of him, and that he did it only for her benefit. "Tell me what you see", she repeated once again. But they both knew this time it was different. The sentence wasn't as serious as the others before had been. Because the rest of the journey would be easy compared to the part he had just completed. He could do it in his sleep. He brought his hands up clasping them tight around the bare skin of her back. And she now allowed the comfort that his touch brought. The peace. Both hers. And his. "We'll come into a clearing. We'll need to cross it heading left until we reach the point where it falls back into the woods. The path will be more defined here, and easier to follow." His hands started moving slowly down the curve of her back, and then under to cup her breasts. Kneading them between the fingers of his hands. She smiled. He was tired of the game now. Never a willing partici- pant in the first place. But patient, and pleased with his own performance. He was now ready to reap his promised rewards. She sat up again. Arching her back into his insistent hands, giving him full exposure. She braced her hands down behind her, one on each of his legs. "There's a grouping of rocks, five of them." He sat up lowering his head to her neck, and moving his lips over the crevices of her shoulders. Slowly. She moaned softly. "All the rocks are similar in size, and shape." He brought his hands around to her back, shifting her, to lay her down on the bed beneath him. He trailed kisses down her body and back up again. She began moving restlessly. Impatiently. He smiled. Now it was his turn. "This grouping is the last trail marker. This is where we need to reenter the woods." He moved forward settling his body between her legs. "We continue on a straight path for maybe another half a mile. Once we get to this point, we should be able to see the road from there. The road we were on when we had the accident." He kissed her hard and deep, opening her mouth with his tongue. Finally, pulling back he looked down at her. Her eyes glazed over in passion. The undeniable look of love meant only for him. She had never looked more beautiful to him. "Then we go home", he said quietly. "Home", she murmured underneath her breath. The word spoken with an awed reverence. And then he was inside her, moving slowly. Sweetly. She closed her eyes. "Tell me what you see Scully", he whispered, his lips now against her ear. Caressing. "I'm home. And I see a beautiful dark-haired man, making love to me." **************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES IX: RAGING FIRES **************************************** April 6th, 7:35 P.M. In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia "Go to hell Ethan", Scully repeated angrily. Her eyes narrowing to slits. Mulder stood up forcefully down at the other end of the table. Earnest followed him quickly, turning the shot gun level with his chest. Mulder slowly returned to his seat, palms displayed in a supplicating gesture, but his eyes never left the scene unfolding before him. The cabin was stock still quiet. Waiting for the next turn of the screw. Or nail in the coffin. Ethan's facial expression embodied hate, surpassing known human concepts of the emotion. His fingers reached out, and talon-like, clawed the edge of the table in front of him. Each one turning ashen with the force of the pressure he applied to them. A stray piece of potato trailed down the contours of his cheek, until it reached the end of his chin and fell. It landed on the table in front of him. He looked down at it, almost studying it. The starch whiteness spattered inconsistently with the murky brown sauce, congealing rapidly. At first he couldn't remember the connection. What did this seemingly innocuous thing have to do with his raging anger? And then he remember- ed. She had thrown it at him. The bowl of stew. She had thrown it in his face. Scully. Scully had done that. To him. Eve moved quietly from her place, rounding the table to hover near Ethan. Her carefully controlled movements were like a small humming- bird in flight. "Ethan", she began, but was interrupted. "Earnest, take Mulder on into the bedroom. Now." Ethan spoke with an eerie calm. Earnest immediately stood, gun still pointed at Mulder as he dipped the barrel slightly in the direction of the bedroom door. Eve moved over to Mulder when she saw him stand, knowing that he was about to protest leaving without Scully. She placed her palm against his chest lightly. "Mulder, you go on now. Don't make things worse like. Please." He could see the ravages of worry bringing an almost centuries-old wisdom to her otherwise youthful face. "Please", she said again. The word was broken up by an unexpected quiet sob. Edgar had now joined Earnest with his own shot gun, also pointed at Mulder. Together they began prodding him back towards the door. Eve moved behind him, opening the door. Mulder tried to catch Scully's eyes, but she was immersed in some kind of test of wills with Ethan's. "Scully", he called out plaintively, just before the door was shut in his face. But she wouldn't look at him. Ethan stood slowly, pulling his long legs out from under the bench like structure in a deliberate measured pace. Scully followed his movements. Eve bent down to pick up the bowl Scully had dropped to the floor after she had thrown the contents into Ethan's face. "No Eve", Ethan commanded. She stopped her actions at his tone. Her mind was caught in a loop. A repeating mantra. 'They lied. They lied. They lied'. Over and over and over again. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. She stood up straight. "Eve you go and take the others out back. Let'em play or set them to work. It don't matter. Just go", said Ethan, his voice was cold and distant. Eve knew better than to argue, and quite frankly she was afraid to let the little ones witness anything that might happen. She hurried them together. They were scared and full of unasked questions. She could feel their fright, and it matched her own. She just couldn't figure out how they had reached this point so quickly. One minute things had been running smoothly. And then. This wasn't part of the plan. They had been so close too. But now. She turned at the door just before leaving. She wondered what horrors she would find upon her return, as she closed the door quietly behind her. The cabin was suddenly awash in silence. The only sounds that were evident would have been in other circumstances, soothing. Not here. The crackling of the fire was now reminiscent of hell's own scorching fire, burning the flesh off some poor helpless sinner. The occasional creaking and groans of the cabin were now only reminders of the confinement and constriction of the cage that was the cabin's inter- ior. A cage without a key. Ethan moved slightly, as Scully repressed a shudder. His movements were reptilian in nature. She would not have been surprised if his lips had parted just then, revealing a blackened tongue, split and forked, followed quite naturally by the devil's own hiss. He was evil. The soul of pure evil. Although she had always known this; it still had all the first time capabilities to produce the fear. And this was the core of his power over her. He reveled in it. He fed on it. He crossed the room to stand behind her silently. Scully allowed herself to close her eyes for a moment. Knowing he couldn't see her face just then. She only now realized the true scope of what it was she had done. She had tossed away their only chance for escape. It wasn't supposed to have happened like this, but when she saw him....his hands....what he was doing with them. She had lost control. Completely. The next thing she could remem- ber clearly was standing there seeing his face covered with the stew. She opened her eyes to the bedroom door. Mulder. Her heart lurched. Not only had she thrown her own chances away, but his as well. She had no right to seal his fate along with hers. Her eyes lowered in shame. All their planning. That small spark of hope that had ignited with the return of their resolve to escape. It was all gone now. She was filled only with the complete and overwhelming hopelessness and defeat that had almost destroyed her before. Made worse because she knew, if given the chance....she would do it again. She waited. She could feel the heat seeping through her skin from behind. But it wasn't the fire. It was him. The heat of his soul-less self wafting off from his body like the shimmering hot mirage heat of an acrid dry desert landscape. His breath was foul next to her neck. Putrid. Sulfuric. This was what madness smelled like she realized. He placed one hand atop her shoulder, and she flinched instinctively, shrugging it off. She turned to face him head-on. And he laughed. Low. Throaty. Raspy. There should be another word to describe it, she thought suddenly. Not laughter. Because this could only be looked upon as a mockery of laughter. His eyes danced within the pools of their own insanity. Reflected back to her with a reddish glow from the fire. "I know", she whispered. "I wanted you to know", he acknowledged, with no small pleasure. There was a pounding. She thought it was her own heart for a moment before taking in the fact that it was coming from the bedroom door. It was Mulder. Afraid for her. And she was indeed afraid herself. Very afraid. She fought to maintain eye contact with him. But it was like staring straight into the sun. His image burning itself permanently into her corneas. He was the devil. He was. He moved again, backing away slightly. He leaned lazily against the edge of the fireplace's mantle. She watched intently, as he began again. His left hand lifted, overturned and cupped. His right hand moving against it, under and back. Over and over again. She closed her eyes finally, but the picture was still there. When she opened her eyes once more she looked down with surprise. She was repeating his movements with her own hands. But then she knew them so well. By route, and repetition. How many times had she repeated this ritual for Emily. Holding the stuffed bunny in one hand while pushing the stuffing back in with the other. She stilled her own hands, while his increased their tempo. Until they were but a parody of the original movements. He was turning it into some obscene and grotesque gesture. Fren- zied. Trying to warp even this memory for her. Why?, she thought desperately. Why must evil seek out innocence and destroy it? Why? He had killed Emily. She, who had been the very embodiment of all that is pure and innocent. And this walking apparition of death had killed her. She knew this now. As soon as she had seen him making the hand gestures during dinner. Displaying them for her benefit only. Down in his lap while she had stood near him dishing out his dinner. It was then she had lost control, and thrown the stew. Emily had not drowned accidently. Ethan had killed Emily. She remembered blurting out that accusation at the graveside, but her reasoning then had only been based on the fact that he had refused medical treatment which could have saved her life. The dreams. They took on a whole new significance now. They weren't only a sad product of grief. The dreams had been real. Her head shot up. She looked again at his hands, moving with a frantic speed now. Those same abominations had been locked around sweet Emily's throat. Killing her. And Emily *had* called for her. Just like in the dream. She knew this. She knew. Her eyes filled with hot salty tears of soul-wrenching pain. "No", she wailed. "No." She sank to her knees on the hardwood floor. And quick, like a vulture descending unto carrion, he was behind her now, encircling her with his arms. Evil has a touch. It's an encompassing cold, filled with cruelty. A total absence of comfort. Whispering of pain endured and endless more yet to come. "Yes", he hissed into her ear, and it was death talking. "Mulder", she whimpered softly. "....can't help you now", he finished. He pulled her to her feet, her form locked within the steel mesh of his arms. He was moving her body forward, towards the roaring fire. She watched the embers and flames leap high, intertwining and embedded throughout the cords of burning wood. It was beautiful and deadly. Offering warmth and death. Coming closer and closer. He ran one of his hands down the length of her arm, stopping at the bottom, as he took her limp hand in his at her wrist. He lifted her arm. He felt like ebony ice, an agony of coldness. A coldness that even the heat of the fire was powerless to extinguish. His legs molded behind hers as they pushed her forward even more. Towards the gaping mouth of the fire's fetid breath. "I want to hear you scream....like that first night", he whispered, as he moved her hand ever onward. Her fingers automatically retracted against the increasing degrees of heat. He bent her body with his own, folded around her at the waist from behind. She resisted an overwhelming urge to become sick as she felt his hardness straining against her body. It was a desire. But it wasn't remotely sexual in design. His desire wasn't for her body. It was for her pain. He lived only for other people's pain. She was darkly mesmerized as she gazed into the encroaching fire. Lost. She fought to gain control. The first iron hot lick of flame searing her tender skin brought her back to reality. She bit her lip, hard enough to draw blood in order to quell the scream that was trying to escape in response to the pain. She would not give him his desire. Refused. Instead she reached out with her other hand, using it to cover both his and her own where they conjoined within the heat of the flames. "Together then Ethan. We'll go into hell together", she said with a firm resolve. She purposely began moving their hands now firmly fused together deep- er into the fire. She felt him stiffen against her with a stunned surprise, as he now too felt the effects of the flames. The smell of burning flesh assaulted her senses. She registered the concept of the pain, but for now at least was separated from it as if sus- pended on another level from its grasp. She turned