From Sun Apr 06 01:33:28 1997 Subject: Betrayal (1/3) by Shannon Alayna: answer to the abuse challenge From: "Shannon " -------- Title: "Betrayal" Author: Shannon Alayna E-mail: Posting: distribute freely, just please make sure my name, e-mail, and the rating are included. Disclaimer: blah, blah, CC is evil incarnate, but still managed to create a really awesome show, so the heart and soul of Mulder and Scully belong to him. I am not trying to make money off of this or anything. Creepy, huh? Aaron Stafford, however, belongs to me. Please ask me before you abuse him in any other story. There, that wasn't too painful, was it? Spoiler Warning: Severely MILD references to "Never Again". Probably stuff you already know from previous summaries anyway. Don't let it discourage you. Rating: Somewhere between R and NC-17 Content warning: Violence, swearing, and description of a near rape circumstance. Very mild MSR hidden somewhere in here. Classification: S, A, R Summary: In response to the abusive boyfriend challenge. Read the challenge, you know the plot. Author's note: As usual, I will shamelessly beg for feedback. Pretty please!!!! This is challenge #2 and since Sarah and Sophia tripled dared everyone, how could I resist? ************************************************** At first he had seemed romantic, passionate, charming: the kind of guy little girls dream about marrying; rainbow fairytales of white lacy gowns, spun with fine silk. A hall filled with hundreds of people, all eyes on the loving bride and groom. His face was as false as the dreams. He captured the perfect boyish look, locks of chocolate brown hair falling into his sparkling green eyes. The shine was so bright it disguised the beast hiding within his soul, a violent disgusting creature preying off human emotion. She should have seen it, but then again, Mulder was the psychologist, not her. It was a simple case in DC, not one even useful as a footnote in a criminology book, one part psychosis and 3 parts misunderstanding. It was what Mulder called "a filler case", or what the Bureau dished out to them when they became inconvenient. The complexity came with one of the assisting agents, a young, good looking, boy scout named Aaron Stafford, fully dedicated to the protection of the innocent and all the other bullshit for which they were supposedly fighting. Agent Stafford was brilliant and diplomatic, listening with patience to Mulder's theories, then presenting his own in a manner that was the least offensive. Scully was instantly drawn to him, his scientific character mixed with a tolerant nature that she respected. Mulder was not so easy to sway. His "Trust no one" attitude applied with an even greater magnitude to those who were so inclined to agree with him. It bred a suspicion that far exceeded his mistrust for the jeering "Call him Spooky" colleagues they were used to.... ******************************************************* The night was clear and cool, stars sprinkling the midnight blue of the sky, their luminescence glowing even over the harsh glare of the streetlights. The moon winked through the darkened silk, creating a hushed, peaceful effect over the streets of Washington, usually a dank and dismal place. Scully sighed and stared up at the sky, momentarily unaware of the fact that her partner was staring at her. "You coming Scully?" he asked, wondering for a second what had come over her. In the light, she looked young, worry free and beautiful, the light reflecting in her eyes as she looked up for something only she could see. His voice broke through her trance, and instantly he regretted speaking, watching as the light disappeared from her. "Sorry Mulder, I'll be there in a second. I'll meet you at the car, okay?" One eyebrow was raised in question, and he smiled at the patented Scully expression. "Sure" Scully watched his retreating form and then redirected her attention back to the sky. A star for every loved one, Missy, her father...... "Dare I ask?" came Agent Stafford's pleasant voice. "Oh, Jesus!" she gasped, spinning around. He gave her a wry grin. "Never knew I was held in such high regard. However did you recognize me without my sandals?" "I'm sorry, you, you scared me half to death, I thought you had already gone to your car." She fought to catch her breath. "Sorry to disappoint you." His expression grew serious. "Can I ask you a question?" She nodded. "Would you, well, um this is difficult. Would you like to go to dinner sometime...... Dana?" A faint smile touched her lips. "Yeah. I'd like that." His relief was obvious, and the jovial expression returned to him. "Great! How about tomorrow at eight?" "Sounds great." "I'll pick you up." He strolled to his car with a final wave over his shoulder. Scully was alarmed to find herself in an almost giddy state. It had been too long......... Well, there was Ed but....... She shuddered. Best not to delve too deeply into the past. She practically floated to Mulder's car. "What took so long?" he inquired as she slid into the passenger's seat. "Nothing," she answered breezily. He noticed her sudden increase in mood. "So, did our young agent leave? "C'mon Mulder, he's not so bad..." 