Title - Partners II Author - Donna Email address - donnah@donnas-stories.com Url - http://www.donnas-stories.com Rating - R Category - MSR Spoilers - None Keywords - MSR Summary - Sequel to Partners Feedback - Please Disclaimer - Mulder, Scully, the Lone Gunman and Skinner all belong to Chris, 10-13 and Fox - Bless them for it!! No infringement intended. Partners II They heard the knock at her door and both started to rise from their breakfast to get it. Since it was her door, he settled back into his seat and watched her leave the room. "Dana? Dana, Bill called and he. . . oh Dana! What happened?" "I'm okay, Mom, really." "Bill said that there had been a terrible misunderstanding and that Steve had been arrested." "There was no misunderstanding, Mrs. Scully." Fox entered the room and came to stand by Scully. "He didn't. . . oh Dana, did Steve do this? I don't understand." "Steve attacked Dana last night, that's why he's been arrested." "Dana, he didn't. . . " She let her voice trail off, her hand to her mouth. "No, Mom. Mulder got here in time." Mrs. Scully took in the ease and confidence with which Fox stood with Dana now, his arm around her waist. So, finally they were together. Too bad it had taken yet another near tragedy to bring them to this point. "Dana, what happened?" "Steve wanted our 'relationship' such as it was, to go to another level. Since I had never considered the possibility he became belligerent and. . . " She waved her hand toward the small pile of broken objects on the coffee table. "I would never have thought he was that kind of man. Fox, thank you so much for being here for her. When I think. . . " "Don't, Mrs. Scully. Don't even think it." "You are going to press charges?" "Yes. Mulder and I are going down to the police station in a little while to give our statements." "I can't imagine what Steve told Bill, to get him so confused. Don't worry, I'll set Bill straight. I'll get out of here and let you get ready." And give you some privacy, she added to herself. She hugged Dana and then Fox. "Thank you, Fox." Sh e kissed his cheek and squeezed Dana's hand. "Call me if you need anything." Dana walked her out, then she returned to the kitchen, Mulder trailing her, frowning and worried. "She knows, doesn't she?" "Oh yeah, she knows." "She didn't seem to be very upset." "And why should she be?" "Well, I mean you are her daughter and. . . " "Her grown daughter." "Yeah, but. . . " "She approves, Mulder. Believe me, she approves. I'm going to take my shower now, wanna help me?" He smiled and slowly nodded, eyes gleaming. ***** They were later getting to the police station than they had planned, but were not kept waiting by the detectives handling the case. Scully hated the pictures that had to be taken, but handled it with as much dignity as she could muster. ***** Mulder was on the couch when the pounding started on the door. He jumped to his feet, checking for his gun. He motioned for Scully to wait as she hurried into the room belting her robe. He looked through the peephole. His shoulders sagged. "It's Bill." He whispered. At her nod he opened the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" He glared at Mulder. "I think that's our question, Bill." Scully spoke. "I'm here to get this mess cleared up between Steve and. . ." He finally broke off his glare and looked over at Scully. "There's nothing for you to clear up, Bill." Scully stayed on her side of the room, so Bill started to take a step toward her, then stopped. "I just saw Steve, he looks as bad as you do, from Mulder beating him up. "You went to see Steve before you came to check on your own sister?" Mulder didn't try to hide his surprise. "Stay out of this Mulder. This is none of your business. What the hell are you doing here anyway? This is between Dana and me, family, not you." Scully did approach him then. "Bill, Mulder stays. He belongs here. Mulder is my family. He's the family I chose, not someone I just happen to be related to." Mulder didn't dare look at her; Bill would go ballistic if he saw his face. "Mulder? Family! He's the reason we have so much less family. Hell for all I know he's the one that beat you up and just said Steve did it!" Scully didn't hesitate, her hand connected with his face and even Mulder winced at the force behind the slap. "Don't call me a liar, Bill, or insult anyone's intelligence with a theory like that." Bill took a deep breath, his hand going up to rub his cheek. "You can't press charges. You'll ruin his career, Dana." "His career! Are you serious? Bill, Steve tried to rape me. He would have raped me if Mulder hadn't gotten