just enough to watch his face contort in agony as their hands were engulfed in the fury. No more the monster now to her. Just a man-child. He held no power over her this night. She smiled, even as he screamed. In that single micro-moment a strange reversal took place as she saw that she had now become as much the monster as he had been. And she tearfully mourned the loss of herself. He jerked back, pulling her with him. They fell to the floor and he immediately pushed her away roughly. He stood, running to the sink, working desperately to prime the pump. Cursing her. Whimper- ing with the pain while the cool water gushed over his hands. The cabin door burst open then, as Eve, Earnest and Edgar rushed in from outside. Eve stood motionless for a moment, trying to make sense of the conflicting images in front of her. Ethan yelling out obscenities directed at Scully, and in obvious pain. Scully on the floor, leaning back on her knees almost serenely. Her hands held out in front of her, obviously burnt. But she didn't seem to be acknowledging the pain. The pounding and yelling coming from behind the bedroom door, as Mulder demanded to know what the hell was hap- pening. This madness had to stop, Eve thought fleetingly. All the remaining lingering doubt she may have had over her own participation in the plan falling away. Tomorrow. As scheduled. Come what may, the escape would go on as planned. Tomorrow. She rushed over to Scully, helping her to her feet, wanting nothing more than to get her into the bedroom before Ethan had a chance to hurt her further. Scully looked at Eve like she didn't know who she was, but responded to her directions as they worked their way over to the door. The bar bolt was removed in record speed as Eve pushed Scully into Mulder's waiting arms. And then locked the door firmly behind them. **************************************** Mulder grabbed Scully as she came through the door, pulling her into a relieved hug. It wasn't until he heard her muffled groan of pain that he realized that something was wrong. He pulled her back to arm's length and that was when he saw her hands. Burnt. Blistered and red. In some places blackened. "God", he said as he steered her over to the bed and sat her down. He then went over to the dresser, removing the water pitcher and bowl, along with the wash cloths that sat next to them. Returning to the bed, he sat the items down on the table, pouring the bowl full of water. He guided Scully to sit up against the headboard, as he placed a pillow on her lap. He laid the bowl of water carefully on the pillow, and gingerly lowered her hands into the cool water. She grimaced at the sensation, sucking in her breath through clenched teeth. He began ripping the cloths into strips. "Scully....", he began, then faltered. What had gone wrong?, he wondered. What had possessed her to do what she did tonight. The plan had been to only irritate Ethan enough to merit another lengthy lock-up punishment. It was to have been the first phase of their escape plan. So meticulously planned over these last weeks. They both knew he would not need much provocation. Any little thing would have set him off. But what she had done was no little thing. Why had Scully thrown the stew? It was overkill. It was like the lamb blindly walking into the lion's den. What had she deemed so paramount in importance that it equaled worth in her mind enough to risk their only possible avenue of escape. "Mulder", she spoke quietly, as if reading his mind. "I'm sorry." He nodded slightly, not trusting himself to speak right now. He lifted her hands from the water, touching them as little as possi- ble. She frowned some, and shifted a little, but that was all. It bothered him that she didn't seem to feel much pain. It was if she was completely detached from reality. He wrapped them carefully with the cloth strips, as best he could, tying the ends at her wrists. He returned the bowl to the table, and then sat down beside her on the bed. He pulled her into his arms. "Tell me Scully", he said quietly after awhile. "He killed her Mulder. Emily. And he was taunting me with it like she was some piece of garbage thrown out for disposal. I...I just lost it...I don't know what else to say." She turned around to face him, moving next to him to wrap her arms around his neck. He could feel the soft cloth bandages on her hands as they rested against his skin. "I'm sorry", she said again next to his ear. She stayed there, resting against him for many minutes before finally speaking once more. "I was there with him Mulder. Inside his madness." She pulled back to look deep into his eyes. He could almost see the dark abyss of despair that was Ethan's essence reflected back in her own eyes for just a split second, and then it was gone. He held her tightly. "You're back now Scully. You found a way out." She searched his eyes for answers. "This time", she said weakly. He opened his mouth to speak and then changed his mind. She would not want platitudes now. She was being honest, and in truth he knew there could well be another time when she was faced with even worse trials. Only she would be able to know whether she had the inner strength within herself to breach the bridge back from the edge of darkness. Their combined silence lengthened as they both drifted off to sleep. ***** April 7th, 5:25 A.M. In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Scully was pacing. Mulder watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was in pain and trying to ignore it. She had woken several times during the night drenched in sweat from the throbbing ache of the burns. But there wasn't much she could do, nor he to help her. The blisters had started weeping and it had taken all her reserves of strength to tolerate the pain while he had washed her hands and changed the bandages this morning. His only comfort was knowing Ethan was going through the same agony. Although he was sure he was afforded some relief via Eve's medicinal plant medicine. Ethan would never offer the same treatment for Scully of course. But it wasn't the pain making Scully restless now. It was the waiting. Would Ethan revert to his practiced method of locking them into their room for days on end without food or water by way of punishment? Or would Scully's accelerated act of defiance last night push him into some new and seemingly unimaginable higher plane of punishment? They both jumped as they heard the sounds of the bar being removed. Unconsciously they moved together. Awaiting their fate. Mulder was reminded of that story about the doors - one holding a tiger meant to kill, the other a beautiful lady. Which would it be he wondered now? The door swung open slowly. There stood Eve, worry etched on her face. "Are you ready?", she whispered urgently. **************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES X: SHATTERED BONDS ***************************************** April 7th, 5:30 A.M. In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Mulder pulled Scully into his arms, and she leaned heavily against him. He held her tight, feeling the slight tremors of apprehension run through her body. He wondered if she felt his as well. Hurried and scattered scenes from the last many months rushed through his mind. Their car accident. Scully's screams of agony that first night. Sadly, turning out to be only a small foreshadowing of things to come. Ethan's strange agendas, and their first sickening fear that came with the realization that they were prisoners in this world. The slow and monotonous passage of time. Days into weeks. Weeks into months. The back-breaking hard work forced upon them. The loss of their identities and simple freedoms. The absence of control over their own lives. The planning and failing of each subsequent escape attempt. A part of them knowing the futility of each one before hand. Yet the desperate need to keep trying nonethe- less. The slow, but deepening loss of hope that dawned and strengthened with each new day. The tortures, and spiraling acts of dementia in- flicted upon them by their captor. The days of punishment, with no food or water. Reduced to groveling. The subtle eclipse of their dignities with Ethan's never-ending determination to break their spirits. Emily's death, and the depths of Scully's grief over her. The tears. The terror. The hopelessness. Each painful remembrance branded forever upon their souls. "Are you ready?", he whispered now against her ear, repeating Eve's words. He held her closer, content within the embrace of her warmth. The sudden melancholia he had been feeling reviewing the events of their captivity lifted. Because he couldn't help but be thankful for the one truly good thing to come out of all this madness. Their love for each other. The spark always there, but perhaps never to have been acted upon without their catapulting into this alternate reality. He envisioned the memory of her face in his mind. Her body. Her very essence. Remembering how beautiful she had looked and felt when they had made love for the first time, and each time since. He loved her more than he had ever thought possible to love a woman. And still more besides. She was his friend. His partner. His lover. Now his life. His one reason for living. Once again she seemed to reach inside his very being, connecting with his own thoughts and voicing them back to him. "We're going to make it Mulder", she said, pulling away just enough to look into his eyes. And he knew she too had been thinking of that first time together. The wonderment and awe it invoked in their hearts. This one golden treasure found among the ruins of their imprisonment. She trailed her palm lightly against his face. The cloth bandages of her hand warm and tender against his skin. He touched her cheek in return. "I love you", he mouthed. She smiled, repeating the words in silence. Eve watched them. These two had been through so much. Over the months she had been an unwilling witness to their pain and struggle. They were indeed remarkable people. Alone they were strong and capable enough, but together they formed something that defied simple explanations. And it was a bond strong enough to be reckoned with, and acknowledged by virtue of its infinite power. If ever two people deserved happiness, it was them. Yet somehow she felt that even before they had come here their lives had been scarred with pain and loss. Almost as if the gift of their love was such that they were forced to offer sacrifice on every level for the privilege of a relationship that few are ever lucky enough to share. And she was sure that even though it was a personal heartache that only they could fathom the depths of; it was a price they were willing to pay. Time and again. Mulder and Scully. They had both found a place special in her heart. So much so that she was now deep set in the very act of betraying the only family she had ever known to try and help them escape. Even though she was absolute in her resolve, it was still the hardest thing she had ever had to face. And time, cruel time, was once again not on their side. She coughed softly to get their attention. They pulled apart quickly, almost as if they had forgotten that Eve was still standing there. She moved forward towards them placing a hand on each of their shoulders. She hesitated as they looked at her intently. Waiting. She had felt a sudden need to say something. To communicate her feelings. Her wishes. Her fervent desire that they would be successful. But now somehow the words alluded her. Until she saw the twin mirrors of hope that lived stubbornly in their faces. The belief. They would find a way it said to her. Or die trying. She smiled warmly at them as she at last settled on the words she wanted to share. "I wish I had the look ahead sight to know what this day will follow for you. But I can only keep in my heart the pure gladness that seeing you reach the safe place of your home again would fill me with. I'll hold that feeling close and tight. I can only set you on your way now with my warm wishes, and loving thoughts." She bowed her head solemnly. "And my heart grieved sorrow for your worrisome pain these last long days with us." Scully reached out to Eve, enfolding the young girl into her arms. "Eve you have nothing to be sorry about. Nothing to feel ashamed of. Without you I....we....would never have lasted this long. You have to know that." Mulder stepped forward, placing his hand on Eve's shoulder. "Eve, please reconsider and come with us. When Ethan finds out we're gone he might...." Eve stopped his words with a defiant look. Stubborn. Determined. "He won't never hurt me Mulder. I know this." The sincerity and absolute faith she placed in the limits of her brother's tolerance for brutality was one of the few times that Eve appeared as the child she truly was in actual years. With a child's unerring and honest belief that those closest to them are infallible, above the frailties of human weakness, and its inherent trappings of good and bad. It's one of the most difficult lessons a child, any child, must learn. That those they love are still after all only human. Capable of being wrong. Capable of being cruel. And in some extreme cases, capable of being evil. Eve, like any child, was destined to learn her lesson the hard way. Experience. Mulder and Scully exchanged looks, both of them thinking of Emily. They had considered telling Eve about their knowledge on their suspicions of Ethan's part in her death. But they knew, she would refuse to hear them out. Mulder nodded, accepting Eve's decision, knowing there was nothing he could say to change her mind. "We'll come back for you Eve, and the others", Scully said quietly. Eve was silent, realizing all was said that could be expressed on both sides. She stepped back from them, turning towards the door. They followed her into the next room. The first sight to greet them was of a deeply slumbering Earnest. His head rested on the table in front of him. His arm outstretched next to an overturned cup, looking as if he had fallen mid-sip. Beside him propped up against the bench he was sitting on was his shotgun. Eve looked at her brother. A trace of guilt clouded her features for a moment, and then just as quick disappeared. "The root I used to bring on the sleep is hard to time on its effects, but I chose it because it wakes the sleeper up easy like when it wears off. Just like coming out of a daydream. It's sits well on the insides too. No bad ills follow like a headache or stomachache. With luck, he'll just think he nodded off for a short bit, and get right back on with his business." 