TITLE: Cruento Somnium AUTHORS: Eviltwins aka Lana and Laine RATING: NC-17 for graphic violence, rape, and later, sexual situations. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) If you are underage or have a weak stomach, turn back now. You've been warned. You will not be warned again. We told you so! DISCLAIMER: yeah, yeah. We don't own them. They are property of FOX, 1013 productions, Chris Carter, blah blah blah, yaddayaddayadda. NO infringement is intended. There. Happy now? CLASSIFICATION: XFile, MSR (we'll get there), S FEEDBACK: yes, please! the_eviltwins@hotmail.com SUMMARY: Scully is plagued by a series of unexplainable dreams and mulder figures she might actually find her way into yet another xfile, thus breaking her own record. Meanwhile, women are dying, internal organs are missing, (eww, yuck) and it's up to our favorite agents to figure out why before Scully's time runs out. ARCHIVE: go right ahead, leaving names and email addy firmly in place. But, please contact us and let us know when you archive so we can come visit. COMMENTS: OK, the title, in case you're wondering, is Latin. Cruento, meaning to stain with blood or blood-stained, and somnium, meaning dream. This is our first effort at a fanfic together, and, we had so much fun we are thinking of doing it again. If not, we'll always have St. Louis. The authors wish to thank the judge, the ladies and gentlemen of the jury and the bailiff, for knowing when to dance. We would also like to thank Mulder and Scully for being such cooperative witnesses each time we took a new piece of this story to the courtroom. Did we mention our email addy is the_eviltwins@hotmail.com ? Chapter one: Christina Slaughter was nothing if not sensible. Durable shoes, no-fuss hairstyle, even a sensible car. Her friends, however, could never be described as such. It was the one area of her life that constantly amazed her, although she could never find the time in her pragmatic schedule to analyze it properly. Why, had someone as choosy and cautious as she, ended up with friends like these? It's not that Linda and Shelley were outrageous, she supposed. They simply did not adhere to the same lifestyle that she deemed worthy of the word adult. She watched them now, out on the dance floor, moving and gyrating with the decidedly decadent club beat of the music. Shelley's long blonde hair swung wildly around her shoulders as the tempo of the music increased. Linda, laughter in her large, brown eyes, ducked in a feigned attempt to escape some of the golden tresses as Shelley spun around suddenly, her hair fanning out in all directions. ''Watch it, Shel, that hair is dangerous,'' Linda's berry-painted lips mouthed. Christina had become an expert lip reader. Nights like this demanded such a skill if she planned on keeping up with which guys her friends were after, not to mention trying to follow the conversation at the bar later. God, why on earth did she continually put herself through this? The two of them would never notice her absence, yet, they put up such a fuss to get her to come each Friday. She would rather be in her sensible apartment doing, well, something sensible, she was sure. Not this. Not clubbing on a Friday night, subjected to the meat market -- thrown out like a rare steak to a pack of hungry dogs. She turned back to her drink, pushing the blonde and brunette dancing duo she called her friends out of her mind momentarily. Boredom is such an ugly thing. So counterproductive, she thought, raising the vodka tonic to her lips. She took a sip, then frowned slightly at the drink. Damn, she though. Watery. Ice melts so quickly in these things. But, they were her favorite. One of two vices she allowed in her sensible life. The other was her choice in friends. ''Maybe I could get a fresh one for you?'' She jumped, just a bit, at the smooth sound of his voice so near her ear. She turned slightly, a quip ready on her tongue. His eyes stopped her. They were so, so, well, they were soft. Gray. Soothing. The color of clouds signaling a welcomed, cooling summer shower in the middle of July. ''Well, this _is_ a bit watered down,'' she said, a small smile already forming on her full, soft lips. ''I guess I shouldn't turn down such a nice offer.'' The man smiled. It was slow and deliberate, and her resolve began to melt instantly. Somewhere in the back of her mind, alarm bells were sounding. Oh, well, she thought. Can't be sensible all the time. And, he really does have the most unusual eyes. *********** She stumbled up the front stairs of the apartment building, pausing at the top long enough to lean against one of the white pillars under the porch roof for support. The marble felt cool against her palm, and, had it not been that she was trying to regain some semblance of her graceful dignity, she would've leaned her forehead against it for a moment to embrace the chill of the surface. He came up easily behind her and placed a hand at the small of her back, and she leaned into it gratefully, moving with him toward the wrought-iron outer door. He held the decorative iron frame open while she fumbled with her key, finally maneuvering it into the lock and she smiled up at the gothic door knocker --the iron gargoyle was hideous, and it always made her think of "A Christmas Carol," her favorite of Dickens' classics. "Sorry," she mumbled, her words thick and sluggish. The door swung open at last, and she stumbled through, continuing. "I'm afraid I don't normally drink so much...everything's a bit hazy." He did not respond to her apology, merely accepted it silently and followed her inside and to the left, down a dimly lit corridor with 1920s style wallpaper and rust-burgundy carpeting. The bawdy stripes in the wall covering seemed to breathe, shimmering in and out as she passed the first five doorways. At last reaching her own door, she gripped the brass handle, startled again at how sweet the coolness felt to her. "Must be the alcohol in my system," she thought, before ceasing to think all together again. They made their way into the familiar surroundings of her apartment -- the glossy hardwood floors, blanketed here and there by woven oriental rugs of subdued colors. Mostly ivories and beiges, with a hint of sage green throughout. "Do you want something to drink?" she asked, forcing herself to remember her manners through the thick haze that had settled over her brain, as well as her vision. She laid her keys down on the spotless white formica counter top and turned to look at him, waiting for his answer. An answer that did not come. Slowly, he approached her, and she began once more to drown in the soft grey pools of his eyes. Her head fell slightly to the right as he came closer and reached out to take her by the wrist. Question forgotten, she stood numbly waiting for the kiss she was sure he would now grant her. Instead, he jerked her hand behind her back and pulled her roughly against his chest. "Oh, my," was all she could managed to breathe out. He pushed himself against her with such force that she stumbled back against the counter top, a sharp edge poking her in the back. She gasped as his free hand slid up the length of her torso, gliding efficiently over her breasts, up and across her shoulders. His fingers curled firmly around the back of her graceful neck. "You have something I need to keep safe," he said, just before pushing her violently into the foyer once more. The alcohol and sudden adrenaline clashed together in her system and her faithful balance and grace eluded her once more as she tumbled onto the floor in a heap. The fear barely had time to make itself known to her before he was on top of her, ripping at her clothing with mechanical force. "Ohgodohgodohgod nonononononono," she sobbed and struggled lamely beneath him, all the while mentally screaming at herself, at her own stupidity. There was a reason she did not bring strange men home, and that reason was becoming painfully clear. That reason was now pinning her to her beautiful oriental rug and tearing her panties from beneath her skirt. "Why?" she choked. "I thought..I thought...Ohgod," she gasped for breath as he rammed himself inside her. An animalistic noise somewhere between a scream and a groan of terror climbed out of her throat as he began beating her body with his own. There is a moment of clarity that comes with the acceptance of absolute powerlessness, and she had found that paralytic state. She could no longer move, nor try to fight, as her heart beat roared in her own ears. The sound was deafening, like thunder, and each thrust of his lower body shoved her deeper inside of her self. Each new tear of the delicate walls of her vagina, each new bruise and trickle of blood, rendered her less able to even cry out. Her eyes began to glaze over as he took her, and she became near catatonic while the searing hot pain of her deepest and most intimate of wounds worsened. And then, mercifully, it was over. He extracted himself from her and slid his vice grip hands up her arms to her shoulders. She lay shuddering, broken and whimpering against the scratch of the rug, and was only vaguely aware of his fingers tightening more firmly still around her shoulders. He lifted her limp body up toward his own and stroked her auburn hair for a moment. "This is what I was meant for, and so it is," he whispered into her ear. She had no time to think or react before he slammed her body down onto the floor. Her head bounced off the carpeting and a new pain enveloped her, but still, the blessed darkness would not come. He lifted her effortlessly and navigated the darkened apartment as though he knew every corridor until she was tossed indifferently onto her bed. He worked quickly, efficiently, stripping the sheets from beneath her. He ripped through them as though they were mere sheets of paper. As he worked, something inside her still sparked for survival. Momentarily distracted with ripping her 120-thread count percale sheets to shreds, he did not take notice as she rolled onto her side and inched toward the edge of the bed, still whimpering from the searing pain spreading from her core through her abdomen. Her leaden limbs did not take her far before he had finished the task at hand and had once again focused his steely eyes on her. "We are not finished here," he said calmly, as if to reprimand a child who had tried to slip away during a lesson. He grabbed her ankles and jerked her toward him while she clawed at the bed in vain, looking for any crevice or edge with which to anchor herself. He looked dismayed as her cries gradually began to increase in volume again. Annoyed, he thrust a small section of the sheet into her mouth and secured it forcefully behind her throbbing head. Within minutes, her wrists and ankles were bound and she lay sprawled and vulnerable on her bed, the one place she used to seek solace and comfort now becoming the very definition of hell's cradle. The knife was visible to her for the first time now in the dark room, and she squirmed desperately, futilely, while he brought it against her skin. A scream that could not seem human in origin tore at her throat at the first plunge of the tiny blade into her lower belly, gouging through her creamy smooth skin and stirring up a bubbling flow of crimson blood. He sliced hastily from one side to the other, never extracting the blade as the intense pain scoured her body. Finally extracting the knife, he tossed it onto the bed as and raised his hand. His spindly fingers hovered a moment above the gaping wound, and he flexed his fingers slightly before thrusting inside the hole. ************* Dana Scully bolted upright in her bed, screaming and clutching her stomach as the dream slowly loosened its grip on her subconscious. She swiped slowly with a shaky hand at an errant strand of hair stuck to her damp forehead and looked around the room, her blue eyes wide as they searched the dark for another. She let out a long, deep breath and began to talk herself down from the dream. Realizing at once that trying to sleep again would offer no comfort, she slipped out of the sheets now clinging to her sticky body and fumbled around on her nightstand for her bureau-issued Sig. Caught somewhere between her fear of her nightmare and the reality of her darkened apartment, she flipped on the light and moved into the hallway, searching for something her mind told her wasn't there. She squinted her eyes gingerly in the harsh glow of her now-bright apartment and sank down into her couch, satisfied she was alone. Still trembling, she placed the gun on the couch and drew her knees into her chest. Scully gasped and covered her mouth with her clammy hand as tears welled up in her blue eyes. Lingering fragments of the horrible dream vividly assaulted her senses, causing a lump to form in her throat as she fought to breathe . "I've got to get out of here," she muttered, annoyed at her own reaction to the nightmare. Leaving the couch, she quickly made it into her room, threw on a T-shirt and jogging shorts and carried her shoes into the living room, pausing just long enough to put them on and grab her keys. The cool night air was a relief to her senses, and Scully was unconcerned to be jogging in an unfamiliar direction. The physical exertion was a welcomed release from her emotional state, but eventually she began to tire. Slowing to a walk, she realized she was now several miles from home and should turn back. With a quick glance over her should to watch for traffic, she crossed the dimly lit street. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she noted the classy, yet quaint style of the homes in this area. The lampposts were wrought iron, and well kept park benches lined the street. It certainly was a cozy little area, and she made a mental note to jog this way more often. ''Now, that's odd,'' she thought, as a strange familiarity in one of the apartment buildings caught her eye. Nothing about the building stood out from the others... yet somehow she felt drawn to it. She paused on the sidewalk to consider the building a bit more, wondering if maybe she had visited someone here before. Feeling the investigator in her take control, she decided to go inside and get a better feel for the place. She swung back the heavy, wrought iron gate and entered the interior of the building, noting it's antique style. "It certainly is beautiful," she thought, wondering again why it felt so familiar. Suddenly, that thought was overshadowed by an uneasy feeling, as if something was terribly wrong. Scully glanced down the hallway, trying to ignore the ringing in her ears as her head began to pound. Moving as if she had no command over her body but not resisting it nonetheless, she stopped in front of a door. Against her better judgment, she tested the small brass handle and found no resistance. Scully swung the door open wide and cautiously stepped inside, reaching to the small of her back for a gun she wasn't carrying. "Damnit," she muttered, realizing in her haste she had left her Sig sitting on her coffee table. Again, against her better judgment, she ignored that fact and took in her surroundings. The apartment was immaculate -- tasteful furniture decorated the room in neutral colors and nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary -- until she spotted it. In the front of the hallway, spots of blood marred the beautiful Oriental rug. Unable to ignore the painful pounding in her head, she pressed her tiny fingers against her temples and winced. "Hello?" she called out. "FBI --- is everything all right? Is anyone here?" Her only answer was a fresh wave of pain from her head and neck. Again moving, as if aided by some outside force, she passed over the stained rug and stopped in the doorway of the bedroom. At that moment she experienced a certain unexplainable clarity that would forever change her life. Lying on the bed was the bound, gagged and butchered girl from her dream. Scully fought desperately to find her clinical detachment she