From: Date: 4 Oct 2003 18:34:51 -0000 Subject: Mulder TLC, Part 1 of 2, MSR, PG to NC-17 by FatCat Source: direct Reply To: Title: MULDER TLC PART 1 of 2 Posted 10/4/03 Author: FatCat (feedback to Website: Please visit the wonderful home Donnilee has created to house my stories at Just follow my name to find my stories. While you are there, take a peek at the other great stories Donnilee has at her site. Thank you Donni! You do it all! Rating: NC17, Implied violence and loving sexual conduct Category: AU(sorta) MSR, RST M/A Spoilers: No Requiem, Season 8 or Season 9 in this world. Archive: As you wish, but please keep my name attached and let me know where to visit. Summary: The relationship that developed in Scully Love is explored from Mulder's point of view. Angst with a happy ending. This is FatCat, after all. Disclaimer: They aren't mine nor anyone's but CC, Fox, 1013, DD, and GA's. These works are used without permission, no infringement intended. Mulder TLC is a companion piece to Scully Love. Started 9/16/03 at 7:50pm/Finished 10/2/03 at 10:05PM XXXXX Georgetown Memorial, March 22, 2000, Fox Mulder's Hell XXXXX "Agent Mulder, how is she?" A.D. Skinner's voice was short, strained, as if he were running. "I don't know, sir. She's still in the examination room. No one has been out to talk to me yet," Mulder told him. He paced over to the door of the emergency room again to see if he could spot anyone that could give him information about Scully. "What the hell happened? I thought Agent DeAngelo had everything under control. Was your cover blown?" "Yeah, Agent DeAngelo tipped them off, and they started shooting. I'm okay, but Scully..." Skinner interrupted, "I'm on my way to the crime scene now, Mulder, but I'll stop by as soon as we wrap up there. Let me know if you hear anything." "Will do," Mulder agreed. Fox Mulder had always known Skinner had a 'thing' for Scully. He hated to hear about her getting hurt as much as Mulder did. 'But I'm her partner,' Mulder thought. 'I not only get to hear about it, I get to see it up close and personal.' Forty-five minutes later, the doctor came out and asked for the family of Dana Scully. Fear gripped his heart as he strode over to him. "I'm Agent Mulder, her partner. How is she?" "Mr. Mulder, I need speak to her family first. Is there anyone else here?" "Doctor?... " "Watson," he supplied with a glare. "If you check with the Bureau, I am listed as Dana Scully's next of kin and Executor of her living will, not to mention her partner and best friend," Mulder hissed. "And if any of those don't give me the right to hear her prognosis, how does having your IRS records checked for the past seven years and the next decade sound as an incentive?" Mulder moved into an aggressive stance and put his hands on his hips. He knew the doctor could see his weapon. He could tell that he was considering his chances of getting help from security before the irate Agent went totally ballistic. "Uh, Mr. Mulder, could we step into one of the consultation rooms before we begin?" he said in a placating tone. "Thank you," Mulder said, motioning for the doctor to lead the way. He took the chair next to the door and flipped open the file. "How is she?" Mulder tried to remain calm. "Ms. Scully has a concussion and is not responding to outside stimuli. This is not unusual. Her body is using the coma state to give her brain time to heal on its own. We have intubated her as a precaution, and we have moved her up to ICU. Due to her pregnancy, we are limiting all medications to those that will not harm her baby. " "ICU! Is she going to..." Mulder choked up and couldn't go on. "Mr. Mulder, this is a precaution. The bullet wound to the scalp did minimal damage, it just grazed her. But the blow she took to her head when she fell could develop complications. We need to check her frequently for swelling of the brain, and the ICU is staffed to cover her needs. She should make a complete recovery, but at this point I can't guarantee when. Does that answer your questions?" "Wait!" Mulder gaped at him finally catching up with the rest of the conversation. "Did you say baby?" "Yes, Agent Mulder. I assumed that you were aware of her pregnancy." "There has to be some mistake, Doctor. Agent Scully is sterile. She was... injured on a previous case and was left unable to bear children." "Mr. Mulder, perhaps I should discuss Ms. Scully's condition with the father of her baby. Do you know how to get in touch with..." the doctor stopped. Mulder's face gave away his thoughts because he said, "I see. Well, Mr. Mulder, she is pregnant. I'm not an OB, but the blood test came back positive and I did palpitate her abdomen during the original exam. My best guess is that she is right around three months pregnant." He stood and edged towards the door. "Thank you, Dr. Watson," Mulder mumbled. The doctor grimaced when the Agent said his name. Mulder picked up on it right away. 'So, someone else was sensitive about their name.' He extended an olive branch, "Don't worry, Doctor, I won't make a remark about your name. People who live in glass houses..." "Mulder? What's different about that name? There's a fine pitcher for the Oakland A's named Mark Mulder," Dr. Watson responded. "Yeah, well, at least his first name isn't Fox." Mulder grimaced and they shook hands. His peace offering was accepted. "Can I see her now?" "Give them a few minutes to transport her and she will be up in the ICU. I'll leave a note that you are her next of kin," the doctor said before he left the room. Mulder sank down into a chair, shocked and relieved. He finally got up and walked outside to make a few calls. He left a message for her mother and Skinner. He was just about to go back into the hospital when three familiar faces careened into sight. "Mulder! How is she?" Frohike panted. "We heard it on the police scanner and came right away," Langly interjected. "Have you spoken to the doctor yet?" Byers asked. "Hi guys, glad you're here." Mulder was surprised at how glad he was to see these three disreputable scoundrels. "She's in ICU, but they think she's going to be okay in a few days." Even as he spoke, he knew Byers would be checking her hospital records for the real scoop as soon as they left. "I was just on my way in to go see her." "What are you waiting for? Let's go." They arrived on the Intensive Care Floor and were met by a formidable presence. Four feet nine inches, eighty pounds on a good day and mad as a wet hen, the head nurse stopped them before they could ask Scully's cubicle number. "Just where do you four think you're going?" "I, uh was told by Dr. Watson that Agent Scully would be brought up to ICU from Emergency," Mulder said. "Oh, yes, Agent Fox Mulder. I've heard all about your discussion with Dr. Watson," she glared at him. "I am Nurse Daly." "The doctor said that he would make a note that I am Agent Scully's next of kin," Mulder offered. "Yes, he did tell me that. Along with some tale about having his income tax returns audited for seventeen years," once again she frowned. "May I see my partner?" he asked reasonably. "No," she said. "Not until we reach a certain understanding." Mulder was losing patience with this little woman, but he knew when he had met his match. "Yes, ma'am?" She gave him a sardonic look, not swayed by his polite reply. "I run a tight ship around here, Agent Mulder. My only concern is for the health of my patients. You will follow the visiting hours that are posted. If there is a crisis, you will leave when I tell you. You will observe all rules posted on that board." She pointed across the waiting area. "My word is law on my shift, and if I so wish it, I can have you banned from this hospital. Is that clear?" Mulder gave her a quick nod, impatient to get to Scully. He wanted to knock this little woman aside and see Scully, but he could tell that her only concern was her patients, not making his life miserable. She nodded back and turned to go back to her desk. "And oh, Agent Mulder?" "Yes," he mumbled. "My taxes are in perfect order. Take your best shot, but expect as good as you get. Agent Scully is in Cubicle five." Mulder started to move towards Cubicle five when her voice once again stopped him in his tracks. "Halt! Agent Mulder may go back. You three wait in the lobby." He turned around to see her staring-down Frohike. Mulder shrugged at the guys and continued to Cubicle five. As many times as he had walked into the ICU to see Scully, he was never prepared. He felt his stomach lurch and had to fight to keep his breakfast down. She was hooked up to multiple monitors, tubes and wires. Everywhere but her right hand. He moved a chair closer to the right side of the bed and sat down. He was afraid to touch her, but he needed to as much as he needed his next breathe. Mulder sank down into the chair and reached for her hand. "Scully," he whispered. "Oh God, Scully." The tears that he had held in for the past couple of hours began to fall. She had taught him to cry. She had taught him that his tears were okay, that she would still love him if he shared his true feelings with her. She was pregnant. Mulder remembered telling her not to give up on a miracle. She must have believed him. A cool hand touched his shoulder and a tissue appeared before his face. "She's going to be all right, Agent Mulder. It looks a lot worse than it is," Nurse Daly whispered. He blew his nose and muttered, "Thanks." "She's a strong, young woman." "She's the strongest person I've ever known," he said and kissed the hand he held. "She's been through so much, hurt so many times. I hate it when she's in pain." "Well, if it's any consolation, her body needs to rest for now and is not in pain at all. The worst that could happen is a dream or two." "How about the baby? Will it be all right? She didn't even know she was pregnant. She's been so healthy lately. We didn't have a clue." Tears were threatening again. "Your partner physically fit and healthy. If there was no morning sickness, she had no reason to suspect that she was pregnant. I read the Doctor's notes. You told him that she was believed to be sterile." "Yes," he said briefly. Nurse Daly continued to stare at him. He squirmed and became uncomfortable under her scrutiny. She obviously felt she needed further information. "She had a daughter that died and we had tried IVF, but nothing worked," he finally responded. Nurse Daly nodded. Mulder was surprised at how nonjudgmental she was. "She'll be fine. Give her at least twenty-four hours before you start to worry." She patted his shoulder, adjusted the line for Scully's IV and moved out of the cubicle. Mulder scooted closer to the bed and put his head down by her hip. He kissed her hand and whispered, "Sweet dreams, Scully. We have a lot to talk about when you wake up. Please, Baby, no nightmares for now." XXXXX Mulder must have fallen deeply asleep because he didn't wake up until someone shook his shoulder. "Sorry, Nurse Daly. I'll leave until the next regular visiting time," he mumbled as he started to stand up. "Oh, Fox, it's just me," a familiar voice said. Her fingers caressed his shoulder. Mulder jerked away and stood up. Agent Penny DeAngelo stood there as if she had the right to be in the same room as Scully. "Outside," he hissed. She gave Mulder a questioning look but turned and walked out the door and down the hall. She turned in the hall way