here when he did." Bill did flinch at those words, then straightened his shoulders and looked down at her. "Then you must have led him on. You had to have made him think. . ." "That's it. You're out of here." Mulder took his arm. Bill yanked himself free and moved toward Scully. Mulder prepared himself for whatever was going to come next. Bill outweighed him and they were both full of adrenaline, but if he laid a hand on her it would be no contest. "Who the hell are you to order me out of my sister's apartment?" Before Mulder could answer, Scully lashed out, "He's my partner and he does so with my blessing. I would suggest that you go get some sleep and when you come to your senses we can talk. Otherwise don't bother to come back." "I can't believe you're choosing Mulder over your family again." "What are you talking about? Steve is not. . ." "He's my friend, he's someone I introduced to you." "He's a sleazy womanizer with no self control. Listen carefully Bill. Rape. Not just assault and battery. He ripped my clothes off of me, he grabbed my breasts." Bill did have the decency to wince at that. "He hurt me Bill. If Mulder hadn't go tten here in time he would have hurt me irreparably." Bill's hand twitched as though to go out to her, but then she said the unforgivable. "Mulder saved me from your friend. I owe him everything." Bill's face hardened into a mask of granite. Never, he'd never forgive her for choosing this man. This man was the reason Melissa was dead, the reason Dana had almost died twice, and she was choosing him? She'd lost her mind. She couldn't be thin king clearly. He had to get her away from him. "I want you to come with me to Mom's, Dana." He reached for her arm. "No Bill, I'm staying here. I've talked to Mom. She knows I'm okay." "Does she know he's here?" "Yes and she's pleased and relieved." His eyes narrowed. "But I do think you should go to Mom's Bill. Get some sleep, maybe you'll be able to see things more clearly in the morning." "And leave him here?" "Yes Bill. He stays here - all night and tomorrow, and the next day. Get over it, live with it. Mulder is part of my life. And if you want to continue to be, you'll accept that. I'm not asking you to be happy about it." "Dana. . . " "Go on now. I'm tired, it's been a long day and tomorrow will be too." Bill stood there, his hands clenching into fists. She walked around him and silently opened the door. He headed for the opening, stopped to say something, thought better of it at the look on her face and was out of there. She closed the door behin d him and leaned against it, her strength gone. "Scully?" Mulder pulled her into his arms and held her. "Let's go to bed Mulder." He nodded and walked her into the bedroom. ***** Bill slammed into his mother's home in a frenzy. She came running out to see what was happening, pulling her robe around her. "Bill? What are you doing here?" "I came to get this mess cleared up between Dana and Steve. But it seems Mulder has already insinuated himself into the situation. He's staying at her apartment!" "I know. He was very concerned about her. Thank God he got there when he did." "Now don't you go telling me you believe Mulder's version of what happened! You met Steve, he stayed here at your house. This whole thing is a lie." "You think Dana would lie about what Steve did to her? Did you see her bruises?" "Did you see Steve's? Why are you so sure that Steve's the bad guy here? Mulder nearly killed the guy. Maybe he assaulted Dana, maybe she's just trying to protect him by throwing blame on Steve." "Bill, you don't believe that. Fox would never, could never hurt Dana. He loves her too much for that." "Loves her!" Bill looked like he wanted to spit on the floor, just saying those words. "I want you to calm down, Bill. You're working yourself into a fit. Let me fix you something to calm you down." Bill trailed her into the kitchen, where she put water on for tea. He'd been thinking scotch, so he headed for the liquor cabinet and poured himself a generous measure. "Dana's going to ruin Steve. Even after he's found not guilty, the stain will remain on his service record. How can she do this to him?" "Do this to him? Bill, have you seen Dana? I don't understand you, how can you be worried about the career of a man that would brutalize your sister like that? This isn't about Steve at all is it?" She sat at the table with him, "You're upset abo ut Steve, but this is about Fox isn't it? The fact that he's with your sister. Do you hate him that much?" Bill looked up at her and started to speak, thought better of it, and drained his scotch. He then stood and