~ Chapter 5: Scully's Really Evil Plan or How to Fuck With Your Audience by Alluding to a Kiss that Never Actually Happens Then Totally Ignoring it in Your Sixth Season. . . (Sorry, that was the alternate title of Fight the Future.) ~ Oh. My. God. Normally my vocabulary isn't totally wiped out with no conscious effort on my part. Just a few moments ago, I was reflecting on the fact that I'd finally caught Scully in her romance novel habit. I had almost given up on the hope of one day having proof of it. I hadn't intended to disturb her. I just didn't want her to be alone; I even convinced myself something in her posture suggested SHE didn't want to be alone. Sue me; I'll believe anything I tell myself. My mental process was functioning just fine as I rooted through the modest CD collection the hotel provided to its four star guests. I'd just popped Eric Clapton into the CD changer when all my brain function ceased. In my defense, it's not just me. ANY man would be staggered by it. There are a few gay men out there who might just have to consider switching teams when confronted with Dana Katherine Scully in her current state. She's wearing the bikini I bought her. And a beautiful black sarong skirt she's tied expertly around her waist, so most of her left leg peeks out; and, of course, absolutely nothing else. Dear Lord take me now because I'm never going to see a sight that rivals this. The only thing that keeps me from vocalizing the thought is the knowledge that I'm going to be allowed to touch the vision before me. In a few moments, I'm going to press her body to mine and dance with her in preparation for an entire night of dancing. I've only danced with Scully once before. Twice if you count the impromptu tango in that diner outside Iowa City when Love Me Tender came on the jukebox (which I'm sure she doesn't.). Impromptu Elvis inspired cheek to cheek meetings aside, I'm definitely looking forward to this. Be cool Mulder, I order myself. Be unflappable; don't let her see what she's doing to you. Don't make her think you're nuts (too late?); don't let on how much you want her. Just be there for her; be her friend. She needs a friend right now. I wish to God that I were capable of listening to the good advice I give myself. Usually, the only little voice I pay attention to is the one that says if I don't go NOW, I could miss out on an opportunity to study one of the most significant findings of our time, depending on what we've been investigating at the time. Good intentions aside, I am lost the moment she gives me that tiny, shy smile she has. She ducks her head and her hair obscures my vision momentarily. She looks up and she radiates confidence. How do you do that Scully? How do you go from scared shitless to fearless in less than six seconds? "May I have this dance?" she asks, her voice gliding over my nerve endings like warm honey. Scully holds out a hand, her eyes offering me something I'm not sure she intended them to. Nonetheless, I take her hand and pull her close to me, settling my left hand at the small of her back, my right holding hers against my chest. Her free hand snakes around my waist, holding me as we slowly begin to sway to the strains of `Change the World'. "You can have all the dances," I murmur without conscious thought on my part. Had I been thinking, I never would've said anything so inanely stupid and juvenile. Jesus, it sounded like something a high school kid would tell his prom date in the hopes she might let him feel her up later . . . "Forever and always Mulder?" she asks, interrupting my internal ramblings. I look down into her eyes and am momentarily stalled as to what to say. Her voice and the expression on her face is so damned guileless. She's hopeful, like a little girl asking for the pony she knows she'll never really get for Christmas. "Forever and always Scully," I find myself promising her, unable to give her any other answer. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to disappoint my partner. I've never enjoyed it; but I used to actually be able to DO it if I had to. I wouldn't begin to know how anymore. "Although, I find the concept of forever rather dubious," I hear myself add, the words definitely escaping my mouth without my consent. I really don't want to get into a conversation about the definition of forever with Scully. Those waters are far too choppy and I've already been seasick once this trip. "Dubious how?" she asks and I KNEW she wouldn't be able to let it lie. "Well, think about it," I propose, resigned at this point to having the discussion. "What is forever, exactly?" "Until the end of time?" she offers, sliding her arm from around my back to my shoulder, resting it there as her fingertips brush lightly against the top of my spine. "Ah, but if forever is . . . well, =forever=, how can it stop at the end of time? Just because time itself stops, does that mean `forever' stops?" I pull her a little tighter against me. I try really, really hard not to think about the fact that only my t-shirt separates me from pure ScullySkin. "I suppose it is something of a paradox," she allows, tipping her head up to look me in the eye. Her fingertips begin playing with the ends of my hair and I fight the urge to close my eyes at her touch. "Does forever mark the end of time, or does the end of time mark the end of forever?" "Or," I challenge, spinning us quickly, causing a surprised laugh to leave us both, "perhaps forever supercedes the end of time. Perhaps time itself has no meaning to forever." "To define forever is to define time itself?" she asks, an eyebrow raised. "Time is a universal invariant; by its essence it can't be defined." "I believe the term `forever' is used far too loosely," I mention as the CD clicks over to `Tears in Heaven'. "People say they'll love someone forever, or that they'll remember someone forever and I don't think they mean it. I don't think they mean it because they can't grasp what they're promising. To define forever is to promise not your life, not even your soul, but your being; everything that makes you who you are to another human begin. By saying forever, you're implying something beyond life and time." "You mean sort of like you just promised me all the dances?" she challenges, a playful light in her eyes. I look down into her eyes for a long, agonizing moment. Time seems to slow around us and I allow my thumb to gently trace the base of her spine above her sarong. Her skin is smoother than silk and I find myself wanting to touch more of it. "No," I disagree. "I meant that." She looks up at me and I can tell she's trying to decide if I'm serious. She's biding her time, unwilling to give anything away, for fear I might change the mood with a glib remark. I hate that I've made her wary of her own emotions around me. In retrospect, I can see all the times I've diffused a potentially volatile situation between us with a simple innuendo. However, I don't want to do that this time. Right now, I want us to be honest. I want her to know how I feel, how special she is to me. I'm sick of hiding from her and I'm sick of pretending I feel like a surrogate older brother to her. I don't and I know damn good and well she doesn't feel that way about me, either. "Really?" she asks finally, that beautiful eyebrow raised again. "So I'm your only dance partner, from here on out?" I wait a beat, one part of me trying to talk the other part out of what I'm about to do. "You're my only partner, Scully," I tell her, using the word partner in every context it applies to. "Now and always." "Forever?