'Neither was Krycek', he thought, 'Neither was Krycek'. There was something about Agent Stafford that bothered him. " fact, he's taking me to dinner tomorrow night" Scully finished, watching Mulder carefully, gauging his reaction. He knew that look well, and did his best to keep his expression neutral. The last thing he needed right now was a fight with her over her strange taste in men. But if that guy tried anything...... "Great, have fun." She seemed satisfied with that and fell silent. ************************************************* Muffled voices swept the walls of the dimly lit restaurant, candles flickered off of every table, casting dancing shadows everywhere. "This is a nice place." Scully said cordially, feeling peaceful in the setting. It wasn't too loud or too bright and her company put her automatically at ease. She felt amazingly comfortable with Aaron, someone who knew her mindset, and acknowledged her efforts. Mulder, especially lately, had been treating her like some sort of insignificant sidekick, and although she stayed loyal to him, fighting for his cause, it still hurt... a lot. So much had been sacrificed. It was rare to just enjoy herself, being out with an attractive man who liked and appreciated her. It also took her mind off the distraction that Mulder usually created. It was a strange sort of love, destined to failure. Aaron was the perfect net to catch that fall, and she chided herself silently for thinking of him that way. It took her a minute to realize that Aaron had said something. "I'm sorry Aaron, I zoned out for a moment there." "I noticed. Don't worry about it. I just said I really like being here with you. We have so much in common... I must admit I was nervous about asking you out." "Why." He looked embarrassed. "This is going to sound stupid, but the way Agent Mulder acted when I was around, I had kind of assumed, well, you know, that you two.." "No!" She lowered her voice a bit. "No, he can be a bit suspicious, that's all, but we aren't..... anything." "Does he know that?" Aaron's tone was deadly serious. "He's my partner" Scully said, taking his hand. "There can never be more than that." "Good," he stated, his eyes darkening to emeralds as he lightly rubbed his thumb over her palm. "Shall we order?" She nodded, captivated by him. He looked almost dangerous and something stirred in her, quietly tugging at the corners of her mind... she wanted him with a ferocity that bordered on ridiculous. She hoped she could make it through the evening. The meal was excellent, but neither of them really noticed, completely engaged in conversation, so "in link" that several times they found themselves actually completing the other's sentences. He picked up the check and they left. The drive home was silent, the radio doing little to muffle the built tension that threatened to explode. He walked her to her door. "Aaron.. Thank you. It's been awhile since I've just been able to relax. I had a wonderful time." "Do it again sometime?" "Definitely." He leaned down, brushing his lips against her. Electricity crackled between them and together they deepened the kiss, their mouths opening, seeking each other out. "Dana.." he muttered against her mouth. She fumbled for the door behind her, somehow managing to open it. Aaron pushed her inside, never breaking contact, pressing her against the wall, his fingers running through her hair, touching her face. She lifted her arms to encircle his neck, kissing him so deeply, inhaling his aroma; a mixture of aftershave and desire. Finally he pulled back, leaving them both feeling empty. He stared deeply into her azure eyes. "Are you sure about this? I would never push you.." "Yes, yes," she repeated, moving to nuzzle his neck. "I want this, I want you." He lay her gently on the sofa, moving over her, clothes sliding off, skin to skin as their mutual cries echoed into the night. ******************************************* END PART 1 From Sun Apr 06 12:27:43 1997 Subject: Betrayal (2/3) by Shannon Alayna: Answer to abuse challenge From: "Shannon " -------- Let's see if this one gets through............ Title: Betrayal Author: Shannon Alayna E-mail: Posting: distribute freely, just please make sure my name, e-mail, and the rating are included. Disclaimer: blah, blah, CC is evil incarnate, but still managed to create a really awesome show, so the heart and soul of Mulder and Scully belong to him. I am not trying to make money off of this or anything. Creepy, huh? Aaron Stafford, however, belongs to me. Please ask me before you abuse him in any other story. There, that wasn't too painful, was it? Spoiler Warning: Severely MILD references to "Never Again". Probably stuff you already know from previous summaries anyway. Don't let it discourage you. Rating: Somewhere between R and NC-17 Content warning: Violence, swearing, and description of a near rape circumstance. Very mild MSR hidden somewhere in here. Classification: S, A, R Summary: In response to the abusive boyfriend challenge. Read the challenge, you know the plot. Author's note: As usual, I will shamelessly beg for feedback. Pretty please!!!! This is challenge #2 and since Sarah and Sophia tripled dared everyone, how could I resist? **************************************************** Mulder sighed impatiently, banging his coffee cup down onto the desk so fiercely, it was a miracle that it didn't shatter. It did, however, splash scalding hot coffee across his hand. "Shit!!" he roared. Where was she? Scully was never late and now... He checked his watch. An hour and a half. He had called her and gotten her machine. He was ready to leave when she walked in, looking generally pleased, but a bit rumpled, like she had been a little lacking on sleep. "Hi Mulder, sorry I'm late.." She stopped when she saw his face. "Where the hell have you been? I tried to call you. I was just about to come over there and.." "Mulder, I just overslept. What is wrong with you?" He took a deep breath and mentally counted to ten. "I... sorry. I was worried." "I'm okay," she assured him worriedly, "but I'm not sure I can say the same about you." "I didn't sleep too well. So have fun with Agent Stafford?" "Yeah, I did. It was very..... refreshing." "Great." He turned back to the computer and began typing furiously. What bothered him so much about this? So she had gone out with the boy scout, maybe even slept with him... So what? It was her life and Aaron seemed to be a pretty nice guy, but still, the thought of her with someone else filled him with such rage that he could feel the adrenaline course through his veins. And there was still that feeling that something wasn't right.. "Like jealousy?" an irritating little voice yapped at him. He couldn't be jealous of Aaron. The guy had Scully, and would probably treat her better than he would, not that he would ever get the chance. He WAS jealous. Mulder turned back to his partner who had pulled up a chair, but still eyed him with concern. "Scully. Really, I'm happy for you. I'm sorry about how I've been acting. I guess this case got to me more than I thought." She seemed to relax a bit. "If you need someone to talk to, Mulder, you know I'm here." "I know." *************************************************** The next few weeks passed swiftly. She saw Aaron almost every night, talking, making love, and although Mulder had been a lot quieter, more repressed, he seemed to be doing okay. She suspected he hadn't really seen her as a "girl" before and this kind of threw it in his face. She had always been the partner, the friend, and she supposed he was feeling left out, but she had to go with her instinct, and Aaron was perfect for her. He was funny, kind, understanding... Did she love him? It was a strong word, full of commitment, but if she didn't love him, it was certainly something close. The more Mulder saw of Aaron Stafford, the more he hated his guts. Something about the guy was completely fake, yet not obvious enough to bring it to Scully's attention. He didn't trust him. He didn't deserve her, something. He chatted with the guy, put up a decent facade for Scully, because she was happy, something he hadn't seen in a long time. She smiled often, didn't seem tired all the time, joked with him. As worried as he was about the whole situation, he couldn't bring himself to try and spoil this for her. But something was not right. It was more than jealousy. Mulder's scrutiny had not escaped Aaron's attention. He had it in for them. He was not going to let that paranoid son of a bitch ruin this. Dana was his; Mulder had lost her and he had come into power. He loved her, she loved him. Everything was perfect. He had seen how Mulder looked at her, the lust, the jealousy so evident in his eyes. He was plotting something, wanted to break them apart forever. Bastard. The way he trailed his hand over her lower back when they walked, as if unconsciously locating the perfect tattoo he had observed the first night they had coupled. He was trying to claim her, guide her. No way. When he thought of the famous "Spooky" Mulder, his fists clenched, knuckles white with possession, antipathic shivers racing up and down his spine. He couldn't passively observe this madness anymore. He picked up the phone. "Dana.... could you come over here? We need to talk." She had quickly agreed, her voice edged a bit with concern. The wait for her to arrive bordered on unbearable. He paced back and forth across the tiny apartment, like a caged cougar, snapping to awareness at her knock. He opened the door, fighting to keep his countenance, not to frighten her by acting angry. Never. He would never hurt his angel, never scare her. He