Other Friends (R) Mulder heard her laugh as he was approaching the outer office of the morgue. Now there was a sound he didn’t hear often, not nearly often enough. He picked up his pace to see what had caused that beautiful sound. He pushed open the door and saw Scully smiling up at some guy he’d never seen. "Mulder, hi." "Hi. You about through?" He looked around the lab; no equipment was lying around, were they just visiting? "Yeah, all finished up. You need to meet David Nichols. He’s the new medical examiner." Mulder held out his hand to shake, "Fox Mulder." "Nice to meet you, Fox. Dana’s been telling me about some of your cases." "Oh?" He didn’t like this guy. "Yeah, liver eating mutants? Is she pulling my leg?" He looked down at Scully grinning. Mulder felt the hair rise on the back of his neck. "No, that one’s true." "Wild. I thought I’d seen some weird things." Smiling, he shook his head. "We probably need to get a move on, Scully." He wanted out of here, it definitely wasn’t comfortable. She glanced down at her watch. "Oh my goodness. I didn’t realize it was so late. Thanks, David. I’ll be in touch." Being with this guy had made her lose track of time? That bothered him more than he wanted to admit. "I look forward to it." He touched her shoulder. Mulder couldn’t help himself. He took her elbow and then pulled her closer to him with his fingers gently touching where he knew her tattoo to be. She glanced at him, but made no comment. Once in the car however, "What was that all about?" "What?" He didn’t look over at her, busying himself with the keys. "Don’t act innocent with me. Did you not like David?" "What’s not to like?" Scully rolled her eyes and decided it wasn’t worth a fight. It didn’t look like she’d get any pertinent comments out of him anyway. "Why were you called in?" Oh, it was okay for him to ask questions. But she went ahead rather than escalate this into a fight. "David just started work here, he’s replacing Dr. Sommers who retired, so they asked me to help out. He didn’t need it though, he’s extremely competent." "Good, then they won’t need to call you in anymore." She glanced over at him, but his obviously bland expression gave nothing away. She shook her head and decided to watch the scenery. They arrived at her mother’s house only a few minutes late. Mrs. Scully answered the door with a smile while Mulder took a deep breath of the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen. "Sorry we’re late, Mom. Work." "I figured as much. Hello, Fox, I’m glad you were able to join us." "Thanks for having me. Smells great." "Good, come open the wine and tell me what you’ve been up to, if it’s not top secret or inappropriate dinner conversation." She turned back toward the kitchen, leading them. "Well, there goes everything I can say. Why don’t we get Scully to tell us all about her new friend?" Mrs. Scully glanced up at him, a question in her eyes. "New friend?" "He’s talking about David Nichols, the new medical examiner. We met him today and he was quite charming." Scully didn’t bother to look over at him, fishing a pickle out of the dish on the counter. "I didn’t know you liked the hairy type." "It was just a mustache and wh . . . I don’t want to talk about him any more." She turned her back to them both completely at that point and opened the refrigerator. Mrs. Scully decided the warning bells she was hearing were only her imagination and steered the conversation to other areas. After a wonderful evening, including dessert and leftovers for Mulder, they left with Mulder dropping her off at her apartment. "Thanks for taking me along tonight." "She always asks you to come, you know." "Yeah." He grinned. "I’m gonna do it more often. Maybe I can stock my freezer." "Go home, Mulder. See you Monday." She opened the car door and let herself out. "Okay, I’ll probably call tomorrow." She nodded and waved. He watched until she was inside. She didn’t like him walking her to the door in these cases he knew. For some reason she thought he was smothering her or something. Oh well, he headed for home. ***** Monday morning he was waiting for her in the office. "Good morning, Mulder." She smiled her greeting. "You’re in a good mood for a Monday." "I had a good weekend." She said over her shoulder as she poured coffee. "Yeah, Friday night was great with your mother." "Umm." She agreed while sipping the hot beverage. "Called you Saturday night. Langly had a new program he wanted you to see." "So sorry I missed that." She said dryly. "Did you go back over to your Mom’s?" She was standing beside the desk, flipping through the