walked from the room. Mrs. Scully sighed and placed the dishes in the sink, then followed him up the stairs. He was gone when she woke the next morning. He'd woken early and decided to get started. His first stop was the police station where he talked to the officer in charge of her case. After a lengthy conversation he headed for the Department of Defen se to look up some friends. ***** Scully was going through the mail when someone knocked on her door. Had Mulder changed his mind about going to work? No, he would have used his key. She smiled at that. She was surprised to see the detective handling her case waiting outside of he r door. "Detective Wilson? Please, come in. Is there something I can help you with?" "Well, yes." He seemed a little uncomfortable. "Is Mr. Mulder here?" "No. He's at work. Do you need him?" "No. Uh, no. Look, Ms. Scully, some new information has come to our attention about your assault and I'd like to talk with you about it." "Of course. Would you like some coffee?" She gestured toward her couch. "That would be very nice. Thanks." She left him to get the coffee. What was this all about? She returned with mugs of coffee and the fixings on a tray. "Detective Wilson, is there a problem about holding the man who assaulted me?" "There's been a question raised that he is the actual attacker. When our officer came through the door, Mr. Mulder was definitely the aggressor. I wanted to talk to you, alone, and let you know that we can protect you. " "I don't understand." He pulled out his notebook and didn't quite face her. "Do you and Mr. Mulder have a physical relationship?" "I beg your pardon?" What the hell was he asking? "Mr. Mulder is your partner, correct?" "Yes, for five years." "During that time has he ever tried to force his attentions on you, physically?" "Mulder?" She actually laughed. Mulder trying to be romantic? Before this week she had made a point of never even exploring the possibility. Except possibly in her bedroom, alone at night. "We've learned that he is into pornography, perverted stuff. I need to know if he has ever tried to. . . If maybe you're protecting him at the expense of someone else." It all clicked into place. "Bill! My brother came to see you, didn't he? He put these preposterous ideas in your head. No, Mulder has never tried to force a physical relationship with me. We have worked together as equals, as partners for years without any complications of that type. That's why I called him when I was in trouble, when Steve assaulted and tried to rape me. Steve, not Mulder. I am not trying to protect anyone. Agent Mulder's reputation is perfectly clear in that area, whatever his viewing preferences he would never force his way with any woman." "Your brother said you'd defend him. That's why I came when I felt he wouldn't be here. Is he why you're not at work?" "Mulder insisted that I . . . " She saw his head go up. "He strongly suggested that I take another day to recover." "Does he often make these strong suggestions to you?" She decided to ignore that. "Do you want me to take a lie detector test? I will. I'd be happy to. Fox Mulder did not and has not ever assaulted me in any way. I am not afraid of Mulder and the information you have received is prejudiced and fals e. The correct man is in custody." "Well, uh, he's not exactly in custody at the moment. Your brother arranged bail for him." "Great. Do you have any more questions?" "No. Look, I'm sorry if I upset you, but this information wasn't something we could afford to overlook." "I understand. My brother does love me, but he has a personal grudge against Mulder and it has obviously affected his judgment." "Well I guess that could happen. I can tell you, he's hurting your case." "Have you spoken with Agent Mulder?" "My partner is on his way to talk to him right now." "Super." She murmured. "Well, do you need anything else?" "No. I appreciate your time." She nodded and let him out. She then immediately reached for the phone to call Mulder. No answer on his cell, the machine came on at the desk. Damn! She kept trying periodically, but couldn't reach him. She was in the kitchen when she heard the key in the lock. She headed for the door. One look at his face was enough. He shut the door forcefully. "Do you know what that brother of yours has done now?" "I'm sorry Mulder." "They were here?" She nodded, "I tried to call you." "I was being 'interviewed' for the last two hours. Did you tell them about. . .? " "No, I never mentioned your 'collection' to anyone." She'd read that expression correctly. "Which means Bill has talked to someone else. Someone who