'With luck.' The words hung in the air. They would need a lot of that this day. "Ethan and the rest have gone on already to chore. I sent the smaller ones out to gather some herbs and plants for my medicine store. They're off looking on the other side of the woods. I made sure." Mulder nodded, as he moved towards the front door. His mind already pic- turing the path to the shanty shed out back. He knew the route and plan so well he felt he could make the trip without the aid of his senses if necessary. A fact he was sure Scully would be pleased with, as it had been at her insistence that they had repeated the escape route over in their minds again and again. He opened the door, closing it quietly behind him. Eve moved over to a cot on the far side of the room, pulling out a bundle from underneath it. It was a burlap sack with cloth strips sewn loose unto the back. Its shape bulky, outlining the items placed inside it. "I made this up late last night after everybody had gone off to sleep. She moved over to Scully. "I've loaded it with some food and a water jug, just in case you should get lost and end up spending more time out there in the woods than you're figuring on. Then she walked over to the bedroom, replacing the bar bolt across the outside of the door. Turning she caught the furrowed brow of Scully as she reached up to adjust one of the straps laying against her shoulder. She released her breath through tightly clenched teeth in a soft hiss. Her hands, Eve realized. She was in pain. No wonder, considering the severity of the burns. Eve crossed the room, taking Scully's hands gently into her own at the wrists. She shook her head slowly. "I wish there was time enough for me to doctor these up for you." Scully said nothing, lowering her eyes. Sensing where Eve's thoughts were heading now. "Why?", Eve asked. Knowing there was no need to fill in the particu- lars of her question. "Eve, I can't explain what happened last night. Not now. There isn't time. And I have a feeling you aren't ready yet to know. But you deserve an answer and I promise, when this is over you'll get one. For now you'll just have to believe me when I say I had my reasons for doing what I did." Eve opened her mouth to speak again, but was silenced when Scully shook her head. Scully looked deep into Eve's eyes, trying to convey the seriousness of her next words. "Promise me Eve. Don't underestimate Ethan. When he finds out we're gone....if he...." She paused unsure suddenly how to put into words the fear she felt for Eve's safety once they had gone. She was as much afraid for Eve as she was for herself and Mulder. "Protect yourself Eve. Whatever it takes. I know he's your brother, but he's also a....danger. He's capable of anything. Promise me." Scully could see the range of emotions as they crossed the land- scape of Eve's face. Her eyes reflected back many things - dis- belief, confusion, uncertainty, guilt. But finally. Acceptance. "I promise Scully." They both jumped slightly as Mulder walked through the door. Scully met him halfway, alarmed at the look of anger on his face. He avoided her eyes as he threw the burlap sack he was carrying unto the table. Just by the muffled sound the sack made upon contact with the wood, Scully could guess the reason for his distress. The sound had been entirely too light. It most definitely wasn't the sound that the weight of two FBI standard issue guns coming into contact with an unyielding sur- face would make. It could only mean that there wasn't any guns in the sack. "They weren't there", Mulder said, bringing fact to her summation. "The guns weren't there." Eve picked up the bag, spilling the contents out across the table. Two FBI badges in their cases. Two cell-phones. She picked up one of the phones, turning it over in her hands. She held it up, facing the wrong way, as she had never actually seen one before. "What about these things here? Can't they be of some use to you?" Mulder shook his head impatiently, running his hands across his face. "No. The batteries are dead after all this time." Scully came over to him. "Mulder we have to go without them. There's no turning back now. We've come too far to back out." He looked at her face. "Scully, those guns were the only edge we had. We have to have something to defend ourselves with in case....." He trailed off, not wanting to say the words he was thinking in front of Eve. Mulder looked at the shotgun still propped next to Earnest. He started to reach for it, but Scully stood in his way. "No Mulder. If you take that gun then you'll ruin what chance we have to put any time between us and Ethan. We have to leave it. When we go Earnest may well wake up and realize something's not right, and go into the bedroom to check on us. But then again he may not. But if he sees that the gun is missing, he'll know for sure. We're already outnumbered. We've lost the guns. We can't afford to lose this too." Eve quickly walked over to the kitchen area, opening a drawer she extracted a long handled butcher knife. "Take this then. It's better than nothing." Mulder took the knife from her, wrapping his fingers tightly around the wooden handle. It brought him little comfort. But as Eve had said, it was better than nothing. The air in the cabin suddenly felt super-charged with tension. As all three determined they had reached the point of final repose. There was nothing left to do or say. It was time to go. Scully gave Eve another quick hug, surprised to find her eyes misting over with emotion. Mulder reached for the badges and phones, returning them to the sack in his hand. He came up behind Scully putting his arm on her shoulder. Eve opened the door, suddenly anxious to have them on their way. Scully walked out first. The sun was just beginning to rise. There was a chill in the air, and she shivered involuntarily. Mulder came up behind her pressing his body close to hers, almost as if he was returning the favor from his mind simulation scenario when she had done as much for him against the imaginary cold. But there was nothing remotely imaginary about this she knew. Her body responded to her heightened anticipation. She could feel the blood racing through her veins. The pounding of her heart. The fear. But somewhere in the midst of all that foreboding, there was something else as well. As she crossed the threshold from the cabin to the outside it hit her with all the power of her being. Freedom. After all this time. After all the horrors. For the first time she was able to make a conscious decision without being told. Without being forced. A decision that wasn't against her will. She was amazed at how light her body felt suddenly, as she symbolically shed the shackles of her captivity over these long months. True, it did little to quell the fear, as this decision, conscious or otherwise, could very well end in her and Mulder's death. But it was exhilarating nonetheless. She couldn't help but smile. It seemed somehow sacrilege given the seriousness of the moment. She turned almost apologetically towards Mulder. And her smile widened as she saw his own face marked with the same evidence of pure joy. Together they turned towards the direction of the first marker on the trail that they hoped would take them away from this nightmare forever. Back home. Eve watched them from the door frame. They weren't the same two people who had been taken here so long ago. That was apparent enough. Neither was she, she realized sadly. She watched them until they disappeared into the woods at exactly the point where she had told them to start. She looked up at the tree that was the marker of that starting point. The sun was just now reaching up over the horizon, topping the crest of this tree that was just slightly taller than the rest. It was silly she knew, but she wanted to think that the heavens were lighting their way. The tree their unofficial guardian. Its damaged tip bent slightly towards the left from a ravage storm. Bent, but not broken. Not the same, but still alive. Still fighting. Like Mulder and Scully. Like her. The sunrise was bringing changing colors to herald the start of a new day. A new and very different day. One that would change their lives forever. Or see the end of them. She sighed deeply, turning back inside and closing the door. She went back over to check on Earnest. Satisfied that he was doing fine she removed the overturned cup that had held the tainted tea she had given him earlier. She had already disposed of the rest of the pot. She moved over to the fireplace and poured a half cup of the regular tea she had brewed since then. She placed the cup back, close to his hand. She was about to sit down across from him with a pile of mending ready to fill the time with a mindless task until he woke. Instead she crossed over to the kitchen area. She returned to the same drawer from which she had taken the large butcher knife she had given to Mulder. This time she removed another knife, but smaller in size. More compact. She hesitated only a moment before taking it with her. She buried it under the bundle of mending she was working on, as she sat down and patiently began the chore. She concentrated, wanting nothing more than to push Scully's words from her thoughts. But they refused to do her bidding. 'Protect yourself Eve. Whatever it takes....Promise me....' ************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES XI: RACING TIME ************************************** April 7th, 6:02 A.M. In The Woods, Wilstead Cabin Hadden, West Virginia Eve tried to keep her features from betraying her as she glanced over at Earnest. He was moving restlessly. His eyes flickering with nearing consciousness. Slowly he sat up, rubbing his hands over his face in a tired gesture. Eve continued with her mending, as if there was nothing out of the ordinary taking place in front of her. Earnest gave her a confused look. She smiled. "Well hello there sleepy head", she said in a slightly teasing tone. His brow furrowed at her words, as if he was having trouble narrowing down his train of thought. He hands gravitated towards his shot gun. Her heart leapt as she watched him check the chambered rounds. "Bad dreams?", she tried again. Hoping to convince him with her words that he had only fallen asleep. "What's going on here?", he questioned her. She rose from her seat, going to the fireplace and picking up the hot kettle with the aid of a dishcloth. She brought it back over to the table. She gave a slight dip of the kettle in his direction. "Would you like me to warm that up for you a bit?" He nodded, watching her intently as she poured the hot liquid into his already half-filled cup of tea. She replaced the kettle and returned to her place, picking up the mending she had been working on before. Slowly, Earnest reached for the cup of tea, blowing on it absently as it made its way to his mouth. After a moment he placed the cup back down on the table. She could feel his eyes on her again and she willed herself not to react to the close scrutiny. But her fingers were shaking and she accidently stuck her- self with the needle. "Eve, what hap....did you....", he paused as if he had forgotten what it was he wanted to say. His eyes strayed over to the bolted bedroom door. He gave her a quick glance before rising and heading in the direction of the bedroom. Eve's heart jumped. Her breath felt like it was being squeezed forcefully through her lungs. Her eyes widened in an absolute petrifying fear. She stood up quickly, her mouth open, trying to think of something to say to detract him from the door. Suddenly the front door opened and Ethan stormed inside. He was clearly angry. He kicked the door shut behind him and hurried over to the sink. "Ethan?", questioned Earnest coming up behind him at the sink. Forgetting momentarily about the bedroom. "What's wrong?" Ethan cursed silently under his breath. "It's these damn hands. I can't get any work done without them hurting like all get out. Earnest, I want you to go on out and help the others with clearing the field for that new holding pen. Everytime I try to get a grip on the ax it starts to paining me something awful. I'll look after things here." Ethan was so intent on trying to remove the bandages he didn't see the look of hesitation that crossed over Earnest's face. Earnest was about to say something about his feel- ings that something wasn't right here, but was silenced by Ethan's no-nonsense tone. "Go on now Earnest, there's a lot to be done, and little time to waste." Eve gave Earnest a hurried pleading look, as if saying you had better go before Ethan really gets mad. Earnest, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Ethan's anger, especially after the episodes he had witnessed recently, turned and left without another word. Once he had gone Eve reached out to try and help Ethan with the bandages. He moved slightly aside to let her near. She took his hands into her own with a tender touch, much as she had done so very recently with Scully's same injuries. Eve's hands were shaking and she willed them to stop, lest they voice her betrayal. She was afraid to speak. The words were caught in her throat. When the bandages were removed she guided his hands expertly under the water pump as he flinched slightly against the rush of the soothing water. Her heart was just beginning to get its rhythm under control concentrating on the grounding familiarity that came with applying her doctoring skills. Then he spoke. Shattering her last remaining thread of control. "Did you think I wouldn't find out Eve?" She froze. Her eyes refused to move from their viewpoint of his hands. She stared at