From: Date: 14 Apr 2005 18:22:23 -0000 Subject: Nothing Is As It Appears Pt -1 by Dyann Zimmerman Source: direct Reply To: TITLE: Nothing Is As It Appears Pt. 1 AUTHOR: Dyann Zimmerman RATING: R/NC-17 KEYWORDS: MSR; S/O; RST SPOILERS: At this point, who cares? SUMMARY: Mulder is gone and Scully tries to get on with her life... trouble ensues. DISCLAIMERS: Please sue me. I'd love my fifteen minutes. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This kind of takes place around the beginning of Season 8, I suppose. Use your imagination. E-MAIL: OFFICE OF DANA SCULLY FBI ACADEMY QUANTICO, VA "Scully," she answered, her office phone balanced between her cheek and shoulder so she could use her hands to gather her class notes and her Starbucks. She was already running late for her 1:00 class and she wished she hadn't even answered the ringing phone. "Dana, it's Skinner. I need to see you," he told her nervously, not really giving her room to decline. She could sense an odd tone in his voice and her gut immediately told her his call was about Mulder. This wasn't the first time he had called with some report about Mulder since he had gone away; a sighting here; a supposed e-mail there. Nothing had ever actually been found and Skinner's contacts had only served to upset and disappoint her, but she always had hope that the next call would be the one to lead her to bringing Mulder back home. "Sir, have you found something?" she asked tentatively. "I just need to see you. Can you get away?" Scully had traded her class session with a colleague and headed to the Hoover building as quickly as she could. None of her co workers knew of her personal situation, that she had a child with her former partner and he had been gone for more than a year, so she had simply told them she had been called to Hoover for a meeting. She hadn't lied. Scully had appreciated that Skinner had kept his antenna up for any information that surfaced about Mulder now and then, even if none of it had panned out. And her former boss had been a good friend since Mulder had left, supporting her and understanding that giving up her son was, ultimately, the only way to protect him and to give him a normal life. So when he called, she always went. OFFICE OF WALTER SKINNER HOOVER BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC "Sir, Agent Scully has arrived," Kim buzzed her in, giving her a small smile. As soon as Scully was close enough to see the look on Skinner's face, she knew something was different. Even when he felt a tip he had was probably bogus, he had tried to appear positive and interested. But today, he stood before her with a look on his face that told her he had information that was anything but positive. Scully sat down in the leather chair opposite his massive desk, something she had done more times than she could count in the last eleven years, waiting for him to speak. "Dana, I received some information from the Santa Fe, New Mexico headquarters last night," he started, moving to sit in the chair next to her, something she never before remembered him doing. "I'm assuming this concerns Mulder?" she asked, beginning to fidget in her seat. "Yes, Dana," he said, looking at his hands before looking back at her. "I've been on the phone with my contacts there most of the night." "And?" she said, her patience beginning to wane at his vagueness. "Dana, I hoped I would never have to tell you this, but..." his voice breaking. "Just tell me what you've found!" Scully pushed, her voice rising with her impatience. "Mulder is dead, Scully. They have evidence that he was killed in a fire in Las Cruces," he said, his face as distressed as his feelings for her. "I'm sorry. Truly." Scully sat there stunned, all of her thoughts running through her head at once before pouring out of her mouth. "How do you know? What evidence do they have? I want to see everything. How can you be sure?" Skinner had anticipated all of her questions, knowing she would never accept his news without proof. And, sadly, he had verifiable evidence that gave him little doubt that Mulder was indeed dead. Skinner handed her a DNA report done on human tissue found in the charred remains of a rooming house fire that had been the result of arson. They were only tested because a former FBI informant had once resided there and the local field office wanted to determine if it had been him who had died. When the DNA had matched in the FBI data base, where Mulder's was, of course, on file, they had called Skinner to inform him of their findings. "But... but, why would he have been in this place?" she stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "In New Mexico?" "I don't know, Scully. But, I believe it is him," he told her gently, standing and moving to his desk drawer to retrieve something. "They found this. It was couriered to me this morning," he told her sadly, handing her a small, charred book. As soon as Scully saw it, she could feel her lips tighten and her chin begin to quiver. Her body fell back into the chair as she battled not to cry, but the tears came as soon as Skinner handed her the book, a book she recognized as Samantha's diary. She opened it slowly, hoping against hope that it wasn't actually what she really knew it was. But, tucked between the charred pages in the final chapter was a small picture of William. She covered her face with her hand, pressing the diary to her chest with her other, her sobs becoming audible. "Mulder..." she cried into her palm. Skinner crouched down in front of her, knowing words wouldn't help her and just laying a hand on her shoulder, his other on her knee while he let her softly cry. They stayed like that for many long minutes, neither of them saying anything. Skinner had escorted Scully out the private entrance of his office and walked with her to her car. Predictably, she had told him she was fine and would not accept a ride home. He had expected nothing different. She didn't tell another person for several days, simply telling her AD that she needed to take a couple of weeks off work for 'personal reasons'. Finally, she told her mother, then John and Monica, who helped her arrange a private memorial service a week later. Scully felt like she navigated on auto-pilot for the next couple of months, trying to find some peace for her soul. She knew she would never be able to see her world as it was when Mulder was still in it, but she hoped she would be able to find a way to live in it without him. FBI ACADEMY QUANTICO, VA Seven months later "Hi, I'm Dana Scully," she said, introducing herself as she offered her handshake to the new agent who had just transferred in from the San Diego office. "Tony Easton," he said, returning her handshake firmly. "Good to meet you." He had been brought in to teach profiling, having worked in Chicago and New Orleans as a field agent before transferring back to San Diego, his home area. "Well, uh, welcome, I guess," she said, smiling to him. "I'm showing you around I guess, huh?" she asked, not all that thrilled to do so, but doing as she'd been directed by her Assistant Director. "Yeah, I've been at Hoover the last couple of days, all the paperwork, you know," he smiled, his voice easy and smooth. "This is only the second time I've actually been here, so I need all the help I can get." Scully smiled, "Well, I guess, first, we should get you settled in your office..." The rest of the day had been spent with Scully getting him settled and they had spent most of the next day reviewing some of the curriculum along with a couple of the other instructors. Easton seemed to fit in easily and everybody agreed that they were lucky to get him and that the San Diego field office had let a good agent get away. THE SEAGRASS RESTAURANT ARLINGTON, VA Two weeks later "So tell me, Dana. 'You taking care of yourself?" Monica playfully admonished her. She had called Scully several times to meet her for dinner, instead getting her to finally commit to a mid-week lunch. "Yes, Monica. I'm taking care of myself," she kidded back. The two women smiled at each other, both knowing what Monica really wanted to ask about. "Really, you doin' okay?" Monica asked, looking at Scully with that steely gaze that could be a bit disconcerting at times. "I'm...," Scully started, stopping when she realized she owed Monica more that just a pat answer. "I, uh, I have good days and bad days. I guess I'm just trying to get to the point where the good ones start to outnumber the bad ones," Scully smiled sadly, taking a drink of her coffee, trying to erase the mental image of Mulder that had just flashed in her mind. "Yeah... I wish I could help in some way, Dana. John and I both do," Monica told her sincerely. Scully smiled to her, truly appreciating Monica's friendship as well as her and John's presence in her life these last seven months. "I know, Monica. Really, I'm trying to do a few things other than work, but we have a new instructor that I've been assigned to train and we've got a new group of recruits starting in two weeks and...," Scully started. "That's work, Dana. Work," Monica smiled. "What about other things?" Scully looked almost shy, self-conscious as she considered Monica's question and all its insinuations. "I've been going back to church more regularly. That seems to help," she answered, but Monica got the distinct impression that there was something that Scully wasn't mentioning. "There's something else," Monica realized, Scully seeming almost uncomfortable, but not necessarily in a bad way. "Oh, geez," Scully sighed, obviously wanting to tell her friend, but not seeming to know how. She took a deep breath and bluntly admitted "I, uh, I was asked out on a date." Monica, of course, smiled broadly, her eyes lighting up with mischief. "And?" she grinned. "And, I agreed to go and I'm nervous as hell about it and I'm thinking of canceling," Scully said through an uncomfortable smile. "Why? Dana, I think it's great!" Monica said, touching Scully's hand as it fidgeted with her salad fork. "Who's the lucky guy? Tell me everything," Monica asked teasingly but really wanting to know. "He's the new instructor I mentioned. He's a profiler who transferred from the San Diego field office," Scully began, eating a few bites of her spinach salad. "He, um, he took the job at Quantico to get out of field work after being shot in that ATF fiasco in Carlsbad last year. Says he figures recruits might be a little less likely to open fire on him," Scully relayed, a smile spreading to her face recalling his humorous lunch conversation from the previous day. Monica noticed her pleasant expression, the change in her demeanor when she spoke of this new man. "Tell me more." "I don't know a whole lot, I guess," Scully admitted, still obviously uncomfortable. "He's been with the FBI for 10 years. Worked in Chicago and New Orleans before being in San Diego for the last two years." "New Orleans?" Monica asked quickly, reminding Scully that she had transferred from the New Orleans office herself. "What's his name?" "Tony Easton," Scully answered, looking to Monica for recognition. "You know him?" And she found it, Monica tossing her head back in a happy chuckle. "I worked with him, Dana-- when I first started with the FBI," she said. "He's wonderful, a genuinely terrific guy," she continued, but then her voice trailed off, remembering, suddenly looking at Scully very seriously. "What?" Scully asked anxiously. "Dana, he was married," Monica told her frankly. "'Was' being the operative word, Monica. He's been divorced for almost three years," Scully telling her calmly. Monica's sigh of relief was audible which made Scully chuckle, realizing Monica was probably wanting her date to succeed more than she did. "So, when's the big day?" "This Saturday. He has tickets to the symphony. Mozart," Scully shrugged like 'how bad could it be' even though she could feel the butterflies of excitement in her abdomen. "Saturday? Then I expect a report on Sunday, Dana," Monica smiled. "Sunday." LINCOLN CENTER WASHINGTON, DC Saturday night "Dana, I hope you enjoyed this evening as much as I did," Tony told her as he pulled from one of the underground parking lots at the Lincoln Center. "Really. I'm not just saying that as some hokey date line," he kidded, reaching to touch her shoulder. "I really had a good time." They had gone to a wonderful restaurant nestled along the Potomac, enjoying the view and the conversation. Scully had worn a 'little black dress' that was mid-calf length, adding a deep blue cashmere pashmina to cover her arms and shoulders. She looked very different than she did at work; softer, even younger, he thought. "I did, too, Tony," she answered, looking at her hands holding her clutch in her lap. "It's been a long time since I've really been out like this," she admitted softly. "I find that hard to believe," he told her, sincerely figuring she couldn't be serious. How could a woman like her not have her pick every night of the week, he thought. "Well, believe it," she smiled sadly, thinking to herself that he probably wouldn't believe her whole story if they ever got to the point where she could tell him. "Anyway, thank you for a great evening, Tony. And great company," she smiled thinking how easy he was to talk to. He was jovial and fun loving, not seeming to pass up an opportunity to joke with her. He was very well-read and much more educated about Mozart than she was. She had been impressed by his encyclopedic knowledge of early jazz artists that he revealed at dinner and they found they had so many favorite movies in common that it was almost uncanny. And, not to be discounted, he was incredibly easy on the eyes, she'd admitted noticing to herself, his black suit and silver silk tie looking especially regal against his dark charcoal skin. He was tall, taller than anyone she was used to being around, and had a well-built frame, more that of someone who worked out than that of a runner. He had talked fairly easily of his divorce, not blaming his ex-wife or himself, simply chalking it up to both of them marrying too young and growing up to take different directions. Scully found herself feeling more comfortable with him than she had with anyone in years, with the exception of one person. But that person was gone and she deserved a life. "I hope I don't seem too eager, Dana, but could we do this again?" he asked, after they had pulled up in front of her apartment, hoping he wasn't pushing things. Scully took in a deep breath before turning to him, thinking about what she wanted to say. "I, uh, like being with you, Tony," she began, looking to him to make eye contact. "But there is a lot about me that you don't know; things that may make a difference to you." "I'm a good listener, Dana," he replied, touching her shoulder softly again. Scully looked at him and smiled "How about you come by Saturday at around seven. There's a quiet little place about four blocks from here and we can walk there," Scully told him, reaching for the door handle. "It's casual and we can talk. If you don't bolt from the restaurant after hearing my story, I'll take it as a good sign," she smiled, taking his hand in hers and giving it a soft squeeze before exiting the car and heading up the walk to her building alone. CASA ANTONIA RESTAURANT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Saturday evening "Come in, come in," Scully said, opening the door to let Tony enter her apartment. They hadn't seen each other at work this week, refresher training with current agents scheduled for the week since the recruits would begin occupying everyone's time next week. Towards the end of the week, she found herself missing him, the realization of that somehow unsettling her. "Nice apartment, Dana. It's very... you," he finished, smiling at her, still standing by the door looking around. "Let me grab my coat. We shouldn't have any trouble getting a table," she jabbered impersonally, ignoring his observation, unsure of what it might mean. They walked the few blocks to the restaurant, the night air brisk, but not uncomfortable. The restaurant was crowded, but, luckily, they were able to get a table fairly quickly. It was a small circular booth and Tony slid in closely to her, initially putting her a bit on edge. They had a nice meal and had mostly talked about movies and books and politics and everything but what they were there to talk about. After the meal, Scully had passed on dessert but Tony had ordered Tiramisu, Scully playfully sneaking a bite or two from his plate. After their coffee had arrived, Scully looked at him and smiled and knew he was waiting for her and she needed to start. "So..." she sighed, looking at him next to her. "So..." he smiled, taking a drink of his coffee. "Where do you want me to start?" she asked, probably rhetorically. "Where you feel comfortable starting," Tony told her, shifting slightly toward her before continuing. "Dana, I'm not pressuring you to talk about things you don't want me to know. But, I want you to know that there isn't anything about you that I don't want to know more about," he assured her, Scully finding the intimate tone of his voice both unsettling and comforting. "I've had a bit of a rough time the last couple of years," she started, keeping her fingers occupied by stroking the stem of her wine glass. "I had been, um, involved with someone for a long time. A very long time, really." Scully looked at him and gave him a soft smile before continuing, appreciating that he wasn't questioning her, but just letting her talk. "To make a long story short, he was missing for almost a year and then about seven months ago, I found out that he, um, that he had died," she choked out, realizing she had never actually uttered those words before. "Dana..., I'm sorry," he comforted, touching the wool sleeve of the sweater covering her arm, his hand softly moving back and forth. Scully took a drink of her water, unable to speak until she swallowed the knot in her throat. "That's only part of it," she said, Tony's understanding gaze not wavering. Scully cleared her throat softly and it took several long seconds before she began to speak again. "We had a child together," she said bluntly, unable to look at him. "Dana, I've never heard you mention a child," he commented, but with no judgment in his voice. Scully looked at him then, Tony picking up on the overwhelming sadness in her eyes and immediately knowing that something had happened. "I don't... he doesn't..." she stammered unsure of how to exactly explain the unexplainable situation to him. "It is a long, difficult story, but only a few months after he was born, I had to give him up for adoption," she finished, a deep burning feeling starting in the pit of her stomach. "Dana... Even though we haven't known each other very long, somehow I know that you wouldn't have done something like that lightly and without a very, very good reason," he said softly to her. "I hope you know that I would never judge you." Scully looked at him for a few moments, finding herself overwhelmed by his sincerity and by the long lost feelings he was stirring in her. She just let herself feel and leaned up to give him a soft kiss, surprising him and herself. Scully felt suddenly embarrassed and nervously dipped her head to look at her lap. "Thank you," she whispered. Tony ignored the waiter who had arrived at their table and tipped her chin up with his fingers and bent to return her kiss, lingering longer against her lips than she had on his. When he drew away, he just looked at her, his lips curving into a soft, understanding smile. Scully was overwhelmed by his compassion and almost disbelieving of his simple acceptance of what she had just confessed to him. She returned his smile and felt it was probably a good idea to change the subject. "So, I haven't been out in the dating circles for so many years, I don't really know how to do this anymore," she smiled uncomfortably. "Well, you must have a good memory, Dana, because the two times we have gone out together, you passed with flying colors," he told her and there wasn't a hint of teasing in his voice. He meant it. "Dana, I won't pressure you. We can take this at any speed you want," he told her, the waiter having given up. "But I want to continue this." "That's just it, Tony. I'm so unsure of what I want 'this' to be," she sighed. "Hell, we've only been out twice and already, I'm laying my baggage on you." "Baggage? Dana, we all have baggage." "I have a whole set of matching luggage, Tony. You've only had the Cliff notes," she chuckled. Tony closed the distance between them and slid his arm behind her on the back of the booth, their thighs softly touching as he kissed her again. "I want to keep seeing you, Dana. I hope you want that, too." Scully smiled softly at him and nodded. She wanted it, too. OFFICE OF DANA SCULLY QUANTICO, VA Six weeks later "Okay, I give," Scully said into the receiver, her smile a dead give away to Monica who it was on the other end of the phone. "No, I'm not letting you off the hook that easily, Dana. You know me better than that by now," Tony teased her, not giving her a clue what he had planned for the evening. "I'll see you tonight and you can find out for yourself." They bid each