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper. When did our faces get this close? When was it exactly that I started feeling her breath before I heard her voice? "Forever," I promise, meaning it with all my heart. I may not be able to define it, but I know what it is; what it means. Forever Scully, I silently echo. I think I'm about to kiss her when her eyes widen and she stiffens in my arms. I curse myself; stupid, stupid, stupid. She doesn't need some guy making passes at her. She wants a friend; someone she can have fun with. Just because =I= might be ready for something more than platonic doesn't mean she automatically is. With much regret, I slowly pull away from her, separating our bodies then slowly releasing her hand. She looks slightly confused by my withdrawal. "I think we're ready to move and groove with the rest of those funky Island vacationers," I announce, putting on my glib face with the greatest of ease. I used to be proud of how quickly I could don that sarcastic mask; it just makes me sad now. She smiles wanly, her hands fluttering over her sarong, making sure it's in place. "You may be right Mulder," she concedes. "Just give me a minute to change." "You're not wearing that?" I ask, confused as to why she put it on if she hadn't planned on wearing it for the contest. She smiles and I swear to God that I almost see pity in it. "You think I'd dress like this for anyone else Mulder?" she asks, keeping just enough mischief in her eyes so I can write her comment off as an innuendo should I choose to. I don't; I may not be sure, but I'm not taking any chances. "I didn't know how you'd dress for the rest of the world Scully," I murmur softly. "If what you've got on is just for me, I'd have to say I'm flattered." What the hell was that? The SophisticatedMulder that lives inside my head beats the Cro-MagnonMulder who just spit that out to death with his own club. What kind of idiotic comment was that? I have a chance to really wow her, to let her know how much I appreciate that she'd take the time, how much I fucking love her no matter what she wears and I blow it. She looks disappointed. I can see it in her eyes. She hides it so well, but it's there. Fuck; fuck, fuck, fuck. "Scully," I find myself blurting out before I can stop myself. She pauses at her door and turns toward me, an expectant look on her face. I lick my lips. "It looks amazing," I whisper, my eyes taking in her appearance. She blushes slightly. "Thanks," she mumbles. "I mean, you have great taste Mulder, the bikini does a lot for my figure--" "Actually," I interrupt, standing nearly four feet in front of her, "I was referring to what your body does for the bikini." I don't allow myself to read too much into the look that takes over her face. "I'm going to go change," I murmur, turning before I'm unable to leave the room. I hear her bedroom door shut quietly a moment after mine does. ~ I can't believe that just happened. It didn't happen. That's all there is to it. What went on in that room not fifteen minutes ago just =didn't= actually take place. It must've been my imagination. I haven't slept well lately; I've been awake for almost forty-eight hours now. The lack of sleep is causing visual and auditory illusions, prompted by the storm and the events of the last two days. It's all perfectly plausible, perfectly explainable, perfectly rational. And as if I didn't have enough pressure on me, I think Mulder was going to kiss me just before I saw Felicity. Woah Dana; you did NOT see Felicity. You THOUGHT you saw Felicity. You =halluccinated= Felicity. Then why can I still feel a slight chill run up and down my spine? Why can I clearly picture her dark black hair flowing around her face in a mass of curls? Why do I have an image of her face, almost ethereal in its perusal of Mulder and I in my mind? Mulder keeps looking at me like I'm insane. Hell, maybe I am. I saw a figure, silhouetted by the storm raging outside our window. She was young and I have nothing to base her being Felicity on but my own gut instinct. Something in me screams that it's her; that something can shut the hell up, thank you very much. I did not see Felicity. I could not have seen Felicity, because Felicity would be a ghost, and ghosts do NOT exist. Logic; simple and precise as always. Why don't I feel better? I watch Mulder watch everyone around us. He can sense what I'm going through and he's learned over the years this is a time when my `do not disturb' sign is clearly out. The only difference is, I want him to disturb me right now. Hell, he's been disturbing me since he woke me up Saturday morning - he might as well take my mind off this current train of thought. I think the only reason I'm not truly freaking out is that Felicity was in color. Stop that Dana; she is not Felicity. I didn't see Felicity and I should just stop referring to my hallucination by name. I glance up at Mulder and notice his attention has become focused on the middle of the room. I follow his line of sight and at first see nothing. Then, I see her; Candy. Can this day possibly get ANY better? The stewardess from hell spots Mulder easily and begins waving excitedly, her breasts bouncing in her obviously bra-less low-cut black velvet dress. Mulder doesn't acknowledge her in the least and that puzzles me; he was obviously staring at her. Hell, that's how she saw him. Why isn't he waving back? "Mulder?" I hear myself question aloud softly. My voice doesn't seem to penetrate the deep state of concentration he's in. "Mulder," I say a little louder; put more authority in it. "Hmm?" he asks, snapping his neck to my direction. "Scully; ready to dance?" He offers me his arm and my confusion grows by leaps and bounds. Before I can analyze this latest development, however, Candy makes her presence known. "Fox!" she squeals. "It's great to see you again so soon! It certainly is a small island, isn't it?" she asks, giving him a wink. A wink; it scrunches the entire right side of her face up and, in my opinion, looks more like a nervous tick than a wink. Of course that could just be my perspective, I really can't say. "Getting smaller all the time," I mumble, wishing to God the ground would open up and swallow one of us. Mulder smiles politely at her. I know that smile; it clearly states that he shows as much interest in Candy as he does for Team-Work Seminars. Maybe he just likes her packaging, I concede wryly. She certainly is built like a red blooded American male's wet dream. And on the occasion I've come across one of those videotapes that aren't his, I've definitely noticed the similarity between those women; almost every one a Pamela Anderson type. I realize Candy's speaking again. ". . . got stranded along with everyone else." I try really hard to figure out why Candy ended up going all the way from California to Catalina. Then I realize I don't care. Unless little gray men flew her in on a flying saucer, I don't give a rat's ass how she made it to the island sunshine forgot. God I wanted to have Mulder all to myself tonight. I can't even express why exactly. I just . . . want him. Not necessarily in a sexual way, although that certain attraction has definitely been making itself known with increasing frequency in the last few months; the last ten hours, in particular. More than that though, I want to talk to him. I want to try and explain the myriad of thoughts and emotions and contradictions that have been running through me over the last year or so. I want to watch the rain splatter against the windowpanes with him and listen to the wind howl in ever-increasing screams. I want to count the beats between thunder and lightening, share stories rooted in mythology and fairy tales with him until we fall asleep together. I want to wake up with his presence, his bulk, his breath against me, wrapping me inside him until this aching emptiness that has pervaded me for what seems like an eternity ceases. Somehow, I know he will help heal me. It won't be immediate and it won't even be complete; but it will help, God damn it, and I need that. I need his help in ways I will never be able to verbalize. "Tough break," Mulder finally responds, no longer putting up any pretense of smiling at Candy. "Would you like to dance?" she all but purrs, her eyes scanning MY partner like an all you can eat buffet. "Actually, I'd love to," he answers and my hand moves of its own volition. I smack his arm, none too gently, giving him a glare I know makes me look far too much like an annoyed wife than I have a right to. He meets my eyes, a gentle admonishing quality to his. That look asks me a question; `how could you doubt me Scully'? He turns back to Candy. "My wife has dibs on my dance card and we have a competition to get to," he murmurs, his voice sounding almost apologetic. His hand grasps for mine and he holds it, circling my palm with the pad of his thumb slowly. "Your wife?" Candy asks, looking from him, to me, then back again. What's so fucking implausible Barbie? I am mortified by Mulder's none-too-discreet snort. Jesus did I just say that out loud? I glance at Candy's horrified expression and realize I did. That's it, it's official; I've lost it. Cart me away, lock me up, Dana Scully is no longer a productive member of society. I am too embarrassed to look at Mulder. He's still holding my hand, if anything, his thumb has started moving more soothingly, as though he senses my embarrassment and wishes to eradicate it. "Hey look, the contest is starting," Mulder announces, tugging my hand firmly. He moves us to the table, grabs our number, slaps it on over my black silk blouse, turning so I can return the favor with his black polo shirt. I watch Candy fume quietly ten feet from us as he pulls me into his arms and slowly sways with me. Oh God this feels good. I don't think I can remember ever being this close to him physically. He keeps one of my hands in his, the other wrapping as far around my lower body as it can. He leans his shoulders down so I'm forced to look at him. He smiles gently. I bow my head again, landing