used so often in these situations, but it was without avail. Horrible retching sounds were coming from her throat as she doubled over and tried to gather her composure. Resting her hand on the cool oak of the chair next to her, she bit her lip and fought back tears. Her heart began to pound in synch with her throbbing head. Her eyes shut tightly against the horror in front of her. Taking in a deep breath and glancing again at the stilled figure on the bed, her wide blue eyes glazed over and she finally was able to detach herself, to think reasonably. Leaving the hideous scene before them, her eyes darted around the room until she located the phone on the nightstand just inches from the butchered girl's head. She carefully moved across the room and picked up the handset. The tones from the phone as she dialed 9-1-1 seemed to slice through the still air. "9-1-1, what is your emergency?" on the other line pulled Scully back to the task at hand. "This is Special Agent Dana Scully with the FBI, I'm reporting a homicide. I need the police and the coroner's office contacted." The professional sound of her voice surprised her. It helped her to further detach herself from the situation. "I'm contacting them now. What is the address?" Scully quickly looked around the apartment, realizing she had no idea where she really was. "I'm sorry, I don't know the address off hand." There was a slight pause before the operator once again responded, "That's fine, I was just looking for a confirmation of the address pulled up on the computer. Someone will be there shortly." Scully replaced the handset in its cradle. Taking in her surroundings once more, she left the bedroom and went to the living room to wait for the police. ***************** Cruento Somnium, 2/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer **************** In no time at all. the place was swarming with the boys in blue. Still nursing a pounding headache, Scully shied away from the flashing lights of the police photographer. Walking around cops dusting for fingerprints, she was approached by a stiff, slightly-overweight man, presumably the detective on the case. "Are you the agent that called this in?" If his gruff, unforgiving voice did nothing to unnerve her, his eyes moving over her petite body should have. Trying to avert his attention back to her face, she spoke. "Yes, I am Agent Scully, FBI. And you are?" "Detective Lawson, homicide, DCPD." He brought up his badge and flashed it briefly, quickly returning it to his pocket. He nodded to her, as if waiting for her credentials. When she made no movement to produce them, he went ahead and asked her. "I'm going to need to see some ID, Agent Scully." "Unfortunately, I was jogging and failed to bring it with me. You are welcome to call my superior, Assistant Director Skinner, if need be." She crossed her arms across her chest in an attempt to seem annoyed with the questions and in total control of the situation, as if nothing unusual was happening. In truth, she was an exhausted, emotional wreck. The last thing she needed was to play testosterone wars with a big-ego detective. Detective Lawson grunted and slowly nodded his head, never taking his steel gray eyes from the small woman in front of him. "You were jogging at this hour? It's after 2 a.m.." she thought, instantly knowing the direction his questions were about to take and becoming slightly defensive in spite of herself. Aloud she answered, "Yes, I was jogging." She decided he was looking for more information, but felt the conversation should move away from her and back to the details of the crime scene. "I see. And how is it that you ended up here?" Lawson reached into his shirt pocket, bringing out a note pad that had probably seen better days. He jotted down a few notes and focused his attention again on Scully. If the burly detective intimidated the agent before him, he would not be able to tell from her face. She showed no surprise or emotion on her face as he made his display. But she also realized that she was tired and wanted to give him the information he would need so she could go home and get away from this horrible experience. "As I mentioned, I was jogging. I passed this building and decided to take a look inside. When I did, I found what you now see before you. It is exactly how I found it." Still taking notes, the detective considered what the agent was telling him. he wondered. It sounded strange. "What brought you into the building, Agent Scully?" Scully stared at him for a moment, knowing he needed something more to go on, but also knowing she would not be able to explain the fact that she had just "had a weird feeling". That would be more up her partner's alley. "I had no reason. I just ended up here." "And how did you get into the apartment? Was the door left open?" Knowing that there was absolutely no way she could explain walking up to a random door and opening it, she simply nodded, focusing her iciest gaze on the man. She in no way wanted to hinder the investigation, but felt that with the direction these questions were going, it was just better this way. She was too emotionally spent to play head games with the pompous detective who had obviously seen one too many episodes of NYPD Blue. Lawson finished writing and once again looked up at the Scully. "Agent Scully, I need you to wait for just one more moment. Stay here." Scully watched as Lawson walked over to his partner, talking to the man in hushed tones just out of ear shot. Scully looked down at her trembling hands and realized she just wanted to be anywhere but here. For a second she considered calling Mulder, but quickly dismissed the thought. There was no reason to bring him here. Hearing Lawson approach her once again, she looked up. "Agent Scully, I'm going to have to ask you to come to the station with me. I'll need to verify your status as an FBI agent and ask you a few more questions. Come with me please." Scully watched as the man turned and moved to the doorway, obviously expecting her to follow. With an exasperated sigh of defeat, she decided to follow, knowing that he was well within his rights to detain her. But that didn't keep her from being extremely annoyed. ***************** Cruento Somnium, 3/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer **************** Scully sat silently in the small conference room adorned only with a table and scattered chairs. She was sarcastically thankful that they at least had the decency not to put her in the interrogation room. The door swung open, jarring her out of her thoughts. "Agent Scully, I spoke with Assistant Director Skinner. Now that we have that out of the way, are you ready to talk?" Scully eyed Detective Lawson and considered his question. "I believe I answered your questions at the crime scene, Detective Lawson,'' she answered, her voice cold and flat. ''Can you tell me what further information you expect me to provide?" She realized this was getting nowhere fast, but refused to play the dutiful suspect. Arching her eyebrows to emphasize her question, she watched him pull up a chair beside her. "Dana... may I call you Dana?" he asked. "Agent Scully is fine," she replied quickly. Lawson cleared his throat and rephrased his question. "All right, *Agent* Scully,'' he began again, throwing as much sarcasm as possible into the syllables of her title. ''We want to know why you were in Miss Slaughter's apartment. I need a better explanation. Can you give me that?" "I told you what happened. I went into the apartment building and found the girl as you saw her." Detective paused and watched the woman in front of him. He was so tired of playing games, and he knew she was, too, but that was beside the point. He had better things to do. "Were you involved in the murder of Christina Slaughter?" Scully's eyes grew wide and she simply stared at the detective. How could he possibly be asking her this?! A sharp knock at the door squelched her outrage in her throat. Detective Lawson clearly looked put out at this sudden intrusion but reached over to the handle, turning it sharply to open the door. "Mulder," Scully breathed. Mulder looked down at the detective and reached in the breast pocket of his slightly rumpled suit jacket for his ID and flashed it at the detective. His voice was forceful as he addressed the man in front of him. "Detective Lawson? I'm Agent Mulder. I need to speak to my partner. Alone." Mulder, his dark hair falling just a bit across his brow, his face unshaven, narrowed his hazel eyes on the detective. Scully mused, a dozen or so memories flashing quickly in her mind. Lawson paused for a moment more, tensing his jaw and looking back at Scully. He said nothing as walked out of the conference room, shutting the door hastily behind him. "Nice guy," Mulder quipped, grabbing a chair across the table from Scully, drinking in her appearance, cataloging it, analyzing it quickly and then filing it away for future reference. Her eyes were red and tired, her hair shoved carelessly behind her ears, yet she sat rigid and expressionless in her chair. They sat like this for several moments, observing each other, until finally Mulder spoke again. "What's going on here Scully? I was told you called in a homicide you found in some girl's apartment, in the middle of the night, while you were jogging?" Scully sighed and relaxed in her chair, allowing her shoulders to slump slightly and her head to lean back. She closed her eyes and sighed once again. She just wanted to get out of there. Away from Detective Lawson, away from Christina Slaughter, away from Mulder. Why was he here, anyway? "Skinner called me," he said, as though reading her mind. She still refused to open her eyes, for fear of what he might see there. "Scully, damn it, talk to me." Mulder pushed away from the table and stood with his back to her, looking out of the window at the detectives beyond the glass. Turning back to her, he leaned across the table and looked into her face, demanding her attention. "Scully, you are being interrogated in a crime. A crime you and I *know* you have nothing to do with. So what aren't you telling them?" Mulder's voice changed to a strained whisper before he asked, "What aren't you telling *me*?" Scully winced at his tone but did not look away. She knew he expected answers, answers she wasn't sure she understood herself. Speaking to him for the first time, she answered in the same hushed tone, "Mulder, I did explain why I was there." Her voice choked on her last word and she futilely fought back the tears now welling up in her tired blue eyes. "I was jogging. I walked into this apartment building and found the girl lying on her bed. I immediately phoned the police, and here I am. I cannot explain why I went into the building, other than the fact that it looked familiar." She looked expectantly into Mulder's face, looking for some kind of comprehension, some kind of understanding. She knew he believed her, but would he know when to just let it go? "Scully, that still doesn't explain how you ended up in someone's apartment. Finding her in her bedroom, no less. How do you explain that?'' Of course not. Of course he wouldn't just let it go, she thought wryly. This was Mulder she was dealing with. Scully bit her lip but otherwise offered no explanation. She simply stared into Mulder's eyes, letting a tear run down her face. When Mulder realized she would offer no explanation, he sighed and brushed her tear aside with his thumb. "You're tired," he stated simply, relenting for the moment. "We're going to get you out of here Scully, just hang on." With that, Mulder straightened and left the room, once again leaving Scully to the silence. A few moments later Mulder stepped back into the conference room. "Scully, let's get out of here. Detective Lawson is done with you." Scully looked up gratefully at Mulder, pleased to finally be going home. She slowly rose to her feet and pushed the hard chair back under the table. Grabbing her keys from the table, she followed Mulder through the station filled with scrutinizing eyes and down to Mulder's car. She waited a moment while Mulder fumbled with unlocking her door, then breathed a small sigh of relief when he shut the door behind her. The quiet confines of the automobile were a welcome change from the station, and she closed her tired eyes as a heavy weight was lifted from her shoulders. She heard Mulder enter and bring the car to life, shoving it into gear and pulling away from the curb. They drove in silence for a while, but she soon felt the burning sensation of his eyes on her. Scully sighed and opened her eyes, directing her attention to the passing buildings through her window. She didn't have the energy to face him right now. Seeing Scully shifting and opening her eyes seemed to present Mulder the opportunity to talk to her once again. "Scully," he said, pausing to get her attention, "how did you know where to find her?" Scully continued looking out of her window, hoping she could just pretend she hadn't heard him. Of course she knew it was a long shot, but it was worth a try. "Scully?" Mulder asked again, this time a little louder . Scully finally directed her attention back to her partner and spoke softly, "Mulder, just let it go. We can discuss this later." She studiously avoided glancing in his direction until she felt the car come to a stop in front of her apartment building. She exited quickly with a nod to her partner, still avoiding his eyes. As she walked up the sidewalk to her door, she again felt the heat of his gaze on her back. She didn't look back when she unlocked her door and stepped inside. As Mulder watched her retreating form, his brows furrowed slightly. Her posture is all wrong, he thought. She was practically slouching, and there was none of the usual catlike grace in the stride of her small, shapely form. Mulder mentally shook his head. he wondered. He pursed his lips a bit as he put the car into reverse, carefully navigating back onto the street and toward Arlington. ***************** Cruento Somnium, 4/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer **************** In almost six years, Mulder didn't remember ever being so completely flabbergasted by his partner. he wondered, as he shifted in his seat for the third time and glanced over to study her profile momentarily before bringing his attention back to the A.D. For once, Scully was the one pinned beneath the sharp, commanding gaze of Assistant Director Walter Skinner. ''Agent Scully, do you mind explaining why you were jogging at 2 a.m.?'' Scully set her jaw and looked down briefly at her hands, folding them in her lap before answering. Mulder could see her weighing each word carefully, measuring the effect her response would have. Her voice was measured and even when she spoke. ''I was awakened early this morning and was unable to go back to sleep. I decided to get some exercise in before getting ready for work.'' A slight frown crossed the AD's face. ''What woke you?'' Although she was the picture of calm, Scully felt her heart rate increase at the simple question. She took a breath and clasped her hands more tightly in her lap to keep them from visibly shaking. ''I'm not sure. A noise, maybe,'' she said. Her mouth began to feel incredibly dry as she stared down the AD. She could still feel the remnants of the pounding headache that had plagued her through the night. ''And why, exactly did you enter the apartment building?'' Mulder fought the urge to smirk at the question. he thought, shifting yet again in his chair. Scully straightened her tiny frame and raked her teeth softly over her full bottom lip. ''As I said in my statement to the Detective Lawson, sir, I noticed some strange activity nearby. By chance, I decided to start looking at the victim's apartment. I could just as easily have started at the other end of the building.'' She forced her voice to remain calm, steady, when she wanted nothing more to run screaming from Skinner's office. As if her knees