them with an almost awed reverence. Contemplating the angry red coloring and raised blisters of the weeping sores. Just beneath the damaged burned outer covering, in places, she could see tiny patches of his normal skin. Unblemished. But the majority of it was tainted and scarred. Like him. She closed her eyes. Realization settling in like a heavy shroud on her soul. Slowly he removed his hands from hers, grabbing a towel from the counter he worked carefully drying them. She could hear the soft whisper of cloth against skin behind her, but she didn't turn around. She was afraid. He knows. This thought pounding over and over in her mind. And she screamed. Or she thought she did. But there was no noise. It was only in her heart. Finally, she gathered her last reserves of strength and spoke in a halting and strained whisper. "Let them go Ethan. Let them be." She turned to face him. He was smiling. And it was the most unsmiling smile she had ever seen in all her life. Ethan? This wasn't Ethan. But it was. It was. And it wasn't. He moved backwards towards the bedroom door, reaching for it. He leaned against it. Facing it. Caressing the wood in a manner that was obvious elaborate mockery, but familiar in some way. Her brow furrowed trying to understand his meaning. Then it came to her. That night when she had stole away from her cot and had pressed herself against the door trying to hear some sign of life from inside. Afraid that Mulder and Scully had slipped from this life into the next after four long days of being punished without food or water. The very night she had battled her inner demons and reached the difficult decision to help them escape. He was letting her know that he had seen her. And he had known all along of her intentions. He was playing with her. Like a predator just before pouncing on its intended prey. And just as suddenly as any predator he pushed away from the door. She cried out in surprise, the anguish barely having time to leave her lips before she felt his hands grabbing her arms in a painful grip. She wondered how he could possibly stand to hold her so tightly against the pain that he must be feeling from his burned hands. *He doesn't feel it.* He doesn't feel anything. Except hate. She looked into his eyes. They were so dark and angry. How could she have not seen this before. This was her brother. She had lived with him all of her life. But that was no excuse. How could she have not seen this before. He pushed her roughly away and she felt the corner edge of the table digging painfully into her hip. Her eyes strayed to the reddish blotches that now stained the sleeves of her dress. The residue from his burned hands. On her. It made her sick to her stomach, and she couldn't help but wonder why. She had seen much worse. She had doctored broken bones and had carried all eight of her brothers and sisters through every imaginable illness. But this. She had never imagined anything that rivaled this in horror. This was like having the mark of the devil himself on her soul. Made all the more intense because it was her first tangible proof of Ethan's state of mind. His inherent evil. Scully. Oh God, Scully had tried to tell her. And Mulder. But she wouldn't listen. She wouldn't....her eyes widened as she suddenly remembered. The knife. She would have to use it . But she couldn't. She couldn't. Her mind whirled relentlessly, flashing kaleidoscope pictures of her brothers and sisters. The little ones. What if they came back and walked in on this? Would he hurt them? He wouldn't. He couldn't. He would never....and in this one split second her mind and heart lifted the barrier of the shield that had been erected in protection of her peace of mind. A shield she now realized that she had placed there herself. A way to separate her- self from the truth. She closed her eyes, and the tears fell with unequaled force down her face. Emily. Oh God. Emily. My baby. My sweet little baby. And she doubled over at the waist, clutching her arms around herself. The onslot of the truth causing a horrific spasm in her that nothing from her medicinal plant storage could ever hope to counter. She wailed. An agonized sobbing that tore the very breath from her body. Hate. She had never felt it before. This was hate. And it consumed her. Totally. She didn't care anymore, closing herself to further lament. She turned swiftly. And without having a cognizant recogni- tion of the exact sequence of events that had brought her to this point, suddenly she could feel the grip of the knife she had hidden under the pile of mending on the table. Pliable wood and gleaming steel. It was in her hands, hot and slippery against the clammy skin of her palm. Her hands weren't shaking anymore she thought. This absent random rambling flickering across her fevered brain, and then passing away just as quick. All sequences of normality and order lost forever against the avalanche of data being inputted into her already over loaded system. Revenge it shrieked in banshee reverber- ations. Self-preservation it demanded with utmost urgency. She saw herself as if from a distance. The person she had once been taking note of the loss of her innocence and carefree abandon that had now marked her tortured passage from childhood straight into hell. She watched as Ethan retreated towards the fireplace. If he was surprised to find her suddenly brandishing a knife in his direction he didn't signal it to her. He turned his back. Taunting. Daring her to make a move. And she wanted to. Desperately. But her feet were grounded in place. The hot sting of sweat droplets pulsed down her face, blinding her eyes with the salty wetness they left in their wake. He was still turned away from her, but she watched the muscles ripple underneath his shirt as he reached down. Slowly he turned. Pointing a gun in her direction. One of their guns. Mulder's and Scully's. He really had known the entire plan. How? But it didn't matter anymore. As it was no longer relevant how he had come about knowing. He just had. The events were unfolding with surreal implications - her own brother was standing there with a weapon pointed at her. And she knew without a doubt that unlike her....he would use it. He would. He did. It happened so fast. The sound echoing like the loudest crack of thunder she could ever remember having heard. But it still took a second for the pain to register. She was already halfway to the floor, her eyes closing in darkness before she could even acknow- ledge the reality in her heart. Ethan had shot her. The knife landed useless next to her body on the floor. And Ethan laughed. After a minute, he moved over to her form, nudging it slightly with the toe of his boot. Curious. But nothing more. She remained still. He watched with fascination and an almost lupine hunger as the thick flow of blood spread in a sticky pool from the source of her wound. But the satisfaction he had garnered with his actions were only a momentary euphoric fix. Quickly, the anger flared again as he returned the FBI issue gun to the waistband of his trousers. The still amost red-hot barrel where the projectile had issued forth stinging against the skin of his abdomen. He welcomed the sensation. A reminder of the reason for his hate. Mulder and Scully. He ambled ungainly towards the front door, ripping it open, and nearly loosening it from its hinges in the process. He scanned the periphery of the woods. Then he closed his eyes tightly, letting the intensity of the last months fill the abnormality that was himself. Repeatedly closing and opening the taunt burned skin of his hands. Using the pain as a further enabler of his need for blood. And he filled his lungs with the excruciating hot tingle like some mythical dragon's putrid breath. His chest swelled to mammoth proportions, as he let loose with an ungodly and completely inhuman bellow. It filled the woods with its power. As death has a touch, so can insanity be manifested within a voice. ***** Mulder and Scully stopped in their tracks, their ears straining to interpret the sound that rippled through the woods. The last resonant echoes dying in the wind. Around them the life of the woods reacted, preparing itself with an age-old mode of pro- tective actions. The birds scattered from treetops above them seeking safety as far from this place as possible. The woodland floor around them suddenly became alive with scurrying creatures of various shapes and sizes as they burrowed into their shelters. It had been a sound like no other heard before in their world. It was as if the very bowels of hell had reached up and given birth to a monstrosity of nature. Giving it free reign to feed upon the comparable innocence that would be absent from their own domain. This horrid sound that had so quickly followed the unmistakable discharge of a loaded gun. They looked silently at each other, communicating with widened eyes and quickened breaths. They knew they had just run out of time. The hourglass was filling with sand. And it was balanced against them. Suffocating them symbolically with its crushing weight. Burying them alive. They moved together closer. Touching. Trying to anchor their last vestige of normalcy and reason, before returning to their journey. Quickening their pace and purpose. Maybe it was only apprehension. Maybe it was only an irrational outcropping of fear. Surely it must be, as they still had at least a half hour gain on any hunter. Be he....it....real or imagined. Still. They could swear they could hear the crashing of foliage and fallen bushes behind them. The quaking shake of the ground being rocked with the force of this thing's power and presence. The embodiment of evil lumbering towards them with purposeful harm and deadly intentions. Its only reason for exis- tence to steal their own from them. Their bare feet were being literally shredded by the various sharp objects they encountered. Stones. Pine needles. And all the other myriad obstacles that fate threw their way. They left bloodied evidence of their flight. Mulder stumbled, falling hard. Scully stopped and bent down next to him, her breath ragged. They rose quickly together, arms about each other. Clutching. Supporting. Running. Desperate in their quest to outrun the devil. ***** Ethan moved with a frenzied force never before felt. He was on the hunt. The prowl. The others before Mulder and Scully had never brought out this kind of reaction in him. He could feel their very presence. Their fear. And he fed on it. He dropped to the ground on all fours like the animal he had become. He burrowed deep within the leaves. Searching. Sniffing. Tracking. They were definitely close. He could smell them. His tongue snaked out. Lapping over a crimson spot on a dried leaf. Blood. He ran the tip of his tongue around the coarse contours of the inside of his mouth. Tasting it. Becoming one with it. He smiled. Hers. And there - beside it. Another leaf with tell-tale spots. He repeated his actions. His. He brought the leaves to his face breathing in deeply, capturing their essence. Searing their scent into his core. Their tracks. He bonded with them. Consumed them. This done, he released the mummified remains of the leaves to float upon the light wind. His lips parted with pleasure, tiny spots of redness staining the surface of his teeth. He smacked his lips reveling in this small taste of things to come. He stood. But not erect. Regressing in form to match his mental state into the animal shell that had been his ancestors. His features transforming into a beast-like form. The brows heavy, sloping, and over-hanging. His gait gangly and stunted. The knuckles of his hands curled and large. His body heavy and powerful with muscles. All geared towards the hunt. He now *was* truly the beast. ***** "There!", Scully cried pointing off into the distance, the one word wrapped in strain as she made a conscious effort to slow her heart's rapid pace. Mulder followed her lead, feeling the stress build to ever increasing levels in his body. He let out a breath he hadn't even realized he had been holding as he confirmed her sight. It was indeed the next marker. Just as Eve had said, and they had visualized. A bush, growing at the base of a tree. Having tendrils reaching up high along the trunk of the tree. Encircling it. Almost as if they were growing together in a symbiotic fashion. He reached for Scully pulling her close, almost afraid to let her from his sight. The blood was pounding in his temples. Loud and fast. He could feel the tremors of Scully's own heart thumping erratically against his body. Ethan was gaining on them. They could feel him getting closer and closer. The enveloping silence marked only by their muted attempts to catch their breath was suddenly shattered. The air was filled with an animalistic howl. Closer. Louder. And something neither had not thought possible - even more threatening. He was coming. *It* was coming. They began moving again. Quickly. *************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES XII: FINAL STAND *************************************** April 7th, 7:30 A.M. In The Woods Hadden, West Virginia He was the master of his environment and as such, it bowed subservient to his approach. Cowered. All that he had been before this time was no more. There was no turning back now. The transformation was complete. This was his destiny. This was his place. And they were his quarry. This was his right. Just as he had been born the hunter. They had been bred the prey. There could be no sentient conqueror without the conquered. All that had come before this point in their mutual existence had only amounted to a farce. A masquerade. An illusion. Now that he had succumbed he no longer felt the tearing struggle of inner conflict that resulted from trying to obtain what he could never possess. Sanity. It had only held a tenuous hold at best on his being anyway. He was the dark and he accepted fully its influence over him. It was only when he had tried to fit into the constraining mold and mores of the others that he had been forced to battle the rife of discord within himself. The snake can only slither