my forehead against his shoulder. "I can't believe I said that," I mutter, feeling the mortification anew. "Neither can I," he agrees, whispering into my hair. "Barbie Doll's all over the world were offended." I find myself laughing, my head snapping up to look him in the eye again. "Mulder," I exclaim, exasperated. He isn't supposed to find this amusing. But he does; I can see it in his eyes, the way they sparkle and dance, refusing to leave my own. "Scully," he replies, using the same tone I had. I bust out laughing; I can't help myself. He pulls me to him and I feel his jaw against my temple. I wrap my free arm around his neck and press a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks Mulder," I whisper, moving a little faster with him as an old Three Dog Night song picks up tempo, telling us it's coming down in three part harmony. "Anytime Scully," he whispers back, pulling back from me long enough to spin me outward, then back again. We do pretty well. Considering we spend most of the time laughing at one another and ourselves, I'm surprised we =only= came in eighteenth of thirty. Banished to the corner of the dance floor with the rest of the losers, we couldn't care less. In fact, I dare say we've never been this carefree. I thought once we were done that we'd go back up to the room. But Mulder has made no move to release me. Instead, he actually seemed to draw me closer when we were eliminated from competition. As though he sensed my natural inclination toward distance and sought to prevent it. I will not run from him tonight. I have no desire to be away from him; no desire to be without him. I thought before that I'd never been that close to him; foolishly, I'd believe I couldn't possibly be closer so long as we remained fully clothed. I was so wrong. My breasts are pressed deliciously into his chest and one of his hands keeps making the trip up and down my back, his fingertips brushing over the back of my neck. If I still felt brave about speaking thoughts I have out loud, I might ask him if that was a flashlight in his pocket, or if he was just happy to see me. Hell, I can't really fault him for being a little turned on. God knows I'm a LOT turned on. And I truly have only myself to blame. He wasn't doing anything overt until I started it. I was subtle at first; I started brushing my nose over that little spot where his neck becomes his jaw. I kept drawing little circles up and down his spine with my fingers, my other hand staying just high enough above his ass to make him wonder if I'm doing it on purpose. So naturally, being the competitive person he is, Mulder began nuzzling my ear with the tip of his nose. His hands started running up and down my sides, before one of them dared to roam so low on my ass I had no doubt that he was doing it on purpose. His other hand buried itself in the back of my hair and held my head to his shoulder until we were called off the dance floor. We're much less blatant at this moment; we haven't cooled down, we're just back to being ambiguous. As much fun as it can be, I'm sick of ambiguous. We've been teasing each other for years, both intentionally and unintentionally. I don't want to tease him and I don't want to be teased. Perhaps one day when we've become more substantial to one another than living touchstones I will be able to tolerate this kind of dance. But I can't now; not anymore. As I think it, his hand tugs at the back of my head, bringing me back to look into his eyes. I go willingly, staring up into those depths that have turned honey brown. He leans toward me and I lean toward him, our faces so close I'm breathing his breath. I almost feel a sense of dj vu, cruelly hurled back to that moment in his hallway when we were so rudely interrupted. His fingers trail from my hair to the back of my neck and his fingers rub gently over my skin. I laugh slightly as I realize what he's doing; checking for bees, Mulder? The sheepish amusement I see in his eyes confirms my suspicions. No bees Mulder, I silently promise. There's nothing else to ruin this moment. God I want him to kiss me. But he seems hesitant; as though he's waiting for something. I suppose I could kiss him. I just . . . God what if I'm reading him wrong? What if somehow I've totally misinterpreted the last six years of our lives and he doesn't want to kiss me and I ruin this almost idyllic partnership we Oh God, his lips, they're brushing mine and OW!!! God DAMN it! "Sorry," some guy with a bad Hawaiian print shirt apologizes. My ire rises further as I realize he's dancing with Candy. Of course; of fucking course. "It's all right," I hear Mulder mumble solicitously. It's all right, I mock in my head. No, no it's really NOT all right. That was our FIRST kiss and it was ruined. It was absolutely ruined. The mood is wrong, the feel is wrong and it's all Candy's fault. Her and that nineteen seventies reject she's dancing with. "Hey Scully," he whispers into my ear, pulling me away from my thoughts. I look up at him, cursing the loss of whatever was going on here. It'll be gone when I look into his eyes. He won't look at me like he wants me and he won't pull me to him and kiss me. We won't go on dancing as though nothing happened and all the fantasies I had in my head of him fulfilling this aching desire I have deep inside me just flew out the window. And considering how badly it's raining, there's no chance it survived the fall. "Yea Mulder?" I ask, annoyed with myself that I've allowed a hint of the frustration I feel color my voice. He's not even looking at me. His fucking eyes are focused across the room. Jesus, the least he could do is look me in the EYE while he ignores what just happened between us. "Why don't you go on up to the room?" he suggests, finally meeting my eyes. "I've uh . . got to check on something down here." "Sure you do," I answer crisply, folding my arms over my chest. "Ghost hunting without me Mulder?" I ask, giving him the God damn excuse I always give him; helping him write it off. Why do I do that again? And why the hell does he let me? "Something like that," he mumbles distractedly. He places a hand on my shoulder. "I'll be up later," he promises, drifting away. If he weren't walking away from me, I could =almost= believe that meant something more than he eventually intended to return to the room. ~ Chapter 6: Finally Nearing the End or Finally the Story Warrants an NC-17 ~ Maybe everyone's been right all these years; maybe I am a few forks short of a dining set. Scanning the dancing crowd, I try to locate him again. He was there, then he was gone. I thought I'd imagined the man who'd stood in the center of the dance floor and disappeared before my eyes. In fact, I'd convinced myself of it. But then I saw him - then didn't see him - again. That, combined with the chill that ran up and down my spine in his presence, leads me to believe something isn't entirely kosher in Catalina. Scully's pissed at me again. I can't blame her for it; I'm pretty pissed off at myself. The fact that I kissed her at all is going to cause issues between us. I just compounded those issues by pretending it didn't happen. She knew, too; I could tell. More than anything, I wanted to make the certainty that I was going to do exactly what she knew I was going to do go away. I wanted to kiss her again, a real kiss, something more substantial than the fleeting contact we shared before Candy and her current paramour slammed into us. I guess I remember how to disappoint her, after all. It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't gotten a glimpse of =him=. In fact, I daresay we'd be upstairs by now, buck naked and halfway to heaven. Instead, my nature has gotten the best of my libido. Not many men can say they'd pass up the opportunity to neck with Dana Scully in favor of searching an over-crowded dance floor for traces of a ghost. I check my watch; 2:45 AM. Wow; I hadn't thought we'd been dancing THAT long. Time with Scully really does fly by. I've almost decided to give up when I spot him again. He's lounging by the elevator bank Scully disappeared into not fifteen minutes ago. I beeline for him, snaking my way through moonstruck newlyweds the entire way. He doesn't fade from view this time; if anything, he grows slightly more substantial. I can see right through him when I get close, yet he's so defined I can tell what color his eyes are - bright, vivid blue. "Anthony?" I question softly, already knowing the answer to that particular question. "The one and only spirit haunting this island with that name," he confirms, tipping an imaginary hat toward me. "What can I do for you?" His eyes actually =twinkle=. "Or shall I guess?" "Guess?" I ask, bemused by this entire situation. "Actually, guess implies that I don't know exactly what you need," he clarifies, the type of