mail as she ingested her caffeine. "Huh? Oh no, um, David and I saw a movie." "David?" He felt his chest tighten and he struggled to keep his voice level. "You remember him, the new medical examiner?" "Yeah, I remember. What did you see?" Did he really want to know? Or did he just want to keep her talking? "That Hitchcock festival was running downtown. We saw Indiscreet and Rope. Great films." "Yeah, glad you had fun." He had to change subjects, so she’d had a date, big deal. If you wanted to get technical, they’d had a date Friday night and she took him home to see her mother. Drop it, she was just being friendly to the new guy and they did have a lot in common. He forcibly shrugged it off and went back to the paperwork he hated so. David wasn’t mentioned again for several days. After work Mulder followed Scully to the mechanics and after dropping off her car, took her home. He came in at her invitation, and was removing his coat when he spotted the flowers. "Holding out on me, Scully? A secret admirer?" His teasing had a slight edge to it. He knew what she was going to say before he heard it. "David sent those, just a thank you." "For the movies?" "No, for supper night before last. You want some leftovers? I’ve got lots of lasagna left." Leftovers? Was that what he wanted? David’s leftovers? Oh come on, Mulder. What was wrong with him? So she hadn’t mention she’d seen him again. She didn’t have to report in, he wasn’t her father. "Thanks, but I need to get going." "What? I thought we’d eat and . . . " Scully sounded confused and a little hurt. "I forgot, I’ve got some stuff I need to finish up tonight. I’ll pick you up bright and early in the morning." "Well, okay. Thanks for bringing me home." Shit, she really didn’t want to be alone tonight. She’d looked forward to this time with Mulder. What stuff did he need to do? "No problem. I’ll, uh, I’ll see you later." Out! Get out before you say something stupid. She was definitely looking at him oddly when he left her apartment. He hadn’t handled it well, but he just had to get out. Flowers? Movies? And now dinner at her place. Who was this guy, and how interested was she in him? ***** He was grateful to get an assignment that took them out of town. It probably wasn’t an X-file, but he didn’t care at this point. He tapped on the connecting door before sticking his head in. She motioned him on in and continued her conversation on the phone. "No, it wasn’t like that. This came up suddenly and you know it. Of course not. Yeah, that would be great. Okay, yeah we should be home in a couple of days. Ummm, you too. Bye." Mulder could barely draw a breath. That was David, he had called her on the road. That kind of pursuit . . . and she obviously appreciated it. What was happening between the two of them? How much did he want to know? He felt sick, this had been happening under his eyes and he hadn’t done anything. But what could he have done? This guy had everything and now it looked like he had her too. "Mulder? Are you all right?" She had approached him without him even realizing it. She placed her hand on his forehead. "You don’t have a fever, but you’re awfully pale all of a sudden. How do you feel?" "Fine, uh, fine. I just wondered if you wanted something to eat?" "Yeah, the airline food was down to its usual standards. What do you think you can eat?" She was obviously still concerned, regardless of his protestations. "I’m fine, Scully. Whatever you’d like." Keep moving Mulder; just don’t think about it, not now. "Okay. I spotted a diner a couple of miles back, want to try it?" "Sure. I’ll get my coat." And my heart, and everything else I must have left in the other room, before I heard your conversation. He retreated to his room and sat on the bed. Shit. Only moments later she stuck her head in his door, "You ready?" And realized he was sitting on the bed, not bothering to get ready at all. "Mulder, I’m not sure you should go out. Why don’t I go pick something up and bring it back?" "Yeah. Maybe that’s a good idea." Yeah, she could leave and he could pretend to be asleep when she got back. He wouldn’t have to see her this evening and she wouldn’t have to see him and realize what a fool he was. He kept his distance the entire trip, which turned out to be a bust anyway. She was hurt and confused, but couldn’t draw him out and make him talk to her. He barely spoke on the plane and didn’t even help her inside with her bags when they got to her apartment. In his defense she’d always discouraged him from doing that, but he always tried. Maybe he was still not feeling well from that bug he’d