opened the door. "Is everything all right, Aaron?" she asked, trying to determine his mood. "Yes, well, not really. It's about Mulder." She reacted with surprise. "Mulder? What about him?" "Don't tell me you haven't noticed? How he's been acting?" "Aaron, I know he's been kind of silent lately, but I don't think there is anything wrong with him. He's just being......... Mulder." "I know he's your friend, Dana, but his behavior. I think there may be something wrong with him Us, you and me, I can see the hatred in him. He hates me, doesn't want me around you. I'm afraid of what this could escalate into." She gave a nervous laugh. "I know he can be a bit moody, but I don't think.." "I think you should get out of there." "What?!" She felt like crying. "Look, he is not a violent man. I don't think he fully trusts you, but he would never hurt me. I know that. Please. Just trust me on this." "Maybe there is something you haven't been seeing because of how close you are. Just at least promise me you'll think about this. I'm not doing this to hurt you. I'm just worried about you." She didn't say anything, staring at the ground, her mind obviously in turmoil. "I need to go home. I need some time." She raised her head and looked at him hopefully. Raged surged through Aaron, but somehow he managed to lock it back. "Sure, Dana. Take all the time you need. I'll see you?" She swallowed hard. "Yeah" And she was gone. For about five minutes he simply stared at the door, the image of her retreating figure replaying in her mind over and over. Then it hit him with the force of a freight train. He yelled out a cry of furious wrath and grabbed a chair near the entry, hurling it across the room where it splintered against one of the drab walls. The asshole had gotten to her. She had practically admitted she loved him!!!! "Mine mine mine mine mine," he ranted, turning the word into nothing but an endless stream of incoherent syllables. "Mine mine mine....." Things were destroyed, glasses shattering, more furniture meeting with an untimely fate as he pictured Dana, his angel, with Mulder. He fell to the ground, letting sleep overtake him, whispering promises to take the images from him mind. In his dreams, just Dana and him, laughing as Mulder died in the backdrop and they made love in his office, watching his pain as they whispered declarations of affection to each other....... ********************************************* Scully was already there when Mulder arrived for work, which surprised him. She had been coming in later than usual for the past few weeks and to see her there nearly an hour early was odd. She looked distressed by something, and he wondered if he should inquire as to what was troubling her. She barely looked up at his arrival, mumbling a half hearted greeting before returning to her paperwork. "Scully?" She ignored him. "Dana?" With that, she actually glanced up. "What is it, Mulder? I'm in the middle of something." He glanced over at the folder she had been working on. "A closed X-File from last year. Sounds important." She thrust the papers away from her. She rubbed the bridge of her nose in a gesture that usually meant either that she was giving up.... or that she was about to launch a tirade on him. He wasn't quite sure which he would prefer. He lay a hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine, Mulder." He sighed aloud. That meant discussion over. "Skinner wants me to work with Agent Simons today; just to look over a murder file that the Bureau has been having trouble with. If you want to talk, you know where I'll be. Okay?" She nodded impatiently. With a last look, he left, hoping that whatever was bothering her would clear up. Aaron was wrong. Mulder was fine, and she had just treated him like shit for being concerned. What had happened to her? She had completely shunned him since, well, since she had started dating Aaron. He hadn't complained, hadn't questioned her judgment. Aaron had been the one to set standards, trying to get her to leave Mulder. She couldn't. A long time ago she promised herself that she wouldn't let anyone interfere with her friendship with Mulder. She did love him, in so many confusing ways that it was difficult to determine what she wanted, but the last thing would be to desert him for a trivial concern. He wasn't dangerous, and she hated herself for even considering it a possibility. Aaron would understand...... Somehow she managed to avoid Mulder for the rest of the day, not really wanting to explain the situation to him, hoping he would understand that she just needed some time alone. He knew her better than anyone, they had suffered through so much crap together, been there for each other, trusted one another. Trust. That word had come to mean so many different things. It centered in her entire relationship with her partner. Trust. She had nearly forgotten that. She would give up everything, even Aaron if she had to...... everything. Her