kindly smile on his face you'd usually reserve for an All-American Boy Next Door. "And what is it I need?" I challenge, more unsettled than I care to admit by him. "What we all need from time to time," he responds, pushing away from the elevator banks to give me a grin. "To let go." ~ "What do you mean let go?" Felicity laughs, the sound light an airy; I'd compare it to what a fairy's laugh must surely sound like. That is, if I believed in fairies, which I don't. Of course I don't believe in ghosts either, yet here I am, having an extremely surreal conversation with one. Yep, just another normal, ordinary day in the life of Dana Scully . . . "I mean you need to loosen up Dana," she states, as though it were obvious. "You need to give in to a few wants and needs." Her lips quirk upward and I swear she's laughing at me. "Don't you have any dark, sinful desires just dying to be revealed?" "No," I answer quickly; too quickly. She's onto me and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. I suppose I should know better than to attempt lying to a ghost. God I'm lying to a ghost - I'm talking to a ghost, I can't be talking to a ghost, ghosts do NOT exist, but there she is, real as can be, standing there, looking at me like I'm nuts which I MUST be because there's no other excuse for me to be talking to a ghost . . . "Dana, shh," she murmurs soothingly, moving forward until I can feel her . . . whatever brush against me. Her . . . hand presses against my forehead and I instantly feel calmer. Logic is gone; it's meaningless here, now, anyway. "I should've known better than to ask you for a fantasy," she mutters, sounding annoyed with herself. "You'd never allow yourself to be that open; not even to yourself." "What are you . . .?" I find I can't finish the thought, let alone the question. I feel hot and heavy and so . . . =aroused= I can barely contain myself. It reminds me of a dream I had a long time ago, something that I'd woken up from, feeling ashamed yet so turned on I couldn't stop my hands from roaming over my body, couldn't stop them from moving to places good Catholic girls are taught never to touch. I remembered that dream fully and have tried every moment since to forget it; especially when we were on the road in adjoining motel rooms . . . "And we have a winner," Felicity whispers, a wide, sprightly smile curving her lips. A winner, my mind silently echoes; winner, winner, winner take all . . . ~ "A definite winner," I hear Anthony agree with someone I can't see or hear. He chuckles and I feel his hand move away from my forehead. "You two," he murmurs, the way an exasperated but ultimately loving parent might comment on their children. "What about us?" I ask, dazed and confused. I have a need in my mind; I have to go upstairs, I have to see Scully. I don't know why. Two parts of my mind are vying for equal attention. My soul, my heart, my body =needs= me to get to Scully for some reason I can't define. My mind, my intellect, my consciousness =needs= to process this latest turn of events in our bizarre lives. I'm speaking to a ghost, up close and personal. And he's not torturing me, he's not trying to get me to join some weird lover's suicide pact - if anything, he's helping me get back in touch with . . . Me. "You both have such capacity for happiness, yet you choose to be unhappy. Together, always together, yet ultimately alone." His eyes are genuinely puzzled. "Why do you do that? No one is stopping you; no one is telling you that you're not allowed to love her. Why don't you?" "I do love her," I hear myself say. "I love her every moment of every day." "But do you say it? Do you show it?" he counters, no accusations in his eyes, merely a gentle kinship. "No," I answer slowly, feeling a haze settle over my consciousness. I feel like I'm under a spell; something that isn't controlling me, but rather something that's making me unable to control myself. An enchantment forbidding me to ignore the wants and needs of my soul. "Not like I should." He smiles. "Then do so. Go to her. Show her, tell her, make one of the fantasies you share come true." "Why did you kill yourselves?" I ask, desperately wishing to know. I can understand the desperation; even the temptation to ensure you're with the one you love forever. He smiles sadly at me and for a split second, I see something I haven't seen in him before. Gone is the carefree young man; in his place, a troubled, scared, desperate child stands, trying to put into words something he doesn't quite understand himself. "We wanted to be together always," he finally whispers. "And death was the only way to accomplish that?" I ask. He chuckles ruefully. "I admit, it probably wasn't the best way. But we saw it as the only way. It was a different time, Fox," he explains slowly. "We weren't allowed to be together as far as the rest of the world was concerned. And we wanted . . ." he trails off, at a loss for words. He looks up at me and smiles. "Forever," he finally finishes. "Forever," I echo softly, the mystique of the time and the place weaving its magic around me. I can feel my heart beating, feel every fine hair on my body charge with an electric current. I am =alive= right now; alive and unable to resist my heart's desire. ~ I barely notice as she fades away. I am only conscious of the pulse points all over my body beating in smooth, fluid rhythm with one another. I move into my bedroom and shut the door behind me, performing a ritual I have performed many times, though never with Mulder so near; never when there was a chance he might walk in on me. Slowly, I peel the clothes from my body, letting my hands drift over my nipples, feeling them tighten almost painfully. God I've never been this turned on. My thoughts are in tumult, my emotions and my body's cravings the only things I truly comprehend at this moment. Dispensing with my underwear, I lay on the bed, naked, the cool sheets a relief against my heated skin. My hand trails over my breasts, thumb and forefinger meeting to tug at a nipple briefly before moving downward. I spread my hand low on my belly, teasing myself even as I realize I have no patience for teasing tonight. My hand slips between my thighs and I slowly brush my fingertips over my wetness. I shudder at the proof of how truly aroused I am. Eyes closing of their own volition, I lean my head back and continue to tease myself, refusing to give my body what it demands, waiting for . . . something, waiting, waiting, waiting . . . I open my eyes and see him. He is standing there, door wide open behind him. He is breathing heavily, my dream realized, his eyes glued to my hand, only leaving it to roam over the rest of my body. His gaze manages to be longing and possessive at the same time and I feel his eyes like a physical touch. In reality, if the usual Dana Scully had control, this is the moment I would jerk on the bed, grab the sheet and pull it over myself in some pretense of modesty around a man who's seen my naked soul. But this is not reality; at least not as it normally is. This is some kind of suspended unreality, somehow blending and shifting until it IS real. The unreality adds to its substance. These facts contradict themselves, yet just this once, I do not question the inconsistency of my emotions; I accept that they simply are. So I do not move my hand; I leave it where it is. I spread my legs a little further on the bed, letting him look, wanting him to look; =needing= him to look, to do MORE than look. My eyes must communicate with his as is our way, for he slowly makes his way to me. He sinks to his knees by the bed, his head near mine. I scoot on the mattress until I can inhale the small puffs of breath escaping his mouth. I am so lost in the euphoric sense of peace I experience in his eyes that I don't notice his hand cover mine for a moment. It is dj vu times ten as my hand begins to move again, his eyes begging me to continue. We are connected now, more so, possibly, than we have ever been. His hand flows over mine, melting into it but making no independent moves of its own. Instead, he moves with me, allowing me to set my own pace. He feels the movements of my hand, memorizing them, learning, I realize, how I like to be touched. I cannot begin to comprehend how most secret desire has become reality; I don't care to comprehend it at this moment. All I wish to do is enjoy it; to live it. His eyes are liquid velvet, gray with specks of golden brown scattered around his pupils. Our hands continue to move as he makes love to me with his eyes. The pace is unhurried, neither of us in any rush for this to be over. As much as I want it to be his hand (or his mouth) and not my own, I cannot make my vocal chords cooperate long enough to ask. We never speak, my Dream-Mulder and I. Somehow, it seems inappropriate that we