would support her at this point, she thought. ''Yes, Agent Scully, I've read your statement, as well as your preliminary report. And, frankly, I'm unimpressed. There seem to be a lot of questions left unanswered here.'' Skinner paused, glancing over at Mulder before continuing. ''What we do know is a woman was brutally murdered, and for whatever reason, chance or otherwise, you found her just about an hour after the fact, Agent Scully. After which, you were detained for questioning. ''I don't have to tell you that this potentially looks bad for the bureau.'' Scully's eyes widened at the unspoken implication. ''Sir, you couldn't possibly...'' ''Of course not, Skinner interrupted, glancing again at the uncharacteristically silent Mulder. ''I don't think you had anything at all to do with this. But, what I think is not important right now. I need,'' he paused again. ''The Bureau needs some answers. There is obviously a killer out there, one we need to catch in order to find those answers. Quickly. And, I expect the two of you to find those answers. Immediately if not sooner. Do I make myself clear?'' His words left no room for response. The two agents stood and turned toward the door. ''Agents,'' Skinner said, his voice forcing them to turn again to face him. ''You will work with the DC police on this --- in a consultant capacity only, Mulder.'' The warning was clear, and Mulder gave his best good-boy grin to the AD. ''Absolutely sir. We'll go to the DCPD station right now and, consult, with Detective Lawson,'' Mulder replied, barely taking the biting edge out of the sarcasm in his voice. ''Don't bother going to the station. You can meet him at the crime scene...Agent Scully can show you the way, I believe. That is all.'' Scully turned toward the door again, grateful that her partner had already opened it. At the AD's words, she was no longer certain she could keep her hands still enough to turn the handle. **************** Cruento Somnium 5/17 NC-17 By the eviltwins, laine and Lana the_eviltwins@hotmail.com See part one for disclaimer **************** Parking the car directly behind that of Detective Lawson's, Mulder quickly exited the car and approached Lawson. "What have we got so far?" Lawson briefly acknowledged Mulder as he waited for Scully to join them. He had no patience to be repeating himself. When she was within earshot, he began walking towards the entrance of the building and addressing Mulder's question. "There was no sign of forced entry, and no latent prints were found other -- than Miss Slaughter's and Agent Scully's." Detective Lawson threw a glance over his shoulder at Scully as he led them through the entrance gate, which Scully ignored and continued walking. At the door of apartment, Lawson pulled up the crime scene tape and allowed the other two agents to pass through. "Unfortunately, we have found no one who saw them enter the building, but the autopsy of the victim should be finished shortly and my partner will be meeting us here with the results." Mulder nodded and moved into the apartment for the first time, glancing around before he headed straight into the bedroom. He was apparently deep in thought, looking over the room with great interest. Detective Lawson excused himself to answer his cell phone while Scully stepped into the kitchen. Reaching into her pocket for her latex gloves, she carefully picked up the silver key chain that sat on the counter. Scully shut her eyes and trembled with the sudden recollection. If she could see the events of last night so clearly, why could she not remember something as simple as his face? It was absurd, the strange coincidence of her nightmare to this investigation. Scully tossed the keys back onto the counter and made a mental note to ask if the victim's car had been searched. As she left the spotless kitchen and made her way back to the bedroom, she heard the sound of crunching glass and metal accompanied by Mulder mumbling. "Mulder, are you ok?" she said, pushing back the door to allow her a better view of where he was standing. Seeing him looking at the floor, she too, dropped her gaze. "I stepped on the alarm clock. Must have gotten knocked off of the nightstand." Mulder grinned sheepishly at Scully. Scully made a face and stepped over the mess he had just made. "Just clean it up Mulder." She may have used the situation at another time to poke fun at him, but being in the room again made her uneasy, and her head and neck had started to throb with renewed vigor. Mulder mumbled something else about going to find a broom as she heard him leave the room. She looked around the room, illuminated only by the sunlight peeking through the blinds. It took on a different quality in the light of day, one that was warm and inviting, nothing at all like the feeling it had given her the night before. She sucked in a short breath and forced herself to look at the bed. It had been stripped, leaving just the stained mattress behind. Scully gasped and doubled over , choking back the tears that were now threatening to surface. Every minute longer that she stood here felt like another minute reliving the hell that had been inflicted on Christina Slaughter. Every emotion that claimed Christina, the fear, the horror, the pain now seized Scully's body. Scully choked back the saliva now filling her mouth as she fought the overcoming nausea. Standing quickly and turning her body away from the bed, she covered her face with her cool fingers. Drawing in slow, deep breaths, she calmed her breathing and closed her eyes. Why was this happening to her? The sound of Mulder coming back into the room caused her to drop her arms to her side. Quickly composing herself, she turned to face him. "Hey Scully, I found the...." Toting a broom, Mulder stopped in mid-sentence looking at Scully. "Hey, are you ok? You look tired." Scully glanced down at the remains of the clock on the floor and answered. "I'm fine Mulder." Mulder accepted this quickly and got back to his task. "Oh, Detective Lawson's partner is here with the autopsy results. Go give them a quick once over and I'll be in there in a second to review them with you." Without hesitation, Scully stepped around Mulder and retreated back to the living room. Mulder, frowning slightly, watched her go before he dutifully began to clean up the remnants of the clock. "Agent Scully, this is my partner, Detective Brooks." Lawson made the quick introduction and handed Scully the manila folder. "Agent Mulder said you'd be wanting to look over these results." Scully took the folder and flipped through the first few pages. Before becoming too consumed, she addressed Lawson, "I have one other question first, did your team check Miss Slaughter's car? I noticed her keys on the counter." Detective Lawson answered immediately, "We dusted it for fingerprints and took fiber samples from the carpet, but so far nothing." Scully nodded and turned her attention back to the file in her hand, scanning the document for abnormalities connected with the death. The tox-screen was negative, although high levels of alcohol were found in the victim's body. Everything looked standard for a knife wound but one thing, the missing reproductive organs. Scully looked up at the detectives in shock that this wasn't brought to their attention earlier. "Detectives, this woman's ovaries were missing." Mulder joined the other three as Scully stated this fact. Addressing Scully he asked, "Was that the only thing that stood out?" Crossing his arms across his chest and looking over Scully's shoulder at the contents of the folder, he quickly scanned the page. Detective Brooks spoke up and began to inform them of his findings. "When the ME first noticed this he contacted our office. Apparently, this is the second victim in which the ovaries were extracted. The other body was found south of here in Alexandria. I had the department there fax me copies of the case." Brooks extended a second folder to Mulder, who quickly accepted it and began to pour through it. After a moment of studying the second file, Mulder added, "Looks like we have the same guy here. No signs of forced entry, no drugs or fingerprints, he rapes the victim then ties them up and slices the abdomen in order to remove the sex organs." Scully cringed slightly at the facts Mulder had revealed, feeling sick once again. She closed the folder she had been holding and tapped the corner of it to her chin. They waited in silence as Mulder continued reading the case he was holding, unaware that they were waiting on him. He slowly began pacing the room while reading, and Scully grew impatient. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, willing her headache to go away. Mulder snapped the folder shut and faced the trio. "Ok guys, I need you to get me copies of the notes you have for the Slaughter case. I'm going to take this and the autopsy records and start working on a profile. Make sure that you inform me when any new developments arise." "Will do." Detective Brooks responded. Detective Lawson simply grunted. Scully moved to the door and waited in the hallway. She had wanted to leave before they had even gotten there. Mulder gathered the file folders and joined Scully outside of the door. Together, they walked in silence to the car. Once back on the road, Mulder began to discuss the case. "This looks odd, Scully. We've got a real wacko here. It's going to take the better part of the evening for me to form a profile with what we have. In the meantime, we should probably try to find out who Slaughter associated with. Maybe someone got a look at this guy. Just take the car and I'll grab a cab back to the office." "Actually, Mulder, I was thinking that I could call it a day. I need to sleep. I want to come back to this when I'm better focused and rested, " she offered, hoping he would agree. Mulder looked at his partner and realized she was right. He needed her with a clear mind. "Good idea. Want me to just take you home?" "That would be great, Mulder. Thanks." She managed a weak smile for his benefit. She mentally distanced herself from the case and from the man next to her. As much as she respected and trusted him, she couldn't tell him about the dream that haunted her, even while she was awake. Besides, it could do nothing to help the investigation. She couldn't even be completely certain that her nightmare and Christina Slaughter's murder were even connected. Regardless, she was feeling weak and vulnerable, and she had worked damn hard to be Mulder's equal. She solidly refused to let something like this reduce her to an emotional wreck, least of all in front of him. She could never let him see her like that. A short while later Mulder pulled up in front of Scully's apartment and brought the car to a stop. Scully got out and closed the door, peering back in through the window in an attempt to thank him. "No problem," Mulder answered, before she formed the words. "Just get some rest. I'll see you in the morning." ****Cruento Somnium , 6/17 NC-17 By the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ********* Jamie Simons stood outside the A&P, glaring up at the dark sky and cursing her luck. "Rain. Great. Just what I need tonight," she grumbled, shifting the heavy grocery bags so she could steal a look at her watch. "3:47 in the morning. Perfect." She resituated the bags against her tiny hips and sighed. It had been a long frustrating night in the ER. The little boy's face as he took his last breath, clutching her hand as a tear rolled down his blood-stained cheek had been too much. She rolled her head slowly from side to side to relieve some of the tension and then looked out over the parking lot toward her car in the all but deserted parking lot. There was no way she could run for it, not without leaving a trail of groceries behind her. "God, could this day possibly get any worse?" she asked herself. Another flash of lightening and thunder boom was her answer, followed by total darkness. "Great. Blackout. I had to ask." "Perhaps I could be of some assistance?" a gentle voice behind her asked. Startled, she turned as quickly as the groceries would allow, and came face to face with an unusually bright beam of light emanating from a small, black flashlight. The man saw her wince and squint her clear green eyes against the glare. He promptly obliged her and repositioned the beam, extending an umbrella toward her with his other hand. He smiled. "Here, you carry this, and allow me to carry your parcels for you." Jamie was lost in his soothing voice. She hesitated only a moment while looking into his eyes. They were soft and grey, like a little grey kitten's fur. Besides, she really didn't have a choice. "Thank you," she said shyly, making the exchange. They walked along silently, and Jamie could feel the blush rising in her cheeks. "God, I feel half drunk," she thought. "Has it really been so long since I've been around a man who wasn't wearing med scrubs?" Once at the car, she fumbled with her keys, willing the correct one to go into the lock, which seemed ever so much smaller than she remembered. When she finally succeeded, balancing the umbrella between her chin and shoulder and managing to drop the flashlight in the process. Pieces of the small light skitted across the pavement. "Oh, god, I'm so sorry," she said, looking up into his eyes again. The man merely smiled. "Think nothing of it," he replied calmly. Jamie quickly grabbed the groceries from him and turned toward the car. She bent to shove them into the back seat, calling to him as she positioned the bags in the floor. "No, I insist on paying you for a replacement. Just let me get these..." She didn't get to finish her offer. Instead, his hands hit her back with such force that she fell into the car and hit her head on the opposite door. "NO!" she screamed, realizing that she was about to become one of *those* women. One of the women she so often pitied as she watched them sitting in the ER, answering a nameless, faceless officer in a monotone voice, a faraway look in their eyes as they tried to forget their assailant. She struggled futilely against his strength. He repositioned himself long enough to flip her over as though she were a rag doll. He held her thrashing body firmly with one arm while his free hand worked a thin, shining knife from his pocket. He positioned the blade on her neck, right at the artery, and instructed her to stop screaming. "Lie still. We haven't much time," his voice remained soft, but she no longer found it soothing. His grey eyes had turned to steel. He placed a hand on her shoulder and patted, as though she were a child. "That's much better," he crooned, as his hand traveled down her body. He shoved it between them and grabbed the waistline of her pants and then her underwear. He worked them down as far as he could reach and finished the job with his foot. He then set to work on his own pants, efficiently freeing himself and ramming into her. She choked back her sobs and tried in vain to look down at the knife pinching the skin on her neck. Her vagina began to tear and bleed as he slammed his hips into hers, and she cried out in pain and humiliation when he finally fell against her. She could feel the hot puffs of his breath for a moment before he raised himself again, sliding the knife slowly down her body, which was shaking almost violently. Paralyzed in terror, she could only watch as he slid her shirt above her breasts and raised the knife over her stomach. A primal scream tore from her throat when he finally plunged the knife deep into her lower belly and began slicing from side to side. Blood gurgled up through her throat, choking off her screams. She concentrated a little more on her breathing, trying desperately to stay alive. Satisfied with his carvings, the man placed the knife back in his pocket and flexed the fingers on his right hand before plunging it deep inside the wound. She could feel his fingers writhing inside her belly, searching, searching. . . Scully screamed and jumped