other farewell and Scully looked at the receiver for a few moments before setting it back in its base, her smile warming. "Tony, no doubt," Monica teased, setting herself down in Scully's desk chair. "If I didn't know better, Dana..." "Don't, Monica," Scully interrupted, knowing her friend was going to rib her about her growing relationship. Scully and Tony had continued to see each other steadily, enjoying movies, the symphony, even a couple of Orioles games. She liked being with him, liked being courted, taken to nice restaurants, enjoyed dressing up and being seen with a handsome, sophisticated man. She hadn't done that since Daniel. But they had kept things light, mostly, having a few intense kissing sessions but not progressing much physically beyond that. Scully hadn't told him much more about her past with Mulder, preferring to reveal only experiences of other parts of her life and he had politely not asked. "I'm sorry. It's just that you should see the look on your face when you talk to him, Dana," Monica told her affectionately. Scully stopped what she was doing and moved over to the desk, leaning against it and looking straight down at her friend. "Is it that obvious?" Scully asked tentatively. A small, caring smile spread onto Monica's face and she nodded "Yeah...." "What am I going to do, Monica? I have feelings I'm not sure how to deal with," Scully started. "Dana, just let yourself feel. There are some things you shouldn't analyze," she told her knowing her friend well enough to know that she had probably been doing nothing but that. Scully looked at her and nodded almost imperceptibly outwardly, but inwardly knowing that Monica was right. Continued in Pt. 2 TITLE: Nothing Is As It Appears Pt. 2 TONY EASTON'S APARTMENT BETHESDA, MARYLAND Later that evening "Oh, Tony," Scully sighed, laying her fork on the small dessert plate. "That was absolutely decadent and I can't believe I let you talk me into eating that." "I don't recall having to twist your arm, Dana," he teased, lifting the last bite of his dessert to her lips. She smiled at him as she slid the small portion off his fork with her teeth, a gesture that went straight to his groin. That was one of the things he found so sexy about her; that she had absolutely no idea what she did to men and that she didn't seem to care. "Come on, let's clean this stuff up," Scully said, standing from the table to gather the remains of the gourmet meal he'd had brought in. Tony had exquisite tastes, his clothes always tailored and his apartment stylishly modern, but manly and very expensive. He drove a Jaguar convertible and had explained that he had inherited a considerable amount of money when his father was killed. His mother had moved from the DA's office and was a very successful attorney with a very lucrative practice. Being an only child, he enjoyed the benefits of having a wealthy parent. Scully was standing at the sink when he came up behind her and slid his hands around her waist, his lips next to her ear as he held her. "I hope I'm not making a big mistake by saying this, Dana, but I want you," he said softly into her ear. Scully stopped what she was doing and set the plate she was rinsing into the sink, reaching for the towel next to her hand. She turned around in his embrace and snaked her arms around his neck before making eye contact. "No, it isn't a mistake, Tony," Scully replied softly, the length of her body fully touching him now. She looked at him for several long intense moments, knowing she was taking a step she couldn't take back. "I want you... very much." "Stay with me tonight, Dana" he said, bending to kiss her neck, up to the sensitive spot behind her ear. He felt her nod against his cheek and he embraced her tighter, lifting her from her feet. He was shocked to feel her pull herself up further on him and wrap her legs around his waist, her head lying softly down upon his shoulder. "Are you sure, Dana?" Scully kissed his neck and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "Yes," she answered simply, laying her head back onto his strong frame. Tony was almost too overwhelmed to move and knew that he was absolutely, totally in love with the woman who was wrapped around him. He had already fallen hard. He carried her to his bedroom, neither of them saying anything until he sat her feet on the floor at the edge of his bed. They looked at each other a bit awkwardly and Scully was thankful that the only light in the room was a small stream from the bathroom door. Tony began to rub his hands over her shoulders and down the arms of her sheer blouse and took her hands in his, bringing them to his mouth to kiss. He let one fall, holding the other with one hand, unbuttoning her sleeve with the other. He repeated his actions on the other side and he noticed she was trembling when he reached for the top button of her blouse at the apex of her breasts. "Okay?" he asked softly and she nodded, taking a breath to calm herself. Tony slipped her blouse down her arms and it puddled on the floor at her feet. She felt his gaze burning into her and could see the deep expression on his face. She moved into him and wrapped her arms low around his waist as she held him, the soft fuzz of his sweater tickling the bare skin on the swell of her breasts where they pressed against his chest. Scully slid her hands up under the back of his sweater, stroking up and down his muscles before stepping back to look up at him. "Take this off," she told him through her breath and he pulled the cashmere up and over his head easily. Scully reached for the button of his pants, suddenly very much wanting to see all of him. He helped her a bit and stepped out of his pants, his hand on her bare shoulder for balance. She could see the bulge in his deep blue bikini briefs and felt her sex flutter and swell, the heavy sense of arousal between her legs a feeling she had almost forgotten. When Tony had undone her pants, he slipped his fingers inside next to her skin and slid her panties and her slacks down her legs at the same time. He bent to touch his lips to her stomach before standing again to kiss her on her open mouth. They continued to kiss while he removed her bra, his hands sliding down her back to caress her bottom. She cupped his growing erection through the tightened cotton and slid her thumbs beneath the elastic waistband to remove his brief. She watched as his large penis slipped free and was taken aback at the size of it, but felt her internal muscles flutter and pulse in response. Scully sat back on the bed and crawled to the center to lay on her back, relaxing against the pillows. She could feel her heart beating in anticipation but began to realize that she felt surprisingly comfortable, her initial nervousness totally gone. "God, you are beautiful, Dana," Tony told her as he moved up onto the bed next to her. "So are you, Tony... so are you," she said, thinking what a perfect body he had. The muscles of his hairless chest were well- defined but not too muscular to be unattractive. His stomach and abdomen were tight and the lighter skin of the head of his penis shone against the dark black of his wiry pubic hair. Tony reached for her and she rolled easily into his embrace, their lips touching softly at first then intensifying as their hands began to roam on each other. Their tongues pleasured each other, Tony's hand finding her breast to squeeze softly. Scully moaned and moved further into his embrace, her leg wrapping over his. She could feel his erection, his soft sac against her thigh and she knew there was no way he couldn't detect the scent of her arousal. As if on cue, his hand slid down the rise of her bottom and his fingers found her saturated folds from behind. He began to toy with her labia, the calluses on the pads of his fingers feeling erotic against the tender skin of her inner lips. Scully's hips began to respond and she found herself beginning to subconsciously undulate against him. They continued to kiss deeply, the sound of their ragged breaths echoing into the quiet of the room. Tony's long middle finger found its way into her opening, her lubrication leaking out onto his thigh. "God, Dana," he groaned, the proof that she wanted him as much as he wanted her seeping into his hand. "God, Tony I want you," Scully said to him, surprising herself by the desperate tone of her voice. Tony laid her over on her back and moved over her in one smooth movement. He extended his arm over her to open the drawer of the nightstand and she could hear the crinkle of what she realized was a condom wrapper. He continued to kiss her as he struggled with the foil package, his thick trembling fingers having a bit of trouble. "Here, let me," Scully told him softly, opening the package easily with her fingernails. Tony lay next to her on his side and she reached for his penis as it bobbed against his abdomen. She stroked him several times before slipping the condom down his length, his responding moan so sexy she found herself holding her breath. Tony moved over her again and kissed her gently several times before taking himself in his hand and placing the glans of his penis into her folds. He rubbed the bulb against her several times, his bumps against her engorged clitoris causing her hips to jerk each time. Finally, he put the head at her opening and pushed in, his hips sinking into her body. "Ohhhhhhhh," she sighed, the feeling of being filled absolutely wonderful. "Oh, Tony," she sighed again. "Okay?" he asked her quietly, moving a little to balance himself comfortably on his elbows at her sides. "Yesssss," she whispered. "Please move," she told him, her hands moving to his bottom, his cheeks covered with soft peach fuzz. Tony began to move in and out of her, not pushing his full length in, fearing that his length was too much for a woman Dana's size. Scully could feel her opening being marvelously stretched, the smooth slide of his torso against her breasts different than that of a hairy chest, but very stimulating. Her hips moved easily with his rhythm, but she could tell he was holding back. "It's okay, Tony, you won't hurt me," she whispered softly into his ear as they continued to move against each other. He lifted his face to look at her and nodded, kissing her, his tongue caressing her lips before he slid it into her mouth. Tony's hips pushed further into her each time, trying to take it slowly to let Scully adjust gradually to his length. He knew he had bottomed out several times, but she didn't seem to be in any discomfort, just the contrary. "Still okay?" he asked. "Perfect," she sighed, trying to form a smile within her heavy arousal. He began to undulate against her, his pelvic bone pushing harder against hers, his penis stretching and stretching her walls with every stroke. Scully reached down to her apex and opened her labia a bit, exposing the bare skin of her clitoris to the friction of his body. Her hips lurched in response and she knew it wasn't going to be long. "Oh, Tony, right there. Ohhhhh, right therrrre," she sighed her head pushing back into the pillow as her hips pushed up harder against him, her body arching in anticipation of what it knew was going to happen. "Dana, Dana, Dana," Tony softly chanted not even realizing what he was saying. He could hear her rapid breathing become a full out pant and she began to whimper beneath him and he knew she was close. "Uh, uh, uh, oh, god Tony... Tony!" she yelled as she let loose, her hips bucking beneath him, her vaginal muscles clamping him so tight he had to bite his lip. Her inner tissue pulsated in waves, her labia fluttering against him. "Ohhhhhh, Ohhhhh," she sighed as she came down, his hips still lilting in and out of her in a graceful cadence. 'God, he is good at this,' she thought to herself. Tony latched his lips onto hers and began to kiss her deeply, hard, almost painfully as he began to pump in earnest. His graceful motions became sloppy as he pushed and pushed into her trying to find his release. She lifted her legs over his bottom and pushed harder against him to help him get to where they both wanted him to go. She felt his penis pulse inside her and he groaned, deep and loud above her. He pulsed and jerked into her erratically several more times and she wished they hadn't needed to use a condom so she could feel his warm liquid inside her. Their hearts pounded against each other's chests and they tried to kiss some as their breathing tried to slow. They kissed several more times, slowly and lovingly before Tony moved off her, snuggling her into his arms when he did. Scully returned his embracing, wrapping her leg over his abdomen, nestling her face into the side of his neck. "Dana?" he questioned, moving back to look at her face. "What's wrong?" he said, his thumb touching a tear on her cheek she hadn't realize she'd shed. Scully took his finger and kissed the pad, intertwining her fingers with his. "Nothing, Tony. I'm fine, wonderful... overcome, I think," she chuckled at herself. "I didn't expect..." she trailed off unable to decide what to really say. "You didn't expect what?" he asked, his hand softly soothing the delicate beads of perspiration on her back into her skin. Scully looked at him before giving him a soft, lingering kiss and then smiled. "I didn't expect to enjoy that as much as I did," she laughed. "Gee, thanks," he said in a feigned pout. "No, no, that's not what I meant," she laughed again. "I didn't really think I would be able to feel so much, to let myself relax enough to respond the way I did," she explained, her tone now serious. "But you did?" he asked slowly. "I did..." she told him, giving a soft kiss to his nipple. "I've been through a lot, Tony, and it's been a long time since I've been physically loved by a man," she admitted, surprised that she was so openly expressing her feelings to him. "Dana, I have feelings for you that I've never felt for another woman, even when I was first married," he told her after he'd rolled her to her back to look directly into her eyes. "Tony..." Scully cautioned, sensing where he was going. But he continued, overcome by what he was feeling, by what he felt, seemingly, since the moment he had met her. "I'm falling in love with you, Dana," he boldly told her, laying his emotions open to her. "Oh, Tony," she sighed, totally unable to know how she felt about what he was saying to her. "I don't know what to say..." "I'm not asking you to say anything at this point; I just want you to know exactly how I feel," he finished, smiling to her before kissing her. He lay further down next to her and pulled the blankets over them. Scully rolled to her side, taking his hand and pulling it around her stomach and he spooned up behind her. She could hear his sleeping almost immediately, but she lay awake for a long time. OFFICE OF WALTER SKINNER J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC Two weeks later "Good to see you, John," Scully told John Doggett as she returned his friendly embrace. "You look good, Dana," he told her, noticing that she seemed much more herself than he'd seen her look in he didn't know when. Monica gave Scully a knowing smile, but didn't say anything out loud. Scully hadn't talked about her new relationship with anyone except Monica and she knew she hadn't mentioned it to John or to Skinner. Scully had only told her mother about Tony the previous week, finding her surprised, but happy that she was trying to move on. Tony didn't yet know a lot of people in Washington, so Scully felt that maybe she hadn't yet become a main topic at the water cooler again. Mulder had been gone a long time now, so the gossip about them had gradually dried up. But it always felt weird being back in the halls of Hoover. Scully had been called in to meet with John and Monica on an X-Files case and was looking forward to working with her old friends. "I trust you've reviewed things Agent Scully," Skinner began, the four of them sitting around his mahogany conference table. "Yes, Sir," Scully confirmed. "You want me to do the autopsy on Mr. Saunders?" "Yes, but that's not the only reason I called you here, Scully," Skinner said, leafing through the reports before him. "I'm wanting your read on your new co-worker, Agent Easton," he said unknowingly, barely looking up from the file. Scully tried not to appear as stunned as she was on the inside, her momentary glance at Monica going unnoticed by the two men. "I beg your pardon, Sir," Scully managed to say. "Agent Easton, Scully. He had quite a solve rate at the San Diego office and his reputation as a profiler is exemplary," Skinner went on. "I thought maybe he could shed some light on this case but I wanted to know what you thought of him before I called him in." Skinner explained, totally unaware of what he was stepping in. Monica glanced at Scully before speaking up trying to alleviate some of the awkwardness. "I worked with him in New Orleans, Sir and he was a very capable agent." "Scully?" Skinner continued, obviously not going to stop until he got her opinion. "Um, I haven't had much professional contact with him, Sir, but what I have had has been positive," she said noncommittally. Scully felt her heart speed up and her breathing shallow and felt a warm blush sneak up her neck. Monica tried not to laugh. "Well, I'll notify Easton's AD and leave it to you, Agent Reyes, to contact him to consult on this case. Keep me informed," Skinner said as he stood, his indication that their meeting was finished. Tony had consulted on the case and had argued with Doggett about the profile, but they had agreed on enough commonalities that Tony was able to come up with a fairly specific profile and the case was solved by the next week. Scully had, of course, kept her professional decorum as had Tony and she enjoyed working with him. Doggett and Tony had had to go to New York together to follow up on several leads and Doggett had slowly figured out that Scully and Tony were more than co-workers. Doggett had confronted Tony about it one day and Tony had laughed at him for his brotherly protectiveness, but Doggett had finally wished them well. DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Two weeks later "I think John Doggett has a thing for you, Dana," Tony said, teasing her. They were lying on her couch, Scully in her pajamas, Tony still dressed from work. She had come home after her last class and thought she wasn't going to see Tony until the next day. But he had stopped over late, wanting to see her, hoping she'd let him stay. "That's funny, I was thinking he had a thing for you," she teased, sitting up from her recline in his lap. "I think you two bonded during your trip to New York." "Ha," Tony said, still perusing the financial pages of the newspaper. "Really, I'm not kidding." "John is in love with Monica if he'd just let himself admit it," Scully told him, retreating to make them another mug of tea. Tony tossed his paper on the table and followed her into the kitchen, hugging her from behind as she filled the kettle and sat it on the burner. "Well, good. Because having one guy in love with you is all you get, Dana," he said, kissing her neck. She leaned back into him, covering his arms that were wrapped around her with hers. She knew he had been wanting more from her, a declaration of some sort about her feelings for him, but she couldn't sort things out within herself, let alone know what she wanted to tell him. "Tony, I want you to meet my mom," Scully said out of the blue, turning in his arms. "Really?" he said, his hands covering her waist. "You've told her about us?" "Kind of," Scully smiled. "I haven't gone in to 'detail'... but I told her I was seeing someone." "Did you tell her everything?" Tony asked knowing that Scully knew what he was asking. "Yes. I think she'd prefer I wasn't seeing another agent, however." "That isn't what I mean and you know it, Dana," Tony told her plainly, moving to sit at the table. "My mother does not care that you are a different race, Tony, if that's what you mean," she said, sitting down next to him. "I can't believe you'd think she would." "Dana, my mother is white and my father was black and I can tell you it mattered to their parents," he said and she could tell that he still had some hurt from less-enlightened days. Tony had told her his father had been a cop and his mother was an attorney in the District Attorney's office. Tony had told Scully about the prejudice his parents had encountered when they had dated and later when they married. Tony said that there was even some thought than when his dad had been killed in the line of duty that he didn't exactly get the back up he should have because too many cops didn't like the fact he had a white wife. Scully moved to sit on his lap and looped her arms around his neck. "That was a different era, Tony. And I'm not discounting everything you've been through, but all my mother cares about is that I'm happy and I can assure her that I am," she smiled, kissing him softly on the lips, soon intensifying things. Tony broke from the kiss and stood up, pushing Scully up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and headed for her bedroom. "Tony, put me down," she laughed as she bobbled atop his shoulder. "Dammit, let go