and opened her mouth, but he barked, "Not here." He took her by the arm and force-marched her out the door of the ICU to the elevator lobby. "What the hell are you doing here Agent DeAngelo?" he snarled. "Fox," she raised her hand to touch Mulder's chest, but his glare stopped her cold. "My name is Agent Mulder to you," he said slowly, as if to a retarded child. "I just wanted to see how Agent Scully was doing. I thought you could probably use a friend right now." Her words were neutral, but her tone was sexy, intimate, unwanted. "I have all the friends I need. Even if I were totally alone, you would be the last person on earth I would turn to. It's your fault that Scully is in there right now." "Just what are you insinuating, Agent Mulder?" her tone had turned icy. "I am not insinuating a thing, Agent DeAngelo. I'm stating a fact. You blew it. You caved and blew our cover. If you hadn't applied yourself like a leach to my side and slipped and called me Fox, they would never have started shooting." His fury was barely controlled. "You don't know that," she said. "I do know that. Mulligan, the trigger-happy one, is the killer I profiled and sent away years ago. That's why they picked me for this undercover operation. He never saw my face, but he certainly knew my name. He swore revenge on me at his trial. How many men named 'Fox' do you think there are in this world, Agent DeAngelo?" "You can't prove anything," she said defiantly. "My report will state the facts as I saw them." "Your report will be judged on its merits, Agent DeAngelo. Just as Agent Mulder's, Agent Pennington's and Agent Scully's will," the voice of A.D. Skinner broke into their conversation. "Oh, A.D. Skinner. I was just inquiring about Agent Scully's health." She turned nervously to Mulder. "Well, if there's no news, please let Dana know I stopped by. Mulder. Assistant Director." She scooted onto the elevator just as the doors were closing. Mulder made a disgusted noise and turned to Skinner. "I really want to get back in there, Sir." "Of course, Mulder. I'll join you." The two men quietly walked back to Scully's room. "Has there been any change, Mulder?" Skinner asked. "Has her mother been called?" "No change, but they really didn't expect any for at least 24 hours." Mulder glanced at Skinner. "I called her mother right away. She was in San Diego, but she should be here tomorrow or the day after." "Have you had anything to eat?" Skinner asked. "Uh, no, but I'm not hungry," he lied. "Nonsense. Let's check Scully's status and then I'll get you something from the cafeteria," Skinner insisted. "Really, Sir, you don't have to do that." "Agent Mulder, you aren't going to do Agent Scully any good if you faint from hunger when she wakes up," Skinner glared at him. "Thanks, Sir." That settled that. XXXXX Miramar Naval Base, CA, December 18, 1981, Dana Scully's Reality XXXXX "Dana, what's this I hear about you not going to the Winter Carnival Dance?" Margaret Scully asked. She was more concerned about Dana than all her other three children put together. In their boisterous family, Dana stood out. She was quiet and introspective, but sharp as a tack. At 17, she was a senior in high school with several college courses under her belt already. Navy life was not easy on this youngest daughter of hers. "I decided I don't want to go to the dance, Mom. I'm going to need my time to study for mid-year finals after Christmas break." Dana blushed. Who told her mother so quickly? "Bull hockey! Good ol' Marcus dumped her for the new girl, Penny DeAngelo," Charlie chimed in. His tone was teasing, but there was sympathy in his eyes. "Charles!" Captain Scully scolded. "What have we discussed about swearing?" "Not to mention telling family secrets," Melissa piped up. "What do you mean you're not going? We got that beautiful dress for you and all the accessories. You have to go, Danes." "Well, it's hard to have a good time at a dance all by yourself. Marcus was the only guy that invited me and I don't have any girl- friends that are going," she explained quietly. "Perhaps your father could get one of the nice young men from his ship to take you, Dana. I'm sure he could find a suitable escort for you. Maybe even one that could tweak Marcus' nose," Maggie offered. "Mom! Everyone knows that I don't have a boyfriend. If I show up at the dance with a sailor, it would be the same as if I took Bill or Dad," Dana exclaimed. "Just forget it. May I be excused? I have to study." William Scully looked at his daughter for a long moment before nodding his agreement. Dana cleared her place and went up to her room. "Nice going, Chuckie," Melissa said. "What?" Charlie glared back at her. "I just told the truth." "Sometimes truth needs to be said with less bluntness, Charles," Maggie explained. "Dana was excited about Marcus' invitation to the dance and now she's embarrassed that he's changed his mind. "Yeah, well she's better off without that weenie anyway," Charlie muttered. "I agree," Melissa said, forgiving her brother. "But Dana doesn't feel that way right now. We'll just have to see what we can do about that." "Melissa, be careful. Dana's not easily hurt, but when it happens we all know that the best thing to do is to let her work it out for herself." "Sure, Mom. I'll be careful." XXXXX Dana was sitting on her bed with her books spread around her. She tried to concentrate on her Physics homework, but she kept glancing towards her closet where the skirt of her new dress was peeking out. "Damn Marcus, anyway!" she grumbled. She heard a soft knock on her door. "Do you want some company?" Melissa asked. "Sure, Mel, come on in. I'm not really getting anywhere right now," Dana shrugged. "We haven't been able to talk since you got home for Christmas break. What's been happening with you, sis?" "It's good to be home for the holidays," Melissa said. "Oh, Danes, so much has happened since school started. I've grown so much, in so many ways." "You act like that's not a good thing, Mel? What's going on?" Dana could always tell when Melissa was troubled. "School has been an eye-opening experience for me. I've learned a lot, but..." "But?" Dana coaxed. "But the most important thing I've learned is that I don't belong in college." "What? Are you going to stay home and work or what? What brought this on?" Dana was shocked by her sister's news. "That's just it. I don't want to go back to school and I don't want to come home to live and work. I want to travel with some friends I met at school. I want to experience life to it's fullest!" "Mom and Dad are never going to agree with that," Dana sighed. "I know they won't like it, but I am over eighteen and know what I need." Melissa was firm. "Cool." "Yeah, cool. But enough about me, I came up here to talk to you about the dance." "Missy! There's nothing to talk about. I got dumped for a new girl with long legs and big boobs," Dana shook her head. "And about two brain cells, I'll bet," Melissa offered. "Well, she must have enough brains to hone in on Marcus as easy prey. He's the one thinking with his little head instead of his big head." Dana sighed. "Can't you think of anyone else you would like to go with?" Melissa asked. "No. That's just it. Marcus was the only guy that's paid any attention to me at this school. I was so sure once I got my braces off..." Dana shrugged. "I guess that wasn't very practical." "Dana, you'll find someone. Someone special," Melissa soothed. At Dana's skeptical look she added, "Eventually. But why don't we do something about finding you a date for the dance." "Melissa, I wasn't kidding. If I go to the dance with someone from the base, everyone will think I'm desperate, even if he's a doll." "Okay, I understand." She waited for a moment and asked, "What if I could get you a date with a college guy?" "Nice try, Melissa. A college guy is really going to want to take a high school senior to a formal dance as a first date." "Well, it wouldn't have to be a first date, would it?" Melissa teased. "What have you got up your sleeve, Melissa Margaret Scully?" "Well, I do have a date with a friend home from college that has a buddy of his visiting." Melissa knew this was going to be a hard sell. "Missy! I don't want to go on a blind date. They are always the worst. What's wrong with him? Is he a toad?" "No, more of a 'fox'," Melissa laughed. "There's nothing wrong with him, Danes, I promise. He's here visiting Steve over Christmas because his parents are fighting again. He's attending Oxford and when he got back to the States, decided to split after a couple days in the war zone." "Wow, he must be smart to go to Oxford. Like I said, what's wrong with him?" Dana couldn't believe a good-looking college guy would accept a blind date with a high school senior. "Steve says he's had a hard time at school this last year. His girl friend was one of those British bitches and really worked him over and then dumped him. Come on Dana, just come with me to meet him. Steve and I are going to meet at the mall and do some last- minute Christmas shopping. He'll bring his friend if you want to meet him." "Missy, did you have this whole thing set up already?" Dana was skeptical. "No, I just called him to confirm our plans before I came up to change. His buddy is just an added attraction." Melissa's smile was contagious. "Come on Dana, who knows? You could like this guy." "We could hate each other on sight," she countered. "What happened to my logical sister? The one who needs empirical evidence when faced with a challenge? Besides, I talked to him for a moment and I got really good vibes about him." "I don't have last-minute Christmas gifts to buy," she said. "How do you know he's not a toad?" "I saw a picture of him with Steve and a bunch of other people at a party. I don't remember him exactly, but I do remember that there were no bow-wows in that picture," Melissa grinned. She knew she had won. "All right, but I'm going to drive. I don't want to get stuck there while you take off with Steve." "Great! Get dressed. The stores are all open late, so we have plenty of time to shop and you can get acquainted with Fox." "Is that really his name?" "Yes, but he hates it. Steve uses his last name, Mulder." Melissa was out the door before Dana could change her mind. 