picked up the first night. But if this continued, she’d have to do something. He was still quiet the next morning, but didn’t seem to be avoiding her. At least he was in the office with her, not like out of town. She was getting her courage up to question him again when they both heard the tap on the door. "Yeah?" Mulder responded. Who came down here? "Hi. Glad you’re back in town." David entered the room, and he had flowers again. Mulder felt something break inside of him. How had he gotten down here? The basement wasn’t on any tour he’d heard of. David leaned over and kissed Scully. Mulder felt like something had torn and he was filled with broken glass or something. And she accepted it as though it was normal. Hell, maybe it was. How had he let things get this far? Let things? Since when had he had any control over what Scully did? They were talking, he was probably supposed to be part of the conversation. Concentrate Mulder. " . . . pop in like this, but I wanted to make sure you got home okay. No bad guys got you or anything." She smiled up at him. He’d always thought that was his smile. Get real, Mulder. She’s gone and you just let her slip away. "Listen, I’ll just let you two get reacquainted for a bit. I need to take this report up to Skinner. Good to see you again, David." "You too, Fox. Thanks for taking care of her while she was gone." He was going to throw up. Thanks for taking care of her? He had to get out quick; he’d be damned if he could handle watching him kiss her again. ***** "Dana, I’m fixing ribs tomorrow night. Why don’t you and Fox join me?" "Sounds good, but what if I brought David over instead?" Dana wiped her hands on the kitchen towel and folded it. "David?" "He’s the new medical examiner in . . . " "Oh, he’s the new friend Fox was talking about last time you were here. Are you seeing him?" She asked this cautiously, Dana was a grown woman but still . . . "Yeah, we’re seeing each other." Scully was studiously avoiding looking at her mother. "How does Fox feel about that?" Not a question she meant to ask, it just slipped out. "Mulder? He doesn’t care who I date." "Dana Katherine Scully, you don’t believe that!" Mrs. Scully looked positively scandalized at the thought. Scully drew back, her eyes wide. "Well, you obviously don’t." "Are you and Fox having problems?" "Of course not. But we’re partners, Mom. There’s never been more than that. The Bureau doesn’t allow it and anyway, he’s not interest in me like that." "Not interested? Dana, have you ever given him the opportunity?" Boy was she over the line with that question, but she had to ask. "No. He’s my partner." "He’d like to be more." Mrs. Scully spoke softly. "Mom, you’re living in a fantasy. Mulder is not interested in me. I would know if he were." "Like you let him know how interested you are?" Careful Maggie, otherwise Dana will be out the door and this line of communication closed for a good long time. "Can I bring David or not?" She wasn’t about to get into this any deeper. "Yes, of course you can. But please think about what I said." Scully rolled her eyes and turned back to putting away the dishes. ***** Well, this David was a very nice man, and obviously fond of Dana. Mrs. Scully watched the two of them together. He held Dana’s chair, poured her wine, and had been extremely charming to Mrs. Scully herself. So what was missing? It wasn’t fair to compare him to Fox, she knew that. But something wasn’t there. They had only known each other a few weeks, while Fox and Dana had spent years saving each other’s lives. Of course the communication would be more intense between Fox and Dana. Mrs. Scully had always enjoyed watching them communicate with nothing more than a raised eyebrow, other people in the room oblivious to the fact that communication was even taking place. What would it do to Fox if Dana fell in love with someone else? He was just now, after all these years, beginning to trust himself and feel at ease around her in a social setting. Well, she knew enough of the pieces of his past to know he’d be devastated. ***** She really needed to talk to her mother. It was late, but she’d just have to wake her. This couldn’t wait. Scully relived the dinner on the drive over, still not believing it. The candles, the music, the flash of the ring as he placed it on her finger. She’d never been so dazzled, so off-guard. "Dana? What time is it? Is everything all right?" She was sitting up in bed, trying to force herself awake. "Mom, I’m sorry to disturb you." She didn’t look sorry, she looked keyed up. "No, it’s okay. Are you all right?" "Yes. I’m fine." "Fox. Is