of me." "I will-- as soon as I get you where I want you," he said, dropping her on her bed, the springs squeaking from the bounce. He immediately joined her, kicking his shoes off before moving to half cover her with his body. "You gonna let me stay tonight, Dana?" he asked kissing her neck, his fingers starting to work on her pajama buttons. "Depends," she teased coyly, her hands beginning to undo his tie. "On what?" "On whether or not you plan to make me feel as good as you did last weekend," she smiled, her hand slipping to cup the outside of his dress slacks. They had talked about their history as neither much enjoyed using condoms. They both knew they were healthy and she had started taking the pill just in case, so the previous weekend had been the first time they were together without needing to use protection. "Which time?" he grinned. "Well, there is that..." she grinned back, kissing him firmly, holding him tighter to her. He returned her kiss, easing her down onto her back, slipping his thigh between her legs. "I love you, Dana," he said into her ear as he nuzzled her neck. "Ummmmm, Tony," she whispered, unable to speak much more when his hand moved to her breast. She could feel his breath quickening against her chest as he moved down to unbutton her top. His mouth felt like all she ever needed when he began to lick and suck on her nipple, his hand massaging her other breast. Soon, all clothing was relinquished and the sounds of their lovemaking echoed in the darkness of her bedroom. He came first and helped her to climax with his fingers, not much being required. He rubbed his palm against her slowly, softly, to help her come down after, something he had starting doing and something she needed. Afterwards, Tony lay spooned up behind her, their legs tangled, his fingers still moving lazily between her legs as they both tried to catch their breaths. "God, you make me feel so good," she was able to mumble, barely getting the words out before she felt his body still behind her, sleep taking him. Scully slept a fitful sleep, her dreams of her past interfering with what her life had come to be. She thought after all this time Mulder would've faded from her dreams, but even after making wonderful love with Tony, she still saw Mulder when she closed her eyes. She wanted to move on, but her memories of Mulder just wouldn't seem to let her. THE SEAGRASS RESTAURANT ARLINGTON, VA Two days later "You look nice, Dana," Monica told her, noticing her pale yellow outfit, something much softer than she would ever see her friend wear to work. "Oh, uh, I came here directly from church," Scully said looking down at herself, her preoccupation with something else very apparent to Monica. "I've been trying to attend more often..." "Any reason why?" Monica asked, always one to ask an unexpected question. "Why?" Dana repeated, caught off guard by Monica's question. "Um, well, I kind of got back into the routine after Mulder... after I got the news about him and I find some stability in it, I guess." Monica sensed that Dana was off her mark when she had called wanting to meet for lunch and now she knew it. "What's wrong, Dana," Monica asked directly, laying her fork down to give Scully her full attention. Scully couldn't initially make eye contact, but took a deep breath and looked her friend in the eye. "Tony," she replied simply. Monica sat there in stunned silence for so long that Scully had to finally look at her to make sure she'd heard her response. "Dana, I thought things were great between you two; you've been so different since you met him," Monica told her. "You seem happy again." "I know, Monica, I know-- I am," Scully answered. "I think that's the problem." "How could happiness possibly be a problem, Dana?" Monica smiled to her. "Sounds stupid, doesn't it?" Scully asked to Monica's nod. "I care... deeply for Tony. I love being with him; I don't like being without him," Scully continued with a nervous smile. "But..." "But?" "I can't let myself commit to him, Monica," Scully admitted, avoiding Monica's attentive gaze. "He tells me he loves me and I know he wants to hear that from me and I... I just can't seem to say the words." "Do you love him, Dana?" Monica asked softly. "I, I... There are times when I think what I feel is love, but it feels so different than..." her voice trialed off. "So different than what you felt for Mulder?" Monica finished for her. Despite her efforts to control her emotions, Scully's chin began to quiver and she could only respond to Monica's observation with a slow nod. Monica knew it took a lot for Scully to invite her to lunch to talk. Scully rarely talked about her personal feelings and virtually never spoke of Mulder after his death. "Maybe different is better, Dana. Don't compare, just accept what you have with Tony as being the way it is," Monica told her softly. Scully looked at her sadly before continuing, "But I feel as if I'm somehow being disloyal..." "You don't have to get rid of the love you had for Mulder in order to love someone else. You have more room in your heart than that, Dana," Monica smiled. Scully looked at her and nodded, realizing that her friend was right. Continued in Pt. 3 TITLE: Nothing Is As It Appears Pt. 3 DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Later that evening "God, you're beautiful, Dana," Tony told her, both of them having removed their clothes without saying much, just watching and touching each other before crawling into bed. Tony had pulled the spread and sheet down to the end of the bed and Scully lay naked on the cool bottom sheet. "I just want to look at you, Dana," Tony said softly, his awe of her almost embarrassing to her. Scully recognized his feelings, reaching to touch his face with her palm, seeing how much he loved her. She wanted to let herself love him and after talking with Monica, she was going to try and just let herself feel what they had together, whatever it was. She knew she had feelings of love for Tony, but didn't know if what she felt was what it was like to be 'in' love with someone; someone other than Mulder. Tony smiled at her before moving over her, kissing her deeply, his hand moving to her breast, his leg moving between hers. Her body began to move, responding to his, what his hands and his mouth were doing. "God, you feel good, Dana. Your skin is so soft..." he told her, continuing to kiss her, rub himself against her mound. He reached for himself, her wetness making it easy for him to enter her in one long push. She opened her legs further, wrapping them around the backs of his thighs as he continued to move in and out of her. Scully moaned softly with each of his thrusts, the feelings he incited felt throughout her entire body. "Ummmmmm, Tony," she sighed. Her hands moved over his back, his shoulders, down his sides until she reached his bottom, her hands squeezing him as he moved. She pulled her hands back up, slowly dragging her nails lightly over his cheeks causing him to shiver. "Jesus, Dana..." "Don't stop, Tony. I'm getting close..." she was able to tell him, her voice part of her low moan. He thrusted with more force, moving a hand under her to her bottom, pushing her tighter against him while he continued to move to find just the right spot for her. He could tell by the rhythm of her body and the pitch of her sounds that she was getting closer, him feeling his own release eminent. He liked it when Dana climaxed before he did, but he didn't always get what he wanted. Suddenly, the sound of a firm knock at her front door filtered in from the other room, both of them hearing it through their haze. "Shit," Tony said as he continued to move, wondering who would be at her door and why whoever it was couldn't have given them just another five short minutes. "Hurry, Tony," Scully panted, Tony's movements speeding up before she even finished saying it. He realized he was closer than she was, unable to stop his impending release, emptying into her in several erratic thrusts. He tried to keep moving, hoping she would follow, but realized she wasn't going to finish when they heard another knock, this one more urgent. "Let me up, Tony," Scully said, helping him to ease out and off of her. "Dana..." he said as he tried to calm himself, reaching to grab her hand as she moved to get off the bed. "I'm sorry..." "I'll collect what you owe me later..." she smiled, bending to give him a lingering kiss before grabbing a few tissues and her robe. "Dammit..." she said under her breath when she felt an unrequited need tingle between her legs as she headed to find out who the hell was at her damn door... Scully looked through the eyehole and was surprised to find Walter Skinner standing in the hall, shifting nervously from foot to foot. She pulled her robe further closed and unlocked the chain before opening the door. "Sir?" he questioned as she stepped out of the way to let him in, hoping that Tony stayed in the bedroom. "Scully," he said, his look as stoney serious as she'd ever seen it as he just stood there. Scully knew something was very wrong and she couldn't imagine what it could be that Skinner would come to her apartment late on a Sunday night to tell her about it. "Dana, I need to tell you something and, um, I don't know how to tell you except just to say it," Skinner said, his tone changing, now softer, worrying her. "Sir, you're scaring me," she said as she sat next to him, pulling her robe closer together at her knees. Skinner took a deep breath and looked directly into her eyes as he spoke. "Dana, Mulder is alive." Scully just looked at him for several long moments before finding herself laughing. "What?" "I think you heard me, Dana," he said softly. "But... What? This can't be; it's got to be an imposter or a... a... shape shifter or..." she stuttered, standing from the couch and staring down at him. "I saw those reports, Sir and that book. It was his DNA in that fire!" her voice finally breaking, Skinner standing to grasp her shoulders. "It's him, Scully. We tested him this morning." Scully shook herself from his grasp and backed away from him. "It can't be him. Don't do this to me, Sir!" her voice now to a level that Tony heard. Skinner started to move to her again but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Tony come out of her bedroom in nothing but his slacks, the button and belt undone. "What's going on here?" Tony asked as he entered, seeing that Scully was in tears. He moved to put his arm around her, his gaze moving quickly from her to Skinner and back. Scully slowly moved to the couch, holding onto the arm for balance as she eased herself to sit, her color pale and her breaths shallow and quick. "What's happened?" Tony asked Skinner directly. "Um, I think Agent Scully needs to explain that to you herself, Agent Easton," Skinner told him plainly, obviously now having realized that Scully and Tony were more than co-workers. Scully was screaming inside, wanting to see him in the flesh, but being scared to and being conflicted about Tony. "Where is he?" Scully asked, still not having looked at Tony, even after he moved to sit next to her on the couch. "He's at my apartment," Skinner said softly. "He wanted to come here in person, but I..." "Is he alright?" Scully interrupted, Tony still totally clueless as to who they were talking about. "Physically, he's fine, Dana. He wants to see you," Skinner told her resignedly. Scully looked at her hands as they fidgeted in her lap for several long moments, taking a deep breath before speaking. "I can't... not right now. I need some time," she said, finally looking at Tony, knowing she needed to talk to him first, Skinner understanding. "I'll, um, I'll call you in the morning." Skinner nodded and moved to let himself out of her apartment, the snick of the door as it closed startling her exhausted nerves. Tony sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to be understanding, but losing his patience at being excluded from what was happening to her. "Talk to me, Dana," he said to her considerately, trying not to push but wanting to know what the hell was going on. "Oh, Tony..." she sighed and she spent the next three hours telling him her history with Fox Mulder. WALTER SKINNER'S APARTMENT BETHESDA, MARYLAND Early the next morning Scully hadn't slept at all the previous night, not really even trying. After she and Tony talked, he left when she promised him she would call later in the day. 'God, what must be going through his mind right now," Scully worried to herself. As soon as he'd gone, she'd gotten dressed and found herself heading to Skinner's apartment as if her body wouldn't let her do anything else. Maybe that's what she had intended to do all along. Skinner opened his door without a word, nodding toward his living room letting her know that was where Mulder was. Without a word, he headed up the stairs to his bedroom, leaving her to go into the living room alone. Scully walked slowly in, the only light in the room the flickering glow of the muted television. She slowly moved around the end of the couch and she saw him, sleeping on his stomach, his arm hanging off the edge. Her gasp was audible, her whole body crumbling into the closest chair, her hand covering her mouth to muffle her sobs. "Mulder..." she said out loud without intending to. Mulder stirred, quickly rolling to his back without yet noticing her. As he woke, he looked around the room and, suddenly, he saw her, sitting in the shadows hiding her face with her hand. "Scully?" he said, sitting up on the edge of the couch, rubbing his eyes. Then, she looked up and, even from across the dim room, knowing immediately that it was really him. She froze in her place on the chair, her voice and her breath hitching in her throat as she tried in vain not to cry again. But then she couldn't continue to resist, him standing as she moved toward him, both of them embracing almost desperately. He held her as she sobbed, remembering the smell of her hair, the sound of her breathing, the feel of her breasts against his chest. They embraced each other for several long minutes, before she finally released her grasp and slowly stepped back to look at him. They held each others' gaze for several long seconds before she reached back and slapped him-- as hard as she could across his left cheek, the sound of flesh against flesh echoing in the darkness. "Goddamn you, Mulder. Goddamn you!!!" she yelled, her whole body shaking, her tears returning in full force. "Scully..." he said, trying to move toward her. "Don't you fucking touch me," she warned, pointing her shaking finger at him, Mulder almost startled at her seldom used language. "How could you do this to me, Mulder? Considering what I've already been through, how could you do this to me again?!" she yelled, still as angry as he'd ever seen her. "If you would let me explain, Scully..." he started, hoping he didn't sound like he was begging, but he would have. "Mulder, you could have no conceivable explanation that could possibly justify what you've put me though the past two years. None," she said, still standing before him with her hands on her hips. "Well, I do have an explanation if you could just calm down and listen to me," he said, his impatience with her beginning to show. Scully stared at him angrily for a few seconds, then sat back down in the chair and looked to him with an expectant look, albeit a look that was still angry. Mulder explained to her that he was hiding out with Albert Hosteen's son and grandson in New Mexico for most of the first year he was gone. He was able to get bits of information periodically and knew that it wasn't safe for him, or anyone, if he returned home or tried to contact her after the incident with the train. The horrible memory of that disappointment made her begin to cry again. "I couldn't put you in danger, Scully. And I knew they were trying to get to William to try and get to me," he said softly. "Mulder..." she sobbed, wanting to stop him before he said any more about William. "Scully, I faked my death to try to save William. I thought if they thought I was already dead they would leave him alone." Mulder stood and walked over to where she sat in the chair and crouched down in front of her, taking her hand in his. "I know about William, Scully. I heard. That's why I came home," he said softly. "Oh, Mulder," she said, bending into his embrace as she sobbed. "Can you ever forgive me?" her words barely discernable within her tears. "Look at me, Scully," he said, moving back from her just far enough to see into her eyes, grasping her hands. "Doing what you did was the most selfless, brave thing you could have done. You had no choice," he told her tenderly. "You did it to save our son." "So did you, Mulder. You gave up your existence to try to keep him safe," she told him softly, her palm stroking the tears from his cheek. "He is safe, Scully. Because of what you did, he will live a safe life and never have to know the things we know," he said, both of them almost whispering to each other. Scully nodded and they embraced again, holding each other for a long time. Then she felt him slowly start to nuzzle her neck, his lips forming a soft kiss against her warm skin. She found herself relaxing into the feeling, remembering what it had been like to have Mulder touch her, to make love to her. "Let me go home with you," he whispered against her ear. "Mulder... Mulder," she said, suddenly moving from his embrace, sitting back into the chair away from him, but still holding onto his hands. "We need to talk," she told him softly. "A lot has happened since you've been gone..." she continued, her voice trailing off. It only took Mulder a second to know what she was saying, the two of them still so in tune with each others' unspoken language. "There's someone else," he said plainly as he stood. Scully finally looked up at him and nodded slowly, her gaze never leaving his. "I see," he said, the hurt creeping into his voice as he turned away from her, beginning to pace within the living room. "I thought you were dead, Mulder," she told him, almost pleading with him to understand. "How long?" he asked gruffly. "Only a few months," she answered plainly, knowing he wanted to know if she'd given up on them before she'd been told he had died. Mulder nodded, his anger dissipating into pure sadness. "I understand," he said softly. He didn't blame her but somehow that made it more difficult to accept. Scully stood and grasped his biceps, turning him so that she could look him directly in the eyes to speak. "No, you don't," she started. "For god's sake I thought you were dead! I had lost William and my life was so empty and meaningless that I could barely make it through each day." "And you met someone," he said, a statement, not a question. "Yes. It just happened. I didn't go looking for a relationship," she said, letting go of her tight grasp on him. Mulder looked at the floor, trying to find words to say besides what he was feeling at the moment. "I, um, think we need some time," he said, still unable to look at her. "Look, Scully, I'm, uh, tired; I haven't slept in almost two days and, uh," he stuttered, his voice impersonal. Scully silently nodded to him, her lips pursed as she always did when she was hurt but didn't want him to know. "Scully, you have some decisions to make and I think it would be best if I just stayed out of your way until you do that," he finished, walking down the hall, the noise of the bedroom door closing ringing in the silence. TONY EASTON'S APARTMENT BETHESDA, MARYLAND The next day "Dana, please listen to me," Tony pleaded trying as he could to save his relationship with her. "You can't just forget what we have together." "Tony, I'm not," Scully said, trying in vain not to cry. "You can't imagine what I have been through in the last 24-hours." Her hand shook as she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue, her sleep deprivation catching up to her in a big way. "I just need some time to sort out my feelings. I told you about Mulder, our history, our son. You can't think that I wouldn't still have feelings for him." Tony pulled the chair out from the table and sat next to where Scully had been sitting since she had arrived. After leaving Mulder at Skinner's apartment, she drove along the Potomac for over an hour, crying and thinking and crying again. She had promised Tony that she would not leave him hanging and she owed him her honest feelings. "Dana, these past months have been the best of my life," he told her, his voice beginning to crack. "I never knew that love like I feel for you even existed." "Oh, Tony," she sobbed into her hand. "Just promise me you won't end things-- that you'll think about what you are going to do," he implored, moving closer to put his hand on her knee. "Give it some time. And anyway, maybe this Mulder doesn't even want to get back together. He left you before, Dana." Scully knew Tony was saying things in anger and wasn't deliberately trying to hurt her. He also didn't know how close he'd come to the truth that always nagged at her soul, even in her best days with Mulder. Scully finally composed herself enough to stand and turn to Tony before she opened the door. "I promise, Tony." Tony walked