'Great! What do you wear to the mall to meet a college guy, anyway?' she grumbled to herself. She checked out her closet and decided that jeans and a sweatshirt would be appropriate. Melissa walked in just as she pulled the sweatshirt over her head. "What are you doing?" Melissa hissed. "What do you mean? I'm getting dressed for the mall." Dana tried to hide her anxiety with bravado. "No wonder guys don't pay attention to you, Dana." Melissa shook her head. "You have a great figure, why do you try to hide it?" Dana snorted, "Oh yeah, I'm just freakin' amazing." They both started giggling. "Well, you do have a much better figure than you admit to. At least try to dress so that you look like a woman and not a twelve- year old." "And what would the fashion police suggest?" Melissa rummaged through Dana's closet and pulled out a blue sweater. "How about this? The sweater that I gave you for Christmas last year, with the tags still on it?" Dana had the good graces to look embarrassed. "I love it, but I've never had an occasion to wear it, Missy. I..." "Well," Melissa said as she cut the tags from the sweater. "Now you do. This is perfect. Come on, hurry up and let's do your makeup." Dana rolled her eyes at her big sister, but pulled off her sweat- shirt and put the sweater on. It did look fabulous. The color made her eyes sparkle and her skin look glow. In just a few minutes, Melissa had finished her makeup. She had to admit that she looked great. She had been afraid that Melissa would make her look like someone else with all that makeup. When she was done, Dana looked just like herself, only better. "Wow, thanks sis. Maybe you could show me how to do this for myself before you leave." "Glad to, Danes. Now let's go." XXXXX "Steve, I'm not sure this is a good idea," Mulder said as his friend pulled into the mall parking lot. "Relax, Mulder. Melissa is a great gal, a friend of mine from a long way back." "So she's not one of your conquests?" Mulder was intrigued. Steve collected women like some men collected baseball cards. "No. She's one of my oldest and best friends. We tried dating a few years back, but we both decided that we're just not right for each other." Steve shrugged. "She wouldn't sleep with you?" Mulder smirked. "Sure, we tried it a few times. It was okay, but... no chemistry. Melissa's different, special. We lived on the same base for a brief time at three separate times, and we've kept in touch all these years," Steve grinned. "She's one of the few women I've met that won't put up with my shit, and still sees some redeeming qualities in me." "What do you know about this sister of hers?" Mulder was getting more nervous as they waited. "Dana was just a kid the last time I saw her. Red pigtails, freckles and a mouth full of braces. But if she's Melissa's sister, I'm sure she's grown up to be a knockout." Steve saw Melissa walking towards them from behind Mulder. "Or not," he shrugged. "Hey, don't worry, Steve. I'm just here to meet her and walk around shopping. It's not like this is a set-up for a sure thing or an arranged marriage." "Well, she may not be your type, buddy, but she is the second smartest person I ever met." Steve grinned. "You, of course, being first... except when it comes to women." "Yeah, with my track record, I need to have an arranged marriage. When did you say these two were going to be here?" Mulder squirmed. "Right about now," Steve nodded at the two women behind Mulder. Mulder turned around and looked directly into the eyes of a tall red-head. "You must be Melissa," he said automatically. "How did you guess?" Melissa laughed. "I didn't really," Mulder said sheepishly. "Steve's mom showed me an old picture of you and Steve just before we left tonight." "Right. This is my sister, Dana. Dana, this is Steve. You remember him don't you?" Melissa took over the introductions. "And this is his friend, Fox Mulder." Steve winked at Dana and said, "Wow, you've really grown up... or should I say matured, Dana? Still short, I see." "Still rude as ever, Steve." Dana grinned back at him. "Of course I remember Steve. He taught me to drive when I was 15, remember? So you two could neck in the back seat..." "Right. Well, I guess I forgot about that." Melissa blushed. "No kidding, Dana, you look great. All grown up!" Steve teased. Dana groaned and gave him the Scully eyebrow. "You always were a sweet talker, Steve." They all laughed. Mulder extended his hand to shake with Dana. "Nice to meet you, Dana. Please call me Mulder." "Melissa said you hate your name. Is it a family name?" "More like a family curse." Mulder grinned as she smiled at him. He was going to like this cute, feisty little redhead. She obviously had Steve's number, just like her sister. If she was as smart as Steve seemed to think she was, at least they could have a decent conversation. The four talked for a few more minutes before deciding that Melissa and Steve would take off to do their shopping and Dana and Mulder could hang out. They arranged to meet at eleven thirty, just before the mall closed and the couples went their own way. Mulder didn't have presents to buy. He explained that his gifts for his mom and dad were left at their perspective houses before he left to visit Steve. Dana was all done with her Christmas shopping as well. The gifts were wrapped and hidden in her closet. "Well, we could get something to eat," Mulder suggested. "Are you hungry?" "Yeah, I am hungry," Dana was surprised to realize. "I guess I didn't eat much of my dinner." "How about a pizza?" Mulder asked. "I saw a couple places here in the mall that sell pizza." "Pizza sounds great," Dana agreed. He surprised her by picking one of the few upscale restaurants in the mall that served pizza, instead of the Pizza Hut located in the food court. She looked around, trying to understand his thinking. He grinned sheepishly, "I thought you might like to sit down and talk. We probably couldn't hear each other over the music and crowd at that other place." She smiled. She was beginning to understand this guy. She watched him as he checked the menu. He was amazing. Tall, thick, dark hair and eyes, and good-looking. He had the most amazing lips, sexy, sensual lips that made her smile back each time he looked at her. His skin was a golden brown. She wondered how he got his tan. It was Christmas time in San Diego, warmer than the rest of the country, but still not warm enough to go to the beach. He was slim but well muscled and she could see just a tuft of hair at the vee of his shirt neck. He was.... he was waiting for her to respond to his question. "Sorry. I must have zoned out there for a moment. I must be hungrier than I thought." Her excuse sounded weak, but he seemed to accept it. She promised herself not let that happen again. "Steve said that your major is math?" he tried again. "Yes, I've always had a knack for math, but lately, I've enjoyed my science classes equally as well." "Which classes do you like best?" The time slipped away as they ate and talked. Mulder was amazed. This little pixie of a girl was one of the most enchanting women he had ever met. He had to admit to himself that he was disappointed when he first saw her. He was hoping she would look more like her sister, tall and busty. The more they talked, the more beautiful she became. She probably had a higher IQ than he, and her grasp of a variety of subjects they shared an interest in, was amazing. He realized he was attracted to her mind. He loved talking to someone who could keep up with him. Hell, she led the conversation half the time. Her blue eyes were like the blue-grey ocean around the Vineyard. Changeable, crystal blue and soothing at first then challenging and dangerous when they flashed in distain. He wanted to gaze into them forever. Her lips were a walking wet dream. He watched her eat and talk and it became more and more difficult to concentrate on her words. He wanted to kiss her. Her hair was long and a fiery red that would have looked garish on another woman, but her porcelain complexion set it off to perfection. He wanted to run his hands through it and feel the texture. It would curl around his fingers as if it were alive. She had a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks that set off her hair and made her look like an Irish fairy. He wanted to kiss every freckle. She was slender and lithe. Her breasts were full for her size and would fit perfectly into the palms of his hands. "Mulder? Are you all right?" Damn, he'd zoned out on her this time. He shifted in his chair, uncomfortably aware of the partial erection his thoughts had created. "I... yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking..." "About your parents?" Dana was curious about his choice to come visit a friend on the opposite side of the country during the Christmas holidays, after flying across the ocean from England. Mulder stared at her, intrigued by her logic. "I'm sorry, I being nosey..." she began. "No that's okay," he assured her. "I guess you're probably asking yourself why I choose to come visit a friend on the opposite side of the country during the Christmas holidays, after flying across the ocean from England to see my parents." Dana smiled at him. It was almost spooky how he seemed to read her mind. "Are my thoughts that transparent to you, Mulder?" "No, just logical." He sighed, "I came home this year for the first time since I left for Oxford. My Mom and Dad have been divorced since I was 14. Let's just say, they decided to hate one another from afar. They both wanted me to come home this Christmas so I finally agreed." Mulder's dark, expressive eyes turned sad. "As soon as I got home it became a battlefield and I was caught in the middle again. They finally decided to leave it up to me to make a decision about where I would spend Christmas day. So I chose. I packed a carry on and bought a ticket to Acapulco. That's where I bumped into Steve and his family. He convinced me to come home and spend the holiday with him. End of story." "So that's where you got the tan?" Dana said. "That's all you're going to say about my sad story?" Mulder laughed. "Well," she blushed and replied. "I didn't think you would want me to comment either way." "You're right. I know it's hard to understand not wanting to be around your parents on a big holiday, but believe me, there's more to the story and I'd rather not get into right now." "Sorry." "Nothing to be sorry about. I'm eating pizza and having a great time talking to a beautiful woman. What's to be sorry about?" he teased her. "So you must know Steve and his parents pretty well?" Dana said, trying to change the subject. 'Beautiful, yeah, right. If anyone is beautiful, it's him!' she thought to herself. "Steve went to the same prep school I attended, so I guess you could say we knew each other pretty well. I've always enjoyed spending time with his parents. I have to say, the real reason I came out here was to visit Mt. Palomar." "The observatory?" Dana was amazed. She had been intrigued by the huge lens at the observatory for years. She wanted to go see it, but until recently when she purchased her own car, she'd had no way to get up there. "You've been there?" "No, but I was going to go up for the tour right after Christmas on the 27th. They're having an open house day and the public is invited. I really wanted to stay until the night program. They're going to allow the first two hundred people who sign up at the observatory to look through the scope." "No kidding?" "Yeah, but I probably won't get to stay after dark. My parents don't want me to drive up the mountain in the day time let alone after dark." "Bummer," Mulder commiserated. "Hey, what if you went up with a friend or two? Steve and I were going to spend a couple nights at a campground near the observatory. Why don't you see if Melissa would want to come with you and we could all go." "That sounds great, if Melissa will agree. What day did you plan on going?" "Steve's mom made arrangements for our campsite for December 26th. That way we would almost be there for the open house on the 27th." They talked for another hour before they realized that it was almost 11:30. "Hey, we're going to be late meeting Steve and Melissa," Mulder said as he noticed the time. He pulled his wallet out to pay for the pizza and Dana opened her purse. "I'll get it, Dana." "Nonsense. I ate half of it, I'll pay for half of it," she insisted. Mulder nodded and smiled at her. "Next time we go on a date, I plan to pay for