Fox okay?" Knowing even as the words left her mouth that Dana would never have left his side if he weren’t. Scully ignored that. "Mom, David asked me to marry him tonight." "Dana, I . . . " "I haven’t said yes. I told him I had to think about it. But he insisted that I wear the ring while I decide." The words were tripping out of her mouth. Maggie had the thought that she was trying to get it said before she could give herself time to think. She held her hand up for her mother to see. "That’s . . . " she searched frantically for a neutral word. "Quick, isn’t it?" "Mom, he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, build a home, maybe have kids . . . " She was staring at her hand, not looking at her mother. "What about Fox?" She could feel Dana tense at the words. "Mom, how many times do I have to tell you? Mulder doesn’t think of me as a woman. I’m his partner, we’re friends." She knew she sounded testy and she didn’t want to fight with her mother, not now, but couldn’t she see that this was a wonderful thing? "Dana, I’m going to tell you this, because apparently Fox can’t, but Fox Mulder is in love with you and has been for years. Hush, let me finish. I have to tell you this because whether you admit it or not, you’re in love with him too," She paused for the inevitable denial. When it didn’t come she relaxed a little. "I’m not going to tell you who you should marry Dana, you’re a grown woman. But it wouldn’t be fair to either man, or yourself, if you don’t explore those feelings with Fox. And Dana, you’re going to have to go to him, he won’t come to you." "Why?" She asked in a very small voice. Mrs. Scully thought for a moment. "He doesn’t think he deserves you." Scully sat in silence, staring at her hand. Finally she stirred, "I need to go home." "No. Stay here. It’s too late, and you have too much on your mind to be driving around DC. Your room’s made up. Try to rest, maybe sleep. Okay? We can talk more in the morning." "I don’t know what to do." Damn she hated admitting that out loud. Why was this a problem? Why had her mother even brought it up; Mulder was not interested in her. He’d had plenty of opportunity and he’d never . . . "Just be honest, Dana, with yourself and Fox. That’s all you need." ***** She didn’t see him enter the room, her back to him while she worked on the computer. He moved closer just to enjoy her before she spotted him. The sight of the diamond sparkling on her left hand as she typed stopped his heart momentarily. She was going to marry David? Married, forever to another man, oh god. She turned then and saw him. He could hear himself mouthing congratulations, was his voice wavering or was his hearing affected as well? She had risen and was talking; he could see her mouth moving. Why couldn’t he understand what she was saying? He had to get out of here. She was a doctor, couldn’t see she that he was bleeding to death from the gash she’d torn in his heart? He stepped toward her. His plan was to give her a peck on the cheek, a ‘kiss the bride’ kind of thing. He was caught off guard when she turned her head. Their lips met, and try as he might he was unable to pull away. The kiss deepened and his arms closed around her. She was responding, her mouth opening to welcome his tongue. Her arms came up to encircle his neck and he realized he was supporting her. She tasted as good as he’d always imagined. What the hell was he doing? Oh god, she loved another man. She was getting married to another man. What was he doing? He thrust her away from him, breaking the kiss. Luckily he pushed her toward the wall, giving her a place to support herself during the rapid descent into reality. He turned and rushed from the room, not seeing the hand she reached out to stop him. He removed his coat to carry in front of him; he couldn’t hurry through the halls of the J. Edgar Hoover building in his state. ***** Other Friends - Part 2 (NC-17) He collapsed onto his couch and buried his face in his hands. How could he have done that? How could he have made such a fool of himself? He had to face her every day. He needed her friendship, especially now, when he knew that was all he was ever going to have. Would she continue to work? Did she think she could trust him anymore? Oh god, what had he done? He heard the key turn in his lock and reached for his gun. "Mulder, it’s me. Are you all right?" She approached him slowly and sat beside him on the couch. "I’m sorry, Scully." He couldn’t look at her. "I don’t have an explanation. I’m just . . . I’m sorry." "Mulder, I need to know what happened." "I made a fool of myself. And