and crawl. He was the snake. Its kin. Its brethren. Its master. And servant. They were one. Merged as they had always been meant to be. This was his time to bring honor to those that had come before him. And brand the path for those that would follow. And there would always be more to follow. Since time began. There is a time and place for life. There is a time and place for death. This was the time and place for madness. And he was the bringer of madness. His hungry eyes searched the woods. Gleaning with a tempest hot glare straight from hell. They could hide, but he would see. They could run, but he would chase. His nose was pugged and toughened with extra skin now. Resembling more a canine snout than human cartilage anymore. He sniffed the air, his heightened senses keenly separating and categorizing the aromas through the extremely sensitive nerve endings. Blood. His ears perked up in anticipation. Wanting. Needing. He had the taste memory of their blood still fresh in his mouth. From the leaves. He would recognize it. He was a part of it. He sniffed again deeply, taking in all the information the wind had to offer. Ready as always for the hunt. And then dismissive. Disappointed, but not diswayed. Never. The smell analyzed now - not human. A fresh kill. Animal. All the woods was joining in the hunt today it seemed. That primitive quest. He nodded slightly, giving credence to this connection made not far away. Congratulating this other hunter on his kill. And somewhere over the valleys and deep hooded canopies of the woods another animal lifted its head in answer. The blood of its kill, a small animal, still warm on its snout. The animal accepted the acknowledgment of this strange beast. Determining the hunter connection to itself. The animal/man wove the tapestry of itself through the tendrils of the wind. Its past. Its history. Its proud lineage. Telling the tale of those that had come before it. Communicating. And the other listened. Understanding. Learning. And then bowing deeply in reverence to its awe-inspiring power. Clearly the man-beast's skills overshadowed its own. It was the undisputed master. As this other animal's own ancestors bade it remember now. And never forget. The one that had been Ethan returned to his own hunt, shrugging off the smell of the other. It wasn't what he was searching for. Not his prey. He turned back. Trying again. Filling his chest. There. It was them. Not blood. But almost as sweet. Fear. It was close. Very close. And it was so achingly strong. He moved away in the direction his centuries old hunter instinct commanded him towards. His four powerful and sinewy limbs lightly touching the ground in a lopsided gait. First one side and then the next. Working together like the well-oiled machine they had become. And once again he bellowed his pleasure and anticipation into the four winds. The hunt. It was his destiny. ***** "We've gotten...off course...somehow", Scully said stopping suddenly in her tracks. She leaned over at the waist, breathing hard. She shook her head dislodging the sweat that had plastered her hair to her scalp. She was really feeling each step of this journey. She had been locked inside of that cabin for nearly everyday of the last seven months. Ethan so determined to put her in her place, had hardly ever let her see the light of day. As such even though her extremities had toughened from the hard and relentless work, she wasn't used to this kind of strenuous physical exertion anymore. She had lost weight, mostly muscle. She was weak and malnourished. And the sun, even filtered through the treetops, was beating down unmercifully. Burning its searing rays into her sensitive and exposed skin. She could feel the heat that radiated off her body. This combination of events was making her feel slightly unbalanced and decidedly dizzy. She felt an even more intense hatred of Ethan for taking away not only her very life and freedom, but now her strength as well. She was a trained FBI Agent. She should have been able to run this distance in her sleep. But no more. She would never admit it to Mulder, but she was having a lot of trouble keeping up. Mulder had pulled up short, stopping and coming back to stand beside her. He was winded, but nowhere near to the point of her exhaustion. His lot in this had been different. Each day he had been sent to work outside. His muscles had strengthened. And he was already deeply tanned from the sun. Although just as malnourished and thin as she, he still possessed considerable strength. He paused a beat before answering her. Not wanting her to know he was giving her time to catch her breath. She would never forgive him for making allowances for her. 'Damn', he cursed to himself. As many times as they went over this in their minds, neither one had taken into consideration what it would mean physically to make this run for freedom. Perhaps both were still stubbornly clinging to the hope that if they were no longer mentally the same, at least they were physically the same people they had been before. But it was not to be. All that they had been before was gone. Stolen from them. "No, we turned right....", he paused breathing deep again before continuing. Drawing out the breath to give her even more time. "We turned right at the last marker, and we've been going straight since then. It has to be...." He looked around at the massive trees encircling them. His actions betraying a lack of faith in his own words. Each tree looked much the same as the one before it. "It has to be around here somewhere." Scully straightened up, her breath finally regained, making a slow circle. Trying to define a path amidst the wood maze. "We should have reached the fork by now Mulder. Maybe we should go back. Retrace our steps. We can't afford to get lost." They both jumped slightly as the eerie echo sound slithered its way through the woods once more. Familiar now. But still never to be understood. And always chilling to their souls. The sound of the beast. Death calling out its domain. Reinforcing the fear. Reminding them once again that they were not alone. Never safe. Mulder put his arm around Scully's shoulders, urging her silently to start moving again. "You're right Scully, we can't afford to get lost", his eyes scanned the landscape. "But right now we can't afford to stop." Scully nodded, ready to continue. But then paused once again. As she suddenly heard so very clear in her mind the ghost echo timbres of Eve's voice. Sweet and strong. It held all the qualities that Scully had come to know and love over their long time together. A beguiling combination of old and young. Wisdom and innocence. Frailty and strength. And now. Something else as well. The kind of sorrowful intonation that only bitter experience and cruel life lessons can lend to intimate knowledge. Eve was somehow here now. Scully knew this without hesitation. Guiding them. Reminding them. Helping them. She listened. <> "Scully?", questioned Mulder, shaking her slightly. Concerned over the glazed look that had clouded her eyes for a moment. "Are you all right?" She looked up and realized his face was out of focus and she closed her eyes. Opening them again she was relieved to see his features before her now in a crystal clear image. "Sorry Mulder I....I guess I just got dizzy for a moment. I'm all right." She turned away, out of his arms, and he reluctantly let her go. She moved ahead a few paces, and then pointed. "This way Mulder. It's just ahead. I know it", she said in a voice filled with renewed strength. He joined her quickly, resisting the urge to question her sudden resolve and sense of direction. They both started running once again. Towards their freedom. Straining to put distance between themselves and the night- mare that had taken on a frightening corporeal form. ***** And only fifteen minutes behind them it appeared from the cover of the woods. Stopping suddenly it lingered over the place where they had rested. It bent down placing its ear to the ground. Scuffing the area with its paws. Stirring the leaves and pine needles. Listening. Feeling. And it was pleased. They were weary. Tired. Wearing down. The woman was....he struggled with the human concept of words. The woman was sick....no....not sick....weak. If this had been a true hunt in every sense of the word she would have been separated from the other. And left to fend for herself. A diversion to appease the hunter. To ensure the survival of the prey species. Sometimes one must die so that others could live. This was the way of the hunt. It had always been. But this wasn't like the majority of other hunts that played in his brain. Hunts of the past. Before his time. Retold and revisited. This was the forbidden hunt. This hunt belonged to his species alone. All hunting skills were passed on from one generation to the next. But somewhere his species' vision had been skewered. Altered. Bastardized. It had begun with the One who had come before. The First One. Its hunger and need one day no longer quelled with the myriad selection of species of prey it had been hunting since time began. It had turned to the others. The Forbidden Ones. The ones that were never to be taken. The ones that were then their masters. The humans. To hunt one of the humans was a taboo. A line never to be crossed. It would bring certain knowledge of their existence. The Ones who were the hunters would become themselves the hunted. But the temp- tation had proven too much for the First One. It had finally taken one of the humans. And fed on the sweet taste of their intoxicating blood. The thrill of this hunt unsurpassed as it had been with an undisputed superior. All this was captured forever in their one collective. Passed down in memory from one generation to the next. It was indeed the greatest hunt of all. The ultimate experience between hunter and prey. But it also proved their undoing. Their presence known now they became the hunted themselves. Almost into extinction. But a few survived. And ever since that fateful combination of events his species and all its progeny had been condemned to prowl the sparse areas. The back lands. The periphery of existence. Hidden in plain sight. Masquerading as humans. Forever banished. Only resurfacing when the need proved too much. The call to the hunt. Ethan, he was one of them. One of The Forgotten Ones. With him now he carried the life blood and memory of all that had come before him. And he was destined now to reenact the human hunt once more. To satisfy the animalistic savagery that consumed his soul. To offer this human sacrifice in honor of the Ones that had come before. His family line had carried the genetic markers for centuries on his mother's side. Dormant. Until the right combina- tion of time and genes. Heredity and environment. Genetic markings and strategic couplings. His mother had never even known until the very end the monstrosity of nature she had given birth to. It was a one in ten million birth. The final knowledge had killed her. Seeing her first born, her son, display these tendencies that were counter to the very laws of the universe. He had still been young when she died, and she had been extremely intuitive. She saw the evil in him. Before he was even aware of it. She had noticed his surreptitious acts of cruelty. And even more disturbing to her, the pleasure he derived from them. Increasing over the years in intensity and frequency. She had also carried the memories of the Ones that had come before. But her memories, there, but not carrying the same need to be acted upon, had only been awakened by witnessing the slow transformation of her son. She had control, because unlike Ethan she had been more human than one of The Forgotten Ones. She had made him promise on her death bed that he would try and fight the urges. That he would never turn on his own. And he had stood there and sworn his loyalty to her. Given his word. To her. To the humans. And he had truly believed that he would be able to keep his vow. And for awhile he had. Until the first human he had taken captive, the one he had brought home to be their 'parent' from the grocer's. He had only intended to play with him. Taunt him. Torture him. It might have been enough to stave off and quell the hunger. If only. If only he hadn't tried to run. The chase that had ensued was the first time he had ever felt complete. Grounded. Connected to something that was infinitely bigger and more powerful than anything he had ever experienced before. He was an active part of the past. He was the master of the present. And he was the shaper of the future. All these things in one. From that point on the hunter in him could no longer be denied. Standing now he felt the wind shift. Carrying their scent. He breathed in deeply. Savoring. And the voices of his ancestors cried out in unison around him. He could hear them. He could see them. As all joined in with him now in the hunt. The chase. The final stand. The kill. **************************************** They stood before the hill. It was higher than they had envisioned and overgrown with foliage. The twines were massive and rope-like, reaching and stretching. They flowed up over the crest of the hill like a reverse waterfall. Disappearing over into the darkness of the other side. If they hadn't been given prior knowledge of the locale it would have been so easy to miss the significance of this marker. The forks beckoned them. Promised sweet safety in their sense of order. A pot of gold waiting at the end of their respective rainbows. But they knew this was only a subterfuge. They were placebos. A false sense of security. If taken, they would only lead deeper into the woods. The only way out lay on the other side of this hill. And beyond it the place where Eve had told them Ethan had set unknown traps. Deadly traps. Mulder reached out testing the strength of one of the vines. Pulling it taunt to see if it would anchor his weight. Then he released it, and silently began removing his shirt. Scully furrowed her brows. Questioning him, as he neatly ripped it in two. He took one of her hands in his, wrapping the cloth from