doesn't like you." "How can they not know they have the correct man in custody?" "Uh, Mulder, he's not in custody anymore." "What?" "Bill arranged bail. Steve is out." Mulder looked away furious. He bit down on the comments he wanted to make. Bill was her brother and that wasn't her fault. When he regained control he turned back to her. "I'm not sure you're safe here. He knows this place." "I'll keep the doors locked, and. . . " "What?" "Will you be here tonight?" Finally he smiled, "If I'm invited." She nodded, "Well then I feel safe. Come on Mulder. I told the police they had the right man, I even offered to take a lie detector test. We'll get this cleared up. Please don't think about Bill. I can't justify what he's done and I don't know i f I can ever forgive him, but we can't change it or him." Mulder took a deep breath. "I don't want you here alone. Let me take you over to your mother's house and I'll pick you up on the way home." "Mulder, I don't. . . " "Please." His eyes implored this of her. "Okay. Let me change. But Mulder, only today. Tomorrow I'm going back to work." He nodded, that's exactly what he wanted. He needed to have her back at work, whole and well. ***** Mulder pulled up to the house and realized the car behind him was pulling into the driveway. Oh great, Bill. Damn he was having a wonderful day. He emerged from the car as Bill approached him. "What the hell are you doing here?" "Scully asked me to pick her up here. Your mother picked her up at work this afternoon to do something, so she hasn't got her car." "I could have given her a ride." "I'm sure you could have. Maybe she didn't know your schedule. Anyway I'm here and I don't mind." "I just bet you don't." Bill sneered at him. They both jumped violently at the sound of a gunshot from inside the house. Mulder had his gun out and was racing for the front door before Bill processed the sound. Bill was only a couple of steps behind him as they reached the door. "Bill!" Mulder whispered frantically. "Stay back. Let me handle this." "Go to hell Mulder. This is my home." "At least stay behind me. You're not armed." Bill nodded at that. Mulder tested the knob. "It's unlocked." He mouthed at Bill. "Stay behind me." Mulder eased the door open and saw Scully bending over her mother who was lying on the floor. Standing over her, armed, was Steve. He needed to get closer, before Steve realized what was happening. "Steve!" Bill blurted out and Mulder's heart sank as Steve grabbed Scully, yanking her to her feet, pressing the gun to her side. "Everyone just stay calm." Mulder said, "Steve, put the gun down and let us call an ambulance for Mrs. Scully. Okay? Let's not make anything worse." "Oh, easy for you to say Agent Mulder. Your career's not in the toilet, your reputation's not destroyed." I could argue with that point, Mulder thought, his eyes scanning the room for options. "Hey Bill, you know what they've been doing? Contacting my old girlfriends, trying to get one of them to admit I'd gotten a little rough. Hell!" He pressed the gun tighter into Scully's flesh. Mulder took a deep breath, this could go bad fast. "Steve, what. . . how could you shoot my mother?" "I didn't shoot her. She was trying to keep me away from Dana. Your sister has a hell of a lot of protectors. I knocked her down, I didn't mean to hurt her." "Let us call 911, just to make sure you didn't Steve. I know you wouldn't hurt her on purpose." Mulder had to get him to calm down. "Shut up Mulder! You come bursting in again like Superman, only this time you didn't have to break down the door, did you? Not nearly as dramatic. And no opportunity to beat me to a pulp again, huh?" His agitation was growing. This was getting more and more ugly. Mulder held his gun out to the side. "Look, your beef is with me. Let Scully and Bill get their mother out of here. Then we can talk, get this straightened out. What do you say?" "I say go to hell!" He pivoted, pulling the gun away from Scully and firing at Mulder. The impact of the bullet turned him toward Bill and he went down, his gun skidding across the floor. "Mulder!" Scully started to take a step toward him, but Steve tightened his grip, the gun again pressing into her. "Steve, what are you doing?" Bill stared at his friend in horror. "Can you believe all this, Bill? All this shit over a piece of ass? I mean, I know she's your sister, but you were okay with it. You knew it was no big deal, that's why you got me out, right?" "You did try to rape Dana." Bill finally had to accept it, it had happened, just like Dana and Mulder had told him. "Not rape. She changed her mind too late. You