I overstepped the bounds. I’m sorry." He needed her out of here so she wouldn’t see. He didn’t want her to know . . . "Why do you say that?" "I know how you feel about him. I’m happy for you, really. I just . . . I’m sorry. It won’t happen again." He didn’t dare look at her; there was no way to keep his feelings from his face. He wasn’t that strong. She rose from the couch, good she was leaving. He could wallow in self-pity alone. Then he saw her jacket land on the floor. What? He glanced up to see that she had untucked her blouse and was unbuttoning it. His breath caught in his throat and he watched the blouse join the jacket on the floor. Her skirt was next and, oh lord, she was wearing stockings. Not pantyhose, stockings! Then they too were on the pile. How could a pile of clothing look so sensual? She reached around her back and her bra slid to the floor. He could feel his brain cells dying as every drop of blood in his body raced south. She stood before him wearing only the smallest scrap of silk. It was translucent enough to end the debate he’d had with himself for years – she was a redhead. Oh god, he was paralyzed. She reached out a hand to him, to pull him to his feet. He managed to rise, and she finished removing the tie he had loosened and began unbuttoning his shirt. His clothes joined hers on the floor. How could a pile of clothes look like that – he thought only drugs could cause this heightened awareness. Well that was it, Scully was his drug and he was addicted. She had his slacks unbuttoned and was lowering them. Boxers, dark green silk boxers. Her eyes smiled. He kicked the slacks onto the pile of clothes. She hooked her thumbs in the top of his boxers and looked up for permission. He wanted to nod, but he’d forgotten how. Whatever movement he made, she took for yes and pulled his boxers down. She caught her breath at the size of his tribute to her, and he saw fear flicker in her eyes, then disappear. He pulled her against him and kissed her thoroughly. God, he wanted her. He started moving toward the bedroom. "No Mulder, here. I’ve always imagined us here on your couch." She’d imagined . . . Scully had fantasized about him? She pulled the afghan she’d given him down to lay on and he watched her sink onto his couch and reach for him. He didn’t remember dying but he must have. Why else would he be in heaven? He had to have those lips again, so he started there. But he wanted all of her; his hands touching places he’d only dreamed of. He covered her throat with kisses and trailed them down to her perfect breasts. After paying full homage to them, he continued on toward her navel. It deserved a great deal of attention. That scrap of silk was still concealing one of his aims and with a quick glance for permission, he eased it off with her full cooperation. He laid the damp material carefully on his boxers, where he felt they belonged then began nuzzling her curls. Her hands entangled themselves in his hair and her breathing became ragged. She gasped as his tongue flicked her clit. She was so ready that in moments she was coming. He held her as her body expressed it’s delight, then he buried his face in her stomach. Was there any part of her that wasn’t perfect? He moved back up her body to recapture her lips, his cock questing for its rightful home. She reached down and cupped his balls, feeling his moan against her chest. He began to enter her slowly. God, she was so deliciously tight. He could feel her stretch to accommodate him, was he hurting her? He hesitated; the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. He was inside her, but he was afraid to move. "Scully?" He whispered. She opened her eyes and he fell into them, lost forever, as she closed the distance between them. His body began the age-old dance and her body joined his in the rhythm. She felt herself poised on the precipice again, but instead of falling she dived into his soul, and realized she was crying out his name. His illusion of control gone, he exploded into her unable to form a coherent thought. His fear of suffocating her caused him to stir long before he was ready. He started to move away from her, when she grabbed at his ass, holding him in place. "Don’t leave me, Mulder!" She whispered. "Please!" "I never could." He carefully rolled them over, so that she could lie on top. Damn this was one great couch, why had he never realized its full potential? He tossed the end of the afghan over her, so she wouldn’t become chilled. But the heat from her body radiating over him probably made that as unnecessary as words at this point. His