her to the door and stood silently until she was leaving. "I would never leave you, Dana," he said as she left. DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC One week later After her scene with Tony, Scully had finally gone home. She had taken a bath and a sleeping pill and tried to shut down, at least long enough to rest. She was still trying to resolve within herself that Mulder was actually alive, not even able to think beyond that at times. In the last week, Tony had called every day and had not tried to convince her of anything, simply calling to check on her. He had sent flowers and had dinner delivered to her apartment on three different evenings. He had telephoned Monica and asked her to check on Scully, sensitive to the fact that Scully probably didn't want to see him. But he was honestly worried about her. However, in the last week, she hadn't heard a word from Mulder. Scully knew deep down she would always love Mulder; she knew that even when she was dating Tony. But there were things other than love-- trust, honesty, respect, stability, a sense of comfortableness. She felt all of those things with Tony and had deep feelings for him, but she knew she had always felt something was missing, something that had never been missing in her relationship with Mulder. Pure, absolute love. Deep, abiding love. Love. Scully had taken a couple of days off, just needing to be alone to think. The only person she had considered consulting about her feelings was Father McCue but then figuring a celibate priest wouldn't be much help to a woman and two men who were both her lovers. She had slept and cried and then slept and cried some more, spending her days alone to sort her feelings. Mulder had been her life, but Tony had become so much more than she ever thought she'd have again after Mulder's 'death'. Late on Friday night, her cell phone rang and she figured it was Tony even though he had called her earlier in the day. "Dana Scully," she answered when she flipped it open. "Hi, Scully. It's me," Mulder said, the sound of his voice startling her. She felt her heart rate begin to increase and her breathing become shallow just from hearing him. "I want to talk to you." She sighed, taking a deep breath. "When?" she asked. "Right now, if you'll let me in. I'm in your hallway," he said, his little trick not really surprising her. It was so Mulder. Scully opened the door, motioning to him with her hand to come in. "I, uh, lost my key sometime in the last couple of years," he said, his smart-assed sense of humor still in its place. He moved right into the living room and sat on her couch. "Mulder, I'm not sure this is a good idea," Scully told him, still standing by the door watching him make himself at home. "As opposed to what? That 'good idea' of not talking to each other?" he said sarcastically. Scully considered him a moment, then taking a deep breath before joining him in the living room, sitting in the chair opposite the couch. "Scully, we can't just continue to ignore each other," he said leaning to rest his elbows on his knees. He looked at her, studying her face, still able to read her thoughts just from her expression and body language. He could tell she was hurt. "I haven't been ignoring you, Mulder. I've been trying to sort out my life... alone," she said resignedly. "Alone? The boyfriend hasn't been helping?" Mulder said, the tone in his voice almost nasty. Scully was used to the callous side of Mulder's personality rearing its ugly head, usually when his feelings had been hurt. She didn't comment on his questions. "So, tell me about him, Scully. Do you love him?" he asked bluntly. "Mulder, I'm not going to discuss Tony with you," she answered sharply. "That's his name--Tony?" Mulder quickly queried. "Italian boy, huh? Or maybe the Greek god type?" "Yeah, that's it," she said, her irritation, along with her hurt feelings, beginning to grow and she was losing her patience with Mulder's wounded wiseass routine. "Mulder, what do you want? I'm tired and I'm not in the mood to sit here and let you bounce insults off me," she said tiredly. "You're tired..." he mocked. "I'm sorry. I guess it would be too much to expect that you had exerted enough energy to make some decisions, huh?" Scully stood from her chair, now more than angry. "Fuck you, Mulder. You have no idea what I have been through in the last week," she yelled at him. "For that matter, what the hell do you think I've been through in the last two years?!" Her hands were on her hips and she was practically shaking with anger. Mulder stood, beginning to realize what hell she probably had been through and how he wasn't making things any better. "Scully," he said, moving toward her. "Don't you come near me, you son-of-a-bitch," Scully warned, backing up a step. "Scully...," he said again, just wanting her to calm down at that point. "I thought you were dead!" she yelled, her tears finally coming. "You let me think you were dead..." she said, all of her energy now seemingly gone. Mulder thought she might collapse and went to her, his arms wrapping to hold her. "You let me think you were dead...," she cried her fists hitting his chest, but all of her fight long gone out of her. He felt her knees give and he caught her, picking her up to carry her with him to sit on the couch. He held her in his lap for a long time while she cried, neither of them saying anything. Finally, Scully lifted her head from his shoulder taking her time to make eye contact with him. And when she did, she could see that he had been crying as hard as she had been. "Oh, Mulder," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. After a few moments, Mulder moved her away from him, taking her face into his palms, giving her only a glance before kissing her. And she didn't resist, her hand snaking into his hair, her other going further around his neck. They continued to kiss and it became harder and more heated, both of them panting through their nose until Scully pulled away to breathe. Mulder buried his face in her neck, softly chanting her name. "I've missed you so much... I would've never left you, Scully, if it weren't for William. Never," he whispered, tears still staining his voice. "I know, Mulder. I know," she said, kissing his cheek, his neck. Mulder moved back to be able to see her again, the meaning behind the look in his eyes very obvious to her. They both stood and he kissed her again, lifting her to his chest, her feet dangling against his shins. They were both kissing like they were trying to make up for the last two years, walking slowly toward her bedroom. And she didn't resist. Even as he carried her, Mulder kissed her passionately, almost forcefully, his gait half-stumbling. Finally, he set her down on her feet, their lips barely parting even as he did. It was Scully who pushed his jacket over his shoulders and began to pull his t- shirt from his pants. Mulder only stopped kissing her long enough to pull her cardigan over her head without regard for the buttons. Scully reached behind her back and unfastened her bra even as Mulder was reaching for the button of her pants. "God, Mulder," she panted, grabbing for the button of his jeans, now noticing his sizable bulge. Mulder's lips latched on to a nipple, his suction taking a sizable portion of the end of her breast into his mouth. Scully started to pull down the zipper of Mulder's pants, but he jumped back from her. "Ouch!" he said, cupping himself, his erection now painful confined in his jeans. Suddenly, Mulder flopped down onto the bed on his back, relaxing the pressure of his jeans on his erection making him able to unzip his fly. As Scully watched him, she hurriedly pulled off her pants and panties, kicking them off her feet. Mulder squirmed enough to pull his boxers and pants just far enough down to allow his penis to spring free, the movement making him grimace. Scully grabbed the waistbands and pulled both garments down his legs and off his feet that were still hanging over the edge of the bed. "Mmmmmm, Scully," Mulder managed as she crawled up over him, her breasts pressed against his chest, as she kissed him for all she was worth. Mulder grabbed and squeezed her bottom as she lay atop him, her groan caught in his mouth. Mulder then grabbed her shoulders, rolling her off of him, his body moving over hers in one move. "God, Scully, I can't wait," he moaned, kissing her neck, his groin nuzzling hers. "Mulder... God, now. Now!" she panted, reaching for his penis to help him put it where she wanted it. He pushed into her quickly, hard, both of them grunting from his action. Mulder's back arched at the feeling of her warm, tight canal, him tightening himself trying not to come at that very moment. "Scully, I... I..." he stuttered barely able to speak. "I'm not going to, uhhhhh, last long." Scully began undulating against him, wanting him to move, needing him to move. She held onto him low on his hips and pulled her knees up so that her feet were sitting on top of his bottom. He shifted on top of her, moving his knees closer to her thighs which put more pressure on her pelvic bone. "Oh, oh, Mulder. Yesssss, there. There," she gasped, his pubic hair making sweet friction against her swollen clitoris. The smack of flesh against flesh echoed in the bedroom as they were both almost desperate to make each other come. Mulder shifted against her again and thrusted harder and deeper, her body arching underneath him as her climax hit, her pelvis jerking underneath him as he continued to pound into her. She moaned after she was on the downside, his orgasm hitting just as she was able to focus and lift herself up to kiss him as he yelled her name. He emptied into her with several more erratic, forceful thrusts, his body collapsing over her afterward. "Scully, Scully, Scully," was all he could say, his voice muffled into the flesh of her neck. He balanced himself on his forearms and his hips continued to move sinuously against her until his penis slipped out but she could still feel it moving against her folds. Mulder held himself over her, the full length of their bodies pressed together, both of them still moving slowly against each other. His eyes never left hers and they looked at each other without speaking for several long minutes. "I love you, Mulder," Scully finally said, holding his face between her palms. "I never stopped loving you." Mulder moved off of her rolling to his side next to her as she lay on her back. They were still lying across the bed, never having made it to lay lengthwise. "Scully, I need to know," he said, drawing his finger against her skin from her breastbone to her pubic hair. "Scully, I know you slept with him and I don't blame you for that, but I have to know-- Did you tell him you loved him?" he asked, dreading the answer. Scully moved to kiss him, her arms wrapping around his neck, her leg hanging itself over his hip as they faced each other. "No, Mulder," she said plainly. "Sometimes I wanted to think I loved him, thought I needed to, but I couldn't. It was never what I had with you," she finished, kissing him again as she felt his tear against her cheek. She kissed it away and nuzzled further into him to hold him. Finally, they moved into the bed and covered each other before falling into a sated sleep. The next morning, Scully roused slowly, the familiar feeling between her legs bringing a small smile to her face. She stretched as she rolled to her side, trying to wake. Then she saw Mulder next to her and remembered that it wasn't Tony that she'd been with, her current situation returning to her. She moved away from Mulder, sitting to let her legs hang over the edge of the bed, questioning herself about what she was going to do next. Scully felt a warm hand begin to stroke her back, over her shoulders. "Still respect me in the morning?" Mulder said with his usual humor. Scully turned to look at him giving him her usual response. Mulder moved over to her, sitting up behind her and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Mulder, don't," she said softly, reaching for the sheet to cover herself. "What's the matter, Scully?" he asked as he pulled his arms from her. "Don't tell me you regret what happened last night." Scully turned slowly to look at him, taking him in for a few moments before responding. "No, Mulder. I'll never regret loving you," she said quietly. "It's just that I have something to do today and I'm not sure how I'm going to do it..." Mulder knew what she meant and even though he was relieved to hear her admit it, he almost felt sorry for the poor bastard who would be hearing from her. TONY EASTON'S APARTMENT BETHESDA, MARYLAND Later that day "Dana... Hi, come in, come in," Tony said, surprised to find Scully at his door. Scully walked in uncomfortably, not really able to look at him, but not wanting him to draw conclusions about her demeanor. And she guessed he didn't when he moved to embrace her snugly. "God, it's so good to see you. I've missed you so much," he said, beginning to caress her further, very obviously glad to see her. Scully moved away from him, trying not to be insensitive, but not wanting to encourage him either. "Tony, we need to talk," she said, finally making eye contact. She knew by the tone in her voice and the look on her face that he had surely guessed that she was not there bearing good news. "Can I get you something to drink?" he asked, seemingly clueless to her unpromising attitude. "No, thank you, Tony. Um, could we just sit?" she asked, sitting in the closest chair at his dining room table. Tony sat and looked at her and smiled, his cheery demeanor somehow unsettling to her; this was going to be difficult enough. "Tony, I want you to know something," she started, figuring the best way to tell him was just to be straightforward and get it over with. "I have had very deep feelings for you and I don't ever want you to think that I didn't." "Dana, I love you and I know in your way, somewhere in there, you love me," he said, still smiling at her. "Tony..." she sighed, realizing that he just wasn't getting it or was refusing to accept what he had to know was coming next. "I told you about Mulder; you understand what kind of relationship we had. Had he not had to leave to protect our son, I would never have been without him. And had I not thought he was dead, I would never have become involved with someone else." "I understand that, Dana. But we did become involved and it isn't something that we should give up on," he said, reaching to touch her hand that she slowly withdrew. "I know this is a rough spot in our relationship and I think you know I'm a patient person. So if you need more time..." "No, Tony. I don't need more time," she said, looking him directly in the eyes. "I'll always be in love with Mulder. I know that now. We can't see each other any more, Tony. I'm sorry. I never expected any of this to happen but it has." "Dana? You're ending it?" he asked, seemingly totally shocked. "But you can't. You can't, Dana. Take more time; all that you need, but don't just end things," he pleaded, his expression becoming almost desperate. Scully looked at him and gave him a sad, but resolute smile. "I don't need more time, Tony. It would only make things worse." "Worse for who?!" he yelled as he stood, beginning to pace the kitchen floor. "Tony, I'm sorry. It isn't anything you did or didn't do. It has nothing to do with you," she said, trying to help him understand. "I didn't plan this, but I can't help who I am in love with." Finally, he turned back to her, his hands on his hips, his whole demeanor now defiant. "If this Mulder hadn't come back, would you have stayed with me?" "I can't answer that, Tony," Scully told him truthfully. "But you weren't planning to leave me, were you?" he challenged. "Tony, this isn't getting us anywhere," she said noncommittally. "I hope we can still be friends, see each other at work, but I don't know if that is possible." He looked at her, both his anger and hurt churning up a storm within him. "Well, we don't have much choice, now do we?" he said, still angry. Scully stood, nervously adjusting her jacket before speaking, figuring it was better to just put an end to it. "I'm sorry, Tony," she said softly in leaving, letting herself out the door without looking at him again. Continued in Pt. 4 TITLE: Nothing Is As It Appears Pt. 4 DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Later that evening Scully hadn't gone home with much expectation of finding Mulder there. As a matter of fact, she hadn't really thought about it. She had felt like she was actually going to throw up when she had left Tony's apartment and decided to go for a long run to wear herself out. Then she thought she could just take a shower and pass out and sleep off her terrible day. But after she returned from her run, she found Mulder on her couch, surfing through the TV channels. "How did you get in here, Mulder?" she asked as she came into the living room. "Scully, your door wasn't locked," he said almost apologetically. "I just wanted to see how things went earlier." Scully looked down at him as she unfastened her hair, her initial irritation dissipating quickly. She literally fell onto the couch, her head leaning against the back cushion as she sighed. "It was terrible. I have never felt like a bigger piece of crap in my life," she said, staring at the ceiling. "Well, at least it's over," he commented, his words catching her wrong. Scully turned to him, glaring through him as she readied to speak. "Mulder, I want you to know something. I want you to know that Tony is a wonderful man. He is intelligent, kind, loyal and I don't regret the time I spent with him," she started, shifting her body to look directly at him. Mulder just looked at her almost afraid of where she was going with the conversation. "But I want you to know something else-- I love you. But that didn't make it any easier to hurt someone like Tony." Mulder nodded, feeling very much like a child who had been put in his place and feeling guilty for not realizing how traumatizing all this was for Scully. "I'm sorry, Scully," he said finally. "I should've thought more about how difficult this is for you instead of just being concerned about myself. It was self-centered and I apologize," he told her reaching for her hand that sat in her lap. "And it's not like me to be self-centered," he said facetiously, giving her one of his self-deprecating smirks. Scully returned his small smile and contemplated him for several long moments before speaking. "I am still in a state of shock that I have you back with me," she said softly. He moved closer to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, her hand still in his. "And I have you back with me," he said before kissing her. He could tell by the way she responded that it probably wasn't a good time to try to take things further and he figured she could probably use some time alone. "I think I'll go, Scully," he smiled to her. "I'll check in on you tomorrow." Suddenly, something occurred to Scully that she hadn't really thought about before. "Mulder, where are you staying?" "I got tired of seeing Skinner in his underwear, so I got a room at the Westin in Westchester," he joked. "So, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Mulder stood from the couch and put on his jacket, heading for the door to leave. "Mulder?" Scully said from her spot on the couch. "Yeah?" "Would you stay tonight?" she asked quietly, finally turning around to look at him. "If you want," he said, walking back over by the couch where she sat. Scully stood and wrapped her arms around his neck, stretching up to give him a soft kiss. "I don't want to be alone and... I just need you to hold me." He took her hand and as they walked down the hall to her bedroom, she told him, "And you can get rid of that hotel room..." DANA SCULLY'S OFFICE QUANTICO, VA Two weeks later Scully took her glasses off and tossed them to her desk, pinching the bridge of her nose wishing her headache would go away. She had several recruits who were giving her nightmares and several instructors were meeting later to determine if a couple of the recruits might need to leave the program. And she knew the meeting would include Tony. She had managed to avoid him for two weeks, really not much of an effort since she had been so busy with several autopsies for John and Monica and a couple for the VCU. At least being this busy was keeping her mind occupied at work and Mulder managed to do that at home. Scully looked up when she heard a soft knock at the door, "Come in." To say that she wasn't shocked to see Tony enter would be a bold-faced lie. "Tony... Hi," was all she could muster. "Hi, Dana. I, uh, just wanted to talk to you a minute before we have to sit in that meeting together," he started, moving to sit in the chair next to her desk. He looked good; tired, but good. "Okay..." she said, unsure of why he was there and what he was going to say. "I just want you to know that I'm doing okay with this," he told her. "I've had some bad days, but I'm working through things. And I don't want things to be uncomfortable between us when we have work to do." "I don't either, Tony," she told him sincerely. Tony stood, giving her a small smile as he moved toward the door. "You doing okay?" he asked almost as a second thought. "I'm doing okay," she answered, truly impressed by his straightforwardness and his concern. Tony nodded slowly, "I'll see you at the meeting, then," and left, the blinds on the door clattering as it closed. OFFICE OF WALTER SKINNER FBI HEADQUARTERS One week later Skinner had pulled every string he could muster and had managed to get Mulder reinstated on a probationary basis. "Mulder, if you screw this up, I'll have your ass," Skinner warned him. "Oh, you know me, Sir, I'll be a good little boy," he smiled from his spot in the chair in front of Skinner's foreboding desk. "At least behave long enough to make it through your probation. Then you're on your own," Skinner told him. "Here, take a look at this," he continued, handing Mulder a file. Mulder looked through the file, the autopsy report, individual field notes from the various agents who had been assigned to the investigation. Then he noticed a profile, written several weeks earlier by one Special Agent Anthony Easton. "I want you to contact Agent Phelps, the SAC on this, and see what you can add. They're having difficulty getting a handle on what exactly they're dealing with and I think you can be of some assistance," Skinner told him matter-of-factly. "Will do," Mulder answered quickly standing to leave, his eyes still scanning the profile report. "And behave yourself," Skinner called to him as he exited through the hall door. Mulder headed to the basement, unable to stop reading Tony's report. Neither John nor Monica was in the office, much to his relief. Mulder had to admit that he was impressed with Agent Easton's profile. And based on the evidence in the file, Mulder felt that Tony was right on in his description of the likely perpetrator. He was VERY impressed. After reading Tony's work, Mulder's curiosity was peaked and he booted up the computer. He entered Tony's name and his FBI file, along with his ID picture, popped up on the screen. Mulder didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't someone like who he saw. He figured Scully had picked an older bookish type, a guy who might view a trip to the Smithsonian as living on the edge. Instead, he found a very handsome, well-built guy who was five years younger than her. He had two Master degrees, one in Anthropology and the other in Physics, having graduated Magna Cum Laude from Stanford. Shit... He had four, count 'em, four commendations in his file, one that credited him with saving his partner's life in a hostage situation. And Scully had a relationship with this guy; a nice stable life with a man she was much more deserving of. What did he have to offer her? Hell, he couldn't even protect his own son or his mother and had left them to fend for themselves. 