from the bed. In her haste, her feet became tangled in the soft blue sheets and she fell to the floor, clutching her stomach in pain. She tried to control her breathing, but felt the bile rising in her throat. Groaning, she scrambled off the floor and ran for the bathroom, barely reaching the toilet before she began retching violently. Grabbing a washcloth and rinsing it with cool water, Scully sank back to the floor. The cool linoleum floor felt good under her clammy skin. Folding the washcloth in half, she leaned her head back against the wall and covered her face with the towel. She sat like this for several minutes, appreciating the cool wetness on her face. Rain. It was raining in her dream. Was it raining outside? Scully willed her legs to bring her to a standing position clutching the counter for support. Feeling as though her legs were actually lead, she made her way into her living room and then towards the window. Pausing with her hand clutching the soft fabric of the curtain, she breathed deeply. Finally allowing herself to draw back the curtain, she peered out the window. Water splashed on the windowsill and splattered back onto the window in response to the downpour raging just outside. Scully's hands went limp causing her to release the curtain that once again fell into place and hid her from the outside world. Silently, she turned and made it to the recliner nearby and slumped down on the chair. Drawing her knees to her chest, her body trembled as she bit her lip and no longer tried to hold back her sobs. She rested her head on her knee and gently rocked back and forth until her sobbing subsided. She had never felt so utterly helpless. Without a second thought, she reached over to the table, grabbed her phone, and dialed the familiar number belonging to her partner. After several rings, Mulder's sleep-ridden voice answered, "Mulder." Not hearing anything on the other end, he spoke once more, "hello?" "Mulder, it's me." Scully's voice sounded tired and forced, sparking fear through Mulder's body. He quickly sat up on his couch and pushed aside the thin blanket, anxious to devote his attention to his late night caller. "Scully, what's wrong? Are you all right?" The fear was evident in Mulder's now alert voice. "Mulder, yes, I'm fine. I just... couldn't sleep." Scully uttered these words with hesitation, as if choosing very carefully what her next words would be. Mulder breathed an inaudible sigh of relief. Looking down and pushing papers off his coffee table, he answered, "Well, I'm a little surprised Scully, seeing as how tired you were this afternoon. Are you feeling all right?" Needing both of his hands, Mulder rested the phone between his shoulder and his ear, moving over to his desk and switching on the lamp. After pushing a few more papers onto the floor, he found his watch. 4:45 AM. It was going to be a long day. "Mulder, I'm fine. I just needed someone to talk to. I figured that as many times as you've done this to me, I could return the favor." Mulder detected the chuckle in Scully's voice was more forced than natural. Forcing one of his own, he bent over and picked up his shirt from the floor, shaking it and then pulling it down over his head and the phone. "That's fine Scully. What do you want to talk about?" Mulder sat back down onto his couch, fishing through the papers on the floor and finding his socks. Pulling them on, he heard her respond, "I don't know. Anything. Tell me about what you did in high school." Hearing this, he knew something had to be wrong. She had never asked about much of his personal life, and for that matter, he hadn't asked about hers. He tugged on his sneakers and combed his hand through his hair, then picked up his keys and headed out the door. He silently thanked whoever would be listening for cell phones. "Well, what do you want to know? I wasn't that interesting." Scully smiled and leaned back into her chair. Just hearing his voice had already done so much to calm her nerves. "Well, what did you do besides school? Did you play a sport?" Mulder guided his car onto the deserted streets that would soon be much livelier. He mentally calculated how long it would take him to get to Georgetown, and continued talking. "I played baseball. It kept me out of the house so my parents gladly went along with it." He laughed lightly at his recollection. Mostly, they were like most anyone's memories, minus the family abductions by aliens and lack of affection. Continuing the light conversation about their respective high school experiences, Mulder arrived at Scully's apartment twenty minutes later and killed the engine. Tapping on her front door, he heard Scully gasp on the other end of the line. "Don't worry, Scully, just open the door. It's me." Scully stood from her chair and walked over to the door. Opening it wide enough to reveal her face, she looked at Mulder with an expression of bewilderment. "Mulder, what are you doing here?" Mulder shut off his cell phone and pushed the door open a little wider. "You needed me. I'm here. Are you going to let me come in?" Scully sighed and moved to allow him entrance into her apartment. "Mulder, go home. You didn't have to come here." For someone who had sounded to warm on the phone, she had just come across as being pretty annoyed. "No way Scully. I'm awake now. So what's really up? Besides us, of course." Mulder grinned at his quirky little comment, trying to lighten the mood again. She looked exhausted, and pale. Dark circles had formed underneath her irritated eyes, and she looked as if she had been crying. His heart hurt seeing her this way, but he knew she would never let him comfort her the way that he would want. She worked too hard to put up a strong front to ever let him in. Scully sighed and sat back down in her warm chair. The man could really be irritating sometimes. She didn't want him to see her like this, because she knew he would want an explanation. Now what would she tell him? "Mulder, I told you on the phone, I was just having trouble sleeping. Why do you always read more into things?" Mulder ignored her last question and simply watched her. He knew that would not cut it anymore. He could tell by looking at her that there was more to it. "Scully, why have you been crying?" Scully's chest suddenly felt very tight, as if someone were sitting on her and trying to keep her from breathing. Maybe she should just tell him about the dreams. Maybe he could help her figure out what was going on. But mostly, she wanted to tell him that she knew they would find another body tomorrow, if they hadn't already. That the girl would be found in her car, in the parking lot of a grocery store. She was ashamed of herself for not giving him this kind of information that would obviously further the investigation, but she was so scared. She didn't want to be peered at under a microscope while they dissected her psyche and looked for a connection between her and the murderer. Or her and the victims. Whatever the case may be, she was deathly terrified. But something had to give. And Mulder was the only one she trusted. "Mulder, it's... very complicated. I'm not even sure how to explain it." The pained look on Scully's face told Mulder that they were finally getting somewhere. And he was never accused of being patient. "Scully, just try. Start from the beginning." Mulder tried as best he could not to push, but he knew how careful he had to be. It probably wouldn't take much to send her running back inside her shell. "Fine. It started... last night. I..." Scully was suddenly interrupted by the chirping of Mulder's cell phone. Watching him make an irritated face and reaching for the phone, he gestured with his had to hold that thought and pushed the send button on his phone. "Mulder." "Agent Mulder, " Detective Lawson's voice resonated over the line, "we've got another one." Mulder sighed and cursed the bad timing. Nevertheless, they had to cut this short. "Where do we need to meet you?" Lawson answered immediately, "The A&P on 32nd and Sheridan. Make it quick, we need to get this out of here." Mulder grimaced and realized he wouldn't have time to get back home and change. "Scully and I will be there shortly." Mulder ended the call and looked up at Scully. "We've got to go. They've found another girl." Scully simply nodded as she felt her stomach surge in pain. "I'll throw on some jeans and we'll be on our way." *************** Cruento Somnium, 7/17 NC-17 by the eviltwins laine and Lana the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ******************** Mulder pulled that car into the parking lot already filled with flashing red and blue lights and people gathered inside the yellow crime scene tape. Scully averted her eyes from the front of the grocery store, it's blinding familiarity from her dream sending chills down her spine. A small part of her regretted not being able to tell Mulder about the dreams she had been having, thinking that sharing that may possibly remove some of the weight she carried. But that was neither here nor there, they had work to do and the sooner they caught this guy, the sooner she could go back to being able to sleep at night. With a renewed sense of purpose, she and Mulder approached the scene, each showing their credentials to gain admittance. Detective Lawson gave them a once over, not hiding his disapproval of their appearances. "The body is over here. My unit has already been in here to dust for fingerprints and fiber samples, so let's wrap this up and get it out of here." Mulder nodded and followed Detective Lawson to the side of the small sedan, turning back when he realized Scully wasn't following. "Scully?" Mulder motioned with his hand to come on, waiting for her to say something. Scully looked over at where Mulder was headed, knowing that she wasn't in a condition to see the remains of the poor girl. "I already know what it looks like anyway," she thought dryly and instead decided to do something else. "Go ahead Mulder, I want to talk to Detective Brooks and see if there were any witness reports." Mulder nodded and watched Scully walk over and begin to talk to Detective Brooks. She looked so small and fragile at the moment, which was not something he would usually use to describe his partner. Her shoulder's didn't stand quite as tall as usual, her expression not as rigid. He turned away from that thought and back to Lawson and the victim. "You got a name for her?" Lawson flipped through his book and responded, "Jamie Simons. She was an ER nurse here in DC." Mulder nodded and continued looking the girl over. So far, there seemed to be no connection between any of the girls. They all had different looks, different professions, it was as if they were just randomly being picked. Mulder sighed and continued looking around the scene, looking for one thing that may shed light on this madness. Finally he was satisfied that he hadn't missed anything, and turned back to face the burly detective. "I'm going to need to get copies of the pictures and the case notes. I've also got a couple of questions for the ME on the first victim. I'll be contacting you later on today." With this, Mulder moved back towards Scully and came to face her. "Find out anything from Brooks?" Scully looked up from the notes she had just finished writing and frowned. "Mulder, no one saw this happen. I'm assuming that it was because of the rain that something like this could happen in such a well lit parking lot and no one would be the wiser." Scully shook her head and closed her note pad as she and Mulder walked back to the car. "A blackout was reported in the area that coincides with the initial report on the time of death. I'm going to meet with the ME in Alexandria about the first victim. Do you want to join me?" Scully considered the proposition for a moment, but wanted to get back home to take a shower and change. "Go ahead. I need to get changed and get a couple of things from the office. Meet you there later?" Mulder agreed and tossed her the keys. "Take the car, I'm going to get a cab. I'll see you in a few." ***************** Cruento Somnium 8/17 NC-17 eviltwins Lana and laine the-eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ****************** Mulder reached for the X-Ray Doctor Stiles was handing him. "I think this is the one you requested. It's the upper torso area. What was it you were looking for again?" The older gentleman patiently waited for a response, smoothing back part of his graying hair. Mulder placed the X-Ray against the lighted bored and scratched his chin. With the same finger, he then pointed to the neck area of the victim. "Do you see this small mass here? I was just curious to see if you examined this area." Doctor Stiles carefully moved in front of the X-Ray for a better look at the area Mulder was pointing to. He hadn't noticed the tiny mass before, but it looked inconsequential, regardless. "Are you expecting me to find something in particular? I believe the cause of death was quite obvious. Otherwise, I'm not seeing the significance." Mulder watched the doctor look to him expectantly, but refused to elaborate. "I just need you to reexamine the body in this area. I can wait if you have the time right now." Doctor Stiles nodded and turned to pick up the phone. "I need number," pausing to read the number on the chart, he continued, "number 32445 brought back down to the autopsy bay." Mulder flipped through the pages of the chart as they waited for the girl to be brought in. A young man in a nurse's uniform came through the door wheeling a table covered with a sheet, and waited as Dr. Stiles initialed the request. Turning to watch him leave, Mulder then walked over and joined Dr. Stiles over the body. "Help me turn her on her back," Dr. Stiles said as he removed the sheet and picked up one side of the girl. Mulder winced at the notion of touching the body, but nevertheless obliged. Then watching Dr. Stiles run his fingers along the back of the girl's neck, he saw him pause. "Right here, I can feel something just under the skin. Give me a second and I'll have it out." Mulder watched as the old doctor wielded the scalpel with ease and cut into the aforementioned area. In a moment, his suspicions were confirmed. Dr. Stiles removed the small metallic chip and transferred it to the dish on his table. Picking up the dish and brining it closer to his face, he squinted his eyes and tried to determine what he was looking at. "I think I need to put it under a microscope to properly determine what it is." Mulder stood behind Dr. Stiles as he placed it under the lens and looked into the eyepiece. After a moment, he stepped back to allow Mulder access to the instrument. Mulder peered through the lens, hearing Dr. Stiles comment, "I think it looks like a computer chip." Moments Mulder was on his cell phone tapping in the number to the DC station. Detective Lawson answered quickly. "Lawson." "This is Agent Mulder. I'm done here in Alexandria but I have something new I want the Medical Examiners to look for on the Slaughter and Simons girls. I need them to examine the area in the back of the neck for a small piece of metal." Detective Lawson sensed the urgency in the agent's voice, but had to ask anyway, "A piece of metal? What the hell is that supposed to be?" Mulder impatiently tapped his finger on the table next to him. "Just have them do it for me. I'll explain when I get there." Hanging up the phone, Mulder thanked Dr. Stiles for his help and rushed outside to hail a cab. Once in a cab, Mulder's cell phone shrilled. "Mulder." "Agent Mulder, I had the ME look for metal in the necks of the girls and they both found what appeared to be some sort of computer chips. Do you want to tell me what the hell is going on here?" Mulder winced at the implications of this discovery. "I have run across this before in my work, but we have still yet to explain their purpose. One was also found in the first girl, so now we have something linking the three murders." Detective Lawson grunted