should speak now as it is happening for the first time. Time seems to stretch and bend, folding in upon itself even as it remains the same as it has always been. It is magical and surreal and a thousand different adjectives I can't seem to find the words for. His forearm rests comfortably against my belly and I feel him draw nearer, his breath against my forehead a phantom whisper. His lips brush against my brow, an echo of what was, what is and what will always be. In unspoken entreaty, both our hands increase speed. It's hot; I'm hot and hazy at the same time. I lick my lips and arch my back into our hands, amazed as I do that his gaze doesn't embarrass me in the least. It only succeeds in arousing me further. His lips move over my temple, my cheek, always the barest contact, never giving me anything more substantial than phantom touches. Our fingers set up a steady rhythm over my clit, the build-up over now; he needs me to come almost as badly as I do. I can see it in his eyes, in the way his breathing speeds up against my face as his ghostly kisses become slightly erratic. So close; so close; so close. Mulder's lips wrap around my earlobe and he tugs, biting down with his teeth at the same time. A moan is wrenched from the depths of my soul. My body shudders as I come and Mulder's other hand touches me for the first time, stroking my hair as his nose nuzzles the side of my face. His touch calms me, bringing me down from this high I don't think I've ever been to before. The hand resting over mine separates itself, his fingertips trailing over my knuckles, circling the skin, soothing the tremors that still shake me. Invariably, the dream always ends here; I do not have a conclusion to this particular fantasy, so I suppose it's up to us now. RealMulder and RealScully get to figure out where to go from here. Given that the fantasy has ended, my powers of speech magically return. With those powers, my rational side returns as well. Rather than chastise me for what has just occurred, RationalScully surprises me. She points out that what just transpired WAS between us. It was real and pretending it wasn't makes it cheap. I will =not= allow anything that happens between Mulder and I to be cheap. I open my eyes to find his, still watching me; studying me. I give him the widest smile my tired face can manage at the moment. "Didn't I tell you something about knocking?" I whisper, making sure he senses no malice in my words. He returns my smile, only his is much more brilliant than mine could ever be. His is the kind of smile women die for. However, before he can answer me, there's a loud crash as a palm tree literally comes through that lovely glass wall in the living room, shattering more than just the mood; the thought occurs to me that perhaps there could've been no more appropriate end to our first sexual encounter. ~ Chapter 7: Sexual Frustration Comes (no pun intended) to a Close or As Good as It'll Ever Get for Mulder & Scully ~ NOW it's sunny. To look at the weather now, you wouldn't believe Catalina had been ravaged by one of the worse storms in recent history a mere two hours ago. It's so hot in this wide open lobby that my shirt is sticking to my body and I swear to God if they don't get us into another room, and I mean RIGHT NOW, I'm grabbing Scully and we're ducking into a closet. I'm not even going to pretend to understand what the hell happened up there. I have a few theories; theories I plan to share with Scully once I've shared a few other things with Scully. That is, of course, assuming she =wants= to share those things with me. Although, given the zeal and enthusiasm she's putting behind taking her turn at berating the hotel manager, I'd say she's almost as eager as I am to make the rest of the world go away for a few hours. Once the fact that we were really going to have to leave the room without some serious nookie happening first sank in, I assisted Scully in very quickly and haphazardly dressing. I don't have the heart to tell her that black silk blouse of hers is buttoned wrong. I should've known something like this would happen. I mean, the first time I tried to kiss her she got stung by a bee, an alien virus infected her and we both nearly froze to death. It figures that the first time I try to make love to her a tree would literally come through a window; I'm almost surprised it didn't fall =directly= on top of us. Ghosts that get inside my head disconcert me. I think that's a normal reaction; in fact, I'm willing to lay money on the odds that any average, well-balanced every day American mortal would be totally freaked out by the dearly departed plucking one of their most tightly held fantasies from them. The reality of what went on upstairs hits me anew and I have to remind myself to breathe. Honestly, in my heart of hearts, I never really thought it would happen. I'd resigned myself to being her partner, and nothing but her partner, for as long as she let my sorry ass reside in her life. I should've known I'd end up wrong about this. I'm usually wrong when it comes to Scully's place in my life. From my first instincts, that she was planning to spy on me, all the way to my conclusions that the X-Files could never be usurped as the most important facet of my life. I used to want to touch her. The feeling would hit me out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever and I'd find myself assuaging that desire by laying a hand on her lower back or brushing the hair out of her face. Those touches satisfied the urge for years and I didn't give it a second thought. So I like touching Scully - you wanna make somethin' of it? And then she tried to leave me. For the first time, I consciously thought of Scully as a viable sexual entity; she was a woman I could trust and love and feel safe with. It was irresistible and I tried to kiss her. It turned out to be a disaster, but that doesn't negate what it brought about. It changed the way I think about her. And soon, those casual touches weren't enough. I wanted to touch her skin, to feel it next to my own and I somehow knew, like a man dying of thirst, once I had, one touch would never be enough. I have touched her; and I need to do it again. I need to drink from her, to quench this thirst that has plagued me, unconsciously, I believe, from the very beginning. "They found us one room, Queen size bed, view of the ocean," her voice breaks into my thoughts. I look up at her, meeting her eyes with my own. I smile a tiny, and I hope sexy, smile. "Let's go G-Woman," I murmur, getting to my feet. Something flickers behind her eyes; something I can't name but instinctively respond to on some deeply primal level. Oh please God don't let that be my imagination; please let me touch her and hold her and make love to her. Please don't let us have some kind of sane moment until later when we'll be better equipped to deal with it; when it's too late to back out of wherever it is we're heading with this. Scully turns on her heel and walks ahead of me toward the elevators, seemingly trusting that I'll follow. Not wishing to disappoint her, I do, catching up to her quickly with a few long strides. We step into the elevator together, followed by an elderly couple who hit the floor a few numbers below ours. Mind swimming with doubts I don't want to entertain at the moment, I stare up at the top of the elevator, willing it to go faster. I jump slightly as I feel the backs of Scully's knuckles brush over the half-erection I've had since my encounter with Anthony. My head snaps down to look at her, but she's facing forward, expression totally composed, her hands once again folded neatly in front of her. The elevator stops and lets two more people on from the pool level. Ostensibly to make room for them, Scully moves in front of me, that gorgeous ass I've admired from afar for so many years pressing firmly against my ever-expanding hard-on. The elevator stops again before reaching anyone's floor and I nearly groan with a combination of arousal and frustration. Three teenagers stand outside. "Waiting for the down," they explain, looking like juvenile delinquents. Scully's arms slide around my lower back as the doors shut, her hands landing on my ass. She pulls me hard against her back and I emit a low hiss into her ear. "Scully," I mutter warningly as I turn her slightly away from the elevator's other occupants. "What?" she whispers back, leaning up and craning her head to whisper the word into my ear. This movement rubs her against the front of my jeans and I place both hands on her hips to keep her still; she smirks. "Am I doing something that disturbs you, Mulder?" she questions softly, a teasing in her voice I've never heard in quite that tone. "Yea," I whisper raggedly into her ear, the hand furthest from prying eyes sliding up her hip to land over