'Maybe Scully would have been better off if she'd have had a life with Tony Easton instead of Spooky Mulder,' he thought to himself. DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC That evening Mulder was out of town on a case with Doggett and Scully figured neither one of them was having much of a good time. They respected each other, but neither of them was probably ever going to invite the other to a picnic. Scully figured their strained relationship was probably some territorial thing to do with her, but she didn't really want to know. Scully had gone home late from work but still took the opportunity to get some things done since Mulder wasn't around to get in her way. She was just readying for bed when she heard a knock at her door. She picked up her gun from her nightstand and slipped it in the pocket of her robe before going to see who was knocking. When she looked through the eyehole, she couldn't quite believe who was there. She opened the door, but didn't move out of the way or offer him an invitation in. "Tony?" she said surprised. "Hi, Dana," he said calmly. "Tony, what are you doing here?" she asked him as unemotionally as she could. "I just want to talk to you, Dana. Can I come in, just for a few minutes," he said, hoping she would give him the opportunity that he wanted. He had tried to take their break-up in stride, tried to be decent and adult about everything. But he had let his curiosity get the best of him and had looked up Mulder's file in the FBI data base. He couldn't believe what he saw. Yeah, he had an Oxford degree, graduated at the top of his class at Quantico and had a couple of commendations with the VCU. But after he began working on the X-Files, his personnel record looked like the FBI equivalent of a rap sheet. 'What in the hell could Dana possibly want with a man like this Mulder?' he asked himself. Surely she could be convinced that he had so much more to offer her. "It's late," she said to him, not wanting to talk to him about what she knew he wanted to talk about. "Dana, please," he said sweetly. Against her better judgment, she let him in figuring she owed him a few short minutes. Scully flipped on the kitchen light, sitting down at the table wanting to keep things a bit less comfortable than the living room. Scully waited for him to start, not wanting to offer any basis for him getting the wrong idea. "Dana, I'm ready to give you all the time you need," he started, Scully not really understanding what he could possibly mean. "But I really feel that you should re-think your choice in associating yourself with this Agent Mulder." Scully was stunned, but his statement was all it took for her to realize that she was not going to have this conversation with him. "Tony, please don't do this," she said, almost sad that he seemed so desperate. "Dana, I didn't want to, but I looked up this guy's record. You deserve better, Dana. Please don't screw up your life with this guy. Look what he's already done to you," he said, unable to stop himself. "And is it just a coincidence that you show up here when he's out of town on a case?" she asked beginning to feel uncomfortable. He didn't answer, but she could tell by the look on his face she was right. "Tony, I think you need to leave now," Scully said, standing from her chair and walking toward the door. "Dana, what can you possibly see in this guy?" he asked, his volume level rising. "And you told me you wouldn't have left me if he hadn't come back." Scully opened the door and stood there looking at him, her expression telling him everything. "I'll give you everything you want, Dana," he said moving closer to her and then she could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Tony, please," she said, unable to look at him instead just motioning to the door. He glared at her, still not quite believing that she was choosing what he felt was the wrong path. "You know where you can find me, Dana, if you change your mind," he said as he stepped into the hall. "I won't, Tony. I won't," she said sadly to him as she closed the door softly. She took a deep breath of relief thinking that things could've gotten a lot worse and hoped that would be the last time she would ever have to speak to Tony about what he just needed to accept. DANA SCULLY'S OFFICE QUANTICO, VA Three days later "Monica, I wish you'd told me you were stopping by. I'm way behind and I've got to work through lunch," Scully told her gathering some files from her desk. "Actually, I was in the neighborhood," Monica smiled. "I came out to pick up some trace evidence samples from the Saunders case." Scully nodded, remembering that as the case John had worked with Tony in New York when he had first moved to Washington. "Oh, is it coming to trial?" "No, not yet. It seems there are some records missing from the case and they're trying to see if they still have enough to prosecute," Monica said almost offhandedly. "You're kidding," Scully said wondering how something so sloppy could have happened, remembering that was the New York case she had worked with Tony when they had first starting seeing each other. "No, but, um, that's not why I stopped by your office," Monica admitted. Scully stopped shuffling her papers sensing a more serious tone in Monica's voice. "Tony called me last night." "Oh, Monica," Scully sighed as she sat tiredly in her desk chair. "I'm sorry he has involved you in this. I'd hoped he had finally let it go." "Dana, Tony is moving to the New York Bureau office. He asked for the transfer," Monica told her, sitting in the chair next to her desk. "I thought I should tell you in person." Scully didn't know what to say and sat silently for several moments before gathering her thoughts. "Well, I'm sorry that he felt he needed to do that. I don't think he really wanted to do field work full time anymore," Scully said, nervously picking at a fingernail. On one hand, she felt relieved that she wouldn't have to worry about running into him but on the other hand, she somehow felt guilty that she'd disrupted his life. She knew she had hurt him deeply and she regretted that things had to end as they did. "What did he say?" she finally asked Monica. "He wanted me to tell you about his transfer. He didn't think you'd want to talk to him. And he said for me to tell you he was sorry about the other night," Monica told her, waiting for an explanation of what that might mean. Scully smiled a small, sad smile and nodded to herself, then looked at Monica. "He came by my apartment the other night after having a bit too much to drink, I'm afraid," Scully explained. "Really? That doesn't sound like Tony." "No, it didn't. It doesn't," Scully said plaintively. "Frankly, it worried me. But, hopefully, he wants to make a new start and I think that might be the best thing. I wish him well. And if you talk to him again, please tell him that." CORNER OF ADAMS AND 68TH ST. BROOKLYN, NY Three weeks later "So, tell me again why I should believe you," Tony asked. He and his new partner were questioning a local informant, a sleaze ball who would rat on anybody to get a few bucks to feed his habit. The FBI didn't exactly like dealing with him, but he seemed to be able to get accurate information just about anytime they needed it. "You know me. I don't lie to you, man," he said, fidgeting so much he was beginning to make Tony nervous. "So, you think this McMasters is responsible for the murder?" Tony's partner asked. The informer looked around nervously checking the shadows in the dark before speaking. "Well, if he didn't do it himself, he sure as hell helped get someone to do it. He can get a hit done anytime. Five hundred bucks. Told me so himself once." "That's a pretty cheap fee for a life," Tony's partner commented. "Well, what's worth a lot of money to one person can be worth just about nothin' to someone else," the informant said, holding his hand out for his usual fee before disappearing again back into the dark. DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Friday, one month later "Mulder... I can't believe you did this," she told him, her smile outweighing her surprise. Mulder had been out on several cases in the past month to various points and Scully had been working long hours and a couple of weekends and they felt like they barely saw each other. Granted, they kept hours like this all the time on the X-Files, but they spent them together, not apart as they had been lately. "That's for next weekend and we are going, no excuses," he told her, Scully's attention now on reading the vacation print out he had given her, propped comfortably against the counter in the kitchen. Mulder had made reservations at a seaside resort at Bethany Beach in Delaware and he was determined to make sure they both stayed available to go. "I don't know, Mulder. You sure this'll be more fun than running around the country with John and Monica?" she teased before giving him a lingering kiss. "Maybe you have a point, Scully. I guess we could ask them to go with us," he shot back, wrapping his arms around her, moving his body against her. She gave him 'the eyebrow' and then he smiled that smile and her body almost dissolved against him, her head falling to his shoulder. "God, I love you..." she sighed. He picked her up, holding her against his body, hers almost dead weight except for her legs that wrapped around his waist. He could hear her soft murmurings; feel her breath against his neck as he walked toward the bed. He laid her down, kissing her before he stood and walked around to the other side of the bed. He pulled his slacks off, almost forgetting his socks; Scully hated to see him in his underwear with socks. He pulled his sweater off, watching her laying there watching him, hearing her breath beginning to quicken. He crawled onto the bed, moving over to her side, bending to kiss her softly. "Let me undress you, Scully..." She gave him a quietly assured smile, his confirmation that she trusted him, loved him beyond what he had ever imagined. They made love three times during the rest of the night and early morning. Slow and loving; frantic and passionate, their last time them pleasuring each other separately. They had never had oral sex in isolation, having always previously pleasured each other as foreplay before intercourse, needing that closeness to finish. Scully had stirred in the middle of the night, opening her eyes briefly, finding Mulder just watching her, the amber from the streetlight outside reflecting in his eyes. She smiled at him, reaching her hand up to caress his face, her thumb rubbing across the bone of his cheek. He kissed her, moving his body over hers, his hand slipping between her legs as he continued to kiss her, his tongue tangling with hers. She reached for his penis, moving her hand from base to tip, squeezing and releasing him softly as she did. "Lay back, Mulder," she whispered to him, moving under him so that he would roll to his back. She laid over him then, moving down his body, kissing and licking him as she went, hesitating at a nipple, his navel. She took his tip in her mouth, sucking lightly as she massaged her tongue against it. She held onto the base, moving her hand up and down as she continued to suck him, swirl her tongue around the underside of the ridge. She licked up and down his length, massaging his scrotum, running a fingernail lightly against his perineum, her last gesture causing his hips to buck forcefully. "Jesus, Scully. Goddamn..." he said, barely able to speak between his panting. "I'm a... uhhh, god... if you want..." She continued to alternate between sucking him, taking him in as far as she could, and licking his length. " change your mind," he panted. "You'd better do it now..." She gave him an extra hard suck, pumping his shaft with her hand, getting so wet herself that she felt her fluid start to leak onto the inside of her thigh. She continued to stroke him, caress and lick and suck, then doing it again and again until his was practically squirming underneath her touch. "Oh, shiiiiiiittttttt..." Mulder gasped as he let loose, Scully covering him with her mouth, taking most of it in, massaging a few errant drops into his abdomen with her finger. She crawled up over him, lying on top of his body as he tried to breathe again, her body needing satisfaction soon. He grabbed her bottom, squeezing her cheek before sliding his hand down, his finger slipping inside her. "Doing that turned you on that much?" he asked her, feeling how wet she already was just from pleasuring him. She nodded, her head lying on his chest, her fingers playing with his nipple. She moved up on him, her head now buried near his neck, the feel of his chest hair moving against her breasts giving her goose bumps. He rolled them onto their sides, kissing her before moving down her neck, rolling her onto her back. He continued kissing and licking, lingering on her breasts only briefly before kissing his way further down her abdomen, lifting her now-limp legs over his shoulders before settling at her center. He inserted a finger, then added a second as he licked her labia, his other hand holding her lips open to expose her engorged clitoris. He could feel the muscles of her thighs beginning to tighten against his face, moving one finger out of her to open his palm against her as he continued to lick. He pushed against her anus with his now free finger, and massaged it against her, feeling her sphincter tighten as she moaned at the pleasure. Mulder began moving his other finger to search for her g-spot as he finally took her clitoris in his mouth to suck it, his slight nip of it with his teeth sending her skyrocketing, her hips coming up off the bed. "Mulder, God!" she panted, her orgasm so hard it felt almost painful. "Please stop for a minute... I can't..." She couldn't finish, her body still shuddering, her internal muscles throbbing against his fingers, her anus quivering. He let her come down for a few moments and then licked her softly, removing his fingers to massage her lightly, slowly, helping her to try to come down. He moved up to lay his head beside hers on the pillow, her eyes still clamped shut, her breath still coming in hard pants. He placed his hand on her heart, feeling it pumping, at least, double its usual rate. "You okay?" he said softly to her, his hand smoothly running over her stomach, her abdomen, taking her hand in his to kiss her fingers. "You finished?" he asked when he noticed she still seemed aroused. "Close... but not... oh, god," she sighed, taking his hand in hers and moving it between her legs, clamping her eyes closed again. "Still need some help?" he asked her quietly, rubbing his palm against her slowly, feeling her labia still twitching. He quickly inserted two fingers again, his thumb searching in her folds until he found her clitoris and then he pressed, pushing her hard bundle against her pubic bone, sending her skyrocketing again. "Ohgodohgodohgodohgod," her chants barely audible, her eyes still clamped shut. Her hand subconsciously stroked up her body and began to caress her own breast, Mulder's hand still moving inside of her slowly. He bent to kiss her fingers that grasped her breast and then took her nipple into his mouth. Mulder began to pump his fingers hard again, his thumb rotating her clitoris against her again and again, her hips jerking off the mattress, her thigh muscles quivering. He watched as her entire body took pleasure in her orgasm, thinking he had never seen anything more erotic in his life. Scully felt his hand begin to move again, but somehow found the wherewithal to reach down and take hold of it. "Mulr, cn't," she mumbled, barely able to let him know she couldn't go again. Finally she opened her eyes taking a couple of seconds to actually focus and look at him. He thought if at that moment, he looked up the word 'sated' in the dictionary, he would find her picture there. "Mulder..." she said, her voice barely more than a breath. "I have never climaxed that hard in my life... never." Mulder smiled at her, kissing her softly. "Oh, I don't know, Scully. Does the couch in my old apartment ring a bell?" he reminded her, remembering when they were first together. Mulder continued to help her come down, caressing her slowly, kissing her, just holding her. Finally, Scully was able to move and quickly shifted to lie half over him, burying her face against his shoulder, seemingly embarrassed at her display. "You're so beautiful when you come, Scully," he told her, trying to alleviate some of her shyness about it. She chuckled against his chest, snuggling closer to him as he pulled the sheet and spread over them. "You have such a way with words, Mulder," she said, lifting up to give him a kiss, laying her head back against him. Mulder knew her, knew that she would be asleep as soon as she laid her head back down. And she was. The next morning, Mulder had let Scully sleep and had headed out for his morning run. As he reached the curb in front of her apartment building, the distant sound of a gun being fired echoed in his head just a second after what felt like a hot, searing stab just under his left shoulder blade. It was only when he fell to the ground that he realized he had been shot. GEORGTOWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Four hours later "It was definitely a hit, Dana," John told Scully, Skinner and Monica sitting with her in the family waiting room. Mulder was still in recovery from his surgery, his life very much still in the balance. "We found spent shells from a high-powered rifle that had evidently been fired out of the back of a pick-up truck down the block. Luckily the other shot missed." "Who would want to do this?" Scully asked softly. "We aren't a threat to anyone anymore." "We've got all available manpower on this, Scully. We'll find who ever did this to him," Skinner told her. From what could be determined, based on what witnesses saw, there were two men, one the driver and the other the shooter. They had definitely been there for the sole purpose of shooting Mulder. As a witness relayed, the simple fact that Mulder had bent over to tie his shoe probably saved his life, the other shot sailing over his head. Finally, Scully was allowed in to see him after he'd been moved into the intensive care unit. Scully moved slowly, peering around the edge of the curtain that was pulled only partially closed across the entry to Mulder's room. She staggered