From: Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 16:40:12 EST Subject: xfc: TANTRIC by TBishop and Char Chaffin NC-17 Episode 1 (part 1 of 6) Source: xfc From: Tantric By Char Chaffin and T Bishop Category: MSR, X-File Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: Chris, they're having a lot more fun with us than you ever let them have, and therefore Mulder and Scully have decided to stay with us... forever!!! Feedback: We'd love it! Char Teresa Summary: A SEX-File. But really, keep reading - there's a plot and everything! Warning: This story contains explicit sexual situations, adult language and details that some may find offensive. Authors' Notes: We would like to thank the following people for their input, assistance, encouragement and support: David, Shoshana, Shell, Tracy, Brigitte, Xenith, Terry, Webmistress Grasshopper, Cat, and Foxsong - you guys, as always, are the best! We made a serious effort to research for this story. The following texts were used: "The Complete Kama Sutra" as translated by Alain Danielou; "Pocket Kama Sutra" by Anne Hooper; "Ecstasy Through Tantra" by Dr. John Mumford. As well as various Internet sources. In as much as we did research for this story, the authors have taken some literary license. We apologize if we have offended any Tantrists with our interpretation and presentation of this material. Missing parts? Or want to read more of our stories? Go to our archive pages: The Literary G-Spot (T Bishop's archive) Believe the Words (Char's archive) TANTRIC (Episode 1, part 1 of 6) ~PROLOGUE~ Honest to God, I meant to ease her into it; I never meant to blurt it out like that. You'd think, after seven years and countless bizarre cases, I would have learned my lesson. But I was so excited; so anxious to get my teeth into this one, I forgot to be diplomatic - forgot to use my head instead of my heart. I had spent the weekend going through all the files and the plethora of information I'd found, on the Web and in B. Dalton's; I'd taken notes, collected documented testimonials from folks who had decided to talk about what they knew of this particular organization... by the time Scully hit the basement on Monday, I was so wired that she never had a chance. Besides, all that damn Tantric reading had given me some interesting dreams... both sleeping and waking. I was prepared to fight for the right to take on this case; ready to use any excuse handy to persuade Scully that this was indeed some kind of X-File, even though she'd pick the information to shreds with that blasted irrefutable logic of hers; that scientific brain of hers not letting up on me any more than I would be willing to give in and can the case. She's coming in... I can hear her measured steps echoing in the hall. I take a deep breath, and collect my ammunition; prepare myself for the siege ahead. For it will be a siege, I don't even doubt it a little. I have to convince Scully to participate in two activities that I know she despises: Posing as my little wifey, and involving herself in what could be considered "deviant sexual cultish situations..." I find myself in danger of sporting some serious wood at the very thought of either topic - and I think I'm getting myself into some deep shit here. So, if I am headed for potential trouble - Why am I also in a state of perpetual-grin? Go figure... Uh-oh, door's opening... here we go. I carefully school my features into a small smile, as Scully opens the door and sends a soft, "Morning, Mulder" my way. She is wearing my favorite charcoal silk suit... God, she looks great. I swallow and keep the smile pinned to my face... this ain't gonna be easy. Hell, since when has anything that involves 'sex' and 'X' been easy, with Scully? "So, Mulder... what's so urgent that I have to get here at six AM? What have we got this time? Abductions involving Dall sheep and Sasquatch? Mutant tapeworms hiding out in the sewers of the Big Apple? The 'Flying Elvises' Fan Club getting rowdy again... what?" She's got such a cute smirk on her face... this little tease of hers is geared to get just enough of my professional dander up, to afford her a good chuckle at my expense... and ordinarily I wouldn't mind giving her a tee hee, I really wouldn't. But I am so bursting to tell her! So of course, in my graceless and typically charming way, I clue her in on our latest case. "Pack your bags, Scully... for a good week or so. Bring lots of sunscreen and that cute midnight blue bikini I know you've been saving for a sunny day. We be going to de islands, Mon... investigating a series of disappearances involving seemingly well-balanced people with ties to the Church of the Seven Chakras..." Her sudden gasp, and widened eyes, tell me she is familiar with that particular church. Then as those blue orbs narrow ominously, I swallow hard... because something else tells me she has figured out some of what this investigation is gonna entail... And Scully is not a happy camper. ~~~~~~ CHAPTER 1 I'm in hell. Forget undigested apple dumplings, this case is my purgatory. Mulder and I were assigned to investigate the unexplained disappearances of seventeen couples associated with the Church of the Seven Chakras. A Tantric sex cult whose members follow the teachings of Swami Saraswati, aka Dr. Jonas Mitchell, a naturopathic medicine practitioner from Detroit. This is a case that should have been given to Missing Persons. It is NOT a X-File. There's simply no indication that the disappearances are linked to anything paranormal; but throw the word 'cult' in and they automatically call the Spookys to investigate. I wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for the fact that this is an undercover assignment. Mulder and I are posing as husband and wife and attending a week long introductory seminar hosted by the church at their resort property on Abaco Island. A week... seven excruciating days and nights living with my partner in a cozy beachside bungalow, being forced to endure a scheduled program of seminars with topics like Sex Magic, Ecstasy of the Inner Self, and my personal favorite, Achieving Tantric Orgasm. God, help me! The only way I'm going to make it though this is to concentrate on the case, stay professional, not let Mulder distract me with his innuendo and this silly Mr. and Mrs. routine. It won't be easy... our relationship has been changing, the lines are becoming less clear. I'm not even sure how to define US anymore. Partners. Yeah, we're that... but our friendship sometimes dances dangerously close to intimacy. On New Year's Eve when Mulder kissed me, I wasn't sure... was it just a gesture between friends? It could have been that and nothing more, but it felt... nebulous, for lack of a better word. Vague. Can a kiss be vague? Apparently it can or I wouldn't be asking. Or maybe it was my own feelings confusing the issue. I've got it bad for Mulder. It's something I've lived with for a very long time, although only recently have I really admitted to myself just how bad. I'm in love with him. I'm in love with my partner... have been for years. But as much as I love Mulder, I'm too consumed by my own fear to encourage him. I've seen his failures... and I've seen mine. Quite obviously, neither of us is good at intimate personal relationships. I can only imagine what a disaster it would be if Mulder and I were to become involved. It's a risk I don't want to take... because I could, and likely would, end up losing him completely should things began to fall apart... as they inevitably do. But just because I don't want him, that doesn't mean I don't WANT him. God, I want Mulder so bad that it physically hurts. I've just resigned myself to the understanding that needing is more important than wanting. And I NEED his companionship... the lust in my heart can go unfulfilled... but without Mulder's friendship I would be completely lost. That's why this case is such torture for me. Mulder's always cavalier, unaffected by situations like these. He makes jokes, teases me mercilessly, hams it up for the sake of the cover; meanwhile, I'm going out of my mind trying to at least appear composed and professional, while at the same time having to act the role of a loving wife. "Honey!" Damn. Why can't he just use my name? As previously agreed to, I was responsible for choosing our names this time. None of that Rob and Laura Petrie crap. Dana and Fox Hale. The beauty of it is that I finally GET to call him Fox, and he HAS to call me Dana, something he rarely allows himself to do. Not that I mind him calling me Scully... it's actually very endearing, but my name is Dana, and it would be nice if I heard him address me that way a little more often. "Sweetie!" Well, he's supposed to call me Dana. Leave it to him to never actually say it the entire week! "I'll be right there, FOX!" Take that, Mulder. I can almost hear him cringe through the wall. I finish touching up my makeup in the bathroom mirror, then open the door to find him standing there with his arms folded across his chest. "Do you have to call me that?" "It's your name." I smile sweetly, enjoying the annoyance on his face. "You know I don't like it when you call me that." I sure do. It seems every other woman but me is allowed to call him by his first name. I've often wondered why... why am I the only woman he can't stand hearing call him Fox? It was a rule he set from the very beginning, and has continued to insist upon to this day. Is it his way of keeping me separate from all the other women in the world? His male friends call him Mulder. Is he trying to keep from thinking of me as a woman? Actually, it used to bother me a lot more than it does now. He's just Mulder and I'm just Scully... regardless of why. "I'm not going to call you Hale." "Well, how about Honey or Sweetheart, or..." "Poopyhead?" He frowns. "Well... even that's better than Fox." I can't help but laugh. Oh, this is too much fun. Revenge for being forced into this assignment in the first place. "Sorry, big guy, I'm calling you Fox." "Big guy? Now that's a term of endearment a man can be proud of." "Fox." He sighs and his shoulders slump in defeat. Well, maybe this case won't be so bad after all. As long as I can continue to have fun at Mulder's expense. "So, FOX, what did you want, anyway?" He gets this grin on his face, grabs my hand and pulls me out the back door of our little cottage right onto the beach. I have to say, this is really a beautiful island resort. And the tropical climate beats the hell out of the cold Spring we've been suffering through in DC. "Look at it, Scully," he whispers, pointing at the most glorious sunrise I believe I have ever seen. The sapphire sky is becoming a pale green blue, like the color of a robin's egg and the clouds are a fiery red, fading to violet. The sun is hidden behind cottony clouds, but the intensity is reflected in the endless simmering waves of the ocean. It looks as if the sea itself is giving birth to the new day. "Oh, my God!" is all I can manage. We stand there together, watching until the first patches of azure daylight grow to a dusty orange, then pink and yellow. It's not until the sun's brilliance makes it impossible to watch any longer, that I have to look away, and happen to notice Mulder and I are still holding hands. As I turn to my partner, I can't help the shiver that runs through me when my eyes meet his and I realize he's been watching me the entire time. "I... I thought you brought me out here to see the sunrise?" "Yeah." His stare is penetrating. I find it very unnerving when he gets like this. When it's just me and him, and he pushes himself into that place one step beyond and dares me to meet him. "Last time I looked the sun rises in the East... over that way." I point to the now fiery red sea. "It was incredible, Fox. You should have watched." "I did." He moves fractionally closer, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. "No you didn't. You've been looking at me the entire time." "I saw the whole thing. All of it. Every last detail of color and light reflected in your beautiful eyes. And you're right... it was incredible... Dana." Oh God. Jesus, why does he have to say stuff like that? I can only hope the rosy glow of the morning's first light hides some of the blush in my cheeks as I draw my hand away. "Did that embarrass you?" He asks, running the back of one finger along my flushed face. "No," I lie. "Why should it?" "It shouldn't. You have beautiful eyes." Uh oh. "Mul... Fox." Maybe this name thing wasn't such a good idea. Calling him Fox feels uncomfortably intimate now, and I nervously avert his eyes. "I think we should go over our room, check for listening devices. Just in case." He gives me a sad look and this exaggerated sigh. "Work?" "That IS why we're here," I remind him coolly, effectively cutting through the mood. Refusing to look back, I leave him and set myself to the task of a little FBI housecleaning. Anything to get my mind off of what just happened between us. ~~~~~ Nice cottage... nice furnishings. And as Scully stands poised in the doorway of the lanai, I am thinking about the lovely view as well... and the beach isn't bad, either. Those were my initial thoughts as we were shown into our little bungalow of love, and I looked around with eagerness, finding a good spot on the polished desk to set up the laptop... right next to the tidy collection of incense, massage oil and assorted sex manuals displayed