her breast, brushing her nipple against my palm through the shirt. She isn't wearing any underwear, whatsoever and I have been very studiously trying to ignore this fact for the last few hours; it's pure ScullySkin under that shirt and slacks. "You're a very disturbing woman, Agent Scully," I whisper right into her ear, delighting in the shiver that runs through her body. The people from the pool exit on their floor and we both try damn hard to act normal until the elevator starts moving again. One floor and Scully's wiggling her ass against my crotch again, the single hand I have kind of restraining her hips doing absolutely no good. Of course, it might help if I actually WANTED her to stop. Determinedly, I brush the pad of my thumb over her nipple, making sure she feels it as I weigh her breast in my palm. "Do you want something, Agent," a tiny moan as I nip her earlobe, "Mulder?" The elevator stops again, the motion rocking the car slightly. We both bite lips to keep moans from escaping. The elderly couple departs rather quickly, causing the amused thought that they knew exactly what was going on in here to flit through my mind. But then the doors close and I whip Scully around and all I can think about is kissing her. I back her into the elevator wall, inserting my knee between her legs. One of my hands lands on her hip, the other threading through her hair. I tilt her head back and stare into her eyes. "Frankly Scully, I'd love to banter with you for awhile about just how much I want you, but I'm totally unwilling to let some other damn thing stop me from doing this," I mutter, crushing her lips to mine in an almost bruising kiss. It has no hesitation, this kiss; our mouths open simultaneously and I feel her tongue against mine, probing the inside of my mouth. One of her hands grips my ass, pulling me to her tightly again, the other landing at the back of my neck, holding my head to hers, totally unwilling to let go, even when the elevator stops once more, this time on our floor. Realizing as loathe as I am to move from this spot, I'd still rather be in bed with her, I manage to stumble backwards with her through the doors, never once breaking the kiss, or the full upper body contact we have. "Scully," right back to her mouth, pulling her lower lip between both of mine, "what's our," a moan, as she nips my bottom lip in retaliation, "room," I manage to pant, that little hand of hers slipping between our bodies to cup my cock. "Thirteen Ten," she mutters, abandoning my mouth so she can fasten her lips around my throat; she sucks hard, darting her tongue out to lick at my skin. Tiring quickly of the slow progress we're making down the long hall, I regretfully abandon her hair, both hands snaking around her ass. "Hold on," I mutter, lifting her until her feet leave the floor and I can pick up the pace. To my complete surprise and utter enjoyment, Scully's legs wrap around my hips and she grinds her crotch against mine as her mouth returns to nibble at my lips. I plunge my tongue into her mouth, tasting as much of her as I can. Thirteen-oh-two, thirteen-oh-four, thirteen-oh-six, come on, come on . . . Mulder-r-r," she purrs into my mouth, her little hands clawing at my back, trying to pull my shirt up. She finally succeeds at thirteen-oh-eight and her fingers make contact with my skin. As we finally reach thirteen ten, her fingertips start massaging my back, touching every inch she can reach. "Scully," I mutter against her mouth. "Key," I manage, hoping to God she understands me cause I really don't think I can be much clearer with her crotch rubbing against my erection, her hot little mouth refusing to release mine even long enough for me to talk. "Back right hand pocket," she whispers in that raw, husky voice I've heard from her far too infrequently. I slide my hand up from its holding place on her thigh to her ass, easily sliding the card-key from her pocket. I slam her back none-too-gently against our door, wincing, even as the reverberation sends a shudder of pure pleasure through my body. "Sorry," I mumble, kissing the corner of her mouth to resonate the apology as I fumble with the key, trying to fit it in the hole. Jesus, insert tab A into slot B . . . this would be a hell of a lot easier if my brain wasn't focused on inserting a very different tab A into an extremely different slot B. "Don't be," she almost whimpers, managing to pull my shirt past the tip of my shoulders, catching it on them, leaving my back totally bare for her wandering hands. She leans her head back against the door, moving every part of her body - save the ones still wrapped around my hips - away from mine. A sultry little smile crosses her face. "I liked it," she confesses, running her hands down the front of my chest, scraping her fingernail over one of my nipples for emphasis. "I like rough sometimes," she elaborates and I hear the key slip into the slot with a `beep,' signaling it is now unlocked. I slam the handle down, stumble into the room with her and kick the damn door shut behind us. She slides down my body, taking her sweet time, making sure we're pressed together as tightly as we can be until her feet hit the floor. I place both my hands on her shoulders, taking in her finger-tousled hair, her swollen pink lips and those fuck-me sea blue eyes. My gaze is drawn to the line of her blouse and the button that is out of place. "What?" she asks, biting her lower lip. "Your blouse is buttoned wrong," I reply, tracing the skin just above her breasts with my index finger; I slide it down slowly, dip it into her cleavage briefly, then circle one of her buttons slowly. Her eyes shut for a millisecond then open again, focusing on my face. "Fix it," she implores in what is probably the sexiest damn voice I have ever heard. Bringing my other hand to join the first, I take hold of both sides of her shirt, giving a hard pull. The buttons go flying and I part her shirt so that the very edge of both her nipples peek out behind black silk. I can't help but notice the contrast with her pale skin as I slowly trace my fingertips from her throat to the hem of her pants. "All fixed ma'am," I whisper, bending my head to brush a kiss against her collarbone. "I don't like the way it hangs now," she murmurs dryly and I can't quite contain a chuckle. I slide it easily off her shoulders until it tangles at her wrists. Before she can shrug it off, I tighten it and twist until both her hands are imprisoned behind her back. I spin her around and hold her hands between our bodies. Her breathing is heavy and I can feel her heart beating through her back, against my chest. "Do you really like rough, Scully?" I whisper into her ear, dragging my teeth over the side of her neck. She whimpers softly as my teeth close over the pulse at the base of her neck. "Yes," she finally whispers. "Which I think is a cruel irony, given the fact that I've never felt comfortable enough with a man to try rough out too much," she adds, sounding almost clinically detached. That bothers me; I don't want her to be detached from any part of this. Keeping her hands trapped with one of mine, I slide my free hand around to her stomach, un-doing the buttons of her slacks. I slide the zipper down, brushing my fingers through her curly hair. I cup her gently, giving her only the most insubstantial contact as her slacks hook on her hips. "Do you feel comfortable with me?" I whisper into her ear, moving my fingers through her curls in such a way I know she will make me pay for my torture later. A throaty chuckle escapes her lips, quickly turning into a small cry of pleasure/frustration. "Right now, you're making me very uncomfortable," she mutters. "But I trust you; I trust you with my life." "Just your life?" I counter, moving my hand up her stomach to her perfect, beautiful breasts. I cup one of them in my palm, squeezing with the gentlest of pressure. "Aren't we greedy," she comments, arching her breast further into my hand, trying to get more pressure than I'm giving her. "When it comes to you Scully?" I whisper, nibbling on the shell of her ear, darting my tongue into the whorls that make her shiver. "I make no pretense of wanting anything less than absolutely everything," I inform her as I bite down on her shoulder, not quite hard enough to really hurt, but definitely hard enough to leave a mark. I'm greedy for all things Scully the way most men are greedy for money and power. "Then stop playing with me Mulder and just take me," she mutters, turning her head so her cheek is brushing against my shoulder. Slowly, I untangle her wrists from her blouse, wincing as I hear the fabric rip. "Sorry," I whisper into her ear as I toss the blouse in the general direction of the bed. "It gave its life for a good cause," I add, looking on the bright side. She turns in my hold to