everything. Is that clear?" "This was a date?" she teased. "Yeah. One of the best I've had in a long time," he said honestly. "Me too." They walked back through the mall holding hands. Dana slid her hand into his when they brushed together. Her heart was racing at her daring. Mulder entwined their fingers and grinned down at her. "Yep, the best date in a long, long time." She gave him a doubtful look as she said, "You have to tell me about English women sometime, Mulder. They must all be blind or fools." She blushed as soon as the words were out of her mouth. Mulder grinned and squeezed her hand. Melissa and Steve were waiting for them when they got back to their exit. "You're late Dana. I was getting worried, but I can see everything is all right," she said as she glanced at their hands. The guys walked them out to their car. Steve walked Melissa around to the passenger side. Mulder followed Dana up to the driver's side of the car but stopped her before she opened the door. He leaned against the car and drew her closer to him. "May I see you again?" he asked. Dana was surprised that he had to ask. She was intrigued by this man and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before he left. "I thought we already settled that? The camping trip?" she said. "I meant tomorrow. It's Saturday and I thought maybe if you had some time we could go to the movies or something." Mulder was suddenly nervous. What if she turned him down? "Sure, I don't have anything special going on tomorrow night." she said. "Not now, she doesn't," Melissa chimed in. "Her so-called friend, Marcus, was supposed to take her to the Winter Carnival Dance but he cancelled at the last minute." "He got sick?" Steve asked. "No he..." "He had a last minute change in plans," Dana frowned at her sister. "Yeah, so last minute that he stuck you with the tickets and a new dress to boot," Melissa huffed. Mulder turned back to look down at Dana. Color suffused her cheeks. "That's enough, Melissa," she growled. "Hey," he lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "Do you want me to take you to the dance tomorrow night?" "Mulder! You don't have to do that. I don't need a pity date," Dana huffed as her eyes filled with tears. "Hey, I thought we had a good time tonight?" he asked. "And I know I'm not a Prince Charming, but I'm not a dog either. I clean up pretty good. I could borrow a suit from Steve." "Why not, Dane? You don't have to stay the whole night. If you two aren't having a good time you could leave. Don't let that beautiful new dress go to waste," Melissa urged. "What do you say, Dana?" "Say yes," Mulder whispered. "Please." Even in the dim lights of the parking lot she could see his eyes sparkle. "Well, if you really want to go," she said. "How can I resist?" Dana laughed. "I'll pick you up at eight, okay?" "Great!" he crowed. He hugged her and moved away from the car. He and Steve waved and walked away, but before Dana got into the car he came running back. "Hey!" he panted. "Yeah?" "I forgot something." "What's that?" She hoped he was going to kiss her. "What color is your dress?" he asked. His gaze made her feel warm and tingly. "Uh, dark green," she stuttered. He cupped her cheek in his hand and smiled again. "Until tomorrow night." He loped back to Steve and the two disappeared around the corner of the mall. Dana just stood there until he was out of sight. "Well, are we leaving or are we going to set up a commune right here?" Melissa teased. "Oh, yeah," Dana said, but her mind was a thousand miles away. They drove home in silence. Dana contemplating the gorgeous man she just left. Melissa grinning smugly as she watched her younger sister go through the motions of driving. "Melissa, I have a favor to ask you." Dana began. "Sure Dana, anything I can do." "Would you go camping with Steve, Mulder and me on the 26th and 27th?" "Anything but camping," Melissa quipped. "Come on Dana, you know I hate camping..." she whined when she realized her sister was serious. "Please, Missy. I want to go up to the observatory on Mt. Palomar and so does Mulder. Please?" "I'll talk to Steve about it, Dana, but if I agree, you'll owe me one," Melissa caved. Dana never asked for things unless it was extremely important to her. XXXXX Georgetown Memorial, March 24, 2000, Fox Mulder's Hell XXXXX "Mulder, you need to get some rest," Frohike insisted. "You've been here for over 24 hours and you've barely eaten and haven't slept. You gotta take care of yourself, big guy. What good are you going to be to Scully if you collapse before she wakes up?" Mulder stared at the little man and knew he was right, but he couldn't leave her. He had this unreasonable fear that if he did, for more than the moment or two it took to get to the bathroom and back, that she would slip away. "You know I can't leave her, Frohike. She's my... everything," Mulder murmured. "I know, man, but you got to take care of yourself. I sent Langly for some cheese steaks. You gotta eat at least a little. And now that they've moved her into her own room, you really need to take a shower. You're ripe and Scully deserves better when she wakes up." Mulder looked at him as if trying to sort through the words to understand them. Frohike was right. Scully deserved the very best. "Look, I'll stay right here and you can even keep the door open while you shower. If she needs you, I'll be able to get you in a second." Mulder nodded and then turned back to Scully, dismissing his friend. Frohike shook his head. When Byers got there they would force him to eat and get cleaned up. If that didn't work, he still had his trump card. Mrs. Scully. XXXXX Miramar Naval Base, CA, Christmas Holidays, 1981, Dana Scully's Reality XXXXX The next few days went by in a daze. She had a great time at the dance. She and Mulder made a striking couple. He looked fantastic in a tuxedo he borrowed from Steve's father. The corsage of baby red roses he gave her coordinated with her green velvet gown perfectly. She felt beautiful every time she caught him staring at her. He told her that she was a beautiful woman in a room full of pretty girls, and she knew he was telling her the truth. It didn't hurt that Marcus couldn't take his eyes off her. He had even asked her for a dance while his date was in the rest room, but Mulder had made it clear he didn't want to share Dana with anyone. She wanted to be mad at him for his possessiveness, but she couldn't remember why she should be angry when he looked at her with his beautiful smile and his soft green eyes. Or were they grey? She had never felt this way about a guy before. She tingled every- where he touched her. She felt a hunger deep inside and knew she was feeling arousal for the first time. She was afraid she was falling in love. Mulder didn't fear falling in love. He knew he was head-over-heels in love with her by the end of their first evening together. She was brilliant and beautiful, sweet and straightforward. No game playing from Dana. He was in love and they had not even kissed. Christmas was a wonderful holiday in the Scully family. No matter where they were stationed, Maggie Scully made the family feel at home. But this year, the day after Christmas seemed like it would never arrive. Both the senior Scullys had been somewhat leery about Dana and Melissa going on an overnight camping trip with the two young men. Dana's enthusiasm about the observatory was the deciding factor. Starbuck's Ahab could never deny her an opportunity to study something that meant as much to her as did the Mt. Palomar Observatory. Captain Scully spoke to Steve's parents and then had a long, serious talk with the two young men. When they were done, he was satisfied that his girls would be safe. That is, as safe as they wanted to be. He left the 'safety' conversation with the girls to Maggie. Steve's mother lent them her Volvo wagon so that all four could go in the same car and carry the camping equipment. Finally they were packed and off on their adventure. The farmland along the route to Mount Palomar was beautiful. Row after row of avocado and citrus trees lined the highway. The road up the mountain was narrow and dangerous. They all wondered how the truck that had delivered the huge lens to the top of the mountain had made it back in the fifties. They arrived at the campsite right after lunch. They checked in with the manager and set up the two tents they had brought. They had a cookout planned for later in the day, but no one was hungry by the time camp was set up. "Let's go for a walk back down to the lodge at the office, Steve. I saw some interesting crystals there." "Sure, I could use a soda," he quickly agreed. "I think I'd like to take a hike to the meadow, if you would, Mulder," Dana said. She wanted some time alone with him. He was leaving a couple days after New Year's Eve and she was going to miss him. End Part 1 of 2 2/2 XXXXX Mt. Palomar, CA, Christmas Holidays, 1981, Dana Scully's Reality XXXXX They trudged up the trail for a few minutes before they decided to stop. They were both surprised at how winded they were, until Mulder reminded Dana that they were up over eight thousand feet above sea level. It was enough to make even young, athletic people winded. They passed through trees and thick underbrush before finally breaking out into the meadow. Mulder had been watching her reaction as they broke through, "You look surprised, Dana? Isn't it what you imagined?" "Well, truthfully, no." Dana shrugged, "I guess I had more of a golf course type meadow in mind. This grass is up to my waist!" "This is like the meadows in Italy," Mulder explained. "I went there last Christmas instead of coming home. Some of the meadows in the mountains look exactly like this, only with more wildflowers." They waded through the grass to the center of the meadow. A huge live oak tree gave the only shade. Mulder stomped down some grass and they sat down in the dappled shade. Mulder had on a black shirt and black jeans. He looked dangerous, gorgeous, perfect. Scully was dressed in a pair of Ralph Lauren jeans and a blue sweater. They had dressed for the cooler weather, but in this meadow, where the wind did not blow, it was almost hot. "Do you mind if I take off my shirt," he asked. The perspiration on his forehead was as much from being near Dana as it was the weather, but he wasn't going to tell her that. "Not at all, be comfortable," Dana assured him. She couldn't wait to get a glimpse of his tanned chest, but she was disappointed to find he had on a white muscle tee shirt under the black one. Mulder spread out his shirt next to him and patted it. "Why don't you sit over here instead on that scratchy grass?" Dana smiled and walked back out into the meadow. She began to pick wild flowers and grasses. The blue, purple and white wildflowers made a beautiful bouquet. She strolled back to sit in the shade next to Mulder. He had laid down in the shade and had closed his eyes. She leaned her back against his hip and began to braid the flowers. Mulder picked up one of the pieces of grass and was chewing on it. "What are you making?" he asked. "Years ago we used to go to our Grandmother Scully's farm. She had a meadow with wildflowers and we would braid chains of flowers for the horses." Dana smiled as she spoke. "I think it should be a crown," Mulder whispered. "A crown? For who?" Dana leaned closer to his ear and whispered back. "For you, my fairy princess," he pulled her over onto his chest and kissed her. The kiss started out soft and gentle, but the quickly escalated. The electricity generated by the touch of her lips to his caused their passion to flare and they spent an eternity kissing and smiling at each other. Finally, Mulder pushed her away gently and sat up. "Dana, we have to stop. I don't know how much more of this I can take until..." "Until what, Mulder?" she asked teasingly. "Until I can't stop. Dana, I want you, but I think I love you and I don't want to do anything that would hurt you," Mulder admitted. "I want you too, Mulder," her voice quavered. "I think I love you too, but in a few days you'll go back to England and I'll be here." A tear rolled down her cheek. "Dana, Dana don't cry," Mulder groaned. "I don't want to leave you. If I could, I would stay, but we both know that's not possible." "I know," she said raggedly. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it." Fresh tears flooded her eyes and she turned her head so he wouldn't see them. "Hey, Dana. Baby, don't cry. C'mere." He pulled her onto his lap and held her. He wrapped her in his long arms and cradled her against his chest. He put his chin on the top of her head. "I didn't expect this to happen," he said. "What?" she sniffled. "Falling in love," he said as he kissed her ear then each of her eyelids. "Finding someone that loves me back." "I've only known you a short time, Mulder, but I do love you. It feels like I've been waiting for you forever." She kissed and bit his neck up to his ear. She suckled on his earlobe until he started to squirm. "God, Dana, we better get back," he groaned. "Your dad made it perfectly clear that he expected you to come home safe and sound..." "What if I don't want to go back to camp? What if... what if I want to stay here and make love to you?" "I'd have to say I was one lucky bastard, but I'd have to refuse," he said hoarsely. "Oh." She stiffened, "I see." She tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let her go. "What do you think you see, Dana?" "I see that I have been throwing myself at you and you're not really interested," she seethed. Mulder laughed and hugged her even tighter. "Not interested? I'd have to be a blind or dead to not be interested in you. Don't you see?" "No," she spat. "Enlighten me." "Dana, you're seventeen years old. I'm almost twenty. We both have years of school ahead of us and pretty soon, an ocean to part us. If we let things get out of hand, what would we do? I mean, are you going to commit to our relationship and have to wait until June or July until we can see each other again? Are you not going to go to your prom? I won't be here. Pretty soon, would letters be enough?" he reasoned. "There's this little invention called a telephone, Mulder. We could call each other. And I could come to England in the summer." "Oh, God, Dana, don't make this so hard. I'm not good enough for you, don't you see? You are so beautiful and intelligent and loving. You need someone without all my hang ups to love you. Someone who will be able to make you happy." Mulder gave it one last try, "Someone from your own religion." "Mulder, did you think I didn't know that you're not Catholic? I don't care. Look around you Mulder. What do you see?" Mulder followed her directions and glanced around the meadow. "I see trees and grass and flowers," he said and then hesitated as he looked at her, trying to follow her thinking. "What else?" "I see birds and a huge tree and... you. What do you see?" "I see a beautiful meadow on a warm sunny day that affords me the perfect setting and the privacy to give the man I love my virginity." Mulder stopped breathing as she continued. "I love you, Fox Mulder and I want to be with you, as close as a man and a woman can be. I want to give you my virginity and my heart. I want to experience my first time with someone I love in a setting that will forever remain beautiful to me." "Dana!" "I don't want to 'do it' in the back seat of a car or at a party after I had too much to drink. I want to share this with you, here, now." "Jesus, Dana!" he groaned as he fell back on the grass with her held to his chest. "Are you sure?" "Yes, Mulder, I am," she said immediately. "Dana," he kissed her passionately. "Please call me Fox." As the kiss ended, she drew back in surprise. "I thought you hated your name?" "I've hated my name for years, but when you said it just now, it sounded more like a caress than a joke," he shrugged. "I want to hear you say it again while we make love," he said. He kissed her again and said "I still would rather be Mulder when we're with others, if you don't mind." She nodded her agreement and they began to kiss again. His kisses brought her emotions to a slow boil. She was hot all over and it felt like there was moisture collecting in her center. "Oh, Fox... tell me what to do." She kissed him, letting her hands move over his body. She was so hot and she tingled all over. It almost felt like being afraid, but the only fear she had at the moment was that he would stop. He rolled her off him and leaned over her. Their lips and hands were never still. He clasped his lips to her neck and suckled gently on the pulse that throbbed at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. "Mmm.... more. Mul... Fox, you have too many clothes on," she teased as she pulled his tee shirt from his pants and up his chest. He finished pulling it off and grinned down at her. "Your turn." She wiggled out of her sweater and blushed as he stared at her. "Dana, you're perfect," he said before he kissed the swell of each breast just at the line of lace on her bra. "May I?" She nodded, unsure what the proper etiquette was for the moment. Did she unfasten it for him, or would he? Did she say please, or thank you? She decided to tell him about her fears. "Fox, I really don't know what to do or say." "Do you want me to stop?" he asked. "No! I think I'll spontaneously combust if you stop now," she teased as she grinned up at him. Mulder just groaned again and began to rain small, wet kisses all over her exposed chest and shoulders. "You smell so good," he said. "You feel so good. You even taste good." "MMMMmmm... so do you." Mulder reached behind her and flicked open her bra. He leaned back on his knees and looked her in the eyes. "Do you want me to stop? Because I can stop now, but I don't think I will ever be able to stop wanting you if we go any further." She gave him a sweet smile. "You are so special, Fox. Thank you for respecting me and wanting to make sure about my feelings, but I told you how I feel. I want you. I want to make love with you." She leaned forward and kissed his chest. Her motion let her bra drop away from her body and catch on her arms at her elbows. She tore it off the rest of the way and looked up into his eyes. Her breasts were exquisite. Not large, but generous for her small frame, they fit into his trembling hands perfectly. He groaned and closed his eyes. "You are beautiful, Dana. God, I love you," he said before he began kissing her again. He trailed kisses from her lips to her eyes to her cheeks and ears, back to her lips. Then he kissed down her neck and on to place a reverent kiss on each of her rosy nipples. His mouth became demanding as he continued to kiss and lathe and suckle her breast, being careful to give equal time to each perfect globe. Dana was burning alive. She was rubbing her thighs together, trying to sooth the heat and desire that was overwhelming her sex. She reached between them and pulled on his belt. "Mulder, you need to get naked, now." He chuckled. "Demanding little wildcat, aren't you?" She got a feral gleam in her eyes. "Yes," she said as she flipped him over, landing straddled across his thighs. She unsnapped his pants and began to slowly, draw down his zipper. "Fuck!" he spat. "Now you're getting the idea," she teased. He flipped her back over and rolled back on his knees to pull down his pants. "Let me," she whispered as she sat up on her knees, facing him. He nodded, speechless with desire. She slid her hands around his waist and skimmed her fingers under the waistband of his pants and his boxers. She gently nudged them down an inch or two and leaned forward to kiss his chest. His groan of pleasure let her know that she was on the right track so she slid her hands down and back and cupped the cheeks of his ass as she slid her breasts up his torso. "Are you sure you don't know what you're doing?" he asked breathlessly. "Does that feel good?" Before he could answer, she pulled away from his body and, with a careful motion, pulled his pants and boxers down exposing his erection. Her wide-eyed stare surprised him. "Haven't you ever seen an aroused man before?" She shook her head and slowly looked up into his eyes. "No, I told you I'm a virgin." She looked down at his throbbing penis again. "Uh... Fox? Is that...? Is your pe...?" He had promised himself he was going to be patient with her, but he was getting nervous waiting for her question. She swallowed hard and said, "Is that standard issue, sailor, or did you get the battleship size?" Fox Mulder crumpled into the grass and laughed until he cried. Here she was, a virgin, scared, but being with her was more fun than with any other woman he had sex with in his short but active life. He stopped laughing when he felt her pulling his clothing off the rest of the way. "Seriously, Mulder, will we fit together?" "Dana," he crooned. "Take your pants and underwear off for me and I'll show you." She looked doubtful but she began to unzip her pants. She knew the biology of the situation. She knew that God intended for man to procreate and to enjoy, but he was an imposing size and length. She had seen her brothers naked, accidentally, on a few occasions. Once or twice they had been aroused when she saw them in their under shorts. But she was certain that they, nor any of the guys at school she knew, was built like this man. She rolled back on her butt to pull her pants off her feet. Fox Mulder looked up at her and took in the view. Her skin was alabaster with a small sprinkling of freckles where the sun kissed. Her curls were just a slightly darker red than her hair. He could see drops of arousal glistening there. "C'mere, baby," he growled. "I want to taste you." He pulled her up and forward until she was straddling his shoulders. His hands roamed her body, worshiping every inch he could reach. He cupped her derriere and pulled her forward another few inches. He buried his face in the juncture of her legs, inhaling deeply. "Good, you smell so damn good," he said just before he began to nibble at the lips of her vagina. She groaned, "Ohhhh," and he moved her up higher. He busied his lips and nose and fingers worshiping her sex. He brought her to the brink of climax several times but did not let her fall over the edge. "Fox, what are you doing to me? I want... I need... I want to come," she begged. There was an ache deep in her gut, a fleeting feeling that if she tried just a little more she could reach the next level of pleasure. "Not until I'm inside you, Dana. I want your first time to be with my cock buried deep inside you." "Oh, God, hurry then, I need to come." He slid her back and down his body as he sat up, crossing his legs to make a cradle for her. She felt his cock slide up the groove of her