and rolled his eyes. Replacing the receiver he mumbled under his breath, "Whatever good that is going to do us." Mulder replaced the phone in his pocket and bent over to address the driver. I've changed my mind. I need you to take me to Georgetown. The driver made the appropriate turns to head the car in the right direction as Mulder decided to make another call. After dialing the number, he pressed the phone to his ear and glanced out the window, waiting for an answer. "Assistant Director Skinner's office" Kim's voice cheerfully responded. "This is Agent Mulder. I need to speak to him," Mulder replied. "I'm sorry, Agent Mulder, but, he's with someone at the moment. Do you want me to leave a message?" Mulder glanced at his watch as he waited for Skinner to come on. It was still early, but he had expected him to be in just not occupied. ''Tell him I'm on my way there, and I need to speak with him immediately. Tell him it's urgent -- it concerns Agent Scully." With that, Mulder disconnected and pocketed the phone, his mind racing. He felt his gut tighten and begin to turn as he thought of the way Scully had been behaving lately. He had just assumed the case was bothering her -- the fact she had been implicated, however remotely, would definitely give her cause to be upset. She worked hard on maintaining a professional reputation she could be proud of -- not an easy task when you had Spooky Mulder for a partner. Still, with this newest piece of evidence, he wasn't so certain anymore that her professional credibility was all that was bothering her. He searched his mind briefly, effortlessly recalling the images of Scully in the DC station's conference room. She had seemed shaken, visibly so, and he knew she made every effort to hide those tears from him. But, she had shed them anyway. That alone should have been enough to let him know something more was happening, if her evasive answers and silence hadn't. "Damnit," he cursed himself as her remembered her reactions in Christina Slaughter's apartment. She couldn't get out of there fast enough -- and then pleading fatigue today. She had been just about ready to open up to him when they received the call about the latest victim, he was sure. And it was so unlike her to call him in the middle of the night in the first place. That was more his forte. He began to chew his lip in anxiety and leaned forward to get the cabby's attention. He held up his badge and spoke, his voice tight. "I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry." When this elicited no response, he fished a $20 from his wallet. "I'd *really* appreciate it," he said, a little more forcefully, holding the money where the driver could see it, then settling back in the cab to his thoughts once more as the driver dropped his foot onto the peddle. *********** Cruento Somnium 9/17 NC-17 eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ************* Office of AD Skinner J.Edgar Hoover Building Washington, DC Scully sat primly in her customary chair, a look of incredulity on her porcelain face. Mulder studied her response carefully, mentally kicking himself all the while. The dark shadows beneath her crystal blue eyes screamed out in contrast to her pale skin. The makeup was not working anymore -- either that, or he had simply been too big an ass to notice before. She looked so very small in the large leather chair, and he had to fight the sudden urge to get up from his seat and go to her, put a protective arm around her and draw her head onto his chest. Of course, at this particular time, that would likely get him slugged. Scully was not happy. Not at all. "Would you mind repeating that sir?" she said, her comment directed at Skinner, her eyes hesitating before they left Mulder's face. "Agent Scully, I'm inclined to agree with your partner on this," the AD said again. "There is an unmistakable connection here. We don't know what, exactly, the, uh, implant in your neck is. We also don't know conclusively who put it there, or for what purpose. But, you said yourself at one time that you believed it to be some sort of tracking device." "So, you're telling me I'm being *hunted* is that it?" her attention was again focused on her partner, pure ice shooting from her eyes, disbelief tinged with sarcasm in her voice. "All I'm saying, Scully, is that in light of this most recent development, you *could* be in danger. And, it's better to be safe than sorry, right?" His voice was colored with concern, and he kept it soft, as though coaxing her into what he perceived to be the right decision. It was a bad choice. "This is ridiculous," she said, her temper flaring as she parried her gaze between her boss and her partner. "I do *not* need round the clock surveillance or protection or whatever it is he has talked you into, sir. I am in absolutely no danger, and, even if I were, I'm perfectly capable of handling it myself," her eyes pleaded with the AD, even as her voice became forceful. "I understand your reluctance, but, I'm going to have to insist in this matter." Skinner wouldn't budge. It had taken Mulder the better part of the morning to explain his latest theory about the implants being somehow connected to the killer's choice in victims, but, for once, the errant agent had possessed at least some evidence. And, as accurate as Mulder was known to be in the past with absolutely no evidence, well, this could raise some cause for alarm. And he would be damned if he would allow something to happen to one of his agents simply because he couldn't get past a little disbelief. Mulder was right. Better safe than sorry. "This is not reluctance, sir, this is refusal." "What!" Mulder sprang out of his chair and began pacing the office. "Scully, listen to me," he said, stopping beside her chair. "This is serious. How can you refute evidence when it's staring you in the face? All those women had implants. All three of them. You can't tell me that's a mere coincidence. Not this time." Scully met his gaze coolly, betraying the rising state of her emotions. Her heart had been thundering in her chest from the moment the two men had unloaded this newest development on her. And, they didn't even know about the dreams. She was scared, she felt vulnerable, and she desperately wanted to be back in control of herself. "Mulder, we have absolutely no data on how many people, women or otherwise, have these implants. There could be literally millions of us with them, which could greatly increase the odds of three random victims having these chips implanted subcutaneously in their necks. And, if the implants are so important to this killer, then why does he not take those, too? You are making another conclusion that directly affects my life, and I will not have it this time, do you" "That's enough, Agent Scully," Skinner's authoritative voice stopped Scully's accusation mid-sentence. "You will have protection, around the clock. I don't want to hear another word about it." "But, sir, there isn't enough evidence to warrant it. I have received not threats, absolutely no indication that I am in any danger whatsoever, other than the fact that I happen to have this implant." The challenge in her voice was clear, and Skinner bristled. "Agent Scully, I hope you're not suggesting that you will attempt to circumvent the chain of command on this and try to have me prevented from assigning you security?" Mulder's mouth dropped open slightly as he watched the exchange. He was more certain than ever that Scully had not told him everything. She had never challenged the AD before. It was decidedly not a Scully-like thing to do. He had done it plenty of times, but, not Scully. Not like this. Scully remained rigid in her chair, calmly appraising the AD with a slightly raised eyebrow. "I'm merely saying, sir, that assigning agents around the clock to protect someone, costs the bureau a considerable amount of money. And, since the only evidence we have implicating any threat to myself is purely circumstantial, I am simply wondering how the bureau can justify said expense. It's more of a question, sir." Her voice said it was anything but. Although nearly as shocked as Mulder at her display of bravado, Skinner had plenty of practice at swimming in shark infested waters -- even if his own agent, an agent that was uncharacteristically sending him a veiled threat, was quickly becoming said shark. And, he was not about to let her beat him in this particular game, especially since he truly believed it was for her own good. He sat back in his chair and regarded the petite redhead before him, and her partner, who had finally taken his seat again to resume pleading with his eyes. Skinner broke away from Mulder's gaze momentarily, and looked again at Scully. "I suppose you're right about that, Agent Scully. The evidence is a little circumstantial, and that kind of protection doesn't come cheap." Scully began to relax, satisfied she had won this round, and at the same time cursing herself for acting like Mulder. "How can you ignore the obvious implications..." Mulder began, fear rising in his chest with every syllable. "However," Skinner said, raising a hand to silence Mulder. "I'm sure I could find an agent within the ranks, somewhere," at this he glanced at Mulder again, "who would be willing to donate their off-duty time for the well being of a fellow agent." "Absolutely," Mulder said, his face awash in relief. "I'm certain you'd have no trouble at all with that sir. In fact, I would be willing to personally see to it that Agent Scully is kept out of harm's way for no additional pay, of course." Scully shot a razor-sharp look at her partner's face once more, before pursing her lips and studiously examining her hands. "Well, I suppose that takes care of the question of cost effectiveness, don't you think, Agent Scully?" "Fine. Whatever," she said, glaring at her boss. "I maintain my position that it is not necessary, however." Silence enveloped the room as the three studiously looked away from each other, save for a cursory glance of understanding between the two men. Skinner dismissed the two agents, then sat back in his chair once move, a slight frown running across his brow. "Well, that, I suppose, is that," he said, wondering once more why Scully had become so argumentative, and even more convinced he had done the right thing. He hoped. ****************** Scully's apartment 8:45 p.m. Scully irreverently slammed the dishwasher closed and turned the dial to the on position. She now had nothing left to clean. She supposed she had distracted herself long enough to avoid talking to Mulder altogether, who was now watching her television with his feet propped up on her coffee table. Leaving the kitchen, she went to the linen closet in the hall and grabbed clean sheets for the bed in the guest bedroom. Tossing them onto Mulder's lap, she said, "These are for your bed. Good night." Turning on her heels and walking towards her room, she shot over her shoulder, "and get your feet off of the coffee table." Hearing her door slam Mulder winced, knowing that he was persona non grata at this moment in time. She had hardly spoken a word to him since they had arrived here, and in the meantime, had managed to clean her apartment within an inch of its life. Mulder, on the other hand, had watched television, tried to do some of his overdue expense reports, and then just watched more television. He tossed the sheets on his lap to the couch, he stood and turned the television off, realizing it was still only 9 in the evening. This was going to be a long night, again. *** Scully, meanwhile, tossed and turned in her bed, trying to relax enough to fall asleep. She strained her ears to see if she could hear Mulder in the other room, but heard nothing but silence. Part of her was afraid to fall asleep, afraid of the monster that plagued her dreams, but she also knew that she was entirely too exhausted to make it through another day without some semblance of sleep. Resigning herself to this, she pulled her comforter closer to her chin and prayed for a reprieve from the nightmares. *** Cruento Somnium 10/17 NC-17 the eviltwins, laine and Lana the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer *********** He felt invigorated hopeful. Three times he had effortlessly charmed them, put them at ease. Three times they had not been able to resist the pull he knew they felt, but could not explain. Tonight, he would try it full force. Tonight, he would summon one of them. Draw her in. Bring her to him. And then destroy her. He had not been certain before if he could do it on his own. He was not certain he would be strong enough, possess enough of his "father" that it would work. But now, he was more sure of himself, and of his unnatural charm. It may not work over great distances, but, small ones. Well, small ones could be closed easily. He possessed no remorse. Surely he was doing what needed to be done. These creations could not be allowed to continue. He was doing them a favor really. Surely they would be taken again if it were not for him. He took away the only parts they were interested in. And this soothed him. Gave him a renewed sense of purpose as he removed the shining "knife" from his pocket and inserted it into the lock of the motel room door. Effortlessly, the lock gave way and he twisted the handle. He glanced satisfied, around the room, closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed. Tonight would be a good night, indeed, he thought, and closed his eyes and began to call to her. ** The television droned on in the background as Anna Jenkins sat behind the counter, doodling on a piece of "DC Budget Motel" stationary. She let out a long sigh and pushed a dark curl away from her face. Pausing, she stole a glance at the wall clock before tilting back in her chair just enough to prop her feet up on the counter. No chance of a customer catching her like this at 3:30 in the morning, she thought. There are hardly any customers during normal hours. Her eyes slowly drifted shut, and her breathing became measured. Only a moment had passed before she was on her feet, frowning, trying to remember what is was she had forgotten to do. Something, she knew it was something. Did she check all the doors? Were they all locked? Unable to provide a satisfactory answer for herself, she moved from behind the counter and out the side door. In a daze, she stumbled across the parking lot as though drunk, toward room 129. She could no longer see clearly nor remember why she had left the office in the first place, yet she pressed on, finally reaching the door and gripping the handle. It turned easily in her grasp, and she pushed it open and stepped inside of the room. She did not jump in surprise when she saw him. She merely tilted her head to the left slightly and blinked, focusing in on his soft, grey eyes. "Shut the door, my dear," he said, and smiled when he heard the lock click. She walked to the bed and sat beside him, still staring into his eyes, even as he lay her back and gently began to remove her skirt and panties. The hot, searing pain in her vagina brought her from the trance, and she began to scream and thrash, momentarily not worried about how she had gotten in this room. He did not stop at her pleas, did not break the ferocious rhythm of his brutal thrusting as she started to pummel him with her fists. He merely finished the job and withdrew, using one hand to zip his pants and the other to close around her throat, keeping her effectively pinned to the bed. "We've almost finished, my dear. We just need to take care of one more thing, and, I assure you, *they* will have no further use for you. It's much better this way, you see, for everyone concerned.' Her eyes widened and filled with terrified tears when he drew the thin, shining knife from his pocket. He slid her shirt roughly out of the way and plunged the knife into her abdomen, ripping from left to right in four clean strokes. Contented, he retracted his weapon and put it into his pocket. She