there. Scully hasn't seen them yet. I can just imagine her reaction when she does... Hell, I can already feel my reaction, and we've only been here an hour. Our initial welcoming seminar is starting in about another hour; plenty of time for us to unpack, lay claim to bathroom counter space, and try hard to stay out of each other's way. Well, I am trying to stay out of Scully's way - unwillingly, I might add. She's not into a tease-fest right now. Unfortunately for her, I can't help but try to have a little fun... can't help but try pulling Scully along. Out the door and onto the beach, both of us gawking at the incredible sunrise. Well, Scully gawks at the sky and I gawk at her. Can't help myself - no sunrise anywhere on God's green earth could ever compare with all the colors of the sky reflected in her baby blues. When Scully discovers what I have really been staring at, she folds herself up into her little Scully-box... cool and poised, all business - that's my partner. Parrying all my thrusts, so to speak... as usual. It was the same last year, when we posed as the Petries. I talked the talk, but no way was Scully gonna let me walk the walk. I tried, I really did... thought that it might be a good opportunity to break down a few walls... maybe get a little closer, learn a new side of my oh-so-desirable partner. Except she shot down every innuendo; flattened every gesture. It took me a long time to understand that with Scully, when the feelings are so close to the surface, teasing hurts. My fun became her pain... man, was I stupid! I have no intention of being that stupid, again. I've been given a second chance - and I'm changing my routine. It's time to test the waters; and I'm not talking about the salty stuff right outside our cottage. As we finish hanging up clothes and share a mutually-horrified moment of staring at the silky white pajamas that all the couples have to wear... I fight hard to swallow the suggestive comment bubbling up into my mouth, and offer to let Scully have the huge bathroom; she flashes me the first genuine smile I've seen since our arrival here, and as the door closes behind her, I sigh and yank my polo shirt over my head. I'll be good, really I will... I'll be so goddamn good that Scully won't be able to resist. The thought makes me smile, as well. ~~~~~~ End of Episode 1, (part 1 of 6) From: THIS IS NOT A WIP. IT IS A COMPLETED STORY WHICH WILL BE POSTED IN 3 EPISODES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Tantric (episode 1, part 2 of 6) By Char Chaffin and T Bishop Category: MSR, X-File Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: As stated in Part 1 Feedback: We'd love it! Char Teresa CHAPTER 2 This is weird... too weird. I hesitate at the door to the conference room afraid of going any further. A hard lump in my throat and butterflies in my stomach... I'm truly afraid to go inside that room. Which is crazy because I've entered some fear-inspiring places in my years as a Federal Agent without so much as a second thought; why a candlelit conference room, littered with pillows and hazy with incense should panic me is bordering on the absurd. I feel Mulder's arm slip around my waist and he leans over to whisper in my ear. "Kinda romantic, huh?" Is that what's terrifying me? "Don't get any ideas," I warn him. "Too late." He grins back. Thankfully, I don't get the opportunity to respond, as the other couples are arriving and we have to protect our cover. Mulder leads me into the room, his arm firmly around my waist, and we follow what the others are doing, seating ourselves on the floor amongst the large ornate tassled pillows. Swami Saraswati enters last, wearing a black satin version of the white lounging pajamas we have all been given to wear, and takes his place on the raised platform at the front of the room. Behind him is a large banner that reads: 'LAUGH, LOVE, BE AWAKE, AND BE HAPPY.' "Good morning, Gods and Goddesses," he greets us. "Welcome to the beginning of your spiritual and sexual awakening." Oh, brother. "I am Swami Bharata Saraswati. I will be your guide this week as you are indoctrinated into the Church of the Seven Chakras. You are beginning a great journey together as lovers. Through Tantra you will enjoy a new sense of your self and your connection to the universe. As sexual partners you will help each other achieve enlightenment through Tantric practices and controlled, disciplined ritual intercourse... Tantric Yoga." I'm going to kill him for getting us involved with this! I don't care what Skinner said, as Senior Agent, Mulder had every right to turn down this assignment and he knows it. He just couldn't resist... and he had to drag me right along with him. "As you have read in your guide books, Tantric sexuality is the dimension of sex employed for consciousness expansion. Tantra is designed to alter... through worshipping another's body... the state of consciousness of the participants and generally requires that the fire of emotion... designated love... accompany the sexual excitement. That is what separates Tantrists from other practitioners of sex magic... we are not simply attempting to achieve orgasm, but rather awakening our consciousness through ceremonial intercourse, a ritual that requires the emotional commitment of the participants." "We will begin by nourishing our bodies." As soon as he speaks the words, four robed assistants appear from a door on the other side of the room carrying platters of food, fresh fruit, and various sweet breakfast breads. A single dish is placed on the floor by each couple. "This week you will not feed yourself. Rather, your partner will feed you whenever you are hungry. You will take turns. When the first person being fed is no longer hungry, you will change roles. As you proceed, I want you to realize that the one you are feeding is a manifestation of that aspect of Divinity we call God or Goddess. Tell the one you are feeding that you love them. Don't be afraid to be playful. Enjoy. Laugh. You may engage in conversation... but you should only discuss the here-and-now. Do not talk about the past or anything further in the future than what is happening this week within the confines of our retreat. You may begin." "Goddesses first," Mulder says as he reaches for a cluster of grapes from the platter. My eyes dart quickly around the room; the other couples seem to be fully engrossed in the activity, not paying the slightest bit of attention to anyone beyond their immediate companion. "Come on, my Goddess, lie back on the pillows and let me feed you." This is my payback for calling him Fox, I suppose. I should know better than to attempt to get the upper hand with Mulder. I doubt there's any chance of getting out of this, but I have to try. "I'm really not all that hungry... You know me, I'm not much of a breakfast person. Do you suppose they have any coffee around this place?" Mulder laughs and puts his hands on my shoulders, directing me to lie back against a stack of pillows. "Just relax and play along, Scully," he whispers in my ear, sending a jolt of heat burning right down through my center. The sound of his rumbly whisper has always affected me this way. Okay, I can play along, but there's no way I'm going to be able to relax. Mulder kneels beside me and very ceremoniously plucks a grape from its stem, bringing it to my lips so slowly that the anticipation alone nearly does me in. I accept his offering, trying not to let him see what it does to me when his fingers brush against the corners of my mouth as he places the piece of fruit onto my tongue. Very deliberately, I bite into the sweet juicy grape, chewing it under the watchful gaze of my most attentive partner. "Do we really have to do this?" I ask him quietly, careful that no one else but Mulder should hear what I say. I didn't mean to sound so pleading. "If we want to eat we do." He picks off another grape and pops it into my mouth. "I could stand to lose a few pounds," I quip as he continues to feed me the fruit. "If you stopped eating for an entire week they'd be taking you out of here on a stretcher. What's the matter, you don't like grapes? Or does my Goddess prefer them peeled?" This is going to be a very long week. I sigh, and resign myself to accept it. If I don't look at him, maybe it won't be so bad. So I concentrate on everything but the man who's feeding me, and staring at me as if I were an actual Goddess. I let Mulder give me several more bites of food from the plate before I tell him that I've had enough. He smiles at me and reclines back on his own stack of pillows, waiting for me to reciprocate. Not wanting to have to put my fingers into Mulder's mouth... God, help me, I couldn't do that... I choose a large piece of fruit, a peach, and hold it out for him to bite. When Mulder sinks his teeth into the soft ripe flesh, the juices spill out and begin to drip down my wrist. Before I can wipe them away, Mulder grabs my forearm, pulling it to his mouth. Then he uses his hot wet tongue to languidly lick the trickle of peach juice from my elbow all the way back up to my palm, at the same time fixing me with a stare that could melt cold steel. My fingers unexpectedly become nonfunctional and I drop the peach to the floor between us. Why is he doing this to me? Surely, he can't be THAT upset about me calling him Fox. God, if he only knew... Peach juice isn't the only thing dripping around here. I wonder what Mulder's slippery tongue would feel like sliding over my... NO! No, I'm not going there. What the hell is the matter with me? I'm beginning to question the properties of this sweet smelling smoke we're inhaling. I'm feeling decidedly light-headed at the moment... not to mention a tad overheated. God, that's all I need. I'm having a hard enough time trying to keep it together. Stoned Dana Scully doesn't know the word no... actually, she's quite the little tramp. Mulder would be shocked as hell if he ever saw me in a chemically induced, uninhibited state. Frohike was smart enough not to share with my partner what he witnessed in Las Vegas last Spring... I think he believed me when I threatened to autopsy him for such a transgression regardless of his state of being. Mulder finally releases my arm. "More, please. I'm starving." He says it most seductively... or at least that how it sounds to me, not that I trust my judgment at this point. I select a sweet roll this time (no juice) and bring it up to his mouth. But he shakes his head. "Break off a piece for me," he commands. You've got to be kidding. I give him a look that says as much, but he just puts his hands behind his head and waits, challenging me to disobey with a single raised eyebrow. Bastard. He's liking this way too much. ~~~~~~ I should be taken out and hung from the highest palmetto, which wouldn't do a whole lot of damage since the highest palmetto comes to roughly my nose. But still... maybe taken out and shot. I am doing what I'd sworn I wouldn't do... making Scully uncomfortable by my joking and innuendo. I can't seem to stop - she looks so damned cute in those oversized white jammies. The deep vee of the top keeps gapping open in some very interesting ways... she doesn't realize it and I'm not going to tell her. When she leans over and offers the peach to me, it's like a fantasy come true - Scully feeding me with a juicy, succulent fruit, plump with sweetness. I get to lick my way up and down her arm in a pretense of cleansing her of the sticky peach juice, and I can see just how my mouth and tongue are affecting her. I can feel the pulse in the crook of her arm - it's pounding madly against my tongue, and it's one of the most erotic things I have ever felt. I can see for myself how my mouth, and my stare, makes her feel - and she'd never admit it, not in a million years - but I don't have a million years to wait. This is my golden chance, to make her see me, really see me... and to be able to solve a mysterious case as well. I want them both - the X-file, and Scully. Greedy? Damn straight... I'm one greedy son-of-a-bitch. And still so hungry... starved. I think I'm gonna try talking my white-silk-clad partner into feeding me pieces of sweet roll... while she's sitting in my lap. Half an hour later, full of sweet roll (even if my lap ended up being Scully-less), we are seated once again among pillows and our sinuses full of whatever weird incense is wafting on the warm air of the conference room. The smell isn't unpleasant or anything like that, but I can feel it going to work on me... I am very relaxed, too relaxed - and that worries me. As much as I'd love to play with Scully, and see just how far I can push my luck... I know we're here for some serious business. I take a quick peek over at Scully, curled up next to me on the huge tassled pillow. Her eyes look strange; very dark around the irises... dilated! That's what's wrong - her eyes are dilated almost completely. And I'd bet mine are the same way... I lean over and whisper in her ear, as Swami Phoney-Baloney-whatever-his-name-is drones on and on about transitional moods and vortexes of energy and pulse points of need, blah, blah, blah... "Scully, can you identify this smell? I've smelled it before, I know I have. It's taking the edge off our awareness, and that's something we can't afford... Scully... you listening?" I take her chin in one hand and turn her face to mine - and the look on her face just about does me in. Christ... she's stunning... eyes