vagina and her clit, but he did not enter her. The heat where their bodies touched was incredible. "Fox," she almost whined. She had never felt this way before and she was sure he could make everything better with that big, beautiful cock of his, but he wasn't cooperating. She rubbed against him and tried to impale herself on him. Her breathing was speeding up, coming out in shivery gasps. "Dana, slow down, God, please. Or this will be over before it's even begun," he panted. "I want you too, but I don't want to hurt you, and I sure as hell don't want to embarrass myself." His voice brought her back from the edge of insanity. She listened to his whispered words of love, "I want you to slow down. I need you to slide onto my cock, slowly, and get used to it before you move on. Please, baby, you need to control this. I couldn't bear hurting you. Do you understand?" She nodded and tried to slow her breathing. She rose up on her knees and placed her head on his shoulder, reaching between their bodies to grasp him. "That's it," he encouraged as she rubbed his cock around in her juices. She blushed but continued to stroke her sex with the tip of his cock, almost teasing them both into a frenzy. She slowed her strokes and eased the wide head into her sex after it was well lubricated. She gasped and trembled. "Are you all right?" he groaned. He didn't know how much longer he could hold off with her luscious body so close to him. "Yes, it feels so good." she said. She began to ease down on his cock slowly, millimeter by millimeter, until he came in contact with the proof of her virginity. "Oh!" He pulled out and stroked back into her slowly, careful not to push too hard against her hymen. "Are you ready for this, Dana?" He was panting from the effort of holding back. "Fox, I'm ready. I know this might hurt, maybe a little, maybe a lot. But if it feels this good with you now, I can't wait to experience everything to come." Her head was still resting on his shoulder. Her breath came in little puffs that brushed against the hairs on his chest. He began to pant in earnest, trying to hold back. He slid back out of her and hesitated at the very entrance before taking another stroke. She lifted her head and leaned back enough so that she could look into his eyes. "I love you, Fox," she said as she quickly slid her body down his shaft until he was completely sheathed in her hot, tight sex. They were one, at last. The look of surprise on his face turned to concern as she panted to control the pain. "Dana!" he moaned. "Don't move. The pain should go away in a minute or two," he said as he struggled to stay still. Every fiber in his male psyche was demanding that he move. He needed a distraction. He cast around in his memory for something, anything that could take his mind off his cock and how hot and tight and wonderful she felt. He quickly brought himself back to thinking of a distraction. What was the opposite of Dana? Phoebe popped into his mind. The bitch. Worked every time. He brought his attention back to Dana, "Are you...?" "I'm fine, Fox," she said bravely. Mulder could tell she was lying by the pain that still bracketed her mouth and the clouding of her blue eyes. "Let's just enjoy this for a few minutes. I don't want it to end quickly. I need just a little more time, if that's okay with you?" he lied to give her time to adjust. She nodded. "Mmmmm, yeah, this is definitely starting to feel better," she said a few minutes later. "I want to move, Fox." He swallowed hard and nodded as she lifted her body up on her knees and slid almost off him, then back down. "Oh, God!" he moaned and pulled her closer to his chest. Their lips were the perfect height for kissing as she moved up. Mulder kissed and nibbled her lips at the top of each stroke. He moved his right hand to fondle her breasts. Her nipples were hard and pebbled. Dana's breathing became labored, each breath in and out caused her to shiver. Her entire consciousness spiraled down to focus on her sex and how it felt as he filled her. She began to sense a change. Her body was tightening and she was suddenly so hot she thought she would pass out. A tingling, exciting feeling started in her toes and in her fingers when she touched him. "Fox... something... I... I feel so strange," she stuttered. "Dana, are you going to come?" he shuttered thinking of her orgasm. "I don't know, I think... Yes! Oh Fox!" she screamed. She moaned continuously as her body quaked and tightened around his cock. Fox went totally still, trying to stave off his orgasm until she was done. He wanted to watch her face as she came. She was amazing. A beautiful flush spread from her cheeks, down her neck to her breasts. Her nipples were pebbled before, but they became rock hard and he couldn't resist pinching each one gently. "Ahhhh!" she moaned. A fresh wave of release washed over her. Her inner walls milked his cock. He fought with all his might to hold back. Finally her quaking body slowed and she fell against him, satisfied. He was grateful. Grateful that he had stayed the release his body craved. Grateful that he had given her pleasure. "Damn, no wonder the nuns didn't want us to have sex until we were married," she sighed. "Why's that, sweetheart?" he kissed her neck as she spoke. "That was sinfully delicious," she teased. They kissed and for a long moment but the flexing of his cock as it was buried deep inside her made her realize that even though she had come, he was still rock hard and needy. "Fox! You didn't come with me?" she whispered. "No, I wanted to watch you," he replied truthfully. "Do you still want me?" she teased. "I'll want you forever, Dana," he said as he let his hands and lips begin to roam her body again. "I need you right now. Will it be okay... I mean, will it hurt too much if we continue?" She didn't answer verbally, just let her body do the talking as she began to slide up and down his cock again. If possible, he felt even bigger and harder than before her orgasm. She decided that she was glad she had all the extra natural lubrication her orgasm supplied. "I love you. Come for me, Fox." Fox Mulder groaned and pulled her closer to his body as he moved to his knees. This position brought her off the ground enough that she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist. "Oh, that feels wonderful," she said as she leaned back in his arms. "Fuck!" he said as he lost all control. He cupped her ass in his hands and began to thrust up into her, letting his raging desire take over. She tried to keep up with him, but his rhythm was too intense. She leaned back a little farther and his cock hit a particularly sensitive spot in her vagina with each driving stroke. Fox found his eyes drawn to her breasts. Each time he slammed into her, they would jiggle and sway with the movement of her body. Her nipples were hard again and the blush she had during her first orgasm was returning. "Fox, I... You... Damn!" Dana swore. This time she knew what was happening. As she felt the burning build in her extremities she leaned forward and suckled his neck. She moved up to his ear and whispered, "Come with me, Fox, my love. Come with me now." And he did. "Dana," he screamed. His voice was high and thready, all the blood in his body was carrying his oxygen supply to his cock. He felt lightheaded and giddy. His balls clenched and his cum poured from him into his woman. The first and only woman he would ever love. And this beautiful woman, his Dana, was coming too. Her body shook and her vaginal walls clenched his cock, extending his orgasm and hers. He was panting hard and tried to slow his breathing. He was laughing and trying to talk and having no success at doing either in a way that could be understood. "Dana, God, I love you," he finally managed to string a few words together. "I love you," he shouted to the entire world. "I love you, too," she sighed and held him tightly. He laughed and kissed her over and over. His jubilation was contagious and soon she was kissing him back and giggling. "I've never felt anything like that," he laughed. "It was wonderful!" He rose to his feet with her still impaled on his semi-erect cock. He spun her around and they laughed when they became dizzy. "I'll love you forever!" he shouted to the heavens and promptly fell down, twisting to land on his shirt with his butt. They sat there grinning like two fools for a minute while they caught their breaths. He laid back and pulled her on top of him. They snuggled together for a while, touching and kissing, murmuring soft words of love. Mulder felt her stiffen slightly and then relax. "What?" She lifted her head from his chest and look into his eyes, "What?" "Just now, you thought of something and you started. What were you thinking about?" "Nothing," she lied. "Dana, I want you to trust me enough to tell me everything. And I want to feel free to do the same with you. Nothing you could say will upset me," he assured her. Dana bit her lip for a second before she whispered, "What if I'm pregnant?" "Nothing but that," he quipped then grew silent when she flinched. "Aren't you on the pill?" She sat up and glared at him, "Why would a Catholic virgin be on the pill, Fox Mulder?" "Sorry! I just didn't think about you not being on something. The women in England are all pretty progressive about birth control..." he knew he was digging his own grave quickly. The pain in her eyes made him grind to a halt. He had hurt her somehow and didn't want to compound it. When her next words came, they surprised him. "Have you had many lovers? Am I just another in a long line of physical encounters?" He measured his words carefully. He felt as if he needed her to understand or he could lose this wonderful woman. "I've had sex with a number of women both before and while I've been in England. I've never had a love like you. While we were making love, it was so much more than just sex." He hesitated, looking deep into her eyes to make sure she understood what he meant. "I'm almost sorry I was your first lover, Dana. You have nothing to compare our experience to. So when I tell you that all the other women I've had sex with was just a release of a need, it may be hard for you to understand." He cupped her cheeks with his hands. "When we made love, it was for the very first time in my life. You touched my heart in a way that I have never experienced before. I love you. If we hadn't made love and just sat here and kissed for a while, I would still love you. Having sex with someone you want versus making love to someone you are in love with is like the difference between winter and summer." Her quizzical look made him continue. "You can have fun in Winter, but you need Summer with every fiber of your soul. That's how I feel about you. You're my summer, my heat and passion. I didn't know I was living in winter until now." She started to grin, "I think I get it now." "I guess I was kinda babbling, huh?" he smiled back. "Dana, if you are pregnant, it's not a problem. I love you and I'll love our baby, but maybe we should try to use some kind of birth control from now on. You do have to finish school and so do I." "I agree, Fox. Now that we're being so practical..." she hesitated. "Yeah?" "Maybe we should get dressed and get back to camp. Melissa and Steve will be wondering where we are." He pulled her close and gave her one last passionate kiss. "You're right, we should be getting back," he smiled. "Besides, I'm starving. My girlfriend just gave me a workout and I need food to restore my energy." She gave him a playful slap on his arm and stood up. They were soon dressed and ready to go back to camp. He picked up her flower braid and twisted it into a circle. He placed it on her head and stared at her for a long minute. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, "My Fairy Princess." She blushed and reached for his hand. "Fox, you know we can't spend the night together, don't you?" "Yeah, as much as I'd like to carry you off to my tent, I realize that we can't." She seemed relieved and he continued, "Besides, you're going to be a little sore for a while and we need to get some protection before we make love again." She nodded and took his hand, starting back down the trail to the campground. They were still holding hands when they arrived back at the tents. Melissa and Steve had set up the food and were starting to eat without them. "We were going to wait, but we were starving," Steve said around a mouthful of sandwich. Melissa gave him a glare and continued to eat. She gave Dana and Mulder an appraising look and then turned back to her food. Dana knew she would have plenty to say later. But later, when they were alone, Melissa surprised her. "Do you love him?" she asked quietly. "Yes," Dana whispered back. Melissa nodded and turned out the light. Dana waited in the dark for more questions from her sister. Finally the pressure was more than she could bear. "Melissa!" she hissed. "What?" came Melissa's sleepy voice. "Don't you have anything else to say?" A long silence ended when her sister finally said, "Yeah. I hate sleeping bags, tents, and I really hate camping. You owe me big time for this one Dana." They both fell asleep smiling. XXXXX Georgetown Memorial, March 24, 2000, Fox Mulder's Hell XXXXX "Fox?" Maggie Scully was appalled at the change in his appearance. Had it really only been two days since Dana's injury? The man in front of her looked like he had lost twenty pounds and all reason to live. "Mrs. Scully," he stood up to let her sit next to Scully. "She won't wake up. She's slipping away from me." He fell to his knees in front of her. Maggie Scully wrapped her arms around him as he buried his face in her lap, sobbing. "Oh, Fox. That's not what the doctors think. They are still hopeful. Just because she's not woke up yet, doesn't mean she's not going to wake up. Dana's tough. Think back to all the times she's survived when others thought she was going to die. You've never given up before, Fox. Don't do it now." "I know, but before, she... we..." he couldn't go on. "She's always loved you and you've loved her for years. Just because you've finally admitted it to each other doesn't mean that you're going to lose her now," she gently chided. "I love her, Maggie. I didn't want to keep our relationship a secret, but she was worried about one of us being transferred." He took a deep breath, "That's why Agent DeAngelo felt free to throw herself at me. I didn't want to be partnered with her undercover. I wanted Scully, but I couldn't very well tell them that I didn't want to have to be around another woman because my girlfriend would get mad. If we were known as a couple, they wouldn't have even let us both be on the bust. Maybe it's best if we're not partners." "Fox, Dana loves her job, but she loves you more than anything else in life. I've never known her to be as happy as she has been lately. You need to have faith that she will come out of this so that you two can decide what the future holds for you." Mulder nodded and calmed under her soothing voice and touch. "Fox, you have to sleep. Dana is going to need you when she wakes up. If you're a walking zombie, she's going to be upset with the rest of us for not taking care of you." "I've asked the nurses to get you a cot and I want you to sleep while I'm here." Mulder started to object but she stopped him before he could speak. "No arguing. It will be right over there. You can hear everything that goes on. If Dana or I need you, you'll be three steps away." An orderly pushed in a bed as Mrs. Scully finished speaking. She got up and pulled Mulder to his feet when it was all set up. She sat him down and removed his shoes, pushing him down on the bed and tucking him in. "And Fox?" "Yes ma'am?" "You will eat and take a shower when you wake up. Understood?" she scolded. "Yes, ma'am." "That's Maggie or Mom to you Fox. Now go to sleep." She brushed the hair off his forehead and gave him a kiss. He was asleep before she sat back down. XXXXX Miramar Naval Base, CA, Christmas Holidays, 1981, Dana Scully's Reality XXXXX The next few days were filled with love for both Dana and Fox. They were together every waking minute. Every opportunity they had they made love. It became harder and harder to leave one another at the end of the evening. Mulder would always call her as soon as he got back to Steve's house to say goodnight. "Someday, Dana, we won't have to sleep alone. Someday, we'll be together all the time," he promised. "Is that a proposal?" she teased. He was silent for a long moment, and she was afraid that she had scared him. "No, just the truth. When I propose to you, I want to do it in person," he growled. "You deserve so much more out of life than me, Dana. But I can't help it. I love you and I don't want to let you go." "Fox, you say things like that and I don't understand you. Please, help me to understand." "Soon, my love, soon." They said good night and once again, Dana was left confused by his statements. Why did he feel he wasn't good enough for her? He was everything to her. He was brilliant, witty, loving, tender and an incredible lover. Why did he not feel worthy of her love at times? Dana decided to force the issue the next day. But the conversation didn't happen that day or the next. As the hours flew by, the time for school to start for Dana and for Mulder to return to England drew near. They spent the night together for the first time on New Year's Eve. Dana had conspired with Melissa to lie to her parents about the evening and Mulder rented a motel room. Their time together became frantic as Mulder's departure date drew closer. Eventually the day of his flight came. Dana couldn't keep from crying. She had missed the first day of school to be with him until his flight time. They kissed goodbye at the gate to the plane and promised to write and call frequently. Dana cried all the way home. The weeks flew by and soon it was February 23rd, her birthday. It was her 18th birthday and should have been one of the happiest in her life. Should have been, but wasn't. She hadn't heard from Fox in several days and was worried about him. She had gathered a bunch of change and gone to a phone booth several times to call him. There had been no answer every time but one, and that time, a woman answered. Dana hung up without speaking. She was scared. She was also sure she was pregnant. She decided to go to Planned Parenthood in one of the outlying suburbs of San Diego and find out for sure if she was right. When the test came back positive, she fainted. She had asked Melissa to go with her. When she couldn't stop crying, she was very glad she had the company. "What are you going to do, Danes?" Melissa gently probed. "I don't know. I can't get hold of Fox and I'm worried." "What do you mean, worried?" "I've tried to call him several times and the only time someone answered, it was a woman." "Oh, God, Danes, I'm sorry." "I don't want to think that he lied to me, but what else can it be?" "Dana, don't get upset. It could be anything. He could have had a bunch of people over to study or it could be a neighbor. Don't borrow trouble," she soothed. "You're right, sis, but what if he doesn't want me any more. What am I going to do?" "You are going to do what you have to do, Dana. You're going to be strong, just like Mom and Dad taught us to be. You're going to use that brilliant mind of yours to figure out what's the best answer for you and take care of you and your baby." "I know you're right, Mel, but I don't want to do this without Mulder." "Of course you don't, and you won't have to. I have a feeling about Fox Mulder. He does love you Dana, you'll see." The next day as Dana was leaving for school, she got the surprise of her life. Leaning next to her car as if he hadn't a care in the world, was Fox Mulder. She dropped her books and ran to him. "What are you doing here? Where have you been?" She hugged and kissed him. "Who was that woman that answered your phone?" He laughed and hugged her tighter. "I've got a lot to tell you Dana. Let's go somewhere we can talk." She nodded her agreement and got into the car. He picked up her books and got in with her. XXXXX Georgetown Memorial, March 25, 2000, Fox Mulder's Hell XXXXX Doctor Watson had just left when Maggie arrived the next day. Mulder had slept through the night and upon arising had showered and eaten a huge breakfast. Maggie had gone home to rest before returning the next afternoon. "Maggie, the doctor was just here with some good news. They did another EEG and she is definitely waking up. She's been moving a little and she's begun to have REM's. She's going to be okay." Mulder hugged her tightly. "Thank you for getting the cot in here. I didn't realize how exhausted I was." "Oh, Fox, I'm so happy," Maggie hugged him back. She walked over to Dana and kissed her. "You'll wake up when you're ready, Dana. I know you. Stubborn to the very last." Scully murmured and turned her head towards her mother. "See? Dr. Watson said it was only a matter of time," Maggie said to Mulder. XXXXX Denny's parking lot, San Diego, CA January 1981, Dana Scully's Reality XXXXX "You what?" she gaped at him. "I've decided to quit Oxford and move back to the States to be near you," he said. "Without consulting me? What about your education? What about your future?" "My life is wherever you are, Dana. I can finish school here in California." "All right. Who was that woman that answered your phone?" Mulder laughed and hugged her tightly. "You are a trip, Dana. You accept that I'm leaving Oxford and moving here with no question, but you still want to know who the woman on the phone was?" He laughed and shook her gently. "I don't know. It was probably my landlady or the next tenant. I gave notice two weeks ago and have been living with my buddy, Gino, so that I could save enough money for the ticket home. I love you, Dana." She smiled and melted into his arms. Their kisses were warm and sweet, the void that each had felt while separated healed as soon as they were together again. Dana suddenly remembered why she was so frantic to get in touch with him. "Fox, I've got something to tell you. I'm pregnant..." XXXXX Georgetown Memorial, March 25, 2000, Fox Mulder's Hell XXXXX "Fox, look, she's waking up!" Maggie urged. Scully was moving and whispering softly. Maggie left to get the doctor. Mulder leaned down and kissed her. "Scully? Dana? Wake up, baby. I love you, Dana." "Fox, I've got something to tell you. I'm pregnant..." Scully murmured as she opened her eyes. 