had stopped screaming, as the blood gurgling in her throat had now made this impossible, and heard a muffled pfft coming from his pocket just before he withdrew his hand. She had no time to worry about the noise or its meaning, however. She was too busy watching in stupefied horror as he shoved his hand inside the wound. The pain was excruciating, and she felt his fingers crawling inside her, searching for an unknown home in her belly. She felt his fingers curl around part of her, and arched involuntarily with pain as he ripped it free and withdrew his hand again. He sat the bloodied ovary on the bed and reached in for a second time, "NOOO, NOOO, JESUS" Mulder sprang up, still half asleep, at the sound of Scully's screams. She was scrambling off her bed, still tangled in the sheets, and clutching her stomach. Her eyes were wild, and her skin glistened with perspiration. He doubted she was even fully awake yet as he ran to her, calling her name. Scully managed to free herself from the sheets and heard someone calling for her from beyond her door. Still trapped by the events from her dream, she grabbed her weapon, leveling it on the door and whimpering, willing her trembling finger to rest solidly on the trigger. Mulder threw open the door to Scully's room, and froze at the sight of her weapon trained on him. Frozen where he stood, he eyed her position on the floor as he tried to piece together the events that led up to this. Trying to gain control of the situation, he asked calmly, "Scully, is someone here? What happened?" Scully remained unresponsive to Mulder's questions as she stared at him, making no attempts to put away her gun. Her entire body trembled as she fought back the urge to break down. Mulder's eyes danced around the room to identify possible intruders but found no evidence of anyone. "Scully, I need to know if someone is here. Are we in danger?" Mulder talked to her very slowly, afraid of her current state. The air hung heavy around them, and the seconds seem to pass very slowly. He inched towards her, testing his ability to gain control. Scully flinched at Mulder's movements, and met his eyes with her own. "Mulder..." Scully's voiced cracked on his name, tears spilling from her tired eyes, and continued, "please. Please make him go away." Scully's gun arm dropped slowly to the floor, as she continued to watch him expectantly, needing him to take this from her. Mulder quickly dropped to his knees and inched towards her, gently taking the gun from her limp fingers. "Make who go away Scully?" Mulder's heart raced as he waited to hear her explanation, as if the weight of the world rested on her next statement. Scully looked into Mulder's eyes and softly cocked her head to one side, as if the weight of her head was too much to hold up, and said, "The man in my dreams. The man that won't let me sleep." Mulder sighed in relief that they were not in any immediate danger, but his heart surged as he realized that this was the reason Scully had not slept for the past few nights. The sudden realization overwhelmed him, and he inched closer to Scully, taking her head into his hands and pushing her against his chest. He wrapped both of his arms around her and pinned her to him, rocking her gently to calm both of their nerves. Burying his face in her hair, he waited for her sobs to subside. Regaining a semblance of her composure, Scully pulled away from Mulder and rubbed her eyes. Shivering at the sudden loss of contact, she pulled the blanket from the floor and wrapped it around her body. Chancing a look at Mulder, she realized he was watching her expectantly, looking for answers now. She supposed it was inevitable somehow, that it would come to this. Nothing with these two was ever simple. Mulder eased off of his knees and settled down onto the floor, letting his body language speak for him. It was obvious that he was going nowhere. "Scully, tell me about this dream." Scully winced at the thought of trying to articulate the madness that invaded her sleep. But she was tired. And mostly tired of dealing with it alone. "Mulder, I see the women... in our case... being murdered. I see it as it happens. I watch the horror through their eyes, and..." Scully struggled not to begin crying again, as soft whimpering sounds escaped her throat. She begged Mulder with her eyes to allow her to stop, but the shock registering on his grim face told her that she was no where near finished. "You watch the crimes being committed?" Mulder's mind jumped around to the events that had happened so far, and realized how much it explained her behavior. "Scully, why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Mulder fought back the growing urge to be angry, knowing that this would certainly have shed light on a lot of questions that he had. Not only that, Scully knew that she was more connected to the case than he did, and yet she had still refused protection. *Knowing* that he was right and she needed it. When she still hadn't answered, he began to lose his resolve. Biting his lip and forcing himself not to snap, he stood up and began to pace the room. "Mulder, I... I know I should've told you earlier," Scully offered, hoping he would understand. "You're damn right you should have!" Mulder cringed at his sudden outburst and put his hand to his forehead. He was beginning to think a brisk walk around the block would do him some good. But he couldn't leave her alone. Scully was again no longer able to hold back her tears. How could he not understand what this was doing to her? Scully wrapped herself tighter in her blanket and rose to her feet, feeling the air in the room suffocating her. Trying not to trip on the comforter, she made her way to her living room couch and sat down. She made attempts to dry her eyes on her sleeve, but found it was to no avail, and simply laid her head down and closed her eyes. She had never felt so alone. Mulder looked around the now empty room and ran his hand through his hair. She could be so damn stubborn sometimes. This could mean so much to the case! But then again, it's more than that to her. It's terrorizing her, and she wasn't sleeping because of it. But if she would've just told him this sooner, maybe it could be over by now. Mulder sighed and realized this line of thought was getting him no where. Scully jumped when she felt Mulder's hand on her face. She was surprised to see him at all. Mulder brushed her hair back away from her face and rested his hand on the side of her head. She looked so small and fragile, and that broke his heart. This was his best friend, the only friend he could ever count on, and here he was not being there when she needed him. He felt like an ass. "Scully, I'm sorry. I know this is hard on you." Scully shifted to a sitting position. He was obviously ready to talk now. "Do you? Do you know how hard it is to be ripped out of sleep every night thinking that I'm being butchered, then knowing exactly where and how these bodies will turn up before even getting the call? Knowing that there is no way in hell you can explain it... to *anyone*?" Mulder backed up to the recliner and sat down, considering her question. "Scully, you know you could've told me. You know that if anyone would, *I* would believe you." "Yes Mulder," Scully replied, "and you would have been sleeping on my couch a couple of nights ago. I don't need babying Mulder, I need this to be stopped." Mulder agreed. "I know that Scully. We all want it to be over. But why can't you just let me help you? Why can't you just let me in?" Scully sighed and relaxed into the couch. "Because... because then I would become part of the case. You would be dissecting me for information, probing me for answers that I couldn't give you. What good would that do us?" Mulder left the chair in frustration and began pacing the room. "Is that what you think? Do you think that I would be so absorbed in "probing you" as you say, that I wouldn't be concerned about *you*? Is that what you think about me?" Scully tightened the muscles in her face and rubbed the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on. She knew that he would be concerned for her safety, overly concerned at best, which was not what she needed. She had pride in being able to take care of herself, in being severely independent. What she wanted was a friend, someone to confide in. She did not need to be protected like a helpless child. "Mulder, I know that you would be concerned for my safety..." Mulder interrupted her mid-sentence, "Scully... you know that's not it. Don't you? Scully," Mulder paused, choosing his words carefully, "I've told you that I need you, that I trust you, that you *complete* me. I would do anything..." Mulder stopped, realizing he didn't want to go too far. This was a very unfamiliar territory for these two, and he didn't want to risk saying something that maybe shouldn't be said. Scully watched Mulder's pained face as he tried to articulate his point, wanting, needing him to finish his thought. Realizing that she had once again underestimated her best friend, she stood and walked over to him, taking his hand. "Mulder..." She paused, looking for the right words to say, but realizing there were none. Instead, she placed her other hand on his cheek pulling him down gently to her. Mulder watched Scully tilt her head slightly and bring his lips to hers. The contact was light and hesitant, but spoke volumes. Pulling apart and looking into her eyes, Mulder saw the resolution of their conflict. She had wanted to trust him, but didn't know how. Now she was showing him the best she could. Mulder leaned back into her space, now taking the initiative to give back to her what she had given to him. Mulder pulled her closer to him and pressed his lips to hers, taking the time now to memorize the details of the contact that had caught him off guard a moment ago. Tracing her face lightly with his fingertips, he wanted nothing more than to draw her into him, to let her fill the space in his heart that could only be occupied by her. Pulling her even tighter to him, he desperately wanted to *be* her, to take the pain of the dreams from her and make them his own. Scully allowed Mulder to draw her even closer to him, feeling his desperation matching her own pierce her soul. She allowed him to deepen the kiss, feeling the silkiness of his tongue explore the depths of her mouth. The intimacy did not frighten her but rather tightened the bond between them that had already seemed impermeable. She willingly allowed him to possess her, to claim her body as if it were his own. She was him and he was her. Mulder let his hands fall from her face to her front of her shoulders, resting just above the top button of her shirt. He continued his ministrations, wanting to claim the rest of her body as he had claimed her mouth. Slowly slipping the tiny buttons from their holes, Mulder pushed her shirt over her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Scully finally broke the kiss and took this opportunity to see his eyes. His eyes looked hungry and possessed, captivated by her. Her instinctive reaction to feel exposed and vulnerable was quickly diminished in the intensity of his gaze. Taking a tentative breath, Scully pulled Mulder's shirt up over his head and dropped it next to hers. Returning to his arms, she resumed where they had left off, returning to the security of his kiss. The contact of his skin on hers sent chills down her spine as she allowed him his possession of her once again. Mulder continued exploring her tiny body with his hands, wanting to memorize every detail of her ivory skin. His body responded to hers as nature had intended, soon depriving him of any rational thought. Wanting nothing less than all of her, his hands moved to her waist, clutching the waistband of her silk pajama bottoms. Scully moaned into their kiss, anticipating the next movements of his hands. Feeling the muscles of his arms contract, she felt him leave her face to accommodate the actions of his hands. Leaving her eyes closed and tilting back her head, she exhaled softly, concentrating on his touch. < She walked to the bed and sat beside him, still staring into his eyes, even as he lay her back and gently began to remove her skirt and panties. The hot, searing pain in her vagina brought her from the trance, and she began to scream and thrash, momentarily not worried about how she had gotten in this room.> "What..NO!!!" Scully jumped from her recollection, falling from Mulder's grasp and stumbling away from him. Her eyes registered panic and horror as she stumbled back to the couch and covered herself in her blanket. Trembling with fear, she turned her body away from Mulder and buried her face in her hands, weeping silently. Mulder sat stunned on the floor where she had left him, watching with horror at Scully's display. He had gone too far. Feeling his world crash around him, he struggled to find something to say, but found his words choked in his throat. Tearing his eyes away from her form and looking to the floor, he heard her leave the couch and retreat to her room, closing the door behind her. Tears formed in his hazel eyes as he felt his heart being wrenched from his body. His body tensed with trapped energy and emotion as he stood, looking around the room as if it were foreign, registering new details of his present hell. Searching for some release, for something to prove his existence in this place and not in some horrific dream, he picked up the lamp from the end table and hurled it towards the wall. The lamp crashed to a thousand pieces with a resilient discord, slicing through the silence and sending him crashing back to earth like an angel banished from heaven. Grasping the now vacant end table, he double over and clutched his stomach, allowing the sobs to leave his throat and to wallow in his emptiness. ********** Cruento Somnium 11/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ****************** After what seemed like an eternity, Mulder regained his balance, replacing the loss he felt in his heart with guilt and resentment. Drying his eyes and focusing on the mess that lie on the floor, he moved his heavy body to the kitchen to retrieve the broom. Now focusing his energy on cleaning up his mess, he hardly heard the knock on the door when it came. After a little persistence on the visitor's part, Mulder finally acknowledged the noise. Dusting his hands and walking to the door, he opened it to reveal the Assistant Director's form. Mulder's disheveled appearance did not escape the attention of the AD as he stood in the doorway. But Skinner knew from Scully's earlier protests that she would not make this easy on Mulder. Continuing with his task, he addressed Mulder, "They've found another victim. Get dressed, we're going to the D.C. Budget Motel." Mulder looked at Skinner as if he had just spoken in Japanese. Finally allowing recognition, Mulder stepped away from the doorway and allowed him entrance. "I just need a minute. Scully's room is that door there, I'd appreciate it if you would let her know what's happened." DC Budget Motel 3:20 a.m. Mulder pushed his way under the crime scene tape, entering a motel room not unlike one he and Scully would stay in on their road trips. Mulder cringed as he thought about her and hoped that she and Skinner would still be a few minutes more. Pulling himself back to his task at hand, he spotted Detective Lawson and went to meet him. "Tell me what you've got." Detective Lawson briefly acknowledged him and glanced at his notes. "Ok. We've got Anna Jenkins, night shift clerk here at the motel. Same MO as the others, no traceable evidence to the bastard who's doing this. Apparently, the room wasn't even rented out. We have no idea as to why they were even here and we have no witnesses to testify to seeing anyone even enter the room. Frankly, we are no further than we were after the first one." Lawson slammed his note pad shut at glared at the Agent he was addressing. Frustration reeked from