half closed, dilated almost black; cheeks flushed and dewy with the humid air and whatever weird pheromones are being introduced into her system... hair curling around her face. Lips swollen, bruised-looking, as if she'd been licking at them non-stop... the way I want to lick at them. Non-stop... I can feel her face coming closer to me, closer - or maybe that's me, moving toward her, I'm not sure. But this is a surreal moment, that's for certain... closer. Our lips barely touching, and Scully licks her lips again, but this time she catches the edges of my mouth as she licks - and we gasp into each other's breath as her wet tongue slips along my bottom lip. The smell of the incense... spicy and hot, yet almost metallic... the soothing drone of Swami Salami as his words penetrate the outer rim of my consciousness... The in-fucking-credible feel of her skin underneath the white silk covering her pale breasts, the gap in front never so pronounced as at the moment my hands slip into the opening and cup each sweet mound... hard little pebbles of her nipples boring into each of my palms... oh, Jesus... What the hell am I doing? I jerk my hands away in shock, just as her eyes flutter open and she stares hard into me, and whispers, "Mulder... don't stop..." ~~~~~~ CHAPTER 3 "Scully... no." Mulder shakes his head at my plea. What's the matter with him? He started this, now that he knows I'm willing, he doesn't want to play anymore? What kind of bullshit is this? "I want you to touch me again." As I speak, I take his hands in mine and guide them to my breasts once more; through the gossamer cloth of my top I can feel the searing fire of his touch. But I want flesh on flesh... I need to feel him capture the curves that are aching for attention beneath the silky fabric of my clothing. The heat of his palms against my nipples was excruciating and wonderful. I want that back. Mulder looks almost pained as he pulls his hands away. "Jesus... Scully, look at me," he whispers. "Look at my eyes." "They're beautiful," I tell him as I lose myself in their expressive depths, "... hazel green. I love the way they change color with your mood, with the clothes you wear, with the time of day even." I've seen this phenomenon, and wondered at it for a very long time... marveled at the magic he possess in those chameleon irises. Right now those beautiful hazel eyes are as dark as I've ever seen them. Dark with passion. God, Mulder, take me... don't hold back. "I want you." "No! Scully, really look!" He takes my face in his hands, forcing my wandering gaze back to his intense glare. "Look at my eyes! They're dilated... and so are yours. It's the incense or whatever it is. Shit, we're stoned." Stoned? Okay. "So what? I still want you." Looking over Mulder's shoulder, I see other couples who have forgotten themselves and are kissing and touching each other intimately. It's very arousing to watch. And as I play voyeur, my lips find Mulder's neck and I begin to kiss and nibble, tasting his salty skin. "Don't do this to me," he begs... almost whines, pushing me away gently. "It's taking everything I have to control myself. You need to meet me half way, partner. I'm not going to take advantage of this situation as much as I'd like to. You'd never forgive me, Scully... I'd never forgive me." "Mulder... I feel... mmm..." Can't seem to decide on the best word to describe where my head is right now... It's a very pleasant feeling though. I'm relaxed and almost drifting between wake and sleep. And I am acutely aware of my desire... very acutely aware. I want to be fucked. "I know. We've got to get out of here and get some fresh air." As Mulder struggles to stand, and to help me up with him in the process, a couple of the Swami's assistants hurry over to see if they can be of service. "Dana, Fox, is something wrong?" the woman asks us, as she and her male companion help us to our feet. Mulder does the talking for us, which is good as I'm not entirely sure I could handle standing AND talking at this point. "My wife isn't feeling well... actually, I think we both need some air." "Ahh," the young woman smiles knowingly. "The Tagara is sometimes overwhelming to newcomers. Do not worry. Its effects are mainly aphrodisiac and only mildly intoxicating. Come, Rajan and I will assist you outside to clear your heads." "Thank you," Mulder smiles at the woman as she and her rather yummy looking companion, Rajan, help us out the door. Outside the light is considerably brighter, the tropical sun already burning hot in the morning sky. We are guided to a grassy area beside the main compound and both of us sit quietly on the lawn, filling our lungs with as much untainted air as possible without hyperventilating. "Slow, deep breaths," the woman, who has introduced herself as Tisha, coaches us. "Tagara's effects wear off quickly, but you must give yourselves time for the transformation, to regain balance. When achieving Kundalini... arousal through herbs, we must be careful how we return to the consciousness of our corporal bodies." Whatever. As my head becomes clearer, I begin to realize what just almost happened. Shit. We haven't been here more than a few hours and already I'm letting this place get to me. Mulder had his hands on my breasts and I was sucking on his neck and I wanted more... God, I wanted more! This CAN'T happen. I will not destroy seven years of the best relationship I could ever hope for because I got a buzz from some naturopath's homegrown. I have to be more careful. No matter what it takes, I can't allow my desire for Mulder to gain control over my good sense. We are here as FBI Agents conducting an investigation. This is work, however thinly disguised it may be, and we have to conduct ourselves professionally. Thank God my partner has some measure of self-restraint or we'd likely be doing the wild thing for the entertainment of Swami Saraswati and his followers right about now. Even so, I can't continue to depend on Mulder to be the levelheaded one... we could be in a lot of trouble if that's what this comes down to. No, it's up to me to keep myself in check, and Mulder too if need be. I may be taking a lot of long cold showers, but I WILL manage to control myself. I don't know what to do about the Tagara. I'm so readily susceptible to drugs of any kind. Maybe I need to talk to Mulder about it. Warn him of this charming aspect of his partner's personality. Then we can both be on guard... and hopefully avoid any more situations like the one we just found ourselves in. I've achieved enough Kundalini on this case, thank you very much. When it comes to getting turned on, Mulder is a more than adequate aphrodisiac; I don't need drugs to assist my appetite for sex. ~~~~~~ End of Episode 1, (Part 2 of 6) From: THIS IS NOT A WIP. IT IS A COMPLETED STORY WHICH WILL BE POSTED IN 3 EPISODES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Tantric (episode 1, part 3 of 6) By Char Chaffin and T Bishop Category: MSR, X-File Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: As stated in Part 1 Feedback: We'd love it! Char Teresa ~~~~~~ Are we in big trouble here... oh, yeah. Big trouble brewing on de island - and I don't know what to do about it. I know what I'd *like* to do... and it centers around getting myself and my "wife" secluded, unclothed and then performing our own little Tantric Dance of the Naked Pretzel. When I first began gathering information about this case, I honestly didn't think about the ramifications of subjecting ourselves to this kind of situation, this degree of intimacy. Didn't stop to ponder how it might affect us, and our partnership, not to mention our relationship. Our relationship... yeah. That's the big question - how will this little jaunt of sexual happiness affect what Scully and I have together? I have a feeling no matter what kind of seminar we attend, what subject may be discussed (or demonstrated, God help us), that odd incense will always be present in the air. Tagara, they called it... maybe I should try looking it up on the web and see if the damn stuff has an antidote! If we have to inhale much more of it, I sure can't make any gentlemanly promises toward Scully. The pull of it was strong enough, before her soft lips and sharp teeth added into the mix and drove me out of my frigging mind. Her mouth... God. Those teeth... Jesus save me, I am in big trouble, don't mind repeating it. I won't - can't - take advantage of her under these conditions. It would be so unfair, to both of us - and it would destroy any hopes of having a real romantic relationship, would decimate our future... if we are destined to have one. Dinner is uneventful, thanks be to the 'Gods' and 'Goddesses' running this little dog-and-pony show. No odd foodstuffs, no weird odors wafting on the breeze and no Swami yakking on and on about body parts and their relationship to mind-blowing orgasmic splendor. We sit outside on a huge lanai loaded with flowers and palms and island bric-a-brac, feasting on all manner of fruit and fresh veggies and succulent meats shiska-bobbed to perfection. All around us, couples are snuggled closely together, feeding each other bits of this and that. In keeping with the overall theme of the day, Scully holds out pieces of grilled pork and thin slices of pineapple and guava, and I am really trying to behave myself and just accept the food upon my tongue without giving in to the temptation of just gobbling her up, starting with her little fingers and ending somewhere up around breast-level. Oh HELL! Why did I let that thought into my head? This is hard enough, and my unbidden mini-fantasies are only making it harder. Literally. And Scully, oh man... she looks so gorgeous tonight. I never get to see her in anything other than those G-suits of hers, or else leggings and baggy shirts - that's my Scully, but tonight I get to see Dana. She wears a long, fluttery dress the color of the night sky; sprinkled with tiny rosy flowers and made of some kind of soft silk. Spaghetti straps and a nipped-in bodice... she looks like a princess. The humid island air brings every curl on her head into playful shimmer, and she has just a touch of lipstick on her mouth. Perfect... my little 'wife.' My little fantasy, sitting next to me on a wide loveseat, feeding me ambrosia while her eyes whisper the most outrageous things to mine. She may be making small talk about the case, and her theories about what may have happened to those couples; doesn't matter because while her mouth is saying one thing, her eyes are saying something else entirely. I don't know how much longer I can sit here, and pretend that I'm just enjoying an island feast, when all I want to do is feast on every inch of her delicious Scullyskin. I can feel myself sliding down into an ocean of want rivaling the one out beyond the torch-lit beach. And in just a few hours, I'm going to be lying next to her in that wide, silk-covered bed, in our little bungalow. As I reach for a chunk of mango and prepare to begin feeding Scully, I can't help but wonder... Will I also be feeding my fantasy tonight? And will I go hungry once again, or find myself pushing away from the banquet table a very fulfilled man? ~~~~~~ CHAPTER 4 One day down, six more to go. I wonder if it would scare Mulder too much if I knelt down and prayed before I went to bed? I think a few Hail Marys might be needed tonight. I REALLY don't want to get into that bed with him. After what happened this morning, we've both managed to behave ourselves but... ... But Mulder is an unbelievably gorgeous man. And his cologne, mixed with the scent of his body, is more potent than the Tagara that nearly did me in today. And all this nonstop talk about sex has me in a constant state of arousal. I can only imagine what state my poor partner must be in... well, on second thought, I don't think I better be imagining anything quite like that right now. Mulder is already in bed... waiting for me. Why do I suddenly feel like I'm about to lose my virginity? Come to think of it, I wasn't even this nervous when I did have sex for the first time. Of course I'd had four or five beers and a couple of shots of JD first... I don't think it's possible to be nervous when you're that plastered... but the point being... Oh, I don't even know what the hell my point was... I'm just stalling. Hoping if I stay in this bathroom long enough he'll fall asleep and I can just cozy up in one of the chairs for the night instead. Yeah, right... that's a good one, Dana. Mr. Insomnia is going to drift off to sleep at... I check my watch... God! It's only 9:30! We don't even have a TV to distract us. I don't know what Mulder's going to do all night without the adult movie channels to keep him company... God, I can't... I can't do this! "Dana, my Goddess, you've been in that damn bathroom for almost forty-five minutes! Are you coming to bed any time soon or are you planning on sleeping in the bathtub?" For the briefest moment I glance at the tub and consider the possibility... add a pillow and a blanket and it might not be such a bad idea. "I was kidding about the bathtub!" he adds as an afterthought. I swear to God, sometimes I think that man can still read minds. Okay, It's pretty clear I'm not going to get out of this. Too bad I didn't think to pack my facial mud. Mulder seemed sufficiently repulsed by that the last time we did this married routine. Of course, we didn't have to go so far as to share a bed then. What am I worrying about Mulder for? He's not going to try anything. He wouldn't. He might tease and act up from time to time, but he's always been a perfect gentleman where I'm concerned. Well, except for today... but I really can't blame him for that. We were both under the influence. And anyway, HE was the one that put a stop to it. No. I have nothing to fear with Mulder. Then why am I still locked in this bathroom? Do I have that little trust in my own ability to control myself where my partner is concerned? "Hey, are you okay in there?" Mulder knocks. Taking a deep breath, I unlock the door, opening it to find his anxious face staring back at me. "What? There's a time limit?" He's looking at me in that way he does when he isn't sure what to say. Good. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who's uncomfortable with this. As I brush past him and busy myself with the task of hanging up my dress, I can feel his eyes on me even from across the room. Please, Mulder... "I know this is awkward, but you don't have anything to be nervous about, Scully. What happened this morning..." "Was a manifestation of the drug in our systems," I finish for him. "I know, Mulder. And while we're on that subject, I think you should know... I've always been highly susceptible to the effects of pharmaceuticals. More so than the average person. I'm concerned that it could become a problem on this case if we continue to be exposed to these so called herbs." He nods. "Yeah, I've been worried about that too. So far I haven't come up with any ideas on how we might avoid further exposure... not without risking suspicion." We're both standing looking at the bed now. Both of us... just staring at it... "Right or left?" "What?" "Which side do you prefer to sleep on?" Is he kidding? I sleep alone. I don't have a side of the bed. "Doesn't matter," I tell him. "Then I'll take the right." And as he says it, he strips off his robe and slips into bed with nothing on but a pair of silk boxers; leaving me standing on the other side, my heart pounding out a jungle beat in my chest. He pats the covers beside him. "Come on, Mrs. Hale, it's time to turn in and get some shut eye. We've got a sunrise yoga class in the morning before breakfast." Okay... all right. I can do this. On three. One... two... three. I casually drop my robe onto the bed and quickly get in between the sheets before Mulder gets too much of an eye full of the tanktop and sweats shorts I've elected to wear in lieu of pajamas this evening. It's too damn hot for anything with a measure of modesty... anything I would consider wearing to bed with my partner. And unlike my partner, sleeping in my underwear isn't an option for me tonight. "Night, honey," Mulder says with a grin. And then he surprises me by simply turning his back and shutting off the bed lamp. That's it? No talk of honeymoon videos? No suggestive invitations? Not even one sexual innuendo? Just 'night, honey,' that's it? Jeez. What's gotten into him? "Night." I shut off my own lamp and turn away from Mulder, settling in against the soft goose down pillows, and praying that sleep will come quickly to both of us. ~~~~~~ CHAPTER 5 My hands are twisted in the sheets and hanging on for dear life. Every muscle in my body is tight, as if someone has strung me on a rack and just keeps cranking the wheel... I throw my head back on the damp pillow and fight for every gasping breath, unintelligible words bubbling out of my corded throat and spilling out of my open mouth - "JesusMaryandJosephScullydon'tstopdon'teverstoploveyoupleasedon'tstop..." She lifts her head from my shaking thighs, a wide smile wreathing those swollen lips of hers, and pins my pleading eyes with her narrowed gaze; she knows exactly what she's doing to me. She knows... and she's not gonna stop, Scully would never leave me hanging like that. She lowers her head again, brushing those hot pouty lips over my engorged flesh. I've never felt anything like this, never - I've never been so hard, never hung onto it for so long; never felt so much pulsing need not only in my cock but all over my body, flooding my veins and pumping madly inside my head. Scully slips her open mouth over me again, her eyes holding mine as she engulfs me. Hot slick satin... that's what the inside of her mouth feels like. Her tongue swirls endlessly around and over every inch of my skin, now holding me deep inside her throat; now delicately lapping at the sensitive ridge underneath the head of my cock... until my eyes literally roll back in my head and I can feel it coming up, thick and fast; up from my straining balls and flooding my cock, forcing it to grow even fuller and tighter... until with one hoarse scream of her name, I explode into her and against her, and she takes me, all of me, every last drop of me. I come so hard that I lose consciousness; feel her mouth slip from my still-throbbing flesh and kiss its way up my shuddering body, over my heaving chest until she reaches my mouth, and kisses me so deeply and so sweetly, letting me taste myself on her... then she slides her soft, warm limbs over mine and snuggles her face into my sweaty neck and whispers, "Mmmm, Mulder... love you so... Mulder..." Hell, if this is just another of my Scully-dreams, then I hope I never wake - because this one is the best of all... I awake with the warmth of an early-morning sunrise falling across my face, my eyes slowly open just a crack, taking in the soft light filling our bedroom; silky sheets twining around my body. No, that's not right... silky, but not sheets; what...? I turn my head on the pillow very slowly, curious to see why the sheets should feel like warm skin - Oh, Jesus... Scully. She's sprawled over me like a coating of honey, her little tank top twisted up around her waist; I can feel skin everywhere, Scullyskin all over me. Sometime in the night I became her mattress and she laid claim to me; and as I lay there underneath her still-slumbering body, I remember the dream-kisses, deep in the night; her dream-lips touching me, all over; so amazing... so hot. And I don't even stop to wonder why dream-Scully did those incredible things to me, all night long - I just know she did, and it wasn't enough, not nearly enough I need more so much more... Wait... was it my dream-Scully... or was it real? I don't think it was a dream. I am drained to the bone... sated, and drained. Exhausted and enervated at the same time - My God. I know it wasn't a dream. It happened, deep in the night it happened... while we were both asleep, Scully touched me, kissed me... and I responded to her the way I would love to respond to her, in our waking hours, the way one lover would respond to another. Scully kissed me, all over, and I - I loved it. Loved it... and I want more of it. More... So, still half asleep myself, I roll her carefully, until she's underneath me; I slide my suddenly trembling fingers through her hair and down over her shoulders, learning anew the texture of her skin, her very pores; she stirs a little but she's still deeply asleep. I trace the veins in her forearms, marveling at the life force pumping within such delicate framework; my lips follow the path of my hands, over her arms and back up to her ribcage. I move over her, kissing her neck. And she's moaning, turning her head to the side to give me better access to the soft, perfumed flesh just behind her ear. I take a brief detour and suck on the lobe, letting my tongue play with her earring, eliciting a higher pitched squeak from her delicate throat. Then I return to my task of tasting her neck, and when I find the place that makes her squirm, I let a little of the wicked boy in me come out to play, and I nip, perhaps a bit harder than I should, and I'm rewarded with a gasp from Scully's cherry lips. I continue my trail of kisses, lifting her shirt as I go, brushing over and around a tender breast; as my mouth finds one precious nipple and my tongue gently touches the very tip, just the tip of that rosy point... I can't resist raising my eyes to her face, her lovely face - wanting to see her eyes as they flicker behind still-closed lids; to watch her sleepy eyes as they open, as blue as the sky when the sun rises and the world awakens; wanting to see the loving awareness flood through her at the touch of my lips and tongue. Wanting her smile to break over me, cleanse me from the inside out... want this, so bad... I watch her eyes as they begin to open under fluttering lashes, my tongue still bathing her so sweetly... Only to see the initial sleepy acceptance of her gaze widen into something akin to horror, as she sees me suspended above her and feels my mouth on her... as she gasps and pushes at me, at my head; breaking my connection with her and demanding in a shaken voice, "Mulder! What the hell are you DOING?!" Stunned, I quickly move off of my now fully awake and decidedly livid partner, and she immediately hops out of bed, glaring at me, furious. She's really mad. I've never seen Scully so mad. Her face is flushed, she's breathing hard. I'd say she's seething. "Mulder! I... you..." Jesus, she's so angry she can't even speak. "I'm sorry, Scully. Really sorry." I'd like to get out of bed and make a more dignified apology, but Scully would probably get even madder if she saw the monumental boner I'm sporting underneath these silk boxers. She doesn't say anything more. Just turns her back on me and storms off to the bathroom. She slams the door and I hear the click of the lock. A few seconds later the shower is turned on. Christ, what have I done? ~~~~~~ End of Episode 1, (Part 3 of 6) From: THIS IS NOT A WIP. IT IS A COMPLETED STORY WHICH WILL BE POSTED IN 3 EPISODES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Tantric (episode 1, part 4a of 6) By Char Chaffin and T Bishop Category: MSR, X-File Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: As stated in Part 1 Feedback: We'd love it! Char Teresa ~~~~~~ Fuck, that's cold! I'm freezing. My flushed skin prickles under the chilled water, and the shock of it draws my breath away at first. But this cold shower is my only hope of fighting the fire burning inside me. A fire Mulder ignited as he lay atop me in that bed and pressed his lips ablaze with passion to my skin. This is insane. As I let the icy water bite at my flushed body, all I can think about is Mulder biting on my neck. Waking up to him nibbling at my throat, at the sensitive places along my shoulder and behind my ear, and then he... then he... God! The feel of his hot mouth on my breast... I thought I was going to come right then and there! It was incredible. So unbelievably good to have his warm wet lips tracing a trail of fire over my body. His tongue rolling over my tightening nipple. I don't know how I found the strength to stop him. As I woke and came to the realization of what was happening, I lay there paralyzed momentarily with fear, and at the same time wishing it didn't have to end. But I had to stop him. His erection was urgently announcing itself between my legs, and I knew if I stayed in that bed with him another minute all would be lost. God, I wanted to be lost. Completely lost in him. I wanted him to tear off my clothes and ravage me, run that hot tongue of his over every inch of my body. Mmm... Okay, this isn't helping. I've got to get my mind off him. Somehow, I have to think about something other than how much I want to climb back into that bed with him and take out six or so years worth of pent-up sexual tension. I have to stop thinking about how much I wish I would have awakened to his cock buried deep inside... too late to stop him... too late to do anything but fuck him so hard neither one of us would be able to walk for days. Oh, God, please help me. I'm freezing. Shivering. My teeth are chattering. And I'm still horny as hell. This isn't working. I know what I need to do. But how can I with Mulder only in the next room? Yet I know I have to find release somehow. I'm too stirred up. I'm boiling inside at the same time my skin is turning color from the cold torture I'm inflicting upon myself. I need it. I need to touch myself, make myself come. Give my body what it's been craving all day. Maybe I can. Maybe... If I don't think about the fact that he's just on the other side of the wall. Or maybe if I do... Enough cold water. Reaching out with trembling fingers I adjust the temperature of the shower until a warm rain is soothing my chilled flesh. Ahh... yes, that's better. Warm... nice and warm. Slowly, I turn the heat up until steam begins to envelop me in its comforting fog. You can stop fighting it now, Dana, I tell myself. Let it happen. It's okay to think about how incredible it was. How Mulder was kissing me, biting me, suckling my breast. I woke up so wet and ready for him, if only... ...If only I hadn't stopped him. I shut my eyes and let my imagination take over. He would have touched me like this. Yes, oh... God! I can't believe how wet I am, so sensitive that I jump at my own touch. Just enjoy it, Dana. Imagine it's Mulder touching you. Imagine he's the one running his fingers back and forth along the side of your clitoris, teasing you, letting the tension build... slowly at first, very slowly... Oooh... Please, Mulder, faster, I plead with him. But he won't. He says, 'No, Scully, it has to be slow.' Please, Mulder, don't torture me like this. I need it. I need to come. I need to come now! But my fantasy Mulder is horribly cruel to me... 