eyes welled up a bit and it was a battle to keep the tears from falling. It was time to go home. There was nothing more to do, nothing more she could do in this state. She played with the idea of going to Aaron's first, getting it out of the way, but the last thing she needed was a confrontation today. She decided, although it was a copout, she would just call him tomorrow, tell him then. Her apartment was a welcome refuge. Two hours and a pint of Haagen-Dasz later, she was actually feeling pretty good; still anxious, granted, but the severe stress that had been weighting her was gone. ********************************************** END PART 2 From Sun Apr 06 01:38:33 1997 Subject: Betrayal (3/3) by Shannon Alayna: answer to the abuse challenge From: "Shannon " -------- Title: "Betrayal" Author: Shannon Alayna E-mail: Posting: distribute freely, just please make sure my name, e-mail, and the rating are included. Disclaimer: blah, blah, CC is evil incarnate, but still managed to create a really awesome show, so the heart and soul of Mulder and Scully belong to him. I am not trying to make money off of this or anything. Creepy, huh? Aaron Stafford, however, belongs to me. Please ask me before you abuse him in any other story. There, that wasn't too painful, was it? Spoiler Warning: Severely MILD references to "Never Again". Probably stuff you already know from previous summaries anyway. Don't let it discourage you. Rating: Somewhere between R and NC-17 Content warning: Violence, swearing, and description of a near rape circumstance. Very mild MSR hidden somewhere in here. Classification: S, A, R Summary: In response to the abusive boyfriend challenge. Read the challenge, you know the plot. Author's note: As usual, I will shamelessly beg for feedback. Pretty please!!!! This is challenge #2 and since Sarah and Sophia tripled dared everyone, how could I resist? *********************************************** She hadn't called, hadn't come over, no sign of her all day. Probably with Spooky, laughing it up, screwing each other like dogs in heat. His angel, at her house with him letting his hands roam lower than usual, corrupting her, contaminating her. No more waiting, no more pacing the wooden floors of the destroyed rathole. There was a half empty bottle of Jack Daniels lying on the floor. He didn't even remember drinking it. He stopped in front of a mirror, surprisingly still in tact, and was shocked at what he saw. His eyes looked haunted, hair stringy, such a change in the period of a few days. He grabbed his cheeks and made faces at himself, trying to recapture something he had lost. What had done..... He had done this. This had happened while the self satisfied prick had stolen his angel. With a growl he brushed out the door. Scully awoke with a start to a ferocious banging on the door. It took her a minute to get oriented, her hand finding the gun on the coffee table before she was even aware where she was. She stood, hazily, and moved to the door. Just as she reached it, the wood slammed open, throwing her back painfully to the floor. Aaron was standing there, gun drawn, madness rampant in his eyes. She instinctively reached for the gun that had dropped with her fall. He got to her first, grabbing her by the collar, hoisting her half off the ground. His gun was shoved against her cheek. "Where is he Dana!!?!?!?" "Aaron, who, what are you talking about??" Her voice sounded faraway, hysterical. "Who do you think? That spooky son of a bitch Mulder!!!!!!" His eyes darted to every corner. "I know you're here asshole!!!! You can't have her, goddammit!!!!! She's mine, you hear me!!?!?!?" His attention turned back to her. "You aren't going to leave him, are you? Do you think I'm blind? Seeing the way he looks at you, and you're both going to get me, to leave me. What the hell did you have planned, Dana?!!! Tell me!!!!!!!" He shook her with every word. Tears streamed down her face. "Aaron, please!! There's nothing. I never, we never.. Please just stop!!!" His voice lowered to a dangerous level. The gun pressed harder into her face. "You should have stopped, Dana. You should have thought. You betrayed me." "I didn't..." He raised the gun and swung it across her face brutally. The pain was so intense, roaring through her skull. His voice reverberated in her ears, ringing cruelly along the agonizing pressure that threatened to knock her unconscious. She groaned in agony, falling out of his grasp back to the floor. She rested her face against the carpeting, hoping he would just go away. It didn't work. "Don't lie to me, angel, don't ever lie to me." He pronounced each word with careful emphasis. "You are mine. You understand?" He pushed the gun back into her face. "Say it." She moaned and tried to move away. He smacked her again with the steel barrel. This time a sob escaped her as black waves undulated in her vision. They subsided, leaving only his face. "Say it!!!" "I'm yours