his features. Mulder nodded and walked over to the body on the bed, scanning the scene for anything to push the investigation in a positive motion. Studying the body for anything new, he heard Skinner and Scully identifying themselves to gain access to the room. Continuing in his study of the victim, he avoided eye contact with Scully at all costs. Skinner approached Mulder and inquired into the case. "Well? What have you found?" Mulder looked at the AD and sighed. "Sir, we haven't gotten anywhere. They've found nothing here yet that we didn't know before." Mulder glanced over Skinner's shoulder at Scully on the other side of the room, looking twice as bad as he did. She was trying to concentrate on what Detective Brooks was saying to her, although it looks as if she wasn't being too successful. Mulder directed his attention back to Skinner. "Sir, I think I may have a lead that I'll need to take up with Agent Scully later on today. I'll let you know of our progress." Mulder watched Skinner nod and turn away, making his way back to Scully. Mulder cringed at the thought of his *possible* lead meaning that he had to talk to Scully about her dreams, but he was the only one who could do it and that was all they had to go on at the moment. He silently cursed his bad luck, turning back to the body on the bed. Scully sighed and balanced herself by clutching the chair next to her. She felt incredibly weak with her lack of sleep and unstable emotional state. She knew that she had left Mulder with the entirely wrong impression, and her heart ached at what she thought he must be feeling. She would do anything for a moment alone with him to explain what had happened earlier that morning. Rationally, she believed that maybe it was good that they had been interrupted, knowing that they should never have crossed that line. But as his best friend, she ached to have a chance to make things right with them again. Their professional relationship depended on it. Rubbing the bridge of her nose and struggling to keep her balance, she suddenly felt very lightheaded, and found it hard to remain standing. Skinner continued talking to Detective Brooks when he glanced at the petite agent at his side. Pausing in mid-conversation with what he saw, he tried to reach out as he watched her crumble to the floor. "We need some help over here!" Mulder turned towards the demanding call of Skinner, and saw Scully slumped precariously on the floor. Resisting the urge to run over to her, he watched numbly as paramedics rapidly began tending to her. He never thought it could be possible, but twice in one morning, his world crashed to a stand still. ******************** Cruento Somnium 12/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ********************* The small, sterile room was was dark when he walked through the door, and he felt his breath catch in his throat as he looked at her, lying beneath the crisp hospital sheets. It affected him then, as it usually did at the most inopportune moments, just how fragile she was. He had come to rely on her strength so completely, he was often unaware of just how tiny she was. He stood in the doorway for a moment, studying the way the grainy beams of light from the hallway behind him fell across her face. // Luminous// the word rolled around in his head as he searched for a way to explain how the mere sight of her affected him. He shut it carefully behind and approached the bed, silently drawing the single chair in the room as close to the metal rails as possible. Mulder reached to gently sweep an errant strand of her copper hair away from her pale, peaceful face, frowning slightly at the dark indentations beneath her eyes. As his fingers made contact with the creamy skin of her forehead she began to stir, and he jerked his hand away as if her hair was truly fire. The painful memory of her rejection much earlier that morning was still too fresh in his mind, and it lingered in the pit of his stomach in a gnawing fashion. //the last thing she needs is waking up to my hands on her, again.// his chastised himself, the thought causing him to study the offensive appendages at length. //what went wrong?// he wondered, feeling his eyes begin to burn at the memory of her porcelain skin, her velvet lips. All that he craved, all that he lived for and would surely die for, given and then taken from him in an instant. He had pushed her, he thought, the only explanation his guilt-ridden mind could latch onto. He was still studying his hands, lost in self-flagellatiom, when her eyes opened. Scully said nothing, merely took him in. The guilt was oozing from his every pore, the pain coming off him in waves. She let them crash over her for a few moments, her heart twisting in her chest with the knowledge that she had done this to him -- to both of them. It quickly became too much to bear, and she reached out slowly with her pale fingers, placing them softly on his own. Mulder jumped at the contact, his intense gaze seeking her own. She looked down for a moment when she saw the moisture in his eyes, and then ventured to meet and hold the weight of his stare once more. She saw the hurt clearly, the questions. The emotions hovered almost visibly in the air, and it took her a moment to find her voice. "Mulder..." she began, his name rolling off her tongue and hitting his ears like a gentle caress. "Scully, don't," he said, his voice low and scratchy with emotion. "You should just go back to sleep. The doctors say you're suffering from exhaustion, and they gave you something to help you rest." As he spoke, he began to withdrawal his hand from beneath her, causing her to curl her fingers around the tops of his own. Her grip tightened at his words, and she was suddenly aware of the the haze floating in her brain. She opened her eyes a touch wider in an attempt to better focus. A flicker of panic washed over her smooth features and was gone in an instant. It was not, however, missed by her partner. The sting of rejection momentarily pushed itself to the back of his mind as concern for her well being took over. "Scully, you have to get some rest. You could make yourself seriously ill if you don't." She hooded her gaze with thick lashes for a moment, ashamed for feeling so weak, so utterly helpless. The cloud in her head was growing, and she knew she would not be able to fight off the sedatives indefinitely. It made her want to cry --- something she seemed to be doing quite a lot of these days, she thought wryly. She sighed, looking up at him once more. "I need to tell you, Mulder, I need..." "Scully," he interrupted, concern washing over his face, "we can do this later. Right now, just rest." Her eyes closed briefly, and she snapped them back open, wanting, needing to fight it just a bit longer. Just long enough to make him understand. "Mulder, it wasn't you," she began, her words sluggish and slow as her eyes slipped shut once more. "Him..... Mulder... it was...I saw" He sighed and caressed her hand as sleep began to claim her. Her fingers seemed so small and pale against his own. Slowly, reverently, he place her hand back at her side and stood, gazing down at her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful, so young, he thought. He rubbed a hand over his face, fighting off the fatigue threatening to overtake him. His shoulders slumped slightly, and he knew it would be a long night. But, he refused to leave her safety in the hands of some first-year agent, who would undoubtedly be distracted by wishing he were somewhere, anywhere other than a routine guard assignment. //Oh, well. There are worse things than hospital coffee,// he thought. Although, at the moment, he couldn't think of many. He stood there for a few minutes longer, a thousand emotions running through his mind, each one sweeping through his tired body with more force than the last until he had to turn away, leaving in search of caffeine for the long night ahead. As he slipped out of the room, he missed the change in Scully's relaxed posture. His back was turned to her when her eyes began to move rapidly beneath her closed lids, and the door clicked softly shut when the first soft moan escaped her lips. ********** He watched the tall man turn from his vigil over her, and a shudder of jealousy ran through him. She was *his.* Jealousy gave way to calm hatred as he watched the man retreat down the hallway. Cautiously, he pushed open the door to her room and allowed the door to close behind him. A small smile spread over his face as he watched her body, lost in somewhere in a dream, jerk slightly. Glancing around the room, he frowned. The man would return, he knew. He must work quickly -- and he could not work here. In one fluid motion he was at her side, pulling the sheets away from her body. Her eyes moved more rapidly beneath her lids, and, as he reached for her arms, they jerked away from him. He frowned at this, momentarily giving pause as he processed this new information. He reached toward her again, and again she jerked before his hands reached her. Interesting, he thought. A new connection. Of course, they were all connected to him each bearing a piece of allowed him to live and breathe inside of them. But this, this was certainly a new development. How nice it would be to probe into this a bit further. But, now is not the time, nor the place. And, there would be others. Determinedly, he reached for her again, unceremoniously scooping her limp body onto his shoulder and heading out the door. ********** Cruento Somnium 13/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Laine and Lana the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ***************** As quietly as possible, Mulder pushed the door with one hand, gingerly holding a cup of what was surely a poor excuse for coffee in the other, taking great care not to make even the smallest noise as he enter her room. He stepped through the threshold and his eyes sought her out in the darkness, to reassure himself he had not disturbed her much-needed slumber. Time squealed to a halt when the sheer emptiness of the bed, standing desolate in the center of the room, slammed into him. He blinked rapidly, once, twice, as the Styrofoam cup slipped from his fingers, falling solidly to the floor. The splatter of hot liquid around his feet and ankles burned through his wrinkled suit pants, a sensation dulled by the sheer force of the panic that had gripped his abdomen and his breath escaped his lungs in one mighty gust. Mulder gripped the edge of the wall for support and gasped for air, his brilliant mind reeling for only a moment before kicking into high-gear on a one-way track, all thoughts reigning in and focusing on one objective. Find Scully. //Couldn't have been gone long. I was just down the hall // he rationalized, unholstering his weapon and spinning on his heel. He was in the hall in a flurry of movement, checking both sides before the sharp *ding* of the elevator caught his attention. Like a bloodhound with a fresh scent, he followed it instinctively, his eyes dark and wild as he looked up at the indicator light. //Down. It's going down// In less than a second, he was barreling down the stairs, running as though the devil himself were on his heels. But, this time, no demons were chasing him -- there was no devil at his back. The devil had Scully. And he was getting away. ********** Scully fought desperately to open her eyes, to scream, to move, but could not. She was trapped beneath a thick haze of sedatives and terror as she watched herself being carried into an elevator. She prayed silently for someone, anyone, to see this man, this thing, carrying her like this. But, she knew it was late, and they would likely not encounter another soul along the way to wherever he was taking her. The elevator doors dinged shut and she was vaguely aware on some unconscious level, of the impact of what was happening. Her brain screamed with understanding. Her dreams, her connection to this madman. She could *see* him. Even as she remained unconscious and limp, she could *see* this happening. Just as she had seen the others, like some gruesome, gory movie playing in her head. // Control. // She needed to regain control of her rebellious limbs, open her eyes *fight* The sedatives, even when combined with her present physical state, could not be this strong, the doctor in her reasoned. The same doctor that was slowly slinking away in pure terror as the realizations slipped into her mind. // Control. Some kind of control. This *thing* has some sort of control...// She rallied her strength against it as he made his way into the parking garage with her slung unceremoniously over his left shoulder, her legs and arms proving not the slightest bit cumbersome to his progress toward a dark green, nondescript van. He worked, quickly, deftly balancing her as he swung the back doors open wide. Carelessly, he dumped her body inside. Very carelessly. Her head hit the floor of the van with just enough force, and she felt the dream begin to give way. Her eyes fluttered slightly as he worked at her feet, tying them. Satisfied they were bound securely, he paused a moment to gaze down at her, giving her the time she needed to focus every once of concentration on her lower body. **************** Catlike, Mulder eased through the basement door, allowing his arm to stretch behind him and soften the *click* of the latch in the doorframe. He felt the rage within in, a familiar friend in times like these, coming forth with more force as he spotted the man staring down at his partner who was lying helplessly drugged in the back of a van. The man's back was to Mulder, giving him the advantage, he thought, as he steadily crept through the dimly lit parking garage. His hands, one firmly cradling his weapon, the other just under it, stabilizing it, ached to pull the trigger. The fingers on his bottom hand released and folded quickly back over the other as he adjusted his grip, his heart thundering in his ears. // Just a few more steps // He froze momentarily as he saw the man lean closer to his partner, then charged headlong toward him, closing the remaining distance within the space of two heartbeats. ******************* Cruento Somnium 14/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ****************** Realizing, without rationalizing why or how she knew, that the killer would soon tire of merely looking at her and either act or close the doors and drive her out of here, Scully prepared herself to strike. Beneath partially closed lids, she saw him make a move toward her, just enough. Her knees coiled and released, and she winced, bracing herself for the satisfying contact of her feet with his chest even as she heard the sudden burst of sound from the garage. The man turned at the noise of Mulder rushing him from behind, leaving him unprepared for the sudden force of Scully's feet crashing into his ribs, sending him flailing sideways into her unsuspecting partner. Both men tumbled to the hard cement flooring on impact, the man on his side on top of Mulder, who, on his back, grimaced as he heard his gun scuttle away. Mulder reacted quickly, pushing his arms beneath the man and using his legs for leverage to flip the two into a decidedly more advantageous position. Scully, still bound in the van, willed her leaden and now stinging lower limbs to move. Hooking her feet at the edge of the van for leverage, she inched down, down, until she could firmly wrap her knees around the flooring's edge. With a final pull, she crashed onto the cement floor of the garage. The jolt, while painful, further allowed her to free herself from the dream and brought her more firmly into this side of reality. Through sheer force of will, she heaved herself into a sitting position and began fumbling with the knots in the rope which held her ankles together, desperate to reach her partner's weapon and keep it trained on that bastard's head. Succeeding, she pulled herself onto shaky legs and scanned the floor for the gun, not