'Not until I say so. I won't let you come until I say it's time, Scully.' Slowly he rubs his fingers over me... such sweet agony. God, Mulder, I can't take this! 'Yes you can, Scully,' he insists, 'and you will, because I say you will.' Jesus, please... Mulder, I'll do anything... anything that you want. Just please, I'm begging you... 'I like hearing you beg, Scully.' Please, please, please!!! I'm desperate. I NEED this. 'On your knees, Scully.' I gasp at his demand. 'Now!' he orders me. Oh, God! Doing as my fantasy Mulder instructs, I kneel in the warm spray of the shower, my fingers continuing to work in earnest the aching, burning place between my thighs. 'Good, Scully, that's good. I like you on your knees. Now I want to watch you. I want to watch you pleasure yourself for me.' But Mulder... I want YOU to touch me. I want you to make love to me. 'No! Never! You(tm)ll never have me, Scully. You know that's the way it has to be. Now do as I say, or I'll go.' No! Please! Stay. Stay here with me. I'll do it. I'll do whatever you ask. 'Then touch your breasts for me, Scully. Use both hands. Knead the soft flesh. More, Scully. Squeeze them as you would like me to.' Ohhh... I fondle myself as the hot water cascades over me. The needle spray of the shower contacts my stimulated and over sensitive nipples, stinging them, making them grow harder. 'Pinch your nipples, Scully,' fantasyMulder stands over me and commands. I obey immediately, but it's not enough for him. 'Harder!' his rough voice so threatening in the darkness of my imagination. I can't refuse him, and as I follow his order, I can't help but cry out from the pleasure-pain of it. God, I hope Mulder can't hear me... the real Mulder, the one lying in bed in the very next room with a serious hard on. Not the Mulder that's talking inside my head, that's driving my fantasy, and saying 'Yes, Scully, that's good. I like what I'm seeing. Now, I want you to do it. I want you to make yourself come for me. I want you to do whatever it takes, but I don't want you to stop until you come. Do you understand?' Yes, I tell him. I'll do whatever you want. While I let one hand continue to massage and caress my breasts, the other returns to the swollen center of my sex. I roll my fingers around and around... faster... my ministrations bringing me to a near frenzied state of arousal. I ache for penetration... to feel a man inside me... to have Mulder's cock buried deep in my body. My fingers are a sorry substitute for what I desire most. But sadly, I am well practiced and therefore skilled at this particular transgression. Only recently have I started to believe that this act of self-gratification may be the only form of sexual release I know for the rest of my life. My fantasy Mulder has abandoned me now. I am left alone, desperately fighting for climax... squeezing my thighs together, trapping my busy hand as it works hard rubbing sensitive tissue over bone. Please...please...please, I chant over and over, my lips forming the words, though I dare not make a sound. I'm so close. Increasing the pressure and speed of my assault, I still can find no escape from the hell I am caught in. My hips rock back and forth. I pinch one nipple hard again. Will nothing bring an end to this? I huddle myself into a ball on the floor of the shower, the water beginning to run cold once again. As the icy rain falls over my back, and my drenched hair clings to my face, I push three fingers up deep inside myself, repeatedly thrusting in and out over the spot I know needs soothing the most. But it's not until I bring my other hand down to grind over my clit, that I finally bring myself off. And the walls of my vagina contract wildly around my slickened fingers. I hold so still, squeezing my throbbing sex until the last of the orgasm subsides. When I return to myself, I quickly shut off the freezing cold water and wrap up in a warm towel. I feel better, and worse. Better, because I have finally alleviated the need that has been driving my into insanity all day. Worse, because I realize how hopeless and pathetic it is that I would choose to masturbate rather than give myself to the man that I am in love with, all because I'm too much of a coward to risk my losing him. No way in hell am I getting back in that bed with Mulder. But I can't hide in this bathroom the rest of the night; so after I towel dry my hair, I put my clothes back on and somehow manage to find the courage to open the door. I can't, however, bring myself to look at Mulder as I quickly make my way to one of the overstuffed chairs and settle myself into the cushions, drawing my knees to my chest, cozying up with full intentions of making this my bed for the duration of our stay in this place. I don't know what could have possessed him to take advantage of me in my sleep. I never would have expected anything like this from Mulder. I've always trusted him completely and exclusively. I don't know what to think about this... about what he's done. "Scully," Mulder's voice is soft and apologetic. I can hear him getting out of bed and I childishly shut my eyes, wishing he wouldn't be able to find me in the darkness. "Don't sleep in the chair. Come back to bed." He's standing right beside me now, but I still refuse to look at him. "I don't think so." "I insist." "Mulder, please leave me alone." "You can't sleep in the chair." "Watch me." "Look, I'm sorry about what happened. But after last night... I just thought..." "What do you mean, after last night?" "You were all over me... kissing me, touching me. I woke up with my very own Scullyblanket." Now I look at him hard. "You're lying!" "I would never lie about something like that. Jesus, don't you remember? ...Oh my God... you weren't awake, were you?" I'm shocked, as I suddenly realize, with horrifying embarrassment, that I must have been acting out my dreams last night on my partner. This is just too much. Shaking my head slowly in response to his question, I can feel tears of self-consciousness and confusion stinging my eyes. Mulder kneels down beside my chair and looks at me with such tenderness. "Scully, I didn't know. I thought you were aware of what you were doing. I'm so sorry... Shit, it's no wonder you didn't go for your gun and shoot me!" "Mulder, It's okay," I reassure him. "I just need my own space right now. Please respect that. Please understand." He puts out his hand. "Come on, you take the bed then. I'll sleep in the chair." "Don't be ridiculous." "I won't see you punish yourself because of my misdeed. I'm not sleeping in that bed without you, Scully. And it makes no sense for the bed to go empty and both of us to sleep sitting up." "Mulder... God, you really can be a pain in the ass sometimes." ~~~~~ Mr. Persuasive wins out... she gets back into bed with me, making sure she huddles herself at the very edge of the wide bed. I lay in the exact center of it, on my back, hands under my head... I'm not looking at Scully but every cell in my body is aware of her; my skin hyper-sensitive to her every movement, lying there three feet away from me. I can't relax, and I guess she can't either. It's still so early... barely five AM. Too early to get up for anything, and I(tm)m tired, but my damn traitorous body won't let me sleep - not as long as it thinks there's a snowball's chance in Hell that Scully will get near me again. I finally roll over on my side, and my eyes search for her in the watery morning light - only to find her on her side facing me, eyes searching for me as well; a curtain of fiery hair slanting its way over her cheek and a half-smile curving a corner of her mouth. I want to slide closer to her, but after what went on just a few hours ago... I'm afraid if I move one inch she'll bolt from the bed. So I force myself to lay very still, my hand opened palm-up on the pillow next to me. I close my eyes and convince myself to fall asleep... find myself slowly willing a blankness to settle upon my fevered mind. I think of nothing, as much as it's possible to think of nothing when the most desirable woman in the world is lying next to you with heavy-lidded eyes and a Mona Lisa smile on her lips. But I close my eyes and keep them closed... and when her small hand slips into mine and presses my skin, palm to palm... I find I can finally sleep. End of Episode 1, (Part 4a of 6) From: THIS IS NOT A WIP. IT IS A COMPLETED STORY WHICH WILL BE POSTED IN 3 EPISODES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Tantric (episode 1, part 4b of 6) By Char Chaffin and T Bishop Category: MSR, X-File Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: As stated in Part 1 Feedback: We'd love it! Char Teresa ~~~~~~ CHAPTER 6 Apres'-breakfast on the first full Tantra-day... God save us. After another session of partner-feeding, Swami Saraswati announces to our group that due to some setup requirements for the upcoming seminar we are all free to enjoy the beach and laze in the sun for the next hour and a half. He cautions everyone about pursuing any intimacy in the privacy of their rooms, explaining that for the live Tantra demonstrations we need to be as sexually famished as possible so as to fully absorb the Tantra dynamic. Great... just what Scully and I need most. More sexual tension. Like our cottage wasn't just chock-full of it just before daylight this morning, when I awoke to find myself covered with my very own Scullyblanket. I can still feel her, smell her - that baby-soft skin of hers, sprawled all over my chest, legs tangled up in mine and open mouth against my throat. I truly thought I'd died and gone to heaven. In fact, that's what her skin had smelled of: heaven. Heaven-Sent, to be exact - I had bought her a bottle of it last year, for Christmas, remembering how I'd passed by a perfume counter and smelled Scully; looked all around for her, even as I knew she wasn't there - and a helpful saleslady assisted me in hunting down the source of the delightful fragrance. Scully had been very surprised, and pleased, I think - that I not only noticed her fragrance but had gone to some length to get her some. Well, time to play, I guess - time to go a have a beach of a time. I snag Scully's hand as we walk away from breakfast; she doesn't look at me but her hand curls trustingly within mine as we walk back to the bungalow and change our clothes. I am practically bouncing on my heels, at the thought of finally getting to see Scully in that bikini of hers. I tug on my bright blue trunks, thankful that I didn't give in to the urge to pack my Speedos. That kind of swim gear's not really meant for ocean wave-bombing, anyway... the trunks fit snugly as well as modestly, and are really more comfortable. I sit on the end of the bed, impatient for Scully to come out of the bathroom; I know she only brought the one suit and I can only imagine how that sweet little curvy body of hers is gonna look in it. Ah, door's opening; out she comes, hair combed back into a ponytail high on her head... Wearing a white tee shirt that flows down to her elbows and hits her about one inch above her knees. My face falls, and Scully chuckles as she sees it drop on the floor; she reaches out and squeezes my shoulder. "Relax, Blue Boy - suit's on underneath the shirt. I have to have some semblance of modesty, don't I?" She moves away but not before I catch her around the waist and haul her up against me, staring into her eyes and watching them widen in surprise at my abrupt actions, as I whisper to her. "You don't have to wax modest around me, Dana." Close to her again, the first time since early this morning; breathing in again her Heaven-Sent. Mmmm. She's not pulling away, but she's not leaning into me either; not meeting my hot gaze, but not pushing me away. Just standing there, in the circle of my arm, bright hair brushing my cheek, as she replies in a voice just as soft - so soft I think I may have only imagined the words. "Yes, I do... Fox. I really do - if I want to keep my sanity and any level of professionalism... I have to." ~~~~~~ CHAPTER 7 Ever since Mulder stumbled upon the fact that I had purchased this bikini for a planned trip to California to visit Bill and Tara; a trip that, incidentally, never came about because I wound up going to Africa instead, he's made mention of it repeatedly. Must have fueled his imagination, the thought of the oh-so-proper Agent Scully clad in nothing but a few scraps of midnight blue spandex. Well, it wasn't bought for Agent Scully to wear. It's something Dana fancied herself in. And I wouldn't have brought it along on this trip if Mulder hadn't specifically requested that I do so. Actually, I packed and unpacked it three times, not sure that something so skimpy was appropriate for work, even an undercover assignment in the tropics. But part of me really wanted to wear it for Mulder. Part of me wanted to see his reaction when he discovered that his partner has been secretly spending what little free time she has working out at a private gym away from curious and gossipy colleagues... making her body look better than it ever has in her life. There may be a few scars, not so fond remembrances of cases that went down badly, but I don't think Mulder's going to notice when I finally get up the nerve to take off this monster T-shirt I'm hiding under. Abaco island is incredibly beautiful. The sand is a fine white powder and the water surrounding us an almost surreal