going to tell me that's never happened to you? That you haven't forced the issue once or twice?" "No. And I've never struck a woman, even when she said no. Let her go Steve." "You turning on me too, Bill? I thought you believed me. You did get me out." Scully tore her eyes from Mulder. "He's not turning on you, Steve. He's worried about Mom. Let me check on her, please." "Shut up! There's too much talk, too many people here. This isn't the way I planned it." Suddenly he shoved Scully away from him, sending her to the floor. "You think I'm some sort of pervert now. You've taken his side!" He raised the gun at Bi ll and fired. "No!" Scully screamed. Bill threw himself to the floor and grabbed Mulder's gun from where he had watched it land. He rolled and fired at Steve. Steve crashed back against the wall and slumped to the floor. "Bill! Are you okay?" Scully was already bending over Mulder, checking his pulse. "I'm fine, Mom?" "She's got a concussion I'm sure, but she's breathing regularly. I've been watching her. Call 911, Mulder's losing blood." Bill didn't question her but had the phone in his hand. "They're on the way Dana. What can I do?" "Get me towels, I've got to slow down this bleeding. Mulder, hang on. You'll be okay. You have to be. I'm right here, can you hear me?" Bill was back with the towels and handed them to her. Her face, she was in love with him. And she was scare d. This man that he hated above all others, that he had used to free Steve, had risked his life for him and his mother as well as Dana. Damn. "Dana, I can hear the sirens. They'll be okay, won't they?" "I don't know. Mulder, please, hold on. Please!" Bill had to look away. He scrambled to his feet as he heard the vehicles pull up in front of the house. "A gunshot wound, he's in bad shape. A head trauma and probably a dead body. I haven't had time to check." Scully spoke clinically but didn't look up from Mulder. "Okay, get back. We need vitals on this guy and get some fluids in him. We need to transport asap. The woman?" "She's stable, but needs to be examined. I'll call for a second unit." The paramedics had taken over and Scully stepped back reaching for the couch to steady herself. Bill put his arm around her and she leaned heavily against him. When they had him ready to transport she pulled away from Bill and headed for the door. "Ma'am, there's not room." "She's going with you." Bill spoke, "Go on, Dana. I'll stay with Mom and handle the police. Don't worry." She nodded unable to speak. The paramedic in charge kept quiet, he wasn't going up against this man. ***** Bill looked through the window of the hospital room door. Dana was beside him as he'd expected, holding his hand and talking softly. He tapped on the door and opened it. "Bill? Is anything wrong?" Scully looked up and started to remove her hand from Mulder's but his grip tightened. "No. Mom's being released and she's getting dressed. I wanted to speak to Mulder for a minute." "Oh." She looked over at Mulder and he nodded. "I'll go see if she needs anything." She let herself out the door, glancing back once as through afraid to leave them together. Bill approached the bed and cleared his throat. "I guess you know you're not my favorite person in the world." "I'd managed to figure that out." "But I'd never seen you work before. You put your life in danger for Dana and Mom, and hell, for me. Shit, you know we're going to have to replace the carpet in Mom's living room because of you." "Sorry about that. It is my job." "It didn't look like you were just doing your job. You cared, about the two of them anyway. I appreciate that." Mulder was silent, not sure where this was going. "I felt like I needed to say that, if you really are going to be part of the family." Mulder looked up startled and Bill caught it. "You are planning to marry her aren't you?" "We, uh, I've never, uh. . . " "You're sleeping with my sister and it's never crossed your mind to marry her!" "It's, it's crossed my mind, but. . . but I don't know about. . . I don't know how Scully feels." "Well don't you think that's something you ought to find out?" Bill had his hands on his hips, looming over him. "Yeah." "And there are some rules, Mulder. There will be no discussing little green aliens around the Thanksgiving table. Understand?" "Yeah." Mulder had caught the hint of a smile in his eyes this time. Bill was accepting him? Bill approved of his relationship with Scully? Well, as close as he could get. Not something he had ever thought he'd live to see. Would Scully even be lieve him when he told her about this? Yeah, she would. She was his partner.