stopping to wonder how she knew he no longer had his weapon. As Mulder worked to pin the man, already spitting his Miranda rights laced with pure venom at him, who was curiously not resisting, he saw the shadow of a sardonic smile cross the man's face. His hands were too fast to track as they came up and slammed into Mulder's chest, sending the full weight of his body, impossibly, into the air and back against the wall. The man sprang to his feet and into the waiting van in an instant, as Mulder shook his head and tried to regain his focus. The van's engine sparked to life, and the sound of squealing tires echoed loudly, followed by repeated gunshots as his partner, grasping for breath and balance, emptied a full round toward the receding outline of the van, until the only sound left in the darkened garage was the sharp clicks of the trigger from and empty Sig. ******************* Cruento Somnium 15/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ********************* "I want her out of here. She's not safe here," Mulder said, adjusting his position as the nurse continued bandaging the back of his head. Glancing through the window of Scully's room and settling his eyes on her sleeping form, AD Skinner answered. "I agree. We'll set up a safe house." "No. He found her here and he'll find her again." Mulder shrugged away from the nurse to see Skinner at eye level. "Sir, we know he can find her. Let's be at her apartment where we will at least have the advantage of familiar surroundings. Sir, we *want* him to come. We need to catch this guy." Skinner nodded, realizing Mulder had a point. "Fine. We'll set up outside her apartment." Skinner glanced back at Scully, eager to have this case closed. "Just be careful," he added. Mulder returned to Scully, pausing to look at her once more. This time, he promised, he would not leave her side until the guy was caught. *********** Settling her into her own bed and pulling up the comforter around her neck, Mulder sat at Scully's side. "This will all be over before you know it," he said, hoping the words would comfort him as much as he meant them to comfort her. "Mulder, I want to be awake. I need to be there with you when we bring him down," she replied, resisting the call of slumber. Mulder smiled and nodded. "I know. But you have to sleep. Scully, you would only be endangering your life and mine by trying to do something you're not up to. I won't let that happen. Besides, I think it's safe to assume that he won't try again tonight. So get some rest. I'll be here." Scully frowned at Mulder's comment. She knew he was right, but refused to be protected like a child. "Mulder, I know that I am in danger. I will accept that. I also know that I am suffering from clinical exhaustion and will not be able to defend myself. Considering these two things, can't you see why it would also be hard for me to fall asleep?" She chuckled lightly at the absurdity of the situation and leaned back into her pillow in defeat. She just had no favorable options. And aside from that, she wanted a chance to talk to Mulder and explain things. "Mulder?" she asked, "Can we talk about this now? I mean, about last night?" Mulder sighed and bowed his head, anxious to avoid the conversation. What more was there to say? Scully gently raised Mulder's chin with a small finger, urging him to look her in the face. "Mulder, you have the wrong impression. When I jumped away from you, it was not you I was fleeing from. It was him. Sometimes I see fragments from my dream, very... vividly. I saw him ripping the girl's clothes and raping her, and I panicked. I thought it was happening again." Scully pleaded with Mulder's eyes, begging him to understand that she would never intentionally hurt him like that. "Scully, why can't you run to me instead of away from me? Don't you see? I could've helped you. I never would have hurt you." He said. "Mulder, at the time we were both too emotionally wrapped up in each other to be rational. Thinking about it now, I am coming to you. But the moment was so overwhelming, I had no control over my reaction." Mulder bowed his head again, releasing the breath he had been holding. Managing a weak smile, he faced her again, allowing the tears to flow freely down his face. "Mulder... my God, I'm sorry," she responded, brushing away the tears and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Tucking her face into his neck, she whispered, "It's all right. Everything is ok now." Allowing her to comfort him, he finally wrapped his arms around her, hesitantly, unable to comprehend what had taken place. Hearing her whisper those words sent chills down his spine, giving him incomprehensible relief and joy. Scully pulled back from his embrace, looking into his eyes once again. Recognizing the grief reflecting from his eyes, she felt the overwhelming desire to heal him. To make him whole. "Mulder, what can I say to you to make this right?" Mulder brought a hand to Scully's cheek, caressing the side of her face as he would a long lost lover. Watching her close her eyes and lean into his hand, he felt the overwhelming urge to kiss her. But could he dare? Would he risk the chance? Gently reaching down he sought out her lips with his own, allowing them sweet contact once again. The sensation of kissing Mulder struck her again, and she opened her eyes, surprised to see him in such close proximity. Pausing to see him once again, she quickly brushed aside her fear of bureau policy and this being wrong. If this was wrong, then nothing could ever be right. Taking the initiative, she kissed him once again, this time with more urgency and desire. Pulling him down onto the bed closer to her, he settled next to her and continued kissing her. The mere act allowed him to expel his demons, to once again reaffirm the bond between them. "Hey, is this ok?" he quietly asked, unwilling to make the same mistake twice. She nodded her head in confirmation, never once taking her eyes from his. As if reinforcing her answer, he felt her hands tugging on his shirt, urging it over his head. He needed no more reassurance. Feeling him leave quick, open-mouth kisses on her neck, she arched her back and pressed herself into his hands, needing his touch. Softly moaning, she closed her eyes and tried to lose herself in him. "No," he whispered, causing her to look at him again. "I want you to keep your eyes open. I want you to see me." She nodded slowly, understanding his plea. She did not want to risk the chance of her demons intruding, either. Allowing him to finish undressing her, she felt the solidity of his warm gaze. Reaching up and pulling him close once again, she kissed him solidly, allowing herself the pleasure of watching him kiss her. Leaving her eyes open was a new experience, almost one of rebirth, a new awakening to the reality of their shared world. Knowing that she was watching him, he trailed kisses down her neck to her arms. Bringing her hands to his mouth, he lavished the same attention to each digit. As she moaned softly, he watched her struggle to keep her eyes open and to watch what he was doing to her. Moments later, he was lavishing the same attention to her breasts, covering her body with his own, wanting their bodies to mesh into one, yearning to connect as their souls already had. Overcome by the intense desire to be inside her, he urged her body to welcome him, meeting no resistance. Accepting him into her body, she held him tightly, watching the muscles in his back contract as he moved inside of her. Losing herself in him, she lost the battle to keep her eyes open and welcomed the sweet release her body craved. Holding him tightly, she felt his body tense as he found his own release, completing the predestined union of their bodies. Struggling to regain control, he positioned himself beside her, not wanting the weight of his body to crush her. Pulling her closely to him, he kissed her gently and looked again at her face. "I know, Mulder... I know," she replied softly to his gaze, as if answering his unspoken commitment to her. Settling herself back into his arms, she was finally graced with unbroken sleep, shielded in her lover's embrace. ******************* Cruento Somnium 16/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ******************** For once, his restlessness was a blessing. He woke shortly before the sun decided to stretch its golden head above the city and for long moments did nothing but savor the feeling of Scully's warm softness against him. Too soon, he knew, the world would press in on them again, shattering the all too fragile contentment he found as he listened and felt her breathing deeply and evenly beside him. Carefully, he extracted himself from their embrace and moved off the bed, reaching down for the clothing he had discarded the night before. As he quietly dressed at her bedside, he allowed himself the luxury of watching her sleep a dreamless sleep. With her face in slumber, her hair draped over the pillows like fiery silk, she looked almost childlike, and his heart tightened in his chest. He wanted nothing more than to discard his clothing again and crawl back in beside her to envelope her in his embrace once more. But, the agents posted outside her door and around the building would soon be changing shifts and he would not embarrass her by having them found entwined naked together. She already felt those around her thought she was weak from the events of the past few days. This would invariably make that feeling worse for her, and he snorted softly at the thought of anyone thinking his Scully was weak as he made his way into her kitchen. //His Scully.// He allowed himself a small smile at the thought. Not a new thought, certainly. But, one with very new implications now. As quietly as possible, he located and began to brew the coffee. ********* It was well after noon before he had decided to wake Scully, so he began brewing the day's fourth pot of coffee. Agents coming quietly in and out of her apartment to report - and beg for another cup - had nearly depleted her supply of Folger's. This time, though, he had used her gourmet breakfast blend from Starbuck's, knowing it was her favorite morning treat. He would have to change her mind about that. He could think of a few better things to have in the morning besides a cup of joe. When the coffee was done, he grabbed her Dilbert mug from the cupboard, filled it, and silently crossed the apartment to her room. He sat gently on the bed beside her and softly ran his free hand through her hair before caressing her cheek. As her eyes fluttered open, his heart nearly stopped. She smiled and spoke his name softly, focusing those beautiful eyes on him, love clearly reflected in their crystal blue depths. "Morning," she said, sitting up and reaching for his much welcomed offering of coffee. "Sleep well?" Remebering he had a voice, he smiled and spoke to the goddess before him. "Not as well as you, but, I'd say it classifies as one of my better nights," he said softly, the small smile gracing his full lips threatening to turn into a full-fledged grin. "For the record Scully, it's not exactly morning." She frowned over the rim of her mug. "What time is it," she asked before taking a long sip of coffee. "It's about 12:40 or so," he answered. "How are you feeling?" Her standard 'I'm fine, Mulder' nearly made its way out of her mouth before she stopped herself, and instead, she graced him with the truth. If they were going to be serious about this new phase of their relationship, then she knew it meant tearing down more barriers than just physical contact. "A little sluggish, really, but, better," she said, setting the now empty mug onto her nightstand and smiling softly into his hazel eyes, which showed a hint of surprise at her words. He had been expecting the 'I'm fine, Mulder' as well. "After I shower, I want to go over what we're going to do tonight...about catching him," she amended the last part of her sentence quickly, before he could suggest what she knew was on the tip of his wonderfully skilled tongue. Before he could reply, his cell phone shrieked for his attention. "Mulder," came his standard answer into the phone. Scully watched as his eyes widened slightly. "What? Where?" he asked, his voice forceful. "No. Don't touch anything, Lawson. I'll be right there." He viciously punched the 'end' button and the phone let out a disgruntled beep as Scully pinned him with a questioning gaze and a slightly elevated left eyebrow. He shook his head slowly. "They found the van, Scully. If you're up to it, I think you should get dressed and come with me." ******************* Cruento Somnium 17/17 NC-17 the eviltwins Lana and laine the_eviltwins@hotmail.com see part one for disclaimer ********** What was left of the van was surrounded by officers, agents, a forensic team and a crime scene photographer, all of whom wore expressions varying between disgust and shock at the scene before them. Mulder strode purposefully up to the wreckage with Scully at his side. His eyes narrowed as he looked into the front of the van and he heard Scully gasp softly at what they saw. Oozing green slime covered the driver's seat, or, what was left of it. It appeared to be eating its way through the seat slowly, and with each drop that fell through the gaping hole in the vinyl, a small hiss came up from the floorboards beneath. Mulder's jaw clenched tightly and he glanced at Scully, who was slightly paler than normal, her porcelain features set in grim observation of the scene before them. Feeling his eyes on her, she met his gaze, her own eyes wide. "We've seen this before, Scully," he started, but she held up a tiny hand to stop him as Det. Lawson approached. "Don't know what the hell to make of it," he said, his gravely voice uncharacteristically breathy. He shook his head slowly from side to side, unable to comprehend what was happening. "It looks like some kind of acid or something...I don't know. Near as we can figure, looks like someone may have killed our killer." "Or something," Mulder muttered, more to himself than to Scully or Lawson. Turning to address Lawson more fully, he pushed out his words carefully. "I'd advise you to be careful, very careful, in trying to get a sample of this substance," he said. "I'd also advise you, at the risk of upsetting the balance of interagency cooperation, to leave retrieving and analyzing the sample to us." Lawson, for once, had no arguments. Scully merely raised an eyebrow at her partner, knowing what he was thinking. Knowing that, no matter what her bruised and battered scientific psyche told her, that he was right. This substance would undoubtedly match similar samples taken by the two of them on a number of different occasions. She let him guide her with one hand resting lightly on the small of her back, away from the crime scene and back to the car. Once safely ensconced inside the vehicle, her partner spoke in a measured voice. "I think it's safe to say you won't have any trouble sleeping after this," he said, although no humor laced the slightly sarcastic comment. Scully said nothing, merely fastened her seat belt and prepared herself for more analyzing, more hours spent in the lab and writing yet another inconclusive report. Somehow, she was numbed by the events that had taken place, so much so that she could once again easily distance herself from it, calling upon that clinical detachment she had always relied upon before this case. As Mulder drove toward the office, neither of them spoke, though their thoughts were heavy with the implications of the case. They still had no solid answers, which was not unusual, but no less unsettling. Mulder slowly reached over and covered Scully's hand with his own and squeezed it reassuringly before beginning to pull away. Instead of letting go, however, Scully firmly ensconced him in her grasp and settled both their hands in her lap. Neither spoke, and neither took their eyes off the road. FINIS feedback to the_eviltwins@hotmail.com