his shirt around the makeshift bandages already in place on her injuries. And then repeated his actions with her other hand. Once completed, he smiled at her, and touched her cheek gently before taking hold of the vine once more. He began climbing. One leg reaching up and capturing a foothold, and then the other. His hands moving upwards on the vine. One on top of the other. And then again. Until he had reached the top of the hill. He looked down and saw Scully below, as she reached for the same vine he had just used himself. Slowly she began making her way to the top. Grunting initially at the first flare-up of pain in her hands. Which no doubt would have been much worse without the extra padding of his shirt. She concentrated on her journey. And above Mulder was watching her progress intently. His head lowered towards the ground. But then something caught the corner of his vision. A movement. He lifted his head slightly. Scanning the woods. Nothing. The wind stirred the leaves restlessly. A raspy sound like dried skin moving against itself. Wringing its hands with a purposeful malevolent intent. Feeling decidedly uneasy, but unable to pinpoint the exact cause, he was about to return his gaze to Scully - when he saw it. And this time it wasn't imagination. There was a palpable evil potent force crashing and moving through the woods. Towards them. From his vantage point he had an almost panoramic view of the woods. Down the path they had only recently emerged from before reaching the fork - it was coming. The brambles and brush parting. Bending. Falling away in an almost suicidal reaction from the locomotive power of the entity that barreled its way through. Intent on its destination. Its goal. Its need. Mulder was strangely rooted to his spot. Mesmerized by the scene unfolding before him. He could only see bits and pieces through the coverage of the trees. But it was enough to send tidal waves of terror down to his very core. It was Ethan. And it wasn't. Part man. Part beast. But all of it determined on killing them. He tore his gaze away long enough to check on Scully's progress. She was about halfway up. She was sternly focused on her task, unaware of the nearness of the approaching demon. He looked back again and nearly collapsed with fright when he couldn't see the beast anymore. Where was it? He started to panic. It was here. It had to be. But where? And then he caught sight of it again. Closer. Too close. And moving faster now. It had seen them. "Scully! Hurry!", he cried out to her. He reached his hand down. His fingertips straining to touch her, but she wasn't close enough yet to take hold. She looked up at him, startled at the level of desperation in his voice. The fear she saw mirrored in his eyes. She swiveled her head around. He could hear her horrified audible gasp as she caught sight of the thing that was coming their way. She hurriedly turned back, redoubling her efforts to climb the vine. But she misplaced her foot, lost balance, and slid several feet down the length of the vine before catching hold and stopping her descent. Sweat was cascading from her pores. Pain radiating through her hands. She was now only a third of the way up. Closer to the ground than from the top. Mulder grabbed the vine from its top stem, pulling on it. Trying to aid her ascent. The muscles of his arms rippled in outline underneath the skin of his frame. He gritted his teeth. Put everything he had into his objective. Scully could feel herself being pulled upwards. She braced her feet against the face of the hill. Pushing out, almost horizontal. Walking up the side. She used her hands as additional leverage, even as they betrayed her with the agony. Each time she placed them as far up on the vine as she could reach, and followed their lead with her feet. Using her efforts together with Mulder's strength to pull her up at a steady pace. They worked together. Making progress. But not fast enough. The beast emerged. At the apex of the fork. It stopped. And all around them time seemed to stand still. Scully couldn't see it. Her back was turned away, towards the hill. But Mulder had an almost cruel unencumbered view. It had traveled on all fours. But now it was rising to stand on two legs. The front limbs were markedly shorter than the back ones, but not heavily distinct in their differences from each other. An odd mixture of human arms and legs, along with animal fore and hind quarters. It was covered in a dark coarse fur. Thick and bristly. The tips of its ears were almost triangle in shape. And large. Its face was a mantle of facial hair. Not as dense as that which covered its body, but leaving very little skin showing through. The points of the face were centered around the extended snout. And the gaping maw. From which protruded the rows of sharpened yellowed teeth. Razor-edged. The incisors impossibly huge. And in contrast to this mammalian image, countering it; was the pair of jeans that covered its lower half. Torn and split in places where animal and human form battled for dominion and had split the seams. There wasn't nearly enough chill in the air to manifest fogs of breath, but they were there nonetheless. Leaving the animal's putrid mouth in waves. Not condensation. Decay. A visible decomposition. The staggering smell reached even to the vantage of Mulder's perch. It was the foulest odor he had ever smelled. He gagged involuntarily. As the animal/man reached its fully erect stature. It lifted its head in their direction. Bringing the pads of one of its paws in front of its face. Displaying the claws. Fanning them out from front to back. Finger to finger. The fatal daggers that they were. The weapons that promised agonizing death. Theirs. Mulder saw all this in a split second moment of time. Then reality rushed back in with vengeance as the aberration charged forward with a sprint of speed that was maddening calculated, despite its seeming spontaneity. Mulder yanked back urgently on the vine. Pulling Scully upwards forcefully another foot. Two-thirds of the way up now. Almost there. But not enough. He pulled again. The veins of his neck standing out in hardened and pulsing cords. The beast reached the bottom of the hill and sprang upwards in one continuous fluid motion. Its claws extended like stiletto blades. Aiming for Scully's legs. Meaning to pull her down from the vine she now clinged to with every ounce of her remaining strength. Just inches short, the claws connected only with empty air. And quickly as it fell to the ground it regained its trajectory and launched itself again. And in synch with the animal's efforts, Mulder tugged savagely on the vine that had become Scully's only lifeline. Pulling her over the top to him with one gigantic final tug. Together they toppled over the crest of the hill. To the other side. Where they were immediately engulfed in an almost complete darkness. The canopies of the trees coming together in an almost dome-like structure. Blocking the rays of sun down to pinpoints. They slid down the slope quickly. The exposed parts of their bodies becoming immediately skinned and scraped from the friction and speed of their descent. Small rocks, leaves and dirt embed- ding themselves into their sensitive skin. Both landed on their feet. Quickly standing. Every nerve in their souls screaming at them to run. Escape. They fought against this overwhelming need knowing they had to proceed cautiously. There was more than the horror behind them to contend with now. They were also battling the unknown, as they had just entered the very lair of the beast they were trying to outrun. Giving it a homeground advantage. A cruel ironic edge allotted to the thing that already held the cards in its own favor. As if recognizing and savoring its conquest they could hear the beast behind them. Climbing. But slowly. Making its progress up and over the hill in a languid pace. The paws slapped and pounded against the surface of the hill. Loosening debris and plant life around it. Each foothold and grasp it captured was marked. Deliberate. It pulled its body up. Agonizing in its unrelenting determination. Telegraphing its imminent arrival and purpose. Closer. Coming. Mulder and Scully moved away slowly from the side of the hill. The path here, unlike the other markers, was easily defined. Afterall there was no need to camouflage it. Between the unknown traps and the protection of the beast it had all the built-in safeguards it needed. And the animal voiced its approval. Its roaring pleasure. It was staking its claim of victory. There was nowhere now for its prey to run. It crested the hill and stood there for a moment. Basking in its superiority and hunter's skill. Highlighted against the sun that shone through over its shoulder from the other side. Contrasting against the darkness in front. Its form was silhouetted for a moment. A combination of shadows. It's breath shown in gray-like tendrils of shadow smoke. Part light. Part dark. Part animal. Part man. A merging of tortured souls. An unnatural hybrid. Lifting its snout to the winds. Howling in evil and decadence. Raising its powerful paws in homage to his centuries-old species. This ritual an ancient tradition of rites. Offering the sacrifice of its intended kill to appease all the Ones who had come before. His species. Its kind. The Forgotten Ones. Moving with a lupine gracefulness it easily traversed the slope of the hill, down to the other side. Pushing itself away from the curve of the hill, it moved in for the kill. The pain took a moment to register in its consciousness. Confused it stumbled a step before whirling to face its attacker. Mulder stood in front of it, still brandishing the heavy tree limb that he had just brought down on the side of the beast's head. The blood it now smelled was its own. It opened its mouth in a furious howl. Regaining its composure and senses quickly. It moved a step forward. Mulder lifted the stick once more. The creature was quick. Lightning quick. Now aware of the danger, it would easily be able to sidestep the next attack. This one. This man. He would die slowly. It promised. It extended its claws menacingly. And then pain again. But not from the same place as before. It was confused. The man still stood before him. He hadn't moved. This was different. The pain was intense, radiating from the back of his neck. Iron-hot. Searing. It whirled. The woman stood there. Backing up a few steps. In her hand a knife. Dripping with blood. His blood. She had plunged the knife deep into his neck. And just as he had been compelled to repeat the actions of his ancestors. Reenacting the hunt. Reveling in the power of the kill. So it seemed he was destined to repeat their mistakes as well. As now the hunter became the hunted. Once again. He felt the surge of anguish that was the essence of his species. He had greatly underestimated their wills to live. Realizing there was no way to outrun the hunter, they, these pitiful humans, had elected to stand their ground. Surprise being the only factor in their favor. They moved together now. Circling. Advancing on him. His weapon and hers raised and ready. He retreated. But strategically. Mulder surged forward, but the beast lunged. Rolling on the ground it used its claws to rake down the length of his leg in a sweeping pass. Mulder fell to his knees, dropping his weapon, clutching his leg in a stifled scream of pain. The animal stood over him, ready to finish the job. But then Scully rushed in to his aid raising the knife high in both hands. It roared with the onslaught of fresh pain, as she deeply buried the knife to the hilt into his lower back. Agonizingly out of its reach. It had gone in so deep and so quickly she had not had time to pull it back out. She stood now defenseless. As it staggered towards her. Weakened. Bleeding. But still powerful in its deadly agenda. Scully was fighting to retain her sanity. Her brain kept insisting that the thing that stood before her was just not possible. It wasn't real. It couldn't be real. But it was. Coming towards her. But then it stopped a moment. Smiling. Like the false calm of the eye of the storm. An only temporary sanctuary. And it suddenly surged forward, launching itself into the air. Forcing Scully to back up even further. It hit her, knocked her off her feet, and they rolled together under the continuing momentum force of his attack. She felt the ground literally fall away underneath her body. She was falling. And she landed hard. Into a complete darkness. A pit. More than likely one of Ethan's traps. By accident or design the thing had dropped her here. And then she heard it. A ragged breathing. The devil's breath. Behind her. Around her. It was in here with her. She could hear Mulder calling her above. Confused. Not sure what had happened. And then she was knocked off her feet once again. It moved over her. Pinning her to the ground with its weight. Droplets of saliva dripping from its open mouth onto her neck. She couldn't see the details of its face. And she was grateful. But she could feel the hot rotted stagnation of its breath on her face growing even hotter as it slowly descended its bared teeth towards her. Going for her jugular. Ready for the kill. She closed her eyes tightly. Knowing she was going to die. Only wishing now for it to be quick. Praying at least that her death would afford Mulder his escape. Forever thankful for the short time they had together as lovers. Wanting so fervently to tell him she loved him one last time. All these thoughts and feelings rushing through her mind in a single second span of time. It shifted its body atop hers. Leaning in. She felt the rough scrape of its fur against her neck. Its tongue lashing out to taste her skin. She tensed her body. Trembling with a force she had never thought possible. Not ready to die. Afraid. Afraid. Oh God, so afraid. She opened her eyes suddenly in the darkness. She wasn't hallucinating. It had been unmistakable. The outline feel against her belly. Machinery steel and mechanized power. A gun. In the waistband of its jeans. A last vestige reminder of her human world in this nightmare realm. It