turquoise blue. Several of the members of our group are out playing in the surf, a few have spread blankets on the sand and are basking in the sun. Mulder and I find a place in the shade of a grove of palms, even with sun block it's best for my fair skin if I avoid prolonged exposure to the tropic sun. We spread out our blanket and drop the rest of our belongings, books, sunglasses, sandals, and towels; then sit down and look around at the dreamlike panorama of the shoreline. "Want to go for a swim?" Mulder asks almost immediately, with such a look of innocence on his face that I have to bite my tongue in an attempt not to laugh. All right, G-Man, you were so sweet to behave yourself in that huge bed of ours the rest of the night. The least I can do is indulge your curiosity. "Sure," I tell him as nonchalantly as I can, considering the way his eyes keep darting from my face to the T-shirt, clearly wishing a hole through the fabric. Standing up, I make a production of stretching, prolonging his agony, before I finally pull the shirt over my head and toss it onto the blanket. "Jesus," I hear Mulder gasp, before I turn to see the gaping astonishment on his face. Trying to hide my smile of satisfaction at his obvious approval, I regard him with the same feigned innocence he only a moment ago offered to me. "Do you like the suit?" "No," he shakes his head, teasing, eyes roving lustfully over my body. "But what's filling it's awfully damn nice. You've been working out." "I have," I confess, blushing at his compliment, and the extraordinary amount of attention he's paying to every inch of my exposed skin. "Thank you for noticing." "You look stunning." He stands and starts to move towards me. There's predatory intent in his eyes, a look that sets my heart to racing. The warning alarms begin blaring inside my head. Sorry, Mulder, I can't let this go any further. I'm about to offer a challenge of a race and make a dash for the water, when seemingly out of nowhere I hear Swami Saraswati's voice. "Fox. Dana. It good to see you both enjoying the pleasures of our beautiful island paradise." He steps out of the grove of trees, not three feet away from us; and in a panic, I mentally run through the conversation Mulder and I just had, hoping we didn't say anything that would blow our cover. Mulder's wearing his panic face too. I'm sure he's thinking the same thing I am. How in the hell did this guy manage to sneak up on us? "Dana and I were just going to go for a swim," Mulder offers casually, charming smile concealing his anxiety. "I highly recommend it," says our devoutly religious spiritual guide, who is at this very moment checking out my bikini-clad ass. In fact, he seems to be studying it. I glance at Mulder and I can see his irritation threatening to boil over. "That's a lovely tattoo," the Swami finally reveals his thoughts to us. "The Khechari Mudra. A serpent swallowing his own tail. The symbol of autosexual intercourse with the self." Huh? Mulder instantly forgets his jealousy and moves around to admire the ink on my back. God, how humiliating. I'd completely forgotten about my little friend back there. Now that I think about it, I don't believe Mulder's ever really seen it before. "Autosexual intercourse?" Mulder asks. "Yes. Khechari Mudra is an advanced Hatha Yoga and Tantric technique in which the tongue is seemingly swallowed. In actual fact, the tip of the tongue is thrust deep into the nasal-pharynx region behind and above the soft palate. From the viewpoint of occult anatomy, the tongue is the penis of the mouth, the nasal-pharynx is the vagina and the uvula is the clitoris." Help me. So this is what it feels like to die of embarrassment. God, why did I ever get that stupid, stupid tattoo? "Khechari Mudra traps positive and negative psychic forces in the head, through the symbolic penetration of the phallic tongue into the vaginal naso-pharynx." "Really?" Mulder is completely fascinated. "Yes. I would be more than happy to provide you with some reading material to offer you more insight into this practice and it's spiritual and sexual ramifications." "I'd like that very much. Thank you." I'm having the damn thing removed the minute we get back to DC. "Certainly. Well, I must go prepare for this morning's session. We will be viewing live demonstrations of the Tantric Eucharist." Oh shit. End of Episode 1, (Part 4b of 6) From: THIS IS NOT A WIP. IT IS A COMPLETED STORY WHICH WILL BE POSTED IN 3 EPISODES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Tantric (episode 1, part 5a of 6) By Char Chaffin and T Bishop Category: MSR, X-File Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: As stated in Part 1 Feedback: We'd love it! Char Teresa ~~~~~~ Well, let's see: one hour of sun, followed by almost forty-five minutes of fun oceanic splashing around, and both of us have managed to forget the tattoo (more or less). It's time to head back to the hotel and that well-padded, candlelit room, full of pillows and Tagara and pre-sex... Jeez, this is gonna be tough. I have to be on my strictest guard; I can't take the chance of alienating Scully forever. So we dry off and slip on the tee shirts we brought with us; collect all our gear and walk around to the beach entrance of the conference room. Most of the other couples have already settled in, and our hopes of finding a spot near the back, where we can take inconspicuous notes and whisper without anyone noticing - well, that's out of the question now. Swami Wiener sees us and smiles broadly, motioning us to occupy the pillows right in front of the thick, rubbery mat which I suppose will serve as a platform for the demonstration. The floor is about three feet higher there, and I am sure the couples in the back will get a great view, but not as great as Scully and me, who should be lucky enough to be able to count pubic hairs, if we so desire. God! Under her breath, I can hear Scully mutter, "UGGHH! Mulder, we're toast..." I reach out one hand and grasp her suddenly icy fingers, and give them a reassuring squeeze. I sink to my knees and then prop myself on one side, pulling her down until she's nestled beside me, her back to my front. She stiffens for one instant before managing to relax, and her head leans back on my shoulder and she whispers in my ear, "Mulder, damn you... using me as your shield. I'm gonna get you for this." And I can't resist whispering back to her, low and teasingly. "Ooo, I hope so... Dana." The demonstrating couples have disrobed and have taken their places on the mat, and the Swami stands before them, addressing fifteen couples in the audience who are beginning to look a bit uncomfortable - rather matching the looks Scully and I have been sporting since we first snuggled in on these damn fat pillows. The demonstrators are young, slender and beautiful - and so are the women. They pair off, three perfect couples facing each other on their knees, eyes closed and touching with their hands only, palm to palm. They breath in and out, in un-synchronized rhythm, with the men exhaling on the women(tm)s inhale - ears no doubt attuned to the Swami's suddenly mesmerizing voice; as he describes what we are about to see. Ten minutes later, I admit to myself that Scully and I are in big trouble. Behold... three couples, each engaged in a different Tantra position. Couple number one, the closest to us on the mat, are performing something called Mula Bandha. I have something more accurate to call it: try "Fuck-Rocking." This is not to be believed; he's got his legs wound together like a pretzel and she's straddling him like there's no tomorrow, her heels digging onto the soft mat, behind his back. Judging by the twin looks of flat-out ecstasy on their faces, I'd say they're in the Zone - with every thrust he gives her, they pull apart at the upper body and lay back, connected tightly at the groin but floating almost horizontal. They glisten with sweat, and we can hear them, moaning to each other as they grip hands and alternately lay prone and then pull at each other until they come face to face, to kiss deeply, and repeat the sensuous move, all over again. Damn... that's only Couple number One. The other two are pretty tame compared to these kids. Of course, Scully and I WOULD be lucky enough to have them right in front of us... I am so goddamn hot I could fry an egg on my balls... and I am so painfully tight and engorged that I feel I could come a geyser if a feather happened to drop from the sky and land on the tip of my wang. How the hell am I gonna be able to sit through any more of this? My arms are wound tightly around Scully, who is still pressed to me, back to front - and as the couple before us begin to rock faster, and moan louder, I can feel Scully squirming against me, feeding my agony; can hear her gasping breaths, diaphragm hitching underneath my clammy hands. And I am slowly, slowly rubbing myself on her, prolonging the agony of what's going on in my swim trunks. If I(tm)d known it was going to be this bad, I would never have volunteered us for this assignment. If I(tm)d known how impossible it would be, to not react to my gorgeous partner, whom I love more and more with each passing moment of my life... I would have nabbed Scully's hand and run like hell, in the other direction. So, what does Mr. Cool FBI agent do? He grabs his partner's hand, and forces it behind her and right on top of his raging Peter-Boy... and the gasping moan she sends into the pillow in front of her makes me grind her fingers into my aching member, even as I shove my hand into the damp waistband of her bikini bottoms, and bury three fingers deep within. Her body jumps, and shudders; the pillow she now holds in front of her, the only shield against prying eyes and what they may see us do. I move my fingers in and out, and she is so wet that she soaks us both; so responsive to every tiny move I make that pleasing her this way is effortless - and her small hand covers me and all five fingers dig in, deep. It feels so good. So good... both of us watching three couples in full Tantric-throes, each couple striving for the same fulfillment as we are... except they are more experienced at holding off than we are. And then I feel it - the beginning shudders of what will amount to a full-blown earthquake, in the territory known as 'Scully's Center.' If I don't stop, she'll come, right in front of all these people... if I stop, I'll surely die from the loss of one of the most incredible moments of my life. And suddenly it doesn't matter if I don't get off; doesn't matter if I get nothing more from this than a hard hand job. I want this, for the woman I love; want to give it to her though I know she will most likely kill me for doing it to her. But I can't stop, not now - not to her. I grit my teeth, and pull away from her hand; she sucks in a surprised breath but before she can seek me again, I bury my teeth into her neck to hold her still and twist my fingers into her, curling them in the opposite direction, and my thumb presses down hard on her clit - and she clenches around my hand like a vise. She's coming, fast and furiously... not making a peep. Scully, coming on me, while a part of me is inside her... doesn't matter that it's not my cock. Scully's coming and I have never felt anything so powerful. It goes on forever, while on the mat in front of us the first couple begins to shake, rattle and roll. But I hardly notice because Scully has finally stopped convulsing around my fingers and is quiescent underneath my hand; she gives one final shudder, before she whips her body around to face me and stares into my eyes, hers narrowed and fierce. And as she spits six words into my personal space, I know I have blown it, yet again. "Damn you, Mulder... I HATE YOU..." ~~~~~~ End of Episode 1, (Part 5a of 6) From: THIS IS NOT A WIP. IT IS A COMPLETED STORY WHICH WILL BE POSTED IN 3 EPISODES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. By Char Chaffin and T Bishop Category: MSR, X-File Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: As stated in Part 1 Feedback: We'd love it! Char Teresa Tantric (episode 1, part 5b of 6) CHAPTER 8 "Scully..." Mulder is close on my heels as I let myself into our bungalow, so close that I nearly hit him in the face with the door in my haste to escape. "Jesus! Scully... hold on a second." "Leave me alone!" I shout at him, evading his outstretched hand and making a beeline for the closet. "What do you think you're doing?" he asks, seeing me retrieve my suitcase and place it open on the bed. "What does it look like I'm doing, Mulder? I'm packing my goddamn suitcase and getting the hell out of here!" As quickly as I can, I gather my clothing and throw it into the open bag. "You can't... we're in the middle of a case!" Oh, this man is truly amazing! "Is that what you call this? I don't see a whole lot of FBI work being done, Agent Mulder. So far, what I see is you making a variety of indecent advances on your partner!" I stop my packing to regard him with a fitting look of contempt. "Let's review, shall we? At breakfast yesterday you copped a feel of your partner's breasts... I have witnesses, Mulder, a whole damn room full!" His apologetic eyes are wasted on me at this moment. "Then..." I continue hotly, "I woke up from a sound sleep THIS morning to find YOU... my partner... sucking on my left nipple!" At least he has the decency to hang his head. "And now... this latest outrage! Taking