at the sight before her, nearly falling as she reached her hand up to hold on to the door jamb, only to find the curtain and nearly stumbling. Mulder's eyes were closed, the labyrinth of wires and tubes going into him and coming out of him seemed all new to her, like she had never seen this kind of sight before. The gasps of the ventilator, coupled with the competing beeps and lights of the monitors seemed deafening, almost too much for her. She moved toward the bed, finding his hand to hold, bending to kiss next to his mouth. She said nothing to him, simply looked at him for uncounted seconds before moving a chair close to his bed before she collapsed into it. She closed her eyes... and prayed. X-FILES OFFICE J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING The next morning After John and Monica left the hospital, they had gone back to the site of the shooting and gone over every piece of evidence with a fine- toothed comb. Several agents were assisting in tracking down every type of gun that took the kind of shells found at the scene. There was a vague description of the truck, an even vaguer description of the two men, but the shell casings were a place to start. They weren't exactly common issue. The lab was trying to get DNA samples from a cigarette butt that could have belonged to one of the suspects. "Who would want to kill Mulder? Who could possibly have a motive?" Monica ruminated over and over in her head and finally out loud. "It could be a case of mistaken identity," John added, more trying to play devil's advocate than really believing what he'd just said. "You know, it could've been a hire; I mean the shooter may not have been the person who wanted him dead." Monica thought a moment and nodded in agreement with John's observation. "But there would still be a person out there who specifically wants Mulder out of the way and I can't think of anyone." "Yeah, no one except maybe Tony Easton," he joked, his meaning obvious. "Why would you say that?" Monica snapped, wondering why such a thought would even come into John's head. "It was a joke, Monica. A joke," John teased. But Monica didn't necessarily think his observation was so funny. MONICA REYES' APARTMENT ARLINGTON, VA Later that evening Monica had been working on Mulder's case until her eyes were starting to cross. She had stopped by the hospital earlier and spent some time with Scully and had run by her apartment to take care of the mail and newspapers. Mulder was holding his own, but hadn't yet roused much from his sedation; probably for the best, she thought. The ringing phone almost startled her from her concentration. "Monica Reyes," she answered. "Monica? Hey, it's Tony. Tony Easton," he said calmly. "Tony?" Monica questioned, totally taken by surprise at who had called her. "Yeah. Listen, I hadn't touched base in a while and was just wondering about Dana," he said. "I know I'm not supposed to care anymore, but, of course, I do." Monica didn't exactly know how to respond and thought it was a bit of a strange coincidence that he would call just as Dana's life had been turned upside down. "I guess you haven't heard about Fox Mulder," Monica started, just to gauge his reaction. "If I don't ever hear about Fox Mulder again, I would be a happy man," he laughed, but Monica wasn't sure he was kidding. "Well, someone tried to kill him yesterday, Tony," she told him. "Tried? Tried to kill him? How?" he asked quickly, correcting himself. "Shot. In front of Dana's apartment building," she told him simply. "How's Dana taking it?" he questioned, the first time Monica had noticed any sincerity to his voice. "She's a tough woman. You know that, Tony," Monica told him. "And she'll weather whatever is given to her." Tony made some more small talk, asking about her and the X-Files, but she knew he had called for another reason. And she also knew that he had already known about Mulder's shooting. She could feel it. Continued in Pt. 5 TITLE: Nothing Is As It Appears Pt. 5 GEORGETOWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL The next morning "Mulder... Mulder, it's Scully," she told him as she saw his eyes flutter open. His eyes swam a bit until they located hers and she smiled at him. "Don't try to talk; you have a tube in your mouth. Just relax," she explained, leaning over to give him a small kiss next to his mouth. After Mulder had roused further, they were able to take out the ventilator tube and he was breathing on his own. Scully had tried to get him to take more pain medication, but he wanted it as low as he could stand it because he didn't like being so out of it. Scully had gone home to shower and change and he had slept the entire time she was gone. When she returned, she checked his chart and compared his monitors and felt comfortable that Mulder had again escaped the fingers of death. "Here, Mulder. Eat a little of this ice," she said softly as she spooned a little bit to his lips. "Mmmmm, good," he slurred, the cool melting to wet his dry mouth. "More." Scully smiled and gave him a small kiss before spooning some more of the chips into his mouth. She gave him only one more spoonful not wanting him to have too much liquid on his stomach. "So how bad is it?" Mulder managed to croak. "You're fine and you are going to be fine," Scully told him softly, but he could tell by the tired and worn look she wore that things had been bad. "When... what day?" he stuttered, his throat drying again. "You've been here three days, Mulder," Scully told him, spooning a few more ice chips into his mouth. "But you are okay," her voice finally cracking a bit. She stood and leaned over him, holding on as she could in their awkward positions. Mulder wrapped his arm around her as he could and kissed the side of her face that he could reach. She moved to give him a lingering soft kiss, her thumb wiping the tear that slipped from his eye. "I love you very much," she told him, her eyes never leaving his. "I can't be without you again, Mulder." "I know," he answered. "Hey, you two," Monica said as she appeared at the door to his room. Scully turned to see her and then returned her attention to Mulder. "It's Monica, Mulder," she explained, Mulder being unable to see her from his position flat on his back. "Hi, Monica," Scully said. Monica didn't want to bother or be in the way, but she found herself really needing to get Scully's read on Mulder's shooting. She was having some unsettling vibes about it and since she respected Scully's instincts so much, she wanted to bounce her thoughts off her before she and John got too far down the wrong path. "Hi, Dana. How are things going?" she asked quietly. "Much better," Scully smiled, giving Mulder's hand a soft squeeze. "How's the investigation going?" Monica glanced from Mulder to Scully looking for some confirmation that it was okay to speak about it and Scully's expression gave it to her. "Well, we seem to be stuck on identifying someone with a motive," Monica started. "But I have some thoughts..." Mulder stayed silent, Monica not even sure he was alert enough to really understand what she and Scully were talking about. "Considering that everyone within the Consortium is dead, my list is at about zero," Scully admitted. "You're sure it wasn't random?" "Positive. It was a hit, Dana. Pure and simple." "Why? Who on god's earth would have any reason to do it?" Scully said incredulously, almost to herself. "Tony," Monica said plainly, her propensity for getting bluntly to the point most evident. "Who?" Scully said, truly not realizing who Monica meant. "Tony Easton." If Scully hadn't been so instantly angry, she probably would have laughed. "You can't be serious! That is ridiculous," Scully said, her anger very evident. "Dana, he called me last night," she started. "Monica, I'm not even going to have this conversation with you," Scully said. "If that's where your investigation is, then you are in serious trouble." "Okay, okay," Monica said sheepishly. "I won't mention it again. I didn't come here to upset you. I'm sorry," she said, sincerely meaning it. They said their good- byes, Scully really not giving Monica's theory a second thought. But what neither of them noticed was that Mulder had been listening to their interchange and what they also had no way of knowing was that he didn't throw out Monica's theory as Scully had done. X-FILES OFFICE J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING Fourteen days later "Found out who shot me yet?" Mulder said by way of entrance, Monica and John startling at his voice, exactly Mulder's intention. "And you can't do that with your feet on the desk, Agent Doggett." Despite himself, John's feet flew off the desk like a paper in the wind. "What the hell are you doing here, Agent Mulder?" Doggett said, irritated at Mulder's insinuation-laden comments. Monica stood from her desk, moving to Mulder with a smile on her face. "Good to see you out, Mulder," Monica said sincerely. "But are you sure you're well enough to be here?" "I'm well enough to be here, but if Scully finds out I came, I may not be later," Mulder joked, but not really. He hadn't talked to either of them while he had been recuperating, a promise that Scully had made him make and he had honored that. But he was out among the living now, and he hadn't forgotten what Monica had said in his hospital room about Scully's ex boyfriend. "So, are you going to tell us what you are doing here? 'Cause I know you aren't reporting for active duty," Doggett said. Mulder looked at him and smiled knowing that Doggett would be just as glad if he never came back to work at all. He only tolerated Doggett because Scully liked and respected him and he knew that Doggett only tolerated him for the same reasons. "Sorry to disappoint you, Agent Doggett, but I'm actually here to speak to Agent Reyes," Mulder said, turning his back to John to face Monica. Monica smiled, initially thinking he was just pulling John's string, but realizing he was serious when she saw the look on his face. "Okay..." she answered. "You said something while I was in the hospital that, uh, didn't strike me as ridiculous as it did Scully," Mulder started, Monica immediately knowing what he was talking about. "About Tony Easton," she said. "Oh, please. You can't be serious, Mulder. This is beneath even you," Doggett said, moving closer to where Mulder and Monica were talking. "He's a fellow Agent and a good one at that." "I don't disagree with either one of those points, Doggett. But that doesn't mean he may not have other points to his personality," Mulder followed up. "You ever taken a look at this guy's background? He's just a little too perfect, don't you think? He fits the profile of someone who could easily snap if all of a sudden something didn't come so easily to him." "Like Dana..." Monica finished, knowing Mulder could be right. "I knew him in New Orleans and I thought he was a terrific guy, a great agent. But, I have to tell you, I've had... I guess you could say, strange vibes about him ever since you were shot and especially after he called me." "He called you? When?" Mulder asked. "Only a couple of days after you were shot. He pretended he hadn't heard about it; that he was just wondering how Dana was doing, but I could tell he knew about your shooting before he called," Monica relayed to Mulder, John still questioning Mulder and Monica's sanity. "I think it's something we should look into," Mulder said, hoping for Scully's sake that he and Monica were way off base. But deep down, he knew there was more to Tony Easton than Scully had ever realized. John moved closer to Mulder, in disbelief that Mulder thought he was able to work. "You are not ready to return to duty. You'll never get a doctor to sign a release and, without it, Skinner won't let you back in the door," Doggett told Mulder. "He's right, Mulder. Let us take care of it," Monica told him calmly. Mulder laughed looking back and forth between the two other agents. "'Us' as in you and him?" Mulder asked Monica but pointing at Doggett. "Yeah, that'll be the day." Even though John was steaming, he was, after all, Monica's partner and she felt there was a lead in Easton, so he would support her. "Personally, I think you are both out of your minds, but my partner and I will follow up on this lead, no matter how flimsy I think it is- - if for no other reason than to prove you wrong," Doggett said to Mulder. "You go home to Dana and keep your mouth shut. Since it will obviously turn out to be nothing, she doesn't need to know anything about this. Because if she does, she's gonna kick your ass." DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Later that night By the time Mulder had made it back to Scully's apartment from the Hoover building that morning, he realized Doggett and Monica were right. He wasn't able to return to work. He felt like hell and made a straight line to the bed, stripped and fell asleep as soon as he'd hit the mattress. "Mulder?" Scully said softly as she sat next to him on the bed. Scully had come home from the office and found him sleeping so soundly he was snoring. She let him sleep until she had changed and put something to eat on the table. "Hey, you gonna wake up? It's time to eat." Mulder roused slowly soon realizing that he had slept the rest of the day away. "Hi," he finally said to her, also realizing he'd had a very nice dream about her. "Missed you today," she smiled as she kissed him. "How was your day?" "Oh, you know..." he said non-committally. Scully looked at him for several moments, then touched the back of her hand to his forehead. "You feeling okay, Mulder?" she asked, reaching down to check his pulse. "You're flushed." "Just tired," he said, feeling a bit sheepish that he wasn't telling her the whole story. Scully smiled at him, still just glad to have him home in one piece. "Hungry?" she asked quietly. "I've got Gyro's from Magolias's." "Scully, that was way out of your way," he told her knowing she had probably driven twenty miles out of her way to pick up one of his favorite things on the planet. Scully crawled up on the bed and snuggled up close to him, laying her head on his shoulder. "I know," she said softly. "I wanted to surprise you. And I felt sorry for you being here by yourself all day," she told him, wrapping her arm under the blankets and around his torso, giving him a stronger embrace. "Mulder..." she said, her voice teasing. "Are you naked under there?" "As a new born babe. Care to join me?" he said wagging his eyebrows at her, pulling her closer, being careful with his other shoulder. Scully moved up enough to kiss him, then lying back against his shoulder. "I don't think you're up for that," she said softly. "I think you know not of what you speak," he teased taking her hand and moving it down to his crotch, his semi erect penis backing up his statement. She stroked him several times, looking in his eyes to gauge if he was serious about trying to be together. Without saying a word, she stood from the bed and undressed as he watched, then slipping under the covers next to him, his favorite food temporarily forgotten. "Better?" she asked as she snuggled in next to him her hand snaking down his abdomen again. "Oh, yeah," he teased, his eyes snapping shut as Scully grasped him. She kissed his chest, his nipple, taking it into her mouth to softly suck. "What do you want?" she asked him lovingly as she let go of him and moving up to see his eyes. "You," he replied simply. Scully smiled and moved over him, straddling his thighs figuring she would need to be on top if things were going to work at all. Scully lay against his chest, trying to be careful of his residual soreness and languidly kissed his lips. She rubbed herself against him as she continued to kiss him, Mulder's arm slowly stroking her back, down her bottom. Finally she sat up, shifting her weight to her knees as she reached for him again, centering him at her opening. She slid down on him slowly, Mulder watching her every move, his hands attentively caressing her body. Mulder moved his hands to hold her breasts while Scully continued to move against him, the feel of him inside her something she had definitely missed in the last few weeks. "Feel good?" he asked her, smiling at the look of arousal evident on her face. "No, this is absolutely awful," she said facetiously, her hands flat against his abdomen. Mulder smiled, both at her comment and her increasing arousal. "I love watching you in this position, Scully. You are so beautiful..." he said, almost whispering. Scully leaned down over him again, kissing him as she continued to undulate. "You make me feel beautiful," she told him against his lips. Scully rode him slowly for several long minutes, her hands stroking his abdomen, up his chest, playing with a nipple. Mulder petted her skin anywhere he could, his hand slowly moving towards her apex, his thumb finally slipping between her legs to massage her clitoris. Scully's eyes closed as her head fell back, her hands barely able to hold on to the sides of his abdomen as her back arched to the sensation. Mulder reached for her hands and intertwined his fingers with hers, lifting their fists so that she had better balance, better leverage. He could feel her strength through her hands, grasping his, pushing against him as she continued to pump against him. "You okay down there," she was able to ask slowly, Mulder barely hearing her as his attention was focused on the sight of him moving in and out of her. He managed an absent nod. He could see her fluid glistening on his penis, some of it smeared against her pubic hair and his. The muscles of her abdomen tightened and relaxed as she moved up and down, the creases of her hips deep and tight. Scully let go of his hands, shifting her weight as she rested her palms against the mattress, her weight pressing her clitoris into his pubic bone. She pushed harder and faster, trying to find the glorious friction that would take her where she wanted to go. Her breath quickened and the timbre of her sounds increased as she worked against him, Mulder reaching to grasp her bottom to help her push. "Come on, Mulder," she said to him, Mulder knowing she wanted him as close as she was. "I'm gettin' there," he panted, his hips trying to move against her despite the pain in his back. Scully's thighs suddenly tightened against his hips, her internal muscles grabbing him in spasms. She collapsed onto his chest, her tissue still fluttering while she tried to catch her breath. She struggled to shift her weight to her forearms, undulating against him as best she could to help him finish. "Oh, oh, yeah, ohhhhhh, yeaaaaahhhhhh," he groaned, his warm fluid coming in spurts, his hips jerking erratically as he fully emptied himself into her. Scully lay down across his chest again, her cheek against his sternum, Mulder's exhausted panting ruffling her hair. Scully moved up just enough to look at him to make sure he was alright, his sated smile enough proof for her. She kissed him then, lingering for long seconds on his mouth, her lips continuing a soft path under his chin to his neck and around to his ear. "Feel better?" she whispered against his, the smile evident in her voice. "Much," he said, kissing her cheek. Scully moved up to slide her arms over his shoulders, the loss of him filling her as he slid out causing her to sigh. "Mmmmmmm," Mulder moaned, the fresh air cooling her wetness on his penis. "You know, Mulder, the endorphins produced during sex have been proven to be medicinal," she told him teasingly, softly kissing him. "So this was a doctor/patient exercise only done to help me heal?" he teased back, stroking her back. "Oh... I wouldn't say only," she smiled. Mulder kissed her, just happy to be among the living let alone finding himself lying in naked sated-ness with Scully. "I love you, even if you are just here to provide health care." She chuckled, then giving him a long, deep kiss, her tongue caressing his, her body subconsciously moving slowly against him. "Love you, too..." FBI FIELD OFFICE NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK One week later Mulder had recuperated fairly well and had gone back to work, desk duty only. Scully had made him promise that he would behave himself and not do anything too dangerous. But, he could barely wait to get back to follow up on Monica's theory about Tony Easton and she was more than amenable to help him. Monica and Mulder had requisitioned to go to New York and John had told them they were headed on a wild goose chase and refused to be a part of it. Mulder had practically threatened him with maiming if he mentioned anything to Scully. 