was held tight in the snug fit of the material against its fur. Forgotten. Pulled taunt by the transformation it had made from human to animal. <> She remembered Eve's warning. And her own resolve that night at the fireplace. She would not give him what he wanted. Her fear. Her pain. Never! She pulled her knee upwards slamming it with as much force as she could garner into his body. He roared. Screamed. Falling backwards. She caught hold of its upper body. Following it down. Not wanting to lose sight of him in the dark. They fell together against the far wall. And she reached down. Grabbing the gun. Pulling it out. Moving back, even as it regained its senses and scrambled towards her again. The woods rang out with the recoil of the shots. Echoing again and again until the clip was completely empty. Fully loaded except for the one shot that had befallen Eve back at the cabin. And then silence. Mulder followed the sounds to the edge of the pit. Calling her name. Desperate. Throwing one leg over the edge, ready to jump in, but afraid of what he would find. And then. "No Mulder. Don't come down here. I need you to pull me out." Her voice was exhausted. Drained, but controlled. "Ethan?" There was an audible pause. His heart hammered in his chest. "He's dead." Mulder waited a second, but no further explanation was coming. Only silence. He moved away to find a strong vine to pull her up with. Down in the pit Scully pulled her knees up into her chest. Rocking gently. As far away from the body of the beast as she could get. ***** Once again time held no meaning in their existence. They made the rest of the journey in near silence. Slowly. Their pace no longer dictated by fear. By chase. By death. They held onto each other. Leaning. Supporting. When they reached the edge of the forest, they stopped. Staring. Unbelieving. There under the seven-month natural growth of foliage, along with a careful effort of camouflage was the wrecked remains of their car. And they fell to the ground together. On their knees. Hugging. Crying. Kissing. Touching. Desperately clinging to one another. It was over. They had survived. They were going home. **************************************** THE FORGOTTEN ONES XIII: THE RETURN *************************************** April 7th, 3:43 P.M. County Road 5 Hadden, West Virginia Mulder winced underneath his breath. Tightening his arm around her shoulder. Scully shielded her eyes from the hot sun with her hand and looked up at him. Concerned. He had been limping heavily for the last half mile or so. His face was a mask. Trying to conceal his pain from her. The sharp razor-like intrusive wounds that had been inflicted upon his leg by the claws of the beast were serious. Very serious. He had lost a lot of blood. Too much. She had applied a make-shift tourniquet by tearing off material from the bottom of her dress, but he needed proper medical attention. His skin had taken on a ghastly pallor underneath the ruddiness of his tan. She was afraid he was going into shock. She brought her right arm across his stomach, reaching around to clutch his waist. Her other arm was around his back across his shoulder. She raised her hand, laying it beside his chin to encourage him to lean against her and drop his head on her shoulder. She tried to take much of his weight, but she barely had enough strength left to support herself. And it didn't help that they were so uneven in height. They had been walking for hours along the same county road they had been driving on originally so many months ago. Barefooted. Tired. And injured. When they had started out it had been an easy trek as they had traveled on a sheer euphoric energy. Brought on by the unbelievable relief and giddy happiness that came from knowing they had finally escaped their prison of over seven months. Upon initially emerging from the confines of the woods they had been in an almost shell-shocked state. Caught in an eerie essence of unreality. Safe now after the harrowing chase that had ensued between them and Ethan, or what had once been Ethan. And even knowing they had survived. That they were now free. Somehow still, it was only when they had seen the remains of their car that they had truly been jolted back into the present. This had been the tangible evidence that had finally caused the impact to hit them with a hammer force realization. As much as they had physically stepped from underneath the heavy tree canopies of the darkness into the light. So too in this one single moment they crossed the invisible mental barrier that had existed between the nightmare world that they had been held captive in, and their own world. The one they had once belonged to before. And had so desperately been trying to return to ever since. It was really over. They had fallen to their knees. The broken hull of their rental car standing as a strange monument background behind them. Shaking. Crying. Holding each other with trembling arms. Trying to sort through the staggering array of emotions that threatened to over- whelm their spirits. Finally, after many long minutes they had hesitantly parted. Standing together with arms held tightly about each other they had started to walk. With an unspoken but matched resolve, they had headed off in the same direction they had been traveling that fateful day. That day that had started out much like any other, but had served to change their lives and their relationship forever. These thoughts and feelings carried them. Supported them. But as the day wore on the sun's heat began to take its toll on their already battered and bruised bodies. Not one car had passed by them in all this time. It seemed almost as if they had become the only two people left alive in a world gone somehow mad. Yet they continued. Even- tually, they began to feel the full force sting and jarring pain of their combined injuries. Their weakened state. They were close to heat exhaustion as well. Scully ran her tongue over her dried and cracked lips. They had no water as the back pack Eve had prepared for them had been lost during the pace of the chase. Mulder stumbled suddenly, and with her arms clasped around him in support, Scully couldn't stop herself from falling as well. They landed in a heap on the side of the road. "Mulder", Scully called to him. He was moaning softly. His eyes closing. And then silence. "Mulder", she tried again. They were both laying prone on the ground. She crawled over to him, leaning over his chest. Shaking him slightly. She placed the palm of her hand against his forehead. His skin was clammy. She lowered her head, brushing her cheek next to his. Feeling the fever heat of his body radiated back to her. He was uncon- scious. "Mulder", she whispered softly, burrowing her head into the hollow of his neck. She spoke quietly against his ear. "Don't leave me now. Please." She lay there for a moment. With him. Her arms around him tightly. Not moving. Willing him to wake up. But he didn't stir. Finally, she sat up, looking morosely off into the distance. The crudely paved road offering the only break in scenery. A shimmering river of blacktop and tar that split the woods neatly in half. The painted divided lines thinning and diminishing in perspec- tive over the horizon. She turned her head, looking the other way. And was met with only an exact mirror version of what lay on the other side. Deserted. She was alone. Completely alone. She stood up on shaky feet. There were spots swimming in front of her eyes, and her head pounded steadily with an almost deafening headache. The sun beat down strongly on the top of her head, reminding her of its power. And potential threat. She knew she had to get Mulder out of the sun, into some shade. She bent down over him, putting her hands underneath his arms. She pulled back hard, straining with the effort. Her burned hands strongly announcing their displeasure at her course of action. He didn't budge. She tried again, leaning back using every ounce of leverage and strength she had left. Grunting with the monumental effort. Finally he moved, almost imperceptibly. And struggling, inch by inch, she managed to drag him over to a nearby large tree, which offered generous shade. Once he was settled to her satisfaction she dropped exhausted and covered in sweat next to him. Pulling him into the comforts of her arms. Her hands throbbing in a staccato beat in time with the pounding in her head. She leaned back against the tree. Almost immediately her eyelids began to close. For a moment she fought their inten- tion. But total exhaustion had finally caught up with her and would settle for nothing but her complete surrender. Never releasing her hold on Mulder she fell unwilling into a deep, but restless slumber. ********** It was nearing dark when she awoke again. She tried to sit up and was at first startled to find that she couldn't move. It took her a second to realize that she was pinned underneath Mulder's weight. Her hands still clutching his shoulders against her body. She drew in a sharp breath as her body began signaling a painful tingling, as it chastised her for her sudden movements of sore limbs held in one position for far too long. It took a concentrated effort, but she finally was able to extract herself, lowering Mulder's head carefully to the ground behind her. She checked his pulse. Slow. But strong. And then rearranged the tourniquet on his leg. The wounds were deep, ragged, and still seeping blood. Too much blood. She was worried as well about infection. She braced herself against the tree and tried to use it as an aid to help her to her feet. Almost immediately she fell back down again. Her legs felt like they were made of rubber. Weak. Too weak now to even hold her own weight. She brought her aching arms across her face, to her eyes. Rubbing them roughly. 'Dammit', she thought angrily. 'How much more? How much more could they be expected to suffer?' She slammed her fist hard against the bark of the tree. A futile gesture. Anger. Nothing more. She stifled a scream at the red-hot flare-up of pain in her hand which only served to fuel the growing fury in her soul. Her feelings of complete helplessness. She was suddenly seized with the irrational feeling that somehow the woods around them were as much their captors as Ethan had been. Still refusing to let them go. Working against them. Throwing obstacles in their path at every step. Reaching out with an animate malevolence. She had never felt so alone. She slid down slowly until she was laying next to Mulder. She used her body to cover his. Offering her feeble warmth to him against the coming chill of the night. She was so tired. So very tired. Her eyes began closing once again. And she was too exhausted to fight anymore. Sleep. It called to her. Beckoning like an old friend. Her body began relaxing, which allowed the constant pain to recede slightly. Drawing her further into the waiting arms of total unconscious- ness. And she welcomed it. ********** Later, only minutes she was pretty sure, as she was still in that limbo place that is part wakefulness, her eyes fluttered open. She had felt something. A vibration. She sat up gingerly. Tense. Waiting. There it was again. The quietness and almost cocoon-like setting of the woods afforded something like an early warning system. It was transmitting information to her even now. Through the tiny vibrations coming from the ground. And now adding to that, a far-off soft sound as well. She hadn't heard this sound in a long time, but it was unmistakable. There was a vehicle approaching. A car. Still a long ways down the road. But it was coming. She hurriedly tried to stand. Forgetting. Only to be betrayed once again by her own body. Falling to the ground she immediately assessed that she could not afford to waste time on this useless endeavor. Her legs could no longer support her. This was a fact. So, she began to crawl. Determined. Towards the road. Painfully moving first her knee and then pulling her body forward after it with her elbows. Then the other side. Her arms were shaking violently. Threatening to collapse. But she continued her pilgrimage. An almost horizontal reenacting of her earlier vertical climb on the vine. This time though instead of running *away* from something, she was trying fervently to get *to* something. But the same muscles that had been tortured then, now stubbornly refused to be abused anymore. Just like the woods it seemed - working against her. She cursed and muttered under her breath. Damning the world and all that had transpired over these last months. Yet this very anger dared fate to stop her now. She reached the break between woodland and blacktop, just as the headlights of the on-coming car could be seen cresting a not too far-off hill. She quickly realized that she could not take the chance that the car would pass her by. Unable to see her on the side of the road. This car being the only sign of civilized life they had come across all day. She had to be sure she was seen. She pushed herself forward again. Onto the road. Until she had reached the very middle. Straight into the trajectory path of the on-coming car. She wanted to at least sit up. Wave her arms. Something. But all strength left her completely in a rush of air that exited her chest in an agonized breath, as she fell upon her back. She lay there on the pavement, heaving, as her body completely shut itself down to her further entreaties to move. 