Aaron," she whimpered. "Not his?" "Not his." He pulled her limp form into his lap and rocked her. "Yes, you're my angel," he crooned. "All mine." His hands went to her shirt, tearing open the buttons, pulling her bra down as he painfully caressed her breasts. She wanted to scream, to run, but the gun was still against her, ensuring that whatever he had planned, she would be a part of. He disgusted her, this drunken violence, hidden under a mask of what she had thought was true kindness and affection. He was completely insane, the man she had seen throughout the case turned over completely to the madman who was painfully taking her, regardless of what she wanted. He pushed her skirt up, trying to find her center as she fought him half heartedly. "Yes, I know you like to play, don't you Dana. It's okay. I like games." "Please stop," she whispered. He chuckled softly. "Of course I will. Oh, you're good." He had stretched out over her, the evidence of his arousal pressing into her thigh with more force than the gun at her temple. He was unbuttoning his jeans, trying to nestle between her thighs, and in his effort to spread her legs, he loosened his hold on the gun. With an almost supernatural strength she shoved up on his hand. The pistol slid across the floor away from them. He grabbed her wrists. "You little bitch!!!" he screamed still trying to move into her. He pushed his mouth against hers, thrusting his tongue deep into her throat. With a muffled cry she bit down. Blood exploded in her mouth, even as he pulled away in horror. She was gagging, choking on the sticky liquid even as she tried to crawl away, toward the door, still hanging half closed on its hinges like the wing of a dying condor. He was too fast for her. Just as she was getting to her feet, he grabbed her, spinning her around to face him. She started to scream but he punched her, welcoming back the waves of darkness. She could not pass out. It was certain death. Her balance was slipping and she grabbed onto him as she started to fall, pressing up against him so unexpectedly that he was nearly knocked to the ground. Instinctively she brought a knee up, catching him in the groin. He screeched and dropped, his hand moving closer to the gun. She did the only thing she could do. She ran like Hell, trying to pull her shirt closed and her skirt back down as she tripped down the hall, clumsily making her way out to the parking lot. She thanked God she had dropped her keys in her pocket the last time she had gone out. They were still there. She climbed into her car, just as she saw him stumble out of the building. The engine caught and she was gone. She had to warn Mulder. That psycho would kill him if he got the chance. She couldn't go the hospital, or the police. She felt numb, the throbbing ache throughout deafening all thought out but his name. Mulder . The drive was frightening. The bright lights of cars poured in from wispy tendrils of ebony silk dancing though her mind, their horns blasting a path to her brain. She had to get to him before Aaron did. Had to, he was the only way out..... ************************************************** The fake moans of the porn queen did nothing to ease Mulder's mood. After pushing fast-forward a few times, he finally gave up and switched off the VCR encasing the living room in stony silence. He made some coffee and returned to the couch, staring at the blank TV screen as if it would spontaneously come back on. An insistent pounding at the door startled him out of his self pity. "Mulder!!" came her voice through the door with an urgency that instantly alerted him to the fact that something was dreadfully wrong. He quickly made his way through the darkness and opened the door. His mouth dropped open. She was a mess. Her face was covered with streaming blood, both eyes blackened, her hair lank and stringy across the forming bruises, the ends coated with a fine wet coat of crimson. Her shirt was torn open, almost completely off, and both her shoes were missing. Tears mingled with the blood, dripping stains onto the visible part of her bra. Without a word she collapsed against him, barely giving him enough time to catch her tiny frame. He pulled her inside, pushing the door closed with one foot. "I have to get you to a hospital" he said, lying her as gently as he could onto the sofa. Throwing on a lamp, he could see that the rest of her body was as beat up as her face. Blotchy purplish red splotches had already begun to form over a good portion of her arms and legs, indicating the soon arrival of painful bruises. She mumbled something as he opened her shirt a bit more, observing the damage that had been done to her chest. She was scratched badly as if a tiger had pinned her. "What was that?" he asked her. "You have to get out of here. He'll kill you. He'll kill..." Her voice trailed off as her chest heaved with shuddering sobs. "Who will kill me Scully? Who did this to you?" "I don't