'Whatever shit you get yourself into with Scully is none of my business' Doggett had told him, leaving Mulder and Monica to fly off to New York. While Monica knew that Mulder understood what it was to have a 'feeling', a vibe, a hunch, she also knew that Scully had taught Mulder that without hard evidence, all the hunches in the world wouldn't convict a subject. "You know, Mulder," Monica started as they were reviewing the case during their flight. "John and I had a case some months ago in New York and Tony was brought in to help us with a profile." "Yeah, the Saunders case," Mulder answered, Monica impressed with his seemingly unending pool of knowledge. "Easton's profile was perfect." "But did you know that most of the pertinent evidence in that case had ended up mysteriously missing?" she asked. "You're kidding," he said, thinking that it was too strange to be a coincidence. "And that an informant in that case, a guy named Leo Monroe, seems to be Tony's favorite snitch?" she continued. "I think he might be someone we could, at least, check out; see if he knows of anything dirty that might include Tony." Mulder just looked at her and nodded, impressed that she had been working so hard on his case, despite her former friendship with Agent Easton. Mulder and Monica had decided the best approach would be to surprise Tony and see how things went from there; give him some bait and see if he takes it. "Agent Reyes," Tony said by way of greeting, shaking her hand. "Tony," she acknowledged. "Um, this is Agent Mulder. I'm not sure you've met." "Not exactly," Mulder said, his arrogance already pissing Tony off, but he shook his offered hand anyway acting like it didn't bother him in the least to be in Mulder's company. Tony turned to Monica, trying to exclude Mulder from the conversation. "What finds you in New York, Monica?" he asked, Monica picking up on his discomfort. "We're here investigating my shooting," Mulder spoke up answering the question for her. "Really? I thought you said that he was shot in Washington, Monica," Tony offered. "Actually, it was just under my left scapula, but that's beside the point," Mulder retorted. "We've got several leads right here in New York." "Really? What've you got?" Tony asked, trying to feign nonchalance. "We've come to ask if you could help us find Leo Monroe," Monica said, just letting her words hang in the air to see how Tony would react. "Leo? What the hell would you want with him? He's an unreliable snitch who'd say anything for a few bucks," he said nervously. "Well, he led us to Larry Saunders. Maybe we'll get lucky again," Monica answered. "He still hang around in Brooklyn, the biker bar on 68th?" she asked. "Wouldn't know. I don't think I've seen him since Saunders," Tony answered. Mulder just watched him being played by Monica, watched her lead him right into his first lie, now knowing that he and Monica were right about Scully's ex. THE DOWNTOWN LOUNGE 68TH ST., BROOKLYN, NY Monica and Mulder had bid their farewells to Tony and headed out to see if they could rustle up any leads on where they might find Leo Monroe. They had checked at his favorite bar, where Monica and John had been able to find him before. The disinterested bartender said she hadn't seen him yet today, but that odds were he'd show up before closing time. "You ever seen this guy in here?" Mulder asked, showing her a picture of Tony. She looked at it closely, then looking Mulder and Monica over, seemingly deciding that she didn't want to say any more. "No, I'd remember somebody that looked that good," she told them, both knowing that she had indeed recognized him. They thanked her and left, going to their rental and driving around the area for a few minutes looking for the best place to park to stake out the bar. They found a fairly well hidden place between a dumpster and the alley entrance to an abandoned laundry mat across and down the street. They settled in to wait, hoping that Monroe would find himself in need of a drink. It had begun to rain and the windows in the car would steam up, making their wait even more tedious. Mulder had considered calling Scully and confessing his location, but since it was still mid-afternoon, he knew she wouldn't yet be missing him. He decided to wait, but realizing sooner or later she was going to have his ass. Fortunately, in only a few hours, Monica recognized Monroe walking quickly toward the bar entrance, his head down against the pouring rain. "Think we should approach him now or let the bartender tip him off and then see what happens?" Monica said to Mulder. "I think we should wait, at least a few minutes," he said, keeping his eyes on the bar entrance. Sure enough, only a few minutes later, Monroe came out of the bar, nervously looking around as he jogged across the street to a pay phone. "I didn't know anyone still used those," Mulder quipped. They could tell Monroe was talking to someone, his mannerisms animated and nervous. He hung up quickly and headed down the street in the opposite direction. "You trace the call and I'll follow him on foot," Mulder told Monica, both of them quickly exiting the rental. Monica went quickly to the payphone and gave her ID number to the operator to find out who Monroe felt the need to call. But she knew before the operator had come back on the line with her finding, "Tony Easton, 1226A Plaza Apartments..." the voice started, but Monica hung up before hearing the rest, heading to follow Mulder and Monroe, now knowing for sure who he was going to meet. Mulder followed Monroe for over seven blocks before the man stopped and sat on a bus bench in the dark, the drizzling rain going unnoticed. Mulder hid a safe distance away and waited, Monroe obviously either waiting for a bus or waiting to meet someone, most likely the person he had called. Then, swinging around the corner, a metro bus pulled up in front of the bench and Monroe got in, Mulder muttering an audible 'shit', hoping that wasn't going to be Monroe's option. Mulder began running back toward the rental, spotting Monica coming toward him. "He's on the bus," he yelled to her, both of them running across the street and back to their car. They were able to catch up to the bus and followed for several more miles before they saw Monroe hop off, immediately looking around nervously. "He's meeting Easton, I just know it," Mulder said into the dark of the car. "Yeah, that's who he called," Monica told him. Monroe walked around the corner and Mulder turned the car to follow him at, hopefully, a safe distance. Monroe walked another block or so and then turned down an alley. "I'll stay on him," Monica said, exiting the car quickly and following while Mulder found an inconspicuous place to park the car. Mulder stayed behind, but could see both Monroe and Monica ahead of him in the dark. Finally, Monroe stopped moving, standing nervously under a streetlight at the other end of the alley. Mulder stayed back, hiding in the doorway of a dilapidated apartment building, Monica closer to the end of the alley where Monroe waited. Soon, a tall figure in a long overcoat moved into the glow of the streetlight and Monica's heart fell. It was Tony. She guessed she had hoped against hope, for Tony's and Dana's sakes, that she had been wrong about him. But there he was, meeting with Monroe. She was too far away to hear what was going on, so she moved behind the dumpsters and trash cans trying to get closer to hear. Suddenly, she could see the silhouette of Tony's arm come up and then the flash of a pistol being fired, Monroe crumpling before him. Almost before she could react, Tony pointed the gun down and fired again, Monroe's body jerking in response. "FBI! Throw down your weapon or I will fire!" Monica yelled, Mulder running to back her up. Tony turned and fired, Monica and Mulder taking cover behind an abandoned station wagon. Tony turned to run, but, instead, spun around and fired again when he heard his name. "Give it up, Easton," Mulder had yelled, Tony realizing the game was up. "Drop the gun, Tony," Monica told him as he just stood there, illuminated under the streetlight like he was ready to sing a ballad. But instead, he pointed the pistol to his temple and blew his head off. Mulder and Monica cursed as they ran toward him, both of them knowing there was no way in hell he was alive. And they were right. Mulder checked Monroe, Monica visibly shaken by the sight of Tony and Mulder was shocked that he felt a faint pulse in Monroe's neck. Later, after the ambulances and paramedics had arrived and the Brooklyn police had taken charge of the area, Mulder had had a chance to finally speak to Monica. "You okay?" he asked quietly. She nodded at first, but then her tears came, Mulder enfolding her against his wet coat. "I'm sorry this had to happen the way it did, Monica." She composed herself and stepped back from his embrace giving him a small smile of thanks, but then becoming serious. "I think you have a phone call to make, Mulder, and I think you better make it before she hears what happened from someone else," Monica told him, giving his arm an affectionate squeeze before walking off to talk to one of the other officers. Continued in Pt. 6 TITLE: Nothing Is As It Appears Pt. 6 DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC The next day Mulder had followed Monica's advice and had called Scully, not even noticing the time until he pulled his phone from his pocket. And at 9:10pm, she had been getting very worried about why he was so late. He admitted that he and Monica had gone on a case in New York, but didn't tell her any details. Since it was Friday night, he knew she wouldn't be talking to anyone at the FBI until after he got home and he told her he would be home the next day as soon as he could get a flight. They had wrapped up what they could with the case, knowing that as soon as Monroe regained consciousness, they would want to return to question him. But for now, their actions were directed toward finding the next flight back to Washington. Monica said she would get started on the report they would have to submit to the FBI and she would touch base with Mulder later. She knew he was dreading telling Scully so she thought the least she could do was take care of some of the paper work. Mulder had arrived at the apartment just before ten on Saturday and Scully was in the back room finishing some laundry. He could see that the dry cleaning was at the door ready for pick-up, sensing that Scully had been cleaning, something she did when she was upset. "Scully?" he said as he entered, hanging his wrinkled, still damp top coat on the rack. Scully walked in from the back, seeing his disheveled, tired look, blood stains on his shirt and tie. He could tell she was angry, but she moved closer so that she could see him better. "Are you okay, Mulder? Were you hurt?" she asked quietly. "I'm fine. Um, not my blood," he said, removing his suit jacket and tie as he sat down at the kitchen table. "Sit down, Scully. I need to talk to you," he said tiredly, unsure of how he was going to break the news. "Mulder, I don't think it's a good time for you to discuss New York with me. I'm so goddamned angry with you right now, I'm not sure I can be rational," she said, almost too calmly. "This isn't about New York, Scully," he said, Scully now noticing the distressed look on his face. "What?" she said, sitting in the chair next to him, sensing that something had gone terribly wrong. "Is it Monica?" Mulder looked at her and shook his head, his hand reaching out to grasp hers as it lay on the table, more for his comfort than hers. "The reason Monica and I went to New York was to follow up on a case... my shooting to be exact," he started, finding it hard to look at her. "Easton was involved, Scully." "Oh, please, Mulder. You will never convince me of that, no matter what theory you and Monica come up with," she chastised. "Please just listen," he asked quietly before continuing. "I'll tell you details later, but... things went badly and...," he stuttered. "Scully, Tony Easton is dead." Scully didn't move, didn't react at all for several long seconds, unable to process what Mulder had just told her. "Mulder," she said, her voice catching as she spoke. "What hap... was it you?" she managed to ask. "No, no. He knew we had him, Scully, and he shot himself," he told her softly. "My god," she sighed in disbelief. She tried to contain her emotion, but eventually buried her face in her hands and began to softly cry. "W..why w..would he do th..this?" she stammered through her sobs. "I'm sure he had figured out we had enough evidence to tie him to my shooting," Mulder explained. "He saw no other way out." "No, I mean why would he want to kill you?" she asked, looking at him, hoping he was going to offer her a reason other than the obvious one. "Scully..." he said, not wanting to spell it out to her, but his answer telling her what she already feared. "No, please no," she cried again, laying her head on her arms on top of the table. Mulder scooted his chair closer, putting his arm around her, reaching to hold her hand. "I'm sorry, Scully," he told her softly and meant it. "I really didn't want our suspicions to be true, let alone for things to end this way." Scully finally stood and went to the desk for a tissue, wiping her eyes as she composed herself. "Mulder, I want you to leave," she told him, again almost too calmly. "Scully, I know you're angry and you have every right to be, but," he started. "I want you to move your things out of the apartment," she continued, surprising him. Mulder sighed, "Scully, you're overreacting." "No, Mulder, I'm not. You made promises to me and you broke every one of them and I'm not going to live like that, Mulder. I'm not," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought we were past that." "Scully, this man was guilty! He tried to kill me! Or at least, have me killed and all because he couldn't have you," Mulder said, irritated at her reaction. "Goddamn it, Mulder! This has nothing to do with that. You lied to me; you promised me you wouldn't go to New York or pursue Tony and you did anyway," she said, her voice now angry. "But he was fucking guilty!" Mulder yelled. "But you didn't know that! And you promised me YOU wouldn't become involved with it. John and Monica could've handled it." "No, John was too busy sticking his head in the sand along side you and I couldn't very well let Monica go alone," he tried to justify. "It's my job, no matter who had slept with the suspect," he yelled immediately regretting what had just flown from his mouth. "Get out. Get out!" she said, now so livid she was shaking. "Get out!!" Mulder looked at her for a few seconds, before moving to leave, giving her one final stare before exiting and slamming the door. Scully collapsed into the nearest chair and began to sob as hard as she ever had. DANA SCULLY'S OFFICE QUANTICO, VA Four days later Scully hadn't really seen Mulder since she had thrown him out of the apartment. He had come by, she guessed while she was at church, and taken some necessities, but not removing all of his stuff, she noticed. He had left a short note, apologizing once more and letting her know he was staying at the Westchester Westin again and that he wanted to talk when she was ready. Scully had just finished her last class for the afternoon and was looking forward to getting away a little early. She hadn't been sleeping well and felt overly tired and tense and had scheduled a massage for after dinner. She was packing up her laptop and briefcase when she heard the blinds clang as the door to her office opened. "Monica," Scully said as Agent Reyes entered. "Knocking is customary," Scully said, just about as angry at Monica as she was Mulder even though she wasn't sure why. Monica had just been doing her job. "I figured if I knocked you probably wouldn't have let me in," Monica said, trying to smile. "And I need to talk to you." Scully sighed and sat down in her desk chair, the leather squeaking against her legs. "You know, Monica, I'm not sure I want to hear anything about what I know you're here to talk about." "Well, maybe you aren't, but I'm going to say it, Dana. There are things you need to know," Monica started as she sat in the chair next to Scully's desk. "I liked Tony; I think you know that. I was thrilled when the two of you were involved." Scully looked down at her hands as they fidgeted in her lap, knowing what Monica was saying was true. "But Tony wasn't what either of us thought he was, Dana," Monica said, Scully finally looking at her. "His father wasn't a cop; he never knew his father, a white man who left his black mother high and dry. And his mother wasn't an attorney, but worked as a secretary to a secretary in the Chicago DA's office during the day and worked at a convenience store at night so that her son could attend one of the best colleges in the country." Scully just sat there in silent disbelief, her heart rate beginning to increase as she began to realize that she had been seriously deceived by a man she had cared about deeply. "He did everything he could and finally got into the FBI. As soon as he did, he left his mother in Chicago and she never heard from him again. She died in a nursing home three years ago. Shall I go on?" Monica asked and Scully nodded slowly, tentatively. Monica softened her voice a bit, realizing she had come on a bit strong when she had first entered Scully's office. "He became an over achiever within the FBI, but a lot of people in San Diego weren't sorry to see him go. Then he found you, something to reinforce the image he wanted to exude; successful and wealthy." "But, Monica, he had money from somewhere. His car, his clothes... and you should've seen his apartment," Scully said, stunned at what Monica was telling her. "He was in hock up to his eyes, Dana. Credit cards all over the place, loans that he never paid everywhere else," Monica said sadly, realizing how Scully must be feeling. "When Mulder returned and he lost you, well, I guess that just spoiled all his plans. He was used to getting whatever he wanted, anyway he could. He had hired someone through an informant he had initially met when we all worked on the Saunders case in New York." "The missing evidence?" Scully asked, almost knowing the answer to her own question. "Tony destroyed it as part of the deal to hire the shooter. Leo Monroe, the informant that Tony used in New York woke up Sunday and Mulder and I questioned him. Seems if Tony got the guy off in the Saunders case, the group of criminals he was involved with would owe him a few favors. So, Tony destroyed the evidence and Monroe found him a hired gun." "My god," Scully sighed, not sure she was able to grasp everything. "How stupid could I be?" "Dana, don't do that to yourself," Monica told her firmly. "Every single person in Tony's life was deceived by him, including me. Hell, including his own mother," Monica pointed out, trying to make her feel better. "Nothing about him was as it appeared." "It's so sad, really," Scully finally said. "He was so intelligent, had so much going for him. If he would've just been honest, lived his life with what god gave him, he would've been as successful as he only pretended to be." "Yeah, you're probably right," Monica said, sad that everything had to happen the way it did. Scully looked at Monica, giving her a small smile. "Thanks for coming over here and explaining this to me, Monica. For making me listen," Scully said softly. Monica nodded and then stood, moving toward the door to leave, but then turning to look back at Scully. "I'm going to say something else that isn't my business, but..." Monica started. "Mulder was right in what he did, Dana. He didn't let his personal life interfere with what he needed to do professionally. He has instincts that I can only dream about and he knows to trust them until evidence tells him he's wrong," Monica told her. "And he wasn't wrong. He did what he needed to do and it was the right thing." Monica moved closer to her and looked her straight in the eyes as she finished. "Don't let any of this come between you and Mulder. Nothing is worth that. Nothing. Face it; he was right about Tony and you and I were wrong. Swallow your pride and go talk to him, Dana. Don't let Tony destroy anything else," Monica finished boldly, the blinds rattling again as she closed the door, Scully still sitting in stunned silence. WESTIN HOTEL WESCHESTER, MARYLAND Later that evening Scully had sat for several long minutes thinking about what Monica had told her, admiring her friend for having the courage to be so brutally honest with her. And Scully suddenly felt very adolescent about her fight with Mulder and her self-imposed isolation from him. Monica was right. Scully went home after work, thinking she needed some time to think about what she wanted to say to Mulder, how she was going to say it. But after only a few minutes after she had entered her apartment, she realized she should just go talk to him; just say things as she felt them. She changed into her jeans, brushed her teeth and headed to Westchester. "Fox Mulder," he answered the room phone beside the bed. "Hi, it's me," came the familiar voice. "Um, I'm in the lobby." "1610," he said, knowing they wouldn't give out room numbers at the desk. Mulder was standing in front of his open door when she got off the elevator, anxious to see her, but dreading what he feared she might be there to tell him. He hadn't tried to contact her since their big fight knowing it was best to let Scully think a while, but had she not been the one to make a move, he would have. "Hi," she said as she approached his room. Mulder moved out of the way to let her in, still towering over her in his sock feet. "You'll have to excuse the housekeeper. I keep forgetting to take the 'Do Not