'How did you know? God, Scully? How did you know that you're pregnant? The Doctor just told me when you were injured,' he thought. "Mulder? You're so old!" She smiled at him, then frowned when she realized she was in a hospital bed. "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" "Scully, you were shot during the undercover operation we were on. Do you remember?" "Yes, it's coming back to me now. DeAngelo blew it and Mulligan started shooting. I was shot?" "Yeah, but it was just a graze, Scully. You got a concussion when your head hit the ground. You've been unconscious for almost four days. God, Baby! I was so scared." Mulder gathered her up in his arms and held her tightly. She could feel his tension melting away as the warmth of the hug reassured him. "Scully, why did you say you're pregnant?" he whispered. "Mulder, that was just a dream," she blushed. He pulled away and stared at her. "I was dreaming that I met you when I was seventeen and I got pregnant." "What did I do when you told me?" he asked. "Was I a jerk?" "No, Mulder, nothing like that at all. You had already quit Oxford and moved back to San Diego to be with me before you even knew I was pregnant." Mulder stared at her with a bemused expression on his face. "It must have been triggered by that remark about us meeting when I was seventeen you made several weeks ago." He made the leap in logic to understand her line of thought. "You're going to have to tell me all about this dream," he said as he waggled his eyebrows. "Mulder! You're incorrigible," she said as she smiled sadly. "Sometimes I wish we had met when we were younger. Maybe then we could have had a family together." "Scully, Dr. Watson said that you..." "Ah, Ms. Scully! You are awake," the doctor said as he entered the room, followed by Maggie. "How are we feeling?" he asked without looking up from her chart. Scully glared at the top of his head and waited until he looked up. "I'm a pathologist with the FBI, Dr...?" She leaned forward to read his name tag, "Watson, and I have a better bed-side manner with my patients. I am feeling fine. And unless you're inquiring about the health of my partner..." "Actually, Dr. Scully, I was asking about you and your baby," he interrupted. Scully turned pale and bit her lip. "Get him out of here, Mulder." She fell back against the pillows and closed her eyes. "Now," she whispered. Mulder moved around the foot of the bed to escort the doctor out of the room, but Maggie Scully got to him first. "I suggest you leave now, Dr. Watson," she growled. She took his arm and led him out the door, shutting it firmly behind them. Mulder rushed back to Scully's side. He could hear Maggie Scully's soft voice raise as she pinned the doctor's ears back for him. Mulder almost felt sorry for him. Almost, until he saw the tears spilling down Scully's cheeks. "Hey, now. He's gone, sweetheart. Don't cry, Scully," he gently crooned. "How could he be so cruel?" Scully sobbed. "I never thought it would hurt this much, Mulder, but I can't help it." "Shhhhh, baby. Listen, I need to tell you something," Mulder whispered as he slid onto the bed with her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her until her breathing quieted and the tears stopped. "Scully, do you remember what we talked about when I came back from England?" he asked. "Yes," she sniffed. "Well, we agreed that we were right where we should be, and now that we're together, we're both happy with our choices." He fumbled for the best words to tell her about the miracle that they had been blessed with. "Mulder, is my... my cancer back?" "Oh, God! No, Scully. It's... it's so wonderful that I had a hard time believing it myself." His grin was infectious and she gave him a watery smile back. "Scully, Dr. Watson wasn't wrong. When you came in they automatically gave you a pregnancy test. It's standard for all women of childbearing age that can't answer questions." "And?" "And you're pregnant. Some how, some way, you were fertile again and you're about three months pregnant." Scully's eyes turned dark. "Mulder, go get me my chart." "Scully, you just regained consciousness," he said to soothe her. She tried to throw back the covers to crawl out of the bed, but his long arm held her down. "Just stay where you are, Scully. I'll get your chart. Your glasses are in the bed stand." Mulder knew by her mulish expression that she was going to see the chart tonight, or else. He swiftly retrieved her chart from the chastised doctor and hurried back into the room. She was sitting up with her glasses and all the lights on. "Thank you, Mulder," she said as she reached for the chart. Long minutes went by as she checked sheet after sheet of data. Finally she put the chart down and pulled off her glasses. She fell back against the pillow with closed eyes. "Scully? Are you okay?" Mulder asked. She threw her arm across her eyes but didn't reply. Mulder watched her closely. When her shoulders began to shake, he moved to hold her while she cried again. He eased up on the bed again and gathered her into his arms. Some Mulder TLC was definitely called for right now. He knew she was shocked by the evidence, but she would be happy later. He wanted to hold her and give her the loving support she had given him a few months back. The shaking of her shoulders increased and she was gasping for air. Mulder became even more concerned and crooned, "Shhhhh, Scully. It's all right. Everything is going to be okay." Her shuddering gasps upset him so much he began to tear up in response. "Mulder? Are you crying? Don't you want our baby?" Scully's soft words penetrated the pain her tears caused. "Yes! Oh yes, I want our baby. I thought you were still upset about the way you found out." "So, you really believe the doctor? I'm pregnant?" The hope in her voice was so beautiful it almost pierced his heart. "Yeah, I do believe them. They wanted to bring in a monitor and check the baby's heart beat, but I wouldn't let them." Mulder grinned. At her questioning look he continued, "I didn't want to hear the heartbeat alone. I wanted us to hear it together for the first time. I made him use an obstetrics stethoscope." Mulder grinned, sheepishly this time. "Mulder, I'm... afraid to believe. I want your baby so much that I even dreamed about it, but it's the most terrifying thing I have ever faced." Scully pulled back to look in his eyes. "What if it's just a hysterical pregnancy? Or something 'THEY' orchestrated?" She shivered. "I couldn't stand it, if it were." "Scully, I knew you'd have questions, so I had your mom bring this up," Mulder said as he leaned over to pull a brown paper bag out of the night stand. Her eyes widened and she started to laugh. "Is this what I think it is?" Mulder nodded, "Yep. One of every kind." He dumped the contents into her lap. Seven different types of pregnancy tests spilled from her lap to the floor. Scully laughed and reached up to kiss Mulder. "That's my man!" "Ahem," A.D. Skinner said from the doorway. "Am I interrupting anything?" "No, Sir," Scully gasped. "Please come in." She looked up at Mulder, shocked that he wasn't getting up off the bed. He merely smiled at her and put out his hand to shake Skinner's hand. "Please, Sir, join us. We were just..." Mulder began. "Discussing my current health," Scully interrupted as she quickly picked up the boxes and returned them to the bag. Skinner looked at his two favorite agents and almost cracked a smile. He had heard the tongue lashing Maggie Scully was giving the doctor as he arrived. In fact, his arrival had probably saved the man from several more minutes of mortification. Scully's pregnancy was no longer a secret, and his number-one candidate for daddy was practically peeing in a circle around her bed. "I've heard that you are to be congratulated," he said. "Sir?" Scully squeaked. "It's not every agent who gets shot in the head that can come back to work in two weeks. You will be on light duty when you first come back, of course." Skinner felt like laughing at the look of relief on Scully's face. "Of course, Sir," she muttered. "Oh, and Scully? Mulder?" "Yes?" They answered in tandem. "Congratulations on the baby." Skinner turned and left quickly. He was about to burst into a deep belly-laugh at the expression on their faces and he couldn't stand to damage his dour reputation any further. Scully and Mulder barely had time to breathe deeply before the next visitor entered the room. Nurse Daly walked in carrying a bouquet of flowers. "Nurse Daly," Mulder said as he quickly hopped off the bed. "Let me get those." "Thank you, young man," she said. "How are you Dr. Scully?" she asked as she picked up Scully wrist and checked her pulse. At Scully's inquiring look at her and then the machines behind her, the diminutive nurse laughed. "I never really trust those things. Give me the good old hands-on method any day. I'm Nurse Daly. I am the Nursing Supervisor on the day shift of the ICU. You were under my care for the first 48 hours of your stay." "I'm Dana Scully. Please have a seat, Nurse Daly." "Oh, no, I can only stay a minute. I just wanted to deliver the flowers, and see how you are." She gave Mulder an appraising look. "I see you survived as well, Agent Mulder." When he smiled, she continued, "We thought we were going to loose both of you for a while there. This one was going to die of a broken heart if you hadn't made it." She snorted. "The flowers are for you, Agent. All the nurses from ICU decided that any man who loved someone as much as you and exhibited as much tender loving care towards that person, deserved flowers just as much as the patient." She looked around the room at the several tasteful arrangements. "I see you already have your fair share, Dr. Scully. Now Agent Mulder has one too." She moved to the door and glared at them both. "Take care of each other, you two. I don't want to see either one of you on my floor again." After this second whirlwind visitor, they were shell shocked. "Aren't you ready to rest for a while?" Mulder said as he turned off the overhead light and eased back onto the bed with her. "Changing the subject are we, Agent Mulder?" Scully teased. He grinned at her, sheepishly. "Mulder, you must have made quite an impression on the nurses in the ICU. Mulder TLC sounds like a new urban legend in the making," she grinned. "It can't compare to Scully love," Mulder assured her with a kiss. "Now, Scully. Tell me about this dream you had. And don't leave out any of the good parts." They snuggled together as Scully told him her dream. XXXXX Georgetown Memorial, March 25, 2000, Fox Mulder's Heaven XXXXX Maggie Scully and Walter Skinner stood at the door, watching the two Agents together. The only light in the room was turned down low but produced a golden halo of light around them. Maggie sighed and said, "I thought Nurse Daly was right." Walter Skinner looked at her quizzically. "I feared we were going to lose both of them after the last few days, but it looks like everything is going to be all right this time instead." Skinner nodded his agreement. "They've finally admitted that they love each other," Maggie said with a smile. "It's about time," Skinner growled. Maggie nodded. "You should rest, Mrs. Scully. Come on, I'll buy you a cup of coffee," Walter Skinner offered. "Unless you're still concerned about Scully..." Maggie laughed and said, "No, I think she has exactly the prescription she needs right now." Skinner tried to follow her logic but couldn't. She slipped her arm through his and said, "Mulder TLC, Mr. Skinner. That's what my baby needs right now. Just a large dose of Mulder TLC." The End