advantage of me even though I told you how affected I was by the Tagara. You couldn't wait to get another shot at me while I was under the influence of that drug!" I turn back to the task at hand, unable to look at him any longer. "A finger fuck, Agent Mulder? How very partnerly of you! Jesus Christ! What are you going to do next? Rape me?" He takes exception to that last part. "Hey, hold on! You're making out like you're completely innocent in all this. Who begged me for more yesterday at breakfast, hmmm? Who made me her personal mattress all night last night? Not to mention the fact that you spent the better part of said night pressing hot little kisses all over your PARTNER'S body." I open my mouth to object but he plows ahead with his accusations. "And who has been parading around in that skimpy little bikini for my benefit, hmmm, Agent Scully?" "You son of a bitch!" I can't believe he's actually trying to blame me for this! I move to stand right in front of him, refusing to be intimidated by his height advantage... although, I'm seriously missing my heels at the moment. Looking up into his smug face, I lay it on the line. "Admit it, Agent Mulder, you only took this case because you thought you might get lucky." "What?!" He laughs. "That has to be the reason, because as a X-File this case doesn't make it, and you know it. There's nothing paranormal going on around here. I'd be willing to bet there's nothing more to this than a bunch of oversexed, bored, aging, baby boomers who, lacking any real fulfillment in their lives, have shaved their heads and run off to live on a commune somewhere, reliving the glorious sixties as part of their mid-life crisis... You had no business agreeing to take an assignment like this without consulting with me first. And since you didn't consult me, I can only assume you were afraid I'd say no. Which leads one to the logical conclusion that you had personal motives driving your decision!" "I was well within my rights to accept this case without getting your approval first. I AM the Senior Agent." "Oh, believe me, Agent Mulder, I'm well aware of that fact! In the seven years we've been partners, I've yet to prove myself worthy to have my name on the door of our office, let alone earn a level of respect from you that would necessitate something as drastic as having my own desk!" "So we're on that now again, are we? I suppose to get back at me you'll be running off to fuck another psychotic murderer and commemorate the moment with one more classy tattoo!" His words sting, but I am too furious to retreat. "You bastard!" I give him a hard shove, causing Mulder to take several quick backward steps in order to keep from losing his balance. "Watch it, Scully," he growls menacingly... and damn if I don't feel a pull of excitement deep in my gut. I stand here breathing hard, pulse racing through my veins... seething with anger, but oh so aware that something else is tugging at my consciousness, something simmering right under the surface... a hidden need... a fascination with danger... and dangerous men. Mulder has inadvertently touched off a spark and caused a fire that he doesn't even know... would never even imagine... exists within the heart of his sensible and reserved partner. His trespassing in this secret place brings me to a state of near hysteria, as I realize that he has the ability to own me with just a hard stare and a few threatening words. With trembling hands I haphazardly throw the remainder of my wardrobe into the suitcase... knowing I'm in trouble, that I have to get out and get out fast. But Mulder isn't about to let me go. I know this, even as I grab up my belongings and make for the door. He steps in front of me, blocking the way, and any hope of avoiding further confrontation. "Stop! We can work this out, Scully. Don't run away." He places his hands on my shoulders and I go ballistic, dropping my bags and pushing him away... pushing him with so much force, that my six foot tall partner hits the wall hard enough to knock a picture to the floor. "Keep your goddamn hands off me!" I scream at him, shaking with rage, compounded ten fold with desire. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" With each restatement of my disdain, a little more control slips away. Head spinning with a tumult of emotions, I have lost all ability to think rationally. Stubborn as ever, Mulder refuses to give up. As he moves towards me yet again; and I experience a moment of blinding madness, brought on by the sheer terror of feelings I am helpless to repress. I strike out at the man responsible for my weakness... but he effortlessly captures my wrist in a vise grip before I can deliver a punishing blow to his face. He pulls my arm hard to the side and glares at me with hurt and fury mixed in his stormy eyes. My knees grow weak under his hard stare. A fluttering thrill takes hold at my center. My heart feels as though it will explode from my chest. And there is an exhilarating charge of electric energy awakening every nerve in my body. The hint of a smile plays briefly on Mulder's full lips. He jerks me suddenly, spinning us around and shoving my back against the wall with jarring intensity... pinning me there with his taut muscular body... face inches from breath caressing my cheek. "You like it rough, Scully? Is that what turns you on?" His whispered words are deliberately intimidating. And he rolls his hips, grinding his pelvis against me, the steel of his cock pressing into my side with bruising insistence. I draw a deep gasp of breath, and Mulder says "Yeah, baby, that's it, isn't it?" His dark eyes are now piercing mine, but I'm hypnotized, lost, unable to look away. He waits... a heartbeat... two... three. Then through clenched teeth he demands an answer. "Isn't it!" he barks and I jump. God, he's got me so turned on. If I weren't trapped against this wall there'd be nothing keeping me from melting to the floor in a puddle of lust at his feet. How is it that I am seduced by such as this? That my greatest arousal comes not from tenderness and romance but from something far more insidious... fear, the thrill of losing control... intimidation, risk, possibility. The darker side of passion, the fantasies of a G-woman, a woman who must command respect in her daily life, yet only wants to be commanded in her intimate, secret, sexual indiscretions. "Goddamn it! Answer me when I ask you a question, Scully!" He pulls me roughly across the room and shoves me down onto the bed. I'm breathing hard, panting with anticipation... fascinated to discover a side of Mulder I have only fantasized about. How far will he take this? Could I stop him now if I wanted to? What have I unleashed in him? And is it harmless or something to truly be feared? "No, Mulder, I don't want this," I lie to him, testing my power... wondering at how much control still remains mine. It surprises me the breathlessness with which I say the words. Am I so beguiled by his dominance that I am losing my voice... losing myself bit by bit until there's nothing left of my will... just a body for Mulder to ravage and take pleasure from? Drawing a hand up to my face, I marvel at the fever in my cheeks... the fire within burning to get out. He grabs my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes as he speaks. "Don't you fucking lie to me, Scully! Don't you dare lie to me! I could see it in your eyes, the minute you were manhandled a flame ignited within you... your passion was so explosive it nearly knocked me off my feet." And then he moves over me, crawling on the bed... a feral beast straddling my boneless, defenseless form. "I can give you this, Dana, I can give you what you need." He's petting my face now with the back of his hand... so gentle, yet his eyes are dark and untamed. No. My mouth forms the word but there is not enough will left in my body to utter the sound. I shake my head. Fighting... fighting against the overwhelming need to give myself to Mulder. Even as I know the choice has already been made. "You say no now. But by the time I'm through with you, Scully, you'll be begging to be fucked." ~~~~~~ End of Episode 1, (Part 5b of 6) From: THIS IS NOT A WIP. IT IS A COMPLETED STORY WHICH WILL BE POSTED IN 3 EPISODES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Tantric (episode 1, part 6 of 6) By Char Chaffin and T Bishop Category: MSR, X-File Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: As stated in Part 1 Feedback: We'd love it! Char Teresa ~~~~~~ I can't believe I said that to her. But I am so flamingly hot... she's made me nearly insane with the wanting of her, and the reading I get from her eyes alone, tells me I'm not too far off the mark. It borders on rape, it really does - and I can't believe it's gotten pushed this far; can't begin to understand it. But we've taken it too far to go back; I think both of us are in agreement about the end of an era here, and the beginning of a whole new partnership. I want to cherish her, endlessly; I want to stamp every inch of her with my lips and mark her soul with my teeth. I want to be tender and I want to hurt her; want to lick her sweet skin even as I pound myself into her, so hard and deep that she will bear the results of our coupling for the next twenty or so years. The need to be tender and loving is at war with what I observe buried on those blue eyes of hers; swimming perilously close to the surface and breaking the surf to gulp at the life-force crashing between us. Our gazes are locked on each other; my hands still stroking her face. I can't seem to catch my breath, and every inch of me is rock-hard and pressing her down into the soft bed. Suspended in the soup of need we have both created, getting thicker by the second - and I wait just a little too long to decide how I must play her - just a little nanosecond more than she can bear... Because Scully suddenly growls, deep inside her throat, and her sharp little teeth latch onto the sensitive corded artery at the side of my neck, and bites down - hard. And it's all I need, all that's necessary; that, and her growled, "Dammit, Mulder... you started this... now finish it... finish it please..." She's begging... Scully. Begging. Can she even fathom what her words are doing to me, I wonder? Could she guess that about me; that I would become even more enflamed by the pleading face she presents to me? Strong, insurmountable Scully... little does she know how the need to dominate her has fueled so many of my nightly fantasies. If she knew, she'd run a mile in the other direction. But for now her words have tightened every muscle in my body, and my need has grown to such an extent that I press down even harder into her, and grind her words right back to her, right into her open mouth. "We are gonna finish it, Scully - right here, right now. But my way - all my way. If you behave, and follow my lead... you'll be rewarded. But if you give me any trouble, any resistance, you will regret it, I promise. So, no more talking - it's time to walk the walk. Let me show you... let me have you..." Those are the last coherent words we speak to one another. I raise up a little, just enough to reach out a hand and rip her bathing top off her body; she shudders at the feel of the tearing material, but doesn't break eye contact with me. She pushes eager hands down the front of my trunks and tugs hard, almost bruising me as she pulls at them. I manage to get them down my legs and kick them from my feet, as I repay her 'kindness' by yanking the bottoms from her hips so hard I know she'll have marks later on. With nothing between us now but skin, bared teeth and unending heat, the fight for dominance is on - even though I told her to behave - but I don't intend to lose this one. Scully is writhing beneath me, trying to reverse our positions; with a muttered, "Oh no you don't, Scully..." I pin her down harder, holding her hips tightly between my hands as I shimmy down her body, and fasten my mouth on the wet softness front and center. Her entire frame shudders at the first contact of my lips and tongue, and her hands lock into my hair as she hisses one sobbing breath between her clenched teeth. She tastes like thick cream, so sweet. I could drink her in forever, could stay down here for eternity, want to stay here feasting on her. I can't even think of giving her any sort of foreplay finesse; I am way past the point of tender probing and delicate kisses. The need to drive her insane with it, make her feel some semblance of what I am going through... it supersedes all else; and when she begins to wriggle again, trying to gain the upper hand - I clamp down hard on her hips again, and raise my mouth just enough to rasp out, "Stay still, Scully or so help me I'll tie you to the bed..." ~~~~~~ Oh... Jesus... oh, God!!! What is he doing down there? It's impossible to hold still. Doesn't he know that? He's feasting on me, suckling my clit, nibbling on the most tender of tissue... still swollen and hot from what he did to me earlier. I can't believe he made me come in front of all those people... that I let him... that I somehow managed to keep myself from crying out to God in Heaven as one of the biggest orgasms of my life consumed me... at the touch of my partner's hand. And now he's doing things... things no one has ever done to me before... things I've only dared imagine in my wildest fantasies... And he knows my secret. He knows what I crave. His