look me in the eye. "I'll have to reward it by turning it into a pillow case or something," she mumbles, wasting no time in practically ripping my shirt from my body. Her hands flatten against my chest then slide down to my abdomen, her nails scraping my skin with just the right amount of pressure. "Can we stop talking about your blouse now?" I mutter, tunneling my fingers through her hair. I force her head up to mine, plundering her mouth with my own for a few fleeting moments. In the interim I release her hair and slide my hands down her body, grazing the sides of her breasts before moving to her hips. I shove her pants down, my palms covering both of her cheeks as I pull her hips back to mine where they belong. She moans into my mouth and I swear to God I could come just from listening to her moan. Stepping out of her pants, she breaks our kiss, opting instead to trail her lips down my jaw to my neck. She spends an inordinate amount of time sucking and licking and biting at my neck and shoulders (not that I'm complaining) before she moves on to my chest. At this point, she obviously decides to give me a tongue bath and I decide maybe =this= is the exact moment I could die a perfectly happy man. But then she looks up at me, her eyes tell me exactly what she's got in mind and I take it back; no benevolent God could take a man before he experienced this. Her hands quickly undo my jeans and she pushes them and my boxers down my hips. She's on her knees and her lips are wrapped around the tip of my cock before I can fully process what she's doing. My mental state is reduced to the consistency of Jell-O as I watch those swollen lips of hers slide down what may possibly be the most impressive hard-on of my life. Before I can really enjoy the sensation, however, she stops. She takes her mouth away from me and sits back on her heels, looking up at me through half-lidded eyes. "Mulder," she whispers in that sex roughened voice I'm growing to love, "I should warn you I'm experiencing some sensations I'm not entirely used to." I blink and try to focus my mental power on her; it's damned hard considering I'm so . . . well, damned hard. "I think it's safe to say that's mutual," I manage to mumble. "I feel like someone I used to . . ." she pauses, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. "No, that's wrong; I feel like someone I used to stop myself from being." Very slowly, she stands and I take the opportunity to kick my jeans away. Her hands fall to either side of my ribcage, caressing gently. She leans close to my face and licks my lips, careful not to touch them with her own. "I feel wicked Mulder," she breathes against my mouth. She backs away from me slowly, lying flat on her back the wrong way on the bed. She bends her knees and spreads her legs as far as they'll go, propping herself up on both elbows. "Would you like to be wicked with me?" she asks, her tone all beguiling innocence, totally belying her posture. As I am sure I've mentioned, I am =not= an idiot and when presented with a ready, willing and able Dana Scully, asking me to be wicked with her, I most assuredly do NOT have to be told twice. I dive onto the bed next to her, causing a fit of giggles to over-take us both as one of my arms goes around her waist. I pull her on top of me, her legs landing on either side of my hips as I slide my fingers through her hair. I lean up and press a kiss to the very tip of her nose, then her forehead. "What's gotten into you Scully?" I ask, delighting in this side of my partner I've never seen but always suspected existed. "Not what I =want= in me, Agent Mulder," she responds, her hand trailing down my stomach. She gives me that grin of hers; the one I don't see very often but crave sometimes like an alcoholic craves liquor. "I just feel . . . light," she answers, laughing softly. "I haven't felt light since before I joined the FBI; and I don't think I've =ever= felt this light and easy and . . . free," she whispers, lowering her head towards mine. She leans her head down and brushes her lips over my cheek; her nose nuzzles against me and I feel it move into the crook of my neck. "I have no worries and no concerns and I'm totally free to do whatever it is I want to do," she whispers against my skin. I hook my leg around her calf and roll her beneath me. I take my weight on my elbows and use one of my hands to brush the hair out of her surprised, laughing face. "And you want to be wicked," I whisper, pressing my body against hers just because I want to feel it. "I want to be wicked with =you=," she clarifies, tracing my shoulder blades with her fingertips. "But we've got the rest of our lives to be wicked," she concedes, bringing one of her hands to the side of my face, cupping my jaw with the most tender touch I have ever been the recipient of. "Right now, I think I'd just like to make love with you," she whispers against my mouth, leaning her upper body off the bed to brush her lips against mine. We kiss each other the same way we do everything else; give and take is applied to the pressure of our lips. Tongue, teeth and lips work together to give a full bodied flavor to each brush and nip and peck. Layers and subtext are added to the mix, a simple touch of our mouths reminding us of a thousand experiences shared and survived. We are partners in the way we make love to one another, as we are in everything. It's wonderful and I swear if I'd known the entire time it would've been like this, I don't know if I'd have been able to resist her all these years. What began as an affirmation of desire quickly gains pace, our tongues sliding along each other, our mouths opening wider until it feels as though we're trying to devour one another whole. One of her legs slides up my hip until her foot lands on my ass. I feel her tighten it, bringing me closer to her (if that's even possible) as her hands lose themselves in my hair (what little there is of it). My full weight is deposited on top of her when she knocks my elbows out from under me. "You could've just asked," I mutter against the side of her breast. My lips close around her nipple and I suck, flicking my tongue over the tip as we roll to our sides, never once separating our bodies. Hands finding her back, I cup her shoulder blades against me, switching breasts as she whimpers against the top of my head. "So I'm asking," she mumbles, both hands seizing hold of my head. She pulls it forcefully to her own, instigating another almost violent kiss. In what seems like a split second, she's sitting astride me, her hand wrapped around my cock. "Mulder, would you please stop taking your time and make love to me?" she whispers tenderly. "Not that I don't enjoy absolutely everything we have to offer each other - I'm just kind of afraid a tidal wave is going to knock over the hotel or a fire will start or =something= will stop us long before I'm ready to stop." "Scully," I interrupt, raising both my hands to hold her hips. "What?" she asks, slipping just the tip of my cock inside her. I have to take a moment to remember what I was about to say. "You're babbling," I whisper, shoving her hips down a little further, groaning at the feel of being halfway inside Scully. "Am I?" she questions aloud. She braces both her hands on my chest and slides the rest of the way down until our hips touch. "I suppose that's part of the total lack of control I feel," she mumbles, sounding like she's thinking aloud. Another breathtaking ScullySmile crosses her face. "Thank you, Mulder, for being the first man I've ever felt safe enough with to lose control around." I'm sure the full impact of what she said will hit me sometime when I'm not marveling over how fucking incredible she feels. We're not even moving yet; I'm just inside her. I'm =INSIDE= Scully. As many things as I've wrapped my mind around, as many extreme possibilities as I have considered, I can't quite get myself to believe this extraordinary fact. Gently, I place my hands on her back; she seems to be reading my mind again and we both move up at the same time until we're sitting. Her legs wrap around my hips, her hands cradle my head as she presses her lips to mine again. I find one of her hands with my own and thread our fingers together. Scully's body is wrapped around mine and all I can smell is her, pure unadulterated ScullyScent clinging to my every sense; I am touching, smelling, hearing, seeing and tasting her. I am struck by the random thought that this must be what home feels like. After we've soaked each other up for a few minutes, or a few hours (I lost all sense of time after I got her blouse off) we slowly roll around on the bed until I find myself on top of her again. Both her legs are wrapped high on my hips, her nails slowly scraping up and down my back as we both begin to thrust. We move together, the