want to lose you too, I'm so sorry....." "Dana! You have to listen to me. Who did this?" "Aaron" she breathed. The hatred for the secret government, for Cancer Man, all paled to a minor dislike compared to the hostility that rose like bile in his throat. He would kill him. The man, if he could even be called that, would not live. If it took him the rest of his life, Aaron Stafford would pay for this. ".....He thought you and I..... he tried to... almost...Oh God..." "Shh, Dana. It's going to be all right. You're going to be fine. I won't let him hurt you anymore." To see her reduced to this. His partner, intelligent, strong, loving; now practically begging him for help, frightened and suffering, a shadow of her former self. "Right now, I'm going to pick you up okay? We're going to the hospital." He leaned down and looped an arm under her shoulders. At that precise moment the door flew open and there he was. It looked like Scully had at least gotten a couple good shots in, but the man was obviously to far gone to even notice the pain. Mulder let go of Scully quickly, drawing his gun, just as Aaron pointed his own at them. They faced off, circling like wild animals waiting for an opening. "I knew it," the man raved. "Don't you get it? She's mine. Only mine. You can't have her. I love her. She's my angel. He glanced quickly toward the sofa at Scully's beaten form. "You hurt her. You hurt her bad. You hurt my angel!!" Mulder shook his head slowly. "You sick fuck," he breathed. "You think you know what love is? You beat her within an inch of her life, think you can own her? Is that what love is? Come on, Aaron. Does she look like she's in love with you? She's scared to death." "Shut up, shut up, shut up!!! You did this!!! You did!!!!!" He was losing the last of his control, soon he would slip... he had to..... "You did this to her, Aaron, don't you remember. Don't you remember your fists pounding......." "NO!!!!! It was you!!!!" A gasp came from outside the door where a passing woman had heard the commotion. Aaron spun around as Mulder fired, the sound of the shot converging with the woman's screams, all mingling with the sick thud of Aaron's body hitting the wall. He slid down the plaster, leaving a bright maroon smear marked in the center by a bullethole. Mulder kept his gun drawn, moving cautiously toward the slumped figure. In a swift motion, he kicked the pistol out of Aaron's hand. The man's eyes fluttered open. "My angel...." he gurgled, a single thread of blood beading out of his mouth and that was it. He fell to the side without another word, his eyes eternally open with a look of almost innocent confusion. Mulder looked away in disgust, turning his attention to the woman who still stood frozen in the doorway, staring at him with haunted eyes. More people began to gather. "It's safe," he called to the onlookers as he walked back over to Scully. "We're the good guys." He scooped her up carefully, her arms weakly circling her neck. "It's all over" he whispered. "Just a bad dream; It's all over." *************************************************** There were no other visitors in the hospital room, but enough flowers to indicate that her mother had been there. Mulder poked his head in, and seeing her, preoffered a bouquet of crimson roses. Scully smiled weakly. "They're beautiful, Mulder. Thank you." He sat down on the side of the bed and brushed a couple loose strands of hair out of her face. "How are you doing?" Her laugh was bitter and full of irony. "I've been better, to be perfectly honest, but they gave me something for the pain." "That's good." "Mulder... He almost convinced me to leave you. I don't think I've ever told you how much you mean to me. You've saved my life, been there for me..." She paused and looked away. "You have my trust, always. I don't know what I would do without you... I'm so sorry." "Don't be sorry, Dana... and don't make me sound like such a saint. I need you. Since Samantha disappeared, I haven't been truly close to anyone... until I met you. You came in, strong physical science background, not ready to take any crap from anyone. I thought it would be easy to push you away. But you didn't go. You believed in me; you listened to me. If you think I'm going to lose you that easily....." She reached her hand up to him, pulling him down. She lightly pressed her lips to his and released him, smiling as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. He stared at her for several minutes, trying to make sense out of what had just happened. "I guess we'll talk about it later," he murmured, leaning over to place a butterfly kiss to her temple. He stood up and, giving her one last affectionate look, he left, letting her sleep. She was safe now, and regardless of where the relationship would take them, that was what was solely important. She was safe. END --------------------------------------------------------------------- This space for rent.........