Disturb' sign off the doorknob," he joked, feeling somewhat uncomfortable about the disarray. Scully gave him a small smile in return, her enigmatic one, he thought, wondering what she was going to do next. She looked around for a couple of seconds before sitting down in one of the chairs at the small table in the corner of the room. There were numerous empty small liquor bottles sitting on the table, obviously from the honor bar in his room. She picked one up and slowly turned it upside down before looking up at him with a look that about melted his heart. "I'm causing you to drink?" she asked, her voice a sad tease but her meaning clear. Mulder just shrugged and tossed a pair of jeans from the chair opposite her to the bed and sat down. "There's still a couple left in the bar if you need one," he retorted, idly scooting the bottles away from him with his fingers. "I'll pass," she said, not really making eye contact with him. The light hanging over the small table glared, making it somewhat hard to see his features distinctly. Scully sat there looking at her hands for several long moments, but she could tell he was watching her, totally comfortable with not saying anything until she did. "Monica came to see me," she started. "She told me everything about New York, about Tony." "Scully, I told you I would've explained everything to you, but you didn't seem to want to listen," he said softly, but not accusingly. Scully nodded, knowing he was right and feeling guilty that she had been so unwilling to talk with him before. "No, I didn't. But, uh, I'm sorry, Mulder," she said, finally looking at him. "I was upset with you that you had gone to New York and then hearing about Tony..." "I understand," Mulder said in response. "No, Mulder, you don't understand, but I'd like to explain so that you can," she told him carefully. "Okay..." "I lived in fear, wondering where you were, how you were, if you were even alive for almost a year. And then William..." she said unable to finish her thought. "And then, I had irrefutable evidence that you were dead. Dead, Mulder. Never to see you again in my life dead, Mulder. You have no idea what that was like." "I was afraid I would never be able to see you again either, Scully," he responded. "But you knew I was alive, was still living a life. Trust me, it's very different," she said firmly. "Anyway, when you came back and we started our life together again, you promised me several things as I did you. One of those things being that you would not take off on me again and that we would be absolutely open and honest with each other, no matter what." "But, I was working a case," he started to explain. "I know that, Mulder, but you weren't honest with me about going back to active duty, putting yourself in danger and leaving town and I could just see your old patterns starting again. And I... I just couldn't deal with it," she explained. "And whether you or I want to admit it, everything surrounding Tony was devastating to me." Mulder looked at her, thinking that maybe he had misjudged how much Scully had cared for that man. "And I don't just mean his death, Mulder. I felt so used... and gullible and... foolish that I had fallen for his, his lies that now seem so obvious." "Scully, you were lonely and vulnerable and he played to the parts of you he was an expert at determining you needed," Mulder told her honestly. "He profiled you and acted upon that." Scully nodded slowly, knowing intellectually that Mulder was right, but still feeling embarrassed that she had been so emotionally led by the man. "You know, everything about Tony, his life and death, just seems so matter-of-fact to everyone else, but the memory will stay with me for the rest of my life," she confessed, wishing what she'd said wasn't true. Both of them sat their for several minutes without saying much; Scully commenting that it was cold in the room; Mulder joking that he was sweating. "So..." Mulder finally said. "Mulder, I want to apologize for losing my temper and asking you to leave my apartment. I had no right," she started. "You were angry; I hadn't been totally honest with you. You had every right." "That apartment is 'ours' now, Mulder. Ours. We should've talked things out and maybe I should've sent you to the couch..." she said, giving him a small smile. "But I had no right to throw you out of what is now your home, our home." Mulder was touched by her words, realizing that they were together for the duration, that whatever happened, how ever much they disagreed, they would never leave each other. "I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you, Scully," he started. "But, I'll tell you honestly now; it won't happen again. I promise." "Thank you," she responded quietly and gave him a loving smile. Finally, Scully stood and went over to the closet and pulled his suitcase out, slinging it to the bed before opening it. "Come on, get packed. Let's go home." SCULLY & MULDER'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Later that night Both of them drove their own cars to the apartment, not wanting to leave one all the way in Westchester. Mulder arrived home before Scully and was waiting at her door with his suitcase when she got there. "Where's your key?" she asked. "I hope it's in a pair of my pants," he said absently, noticing, maybe for the first time that night, how tired and worn Scully looked. After they entered, Mulder carried his suitcase on into the bedroom and took a few necessities out of it. When he realized Scully hadn't followed him into the bedroom, he went to look for her. "Scully?" he called, then noticed her sitting at the kitchen table. Mulder pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, everything about her telling him something was wrong. "What's the matter?" "I don't know... I'm a... I think I'm just tired," she tried to explain, truly not really knowing what had seemed to suddenly come over her. "I think I'll take a shower and, um, get ready for bed," she told him quietly, giving his hand a squeeze before heading for the bathroom. Mulder finished unpacking the things from his suitcase, most of it ready for the laundry instead of the closet. He could hear the water of the shower running as he busied himself. He checked to see that the apartment was locked and the lights were out and took a swig from her orange juice carton before returning to the bedroom. He was surprised to hear the shower still running, Scully having been in there for a good twenty minutes. "Scully?" he said as he slowly opened the door to the bathroom. He moved closer to the shower and could see her hazy silhouette huddled on the floor of the shower stall, the water continuing to run. "Scully?" he said again, but, again, no answer. Mulder opened the door a few inches to look in and could feel the ice cold spray from the water. "Scully, my god, the water is freezing," he said as he hurried to shut it off, but still she didn't move. Mulder rushed to grab a towel and wrapped the fabric and his arms around her, struggling to lift her from the wet floor of the shower. "Scully..." Mulder repeated, carrying her into the bedroom and laying her on top of the bed. He dried her body as she lay shivering, trying to get her chilled skin to warm. He grabbed an extra blanket from the foot of the bed and wrapped her from her neck to over her feet and crawled up on the bed to then wrap himself around her. "Scully..." seemed to be all he could say. Mulder could feel her body continue to shake, realizing that part of her movement was caused by sobbing. "God, Scully," he said, his fear obvious in the tone of his voice. He just held her close, kissed her face, her wet hair, using his hands to stroke her everywhere he could reach, both to warm her and to try to comfort her from whatever demon seemed to have taken hold of her. Scully finally began to move, struggling to get her arms free from the confines of the towel and blanket to return Mulder's embrace. "Mulder..." she murmured against the skin of his neck, trying to burrow closer to him, but, seemingly, barely having the strength. "Scully, honey, I'm right here," he whispered to her. "You're scaring me..." Eventually, she relaxed against him and he finally felt he could let go of his hold on her enough to move back to look at her. He found her sound asleep. Mulder moved away from her carefully, trying not to wake her. He pulled the spread and the sheet down and gingerly moved her into the bed. He removed the dampened blanket and towel that was still mostly wrapped around her body and covered her with the bedclothes. Through it all, she didn't stir. He cleaned up everything in the bathroom, undressed and snuggled himself against her naked body and tried to find sleep for himself. SCULLY & MULDER'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC The next morning "Hi," she said drowsily, happy to wake up to his beautiful face. "Morning," he said, offering her a cup of coffee, the aroma smelling wonderful to her. Scully scooted up in bed, Mulder helping her pile a couple of pillows behind her against the headboard. She covered herself a bit better with the sheet and took a measured sip of the steaming coffee. "Ummmmm," she sighed softly at the taste. "What time is it?" she asked, the events of the previous night starting to come back to her. "Almost noon," Mulder answered, smoothing her mussed hair with his palm. "I'm sorry," she said quietly to him, starting to feel self-conscious about the past night's display. "Sorry? For what?" Mulder replied, hoping she wasn't apologizing for what he figured she was. Scully looked at him, giving him a soft smile. "I don't know what happened to me," she started, trying to clear things in her head. "Suddenly, I just felt so... so overwhelmingly tired. I couldn't stand up, I... felt like I was going to pass out or something, so I sat down on the floor of the shower, I think." She took another sip of her coffee, Mulder sitting at her hip just letting her get everything out. "I don't..." she strained to remember. "Then I remember being on the bed with you. And... I... that's all I remember, Mulder," she said, a hint of fear in her voice. "Well, there wasn't much more to it, Scully. I found you in the cold shower and brought you to bed," he said calmly to her. She looked down, unable to make eye contact with him, feeling embarrassed that she had fallen apart in front of him. "I'm sorry," she said again. "Scully, don't ever apologize for letting me see your emotions," he told her softly, moving closer to her to embrace her. "Please." Scully returned his embrace and gave him a soft kiss before leaning back against the pillows. "I had this overwhelming realization of everything that had happened to me... Missing you so badly I could barely breathe; everything with... our son; being told that you had died," she began to explain. "And then Tony, trusting him, being with him and then... what happened to him. And then having you return... It was just too much to process, I think." "It's understandable, Scully. Jesus, everything you've been through," Mulder said, shaking his head as if in disbelief. "Anyone would've reacted the way you did, Scully. I think your body, just needed to rest from it all." Scully gave him a small smile, leaning up to kiss his lips. "Thank you for being here for me," she told him sincerely, reaching to touch his face with her palm. "I love you, you know," she smiled. Mulder leaned in to kiss her, his arm going around her waist, his other hand cupping her cheek. The kiss lingered for several long seconds until Scully pulled away. "I'm going to spill my coffee," she chuckled. Mulder took it from her and sat it on the night stand, quickly resuming their kiss. Scully wrapped her arms around his neck and slid further down in the bed to lie flat, bringing Mulder down with her. "I love you..." she told him again. "I love you," he said, kissing her face, down her neck. He sat up, his hand slowly pushing the spread and sheet down to her waist, her breasts now exposed to him, her nipples stiffening in the cool air. "You're so beautiful, Scully," he said to her softly, bending to take a firm nipple into his mouth, his tongue licking around the areole. "Oh, god," she sighed, the heavy feeling of arousal immediately centering between her legs. Mulder moved his mouth to her other breast, his hand covering the breast he had just had in his mouth, his fingers massaging slowly, firmly. He kissed her again before standing, taking off his clothes as she watched, neither saying anything nor making a sound, until Mulder's penis bobbed free from his pants and Scully moaned. She lifted the blankets and he scooted in next to her, pulling her into an embrace and then maneuvered her on top of his body as they kissed. Scully wrapped her arms around his neck, her breasts pressed into his chest by the weight of her body on top of him. They kissed and kissed and kissed, Mulder's hands moving and caressing and squeezing everywhere they could reach, her body lithely moving her skin against his. Mulder stopped kissing and took Scully's face in his hands to look at her. "You sure this is okay?" he asked softly. "Why wouldn't it be?" she responded, not sure why he would ask her that. "I was worried about you last night, Scully," he admitted, his thumb stroking her cheek. "I know, Mulder. I know," she said softly, giving him a tender kiss. "But after fourteen hours of sleep, I think I'm ready for about anything," she added, smiling to him. Scully moved to take his nipple in her mouth, sucking it softly as she moved her leg over his. "You want me?" she smiled, her hand moving down his abdomen to between his legs. "Mmmmm, yeah, I do," he said, wrapping his arms around her back, his hands sliding to grasp her bottom. She shuddered, feeling her center lubricating, the gooseflesh making its way over her entire body. "What is it about your butt, Scully? All I have to do is touch you there and you're off and running..." he teased, sliding one hand further to find her core with a finger. "God, Scully, you are so wet." "I want you, too," she smiled to him before closing her eyes to kiss him, a long lingering kiss that felt so good. "I love kissing you," she whispered to him as her lips crossed his cheek, finding their way to his neck. Her body moved languidly against him, feeling him growing rigid against her mound, the hair of his chest teasing her breasts. Her low moans and sighs as she continued to kiss him, her tongue caressing his, made his breathing more labored than if he'd run a mile. Mulder's hands stroked her body everywhere he could reach, his words slurred with arousal. "If you were any more sexy, Scully, I think I'd explode..." he told her. "Not yet," she murmured, her ability to speak at the moment no better than his. Her hands moved from his hair to his shoulders as she slid down slightly, again taking a nipple in her mouth to tongue, to suck. When Mulder's hands moved to grasp her waist, she reached behind herself to grasp them, moving them from her body to the pillow beside his head. "Just lay back," she whispered. She kissed his mouth again, her lips caressing his, then licking and sucking his lips, kissing and kissing before nuzzling his neck. She unclasped her hands from his, moving further down, her kiss to his stomach and the glide of her breast against his genitals as she moved further down almost more than he could take. "God, Scully..." he groaned, his voice barely more than a breath. She took his shaft in her hand, her fingers massaging him, her palm closing over the head each time she stroked him. Mulder felt her slight shudder, still in disbelief that she always was, at least, as turned on by what she was doing to him as he was by what she was doing to him. She took him in her mouth, her fingers moving to his sac, massaging him as she moved her lips up and down on him, her tongue lapping against him as she sucked. "Scully, ssstop," Mulder hissed when her teeth scraped against his glans. "Jessssussss..." Mulder reached for her, her mouth leaving him with a soft pop. She moved up over him, intending to be on top, just wanting him to let her make love to him. "I'll love you forever..." she said, moving to kiss him softly. She moved on top of him, kissing him soundly, their tongues vying for control. He wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back down to her thighs. She spread her legs, moving her knees to the bed, lifting herself over him as he held his penis for her. She centered herself and then slid down on him, both of them sighing at the sensation. She didn't move for a few seconds, just savoring the feeling of him inside her. Mulder held on to her waist as she set up fully, feeling his length push against her cervix. "God, you feel so good," she moaned as she began undulating against him. She placed her hand on his stomach, holding onto his sides as she began moving up and down on him. "Jesus, Scully..." Mulder sighed, his head tilting back onto the pillow, his eyes clamping shut. "Uhhhhh, just like that..." She smiled, watching him, feeling her arousal soar seeing his reactions to her movements, her loving of him. She bent forward a bit, her hands sliding to his shoulders, causing her clitoris to rub against his pubic hair. She pushed harder, feeling the eminent release of her orgasm spiral within her abdomen. She moved her hips side to side a couple of times and that was all it took, her hips jerking, her thighs trying to squeeze together against his. She held her breath while her muscles clamped him, the tissues of her fleshy folds throbbing against him. "Ohhhhhh, god..." she finally breathed, her body melting to lay over him, the hair on his chest against her breasts giving her entire body goose bumps. She tried to start pumping against him again, but he needed more. Mulder rolled her off of him, onto her stomach, then laying half over her back, his erection rubbing against her hip. "Is this okay?" he asked, not knowing if she would want to finish this way. "Whatever you need..." she answered softly, barely more than a breath. He moved her knees forward, raising her bottom into the air as he moved over her, bending to kiss the back of her neck, behind her ear, down her back. He held his weight on the hand of his outstretched arm, using his other hand to find her opening with his penis. She was still incredibly wet, confirming to him that she just wasn't doing it this way to please him. He slid in easily, moving his arm to hold her around her abdomen. "Oh, my god..." she said as he began to pump, the feeling of him very different this way than he felt in the other positions. He moved his hand, fingering her clitoris as he continued to move in and out of her and she climaxed again as soon as he pushed hard on her engorged bud. "Ohgodohgodohgodddddddd..." she cried, her body shuddering, barely able to handle the sensations he was creating in her. He held onto her hips, shifting his weight from his arms to his knees as his thrusting became harder, his hips slapping against her firmly, as she tried to keep from screaming, literally screaming. Mulder could feel his orgasm in every muscle of his body, his semen erupting into her with every thrust he could manage. She collapsed under him, the words of her whimpers indiscernible to him, the sound of his rushing blood almost deafening to his ears. He managed to shift most of his weight to his side before collapsing on top of her, his penis slipping out of her as he did. Scully reached back to stroke him, feeling both of their fluids on him, now on her hand. He knew what she was asking for when she did that and reached between her legs to stroke her softly, helping her come down. Mulder shifted to his back, his breathing still erratic and labored as she rubbed her palm against his length one last time before lying next to him, the feeling of her hand against his sensitive skin sending little shock waves through him again. Her head dropped to his shoulder, the muscles of her body so sated, they barely responded to what her brain was trying to tell them to do. A few minutes passed before either one of them said anything. "Scully..." Mulder sighed. "I know, I know..." she said, the movement of her lips against his skin tickling him. He moved to lay her on her back then, shifting to hold his weight on his elbow so that he could see her. Their eyes held each others, both of their smiles growing in tandem. "That was... I don't even know what that was," she smiled, her voice still not much more than a breath. "I think that is what's known as great make- up sex," he teased, bending to kiss her softly. "God, we're good together..." "Yes, yes we are..." she said, snuggling into him as he wrapped his arms around her. They lay there quietly for a long time, Mulder thinking to himself how things in life could happen so surprisingly matter-of-factly, but the memories would indelibly stay with you for the rest of your life. Scully kissed his chest, cuddling closer into his side, her leg wrapping further around his. "Don't ever leave me," she whispered into the still of the room. Mulder turned on his side to look at her, his hand softly brushing her hair from her face, their eyes meeting before he spoke. "Never again." END