'Move! Dammit!' But it wouldn't. Arms outstretched. Eyes to the sky. She was frozen in place. She waited. Praying. Pleading. A mantra playing in her head over and over again - 'See me. See me. Seemeseemeseemeseeme.....' She could feel the increasing vibrations echoed through the pavement and then up along the entire length of her body. Magnifying their frequency with the car's velocity and approach. The mounting power of its engine only outweighed by her own fear. She was able to turn her head limply, dropping it to the side weakly. Watching. And was suddenly blinded by an intense light. She panicked. Her heart hammering. At first thinking it was the headlights of the car, closer than she had estimated. But it wasn't. As this intense light was immediately followed by a stabbing dimming numbness in her brain. It seemed her mind was now matching her body's lead, following it into a total eclipse. She was slipping away again. Falling into unconsciousness. The last things she registered before it took her was the sounds of a horn blaring, and the unbearably loud, screeching sound of brakes. The smell of burning rubber assaulting her nostrils. The impossibly huge image of the car barreling down upon her, close enough to spray her with a sheet of gravel that painfully imbedded itself into the skin of her face and legs.....And then, mercifully. Nothing. **************************************** April 10th, 11:37 P.M. Memorial Hospital Culver, West Virginia Mulder opened his eyes. It was raining. But somehow this was wrong. For some reason it didn't feel right. It took him a moment to under- stand the reason for his confusion. He could see the rain. But he couldn't feel it. Because he was no longer outside. In the woods. He was inside a darkened room. Lighted only by a soft glow coming from somewhere over his head. The rain he had heard was tapping against the window at a steady beat. He looked around, trying to orient himself. He was in a hospital. That was obvious. There was an I.V. line trailing a tube from it's steel pole down into his arm. The clear liquid dripping slowly from a half-empty bag of fluids. He could see and feel the heavy outline of bandages covering his leg underneath the blanket over him. He twisted to the side looking for the nurse station call button he knew from many past experiences that he would find there. He pushed on it insistently until the door opened on a hiss of cushioned air. A tall blonde nurse entered, turning the light on as she came through the door. Mulder blinked against the sudden glare. She smiled at him. "Agent Mulder. You're awake. We were wondering....." He interrupted her. Needing to know. "Scully? Dana Scully? Where is she? Is she all right?" He could hear the urgency in his voice. The nurse walked over to the side of his bed reaching up to check the I.V. as she spoke. "Dr. Scully is fine. She's in another room. One of the other nurses went to wake her as soon as you rang the station." She paused, frowning slightly. "Dr. Scully has been quite....vocal....in her instructions to be notified when you regained consciousness." Mulder almost laughed, knowing that one little word - *vocal* - actually meant that Scully had probably been breathing down their necks. Generally throwing her weight and title as Dr. around to ensure that he would get the care that *she* would give him herself if she could. A sure sign in his mind that she was okay. And then she was there. Standing in the doorway, leaning slightly on the arm of another nurse. Looking very small and tired. But alive. She smiled at him from across the room. She moved away from the supporting arm of the nurse, shuffling slowly towards him. She was wearing a hospital gown and slippers, covered by a thin robe. Her hair was freshly washed. It was longer now reaching below her shoulders in soft waves. It shimmered in the subdued light. By the time she had reached his side, the two nurses had discreetly backed out of the room, closing the door. Leaving them alone. Mulder reached for her, pulling her against him. She breathed warmly against his neck. 'Oh God, she feels so good', he thought. He never wanted to let her go. But she pulled back from him. Turning away from him. She worked her way back to the door. For a terrible moment he thought she was leaving. Maybe regretting now what had happened between them during their captivity. Wanting to begin the break of their relationship easy. Now that she had had time to consider its implications on the dynamics of their real world lives that they would soon be returning to. He tried to swallow around the lump forming in his throat, as she reached her bandage covered hand towards the door. But her hand passed the doorknob, instead lifting towards the light switch, turning it off. And he breathed out again in relief, as she came back to him. She climbed on the bed beside him, lifting his arm with the I.V. attached. Carefully she nestled next to him, lowering his arm tenderly around her shoulder. She looked up into his face. Seeing the traces of doubt that had crossed his features for a moment. Knowing he wondered if she still felt the same way about him now. She lowered his head to hers. Kissing him gently. When they parted she looked into his eyes before speaking. "I can't go to sleep anymore without you next to me Mulder." He closed his eyes. Unable to speak for a moment. Finally, he opened them again, holding her tight. "You won't ever have to again Scully. I promise." They were silent for several minutes. Listening to the rain. Content. "Tell me what happened Scully", he asked her after awhile. She took a deep breath before beginning. "After you passed out, I was able to flag down a car." She used this simple sentence to skim over her ordeal with the car that had almost driven right over her back there in the woods. "We were taken here. We've been here for three days now. Both of us were unconscious for the first day. When I came to later, I found out that they didn't even know who we were. It took awhile, but I finally convinced them of our identities and connection with the FBI. And the kidnaping. I contacted Skinner. He was....", she hesitated. "Angry? Speechless? Flabbergasted?", Mulder supplied playfully. "Surprised", Scully finally settled on the tactful word that came closest to the flurry of expletives and shocked silence that had flown across the phone wires. After all it wasn't the first time he had witnessed their miraculous return from the dead. "He'll be here tomorrow by the way", she added. Mulder nodded. "And I called my mother", she said quietly. He looked down at her. Seeing the pain in her face. Knowing she was blaming herself for the grief that her family must have suffered thinking she was dead after all this time. "My brother said she had to be sedated after talking to me. I shouldn't have called her Mulder. I should have waited until we got back so she could see me in person. She was so upset, crying and.....", her voice dropped off, strained around her choked-back sobs. Mulder held her tight, letting her work through the sorrow until she was able to speak again. "I was going to call your mother, but after talking to mine, well....", she trailed off. "We'll go see them both first thing Scully." She nodded, drawing her arm across his chest. They were quiet again. She drew deep breaths. Steeling herself. Knowing what he would want to know next. And he didn't disappoint her. "What about the Wilstead family? What happened to them?" She was silent for a moment. At first he didn't think she was going to answer him. But then. "By the time the authorities went back there. Using my directions to the cabin. They were gone Mulder. We think maybe they are hiding. They know how to live and survive in those woods. There is still a search going on, but I don't think we'll find them." "What?", he stammered. "Gone? All of them?" She shook her head sadly. "Not all. Eve was still in the cabin." Scully lowered her head. "Her body was there. She had been shot." This time Scully held Mulder tight. Feeling the grief rack his body. The tears slip from under his closed lids. She smoothed his hair down around his face. Whispering to him softly, calling his name. She let him have all the time he needed to adjust to this sorry event. She had her own time to grieve already. And a part of her had somehow known even before the police officer had given her the news in person. Back in the woods, when she had heard Eve's voice. She thought now maybe she had known even then. She could feel Mulder's body relaxing against her now. Drifting off to sleep. He was exhausted. So much to absorb. She let him sleep. Kissing his cheek lightly before closing her own eyes. But there was still more to tell him tomorrow. He didn't know about Ethan. When they had gone back to the pit to retrieve his body. It was gone. ********** May 9th, 7:45 P.M. Scully's Apartment Scully tapped her fingers on the table where she had been reading a medical journal. Still trying after a month to catch up on everything that she had missed during her long absence. Her eyes kept straying towards the door. She finally slapped down the book impatiently. Knowing she would not be able to concentrate until she got this out of the way. She walked over to the front door of her new apartment. After being gone for over seven months both her and Mulder's apartments had been let go. Life had to move on. Luckily though, both their mothers could not part with their possessions yet, and had placed them in storage. She and Mulder had decided to use this convenient need to relocate and had rented apartments within minutes of each other. Skinner had grandly given them both a month's leave of absence to recuper- ate from their ordeal. This time frame would end in a couple of days and they would return to work. To the X-Files. This all of course had involved a governmental battle of unending proportions. First, the red tape paperwork that was required to change their official status from deceased to living was still on-going. And re-opening the X-Files was major challenge. But with Skinner on their side and taking into consideration all that they had gone through. It had finally been accomplished. Scully reached for the door and began the irritating ritual that had become so ingrained in her routine over the last weeks. But it was getting better now. She only had to do it once or twice a day at most anymore. She started at the top. Sliding and slipping the chain lock from its cradle. And then the bolt. She reached down and turned the lever on the deadbolt to the right. This done, she grabbed the doorknob, yanking it back. She opened the door. Stepped outside for a moment. And then came back in. She was about to lock the door again when there was a soft knock. She opened it right away. Knowing ahead of time who it was. Mulder stepped in encircling her with one arm, while holding a full grocery bag with the other. He moved back looking at her closely. "You opened the door rather quickly. How many times does that make today?" She smiled. He knew well of her ritual. The need she had developed over the weeks following their imprisonment. The need to know that she could get out if she wanted to. To know that she wasn't locked inside. Trapped. Confined. As they had been for so long. It had been bad in the beginning. As were his nightmares. But the mandated therapy they had received, along with having each other to lean on had made things much better now. "It was the first time today", she told him, a tone of accomplishment evident in her words. She walked with him over to the kitchen. Curious to see what he had brought with him for their dinner. ********** May 11th, 1:45 A.M. Scully's Apartment She still missed her old apartment, but she loved having the balcony that this one had. She sometimes had trouble sleeping and she would come out here for awhile. Letting the soft cool wind play with the tendrils of her hair. Her nightgown rippling lightly against her legs. It was another way to make her feel her freedom. A realness in being able to walk outside whenever she wanted. And as always it wouldn't be long before he would miss her warm body next to his and he would come to join her. He slipped his arms around her waist from the back. Drawing her close. Nuzzling his face against her neck. She reached her arms up draping them around his neck. "Are you worried about tomorrow?", he asked her. Tomorrow. It was more than just another day for them. They would be returning to work. But first they had a meeting scheduled with Skinner. At their request. They had sat down together when they had gotten back and talked. Argued. Cried. But always coming to the same conclusion. They loved each other. There was no going back now to what their relationship had been before they had been kidnapped. Nor did they want to. But being back in the real world demanded they live by the rules of the real world. Their work was a part of who they were. It was what had brought them together in the first place. They both loved their jobs. But if it came down to it. They would give up the X-Files. They came first. Their lives together. They had already lost too much time. Both held their own visions in their mind that centered around this decision. For Mulder it was that first night. When he had held Scully as Ethan had pulled on her broken arm. Hearing her screams. Vowing that he would give anything in return for her comfort. His life. The X-Files. The Truth. Samantha. And he was just as willing today to make those sacrifices. And for Scully it was that last day. In the pit with the beast poised over her ready to take her life. Her final thoughts only of her fervent wish to tell Mulder once again how much she loved him. And how grateful she was that they had become lovers. And for them both, all that had happened in between. As each horror filled day had managed to bring them closer together. They would try to have it all. The X-files and their life together. It hinged on their meeting tomorrow with Skinner. They owed him the truth. If he was willing to keep their secret. If they could prove to him, and to themselves, that they could have a relationship and still work together on the X-Files. Then they could indeed have the best of both worlds. And if not, well they had already typed and printed their letters of resignation. Ready to hand directly to Skinner tomorrow if the meeting went against them. But they were ready either way. For either outcome. Because they would go in together and continue their work. Or they would walk out together for good. She turned to face him. Smiling. The strands of her hair moving against his cheek in the wind. "No Mulder, I'm not worried at all." He returned her smile with an equal one of his own. She lay her head upon his shoulder as they walked back into the apartment. THE END