same way we had when we began dancing, as though we'd been doing it together forever. One of my hands anchors itself in her hair, my fingers tangling until I can hold her still. I lower my head to hers and slowly kiss her, the kind of long, deep erotic kisses you see in the movies and don't think actually exist. Let me tell you, they exist and God this is good, this is better than baseball and aliens and sunflower seeds all rolled into one Jesus she's beautiful and she's mine (she might not kill me if she knew I referred to her as MINE after all) and I love her so much and I've never told her and suddenly I really, really want to tell her. "I love you," I whisper into her mouth as soon as the kiss breaks. My words are so low I doubt she could've even heard them. But once again, Scully is obviously intent on proving me wrong. The hand not making crescent moon shapes I'll carry for a week on my back drifts into my hair, her fingers curling around the base of my skull. She lifts her head to my ear and tugs at the lobe until my head joins hers on the bed. "I love you Mulder," she whispers into my ear, darting her tongue out to lick that spot on my jaw that makes me shudder (how the hell did she find out about that already?). Wow; that was easier than I thought it would be. It was almost . . . natural. It was natural and as inevitable as what we're doing right now is. Without conscious thought on my part I find myself laughing at the thought that we've waited this long to do something about what we feel toward one another. Some of the time warranted it; we weren't always this close, this ready for each other. But the last two years have just been ridiculous. The last two years of solitude have been totally unnecessary and if I have anything to say about it we will never repeat them again. I almost consider sharing my new findings with Scully; but she starts thrusting her hips against mine faster and I lose my train of thought. I notice she's laughing softly herself and I join her again, letting our laughter reverberate through both our bodies; letting it heighten the sensations we're both feeling. Earlier, Scully put into words exactly what I'm feeling right now. It's not necessarily different from how I've felt before in her presence; it's just more. It's raw, unguarded emotion and it's manifesting itself in the most amazing physical, spiritual and emotional ways. I haven't felt this damn GOOD since . . . hell, not even when I =was= a child. I've =never= felt this good. And it's NOT just the sex, although on a purely physical level kissing Scully is like tasting ambrosia; everything else is icing. No, the GOOD comes from a place so deep inside I don't think I can lay name to it. It comes from feeling her feeling the exact same indefinable, undeniably cleansing THING. This isn't what home feels like; this IS home. Scully is home. How could it have taken me so long to realize it? "Mulder." God, she's moaning my name into my ear. Now =that's= good. "Harder," she whispers in a breathy voice; I could sincerely sit in rapt attention while she read autopsy reports to me, so long as she used that voice. Always give the lady what she wants . . . the only damn piece of advice my father ever gave me I've applied in my life. I slide my hands down to her hips and hold on tight, giving myself the angle I need to give her what she wants. "Scully," I whisper into her ear, sliding my lips down to the crook of her neck. I lap at her skin, grazing it with my teeth. "Scully," I repeat again, having no idea what I want to say to her; maybe I just need to say her name. She lets loose another moan, followed by a groan as I feel her hips pumping against mine in perfect tempo. I can feel her entire body tightening, beginning to shiver in prelude to her climax. Her nails have become almost (but not quite) painful on my back and I nip her shoulder as I increase the speed of my thrusts again. I slide one of my hands between our bodies and flick my thumb over her clit, timing the movements to occur with every thrust. A throaty sound that isn't a moan but couldn't be called a scream, either, leaves Scully's lips as she mingles my name and God's. I'm far too consumed to really notice as I feel a shudder run through my body and I come harder than I can ever remember coming before. I can still feel small little tremors milking my cock as I return back to Earth. Her hands are sort of clutching and un-clutching at my back, one of them sliding up to my hair, stroking with her fingers. I press a kiss to the skin just above her breast and rest my head against her shoulder, far too exhausted to move. I dart my tongue out, licking the little wound I've left her with, feeling her smooth those soft, gentle hands over the indents she's given me on my back. I don't know how long we lie here together in silence, gently touching and caressing one another, the rare sunshine beating down on our skin through a window that hopefully won't shatter. I don't know and for once in my life, I don't care. I have no desire to move, but I realize I must be heavy on her and I attempt to roll to the side. The way she tightens both arms and legs around me stops me easily. I settle back against her, my cheek pressing just above her breast. Once she's sure I will not move again, her hands go back to lazily trailing over my body and I return the favor gladly. "Mulder?" I blink my eyes open, unsure as to whether I've slept or not. I don't think so; I'm not as disoriented as I should be after being woken up; just pleasantly fuzzy. "Yea?" I mumble sleepily, amused to detect even unconsciously my hands and fingers have continued to trace idle patterns on her skin. "Everything's in color," she whispers, as though it's the most exhilarating, fascinating observation she's ever made; the most important thing she's ever told me. "It's always going to be in color," she adds firmly, as though it's something she finally =believes=, the same way I believe that they've been here for years. I nuzzle my cheek against her breast, then press a kiss to the underside of her chin. Upon further reflection, I come to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe that =is= the most important thing she's ever said to me. Or at the very least, the most hopeful. ~ Shattered glass covers the floor, sunlight reflecting off each tiny shard, causing rainbows to dance on the walls. If you listen carefully enough, you could almost hear the strains of `Fools Rush In' as they echo off the walls of the temporarily unavailable suite. If you're an extremely lucky individual, you might catch a glimpse of two lovers, wrapped in each other's arms, dancing their last dance for all eternity. If you're an extremely special individual, desperately in need of . . . something, you might get a very special gift you didn't plan on when you booked your trip to Catalina. You might be given the chance to live out a fantasy or two; the chance to temporarily abandon maturity and logic for a weekend, or even a few hours. You could frolic in the sand, remember why you fell in love with your spouse all those years ago, meet the person you'll spend the rest of your life with, or even gain the courage to tell the computer analyst you met in the bar tonight you think they're cute and would they like to dance? In the not quite rare enough to be considered rare chance you come to the island with someone you love; someone you are destined to be with forever, you just might have an experience that changes you both forever. A permanent change; something that stays with you, something that gives you a peace that can't be taken away by a boat and plane ride back to reality. A certain something that makes you grin a shit-eating grin when you're asked about the experience; something that implores you to respond in no other way. You might learn a lesson from two lost souls who made a mistake a few decades ago; two souls who, rather than wallow in the bitterness of their youthful error in judgment, have chosen to help others find a better way. You might just be a little awed and grateful to these generous, pained spirits who have decided to live their afterlife, as they weren't allowed to live their life. That is, of course, assuming you believed in ghosts. And after all, we know ghosts don't =really= exist. Right? ~ "Scully?" A sleepy breath, mumbled after an endless silence. "Yea?" equally sleepy, breath puffing against the top of the head nestled beneath her chin. "It feels really good to let go." A mutual agreement made in the now dark room, louder than the silence. ~ The REAL End ~ Please, please, PLEASE have gotten through . . . . . :) My XF Fanfic Page: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Comet/3360/xfilesfic.html Visit my fic; it's lonely and it IS currently accepting marriage proposals . . . ;-)