breath caught as he realized she was massaging him with her muscles. Where the hell had she learned that? And no, he really didn’t want to know. "Scully, I think you’re being a little optimistic here." "Really?" She grinned at him and he realized she had succeeded in her goal. They were calling the wrong partner Spooky, but he wasn’t about to complain. She began to ride him, eyes locked on his, watching the wonder and enjoyment on his face. He found his hands on her hips, adjusting her rhythm and pulling her deeper onto him with each thrust. This could not be happening, even his most delicious fantasies weren’t this good. And he was coming again; she’d transported him back twenty years. He was seventeen and his orgasm was never going to end. She joined him and he felt her body convulse around his and suddenly her eyes fluttered and she collapsed, unconscious against his chest. "Scully!" He gathered her into his arms and with fear giving him the strength, carried her into the bedroom. "Scully, come back to me. Come on . . . " She rolled her head and finally opened her eyes. "Mulder?" "I think you fainted." "Fainted? That’s never happened to . . . Mulder, wipe that self satisfied grin off of your face." She was smiling at him now too, and then both were laughing as they held each other tightly. He drew away from her, suddenly serious. "You can’t marry him." "I know." "But you wanted to. You love him." It was stated as fact, but she could hear the question in his voice. "No, I think I loved what he represented. You know, stability, a home, the possibility of family." He placed his hand on her stomach. "Does he know?" "No, we hadn’t discussed children. Well, I hadn’t . . . yet. This was a complete surprise to me Mulder." "What about Emily?" "No! No, I couldn’t share that with him, not yet. I . . . I think of her as ours, I couldn’t . . . " "Oh Scully." He buried his face in her neck. "Yes." He murmured against her skin. "She was ours." After a moment he could speak again. "But you thought you were in love with him." He couldn’t drop it, not yet. "It’s flattering for a man to proclaim his love; to ask to spend the rest of his life with you." Mulder swallowed but didn’t speak. She waited, but he wouldn’t meet her eyes. "I think maybe my mother was right." Finally he looked up puzzled. "She says you don’t think you deserve me." She waited again, his lips moved, but no sound emerged, and he dropped his eyes again. "Mulder, she can’t be right. Don’t you know what you have to offer a woman? You are probably the most physically attractive man I have ever known. Don’t tell me you’ve never noticed the women at the Bureau watching you as you walk by. You’re brilliant – even the people who might want to avoid you come to you for help when they’re stumped. You’re sensitive, insightful, caring . . . Mulder, look at me." She ran her hand down his chest. "I think you love me." His arms tightened around her. "Why does that scare you? Do you think I don’t feel the same? Do you honestly not know, even now, how I feel? Do you think I would come here, initiate this," her wave encompassed all that had transpired since her arrival, "if I didn’t love you? What you slipped and revealed at the office . . . it gave me the courage to come here, to do this, with you." Then she took possession of his lips again and for a while the world didn’t exist. When he was able he rose back to his elbow to look down at her. "You don’t have to give up all of that. I mean, I don’t know if you and I could handle stability, but the home, family, we could . . . " "Mulder, that’s not what this was . . . " "Shhh. I’ve never proposed to any one before and I want to make sure I get it right." "Propose?" Her voice broke on the word. "It isn’t good for a guy’s ego for the woman to cry when she’s being proposed to." He caught a tear on his finger and brought it to his lips. "Don’t you recognize tears of joy, G-man?" "Can I take that as a yes?" "Skinner’s not going to be very happy about this." "Oh darn, and I live to make Skinner happy." She grinned at him. "Listen, Scully, don’t worry about Skinner. He’ll probably make out like a bandit on this, especially with some inside information." "What are you talking about?" "Come on, Mrs. Spooky, you know there have been pools about us since we were assigned to each other. I’m sure Skinner has some dough in some of them." "Think we could get into one before the news breaks?" "Huh?" "You know, finance a honeymoon or something." "God, beauty and brains. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." He covered her body with his once again.