tongue is mercilessly licking at the entrance to my vagina, stimulating more and more of the juices of arousal that he laps up as if they sustain his very life. His hands hold my hips firmly to the mattress, fingers bruising my flesh as I strain against him. I'm burning, on fire... what he's doing is too much. I can't stay still, Mulder... I can't, I can't... My hands are twisting at the bedcovers as I breathe in deep gulps of air, trying to steady myself, trying to bear the sweet torture Mulder inflicts upon me... just as he demands... without moving... but I can't... I can't... "Ahhh! God! Mulder! Stop, please... please stop!" He lifts his eyes and looks at me, but never once lets up on his assault. He starts to moan, to hum... the vibration causing my whole body to tremble. Nononono... It's too much... I reach out frantically, grabbing his hair in my fists, trying to push him away before I go out of my mind. He finally lifts his head... slowly... and the look he's giving me... Oh, God. "You have a desire to be tied to the bed, Scully? Is that what you're telling me? Is that why you're purposely disobeying me? Because I'd love to do it. I'd love to tie you spread eagle across this bed, one limb to each of the four corners... nice and tight so you can't move. And then, baby, all bets are off." I have to bite my lip to stop the cry of passion that threatens to escape at his words. For just a moment, I shut my eyes and imagine myself Mulder's hostage, tied down as he described. If I didn't think it would kill me, I might even consider letting him do it. "Oh, you're thinking about it, aren't you, Scully?" Mulder's voice invades my self imposed darkness. "Jesus, G-woman, what am I going to do with you?" ~~~~~~ CHAPTER 9 I tie her to the bed. I have to - she's thrashing around so much I am afraid she'll hurt one of us; at least this way she has to lie still or chance hurting herself. I have to lock her to the bedpost with my handcuffs and hers; I'm glad we brought them. Force of habit - once an agent always an agent, I guess. I lock her to the headboard by her hands, leaving her kicking and cursing on the bed, and go in search of something to tie her feet. I finally find one of my neckties and the sash to her bathrobe; these'll do nicely. She manages to kick my shin, one knee and my elbow, before I finally get her tied; as I work on her I mutter, "You'd better hope you don't hit anything vital, Agent..." Her furious words alternately piss me off and amuse me; enflame me as well. "When you get through with me you may as well kill me, Mulder... because I swear when I get my hands on you, you are one hell of a dead man! LET ME GO YOU BAS - MMMPHHH...!" She swallows the rest of it, as I swallow her mouth, her tongue, both tonsils and her uvula, all in one fell swoop. And just like that, she melts; just like that she stops fighting and her mouth opens wide beneath mine and she eats at my lips as furiously as I feast on hers. She's straining now against her restraints, trying to get closer... I don't want her to hurt her wrists, so I decide to pin her down the way she wants... the way we both want. I draw back a little, slip a hand between her thighs to open her up - and I bury myself full-length into my own small bit of heaven. ~~~~~~ Ohhhhh... Jesus... ohhhhh! He's inside me. God... Mulder fills me completely and then some. And it's the most incredible feeling I have ever known. We are one; as our souls have always been, now our bodies are too. Mated, joined, coupled... lovers. I grow completely still under his weight, surrendering to the futility... I didn't want this... and at the same time, I've never wanted anything more. None of that matters at this point, as I lie here a helpless victim of my own passions. I cannot blame Mulder for this, even as he has taken me despite my objections... I led him here. If he hadn't seen in me the need... the aching want to be dominated, to be controlled... Mulder would never have been so bold. As he starts to move in me, I rock my hips to match his rhythm. We moan into each other's mouths, until Mulder tears himself free of our kiss and buries his face into the crook of my neck... seconds later I feel his teeth dig into the soft flesh there. I cry out, but he continues... marking me with a bitten trail of his desire. He fucks me harder, spurred on by my vocalizations. That animal I unleashed in Mulder is attacking with feral intensity and purpose. And I am his prey. ~~~~~~ I can't hold on much longer, but I don't ever want this to end - don't ever want to be anywhere but inside Scully, so deep I can feel the beat of her heart in my blood. She's pulsing all around me, still restrained but somehow able to give me back every thrust I lavish upon her, and we are both so close. So close. God, she's incredible. I'm sore, and I probably won't be able to walk for the next week, but... no way am I gonna stop now. My hands are framing her beautiful face, fingers combed through her damp hair, and I know if I don't slow this down it'll happen too soon for us, and I want more, much more from Scully. So I slow it down, go from pounding thrusts to easy, gentle strokes; bury my face in her neck as I move in her. Slower, and slower... so deep and so slow. I twine my fingers deeper into her hair as she shudders and quakes beneath me - her body struggling to adjust to the radical change in the pitch and tenor of mine. She moans in surprise at the change, and her breath hitches in her throat as she urges, "No, Mulder... God... harder. Don't stop, harder, please." I slow my hips even more, and my tongue traces over her cheeks and down the salt of her shoulder; I am taking such slow, long strokes now, driving both of us nearly out of our minds with it. Scully is trembling now, trembling in frustration and need; as I kiss her she bites at my lips hard, until I pull away and stare down at her, seeing her glittering eyes boring into mine as she hisses, "Mulder, dammit! I can't... Jesus, harder! Please." and her voice drifts off into another deep moan, as I give it to her slower, and slower... and slower. When I slip one hand between our sweat-slicked bodies, and gently press on her ultra-sensitive clit, still stroking her with agonizingly slow thrusts... her head falls back on the pillow and her breathless voice groans out one long, needy, "Oh, God... I'm in Heaven..." ~~~~~~ "That's right... that's right, baby, let Mulder take you to Heaven." This experience is beyond sexual. He has taken me to a place outside of my body, to a level of ecstasy that exists somewhere apart from the physical connection we have made. With each slow penetration I am taken higher... my mind drifts in a state of consciousness that can only be described as nirvana. Talk about a sexual awakening... My God, I couldn't even begin to describe what I am going through with each of his slow, deliberate thrusts. I am vaguely aware of my physical self; at the moment my body is practically convulsing... shaking violently in response to what Mulder is doing to me. My breathing is shallow and quick. The burning at my center is so intense now that it suddenly becomes the sole focus of my entire being. I hear Mulder call out to God as well as several other deities, and stiffen over me as he climaxes... pulsing into me... coming hard and long. And then everything explodes around me... everything goes white hot... I am enveloped in rapture so overwhelming... so completely and utterly all encompassing that I let loose with a keening yell that the whole fucking island can surely hear. Then the darkness finds me... When I come to, Mulder is shaking against me, breathing heavily, face pressed into my skin. He manages to lift his head and stare down at me with eyes dark with residual passion, body sweaty and exhausted... and it's not until his trembling hand wipes the wetness from my cheeks that I realize I'm crying. ~~~~~~ I am an utter fuck-up. I made her cry - AGAIN - Jesus, what a loser. Never mind she wanted it as much as I did; I forced her to want it. I gave her no choice but to want it. What the hell is wrong with me! I finally have Scully where I have always wanted to have her: in my bed, connected to me in the most intimate way... where I have needed to be for so long; deeply inside her, finally able to show her as well as tell her how much I love her, cherish her... and what do I do? Well, let's count the ways I 'show' Scully my love: I yell and scream at her. I accuse her of wanting to be raped. I manhandle her intimately in front of a roomful of people. I tie her down to a bed, push myself inside her and plank the crap out of her. Not to mention biting her, bruising her and generally doing bodily harm to her. Oh yes... and making her beautiful eyes cry. Another suave move from Mr. FBI Agent-Man. As I said - a loser. She's frighteningly silent and still, underneath me; and I am afraid to look into her eyes; afraid to see the damnation which I know I will find there. Her damnation... and I couldn't stand it if I saw that, in those blue blue eyes of hers; I swear it would send me over the final edge. I feel the tears start to come up, from deep inside me, from my soul; as I fumble for the key lying on the nightstand next to the bed, and try unlocking the first set of handcuffs, the tears blind me; threaten to overwhelm me as I struggle to fit the tiny key into the equally tiny slot. My fingers are huge thumbs of clumsiness. As I manage to get one poor arm free, suddenly my silent and still partner comes to flaming life beneath me; her free hand, wrist ringed in faint bruises, flies up toward my face; I flinch, thinking she means to plow her fist into my face... ...And her hand bypasses my face which has suddenly buried itself in her soft breast, hoping to find some sort of absolution there within that forgiving flesh; fingers digging into my hair with a vengeance... she yanks at my head hard, pulling my wet face out of her skin and into the harsh light of day shining through her equally wet and furious eyes, as she sucks in a huge breath and fairly screams at me, "Goddamn you to HELL, Mulder... I love you...!" Oh, Sweet Jesus... she said it first, this time. I am floored by the thought that as bitingly angry as she is, she would say it first. Those words mean everything to me; those words fuel my soul as nothing else could, as nothing in my whole sorry life ever will - and I can feel the tears spill out and down over my cheeks, as I bask in her vow; as her little bottom lip trembles and then the dam really breaks, all over both of us; and I am holding her much too tight and I have forgotten to release her other hand and her legs as well but it doesn't matter because her free arm is wound so tightly around my neck that she is choking off my breath but I don't need to breathe all I need is her mouth on me kissing me into oblivion and her words healing me from the inside out as we weep all over and kiss all over our exposed skins. The words I sob back to her, into her mouth; placing each loving syllable along her tongue and against each pearly white tooth; the secrets I send down into her, using her throat as my own personal microphone - telling her I didn't mean it, didn't mean all those words I said all those awful accusing words - would never hurt her not her... love her so much so much... they make her cry harder, and I would begin kicking myself all over again for making her cry yet again, but she won't let me debase myself any longer; my Scully is generous to a fault that way. Even as I try to tell her, she's shushing me, holding me so close, whispering to me, "Shh, stop it Mulder... if I didn't want it you wouldn't have done it... I know you. Do you hear me, Mulder?" She winds her hand behind my head and forces me to look at her, right into her eyes. "You would NOT have done it. I know you." I nod against her, knowing that if I don't agree she won't let me go. I nod, and pull away a little, slip my mouth tenderly over her still-bound wrist, before I pick up the key and unlock the other cuff; kiss and soothe the ring of reddened skin before I move down to her feet and untie her legs, one by one. I see a thin band of red around each ankle as well, and slam down the tears which threaten to erupt again, as I take one small ankle and begin to lick and kiss the soft skin there; my mouth moves up her leg tenderly, kissing and tonguing her satiny flesh; trying my best to heal it, heal her and in the process heal myself. I kiss and lick higher and higher; now stroking her behind her dainty knee; now moving up her slender thigh... to her shapely hips... to the damp and sweet reddish curls... over that wondrous silk, sending warm breaths into the heat of her, feeling her begin to shudder anew at the touch of my mouth, on her. On her, and then in her, in her endlessly cradling body... and I whisper words into her, sending them down into the very essence of her, praying she'll believe me, crying to her of my love for her, pleading with her to accept. And she strokes my head so gently, and her words bring me back to myself, give me some semblance of absolution for my angst-ridden conscience. "Oh, Mulder... stop. I love you, Mulder... I love you so... don't - just let it go, okay? No more angst-ridden tears... no more! Just be with me; be here with me. Ohhh, God Mulder, like that - just like that. Like that..." ~~~~~~ End of episode 1, (part 6 of 6) (to be continued... in Episode 2!)